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Do yo e h at so in day t g o t
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Cover Source fitnessapparelexpress Image (above) Source Outdoor Voices
04 07 12 How to hate early morning less in 7 easy
12 Alternatives to
a note on being
the bad foods you
confident in your
own skin
15 18 24 Get moving with Erika Marucci
the reasons why you should make resolutions this year
Sweating on a budget: work out wear under $65
27 30 35 Getting fit with Francesca Castor
Find your zen with Bianca Bonus
How to use yoga to get fit
40 46 48 Sarah of Northern Yogi
5 reasons why self care in your 20s is important
Recipes by Caroline young Page 3
Good Morning
Sunshine Steps To becoming more of a morning person in 2018
As I give side eye to those extra peppy morning goers on the train to work at 7 AM, I fantasize about thoughts of naps and fluffy pillows. The worst thing about morning people is that they assume everyone else is a morning person. I have never understood people who can be fully functioning member of society before 10 AM. Now that I have a 9 to 5 job, I find that I need to move further outside of my comfort zone. If you’re like me and struggle with early starts, here are 7 steps to help you be more of a morning person this New Year: Step 1 Set a bed time Do you remember when you were a kid and your bedtime was at 8 PM? You hated it, but you were always bright eyed and bushy tailed for school the next morning. Our mom’s had something right! Going to bed so you can get at a full night’s sleep is essential to a productive day. The national sleep foundation recommends adults (ages 18-64) sleep around 7-9 hours a night. So set a bedtime that works for you and stick to it. Chelsea, from the wellness blog Inspiration Indulgence, recommends to start incorporating earlier bedtimes in intervals throughout a
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3-week span. The first week “that you plan on changing your routine, go to bed half an hour earlier than you normally do. The second week, increase it to an hour. The third week, increase your time by another 15 minutes.” By the end of the month, you will be sleeping at your goal bedtime! Step 2 Turn off electronics before you lay down to sleep After I close my laptop for the night, I always browse Facebook or Instagram on my phone in bed. It seems like I’m always staring at a screen. Supposedly I’m not alone in this habit. According to the National Sleep Foundation, this late night exposure to screens, causes “both mental activity and light exposure [that] promote wakefulness.” Sleep experts Helene Emsellem, MD and Taylor Bos, BA, say that “Photoreceptors in the retina sense light and dark, signaling our brain about the status of the outside world. This signaling of light and dark helps us to be alert in the morning and be able to fall asleep at the appropriate time at night.” When we look at our electronics at night, we tell our brains that its daytime. Even “our small electronic
devices emit sufficient light to miscue the brain and promote wakefulness.” Put down that phone when you’re getting ready for bed. Pick up a book or magazine instead. This is a great alternative to scrolling through social media feeds. Chelsea of Inspiration Indulgence
recommends having a nightly routine to help you wind down from the day. Keeping “the same routine every night will eventually become habitual and will calm your brain.” Step 3 Stick to a schedule I’m a repeat offender of this one. I hit snooze for at least 30
minutes before I reluctantly roll out of bed. I can’t seem to pry myself away from my body pillow and flannel sheets -especially when it’s cold out. The Sleep Foundation recommends to “make sleep a priority. You must schedule sleep like any other daily activity, so put it on your “todo list” and cross it off every
Image Source Grace and Stella
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night. But don’t make it the thing you do only after everything else is done – stop doing other things so you get the sleep you need.” In order to form a healthy habit , your body needs consistency. Make sleeping at your bedtime every night a priority (yes, even on the weekends)! Step 4 Establishing a morning routine Creating a set list of tasks to do every morning makes it easier to get up and go, even when you’re half asleep. Knowing you have a set list of to-dos in the morning will also help you feel less rushed and prepared to start your day. One of the most effective ways to start off your morning routine is so simple: open your blinds and curtains to let in some natural light. Your brain will know its time to get up and the rest of the tasks will fall into place like clockwork. If the sun isn’t out yet, consider artificial sunlight. Step 5 Put down the wine glass Ok, I love a glass or three of wine before I
go to bed after a tough day. But alcohol isn’t the best thing to consume before bedtime. Although a little wine at the end of the night can make you feel sleepy, it may cause more damage than good in the long run. PH. D Russell Rosenberg says that “using alcohol for sleep is a bad idea because it can affect sleep stages, lighten sleep and cause abrupt awakenings. Chronic use of alcohol may lead to needing higher and higher doses to achieve the same sleep-inducing effect. Alcohol generally acts as a sedative and a small amount can and will induce sleepiness.” So to avoid going too overboard, stick to more natural ways to falling asleep.
body out just in time for bed which helps reduce restless nights. Either way, you can’t go wrong with leading a more active life. Step 7 Take a Shower Aside from being apart of your general hygiene routine (hopefully), this simple tip can help you with your quest in training your body for early mornings. Taking a shower before or after bed can help you either wake up or fall asleep depending on the temperature. Save the cold showers for the morning, and warm for the night.
Not a morning person either? Well according to the Huffington Post research, morning people are happier, get better grades, are more productive, are more thorough, have a lower risk of depression and may even be nicer. You can’t knock it until you’ve tried it. You don’t need to completely change yourself, but you can adapt some of your bad habits to make it easier a little easier on yourself in the mornings.
Step 6 Incorporate exercise into your daily routine Whether you decide to stretch, do some yoga, or do a full on fitness routine; being more active will help you feel more balanced in your day. You can break a sweat in the morning, which will give you a boost of endorphins starting your day with a kick of energy. Or you can work out in the evening, tiring your
Image Source Urban Outfitters
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12 C Alternatives
You Need To Try Page 7
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Source Instagram @caroyoung
Overnight Oats
+ 1/2 Cup Drinksofresh Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk + 1/2 Cup Bobsredmill Large Oats + 2 Tsp Chia Seeds + 1/4 Tsp Vanilla Powder + 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon + 5 Drops Liquid Stevia
Mix And Put In The Fridge Overnight Then Serve With Blueberries, Banana And Love My Silk Coconut Yogurt
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pumpkin spice smoothie bowl Blend Together: + 1 Cup Califia Farms Unsweetened Almond Milk + 1 Scoop Genuine Health Vanilla Fermented Vegan Proteins Powder + 50 Grams Steamed Then Cooled Carrots + 110 Grams Steamed Then Cooled Cauliflower + 115 Grams Steamed Then Cooled Sweet Potato + 60 Grams Enjoy Yoso Unsweetened Coconut Yogurt + 1 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice + 1/4 Tsp Chasorganics Cinnamon
Source Instagram @caroyoung
Top With: + Coconut Flakes + Giddy Yoyo Cacao Nibs + Beekeepers Naturals Bee Pollen
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Confident In Your own skin
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Image Source Instagram @gofitjo
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t may be shocking, but not all women are comfortable wearing that Instagramable matching-sports braand-leggings-gym-selfie look, in public. That was complete sarcasm if you hadn’t already guess it.
Weather you have cellulite on the sides of your thighs, a squishy tummy, or arms you don’t feel comfortable showing off -- going to a public place to work on your body can make some people feel vulnerable. The gym environment can be quite frankly nerve wracking, especially when you are uncomfortable in your own skin. Sometimes it can feel like all eyes are on you, staring at every part of your body that you’re not happy with.
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I struggled with this issue for years. I still find myself slipping back into old habit of listening to what others think of my body. It took me years to develop self-love and acceptance of the body I’ve been given. This idea of outside voices defining who I was, demanding that I change my body to fit their skewed standards of beauty, became this huge beast that took over my life at one point. For me, this battle had all started like many women, in my awkward preteen years. I’ll save you the sad details and secondhand embarrassment. But, I felt I couldn’t wear what I wanted or take up space in the world because I was not worthy based on these unrealistic standards that
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if your someone spoke to you like you speak to yourself, would you keep them around?
if someone spoke to you the way your inner voice speaks to you, would you be their friend?”
were forced on me. A Tumblr quote that always resonated with me: “if someone spoke to you the way your inner voice speaks to you, would you be their friend?” I really asked myself and the answer was: hell no! I would not keep such an abusive, toxic person around me. I decided to stop caring about what the people around me thought of my body and embraced whatever lump, curve, and jiggle my body had. Other’s opinion on what I should eat, what weight I should
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Image Source Addition Elle
be, how my body should look, how I should dress, or any other irrelevant opinion -- didn’t matter! I decided that even if I lose a few pounds or gain some: I would be fine. I realized that I control my own narrative and that I am the only one in charge of how I feel and what I looked like. I slowly began to realize the joy that came from not giving a damn. There was an indescribable sense of liberation. I decided I would not depend on outside validation anymore! I started to eat healthier, pamper myself, and truly indulge in me-time. I feel in love with myself.
So I challenge you: find that place where you are comfortable with who you are and the body you were given! Wear whatever makes you comfortable and confident in your beauty. Fall in love with yourself every single day, no matter how difficult it can be sometimes. Even though you may fall off the ‘love yo self’ wagon every now and again, consciously try to remind yourself that all your imperfections make you so much more beautiful and unique.
Erika Marucci
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1. WHAT IS YOUR FITNESS ROUTINE? I try to go to the gym at least twice a week. I have a full-time job as a flight attendant, so my schedule changes every month. I start my routine by stretching and doing squats with 12 lb dumbbells, but I’m trying to work my way up to heavier weights. I also run at least 40 min on the treadmill. I try to increase the speed every week so there’s always a new challenge for me in the gym. I believe that sticking to a routine for a few weeks keeps me on track. I might dread getting up and going to the gym, but as soon as I get there and I start warming up I know that I can do it and I can push myself. I also like feeling energized and the more I exercise the more I feel active and good about myself.
2. HAVE YOU ALWAYS LIVED A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE? No, I’ve always struggled with my body image. I still often have days where I believe I don’t look good at all and I don’t
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want to leave the house. I am just now starting to feel a little less intimidated. I’m starting to experiment more with fashion pieces that I would have never tried on before. I think growing up helps you reach a certain level of confidence. This confidence just keeps building up with time. One tip that I try to follow myself is: get out of your comfort zone. Start trying things that you’d never thought you would be able to do whether they seem too out of reach or uncomfortable -that’s exactly when you would become courageous enough. Balance for me is everything, I like to live a healthy life with no smoke or drugs involved, but I also like to have a glass of wine while catching up with a friend. You have to stay mindful of what you’re putting in your body and what you’re surrounding yourself with.
3. WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST GYM PET PEEVES? As long as people are nice to each other, don’t take up an entire hour on the treadmill and
respect the people around them, then I’m a happy person. I would like for people to wipe the machines after they use them. I hate going on one and finding drops of sweat on top of them. Don’t throw your heavyweights on the ground as if it was a ball. Check your phone less and run more.
4. WHO DO YOU LOOK UP TO FOR FITNESS GOALS? I think we all have someone we look up to for inspiration and for ideas. I started with Cassey from Blogilates, that’s how I got into doing squats and I did her squat challenge for a couple of months straight when it first came out with the song: Call Me Maybe. I also loved doing Jillian Michaels videos at home. She really pushed me! And last but not least is Kayla Itsines. I did her workouts for a while and they really do help a lot. Plus the community she created is extremely positive and healthy.
5. HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR CRAVINGS? I have a very sweet tooth. I go through periods of craving chocolate every single day and periods in which I completely ignore chocolate and go for vanilla flavored sweets. For me, it’s all about balance. I’ll eat well all day, go to the gym, drink lots of water, be productive, but still need to have at least one small little sweet thing. My day wouldn’t be complete without some sweetness.
Erika runs her own lifestyle blog called What Erika Wears. Based out of Toronto; she writes about her travels, fashion, and self-care. For more on Erika’s journey, visit her blog and follow her on Instagram!
@Erika_Marucci whaterikawears
“I’ll eat well all day, go to the gym, drink lots of water, be productive, but I still need to have at least one sweet thing.”
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Image Source New Darlings
Don’t Rule Them Out The Reasons Why You Should Consider Making New Year Resolutions This Year
By: Angelique W.
esearch has shown that more than half of all adults make New Year resolution commitments and never stick to them, less than 10% manage to keep them for more than 6 months. I too fell into this category of giving up on my resolutions. At the beginning of 2017, I made resolutions that would transform me. As time progressed I ditched these rules and decided to go with the flow instead. My struggle to maintain a fruitful year was complex. Midway through the year, I felt like a fairy with no wings. I couldn’t help but feel that the year would’ve sailed a bit smoother if I had followed through with the Resolutions I had set in place. If I had stuck to a set of goals, I would have been a lot more mindful of the situations and opportunities taking place in my life that would’ve kept me in control and well rounded. This was a huge learning curve for me. I’d like to share a few things that helped me commit to my goals in the past:
1. Set your Intentions It’s best to put your mind in perspective with how you want your year to go. “Intention is the seed that creates the future” it’s wise to center your energy on the resolutions you’d like
to prevail throughout the year, once you’ve set your intentions free, the universe will guide you in the direction you’re aiming for.
2. Meditation Meditation is a great way to center your energy on the intentions you’ve set and released for yourself to the universe. In your most intimate space, sit in silence, if it’s your first time meditating silence can be difficult, so put on a meditation tape and allow your mind body and soul to flow on positive energy. This is a powerful stress relieving tool that’s beneficial to your growth and health overall.
3. Keep a Journal Writing Is not only therapeutic, its a necessary permanent record, that’ll assist in personal growth and creativity. Find a journal that speaks to you; one that you can carry around on the go. You can even give it a name to personalize it. The more personal it is to you the easier it’ll be to document the goals you’ve set for your self in the new year.
4. Detach from your End Results This is the most vital of them all. Once you’ve set your intentions towards your resolutions,
identify with the results you wish to receive, release, and live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment is fear based that surfaces insecurity. Detachment, on the other hand, is based on the belief in the power of your true self. Believe that everything will work out. Let go. Allow the opportunities and doors that are meant for you to come your way. Change can be scary to some, but trust me it’s necessary. Promise yourself to ignore that voice inside your head, steering you away from being in charge and conquering your fears, driving you back to your old ways. Shed your old skin so you can help others in need of the same issues you’ve once endured. Look at it this way: by releasing your intent, you’ve planted all your seeds into the fertile soil. All your short-term resolutions will blossom and when the season is right, your dreams will bloom. Every year you will bloom and continuously serve the world in your true potential. All it takes is patience and dedication to bring you closer to your dreams and to live your true purpose in 2018. Happy New Year to the beautiful you. Peace, love, and light.
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Finding Your Zen With
Bianca Bonus Bianca Bonus is a California based Yoga Guru whose passion for fitness fueled her self entitled blog and business, Girl Get Outside. She is an advocate for fitness and women’s health. We had the pleasure to get her perspective on leading a balanced lifestyle – both body and mind. Background She attended her first yoga class in 2012, and has not looked back from there! She started off at her own pace, but little by little she challenged her self to complete one difficult yoga position after another. She says “yoga cultivated my physical strength but the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of yoga kept me coming back to my mat.” In the summer of 2014, she officially became a teacher, where she says she found her voice. She “overcame Page 20
[her] fear of public speaking [and] being in front of people through teaching yoga.” Getting Fit With Yoga Bianca believes that yoga can be for everyone. But before committing to a membership anywhere, “I think it’s a good idea to check out different studios and instructors. Most places offer a free week. That’s how I got started! A friend brought me to a heated yoga class for a free week trial and I got hooked. I came back almost every day that week and signed up for membership after. [And] here I am now, four years later.” When choosing the right class for you, make sure you are listening to your body. There are so many styles of yoga and “even within the style, each instructor
puts their own spin on it. What works for you might not work for your friend.” She also recommends using Instagram and YouTube as resources to experiment with different styles of yoga. She advises that newcomers “honor the silence in the yoga room. Most students go to class to try to unwind, de-stress, and meditate, so I know they appreciate quiet.” Remember, you are here to relax and be one with your body. You need to be in tune with how your body feels in each position, “the key is making sure you can still breathe calmly while you are in the pose. The moment
you start holding your breath is when you should back off.” If you are too busy disturbing the class with chatter or being on your phone, you will not be in the right mind state to get the full benefit of your yoga session. She also recommends that new comers be mindful of their personal space and hygiene, especially in really full classes. “I was in a class one time where I got kicked in the head unintentionally and another time, someone’s sweat was dripping on my mat. It was pretty disruptive to my practice. I had to breathe through it, but it happens sometimes!”
Getting Into The Right Mindset For Success In order to truly find a balance, your mind and body have to receive the same amount of attention. Improving your attitudes and habits also have an impact on your overall health. Along with her fitness journey, Bianca also shares her perceptual revelations. After reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, she realized that she played an active role in the life she was living. She recognized that we have the ability to think, reason, and make decisions.
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@BiancaBonus Bianca_bonus
Keep an open mind, have fun, and don’t be so hard on yourself! These choices, “however small they [may] seem, are actually the building blocks of our lives. You multiply the impact of these choices when you factor in time.” This book truly resonated with her. She found a new philosophy that she felt would help her audience lead more fulfilling, happier lives. Based on Olson’s book, Bianca presents a list of habits that she feels confident, successful people have. You already may have these habits, she says, but “something special happens when you become aware of them and can intentionally practice them as you go. This list applies to any area of life: fitness, relationships, career, you name it”: 1. Show Up “Preparation is key here. Make it easier for yourself by setting yourself up for success” 2. Be consistent “If showing up is where the rubber hits the road, consistency is the fuel in your car on the road trip to your dreams” 3. Have a Positive outlook “I think positivity starts with gratitude. It requires seeing the good in the midst of the struggle. It is a posture of humility, hope, and openness. Positivity is knowing deep down that things always have a way of working themselves out.”
4. Be Committed for the Long Haul “I’ve always believed that time is neutral. It isn’t good or bad; I think it depends on what you’re doing with that time” 5. Cultivate a Burning Desire Backed by Faith “You have to want it. You have to believe you can.” 6. Be Willing to Pay the Price “This is the most challenging part of the process because you are going to have to say no to good enough so you can say yes to the best” 7. Practice Integrity “There’s nothing more attractive than a person of integrity. The strength of character is absolutely timeless. CS Lewis defined integrity as ‘doing the right thing even when no one is watching.’ Align your actions with your words” Bianca uses these strategies to lead a more disciplined lifestyle. When she realized that she had a choice every moment, her mentality shifted. She didn’t want to be “defined by my past, negative thought patterns, or the opinion of others.” She elevated her understanding of self and purpose by using these simple habits. Her final words of wisdom: “Keep an open mind, have fun, and don’t be so hard on yourself!” Page 23
“Positivity is knowing deep down that things
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always have a way of working themselves out.�
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Work Out Gear All Under $65
Image Source We Heart It
Get that Look
Don’t sweat your budget... 3 1 6
11 7
12 4
1. Sweaty Betty low cut back shirt
5. Yes4all Vinyl Coated Dumbbells 52 CAD – amazon.com
2. Adidas activewear shorts 38 CAD – net-a-porter.com
6. River Island sports bra
3. Tek Gear polyester baseball cap 17 CAD – kohls.com
7. River Island sports activewear 31 CAD – riverisland.com
11. Ban.Do After This Pizza Water Bottle 18 CAD – belk.com
4. Reebok white lace up shoes 61 CAD – 6pm.com
8. NIKE light weight running shoes 62 CAD – zappos.com
12. NIKE athletic shoes
37 CAD – sweatybetty.com
13 CAD – riverisland.com
Sweaty Betty criss cross back sports bra 37 CAD – sweatybetty.com
10. Sweaty Betty athletic sportswear 27 CAD – sweatybetty.com
42 CAD – 6pm.com
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Not so toasty avocado toast Buckwheat Rice Cake Topped With Smashed Avocado + Hemp Seeds + Sea Salt
Source Instagram @caroyoung
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Francesca Castor Page 29
Start With Something Small, So You Can Claim That
Victory And Build From There
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1. What is your fitness routine?
4. What are your biggest gym pet peeves?
I work out about 4-6 days of the week. I feel staying active helps keep me balanced. I thoroughly enjoy it. I like to incorporate a bit of everything: boxing, hot yoga, and weights. I like to mix things up to challenge my body in a different way.
Biggest gym pet peeve? Not wiping down the equipment (IE - benches, foam rollers, mats for stretching). My boyfriend calls me a princess because I wipe everything down before I use it, but it’s pretty icky to use something with someone’s (dried) sweat all over it. I’d say my top three gym etiquette rules are:
Boxing usually is high intensity (which I love), but it’s a different sort of challenge. It’s completely out of my comfort zone but I’m learning something new! It definitely encourages a sense of confidence and really pushes me to my limits. I do yoga once a week just to de-stress and focus on my breath. Lifting weights and going to the gym in general just round off everything I’m doing. 2. Are you a sweet or salty craving kind of girl? I’d say I’m both, but it really depends. Usually, if I crave salt, I’ll crave chips. Or if it’s sweet, it’ll be like a cookie or chocolate. For me, I don’t do cheat days, it’s more of just eating healthy a good chunk of the time and for times when I’m craving something in particular, I just have a small piece of it and I’m good. 3. Have you always lived a healthy lifestyle? Honestly, I haven’t always lived a healthy lifestyle. It wasn’t until maybe about 6-7 years ago that I really got myself in gear. I looked at my habits and how I felt and I knew I needed to make a change. So, I started with small easy changes: like drinking more water, joining a gym and getting a workout plan to set me up for success. I also tried to incorporate more veggies and fruits; but eventually, it became a habit and now it’s a lifestyle! If you’re just starting out and want to get healthy, I’d say start with something small so you can claim that victory and build from there. Like they say “it’s a marathon, not a race”.
1) WIPE it down before and after you use the equipment. It’s just a small way to keep things clean. 2) Don’t bang the weights, it just comes off as super obnoxious to those around you. 3) Don’t stare. I get it, you’re in a gym so naturally, there are wondering eyes. But seriously, don’t stare at someone while they’re working out unless you’re their trainer or helping them with a workout. 5. Who do you look up to for fitness goals? I’d say, I follow Ashley Guarassi on Instagram - she’s a Nike model that is also a boxing trainer. I hope that I can really work on my boxing skills to have hands that are just as quick as hers! Anyone else out there that embraces a healthy lifestyle and really takes care of themselves inside and out is #goals.
Francesca Castor is a Toronto based freelance writer and blogger. Scrolling through her Instagram feed, it’s clear to see that this girl is ready to get moving! Her sporty, gym-ready style inspires her followers to get up and be active too! It’s no secret that one of passions in life leading an active lifestyle. Chesca keeps it real with the content that she shares. She covers topics that deal with more than just taking care of your body; she also speaks authentically about matters of the soul and mind. Check out her blog and Instagram! francescacastorr
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Grain Free Tigernut Chocolate Reishi Clusters 100g cocoa butter 50g raw cacao powder 1 tsp reishi powder (for a superfood immunity boost!) 1 tsp vanilla extract 4 tbsp maple syrup 1 pinch of sea salt 1/4 cup styrian pumpkin seeds, pulsed in food processor until cut up into tiny pieces (the size of hemp seeds) 1 1/4 cups slices tigernuts
Melt cocoa butter in a double boiler. Once melted, turn off heat and add each ingredient one at a time, mixing in between. Once combined, spoon 1-inch sized clusters onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Place in the fridge for 10 minutes or until chocolate has hardened. Store in fridge to keep from melting
Source Instagram @caroyoung
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Source Instagram @laurenyoung26
NEW YEAR, NEW YOU? Using Yoga As A Way To Stick To Your Fitness Resolutions This Year
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t’s the time of year where everyone is trying to work off their holiday binges and unhealthy habits from the previous year. People are rushing to sign up for gyms, promising themselves that they’ll be beachbody ready by the time summer arrives. Consciously eating healthier foods is one thing, but I find myself struggling every year with the insanely expensive gym membership thing. Yoga is one of the most beginner friendly, costeffective alternatives to incorporating exercise into your daily lifestyle. Whether you decide to go to a studio or your living room with the help of a YouTube tutorial; you can practice yoga anywhere. It’s a two for one deal: you can relieve stress and burn some calories at the same time! Yoga has been known to improve both physical and mental health. Time Health has even coined yoga’s health benefits as comparable to “what many people would call “traditional” forms of exercise.” So if you’re like me and are
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not into the Crossfit or Insanity workouts of the world, yoga is a great alternative to staying active. As yoga Instructor and expert, Sarah Later of The Northern Yogi says: “start small when adapting to a healthier lifestyle. Think of your body as a beautiful flower: If you give that flower too much water, it will wilt and wither. Your body acts the same! You must start off slow if you intend to make a change in your lifestyle.” The key to incorporating yoga into your lifestyle is finding a class that complements what you already like to do. If you like to dance, join a power yoga class to help you build strength. If you’re more into mind and body meditation, there are also classes for that too. Ensure that whatever class you take, you enjoy and feel comfortable. According to Sarah, “it’s all about finding the right teacher and style of yoga for you.” She also expresses that “you own your yoga practice. Why would you choose to be in pain or discomfort? Make it feel good, you deserve it!” Later says that your breathing
Becoming healthier starts with breaking bad habits and committing to a routine�
Source Instagram @lonestarsouthern
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really indicates how comfortable you feel in a posture. Focus on your breathing, your breaths should be long and smooth to get the full effect of each pose. Becoming healthier starts with breaking bad habits and committing to a routine, which is incredibly difficult. Whether you decide to take on yoga or any other activity this New Year, make sure your resolutions are specific, intentional, and descriptive! You should really think about what you want and why you want these goals. Make sure you have a detailed plan of how you intend to meet them. Most importantly, read your list of your goals at least once a week to remind yourself of what you had wanted at the beginning of the year. The best way to remember is to put a few copies of this list in places you spend a lot of time at. These places can include your bedroom, the fridge, or even in your office cubical. Track your progress and reward yourself.
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After all, when there are cupcakes and your body tells you ‘yes’: you eat the damn cupcake. Kevin Kurse from Forbs writes: “If you can measure it, you can change it. These feedback loops will be a source of motivation as you reflect on where you started and where you are.” One treat, once in a blue moon won’t set you back to your starting point! Don’t be too hard on yourself and enjoy the process.
Source Teespring
Source ourhealthourlife
Source Lulu Lemon
Source Tumblr
Source Nordstrom
Page 39 Source Instagram @stylebythepeople
Inside Look
Of Northern Yogi
arah Later is the founder of The Northern Yogi yoga studio in Manchester, UK. With impressive moves and a true passion for the art of yoga, Sarah also has a killer Instagram thread. Go to The Northern Yogi’s blog for more yoga-related tips and advice on postures.
Her Story: 10 years ago, I looked, felt and acted like a completely different person. I worked a high-pressure job and had a fast-pasted lifestyle, rushing from one disastrous situation to another. On top of that: I drank a lot, smoked a lot, and I had little regard for my health. After one particularly bad day, I left the office in tears. Instead of heading to the local bar as I usually did, I decided to try a yoga class. I found a sanctuary; somewhere I could relieve my stresses, listen to
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my body and understand what I really wanted from my life. As I traveled deeper into the wonderful world of yoga, my lifestyle changed without me really noticing. I stopped eating meat, smoking, and drinking. I even stopped waking up every morning with a sense of dread. I’d found my purpose and it completed me. It became effortless to live a healthier lifestyle because I was able to tune into my body.
Tips on Leading healthy life: Start each day with hot water a lemon instead of coffee. Have an apple or berries mid-morning instead of cake. Grab a chunky vegetable soup or hummus wrap for lunch instead of burgers and pizza. Have one glass of wine instead of three! Make conscious choices that will make you feel good.
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Yoga is a beautiful tool that can be used to enhance your current lifestyle; it’s all about finding the right teacher and style of yoga for you. Have fun trying new things, meeting new people and developing a healthier mind and body! But before you sign up for your first session, Sarah warns that yoga goers should leave these top 3 taboos at the door of any class: 1. Talking to your friends during instruction. Take this time to focus on your body, save the gossip for after class. 2. Pulling out your phone out to check your text messages. Yes, Apple watches count too. 3. Moving someone else’s mat because it’s in your space. Try going to another space, you may like it better.
Lazy girl alternatives: My ultimate, no effort yoga pose is legs up the wall. Shimmy your hips as close to the wall as possible, ideally touching the wall. Then rest your leg vertically on the wall and activate your toes (pull them towards you). Stay here for as long as you like. Breathe deeply, close your eyes and indulge yourself in this minimal effort, maximum benefit posture. Legs up the wall help to stretch the hamstrings and lower back without putting any excess pressure on the discs (perfect for people with disc issues). It lowers blood pressure, improves circulations, calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety, improves the appearance of cellulite and makes you look and feel younger.
Inspiration: Inspiration can be found everywhere, from the likes of Deliciously Ella and Yoga Girl on Instagram to the PT down at your local gym. I take my inspiration from the teachers that have come before me and dedicated their lives to sharing the practice of yoga.
@TheNorthernYogi northernyogisarah
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Whats For Dinner?
Source Instagram @caroyoung
Walnut Quinoa Stuffed Acorn Squash
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Source Instagram @caroyoung
Roasted and toasted gems of deliciousness on top of meadowsweet greens and drizzled with a styrian pumpkin seed oil cider dressing
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Thai Ginger Carrot Butternut Squash Soup
. + 5 carrots (350g), stemmed and halved + 1/2 small squash (350g), peeled, seeded and cubed into 2”pieces + 1 1/2 tbsp avocado oil, divided + 1 large of two small cloves garlic, chopped + 1 1/2 inch knob of ginger, chopped + 1 large onion, chopped + 5 1/2 cups homemade vegetables stock + 14oz can navy beans, drained and rinsed + 2 tbsp thai red curry paste + 3/4 cup light coconut milk + 1/2 tsp. sea salt
Preheat oven to 400F. Drizzle carrots and squash with 1 tbsp oil and bake 35-40 minutes, until tender, then remove from oven and set aside. Meanwhile, heat skillet oven medium heat and add remaining 1/2 tbsp oil. Sauté garlic, ginger, and onions for 5-7 minutes. Once onions are translucent, turn heat off and set aside. In a large pot, bring vegetable stock to a boil. Add to pot navy beans, red curry paste, roasted root vegetables, and sautéed vegetables. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Turn off heat and add coconut milk and salt. Blend everything with immersion blended on in batches in a blender. Enjoy!
Source Instagram @caroyoung
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reasons why Self Care in your 20s is important
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1. Lower Stress Levels There are tons of factors that go into adulating that can be overwhelming. We take on multiple tasks at a time, often resulting in stress and anxiety. Take a break. Remember you deserve it.
2. Refocus When you feel stuck or overwhelmed, taking a moment to yourself helps you get back on track to achieve your goals.
3. Take it one day at a time A well-deserved break makes pushing through a tough situation, a bit easier. Making sure you have enough sleep and nutrition, will ultimately help you complete more daily tasks.
4. Happy Body, Happy You When you are happy, the people and things you love will flourish along with you! Take that extra hour of sleep on the weekend, eat well, do the activities you are passionate about! Your body and overall results in life will repay you!
5. Know thy Self Treat Yo’ Self. There is no better time than in your 20s to self-reflect and get to know yourself better. Appreciate everything you are and everything you’re not. Sometimes you just need to step back and realize what an adorable badass you are.
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Caroline Young Page 48
The Face Behind The Profile Caroline is a holistic nutritionist food blogger from Toronto. Each original recipe she posts on her Instagram looks almost too pretty to eat. We cannot even imagine how amazing they must taste! For more healthy meal alternatives, follow her on Instagram. caroyoung
Her Story I have always loved cooking and creating yummy food. However, I definitely have not always lived a healthy lifestyle. Up until 9 years ago, eating for vibrant health and incorporating daily movement and meditation was probably the last thing on my mind. When I started to educate myself on what I was putting into my body and what effect it had on my overall health, energy levels and mood, I was so excited to start experimenting with finding new ways to make old recipes even more nutritious and delicious! Some of the best ways I learned to stay disciplined when making the move towards a healthier lifestyle was getting rid of any unhealthy processed pantry foods that I had been snacking on. Going to farmers markets was also a big game changer for me. I understand where my food was coming from by speaking to the farmers and learning all about their growing methods. I also found that finding a type of exercise that I enjoyed was key to keeping
me motivated. Morning meditations have also been very effective at getting my day started on the right foot. I feel much more clarity. It creates a foundation for better choices and decisions throughout my day.
Top Tips for Eating Healthy Alternatives: 1. Sweeten naturally with ripe banana, homemade applesauce, raw honey, Medjool dates, or Ceylon cinnamon. All of these substitutes are packed with nutrients unlike refined sugar 2. Make your dressings and sauces creamy by using avocados or raw soaked cashews blended up with a little water, along with spices and seasonings. 3. Change up your pasta noodles by incorporating spiralized zucchini, sweet potatoes, and carrots, or use roasted spaghetti squash.
Vices - Salty or Sweet? I’m definitely a sweet kinda girl! My favorite morning ritual is to enjoy a piece of my homemade chocolate (which I lightly sweeten with either stevia, mesquite, coconut nectar, or maple syrup), with my morning cup of tea! I manage my cravings by not restricting myself and instead of enjoying healthy treats that pack a ton of nutrition.
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Happy New Year
From Dare To Be Magazine