Spring will be here soon and the cold, chilly weather will be gone – in short, better days ahead! To keep you company during the bright, beautiful days ahead is our March/April 2019 issue. On the cover is ace footballer Sukh Chungh. The top-ranked offensive lineman recently signed a major deal with the BC Lions for the next three years. His achievements in the sport have made him a role model on and off the field among young kids interested in football, especially among the South Asian community. Our exclusive this issue is Former criminal lawyer, human rights activist and now leader of Canada’s New Democrat Party, (NDP) Jagmeet Singh, brings forth a powerhouse of energy as the first minority-based leader of the third largest party in Canada, truly reflecting how times have changed. When asked of his initial reaction to becoming the NDP leader, Singh describes the experience as incredible and expresses his gratitude and humbleness, having gained the trust of Burnaby South’s people.