Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science - Winter/Spring 2022

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Breast Reconstruction and the Risks of a Mastectomy BY HYUNJIN RHEEM '25 & JEAN YUAN '25 Cover Image: This specific breast implant is a saline implant. They last about 10-20 years and are usually removed due to complications or cosmetic concerns. This type of breast implant is usually safer in the case of a rupture since the saline solution can be safely absorbed by the body. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Image Source: Flickr - Breast Reconstruction Market by Durgesh Kumar

Process of getting a mastectomy to the process of breast reconstruction Breast cancer is the most fatal cancer for women in the United States. It is usually caused by hereditary mutations in genes such as BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 and other external factors. Breast cancer that is not inherited through genetics has not been able to be identified (American Cancer Society of Breast Cancer). External factors such as radiation and the breathing in of certain chemicals through air pollution, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, can also lead to abnormally rapid cell growth in the breast. There are two types of breast cancers: carcinomas and sarcomas, divided based on the cell of the breast in which the cancer originated. Carcinomas occur when the epithelial components, such as the cells that line the lobules and milk ducts (Feng, 2018) of the breast are affected. This occurs when the DNA of a cell is damaged, the cell then grows into a malignant tumor (National Cancer Institute). Sarcomas occur when the stromal components, such as myofibroblasts and blood vessel cells, are affected (Feng, 2018). The most common type of breast cancer is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC), comprising about 80% of all breast cancer cases. A type of adenocarcinoma,


IDC starts in the cells in the lining of epithelial organs, such as the lining of milk ducts. These cells secrete digestive juices that grow out of control, allowing malignant tumors to form, which are the adenocarcinomas (Cleveland Clinic). The cells then invade breast tissue and can spread further to other organs or areas through lymph nodes or the bloodstream, resulting in metastatic breast cancer. Although the 5-year relative survival rate is high for localized and regional stage cancers, 99% and 86% respectively (American Cancer Society of Breast Cancer), part of breast cancer treatment involves surgery, specifically breast conserving surgery (BCS) and mastectomy. Breast conserving surgery removes only the part of the breast containing the cancerous tissue, allowing a patient to keep most of her breast. However, there is a high chance that patients will need radiation therapy after surgery in order to reduce the risk of a secondary cancer or of the original cancer coming back. When women cannot receive breast-conserving surgery, a mastectomy is needed in order to remove the cancer, and sometimes a double mastectomy, which is the removal of both breasts, DARTMOUTH UNDERGRADUATE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE

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