Heathrow express guide

Page 1

Brand Guidelines






The corporate mark


Alignment and spacing


Secondary marks


Alignment and spacing


Using the mark


Sizing the mark


Printing the mark


Positive and negative uses


Protecting the mark




The colour palette




The CD


Since its launch in 1998, Heathrow Express has become a highly recognisable and respected brand, with a reputation for delivering a reliable and stylish service which is fast, frequent and modern. All aspects of our branding have played a part in building this reputation, and it is important that we maintain the high standards we have set ourselves and which our customers have come to expect. Our visual identity is an important manifestation of our values and must be implemented as diligently now as it was when we launched. Care must be taken to ensure that our corporate colours are printed consistently and that the Heathrow Express mark is never distorted or changed – only then can we ensure that the brand continues to thrive. This manual sets out the basic elements which form the Heathrow Express visual identity, and the rules which, when implemented correctly, ensure that it retains its coherence and focus, and does not become diluted over time. To make life easier for users, stationery templates and logos are included on the accompanying CD, and printed colour swatches provided. Please take the time to read and understand these guidelines.

Diane Glassford Marketing Manager, Heathrow Express



The corporate mark

The corporate mark consists of two

The preferred version of the corporate

Digital artwork for the corporate mark

elements, the Roundel and the Logotype.

mark is the landscape version below,

and secondary marks is supplied on CD in

These have been specially designed for

and this will be appropriate for most

Adobe Illustrator EPS format. This format

Heathrow Express to reflect the values of

applications. Alternative versions of the

is resolution- and platform-independent,

the organisation and must never be altered

corporate mark are available for specialist

and will enable the mark to be scaled up

or distorted in any way. The mark is a

applications, such as signage, or when the

to any size without degradation. When

central component of the Heathrow

mark is embossed, foil blocked or etched

this format is inappropriate, alternative

Express brand and must be implemented

onto glass (see pages 4 and 5 of this

versions will be provided by the Marketing

consistently across all applications.

manual). A version also exists for small use

Department (020 7313 0287).

applications (see page 7).



Alignment and spacing

The Roundel and Logotype form a fixed

It is important that the corporate mark is

Examples of alignment and spacing are

but flexible unit. The Roundel always

impactful and legible across all applications.

shown on page 5 of these guidelines.

appears to the left of the Logotype on the

To ensure this, there is a minimum clear

Inappropriate uses of the mark are discussed

landscape version of the mark, but can be

space area around the mark, and no other

more fully on pages 10 and 11.

moved further away from it as necessary.

graphic element may infringe upon it. The

The example below is the unadulterated

minimum clear space is illustrated below.

version of the mark. It illustrates the

This distance is calculated from the size of

minimum distance the Roundel and

the graphic ‘X’ within the Roundel, and thus

Logotype can be positioned from each

will vary according to the size at which the

other, although this will be affected by the

mark is used.

size at which the mark is applied.



Secondary marks

In some instances, the preferred version

It is also acceptable to apply a number of

of the corporate mark will be unsuitable,

specialist printing finishes to the Roundel,

and the centred version of the mark

and a version of the Roundel exists for

should then be used. The example, below

such purposes. The Roundel can be foil

left, illustrates a typical application of

blocked or embossed on to ticketing, as

the centred mark to signage. Wherever

shown below right, and it can also be

possible, however, the landscape version

etched onto glass. Approval for specialist

of the mark must be used.

uses of the corporate mark must be obtained from the Marketing Department.

Alignment and spacing

The centred version of the mark is

To ensure legibility and impact, minimum

less flexible than the landscape version.

clear space restrictions apply to the centred

The Roundel and Logotype can not be

version of the mark, and no other graphic

separated and must always be used in the

element may infringe upon it. The minimum

form illustrated below.

clear space is illustrated below, although it will vary according to the size at which the mark is used.



Using the mark

The relationship between the Roundel and

The mark is used at a different size in each

Where possible, the mark should be placed

Logotype is flexible enough to ensure that

application, but careful implementation of

within a Heathrow Express Dark Blue panel,

the corporate mark can be used in all

the clear space rule ensures that a consistent

as illustrated below, and this should be

applications. The examples below

look and feel is maintained. Whilst users

the size of the minimum clear space area.

demonstrate the correct application of

are given the freedom to separate out the

The negative version of the corporate mark

the mark on three typical documents –

Roundel and Logotype, care should be taken

should be used, and a white rule positioned

a DL leaflet, a portrait brochure and a

not to position them so far from each other

between the bar and the elements above it.

landscape brochure (not to scale).

that the relationship between them is lost.

This rule should match the thickness of the

In such instances, the mark should be used

Roundel’s white outline.

in its unadulterated form (see page 3).

DL leaflet

Portrait brochure

Landscape brochure

Sizing the mark

The corporate mark must not be reproduced

There is no maximum size restriction

any smaller than 50mm wide. To ensure

for the corporate mark, although the

that the mark remains legible across all

clear space requirements must always

applications, a small use version of the

be applied. In general, the mark must

mark is available for use at this size. In this

always be sized in a considered and

version, ‘Heathrow’ is slightly enlarged.

appropriate fashion.

Wherever possible, however, the preferred version of the mark must be used.




Printing the mark

Our corporate colours are reproduced

When the budget for a job precludes the use

The appearance of special and process


of special colours, our corporate colours can

colours will depend on a number of

of colours, known generically as ‘special

be approximated using a mixture of Cyan,

factors, most notably the amount of ink

colours’. For Heathrow Express Dark Blue use

Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK), known

applied to the printed sheet, and the


PANTONE 2768, for Heathrow Express Violet

generically as ‘process colours’. Heathrow

nature of the sheet itself. A coated paper

use PANTONE® 2715, and for Heathrow

Express Dark Blue is reproduced using C100

will represent colour very differently to an

Express Light Blue use a 45% tint of the Dark

M100 Y0 K50, Heathrow Express Light Blue

uncoated one. Printers must be supplied

Blue. Our Metallic Blue is used for prestigious

using C30 M25 Y0 K10 and the Heathrow

with a swatch that most closely resembles

applications, such as invitations and

Express Violet using C50 M55 Y0 K0.

the paper stock being printed on to. These

placecards. For Heathrow Express Metallic

Metallic inks can not be reproduced using

are provided with this guidelines manual.

Blue use PANTONE® 8481. When screen-

process colour. All versions of the corporate

printing the mark, Heathrow Express Light

mark are included on the accompanying CD.


Blue should be printed using PANTONE 651.

Heathrow Express Violet

Heathrow Express Dark Blue

Heathrow Express Light Blue

The colours shown on this page and throughout this manual have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Colour Standards. Consult current PANTONE Publications for accurate colour. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.

Positive and negative uses

The corporate mark is used across a

Where possible, version 1 of the corporate

When special colours can not be used, the

broad range of applications, from single

mark should be used. This will give the most

process colour version of the mark (version

colour advertisements to full colour

faithful representation of our corporate

2) should be used. Version 3 is a single

reports. A version of the corporate mark

colours, Heathrow Express Dark Blue and

colour version of the mark which

exists for each application, and these are

Heathrow Express Violet. To ensure colour

substitutes Heathrow Express Violet for a

illustrated below. The positive version

accuracy and consistency, printers should

45% tint of the Heathrow Express Dark

should be used when the mark appears

be supplied with a set of the Heathrow

Blue and is used only when there are

on a white background, the negative

Express colour swatches, which are

further colour constraints. Version 4 should

version when it appears on Heathrow

provided with these guidelines.

be used for mono applications, such as

Express Dark Blue or black.





newspaper recruitment advertisements.


Protecting the mark


It is vital to the success of the Heathrow

The mark must never be placed over an

Express brand that the end user’s

image (1), have a strapline added to it (2)

experience of it is a consistent one. The

or be positioned without the minimum clear

corporate mark has been specially

space around it (3). When using the mark

designed and must always be

on a dark background, the white outline

implemented based on the rules laid out

must not be removed from the Roundel (4),

in these guidelines. It must never be

and the colours of other elements must not

distorted or altered, and the colours must

be altered (5). The negative mark must

never be changed.

never be used on a colour other than Heathrow Express Dark Blue, or black (6).



the fastest way




✗ ✗


Protecting the mark








Colours must never be altered (7),

The examples shown are not intended

typefaces must not be changed (8), the

to be exhaustive, but illustrate some of

Logotype must never sit closer to the Roundel

the typical instances of mis-use of the

than the minimum permitted distance (9),

corporate mark. If you are unsure about

the Roundel must never be deformed (10),

how to apply the mark please submit

and none of the elements must ever be

your artwork to the Marketing Department

‘squashed’ (11) or rearranged (12).

for approval.

✗ ✗





Corporate stationery is a key form

All examples of stationery are 55% actual

of internal and external communication,

size. A complete set of stationery templates

and it is vital that our corporate identity

is included on the CD accompanying this

is applied consistently to it. The examples

manual. These are supplied in Quark

below illustrate a number of stationery

XPress format and must never be altered.

applications – letterhead, compliment slip, address label and business card.

Room B217, 1st floor Macmillan House Paddington Station London W21FT

Room B217, 1st floor Macmillan House Paddington Station London W2 1FT

T 020 8750 6600 F 020 8750 6615

T 020 8750 6600 F 020 8750 6615

Customer Care Line 0845 600 1515 www.heathrowexpress.co.uk

Customer Care Line 0845 600 1515 www.heathrowexpress.co.uk

with compliments

Compliment slip

Room B217, 1st floor Macmillan House Paddington Station London W2 1FT T 020 8750 6600 F 020 8750 6615

Customer Care Line 0845 600 1515 www.heathrowexpress.co.uk

Address label

Simon Small Marketing Assistant

Heathrow Express Operating Company Limited, registered in England and Wales co. no. 3145133, registered office 130 Wilton Road London SW1V 1LQ


Room B217, 1st floor Macmillan House Paddington Station London W2 1FT T 020 8750 6600 F 020 8750 6615

Business card

Colour palette

To ensure that a consistent visual feel

PANTONE references and CMYK

is achieved, Heathrow Express Dark Blue,

breakdowns for all our colours

Violet and Metallic Blue are the predominant

can be found on page 8 of these guidelines,

colours in all our communications. White

and swatches are available to ensure that

space is an equally important component of

colour accuracy is maintained. All suppliers

the Heathrow Express ‘look’, and helps to

should be informed of the importance

ensure that our communications are clean and

of colour matching. A list of approved

uncluttered. An additional colour, Heathrow

paper stocks, and print and graphics

Express Plum can be used as a contrast

services suppliers is available from the

colour for backgrounds. Heathrow Express

Marketing Department.

Plum is reproduced using C79 M90 Y0 K0.

Dark Blue


Metallic Blue






Our primary corporate typefaces are

It is only permissible to use the

Type can be set in one of our corporate

Frutiger and Frutiger Condensed. These

following weights of Frutiger and Frutiger

colours, but will not reproduce successfully

sans serif typefaces are highly legible

Condensed: Frutiger Light, Frutiger Roman,

at small sizes when using process colour

across all applications, from signage to

Frutiger Bold, Frutiger Black, Frutiger Light

values (see page 8). When setting type,

stationery, and enable us to create an

Condensed, Frutiger Condensed and Frutiger

always use either special colour versions of

attractive, clean typographic style. These

Bold Condensed. Under no circumstances

the corporate colours or black.

typefaces are available in a variety of

may any other typefaces be substituted.

weights, and these can be used to add pace and emphasis to our communications.

Frutiger Light Frutiger Roman Frutiger Bold Frutiger Black Frutiger Light Condensed Frutiger Condensed Frutiger Bold Condensed

Secondary typeface

Our secondary typeface is Times New

Licenses for all our corporate typefaces

Roman. This has been chosen to

must be obtained from vendors prior to

complement Frutiger and Frutiger

their use. To obtain these typefaces, please

Condensed, and should be used for body

contact the Marketing Department for

copy in longer documents, such as the

details of our approved type supplier.

annual report, and when typing letters. Only two weights of this typeface can be used: Times New Roman and Times New Roman Bold.

Times New Roman Times New Roman Bold



The CD

The CD contains all the logos and stationery templates which are needed to successfully implement the Heathrow Express brand. A PDF version of this guidelines manual is also included, and this should be used when the printed version is unavailable. The CD is formatted for use in both Macintosh and Windows. All logos are supplied in the EPS and JPEG file formats. All stationery items are supplied as Quark XPress template files.

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