ISSN: 2037-2183
Digest 2011
Who does what
Your Solution Partner
Confectionery & Bakery
Chocolate & Wafer
Food Filling
Tea Bags
Soap & Powder
Chemical Filling
...with the New Flowpack
SP2 - New Wrapper M888 - New Wrapper MC4TB for chocolate tablet
Moulding, Buffering and secondary Packaging...
HALLE 6 2000 SQM
A Company of
hat we propose in this “Who does What” is an overview of the offer of packaging materials, machine and component producers: a range of solutions to the problems of today while at the same time forecasting the way things may be tomorrow. The readers can consult this special issue of ItaliaImballaggio with the approach of whoever is looking for a solution to their immediate problems, but also with the curiosity of those seeking a broader way of tackling things, who are looking for reasons to reflect on technological developments and on the organizational trends within the companies. We offer an editorial product that interprets communication and the importance of knowledge and knowhow in a new light, a feature we intend enhancing. Indeed what better way of predicting the future than to imagine it. However, we cannot detach ourselves from the reality that surrounds us. An uncertain current market situation, new economic and political equilibrium’s at international level, fluctuating exchange rates, seesawing of raw material costs, new legislative guidelines on the post consumption in packaging and on the subject of safety at work are the factors and features of uncertainty that continue to characterise the European economy in general, and the Italian one in a particularly acute manner. Moments of crisis however create reactions, that in the packaging world have already taken some well marked paths (in term of the gauge, quantity, and very partially also quality of materials) in terms of employment (less people working, though putting in more hours), with the speeding up of the worktimes and greater flexibility of the functions (of the human structures and the machines) and the growing importance of electronics... And as for the Italians, in greater difficulty than the others on many fronts ... you have to hand it to them, they are pitching in and getting results (you only have to look at the performance of the machine manufacturers).
Stefano Lavorini
who does what ... and why Digest 2011
Every product has its packaging, you have Our undertakings on paper and on the web
Our undertakings on the web Magazine dedicated to users of packaging materials and machines… Updates on design, packaging, labeling, converting… Magazine dedicated to cellulose and flexible packaging converters… International B2B events and fairs Products and producers of packaging and converting machines and services Products, machines and services for packaging and converting: the best of our Database Commercial and work adverts Books on packaging design and packaging, also purchasable online
Taga Guidelines on paper&board processes
Online reference point for information on the packaging, bottling, labeling and converting sectors… Features, opinions, news, statistics and trends in the sector. via Benigno Crespi 30/2 - 20159 Milano tel. 02 69007733 - fax 02 69007664 - Consulting to improve communication on paper and on the web
who does what
A ACMA ..................................................................II Cop. AL.MA. .........................................................................75 ALTECH .......................................................................35
B BENCO PACK .............................................................43
C CAMA GROUP ............................................................19 CAMPETELLA ROBOTIC CENTER ...........................41 CARCANO ANTONIO .................................................11 CIBUSTEC 2011 ..........................................................66 CICRESPI ............................................................IV Cop. CMI ................................................................................3 CONTITAL ...................................................................37
Colophon Direttore responsabile
Stefano Lavorini
Luciana Guidotti
Servizi redazionali Segreteria Ufficio tecnico Hanno collaborato Traduzioni Coordinamento artisti Progetto grafico e impaginazione Fotolito e Stampa Numero
E E6POS..........................................................................49 ELESA ..........................................................................55 ESSEGI 2 .....................................................................15 EURASIA PACKAGING 2011 .....................................69
Daniela Binario, Elena Piccinelli Leila Cobianchi, Filomena D’Addona Massimo Conti ( Plinio Iascone Dominic Ronayne Gianni Valentino Studio Grafico Page - Novate Milanese (MI) Vincenzo De Rosa, R. Rossi, T. Bailini Ancora S.r.l. - via B. Crespi 30, 20159, Milano ItaliaImballaggio Digest 2011 Supplemento al numero di aprile 2011 di ItaliaImballaggio Pubblicazione iscritta al n. 555 del Registro di Cancelleria del Tribunale di Milano in data 22/10/94 Iscrizione nel Registro degli Operatori della Comunicazione n. 4028 Una copia: € 6,50 - Arretrati: € 13.00
Periodicità Abbonamento per un anno:
mensile Italia € 60 Estero € 96 La riproduzione totale o parziale degli articoli e delle illustrazioni pubblicati su questa rivista è permessa previa autorizzazione della Direzione. La Direzione non assume responsabilità per le opinioni espresse dagli autori dei testi redazionali e pubblicitari
G GAMMA PACK ............................................................12
I I.G.C. ..............................................................................6 IMA...............................................................................61 IPACK-IMA 2012 .........................................................78
L L.A.I.M..........................................................................63 LABELPACK................................................................13 LANCIA ........................................................................33 LINEARTECK ..............................................................45
M MARCHESINI GROUP ................................................16 ME.RO .........................................................................32
Redazione, Direzione, Amministrazione, Diffusione
Product Manager Sales team (Italia)
Edizioni Dativo S.r.l. Via B. Crespi, 30/2 - 20159 Milano Tel. 02/69007733 - Fax 02/69007664 Bruno G. Nazzani 02 69007733 - Massimo Chiereghin 02 69007733 - Armando Lavorini 335 6266064 Giuseppe Bonetti 347 2390201 Mario Rigamonti 349 4084157
NIMA ERRE.TI PACKAGING ......................................14
P PLASTIROLL ...............................................................65 PRB......................................................................III Cop.
R RECORD......................................................................76 RONCHI MARIO..........................................................71
S S.A.P.I.C.I. ...................................................................27 S.I.T. Gruppo ...............................................................30 SCANDOLARA ............................................................51 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC .............................................73 SIREC ..........................................................................17 SIS.MA ........................................................................ 67 SOJITZ EUROPE.........................................................23 STEVANATO GROUP..................................................74 SUN CHEMICAL GROUP ...........................................64
T TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES............................................47 TECMES ......................................................................25 TGM-TECNOMACHINES............................................53
Sales Representatives
Germany - P.Keppler Verlag GmbH & Co KG (VerpackungsRundschau) Industriestrasse 2 - 63150 Heusenstamm Tel.+49 6104 606322 - Fax +49/6104/606323 USA and Canada - Summit Publishing Company (Packaging World) Joe Angel One IBM Plaza/Suite 2401 330 N. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611 Tel. +1 312/222-1010 - Fax +1 312/222-1310
con la collaborazione di
V VALCO MELTON.........................................................77 VALMATIC ...................................................................29
W WIDE RANGE ................................................................9
Z ZANASI ........................................................................59 ZENITH ....................................................................... 21
INFORMATIVA EX D.LGS.196/03 - Edizioni Dativo Srl, titolare del trattamento, tratta i dati personali liberamente conferiti per fornire i servizi indicati. Per i diritti di cui all’art.7 del D.Lgs.196/03 e per l’elenco di tutti i responsabili del trattamento rivolgersi al responsabile del trattamento, che è il direttore responsabile. I dati potranno essere trattati da incaricati preposti agli abbonamenti, al marketing, all’amministrazione e potranno essere comunicati alle società del gruppo per le medesime finalità della raccolta e a società esterne per la spedizione della rivista e per l’invio di materiale promozionale. Il responsabile delle trattamento dei dati raccolti in banche dati a uso redazionale è il direttore responsabile a cui, presso la segreteria di direzione, via Benigno Crespi 30/2 20159 Milano, tel. 02 69007733, fax 02 69007664, ci si può rivolgere per i diritti previsti dal D.Lgs. 196/03.
sistemi avanzati e personalizzati advanced and customized systems In occasione della prossima edizione della fiera INTERPACK, CMI è lieta di presentare tra le imbottigliatrici della serie LOGYKA, disponibili in diverse soluzioni, la nuova riempitrice/tappatrice rotativa in versione monoblocco completa di torretta di tappatura per tappo a vite e pressione, mod. LOGYKA R idonea al riempimento di tutti i liquidi conducibili. È possibile installare su tutti i modelli LOGYKA il nuovo sistema di lavaggio brevettato, ULTRA CLEANING ELECTRONIC SYSTEM. Inoltre, le macchine possono essere realizzate anche in versione ATEX, secondo la norma 94/9/CE ATEX. Segnaliamo inoltre la riempitrice lineare mod. LINE BRUSHLESS particolarmente adatta al riempimento di prodotti densi quali le creme. Sempre nella serie delle imbottigliatrici LOGYKA portiamo all’attenzione anche il modello in versione lineare adatta al riempimento di bottiglie e taniche. CMI presenterà inoltre il monoblocco di riempimento e tappatura realizzato in PVC per prodotti chimici, mod. IC 12/1
LINE BRUSHLESS In occasion of the forthcoming edition of INTERPACK show, CMI is proud to present among the LOGYKA series bottling machines, available in different solutions, the new rotary filling/capping machine, in monoblock version, complete with capping turret for screw and press-on cap, mod. LOGYKA R suitable to fill all the conductive liquids. It is possible to install on all the LOGYKA models, the new patented washing system ULTRA CLEANING ELECTRONIC SYSTEM. Machines can be realized in ATEX version in compliance with norm 94/9/CE ATEX. We also bring your attention to the linear filling machine, mod. LINE BRUSHLESS especially suitable to fill dense products like creams. Would you consider also the linear filling solutions suitable to fill bottles and drums. CMI will also exhibit filling and capping monoblock made of PVC suitable to fill corrosive and not corrosive products.
Via Montegrappa, 5 28047 Oleggio (NO) - Italy Ph +39 0321 91144 Fax +39 0321 992693
Interpack [
Italians at Interpack survey: the results
Being Italian [...] The memory of the events that led to the birth of the united nation state and reflection on the long path then made, can be valuable during the difficult times that Italy is going through, in an era of profound and constant change of the global reality. They can be valuable in arousing the collective responses that are most needed: pride and confidence; critical awareness of the unresolved problems and the new challenges to be faced; a sense of mission and of national unity [...]. * Edited by Luciana Guidotti, Elena Piccinelli
* Montecitorio, 17/03/2011 - Speech by President Giorgio Napolitano at the joint session of Parliament at the opening of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Please don’t be surprised by the incipit. Beyond all controversy, in opening this article reporting the risults of the survey Italians at Interpack, we just wanted to repeat the words of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano (who so generously expended himself in the sesquicentennial year of the Unification of Italy) in order to underscore a factor in our opinion decisive also for the fate of Italian industry: the need for cohesion, all the more important today when the world around us is indeed full of promise for the future but also fraught with unknowns.
From our side, we have always looked upon packaging materials producers and manufacturers of automated packaging machinery as a team that would gain more opportunity in presenting itself as a more cohesive and accomplished "industrial system". And indeed, in support of this very belief, we started by exploring the widespread sentiment among players in the sector, to understand how they are moving in the aftermath of a period of bitter crisis and what resources they are bringing to bear to face the future, that is already here. We conclude by pointing out another certainty: the Italians continue to be important and lively players on the worldwide packaging scene. The above is an indisputable presupposition because, beyond any expression of national pride, it is corroborated by the figures: Ucima reports show that the order intake rate (seen in terms of a basic average of orders 2009=100) in January 2011 stood at 117.8 (higher than the figure recorded the same month last year, which was at 93.5). Although the intake rate has not yet returned to pre-crisis levels of January 2008 (when it stood at 141) the result is
definitely encouragin, showing an increase in the month of January standing at 26%. With regard to materials and packaging, in 2010 the sector as a whole “hooked” onto the slow economic recovery, national and beyond, achieving an encouraging growth (+4.7%) seen against 2009. Of the approximately 400 respondents (truth to say also including some foreign producers operating as leading lights in Italy), 150 took part in the online survey Italians at Interpack 2011, by ItaliaImballaggio, following us in our reflections as to the value of tradition, on good and concrete company administration, of the global scope of the market, of the contribution that research and technology offer in decreeing the success of a product. And to wind up, we once again wish to cite the words of Napolitano: [...] We are celebrating the best of our history. We have faced troubled times, we have made mistakes, we have experienced dramatic periods, but we have done many great and important things. Thanks to unity we have become a modern country [...].
Food for thought, posed in the form of questions With the aim of facilitating the reading of this article, we have summarized the trends expressed by the operators. As a complement, we propose a series of charts with aggregate data based on the answers and the technological information that were sent in to us to round off the Survey Italians at Interpack 2011.
What has the recent crisis bequeathed to the Italian industrial system, and in particular to our segment? (Multiple responses) • A different corporate culture • A better organization of activities • Increased awareness of the value of R&D • The conviction of having the ability to react to problems with pragmatism • The conscience of the value of the technology and the role of trend setter in an increasingly broad competitive scenario • A feeling of being emarginated from the globalised world
What emerges from the answers, is the pride of having been able to react with great pragmatism to the difficulties (51%), hence probably also leading to the common view (40.6%) on the improved organizational structure of the individual company; there is a persistent awareness of being trend setters in the technological field (48,9%).
Digest 2011
What has the recent crisis bequeathed to the Italian industrial system, and in particular to our segment? (Multiple responses)
A different corporate culture
A better organization of activities
Increased awareness of the value of R&D
The conviction of having the ability to react to problems with pragmatism
The conscience of the value of the technology and the role of trend setter in a broad competitive scenario
A feeling of being emarginated from the globalised world
Interpack [
• Organizational redesign • Optimization of manufacturing activities • Relocation of manufacturing • Manufacturing and commercial partnerships • Growth in size by external means (buy-ups) • Expansion of the offer • Focus on high-performance products • Focus on standard products.
66,7% 33,3% 56,2% 43,8%
Have margins deteriorated? Is this year’s order book fuller than the same period in 2008?
73,9% 26,8%
Are export figures livelier than figures for domestic demand?
What strategies have you fielded to win the globalization game? (Multiple responses)
In reference to the crisis of 2008, some judgements concerning the recently concluded business year and the prospects for the future. (Multiple responses)
Was turnover for 2010 back to pre-crisis levels?
To address the complexity of an increasingly global market, optimizing production (63.5%) has been an essential feature and, to best intercept the needs of the target market, the Italians have embarked on various strategies: 56.3% have concentrated on the high end and 55.6% have broadened their offer. And if our respondents indicated that they have developed strategic partnerships (27.8%), propensity to relocate (8.7%) or to buy up external concerns (7.9%) is low. These last two figures, however, derive from a limited number of responses.
14,8% 50,4%
Do you expect growth in employment levels for 2011?
What strategies have you fielded to win the globalization game? (Multiple responses)
120 Organizational redesign
In reference to the crisis of 2008, some judgements concerning the recently concluded business year and the prospects for the future. (Multiple responses) • Was turnover for 2010 back to pre-crisis levels? • Have margins deteriorated? • Is this year’s order book fuller than the same period in 2008? • Are export figures livelier than figures for domestic demand? • Do you expect growth in employment levels for 2011?
For most of the respondents (66.7%), turnover in 2010 was back to pre-crisis levels, with a fuller order book for 2008 (73.9%) and exports showing themselves to be more dynamic than domestic demand (85.2). Margins have deteriorated for 56.2% of respondents (121 responses out of 149). In terms of employment figures, 50.4% forecast an increase, 49.6% no.
Optimization of manufacturing activities Relocation of manufacturing Manufacturing & commercial partnerships Growth in size by external means (buy-ups) Expansion of the offer
63,5% 8,7% 27,8% 7,9% 55,6%
Focus on highperformance products Focus on standard products
56,3% 15,9%
Finally, the ritual question: what do you have to offer over and above your international competitors? (Multiple responses)
What does it mean to participate today in a fair like Interpack? (Multiple responses)
• Testify ones own vitality to the market (the important thing is being there) • Introduce new products • Consolidate existing relations • Acquire new customers • Contact distributors • Monitor the technological development of the sector.
No doubt about it: in the collective imagination interpack is still the "packaging city" where "if you aren’t present, you don’t exist" (73.6%). And you go there to sell (71.2%), exploiting it as a showcase for new products (67.2%).
80 60
40 20 0
What does it mean to participate today in a fair like Interpack? (Multiple responses) % of answers
Number of answers
Testify ones own vitality to the market (the important thing is being there)
Introduce new products
Consolidate existing relations
Acquire new customers
Other (specify)
Contact distributors Monitor the technological development of the sector
not answered
The brand value
The “typical” The strength A cost-effective A high A superior level nature of of leading edge quality/price capacity of post sales interpersonal technological ratio to customize service relations knowhow the offer
Finally, the ritual question: what do you have to offer over and above your international competitors? (Multiple responses) • The brand value • The “typical” nature of interpersonal relations • The strength of leading edge technological knowhow • A cost-effective quality/price ratio • A high capacity to customize the offer • A superior level of post sales service.
Almost a plebiscite (91.1%) decreed that the ability to personalise and customize is the Italic virtue to be exploited, and this thanks to first-class technological expertise (68.5%). Service (43.5%) and cost-effectiveness (42.7%) also gained good placings.
Digest 2011
ItaliaImballaggio Digest 2011
Who does what
Products, solutions and packaging machines Materials for converting and packaging 1
Materials Auxiliary products
Machines and equipment for converting 2
Prepress: systems, appliances, software Printing and converting: machines and equipment Packaging production: machines and equipment Recovery and disposal: plants and equipment
Packaging and complements 3
Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
Machines and equipment for packaging 4
Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
Machines and equipment for handling 5
Internal handling and stocking
Machines and equipment for processing 6
Processing machines and equipment
Systems and components for automation 7
Electric and electronic systems and components Mechanical systems and components Pneumatic systems and components
Services 8
Associations and shows Schools and companies for formation and consultancy Services for third parties
Digest 2011
Materials for converting and packaging Materials Auxiliary products
CARCANO Aluminium Carcano’s speciality is converting part of the aluminium it produces into flexible packaging material and material for the various technological sectors served by the company. The Mandello del Lario (LC) based converter in fact performs all the operations or coloring, printing, embossing, coating, laminating to all kinds of plastic films, tissues, paper and cardboard. Besides displaying material in coils and in different formats, Carcano will be showcasing various products in which aluminium plays an important role. Among the many applications we highlight those for the food, pharmaceutical, cable and insulation sectors.
HIPAC Packaging film Hipac SpA will be presenting a tough, highly stable stretchfilm, with a thickness of less than 12% compared to other materials with the same performance characteristics. Spotlight too on their full range of low gauge/high performance materials, pre-stretched film, the materials in the 555 range and NetRoll, the film without a cardboard spindle. Hipac produces plastic film for packaging in three plants in Italy, Spain and Rumania, with a total capacity of 145,000 tons per year.
LAMINAZIONE SOTTILE Hitech aluminium A broader range, with numerous fully customizable smoothwall aluminium (bare or coated) containers, offering - suited to the food and relative shelf-life - full guarantee of hygiene, preservation, functionality and aesthetic appeal. With a further pluspoint: in terms of sustainability (environment and energy) aluminium can be recycled to infinity, with extremely low costs compared to other “primary metals” and with a sixth of the energy consumption. This the offer of Laminazione Sottile SpA, the parent company of the eponymous Caserta based group, specialized in the production of aluminium laminates of thicknesses from 0.007 to 0.8 mm. Laminazione Sottile fields an integrated production cycle, going from the melting process to the finished product via hot rolling, heat treatment and shearing in different formats. Other components of the group are Italcoat, whose works in Pignataro Maggiore is one of the few in Europe dedicated exclusively to treating, coating and lacquering semi-thin aluminium laminates, and Contital Srl, one of the leading companies in Europe for the production of aluminium containers and rolls for food use.
Digest 2011
MASTERPACK Film Masterpack SpA will be featuring a film with an innovatory reclosing system, films for microwaves, biodegradable films and materials that enhance product shelf life. The Varese based company, partner of most fresh-cut convenience producers, is now well established in other food and non food segments (mainly petfood, compost, soils and fertilizers, medical equipment) and is investing in the development of materials. Four important certifications endorse the quality of the organization and its products: Vision 2000, BRC IOP, UNI EN 15593, Environmental 14001/2004.
M-REAL CORPORATION Investing in cardboard M-real Corporation (Metsäliitto group) has increased the production of cardboard boxes made at its Äänekoski and Kyröskoski sites by around 70,000 tons. Between the end of this year and next spring the two facilities will reach a capacity of respectively 240,000 and 190,000 tons per year. The investment, valued at approximately 30 million euro, is aimed primarily at increasing the capacity to supply the food sector and, if the market requires it, may be followed by further initiatives.The demand for cardboard, both virgin and ecological, has outpaced expectations - company heads have in fact declared - and the planned expansion of the Simpele papermill will not suffice. Hence, with total investments in the years 2011-2012, the company will therefore increase its annual output of cardboard for folding cartons by 150,000 tons, thus bringing total capacity to around 935,000 t.
PLASTIROLL Environmentally friendly materials The Finnish company Plastiroll produces high quality eco-friendly packaging materials. Its Pack’n Save concept embraces many “fibre based” solutions that can comply with such environmental issues as the barrier properties of packaging, with an additional focus on greater cost efficiency. It has declined the range inspired by music, combining the packaging materials obtained by conventional techniques of coextrusion (Classic), with the improvisation of the infinite variety of dispersion based solutions (Jazz) and the new wave of Rock, or that is biodegradable alternatives to traditional products. Of note also Plastiroll compostable light (from 10 to 20 litres) and heavy bags (shopping bags, fruit bags and food sample bags) that come under Bioska brand in production since 1997 and that, after use, decomposes into humus.
SAINT-GOBAIN IMBALLAGGI Glass Dedicated exclusively to the food glass sector of the Saint-Gobain group, the Verallia brand (launched last May) strengthens and at the same time simplifies the image of its food glass division for the market, customers, stockholders and all of the concern’s partners in general, increasing the visibility of the industrial network and strengthening its commercial positions.
S.A.P.I.C.I. Adhesives Producer of adhesives for flexible packaging, in particular, Sapici offers a wide range of polyurethanic adhesives for flexible packaging and has further improved its production technology in order to offer polymers with a very low free TDI monomer content. The concern is able to study ad hoc solutions which can be produced and delivered in a very short time. Involved in strong R&S activities, it recently has launched the Polurflex new range of solvent based and solvent free adhesives.
A voi non resta che attaccare.
Hall 12 - Stand A 39
La gamma Wide Range di riavvolgitori e dispenser di etichette nasce dallo studio delle vostre esigenze e delle caratteristiche del vostro prodotto. Così, noi arriviamo a offrire soluzioni affidabili, durature e personalizzate, anche nel costo: apparecchiature elettroniche ad hoc, software, servizi
SUN CHEMICAL Inks, pigments and services At Interpack Sun Chemical will be displaying the best of its output and will also be demonstrating its ability to support users in all aspects of packaging development, from conception to printing and processing up to product launch. Hence, at Düsseldorf a lot more will be offered than special effect inks, lamination adhesives and low migration products for printing and coating of food packaging. Two examples: The German exhibition will be the opportunity to illustrate the guide to best practices in the printing of food packaging, and to explain the services of Sun Branding Solutions, including adaptation and graphic development of the trademark, packaging technology, software for managing the product lifecycle.
di montaggio e collaudo. E a voi non resta che dare l’ultimo tocco. Wide Range: a voi la soluzione.
Soluzioni d’automazione per l’etichettatura
Wide Range s.r.l. Via Ferraris, 21 - 20090 Cusago (MI) - Tel. Fax
Animated film about aluminium tubes: the “talents” of the Aluminium tube as a casting show. The European producers of aluminium tubes present a creative animated film to show off the unique selling propositions of a premium packaging material the aluminium tube - at the Interpack trade fair.
Düsseldorf, 12 May 2011. The Interpack trade fair, the leading presentational event of the packaging-materials sector, is the venue for the presentation of a humorous, no-corners-cut animated film made by the European manufacturers of aluminium tubes to present the unique selling propositions of the aluminium tube. AluTubes got Talent - This is the title of the five-minute trailer in which animated aluminium tubes appear as contestants at a casting show, doing their best to convince a human jury of their special talents. «The idea behind this film is to present the unique advantages of the aluminium tube to the international trade-fair audience with a charming wink of the eye. The concept of using a variety of potential applications from the key industries of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food, and technology/household with 3Danimated tube characters in the setting of a casting show delighted us right from the minute go», explains Dr. Monika Kopra-Schäfer, chairwoman of the Aluminium Tubes Committee of the European tube manufacturers association (Etma), in describing the project. The film will be premiered at the Metpack event (Essen) on 10 May and then, from 12 May onwards, to a broad audience at the Interpack trade fair (Düsseldorf). According to the philosophy behind the campaign, as an additional action component the trade visitors to the fair will be invited to cast their votes for their favourite AluTube star, with an Apple MacAir notebook offered as a tempting first prize. Additionally, the association’s internet presence www.aluminium-
10 •
Digest 2011
Look & feel in the image focus - With the figure of Mrs. Beauty, the image movie presents the variability of design aspects and the natural beauty of the basic material.
Premium packaging material for premium contents - Besides its design aspect, the aluminium tube makes a particularly convincing impression with its functional and technical properties. The central arguments in favour of filling products into aluminium tubes - besides the broad spectrum of potential applications - include in particular the aspects of barrier characteristics, hygiene, safety, and convenience, aspects that arise not least from the material’s excellent properties. In the “AluTubes got Talent” film, the excellent properties of Aluminium are highlighted by the Mrs. Delicious character. The animated cuisine artist symbolizes the efficient barrier against all external effects. will feature a separate page for online voting. If you have any more questions or request further information, please contact us we look forward to being of help.
A packaging material that offers protection - No matter whether it is used as a packaging material for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, technical, or food products aluminium protects the contents. What’s more, special protective lacquers used to coat the internal surfaces of the tubes prevent adverse reactions between the product and the packaging material itself. The unique barrier properties also ensure that valuable volatile ingredients cannot escape. Mr. Doc symbolizes this unique barrier properties of aluminium by locking his premium-grade ointment away in his aluminium safe, figuratively protecting the individual ingredients of the valuable product.
Aluminium: the allrounder in the packaging-material portaolio - As a busy “sweeper” Mr. Techni is the secret star of the show, demonstrating the broad spectrum of the tube’s applications and the precision with which its contents can be dosed, all thanks to the flexible aluminium tube body.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION European Aluminium Tube Producers Press office c/o Jeschenko MediaAgency Cologne Mr. Joerg Mutz Eugen-Langen-Strasse 25 - 50968 Cologne, Germany Phone: +49 221 3099 - 137 (Mr. Mutz) Mail: Fax: +49 221 3099 - 200
Materials for converting and packaging Materials Auxiliary products
TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES BOPP, CPP and BoPLA films Taghleef Industries (Ti) is a global key supplier of BOPP, CPP and recently BoPLA films, with six production sites worldwide and sales offices in Europe, USA and China. Ti will exhibit (Hall 9, stand 9D24/E23) its innovative products for the food and beverages sectors. • New Nativia™ compostable BoPLA films, Nativia™ NTSS transparent and Nativia™ NZSS metallised are made from annual renewable sources, provide outstanding optical properties, superior mechanical strength, a strong seal even at low temperatures, excellent twist and dead fold properties and a high moisture transmission. • Films for labels: in-mold LIM & LIS, white voided films with excellent aesthetic features and high-quality workability; transparent LIT for the “no label look” version. LIG & LIH, white voided films, for a shinier finish and larger size containers. Self adhesive labels, LSA a face film for “no label look” applications, LSE a white voided with high yield and white opaque appearance. WAL reel-fed and cut-stack, LTN & LTS offers an excellent transparency whereas LRD, LGL,
LCS and LZL, white voided and metallised films are appreciated for their high yield. • High gas barrier films HBTS transparent and HBZS metallised are technologically advanced films able to extend the shelf-life and maintain product performance (freshness, flavours, aroma).
Machines and equipment for converting Prepress: systems, appliances, software Printing and converting: machines and equipment Packaging production: machines and equipment Recovery and disposal: plants and equipment
BREVETTI GASPARIN Cutting and packaging Brevetti Gasparin Srl (Marano Vicentino, VI) has been operating since 1960 and specializes in the production and deployment of cutting, packaging and dosing machines, also in line, for companies of all sizes in the food sector. The Veneto based company also manufactures made-to-measure solutions. At Interpack in particular, the company will be presenting an automatic bread cutting and wrapping line with ultrasonic cutting system.
GUZZETTI Rewinder Guzzetti SpA launches a new model of rewinder for stretch film cut in line in mini-rolls up to 100 mm wide and capable of using extremely thin cores. The machine can also work with the traditional full width of 500 mm and operates both with meterage and weight. This rewinder is also produced in the variant for rolls of stretch material with handles.
ME.RO Induction sealing ME.RO SpA is proposing the closure system MR-2K GST IGBT RA, characterized by an induction sealing head which uses an air cooling instead of water cooling system, thus providing a solution that is cheaper and simpler to install. Other basic features: compact design; high efficiency due to the configuration of the power circuits and the use of IGBT modules; sinusoidal output waveform; continuous adjustment of output power and various kinds of controls. The system complies with EN60204-1, EN-5511 and EN 50082-2 regulations on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
QUALITY TOOLS Food packaging Quality Tools Srl will be bringing both its standard T130 line for the production of aluminium food containers as well as its innovative TCR for the production of paper containers, also for the food market.
REJVES Capping machine A capping machine for triggers and dispensers in mechanical and electronic version and a fully electronic single-headed machine represent the core of Rejves’s offer at Interpack 2011. A young and dynamic Mantua based concern, Rejves Srl specialises in the capping field, where it offers multiheaded rotary machines for various types of closure, single headed machines, capping heads, feeders, turrets and electronic machines.
Intubettatrice lineare a sbalzo
(Macchina brevettata)
Formula M.T.L. M.T.L. 400
M.T.L. 100/2
costruzione modulare macchina in linea con telaio in acciaio inox ideale per confezionamento in camera sterile collegabile con qualsiasi macchina astucciatrice innovativo sistema di alimentazione tubetti magazzino tubetti di grande capacità estrema facilità di intervento regolazione con sistema elettronico cambio formato con sistema elettronico disponibile nella versione a doppia testata (alluminio polietilene e polifoil insieme) G uscita tubetti in posizione orizzontale G produzione da 1500 a 24000 pezzi/h
NIMA-ERRE.TI Packaging s.r.l.
Modelli disponibili M.T.L. 100 M.T.L. 100/2 M.T.L. 200 M.T.L. 200/2 M.T.L. 300 M.T.L. 300/2 M.T.L. 400 JUMBO M.T.L. 500
M.T.L. 100
Via Emilio Annoni, 7 20037 Paderno Dugnano (MI) Italia Tel. +39 0299043680 ric. aut. Telefax +39 0299043877 e-mail:
CONFEZIONATE SU MISURA. Packed to measure. ESSE GI 2 S.r.l. sviluppa e crea sistemi e linee di pesatura, confezionamento, trasporto ed automazione
per i più svariati prodotti. La filosofia aziendale è stata impostata su criteri di dinamismo e flessibilità, ed una continua collaborazione costruttore/cliente che ha permesso di soddisfare una vasta tipologia di clienti (dall’artigiano alla grande industria) con soluzioni personalizzate, semplici e sicure.
w w w . e s s e g i . c o m
ESSE GI 2 S.r.l. develops and creates weighing, packaging, transferal and automation systems and lines for the most varied products. Company philosophy was laid down on criteria of dynamism and flexibility and a continuous manufacturer / client collaboration. This has permitted the company to satisfy a huge client typology (from small businesses to large industries) with simple and safe personalized solutions.
ESSEGI 2 S.r.l. Via Strada degli Alberi 47 - 35015 GALLIERA V.TA (PD) - (Italy) - Tel. +39 49 9470475 - Fax +39 49 9470111 -
REPORT ON THE STATE OF PACKAGING (1) Four-monthly packaging chain observatory. Situation at the end of January 2011. By Roccandrea Iascone. Based on Istituto Italiano Imballaggio data
ere is a cross-section of the state of manufacturing industry sectors where packaging consumption is the most intense, divided into two main areas "food and beverage" and "non food". Following this, the relative growth of the packaging sector. The growth pictures of the manufacturing sectors are derived from sectorial analyses drawn up by Prometeia.
FOOD & BEVERAGE Overall the food industry has endured the consequences of the crisis which involved the national manufacturing industry better than other industries. Over the period 2008-2009, the latter in fact marked a decline of 16.6%, while the food industry saw a decline of about 1%, arising mainly from price reductions and, to a lesser extent, reductions in quantity. The reduction in value is essentially due
to a shift of purchases from more expensive to less expensive products. According to the first data available, 2010 ended with a trend showing a slow but progressive recovery, rated at 2.1%, that brings this area of the market to pre-crisis values. The recovery is essentially guided by exports, while domestic demand features a slow and laborious recovery trend. In particular, in 2010 the beverage sector (where the growth of exports has been particularly significant) witnessed a growth rate of 3.2%, the food area putting in a growth rate of 1.9%. Expectations for 2011 indicate a possible slight increase in the growth rate all told.
pharmaceutical industry returned to an interesting growth trend. This significant manufacturing area is estimated to have concluded the year with a growth in activity of 2.7-3% (in 2009 growth was limited to 1%). The positive trend in the sector was mainly driven by exports, growing by 2.7%, while growth in domestic demand was down to about 2%. Not to be forgotten the fact that some demographic and social phenomena (an aging population, more attention to quality of life and guidance in the prevention of illnesses and diseases) "play� in the sector’s favor. Expectations for growth for 2011 are at any rate good.
NON FOOD Pharmaceuticals - After a slight slowdown in 2009, during 2010 the Italian
Cosmetics&perfumery - The cosmetics market ended 2010, according to what
[ emerged from the analysis by Unipro, at satisfactory levels. The successful economic picture, as well as the significant recovery in exports (8.5%), can also be put down to the strong performance of domestic demand which shows a growth of 1.3%. Globally production shows a growth of 3.1% (in 2009 a drop of 3.2% was seen, due to exports being down by 12.2% and a substantially stable domestic demand). Good the growth prospects for 2011, driven by a reaffirmation of the trends in exports and a slight strengthening of growth in domestic demand.
Furniture and furnishings - After the heavy downswing for 2009 (-15.45%), in 2010 the sector put in a slow but steady recovery, to the point of showing growth in production of 5.6%. In this case recovery was mainly driven by domestic demand, while exports are struggling to resume their interesting pre-crisis growthrates. It is believed that "the" recovery may occur during the period 20112012. All the same, to manage to return to being protagonists on the foreign markets, the sector needs to rethink its organization, both in production terms and in terms of commercial presence. A reminder that the foreign component of demand accounts for about 35% of production. Electronics - After a dramatic -30% in 2009, involving both domestic demand and exports, the electronics industry has begun to register a positive turnaround (although the values do not yet compensate for the previous losses). 2010 should indeed have ended with a recovery of 8.4%, driven mainly by the foreign demand component (table 1).
Table 1 - Trend of the main productive areas of activity in the "electronics" sector. 2009 2010 ipotesi 2011 Lightning -15,9% -2,7% 1,6% Wires and cables -22,5% 17,1% 3,3% Electrical equipment -22,2% -1,5% 2,4% Equipment for generation and transmission -15,6% 4,7% 2,7%
Chemicals - After the downswing in production observed in 2008-2009 (-1.6% in 2008 and -14% in 2009), for specialty chemicals taken all told, 2010 is estimated to have ended with a recovery of 8.5%. For 2011 a further recovery of 9% is expected. According to the regular Federchimica surveys (covering the production of the major segments) 2010 revealed the following trends: basic chemicals +2.5%; plastics +3.5%; fertilizers +2%, chemical fibres +2.5%; paints, varnishes and adhesives +4%; agropharmaceuticals 0.0%; technical gases +3%; household detergents and cleaning products +1%. The recovery was driven by both exports and domestic demand. Engineering - During 2010 the industry set out on the way to a slow recovery
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Fashion system - After having filed away 2009 featuring an unprecedented crisis (-14.5%, which, we reiterate, what is more followed a previous three-year period already characterized by very low growth rates) 2010 ended with a recovery of 3.9%. Once again growth was drawn on by exports at 4.3% (domestic demand has not gone beyond a modest 0.6%). The expectations for 2011, and also those for the years to come however are full of unknowns - except for the haute couture that will continue to express interesting growthrates: in addition to addressing the weakness of domestic demand,
the question is, will the Italian fashion system be able to intercept the demand of the emerging markets?
Per informazioni
. 5&;.2*39. 5*7 1 .3):897.& +&99. 5*7 1&;47&7* ):74 SIREC S.p.A - Via Sacca n° 60/1 - 43052 Colorno (PR) Tel. 0521 312593 - Fax 0521 312596 - -
] after the collapse of 34% in the period 2008-2009. 2010 is estimated to have ended with a recovery of 8.3% that should lead to a further increase of 6% in 2011. The engineering industry is certainly not a sector that is decisive in terms of use of packaging, but its growth is significant in terms of investment trend indicators in the various manufacturing sectors.
Products and building materials - In 2010 the downward trend that began in late 2007 continued, which has led to an overall decrease of around 23% in the production of building materials (cement, lime and plaster, bricks, tiles, rods for reinforced concrete etc.). The causes are to be found in the negative cycle the Italian building trade (residential, industrial and civil) finds itself in.
In 2010 all building materials marked a further drop of 2.6% and, although present, the prospects for recovery remain limited and fragile: +2.1% the estimate for 2011. In this context, forecasts indicate a growth of 1.3% in the glass and ceramics segment and +0.7% in building materials, that began recouping the odd percentage point in the last months of 2010.
fter the 14.3% decline in global production (in terms of figures expressed in weight) recorded in the "critical" period 2008-2009, in 2010 the packaging sector caught up with the slow recovery of the economy, both nationally and internationally, thanks to the close association between use of packaging and the growth trends of the manufacturing industry. A first end-of-year assessment of packaging sector production estimates growth at 4.7% compared to 2009. Production should in fact amount to 15,241 t/000: above 2009 figures but still 10% lower than in 2007 (pre-crisis figures). Moreover, manufacturing activity, that increased by around 4% in 2010, is still 13% down on 2007 levels. In particular, again with reference to the tonnage produced, the
packaging sector shows the following breakdown: domestic demand +3.8%; exports +11.6%; imports +9%; production +4.5%. Exports have played an important role in recovery, even if their share remains low at 17%. As regards the domestic market, in the first half of 2010, the recovery was driven primarily by the process of restocking; during the second half, however, growth is derived from an effective return to work in various manufacturing sectors, albeit featuring limited growth trends. Steel packaging - It is estimated that 2010 ended with a 3.4% growth in production, amounting to an output of 756 t/000, 4.5% down compared to 2007. Aluminium packaging - Production in 2010 should be 107 t/000 (6.7% over the previous year). The
sector benefited from a significant flow of exports, which allowed the "pre-crisis" levels to be surpassed. Cellulose packaging - The segment was the first to “feel” the market crisis in 2008. According to studies carried out by Assografici covering production activity and the performance of foreign trade during the first ten months of 2010, the sector should have registered an increase in production of 6% (all the same still 5% down on 2007). Laminated cellulose packaging This market area was able to limit the negative effects of the crisis, showing a downturn of only around 1% in 2009. And in 2010 the sector recovered 3%, exceeding the levels for 2007 by 2%. This upswing was determined by the ever greater popularity of this packaging solution.
Balance of the packaging sector (empties*). Figures in t/000 on production, export, import and use (10/09 apparent).
Steel Aluminium Cellulosic Rigid polylam Plastics Flexible Glass° Wood Other Total
2009 Exp. Imp.
731 100,3 4.708 131 2.875 287 3.354 2.343 29 14.558
231 38 439 1.028 122 360 123 2.341
29 11,8 100 360 2 398 209 1.110
529 74 4.369 131 2.207 167 3.392 2.429 29 13.327
Assumed interim balance 2010 Prod. Exp.* Imp.* Use
756 107 5.000 135 3.089 310 3.415 2.400 29 15.241
254 44 490 1.150 130 385 160 2.613
27 12 102 378 2 430 260 1.211
529 75 4.612 135 2.317 182 3.460 2.500 29 13.839
3,4 6,7 6 7 4,3 1,8 2,4 = 4,5
% 2010/2009 Exp. Imp. Apparent use
10 15 11 12 7 7 30
-7 14 2 5 = 8 25
0,5 1,4 5,5 3 5 9 2 3 = 3,8
Source: Istituto Italiano Imballaggio (*) The analysis covers empty packaging (production of empties - exports, production of empties + imports of empties = apparent consumption of empties). 2009 data could be slightly different from those published on Imballaggio in Cifre in July. The calculation of packaging placed on the market
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for consumption (used by Conai) is obtained starting from the apparent consumption of empties, subtracting the exports of packaging full with goods and adding the imports of packaging full with goods. (°) Including glass tube flacons.
Flexible converter packaging After being hit by the crisis, both the domestic market as well as the significant foreign component of demand being affected, in 2010 the sector entered a phase of gradual recovery. This is demonstrated by the findings of Giflex that, in an interim balance, registers a recovery of about 4%, driven by both domestic and foreign demand. Figures are estimated to be 3% up on 2007. Plastic packaging - The segment put in a very bad 2008-2009, with an 18% drop in production (a reminder here that the drop was also due to the reduction in average weight, introduced in various types of plastic packaging). Initial evaluations for 2010 assume a recovery in production of 7%; comparisons with the pre-crisis period are not very meaningful due to the downgauging and consequent reduction in average weight. Glass packaging - The 9.2% drop recorded in 2009 is due in part to an improved inventory management policy; the need for restocking also impacted the increase in production of the glass packaging industry in 2010 (+4% approx.) Production is still 6% down on 2007, but the discrepancy is in part due to the progressive downgauging and consequent reduction of average weight of bottles and jars. Wood packaging - In slow but steady recovery in 2010: according to a first assessment the year is estimated to have ended with a +2.4%. The recovery was determined by both an increase in exports (significant the export of pallets) as well as a more vibrant domestic demand.
We read your needs Dal 1981 Cama progetta e costruisce sistemi d’imballaggio secondario. Il segreto del successo di tanti anni d’attività è stato quello di ricercare sempre tecnologie innovative per soddisfare le più esigenti richieste d’automazione di linee complete.
Düsseldorf - Germania 12 - 18 Maggio 2011 Hall 13 booth C31-D30
Packaging and complements Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
ATS PACKAGING IML trays ATS Packaging Srl will be launching a series of new model injection moulded IML trays in PP. The company, located at Ballò di Mirano (VE), is one of the main Italian plastic packaging manufacturers. Their products include injection moulded PP and polystyrene, covering standard and special size trays, tubs, plates and containers as well custom created articles, from design to prototyping, to mould construction up to production. ATS produces a wide range of injection moulded containers for the various segments of the food industry.
CARTOTECNICA POSTUMIA Paper and carrier bags Cartotecnica Postumia SpA manufactures high-quality print paper bags, using eco-friendly materials, recycled papers and papers derived from sustainable forest husbandry. More generally the Carmignano di Brenta (PD) based concern produces paper packaging and bags for food, printed with the utmost care for the final quality, along with innovative solutions for the paper packaging of food and other products.
CHIMAR Problem solver In February 2011, CPS Chimar Packaging Solutions came into being in Milan: the new division of Chimar dedicated specifically to serve the needs of technical, industrial and protective packaging. The operation in fact comes under a broader development plan: with the birth of CPS the group will be able to offer all its customers a wider range of products and services as an efficient and effective problem solver. CPS is the Italian partner of Branopac GmbH, a leader in the field of VCI protection: an innovative system for protecting ferrous metals from corrosion. Branopac’s VCI PE papers and films, VCI emitters and oils are hiquality, cutting-edge solutions and have become a benchmark for the various reference sectors.
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CELLOGRAFICA GEROSA Sustainability A marketing strategy geared to eco-friendliness supports the Green Soul System, last and most important investment of the Gerosa Group (prime actor in the field of flexible packaging) on the subject of sustainability. It involves a number of projects, sectors and people with the aim of achieving rational energy management, this also in environmental terms. To date the project has
produced significant results: the recovery of any type of solvent used in printing, its cogeneration system, the dual system for handling air, the “paperless laboratory project” and a new type of latex-free cold sealant. Hence, think green! with the Gerosa Group’s Green Soul System, and save energy for the benefit of users, the new generations and the planet.
CAPSULIT Pharma: pluri-certified closures With the renewal of its ISO 9001 certification and EC marking, the Capsulit SpA quality system was also found to be compliant with standard ISO 15378. This is an acknowledgement of great importance: the standard in fact establishes the requisites for applying GMP principles in the design, production and control of primary packaging materials for medicinal products, and ensures compliance with the rules governing the pharmaceutical sector, increasing patient safety. ISO 15378 certification is hence a certificate of technical competence and a further guarantee of continuous improvement in response to specific market needs. Capsulit is the first company in its sector to have been assigned the same (the certifying body: Certiquality), reflecting a commitment to pursuing market leadership via quality.
EUROLABEL Pressure sensitive labels Eurolabel stands as one of the most important producer concerns of pressure sensitive labels of up to 10 colors with combined print techniques; sleeves up to 8 colors, self adhesive labels in rolls, C.e.d., sheets; tags in reels, fanfolding, sheets; RFId HF and UHF sheets applied to labels, tags, badges; printers and ribbons for heat transfer.
GENERAL PLASTICS Closures and seals General Plastics Srl manufactures reclosable bindings for food packaging, safety seals, safety nets, caps for pharmaceutical bottles and other items. The company, based in Rome, produces in Italy using quality raw materials and applying the most advanced production controls. Its offer includes plastic closures and caps for pharmaceutical containers, paper or plastic covered straps, 2 wire clipbands, covered binders for agriculture and gardening, rubber rings, nets for packaging and agriculture, anti tamper seals and a line of machines.
GPS Shopping bags and more GPS SpA produces shopping bags and plastic labels for bottling. Here are its structural characteristics in figures: three production divisions, a total area of 50,000 square meters of which 33,000 covered, with 200 employees that work with specially selected raw materials on a high-tech machinery, making millions of labels and bags a day for markets throughout the world. GPS will be bringing a selection of its best achievements in both sectors to the fair.
Packaging and complements Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
GUALA DISPENSING Triggers and pumps At the show the company will be featuring innovative components characterized by a high service content: triggers, pumps, dispensers for distributing detergency-, personal hygiene-, animal care-, gardening and automotive products.
IMBALLAGGI P.K. Earth-safe closures Some simple suggestions to make secondary packaging procedures “greener”? Imballaggi P.K. of Vigevano is “dispensing” them in a specially drafted foldout, which explains how Better Packages dampeners for gummed paper (of which it is the distributor in Italy) offer a valid aid in this field. First of all, since gummed paper is made entirely out of plant materials (cellulose for support and potato starch for adhesive) which are biodegradable, recyclable and re-pulpable, changing the closure system of cardboard packaging by eliminating plastic adhesive tapes is one of the quickest and simplest methods for making secondary packaging ecologically sound. Moreover, it is necessary to know that traditional adhesive tape does not work well on recycled cardboard boxes, whose short fibers prevent perfect adhesion. On the other hand, gummed paper - especially when reinforced - fuses with the cardboard (whether from virgin or recycled cardboard), securely and permanently sealing the packaging: a single strip suffices for a robust and tamper-proof seal, and makes it unnecessary to resort to multiple strips of plastic tape, with a considerable reduction in the volumes of material employed.
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GUALAPACK GROUP Film bio Gualapack SpA launches Naturene, a biodegradable and biocompostable laminate, created in cooperation with Novamont, which the Alessandria based company provides already converted into stand-up pouches with spout. On show also an innovative SUP (stand up pouch) aseptic filling system with premade mouth and a full easy-opening range in laminate produced by Safta (since 2002 part of the Gualapack group).
I.G.C. Sachets IGC produces polylaminated plastic-based sachets, using polyester, aluminium, PE (transparent and otherwise) and paper, with a gradual shift towards PE/ALL/PE laminates that, without great differences in price, guarantee superior quality of the image, especially in terms of shine.
ISEM Added value for boxes and cases High specialisation and continuous pursuit of quality: these are the founding values of ISEM, company specialized in the production of luxury packaging for the high-end perfumery and cosmetics sector, and today’s industry leader in Europe. With an annual production of over 20 million boxes, 80 million cases, 17 million packs filled, with 130 employees, ISEM is today’s European market leader, with sales of over 35 million euro. A success story built up with over more than sixty years of experience, research and innovation, its company portfolio features, among its principal, longestablished clients, names the calibre of Coty Lancaster, P&G and L’Oreal, Ferragamo and Acqua di Parma, comprising Luxottica and Lindt&Sprungli in the food and eyewear sectors. The company has integrated its production of boxes and cases with services for filling and packaging the finished product, namely its boxes, comprising its unique and distinctive “full service”, which also ensures delivery to the customer or established salespoint.
INGE Separator cap “Long Life”, the new eco-compatible single-dose closure developed and produced by Inge SpA, protects dilutable substances from humidity before use. New features: a single piece, it provides a better barrier and, compared to conventional separators, requires 55% less raw material. Like other separators, it too consists of a container in which the element to be protected are kept but, in addition, it has a laminated foil seal that acts as a further barrier. Made from a single piece of polyethylene, it is filled, sealed with foil and placed on the single-dose bottle, where it separates the solid and liquid components of a compound more effectively than ever before. No complications during use: just press the top of the cap to release the active content, shake the bottle to allow dilution and unscrew, breaking the seal. Long Life comes in three different sizes (0.5 ml, 1 ml, 2 ml) and can be applied to single-dose 10, 15 or 20 ml PET vials.
Packaging and complements Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
ISI PLAST Plastic tins The SC Series line of tins created by Isi Plast SpA in 5 sizes with capacities between 1.1 and 3.3 litres is particularly suitable for containing waterbased enamels. Durability and convenience are the distinguishing features: the wall thickness and the material used make the same particularly resistant to impact; their narrow, high cylindrical shape also makes for easy handling. The cover is available in two versions, with guarantee seal or simple snap-to closure. These containers are particularly suitable for use in tintometric systems, they can be labeled automatically or personalised with offset printing, sleeves or IML labels.
LAMEPLAST GROUP Pharmaceutical and cosmetic packaging Lameplast Group offers pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies top-notch packaging, featuring optimal flexibility, high production capacity and complete service in manufacturing pharmaceutical and cosmetics packaging. The Group combines the experience and knowhow of five companies: • Lameplast, with over 30 years experience in moulding plastic containers, is specialized in manufacturing pharmaceutical and cosmetics packaging; • C.O.C. Farmaceutici provides services for preparing, filling and packaging pharmaceutical products and medical devices; • C.O.C. Farmaceutici Health & Beauty Division is specialized in services for filling and packaging cosmetic products; • BBLameplast is specialized in services for filling and packaging cosmetic products in Easysnap containers, simple to use thanks to its innovative patented opening system; • LF of America LLC provides filling and packaging services for OTC and cosmetic products on the other side of the Atlantic. The Group also offers an even more complete service directly supplying its customers with monodose container filling machines, with the possibility of creating made-to-measure machines as per customer specifications.
LUXORO Metal laminas for food packaging Luxoro (exclusive distributor for Italy of Kurz hot and cold stamping technology) proposes Kgraphic, a full range of metalized laminas for customising and enhancing primary packaging for the confectionery and chocolate sectors in particular. Thanks to the certificate of conformity for use in food packaging, Kurz laminas can be safely used to decorate food product labels as well as the packaging exterior: not only the foils, but also their application, which comes about by hot stamping, is in fact a non harmful process. As the company explains, the technique is completely dry, odorless and non-toxic; no solvents are used, nor are substances harmful to human health or damaging to the work environment produced. The choice of metalized shades in the Kgraphic (Luxor® and Alufin®) range of laminas is unlimited: from the classic gold and silver, to red, blue, purple, blue, green... And the customer can commission special colors: starting from any Pantone color, a customised range can be created, and if the result is convincing, one proceeds to production true and proper.
MININI IMBALLAGGI Atex Big Bags Antistatic or conductive, one of Minini’s key aims is to guarantee safety and reliability while constantly working with its customers. The big bags, also called Bulk Bags or FIBCs, are used by industries to stock and transport goods in powder or granular form. Electrical fields are generated when filling and emptying the bags resulting in the creation of electrostatic charges on the bagged material and on the surface of the packaging itself. These charges, if released into an inflammable atmosphere, can ignite it, so big bags should be produced to avoid this. Minini Imballaggi is a company of major importance which has been in the business of supplying flexible containers (big bags) for transporting solid materials for 70 years.
NAR Selfadhesive tape In Italy based at Legnaro (PD), NAR is an international supplier of selfadhesive tapes. In its five facilities it produces packaging and masking tapes as well as tapes for technical and industrial uses, bioriented polypropylene film and saturated paper for self-adhesive tapes.
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Packaging and complements Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
NOVACART Paper forms & Co. Novacart SpA manufactures a complete cycle of paper products, customized for the cooking and preparation of bakery products. Its offer includes assembled or drawn paper and cardboard moulds for cooking and/or freezing baked goods, baking cups, NTS muffin trays, trays, trimmings, cardboard accessories and related complements. The Novacart Engineering Division carries out the design of the various articles that make up the Garbagnate Monastero (LC) based company’s offer and manufactures automated systems for construction of moulds to go on to the start-up of production of the same.
PILOT ITALIA Self adhesive labels Pilot Italia is a leading company in the selfadhesive labels market, worthy of note for the quality of the quality and the efficiency of its production processes. Combined printing systems on the main production machines guarantee the best return, in terms of quality at competitive cost, for each graphic project. Pilot Italia works with the major manufacturers of selfadhesive materials. This ensures outstanding service and cooperation with the suppliers in solving problems and in creating a custom-printed label. The technology used allow to print on such self-adhesive materials as glossy paper, natural paper, metallic effect paper, mat or transparent plastic film made of PVC, PP, PE, PS, etc. Pilot Italia acts as a packaging consultant, working closely with its customers in designing their self-adhesive labels and choosing the technologies that will offer them both high quality and costeffectiveness.
PLASTICA PANARO Quality cases Important extension to its range for Plastica Panaro, who will be presenting new lines of containers at Interpack, mostly high-end, which not only ensure the protection of the product but also a value-added image. In addition to the wide range of cases in plastic (PVC, PE, PP, and more) for all possible types of application, and its heatformed clamshell lines made to customised sizes and finishes, the Modena-based company, certified ISO 9001, also provides the diecut or heatformed foam interiors and carries out screenprinting, labeling and embossed logotyping.
NUOVA OMPI Glass primary packaging Nuova Ompi together with Alfamatic, Medical Glass and Ompi of America - comprise the Glass Division of the Stevanato Group, which is among leading suppliers of glass primary packaging for the global pharmaceutical industry. Nuova Ompi was founded by Cav. Giovanni Stevanato in 1949. Since the beginning the Group has been self-sufficient in developing the technology and producing the machinery to produce and control containers converted from glass tubing. The Glass Division is strongly connected to the Engineering Division, consisting of S.P.A.M.I and Optrel. These companies specialize in the design, manufacture, installation and after-sales support of high speed precision machinery for the production and control of glass containers as well as vision inspection systems. The Glass Division is well positioned to serve the future needs of the customers with production sites located throughout Europe (Italy-Venice & Rome, Slovak Republic-Bratislava) as well as their newest “green-field” facility in Monterrey, Mexico.
PROMENS Airless and “green” Compact (-30% volume), consisting of only 4 parts against an average of 12 and therefore with less material (also reduced CO2 emissions), 100% recyclable without having to separate the individual components, these too recyclable. For all these reasons Promens can present its Ecosolution™ container-dispenser system as ecological, and there are other reasons too: the weight of each element has been optimized, all materials used are standard and the suppliers reside within 200 kilometers, to minimize trips and their relative environmental impact. Ecosolution™ meters doses of 1.5 ml and is suitable for all formulations from the most liquid to the most viscous. The bottles are available in capacities of 50, 100, 200, 400 and 500 ml.
PUNTO PACK Cosmetics, diet product-food and pharmaceutical Punto Pack offers complete packaging solutions, proposing various types of containers with closures and accessories. Its offer responds to the needs of companies requiring a single solution of primary and secondary packaging devised by leading producers, and without neglecting quality, service and personalization, regardless of the quantities required. One of the last products is a 10 ml PP single-dose container named Unicadose.
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Packaging and complements
R.C.A. Flexible packaging, in short runs R.C.A. (Collegno, TO) has been operating for more than 50 years in the packaging sector: it began in 1957 producing containers, bins, cartons and boxes of small and medium-sizes in rigid cardboard. For ten years now the company has diversified its activities, not just technical facilities for the production of flexographic printing for flexible packaging, but updating its proposal to the needs of small producers to
SCANDOLARA TUBES FOR ALL Scandolara is the only European concern - one of the few worldwide - to make all three styles of tubes (laminate, aluminium and polyethylene) with figures that place it at the top of the market (800 million pieces/year produced in 5 sites). Officially presented 2010, Scandolara has developed and patented an innovative plastic tube, called Z47AgTube Sterilizing System, where the nanometric sized metallic silver added to the mix ensures a longterm germicidal effect, preventing the contamination of the contents in the longterm. Designed first of all for the pharmaceutical sector, but also suitable for cosmetics, the system could in the future open interesting prospects in the food industry as well. The new system represents, in effect, an outstanding accomplishment achieved by Scandolara after two years of work conducted in collaboration with university researchers specialized in nanotechnologies. The production technique
SIT Flexible quality S.I.T. SpA (Faetano, San Marino) is one of the best-known and most authoritative Italian flexible packaging converters. At Interpack the company will be showing a knowhow developed by following strict quality criteria: encompassing product but also processing customer and supplier relations and indeed life itself. S.I.T. is in fact committed to
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Flexible primary and secondary packaging Semi-rigid and rigid primary and secondary packaging Transport packaging
provide low volumes of high quality. The two production activities have evolved over the years until the actual consolidation of two different organizational structures. Born out of the R.C.A. Recipienti Cartone Alluminio SpA, in 2002 the K.R.C.A. came into being, dedicated to productions in board, and the R.C.A. Imballaggi Flessibili Srl, which specializes in printing complex film, bags and rolls of plastic film, laminated to aluminium or extrusion laminated. As R.C.A. director Silvia
employed is based on the dispersal of metallic silver in nanometric dimensions and is radically different from the already known procedure that employs silver salts or coloidal silver, whose effectiveness is limited over time. In this case, metallic silver helps create a toxic environment for bacteria and germs, thus preserving the integrity of the formula for the duration of the product’s use. In every way, the Z47 AgTube Sterilizing System enables a reduction in the dose of preservatives without compromising the hygiene and integrity of the contents, at the same time offering the necessary guarantees to protect the end user for the duration of the treatment. In this way, the new tube responds to an important double demand of the market: combating an increase in allergies to the preservatives employed, to increase the shelf-life of drugs and cosmetics, and satisfying consumers’ general orientation towards more natural
environmental protection (having zeroed the environmental impact of its emissions) and the healthiness and safety of its products, that fully conform to hygienic-sanitary standards and the major international
Stupino explains, a concern capable of combining these two requirements was lacking on the Italian scene and that is why today R.C.A. is capable of providing “print shop” quantities with photographic resolution at market prices, with a production aimed at reducing warehoused product reducing the costs for stationary goods that is - while improving the customers’ cash flow. A possibility, this, that increases flexibility in varying print and modifying the company’s corporate image with a certain frequency, creating an ad hoc wrapping for each item produced. Demonstrating a particular environmental sensibility, the Piedmontese company is working on monomaterial PE/PE film that is 100% recyclable and is also testing materials derived from soybeans, all fully biodegradable.
products. To verify the constant germicidal action of this container, specific tests were also conducted, and passed with flying colors, in compliance with the international standards ISO 22196: 2007 and ASTM E 2180. Having passed the tests, the germicidal tube is now under production: the very low amount of silver dispersed homogeneously throughout the walls, shoulder and capsule of the tube helps guarantee the effectiveness of this solution. At the same time, it does not create any problems during the production phase, which occurs on normal installations, it employs time-tested components and does not require further processes offline. Moreover, the use of a precious material such as silver only modestly affects the final cost, due to the very low quantities employed. The Z47AgTube Sterilizing System by Scandolara is patented at the national and European levels.
environmental certification schemes. The San Marino based concern mainly serves the food, pharmaceutical, detergency, chemical and sticker industries, applying state-of-the-art facilities and organization to complex processing cycles, which include solvent or solventless lamination and printing on transparent, paper or metalized films.
Closures and dispensers Labels, decorations and consumables Accessories and consumables Auxiliary products for closures
STEBA Cosmetic packs and accessories The Steba new site has been, first and foremost, conceived as a reference tool where you can view each item of their vast catalogue (bottles and jars, plastic or glass), to be combined with many accessories (closures, regulators, dispensers, triggers, etc.); the solutions proposed can be customised using screen or pad printing. The interactive feature of the website has also been strengthened: true and proper platform for e-commerce, guaranteed by Microsoft Dynamics CRM technology. Each actual or potential customer can access the website via a login, guaranteeing an exclusive, safe and dependable relationship with Steba on all counts. And if the company motto is “Steba contains your ideas”, they now have on line a “container of containers”.
STEVANATO GROUP Glass packaging for pharma Stevanato will be at the fair with its Glass and Engineering divisions. The Glass Division (Nuova Ompi) presents the full range of bulk products, comprising needle and no-needle syringes, bottles with screw neck, pilfer-proof items, blow back and pill, dental and insulin tubevials, vials, and EZ-fill™, consisting of syringes, vials and tube-vials already sterilized and ready for filling. The Engineering Division (consisting of Spam and Optrel) offers automatic and semiautomatic machines for visual inspection.
VERIMEC Capsules and capping machines Part of the Massilly group, Verimec offers personalizable capsules of all types, diameters and colors; personalizable containers and trays in all shapes and colors; capping machine for all needs, from the semiautomatic 700 jars/hour to automatic machine with an output of up to 30,000 jars/hour; controlling machines; technical assistance on machines and consultancy for making special gluestuffs; glass jars of different capacities. Verimec also offers twist capsules of all types, with diameters from 33 to 110 mm.
ZENITH Aluminium containers Zenith Srl manufactures a wide range of aluminium containers for food use in both traditional and microwave ovens. The Manerbio (BS) based company, which has more than 20 presses operating in line with more than 150 moulds, can count on a large finished goods storage facilities that ensures prompt delivery of all items. Zenith containers are used in the food and confectionery industries, in the restaurant trade and professional catering.
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Since being establis established shed in 1971, quality is the facto factorr that makes the differenc ce in SIT difference SIT.. Above all, the qualit quality ty of its people. Our attention is aimed a at enhancing the sk skills kills of each person. An investme investment nt that, after forty year years, rs, has determined a style. The SIT style.
Vi aspettiamo per incontrarvi e festeggiaree il nostro 40° anniversario. SIT - Stampa Imballaggi Imballagggi Trasparenti Trasparenti Strada del Sabattino, 62 62 Faetano 47896 RSM Phone: 0549 876 211 Fax 0549 996 444 Country Code (+) 378 drop d 0549 -
SITITALIA SITIT TA ALIA - Flexible Packaging Packaging Via Pierini 14/16 61122 2 Pesaro (PU) Italia Phone (+) 39 0721 20511 205 511 Fax (+) 39 0721 201987 -
Sarel Plast Strada Statale 16, 20 (K (Km Km 31) 35048 Stanghella (PD) Italia 4588 Phone (+) 39 0425 458 88 Fax (+) 39 0425 459010 -
We’re W e’re looking forward to meeting you and to celebrate together our 40th anniversary
Photo: Amati-Bacciardi
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“QUALITY DESIGN” The Italian Oscar dell’imballaggio 2011 The winners have been chosen among 25 candidates, selected on the basis of graphic, communicative and structural coherence, in a word Quality Design. Spotlight too on excellence in Environment, Communication and Technology.
he 2011 edition of the competition that designates “the packaging of the year” has been organized by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio in cooperation with the Design Faculty of the Milan Polytechnic (and, once again with the support of BASF, official sponsor). It comes as no surprise hence that Quality Design constitutes the “super category” by which the prizes are awarded. Hence the scrutiny of the experts called upon to judge the candidates will be directed to the balance between the graphic, functional and structural dimension of the packaging entries selected, along with the innovations that enhance the product’s userfriendliness and the effective, coherent communication of the same. The awards ceremony has been held April 14th 2011 at Areapergolesi, Milan.
A COMPETITION OF CONTENTS As tradition has it, the Polytechnic is not the only institution to define the sense and the personality of Italy’s packaging Oscar. Indeed the cooperation with Conai started up in 2004 continues. The consortium sponsored the special Environment section - Think Future, to promote examples encouraging the reduction of the en-
vironmental impact of packaging. The Special Communication section has been sponsored by another by now consolidated partner of the institute, or that is the IULM University, whose very subject communication. Attributing these special mentions, the jury members wish to emphasise all the potentialities of the packed product, aboveall in terms of visibility and shelf differentiation. Lastly, the Special Technological Section enjoys the support of Ipack-Ima 2012. The competent jury attributed the nomination with the intent of underlining how the added value of service to the consumer - from the ease of use to the improvement of the actual pack functions - depends upon a technical type innovation. Here below we present the winners for the 2011 award, entered for the categories food, beverages and liquid food, pharmaceuticals, detergency and chemical products, durable goods, handling and B2B. The presentations have been drawn up from communiqués provided by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio.
SYSTEMS OR SOLUTIONS OF PACKAGING FOR SOLID FOOD ESSEOQUATTRO Ideabrill Rosa Blu Fish is a highly perishable food, the preservation of which poses numerous problems (loss of natural fluids, odors) that are difficult to resolve with conventional systems. To tackle these problems, Esseoquattro has created Ideabrill Rosa Blu, a system consisting in a pure cellulose kraft bag (65 g), laminated with a treated film of 12 microns: this composition serves as a barrier against
external agents and heat-seals the bag in just 6 seconds. The outer kraft layer is waterproof, and the seal prevents both leakage and odors, guaranteeing maximum practicality in packaging the product and a high degree of effectiveness during transport and preservation in the fridge or freezer (because, as opposed to normal packaging solutions, it can be easily separated from the fish when thawing). Ideabrill maintains its internal temperature for about one hour until it is time to cook. After use, its basic components can be easily separated and recycled.
SYSTEMS OR SOLUTIONS OF PACKAGING FOR BEVERAGE AND FOOD LIQUID REXAM Bottle/can Fusion The elegance of a bottle combined with the advantages of a can: the production process of this bottle is the same as that of a can, with the addition of an Italian-born technology for shaping the can body into a bottle shape. Resulting from an excellent combination of lightness and stability, the bottle can is shatterproof and reclosable, and, thanks to the aluminium’s intrinsic properties, offers total protection to the contents. The new Fusion line of bottles (33 cl and 25 cl standard) is available with three types of closures: ROPP (rescrewable) caps, Maxi P tear-away caps and standard corona caps, thus offering ample freedom of choice. Thanks to the possibility of pasteurizing Fusion bottles, making them suitable for a wide range of beverages (carbonated and flat, single portion wines, flavored waters, beer, energy drinks, etc.), the packaging finds a place in countless markets, effectively creating a new type of packaging.
SYSTEMS OR SOLUTIONS OF PACKAGING FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS SALES SPA - ANGELINI ACRAF SPA No thermometer? The label is enough Many food and pharmaceutical products need to be preserved below a certain temperature. But the consumer doesn’t always have the tools to verify whether the storage instructions are being followed, especially in the case of pharmaceuticals, for which one cannot rely on taste, smell and sight. A solution to this problem is offered by the labels converter Sales Spa, which, in collaboration with Angelini Acraf Spa (a standout name in the world of health and wellness products), has created a label to be affixed on each sales unit that indicates for the consumer immediately and directly that the product has not been kept at the right temperature. In practice, the system consists in a normal pressure sensitive label on which, in addition to the usual communication texts, a circle with a generic warning (exclamation point) is printed with traditional inks. Over this circle - circled by the words “Attention! Make sure storage is at the right temperature” - a second circle, which is filled in, hiding the indication underneath, is register printed with colored ink containing thermal pigments. The thermal pigments contained in the ink change color when exposed to temperatures exceeding those
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established. Under these conditions, the colored pigment becomes transparent, thus signaling to the user that the product has not been stored correctly. The process is reversible, so that as soon as the appropriate storage conditions have been restored, the pigment becomes opaque again, once again covering the warning signal. The label can be used on all packaging destined for products or goods that need to be kept below a certain temperature: in fact, it’s enough to change the pigment type in order to trigger the color change at different temperatures.
SYSTEMS OR SOLUTIONS OF PACKAGING FOR DETERGENCY AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS GOGLIO Eco Truck 4 liter stand-up A product that respects the environment requires nature-friendly packaging: from this reflection of the Iberemec customer originates the 4 liter standup with which Goglio has renewed the image of EcoTruck, an additive that reduces the toxic emissions of trucks. The pack’s shape, which mimics the contours of rigid plastic bottles, represents an important element of continuity with the previous packaging solution. The high quality printing on a surface that is exponentially superior to that of labels transforms the stand-up into a means of communication thanks to which Iberemec can communicate the pack’s instructions - with three pictograms on the front - and the eco-friendly nature of the product - thanks to the colors selected, nature green and sky blue. The exclusive “flexible mouth” with easy-tear and the practical handle mean safety, practicality and cleanness; the minimal bulk of the empty pack makes it easy to dispose of, while the significantly reduced weight of the material compared with rigid plastic makes EcoTruck a friend to the environment. The Goglio stand-up thus not only maintains the advantages guaranteed by the previous packaging solution, but actually enriches the product with new bonuses in terms of design and functionality.
SYSTEMS OR SOLUTIONS OF PACKAGING FOR DURABLE GOODS BTICINO Individual packaging for civil line plates The finish plates for civil lines have a purely aesthetic function and are characterized by high communication and status content. Depending on the materials, they can be fragile and easily abradable. In 2011, BTicino will market a new line, and for the occasion the concern has decided to innovate the case for the plates. The case is made out of a single piece of Kraft effect recycled cardboard with no adhesives or print ink. Die-cutting, moulding and dry relief printing are all performed in a single process by the converter, which also applies a transparent window. The case is processed on an in line island at the end of the plates’ production cycle. The packaging phases are: positioning the plates on the flat board; closure of the short sides and
blocking plates to avoid lateral oscillations; closure of the long sides, with semi-cover function, addition of diagonal flaps, which block the center of the plate and reinforce the case; application of the identification label. The new solution has enabled the concern to reduce total operational costs of the packaging by 10%; eliminate printing and functional adhesives costs; reduce the weight and volume of the components for the purposes of storage and transport, not to mention the volume of the case assembled compared with the market standard. The single-material, recyclable packaging facilitates disposal. The “floating” product, which cannot move or be removed, is not damaged. Assembly of the product packaging is done with standard operations. The pack, made of more than 90% recycled cardboard, is classified “Ecodesign”. Thanks to the outer havana finish and dry printing, the case communicates a decisive look of robustness, reliability and recyclability/ecology. The design is part of BTicino’s culture of sustainability, which hinges on attention to the environment and the expansion of the concern’s range of users (Design for All). Put simply, thanks to the new oblique closure/opening lines, the design is purposely elegant and sophisticated, conveying intrinsic and environmental quality. The design is also in line with the new line’s global project and represents one element of the mix of communication strategy and product and process innovations.
CARTONIFICIO FIORENTINO Ecopark-Conico - The requirements expressed by some customers, producers of plastic films, have led Cartonificio Fiorentino to develop an accessory for blocking reels of laminated products. The system is Ecopark-Conico, a lowcost, ecological, single-product solution that is simple and in line with industrial requirements. It also fulfills the expectations of sustainability for new designs. Operations related to handling and transporting reels (but also weighing, securing to the pallet, oscillations) are always complicated, require special accessories and entail great expense in time and money. The Ecopark-Conico solution, in cardboard and highly resistant, is not just simple and cost-effective, but also easy to assemble and secure to the pallet. Taking advantage of the product’s own weight, along with a system of counterbalancing “wedges”, the reel holds in place in spite of oscillations during the handling and transport phases; set in place with a strap, it is then covered with a heatshrink film to protect it from dust. With the use of a hood (fefco 0200) of the same exact cardboard and adequate closedbottom pallets, up to three layers can be stacked in the warehouse.
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SAN PELLEGRINO LaLitro The Sanpellegrino group presents LaLitro by Levissima: an innovative 1 liter bottle made from 25% recycled PET (RPET). Since the executive order n.113 of May 18th, 2010 went into effect, enabling the marketing of mineral water in bottles made from recycled PET (max 50%), the Sanpellegrino group is the first in Italy to propose this solution in the mineral water sector. The process is a closed cycle “bottle to bottle” -, and it is possible inasmuch as PET is a 100% recyclable material, which, in addition to being light, shatterproof and perfectly hygienic, maintains its properties after recycling. LaLitro by Levissima, 240 mm tall and distinguished by a weight of 21 g, is made from 75% virgin PET and 25% R-PET. Moreover, its label contains information relating to refuse separation and recycling.
COMMUNICATION NOMINATION (EX AEQUO) DECO INDUSTRIE Loriana piadinas With the launching of the new Loriana line of piadinas (Italian flatbread), Deco Industrie intends to offer consumers a product of maximum quality, authenticity, taste and, most importantly, that is able to completely fulfill many different needs. The pouch, which guarantees long shelf life, has undergone restyling with a focus on image: satinated, it lets one see the contents. The red and white markings are particularly visible on the black background, which enables the consumer to immediately identify information on the back of the pack. The new graphic is colorful, appealing and eye-catching, highlighting the different characteristics of the piadinas and some traditional values of the Romagna region, such as taste for good food and authentic ingredients. The objective is to help consumers choose their favorite piadina in as clear a way as possible, proposing an offer complete in its simplicity. LUMSON TAG-Techno Airless Glass System The development of new formulas and the trend of reducing the amount of preservatives have pushed the market of cosmetics to use more and more airless packages, the only kind that can preserve and protect formulas and guarantee a wide range of technical functional advantages. The only limitation of this packaging type is that, until now, it has only been possible to make them entirely out of
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plastic, forcing high end brands/products to forego the use of glass, a timeless symbol of luxury and beauty. Lumson has decided to close this gap, designing, developing and patenting the TAG-Techno Airless Glass System, the first and only airless system in the world with a glass bottle. The challenge was that of managing to create a pack that combined beauty, luxury and the refinement of glass with all the technical/functional advantages of an airless system. The packaging was selected by ARVAL for the launching of two products of its new cosmetic line “l’uomo” due to these characteristics. The choice arises from a twofold desire to use a glass bottle in order to communicate beauty, refinement and luxury, but also airless in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the cosmetic product and to preserve its active ingredients, preventing contamination from external agents. TAG has a strong “eco” value; indeed, after use, it can be easily and quickly separated into its various components, glass and plastic. This enables recycling the clean and uncontaminated glass, which requires no post-recycling
TECHNOLOGY NOMINATION (EX AEQUO) NOVACART Turnover Cup Novacart has developed a paper cup with new shapes that enable cheaply wrapping, holding and preserving in an effective way chocolates, pastries and sweets, also imparting a unique aesthetic to the products when on display. The innovation lies in the shapes that can be obtained, in the method used to create and apply the container to the product (be it industrial or artisan), and in the stability of the shape over time. From a purely technical standpoint, the peculiar structure of the walls is such that the container reacts extremely well to lateral deformations: direct pressure from the inside pushing out against the walls, the cup, instead of opening, tends to close itself on the product. The paper fiber tends to close itself around the product and not open near the bottom even in a humid environment. This development opens doors for other innovations: containers made from paper, equipped with undercuts turned toward the inside of the cavity, impossible to make in another way without complex mobile moulds.
SYSTEM 4Phasestm Presented as the new frontier in packaging for products with large surface area and low thickness (ceramics, wood, glass and “plate products”), capable of fulfilling the cost control requirements of industry, the 4Phasestm system was developed by System Packaging. The solution not only enables savings in production processes but also packaging with synchronous time to market. To start with, the company proposes the system for resolving problems relating to storing ceramic plates, which arise from the need to use a different box for each product type: in this area, manufacturers find themselves managing large quantities of cardboard, which often lie in disuse, occupying large spaces in the warehouse, with indirect management costs and large amounts of frozen capital. 4Phasestm fulfills the requirement of maximum flexibility, managing in realtime any stock. The installation directly packs the plates, starting always with the same flat sheet of neutral cardboard, regardless of the shape of the box to be shaped, which adapts itself to the product and absorbs all format variations. This enables savings in cardboard consumption up to 70%. This completely automated process stands out in that it wastes no cardboard to produce the packaging. There are also other advantages: by using neutral cardboard, it enables savings in the box production step. In practice, the system also enables producing packaging in house, thus eliminating dies industrialization costs. Stockpiles in the warehouse are reduced, recovering space. For whoever needs to produce for different brands on multiple formats, the system resolves all packaging supplying problems, also due to the fact that the die-cuts’ graphics are customized by the machine and time to market becomes realtime. 4Phasestm means more than that: savings in labor (given the system’s functional autonomy from 8 to 12 hours) and acquisitions (by rationalizing the process of reordering dies); in terms of safety, it reduces the risk off fire, with a consequential reduction in insurance costs. Also, from an environmental standpoint, the more efficient use of cardboard entails a reduction in energy consumption wasted in the manufacture of unused dies.
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
ACMA Innovative concepts for the packaging industry Of the 2.000 sqm occupied in Hall 6 by the companies of Coesia Group, Acma will display on more than 500 square meters eight new packaging machines and, for the very first time, a complete chocolate plant: chocolate products will be moulded and wrapped or flow-packed by the machines “live”. Acma will also describe an innovative energy management concept for the first time applied to packaging machines, called the “green machine”. The machines on show feature cutting-edge technological solutions, and many equipment are brand new, such as the SP0 flow-pack machine for biscuits; the M888 wrapper for chocolate pralines and candies; the MC4TB wrapper for chocolate tablets; the SP2 flow-pack machine for chocolate bars; TSW moulding line and Buffer for chocolate products. On show also the T2 tea bag packaging machine; the WM bottle filling and capping monobloc machines for liquid food products; 771DL wrapper for solid soaps. Through the acquisition of M.C. Automations and TecnoSweet, Acma expresses increasingly greater commitment and know-how in chocolate process and packaging technologies. A live demo will be on show at Interpack: the machines M888, MC4TB and SP2 will
be linked with the chocolate moulding line for packaging of different chocolate products into several presentations. The flowpack machines are also available in the configuration for the wrapping of solid soaps and detergent tablets. The secondary packaging will not be on show, but a large screen located in the Acma space will show the most significant end of line packaging systems delivered by TecnoSweet. ACMA has been a member of the Coesia Group since 1986, and boasts over 90 years of experience in the automatic machinery industry, being the founder of Bologna’s Packaging Valley Department. Today M.C. Automations, TecnoSweet and Tecnomeccanica are part of Acma, whose business activities are ramified into six core competencies, each related to different commodity sectors: Confectionery and Bakery (packaging of sweets, chewing gums and biscuits); Chocolate & Wafer (chocolate moulding and packaging of chocolates and wafers); Food Filling (packaging of liquid food products, such as oil, dairy, ketch-up, mayonnaise, beverage); Soap & Powder (packaging of soap and detergent powder); Chemical Filling (packaging of homecare and chemical liquid products);Tea Bags (packaging of tea bags). The Coesia Group consists of 12 leading companies (G.D, Acma, Volpak, ADMW, Citus, Kalix, Norden, Sacmo, Hapa, Laetus, Gdm and Cima) operating in the areas of automatic packaging machines, quality control and printing systems and precision gears. The consolidated turnover of the group is nearly 800 million euro, with 3800 employees and 36 facilities operating worldwide.
Chocolate moulder Flowpack SP2 WM monobloc
AL.MA. Blister packing machines On show in Hall 5 C04, in-line automatic blister packing machines for industrial & consumer goods, pet articles, personal care & cosmetic items, medical devices and pharmaceutical products. AL.MA. had developed an original and high level technology for in-line machines to make blister packages with personalized size and shapes using different kinds of thermoformable materials such as PVC, PET, PP and different sealing materials such as film, paper or carton. A “lean and flexible” structure
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allows to realize tailored made machines according to customers production requirements. Therefore, it is not the result of the connection of standard modular elements, that can lead up to excessive achievements in relation to real needs. Each project therefore takes into consideration the available space for the installation of the machine, the required productivity and all the necessary equipments. AL.MA can realize both simple compact machines and complex lines with the following main features: special tools for the quick formats change; automatic opening of the forming and sealing heads; double format already installed in the machine (double pre-heating station, double forming station, double sealing station and double cutting station); formats change by selecting the relative program on the touch screen control panel; exclusive positive forming system with undercut shape for standing packages; very precise and reliable total die-cut stations made in solid tempered steel,
punch/matrix system or traditional ones for rigid films and breakingdown knives for flexible films, both installed on the same machine; automatic pick & place of leaflets or cards inside each blister; installation of any kind of printing systems with personalized solutions; automatic labelling systems installed on the machine, after the sealing station, with the possibility to label both the top and the bottom of the packs; brushless motorisation. Two different lines are available: - Model TF for packages film/film, film/paper or Tyvek, film/card. - Model BVL-500 for packages blister/cover card. A prompt and efficient after sales technical service is guaranteed: by phone, modem or internet through a webcam system or by the intervention on site of specialized engineers. This, added to the well known reliability of the lines, is the best guarantee of operation continuity, avoiding unwanted downtimes, even in difficult working conditions.
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
ALTECH Print&apply The new feature in Altech Srl’s ALcode series print&apply systems (now with touchscreen operator panel) is ALcode LL for print/apply of linerless labels (ie without siliconated backing) on boxes, bundles, pallets. This print&apply model provides significant advantages: lesser cost per label, no material waste, more labels per roll (and therefore longer running without reloading), length of the label that can be changed at any time.
AMOTEK Packaging machines The automatic full servo model R168 packaging machine, produced by Amotek Srl offers a high degree of technology and versatility in handling different types of products, both singles and multiples. The Zola Predosa (BO) based company makes reliability the first and fundamental feature of its machines. Since 1999 it has been part of the Optima group offering a range of horizontal packaging machines and integrated systems for packaging personal care products - wet wipes first and foremost - as well as plastic and rubber products.
ATLANTA Bundling machine At Interpack it will be proposing a new simplified model of bundling machine, but Atlanta Srl produces packaging solutions for various sectors: food, beverages, petfood, detergents, lubricants and personal care products. Their offer includes a range of wrap-arounds capable of packing up to 50 cartons per minute, and machines that produce up to 300 heatshrink packs per minute. Their different types of bundling machines can wrap in film only, layer and film, tray and film or tray only. The film can be printed.
AXOMATIC Tube filling machines Leader in design and construction of tube filling machines, integrated with vacuum mixers and cartoning machines, this concern presents a vast range of mo-dels able to work at speeds of 1,200 to 18,000 pcs/h that are used in over 40 countries worldwide, in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, chemicals and food sectors. The offer is completed by a broad range of turboemulsioners with capacity of 2 to 3,000 litres, as well as horizontal, vertical and continuous cartoning machines. Axomatic also offers an efficient and functional post sales assistance service, with delivery of spare parts within 24 hours.
BBC Filling and capping BBC Srl (Prato, FI) will be showcasing its new LFCM model monoblock bottler, designed for the automatic filling and capping of bottles in various capacities without the need for additional equipment for format change. Speed and simplicity of job change and washing is one of its prime features, along with a particularly favourable quality/price ratio. The machine performs dosing with flow meters and handles capacities from 200 to 5,000 ml.
C&C Palletisation C&C Group Srl (Villa Calabria Cesena, FC) has developed a new system to stabilize palletised loads using stretchfilm. Patented last year, it is called “criss-cross” and has already been adopted by Total’s Belgian subsidiary.
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CAMA GROUP World Premiere Super specialized in building systems for secondary packaging, at Interpack Cama SpA will be premiering a complete packaging system for the confectionery sector, the result of joint research with SPS Italiana Packaging Systems (PFM Group). The high speed system consists of a loading island with a series of Delta robots which feeds an SPS Regola horizontal packaging machine. The flowpacks are then speed inserted in the Cama monoblock island conveyor (system patent pending), packed in cartons to proceed to final casepacking. (Read also the case history in chapter 7, Automation)
CAMPETELLA “All in one” robot Only through continuous development and improvement of its products by incorporating the customers’s needs, can a company become and remain a sector leader. This the conviction of Campetella Robotic Center, which specializes in the construction of Cartesian robots and industrial automation. To the demands for flexibility, high performance and reliability, the company has responded with a side-entry type robot: SM2 X Series. In the very years of crisis, in fact, when one would have expected a demand for low level product, Campetella has registered an increase in demand for high-end robots and, among these, the SM2, a concentration of technology and flexibility, is the most
requested. Those that have chosen to use it, such as the Franco-German industrial Fürst Group, can confirm it. Its owner, Jean Hreblay, claims to have especially appreciated the robot in production, where demands are very varied: the SM2 can in fact run the simple take-out cycle times in up to 2.5”, the pick-up side of the press can be changed from the consol, the robot works on sandwich moulds with pick-up systems weighing to 12 kg, and can be easily equipped for IML applications. The SM2 is also equipped for remote assistance: the R&D division of the Montecassiano (MC) based company has in fact completed the robot’s technological profile with diagnostics, software updates and remote programming.
CAVANNA PACKAGING GROUP Food packaging lines At Interpack the renowned Piedmontese group will be exhibiting a series of peak achievements which include a line with four vision robots, the Cavanna Zero 5 packaging machine and an EFC G41 model robot island, alongside a biscuit line with three different loaders (Tandem, SBF, MAF) and a packaging model Box Motion for frozen pizza. The group stand will also host some of the latest designs under the Synchrosys brand, including a slice processor, a dynamic buffer as well as a piece of sanitary design equipment. The picture shows a Cavanna MAF type loader.
CMI Monoblocks At Interpack CMI SpA will be launching the new rotary filling and capping monoblock model Logyka R alongside a monoblock for filling and capping PVC containers. The company, based near Novara (Oleggio), designs, manufactures and markets bottling machines, cappers, labelers and case packers, which are used in large and small companies around the world. Its offer also includes dedicated lines; the latest in order of time perform the complete packaging of oils and derivatives as well as filling of lacquers and glues (the latter with a new patented system for quick cleaning of the equipment).
CICRESPI Tracing pharma (and more) Since 1910 Cicrespi SpA has been designing, manufacturing and integrating systems for identification, traceability and the safety of products, processes and procedures, along with related services. Interpack 2011 will among other things see some of the company’s new solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, which include stamping, track& trace, DataMatrix, net weight and leaflet sealers. On show too the latest linerless labels for cartons and pallets and the company’s new standard labelers.
COMARME MARCHETTI End-of-line Comarme Marchetti F.A. SpA (Cusago, MI) will be bringing a new generation of automatic carton former and pallet wrap taping machines to the fair. With a customer list that includes major international FMCGs brands, the historic Italian packaging concern offers a wide range of semiautomatic and automatic machines, case erectors, sealers, palletizer robots and pallet wrapping machines. The company designs and manufactures integrated systems for end-of-line.
CONCETTI Bagging lines Concetti SpA will be bringing to Interpack its bag making and complete bagfilling and palletizing lines, with a specific focus on applications in the petfood field. In the photo, the fully automatic FFS Continua brand bagging system, which forms, fills and seals bags made from a roll of tubular thermoplastic.
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Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
CUSINATO GIOVANNI Bucket elevator Cusinato Giovanni Srl will be presenting its bucket elevator for the transport of brittle bulk granular products and an interesting vibrating screen model. The Padua-based company, active at international level since 1964, produces machines for the transport, storage and mixing of granular products for the food industry and in particular, excels in the design and construction of facilities for long and short pasta, flour and similar products. Cusinato operates in 30 countries worldwide with over 1,000 systems installed and is certified UNI EN ISO 9001/2002.
DELES GROUP Direct coding and marking From Group Deles comes an innovative proposal for coding pig carcasses: the theme may not appear that poignant, but is indeed strategic. It is a question of quality: quality of food and, in particular, of the ham that reaches our dinner tables. To protect consumers, the European Community has recently introduced a new directive obliging slaughterhouses to apply an indelible alphanumeric code to the skins of slaughtered pigs that, according to official parameters, identifies the lean meat content. In Italy - where attention to the quality is greater due to the presence of PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) circuits such as San Daniele and Parma Ham - associations have issued a recommendation that carcasses are coded with non toxic, indelible inks. The Deles Group has therefore decided to study an alternative coding system, developing a solution that uses a high power laser capable of ensuring superior quality marking. A result possible thanks to the reliability of the system that requires no maintenance, and the fact that no consumables are required, ensuring the availability of a machine always ready for use. Deles has submitted its laser coding solution to the sector associations, who have appreciated the benefits and recognized its validity.
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DOSA Dosing machines Dosa Srl (Pianoro, BO) will be featuring the latest version of a hi-tech high productivity machine for dosing powder in a sterile environment. The Bologna-based company, which operates worldwide, specializes in dosing solutions and devising original systems. In particular, it has developed and realized a method for packaging bottles in a sterile environment and has patented a system for conveying powdery or stodgy products from the dosing device to the container, which ensures the complete transfer of the product without noise and powder sedimentation.
E6POS Palletiser robots E6pos Srl will be bringing to the fair some of its robots for palletising bags and boxes. The company, which specializes in applied robotics, consists of several divisions that make dedicated robotic islands for specific sectors. In addition to the Metal division, which makes press serving islands of varying design, there is the Composite and plastic division (edging, trimming, sanding and finishing), the Food and Beverage division (handling and processing of packed food and beverages) and lastly, the End-of-line division dedicated to robotic end-of-line packaging.
EFFE3TI Wrapping machine Effe3Ti will be featuring a model Rotax S5300 automatic wrapping machine with rotating arm that boasts ease of use, ability to wrap pallets of any weight, total wrapping safety and reduced maintenance costs, and comes with a 3 year warranty. The S5300 series models perform 5 cycles of programmable wrapping, with motorized prestretch from 100% to 300%. Additional features: control panel on separate stand, inverter for the progressive table starting and stopping, table rotation speed and the film carriage adjustable by inverter.
EIDOS Coding on film Eidos SpA will be presenting its new Swing T2, a “multi track� universal printer for direct coding on packaging film, to be mounted on heat sealing and heatforming machines. It is a compact machine, offered at a very competitive price and therefore particularly suitable for replacing the old mechanical daters with a more flexible electronic solution. It is also contained in a shell of stainless steel and therefore ideal for industrial environments exposed to moisture, water droplets or dust and temperature changes. Swing T2 simplifies cleaning operations, can withstand harsh treatment, and is equipped with standardized electronics and touchscreen.
STUDIO FLORIO - VERSUS comunicazione
EUROBOT per le tue esigenze di pallettizzazione
MODULA HS Sistema di automazione IML
CAMPETELLA Robotic Center Srl Via del Molino, 34 • 62010 MONTECASSIANO (MC) ITALY Tel. +39 0733 290153 - Fax +39 0733 599290 •
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
ELBA GROUP Sealer for medical pouches Elba Group has created the new SAM sealer for the production of a wide range of medical pouches. The machine is available in two versions: • CH for the production of Chevron, peelable and self sealing pouches, flat rolls with or without gussets (1). • HB for the production of Header bags, three side seal pouches and specialty bags (2). The SAM sealers can run with LDPE, HDPE, aluminium
foil, medical paper, Tyvek and combined materials, giving customers a wide range of production alternatives. Thanks to its modular design, the sealer also be customized to suit different production needs. Stations and devices can be added at a later date, enabling updating to the changing demands of the market. Lastly, a mention of the sophisticated software that controls all parts of the machine, offering an excellent quality control and full pouch endorsement report.
ESSEGI 2 Packaging lines Essegi 2 develops and creates weighing, packing, handling and automation systems and lines for a wide range of different products. The company's choice of packing machines covers a vast range of weights and formats, from just a few grams to 50 kg. The field of action is indeed great, thanks to a broad range of machines that can handle all shapes and products. The company product range also includes several metering systems and various feed systems to complete packing lines. ETIPACK Full pharma traceability To respond to requests for traceability of pharmaceuticals, Etipack, based at Cinisello Balsamo (MI), proposes PharmaTrace, a solution that enables the traceability pharmaceutical products via encoding, labeling and checks carried out on the same. PharmaTrace is compact (600 mm of machine that easily fits into tight spaces) and ergonomic (it is easily inspected and can work on all types of pack without any problems). Built according to GAM regulations, it can also label packs with optical die (optional). Via camera the vision system checks the inkjet printed data matrix code and inserts it into database enabling the pharmaceutical product to be traced at all distribution stages. PharmaTrace can control both label presence and carton code as well as the correct positioning of the same, a message is flashed up on display when non suitable products are detected and disposed of. Workspeed is up to 400 cases overprinted, labeled and checked a minute.
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GAMMA PACK Cartoning machines Gamma Pack has built up a cutting-edge know how that allows them to tackle the different problems posed by a market that is increasingly demanding personalised systems. This concern provides continuous or alternate movement, vertical cartoning machines for packaging powder, granular and portioned products in cardboard cases; horizontal cartoning machines for inserting all types of products into cardboard cases and for packaging long pasta.
GANDUS SALDATRICI Packaging machine for preformed bags A family company spanning three generations, Gandus Saldatrici Ltd is today structured as a group with Bustaplast Flexible Packaging and Gandus La Velox, to offer all types of packaging solutions: from packaging machines to flexible materials, including all that is needed for gift wrapping. The core of their offer includes more than 100 versions of manual, semiautomatic and automatic machines, and is supported by a lean, dynamic and responsive structure. At Interpack, the spotlight will be on the rotary GA 160 R packaging machine for preformed Doypack® or stand-up bags.
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
GB GNUDI BRUNO Packaging according to… CAM will be taking part at Interpack with a large exhibition space, divided into theme areas. In addition to machines representative of CAM’s output (marketed in Italy by GB Gnudi Bruno SpA, present at the fair with their own staff) some important previews will take place. • The 5000.360 strip packager, with an eight channel feed system, produced by Siebler Göring, the latest prestigious CAM purchase with a view to completing its product range; • The new LL filler, operating at higher production speeds with the ability to use up to 10 volumetric dosing units, with tri-clamps to enable a quick disassembly without tools, CIP, and more; • The RVP wrapping machine with new patented system for the transport of wrapping material that ensures accuracy and repeatability of film positioning, even at high speeds (150-200 bags/1 ‘). Other new features involve cartoning, with the restyling of the continuous HV cartoner, further improved in accessibility and ergonomics, the end-of-line with case packing monoblock and compact mod. SPZ palletisation and Track&Trace module mod. And lastly the AZ400 carton labeler with print and control of codes and control of flap closure.
GIUSEPPE DESIRÒ Disk inserter The Florentine company Giuseppe Desirò Srl will be presenting a disk inserting machine, that starts from a disk cut from spool mounted multi-format multi-material, enabling the gluing of the same inside various plastic capsules. The quality finish and the completely automatic management of the process place this machine at the top of its line, with many possibilities for expansion and customization for a very demanding clientele. The production rate reaches two hundred pieces per minute.
IMA GROUP 50 years of growth At Interpack the IMA Group will exhibit new machines and complete lines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, tea, coffee and food in hall 16, stand D13 - D15. In Hall 17 - Stand A20 and in Hall 1 - Stand F10, you will see some new solutions from the newly acquired companies IMA Tea & Coffee Division will present for the first time the new C2002, the fastest and most flexible double chamber tea bag machine with the highest efficiency rating available today (up to 600 enveloped bags/minute). Also on show for the first time, the new C28 for the production of a high quality ecological double chamber teabag at a reduced speed (180 bags or envelopes/minute). IMA Active Division will exhibit new solutions for the process and production of solid dose products: the Adapta capsule filling machine, the Synthesis 500 2G tablet press, the S250 Smart tablet press,
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GERHARD SCHUBERT Automatic tool change The flexibility of Transmodul, the automatic tool change, the integrated palletizer and the company’s MES. These the main reasons for visiting the stand set up by Gerhard Schubert GmbH at Interpack. The German company has developed the first TLM (Top-Loading-Machine) packer in the world, capable of automatically replacing the tool in terms of the type of product being processed, meaning the machine is automatically made ready for the successive series of products billed in the following job orders. Result: whether it’s chocolate eggs or yogurt cartons, the repreparation time is 4.5 minutes. Another new feature is the installation of the TLM packing machine for RSC cases, which has been integrated with a TLM-P4 palletizer with the objective of reducing costs and increasing system efficiency. The latest and most evolved edition of Schubert MES (Manufacturing Execution System) control system has been installed on all machines to increase overall system efficiency.
GRANDI R. Packing from A to Z Bologna based Grandi R. Srl sports some major changes, among which a continuous cartoner for medium/large formats, a high-speed labeling machine for irregular shaped boxes and a robotic system for packaging frozen products.
Corazza, RC and Stephan, which operate mainly in the food packaging sector. The fair will also be the opportunity to present the Group’s new organisational structure featuring two leading business areas in the main sectors: IMA Industries (machines for the packaging of tea, coffee and food) and IMA Pharma (machines for the processing and packaging of pharmaceutical products).
the Styl’one R&D press, the Perfima 200 perforated pan, the Roto Cube Lab 12 high shear mixer granulator and single-pot processor and the Spine automatic inspection and sorting system for tablets and capsules produced by Sensum. IMA Life will exhibit a complete aseptic processing line for vials composed by the VEGA 8 rotary vial washing machine, the Blue Galaxy 870 Fls de-pyrogenating tunnel, the Xtrema F2000 aseptic filling and stoppering machine, the ALU 400/8C capper, the Hydra 300 external vial washer and the Clu-LF12 automatic loading/unloading system. The line is completely equipped with the new generation of isolators from IMA Life. It will also exhibit the new Sensitive AP400 TE 3T labelling machine for cartons with positive transport system and a Minifast small scale freeze dryer.
One of the latest innovations on show from IMA Safe Division is the C80HS-A96, an integrated blister line (700 blisters/minute and 450-500 cartons/minute). IMA BFB Division will exhibit the MS280BAN servodriven stretch-bander and the new WA 30 wraparound case packer. GIMA will exhibit three innovative solutions: the FCW600 cartoner, the FTO513 Fin Seal overwrapper, filling and sealing machine and the 595-596 coffee capsule filling machine.
ISHIDA EUROPE Double is better The removal of any contaminants before the production process facilitates the final inspection of packaged products. Ishida has developed the IX-GA-4075 system for X-ray inspection which combines the two options, adopted by the highquality gingerbread manufacturer Wolff (German company of the Lambertz group) with encouraging results. The company has in fact been able to improve production efficiency while increasing the quality of its products. The new system enables identification of contaminating particles (pieces of shell or stone) that precedingly often
caused damage to the grinding equipment. The raw materials are unloaded from bags or cartons on a conveyor belt that moves the material in the Ishida X-ray inspection system, that automatically removes all detected contaminants. The belt travels at a speed of 30 m/s and the system can monitor and decontaminate about 2 tons of material per hour. The second inspection system is placed at the end of the line, and has been calibrated and adjusted to the level of complexity of the Oblaten gingerbread: not only is the product obtained from oil seeds, spices and candied orange peel, sugar, flour, syrup and powdered eggs, but the packs of 200 g containing 7 overlaid pieces arranged on trays wrapped in transparent plastic film. Despite the evident complexity of elements, the Ishida X-ray inspection system examines the thickness of each piece.
ITALPACK Packaging machine Pack 50/10 is the new high-capacity packaging machine from Italpack Srl. Its main features are its great flexibility in creating packs of many different dimensions with different capacities, its productivity, high degree of automation, robustness (in accordance with the requirements of international markets) and pronounced userfriendliness and low maintenance. Lastly, Pack 50/10 is in strict accordance with safety standards.
Machines and equipment for packaging KARR ITALIANA Anti-wear treatment Precisely dosing and filling liquid, dense and paste products, guaranteeing quality and constancy in results. This is the calling card of Karr Italiana Srl, of Assago (MI), which designs and builds machines and units for volumetric dosing and filling that stand out for their compactness, versatility, precision and reliability in dosing. Karr, which has always dedicated particular attention to detail and develops innovative solutions in order to meet market requirements, has recently introduced a new line of dosers, whose parts have undergone a
special treatment to increase their durability and resistance to aggressive agents. The new line, which joins the concern’s tested range of completely stainless steel and stainless steel/aluminium dosers, was designed for use in the food sector but can also be used in all sectors where aggressive products and substances are used (both in dosing and in cleaning and sanitizing machinery).
KRONES AG A labeller that copes with all dress variants The Krones DecoBloc system offers the ideal response to all labeling demands, whether hot or cold glue, pressure sensitive or shrink and stretch sleeve. With the DecoBloc it will in future be possible to create a monobloc configuration synchronising a modularised labeller featuring a Sleevematic carousel, a Shrinkmat tunnel and a Linadry unit for predrying the containers. Clients can then use this monobloc to run all the labelling processes in common use, thus enjoying
enhanced flexibility. Whether it’s cold-glue, pressure-sensitive, hotmelt or also shrink and stretch sleeves - with the Krones DecoBloc, all these labeling processes can be speedily performed. The docking stations feature motorised height adjustment, so that irrespective of the floor level involved the labelling stations can be swiftly prepared for a product change-over at the touch of a button. Different machine sizes offer outputs of up to 72,000 containers an hour. Servomotors are used to ensure maximally accurate dress positioning. For sleeving applications, moreover, there is a choice between shrink-sleeve labels with Pack concept of the future At Interpack Krones AG will be premiering a downstream Shrinkmat tunnel an entirely new packaging design in response to ongoing market trends for PET container secondary packaging: eco-compatibility plus resource or stretch-sleeve labelling. There and energy savings. Users achieve substantial cost savings compared is also an option for camerato shrink-film. When it comes to deciding on secondary packaging for based alignment of the PET containers, the normal choice is a shrink-pack, which currently containers on an embossed accounts for more than 30% of the total market, and the figure is still rising. However, producing the shrink-film requires fossil raw materials. marking or a container contour, During the shrink-on process inside the shrink tunnel, too, energy thus ensuring that the labels or consumption is relatively high. This is why the R&D people at Krones sleeves are optimally positioned aimed to create a resource-economical alternative to film-shrinkwrapped packs - a complete pack system including both the packaging in relation to the bottle. So that’s as such and the associated machinery. The system on show at well-nigh full-coverage Interpack 2011 could prove to be the pack concept of the future. functionality.
LABELPACK Print&apply and more First time at Interpack for Labelpack Srl with a wide range of new features. At their stand a preview of the new series of print&apply systems completely redesigned also in terms of the technical solutions used. Labelpack will also be showcasing the next generation of electronic controls with touchscreen operator terminal, integrated on all machines produced by the company, starting from the Labelx automatic labeling and Modular labeling series. A Modular series cosmetic bottle front and back labeling version will also be presented.
LANCIA PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY Low cost palletizer Lancia Packaging Technology boasts considerable experience in the packaging and palletizing sector, where special attention is paid to the overall dimensions of its machinery and cycle speeds, not to mention machine flexibility and installation speed. The Fiorano Modenese (MO) based company proposes BS10 MAN-LC, a low cost palletizer supplied with a 3 year warranty. It’s the latest addition to Lancia’s range of palletizers, which for years have been tested and appreciated for their high level components. It joins the “traditional” line, ensuring excellent quality standards, but with low costs. Characterized by a welded steel lifter structure, it uses linear guides with ball bearing slides. Indeed, after the numerous requests and in reply to specific needs expressed by customers, Lancia thought to create BS10 MAN-LC as a low cost product that ensures high technology levels, demonstrating flexibility and efficiency.
MF TECNO Bagging and palletizing At Interpack MF Tecno Srl of Bastia Umbra (PG) will be presenting its new automatic IABA 300 bagging machine and the Compact palletizing robot, both characterized by a particularly good price/hi-tech content ratio. The company, which manufactures all phases of project and production inhouse, offers conveying lines for bulk material handling, gross or net weight checkweighers and semi-automatic bagging machines for open mouth bags of various sizes, sack closure systems, big bag filling systems, thrust and robotised palletisers.
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M.A.R. Filling and closing At Interpack M.A.R. Srl will be presenting a new high-tech piece for filling and sealing ophthalmic vials, with a production capacity of up to 60 bottles a minute, and a full line for treating syringes in nest formation, composed of delidder and filler/capper, with a capacity of 9000 syringes an hour.
MARCHESINI Packaging pharma Marchesini Group SpA will be presenting six of the most innovative lines of its portfolio at Interpack. For the packaging solid products, spotlight on the flexible Fast MB460, the fastest line produced by the group, and on Integra200, its “prompt delivery” integrated blister line, readily purchasable/available for a just-in-time solution for any production need. Also for liquids Marchesini offers several solutions which include a complete line for packaging pre-filled syringes, one for the sterile packaging of bottles and “Unica”, a special robotic integrated line for syringes. Unica will feature the demonstration of “Romeo”, the wireless controller directly developed by the Emilia based group to simplify and streamline format changeover and line control.
MARIANI Wrap-around Mariani Sas offers its new series of IMW332 wrap-around casepackers to pack rigid containers of food and liquid food products intended for display in retail stores in SRP or Shelf Ready Packaging. The SRP pack created by these machines consists of a tray with an “inverted U” lid, that can be easily removed during restocking of the shelves. Evident the advantages for retail in economic terms because of considerable savings in time and costs, and in environmental terms thanks to the ecological virtues of this pack.
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
MARKEM-IMAJE Markers The new MarkemImaje inkjet marker 9232 and the heat transfer SmartDate X40 will be premiered at Düsseldorf. The 9232 is the flagship of the 9000 Series and prints expiration dates, logos, alphanumeric wording and 1D and 2D bar codes for the agrifood, beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, cables and extrusion sectors. SmartDate X40 enables an optimal and “transparent” management of all print operations, improving cost control, reducing the environmental impact and ensuring better print results on the production lines.
MESPIC Casepacker Mespic Srl has developed a system for extracompact boxing of doybags, called All-In-One, complete with race track and double vertical carbon fiber axes. The system is able to form display-boxes from flat cardboard dies, place the doybag inside the box and close the box with hot glue.
MG2 Doser for pharma MG2 Srl brings to Interpack its two absolute new features for 2011: the MultiFLEXA 250 doser for medicinal products in hard gelatine capsules, characterized by an ultra high hourly output (250,000 cps/h) and proposed as the most technologically advanced machine on the market. MultiFLEXA 250 ensures quality and safety of the pharmaceutical product, respects the environment and protects the health of employees. Also on show the new modular GRP palletizer/depalletizer with anthropomorphic robot.
MULTIPHARMA Pharma machines “Fit technology” is the motto of Multipharma Srl, Florentine company that produces manual, semiautomatic and automatic machines as well as dosing and packaging lines for pharmaceutical, herbal and cosmetic products, plus equipment for producing capsules, checkweighers, turboemulsifiers and related items. Its product portfolio comprises machines for the pharmaceutical industry, laboratories, and R&D galenic pharmacy, with a high level of customization. At Interpack the company will be presenting the new 2011 versions of its “high-end” models for packaging powders, liquids and solids for small and medium-sized production runs and R&D workshops.
NEMESIS Select, weigh, check - Nemesis Srl (Modena) presents its range of high speed HSC350 checkweighers, dynamic weight pricers and new quality control systems with end-of-line metal detector and integrated vision system. In addition to dosing, weighing and labeling systems, the Emilia based company manufactures semi-standard modular devices for process control (freely configurable), development software and integrated solutions, control panels, wiring on the machine and plant engineering.
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NIMA ERRE.TI PACKAGING Linear compact tube filler Operating as a multiservice company for the cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food industries, Nima Erre.ti has designed the MTL tube packer: a linear machine, accessible from all sides and thus easy to control for the operator, with following distinguishing features: output from 3,000 to 30,000 items/h with virtually the same footprint, 10-60 mm tube diameter and 50-250 mm height, stainless steel structure, a very compact size for its productivity level, an innovative tube feeding system, line translation of the tubes, particularly easy maintenance, electronic controls, electronic changeover, switchingover from aluminium tubes to polythene tubes without the need to change the head, ideal for installation in clean rooms. Nima Erre.Ti Packaging also provides the Clean System plant, developed to eliminate loose powder from tablets, and the “Rally” labeling head..
E6POS S.R.L. Via Carlo Signaroli 69 - Borgosatollo (BS) Tel +39.030.2501758 -
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
OCME Virtual and virtuous Ocme Srl brings to the show its full range of industrial filling, packaging, palletizing and handling systems. The renowned Parma based company, a prime player internationally, will be showing videos and simulations at its stand to illustrate its machines and lines that find applications in various sectors. Interpack will also feature the company’s presentation of the Research Laboratory, comprising a pool of companies, the University of Parma and Regione Emilia Romagna, all committed to sharing expertise and resources to reinvent the way to pack and handle fast moving consumer goods. The initial problem: improve the process of distribution of vegetable oils where normally - the packaging and storage of the finished product is located close to cultivation (North Africa, South Europe, Asia and South America), but far from the places where the product is consumed, generating inefficiencies in the distribution chain.
OMAG Packaging machines Omag Srl will be displaying a number of packaging machines including a vertical model 14 lane CS/14, in pharmaceutical version, with auger fillers and a special patented stack-packer that enables the packaging of powders in bags sealed on three sides. The show will also features a 6 lane vertical machine, also for pharma, and auger fillers for packing in bags sealed on four sides, another two vertical machines, respectively two-and five lane, with various types of equipment, and a one-lane horizontal machine.
OMAS TECNOSISTEMI Dosing and filling The Cerro Maggiore (MI) based company designs and manufactures automatic machines for filling and sealing bottles, vials or jars with liquid or dense (hot and cold) products, powders and granules from the pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic and food industries. Omas also makes blowers for bottles, automatic traying machines and accumulation phasers, as well as a full range of semi automatic bench dosers for liquid, dense and powdery products, to be installed on filling, bagging, heatforming and packaging machines.
OPEM Packaging equipment At Interpack Opem SpA will be presenting its new CR16P Pegaso 16 lane facilities, which produces coffee capsules at a speed of 800 pieces/min. Also on show the latest version of the Arabella model packaging machine, for filling powdery and granular materials in vacuum bags.
ORVED Packaging machines Orved SpA will be focussing attention on the vacuum/gas OPM 1.5 automatic tray packer, on its VGP - also vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging in trays - and on the Cuisson SV 31 for vacuum packaging only. Regarding the OPM 1.5: it is an automatic machine using the latest technology to guarantee reliability and simplicity, also in the cleaning and maintenance phases. It is small in size and has a vacuum pump placed inside and two stations for the loading of trays no larger than 1/2 Gastronorms. Additional features: simple format change, management of functions by PLC with touchscreen controls; storage of 20 work programs; reading of the final vacuum and gas level. It can operate in several modes and can be connected up to various accessories for the packaging of any type of food or other product.
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PRB Present on the market for over thirty years with innovative and compact solutions for end-of-line packaging (wrapping, case packing and palletizing), PRB Srl entered the new decade bolstered by the recent agreement with TMC, globalized leader in end-of-line packaging for the tissue and personal care products markets.The Castel Guelfo (BO) based company specialises in product innovation and devising integrated, intelligent systems that enable the creation (along with its customers) of complete, efficient, effective, state-ofthe art product platforms. PRB can also rely on an extensive and extremely reliable “in the field” customer support system, with a recently revamped and extended preand post sales service organization of proven effectiveness, an offer that draws on the company’s tried and tested experience and the concrete synergies with TMC. Objective: be leader and partner in its chosen area. At Interpack: hall 16, stand A39.
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
PACKLAB Labeling machines Packlab Srl is specialized in manufacturing linear self-adhesive labeling machines and can provide a full range of machines for both cylindrical and shaped containers. In recent years the company, which enjoys a steady growth trend, has created machines for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries for various Italian and foreign users, ensuring optimum quality of application on small containers and shapes. Packlab’s product offer is presented in full on the company website, including models designed to meet virtually any demand, covering the various user sectors.
PAGLIERANI Bagpackers The Paglierani group has been operating since 1926 in the manufacture and supply of complete weighing, bagging, transportation, automatic palletising and wrapping systems. At Interpack 2011 the company will be displaying a model Ort/1200 packaging machine for bags from tubular roll, which operates at a speed of 1,200 pcs/h and a Combi FS 368 packaging machine for 5 to 50 kg open mouth bags, with an output between 800 and 1000 pcs/h.
PAVAN GROUP Three in one Stiavelli will be presenting a high speed packaging system, specifically designed for snacks, consisting of a 20 head weigher combined with a continuous vertical packaging machine. In turn Nuova Dizma will be showing the new horizontal Synchroflow packaging machine, that is not only for food products, for the process division of the group. Pavan will be showing a stainless steel press for the production of short or long fresh pasta. Designed for industrial use, it is made in order to meet basic needs such as easy cleaning, maximum (and constant) product quality, high production yields and quick and easy maintenance.
RECORD Automatic line for chocolate bars and snacks Record (Garbagnate, LC) has created a number of systems to package chocolate bars with the aim of hermetically sealing the products in protective atmosphere (P.A.P) to achieving high productivity. The system with the appropriate applications can pack the product single or multiple, and consists of two Flowpockets (1), a Flowcard (2) and a Jaguar Classic MD Long seal (3). The whole system is provided with a specific set of
accessories to control the various stages of packaging and minimize line stoppages. In particular: Flowpocket are provided with bars position control system; Flowcard are equipped with double reel mounting for easy card exchange; Jaguar Classic MD Long Seal are completed with cooling system of deck plates, automatic film reel splicer, gas injection system, continuous residual oxygen analyzer, quality control on discharge. The whole line is provided with specifically designed safety guards.
700 CHOCOLATE BARS/SNACKS PER MINUTE IN MULTIPACK: HOW THE RECORD’S SYSTEMS WORKS 1 - The Flowpockets receive the products in a consistent flow, products are then taken from the linking conveyor belts and loaded into two Flowpockets. Each Flowpocket is capable of handling up to 350 bars per minute. 2 - The Flowcard phases the card base - after inserting underneath the bars loaded by the Flowpockets - into the infeed conveyor. The card taken directly from a reel is cut to a pre-established length. 3 - The Jaguar Classic MD Long Seal flowpack machine receives the products in 2 longitudinal lines by 5 bars on a card base and packages them in a barrier film at speeds of up to 70 packages per minute.
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Machines and equipment for packaging ROBATECH Green gluing For more than 30 years, Robatech’s image on the market has been accompanied by a “green” logo. It is therefore no accident that the new Concept Greenline series of hotmelt melters shows how the multinational cares about the environment. Combining the new melters with 6 mm diameter tubes and completely insulated Diamond guns, the concern manages to save 17% in energy. In order to attain this, Robatech (Italian headquarters at Cesena, FC) carried out painstaking workshop analyses to locate the areas of greater thermal dispersion, to thus be able to insulate them adequately. Every detail, from the applicator to the tubes up to the distribution heads, has been carefully analysed in terms of energy consumption and dispersion. This has enabled intervention achieving considerable energy saving. The first step was the design of the completely insulated Diamond pistols that enable consumption to be reduced by up to 60% compared to the preceding models. Robatech consequently created a series of particularly efficient smaller diameter tubes. And lastly they directly intervened on the applicator glue process, devising a special insulation for the tank, the distributor and the entire covering. As well as having attained savings of 17% against traditional systems, the improved insulation guarantees a greater protection of personnel (minimal risk of burns). For more than a year now, all Concept series systems, from 5 to 8 litre capacity, have been exclusively supplied in the new Greenline version - this without additional costs. And the entire range, also including greater capacity applicators, will shortly be equipped with this special insulation.
SACMI FILLING Aseptic thermoforming machine At Interpack Sacmi Filling SpA will be presenting a new version of the FFS thermoforming machine for mini portions of milk, in a completely aseptic version. The productivity of the machine is 36,000 containers/h.
SACMI Sole provider for beverage Sacmi will present the very latest integrated solutions for blowing, filling and labeling. Individualmachine excellence is combined with skilled “engineering” of product and plant, thus ensuring an efficient, high performance flow all the way from raw materials to product storage. The individual machines are inserted within an overall “bottle analysis and optimisation” strategy, allowing Sacmi to give beverage firms a “sole provider” service. That means both product design and plant layout (in which pride of place goes to the patented labellers of the RFST series): Roll Fed Sleeve Technology is, in fact, a system that allows the label to be sealed directly
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RONCHI MARIO Filling and capping Ronchi Mario SpA (Gessate, MI) will be exhibiting the filling and capping monobloc Exacta/R 32/12, equipped with magnetic inductive flowmeters and capable of dosing liquids of any
viscosity grade for the cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry, in bottles of various shapes and sizes. Exacta fillers can also be fitted with mass type flowmeters. The line exhibited at the fair has a capping turret with 12 stations servocontrolled by brushless motors and a cap distributor with simplified format change and operator panel settings, as well as a caps chute with centralized side rail adjustment. The filler washdown operations (CIP and SIP) are extremely fast and proceed automatically with a simple command from the operator panel. Here too the format exchange is extremely simple and fast with a rapid disassembly of components without use of tools.
on the bottle from a roll of film, enhancing efficiency and providing significant energy savings. • Then there are Sacmi’s filling machines, featuring exclusive patented SOLO-MAS technology that allows the dozens of filler valves to be managed via a single flow meter controlling a master valve. • Double cavity, double speed: this, then, is the distinguishing feature of the SBF blowers: an acronym for Stretch Blow Forming, Sacmideveloped SBF technology allows two bottles (of 1 litre or less) to be produced at a time, with proportional productivity gains. A turnkey package like the one that Sacmi will display at the Düsseldorf fair on stand 8AE03 (a good 900 m2, in Hall 8A), comes complete with finished product control and
handling systems, from palletizers with laser-guided vehicles (LGV) that allow fully automated line management to warehousing solutions. • Sacmi leads the way in cap production technology with the CCM (Continuous Compression Moulding) series. The latest technological gem, to be exhibited at Interpack together with the other solutions, is called the CCM48SB. It has been optimised through lean technology, thanks to which the already excellent performance of the previous CCM series has been boosted considerably; this latest model also improves energyconsuming performance, which is as much an achievement as the cap production cycle times of less than 2 seconds.
PMT. 100
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Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
SARONG Dosing machines Sarong SpA raises the bar of Italian engineering design by presenting its innovative and reliable custom-built dosing machines that it has been designing for almost 40 years. The Emilia Romagna (Reggiolo RE) based concern was established to serve the pharmaceutical sector, for which it devises materials and machines of various conception for products of all formulations. Over time it has extended its know-how gained in this field to the food, cosmetic, personal care and detergent sectors, for which it provides horizontal and vertical thermoforming machines, packaging materials and services.
SCALIGERA PACKAGING Not just sleeves The Verona based Scaligera Packaging Srl (headquartered at Caldiero) will be bringing the best of its output and skills to Interpack, borne witness to by more than 300 systems built for the leading companies in their respective sectors of activity. A broad offer, comprising groups of machines and lines for sleeve application and steam or air shrink tunnels with the relative optionals, plus a monblock casepacker for RSC cases, and layer palletizers.
SCHIB PACKAGING Flowpack Schib Packaging SpA will be presenting a new high-speed flowpacker that can pack up to 2000 candies per minute; an automatic flowpacker for packaging small solid products, complete with multi-sheet alignment and phasing; an electronic flowpacker in stainless steel for largescale products, with web width of up to 1200 mm, ideal for the dairy and meat industry.
SENZANI BREVETTI Casepacker The new Senzani Brevetti SpA WA 12 is a modular casepacker that can handle different types of packaging: wrap around, RSC case, trays and tray and lid items. This is a “modular” machine, which thanks to its design in individual modules - enables customised installation to achieve the highest degree of efficiency. The WA12 enables the manufacture of different packaging solutions: cases, doypacks, bags and trays; it is also adjustable, enabling a quick switching from one format to another.
SIDEL GROUP Training Lab On Janury 2011 Sidel inaugurated a new training lab at its Parma site, dedicated to the manufacture of fillers and end-of-lines for liquid foods. Thanks to new spaces with high-tech equipment, Sidel is enhancing its classroom and hands-on training services for customers and Group experts, on its range of standard or aseptic fillers, all the way through to end-ofline equipment. The Parma site is already home to one of the Sidel Group’s main training centers, along with Octeville (France), Atlanta (USA), Beijing (China), Mexico (Mexico), Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Kuala Lumpur* (Malaysia) and welcomes
customers from around the world every day. Nearly 200 training sessions are taught each year by multilingual expert trainers, with more than 1,000 customerstrainees trained yearly within the training center of Parma. Until now the Parma site has been equipped with classrooms aimed mainly at theoretical learning, including a “virtual reality” room using innovative technologies that allow trainees to interact with projected models. Now the site has invested to expand its training center, with the aim of helping customers acquire hands-on knowledge by letting them deal with real situations on machines and sub-assemblies.
SOCIETÀ BASE COOP. Packaging machines The Solaro (MI) based company offers both new and second hand packaging machines. At Interpack it will be showing a line for the packaging of chewing gum.
STERILINE Machines for Pharma Steriline Srl (Como) has won a reputation internationally as a manufacturer of machines and automatic equipment for the pharmaceutical industry. At Interpack the company will be offering a compact laboratory for filling vials, a machine for washing the exterior walls of the vials and an insulator for sterility testing.
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Flexible and innovative ÁRZ SDFNDJLQJ solutions
0 1 1 7/E21 2 K PAC AND E1 R E I N T 3 - ST L HAL DIZMA - PAVAN GROUP PACKAGING DIVISION Via Monte Grappa, 8 - 35015 Galliera Veneta (PD) - Italia Tel. +39 049 9423.173 - Fax +39 049 9423.239 - E-mail: Web:
Machines and equipment for packaging TEAMAC Tea packaging machines Teamac Srl (Budrio, BO) is part of Marchesini Group. At the joint stand the company will be exhibiting an automatic model MD20 Plus for packaging tea and herbal infusions in double chamber filter bags, sewn with thread and label, with no staples. The MD20 can work plain or various types of heatsealed bags, and comes with an automatic counted and stacked bag cartoning system.
TECNO PACK Flowpacking The Schio (VI) based company has for more than 25 years been designing, manufacturing and marketing horizontal packaging machines as well as automatic packaging systems. The systems are all electronically controlled, sturdy and simple to operate.
TECNOTREND AUTOMAZIONE Metering liquids The Pianoro (BO) based company will be presenting the new FL403 liquid dosing machine, which can reach speeds of 24,000 bottles/h. Thanks to a patented system of composed movement transportation, the machine combines flexibility (which can only be provided by intermittent motion) with speed (typical of continuous movement).
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TGM TECNOMACHINES Tubefilling & cartoning line TGM Tecnomachines Srl (Urgnano, BG) will be showing a tubefilling and cartoning line, consisting of the model B620 tubefilling and Box100 model cartoning machine.
THERMO SCIENTIFIC How to combine a marking and vision system with weight control, optimizing online space? Thermo Scientific has come up with an integrated solution that provides all the functions in one machine. While considering that the pharmaceutical industry is enjoying an intense and constant development, it must also deal with complex issues, primarily related to quality and product safety, and not least counterfeiting. Pharmaceutical companies are hence called upon to adopt advanced tools - what is more already available - to ensure the originality of medicines, in view ro satisfying consumers. Track&trace naturally falls within this area, since each pharmaceutical pack (ideally each unit dispensed) can be identified with a unique code used to trace its origin from the factory up to prescription. Already the rule of law in many countries, the principle is finding widespread application and makes use of the GS1 code as a standard of global and unambiguous identification. Thermo Scientific (at Parma, Thermo Ramsey Italy Srl), specialized in the production of checkweighers, metal detectors and X-ray inspection systems for
Digest 2011
packed products), has certainly not allowed itself be caught unprepared, and to solve these issues, has created an integrated solution. Each pack has a DataMatrix (2D), a high information content code (including product name, serial number, expiry date, batch, etc.) printed on it. The 600 dpi is performed by a special printer at a speed of 400 packs/min. Subsequently, the code is read by a camera that compares it with the batch number in the database. The code can then be traced at the bundling, case packing and palletizing stage. All data is collected in an SQL database and reports can be made available for official inspection. The optimum position for the printer, that must enter the code on the packing case, is on the cartoning machine, but if this is not possible, we recommend that the printing takes place immediately after cartoning, where checkweighing is normally carried out. A combined station - The strength of the Thermo Scientific proposal is not to provide isolated
track&trace stations, but a machine with a single combined marking, verification and checkweighing station. This will avoid changes to existing lines, offering advantages in terms of space and cost. In order to ensure precise positioning of the box for printing a special belt is provided. The weight control system made by Thermo Scientific (models Versa GP or Versa Rx Pharma models, see photo) can normally be used in pharmaceutical applications. These machines are fast and accurate, available in track&trace version integrating the printing and product viewing units of different manufacturers, and also by grouping the controls of different devices into a single control panel.
Choice with character.
® since 1978 technology that leaves a mark
Z a n a s i S . r. l . + 3 9 0 5 3 6 9 9 9 7 1 1 – Z a n a s i U S A + 1 7 6 3 5 9 3 1 9 0 7 – Z a n a s i ( G u a n g z h o u ) C o . L t d + 8 6 2 0 6 1 9 6 2 0 0 1
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
TIESSE ROBOT Robots & Robots has been operating in robotic automation industry since 1976. it has been business partners of Kawaskaki since 1992, for which, to date, it has delivered over 5000 robots and robotised islands worldwide. Operating from its Visano headquarters (18,000 sqm) the company develops solutions designed to meet the challenges of each customer who get guaranteed support from first contact right through to having the system fully operational. Company policy features a strong expansion abroad. Tiesse is directly present with subsidiaries in Brazil, Germany and the Czech Republic. UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 registered, it has also been recognized as a “research laboratory” entered on the Roll of the Italian Ministry of Industry.
TNA Checkweigh and package TNA has renewed its product range by improving the performance of both its tna Roflo® distribution and conveying systems and its of robag® 3c packaging machine and multi-head checkweighers. Here are the latest developments. • Intelli-flav® 3, which is to expand Tna’s intelli-flav® portfolio, represents a significant breakthrough in OMS (on machine seasoning) technology. In fact it has a dynamic weighing system that controls the flow of the seasoning powder in the drum and improves the dispersion of the aroma. This is achieved by incorporating a weighing vibration control system with a closed circuit load cell apparatus. It can be connected up to tna conveyors to provide an intelli-flav® 3 integrated processing system, (see photo) and can be used for both wet and dry seasoning. • The roflo® VM 3 electromagnetic vibrating conveyor prevents any buildup of free flowing products, minimizing waste and maximizing production efficiency. It can be combined with the horizontal roflo® HM 3 tna conveyor, a system that allows the operator to rapidly control speed and handling of the product. • TNA is also able to improve the performance of FFS packaging machine robag® 3c while reducing energy consumption. Integrated with other packaging systems, such as multi-head weigher, it reaches a speed of 250 bags/min. It can work with different packaging sizes and formats and for various applications such as snacks and powders.
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TOP CONTROL Data acquisition and centralized control Alto Adige/Südtirol, which each year registers a harvest of over one million tons of quality apples, is the leading European area for apple cultivation. Taking into account the special needs of this market, TopControl Srl has specially developed a software package for data acquisition and centralized control of the production process for the Lanafruit Cooperative. The software documents the traceability of apples, speeds order processing, guarantees more efficient and more transparent work processes, thus helping to reduce time and costs. Thanks to of TopControl’s Fruitmanager software, which is combined with state-of- the-art hardware and electronic components, each apple production phase in the Lanafruit cooperative can be followed and
documented. The data from the individual production lines (selection, palletizing, packaging, labeling) is in fact made to converge into a single database, which collects information throughout the production process by storing the data. Order management is thus faster and error free, key factors for the growth of Lanafruit, which still has to handle some 52,000 tonnes of apples per year. A reminder that TopControl (Terlano, BZ) offers complete and tailored product traceability solutions, in particular for the food industry, and currently has 60 installations in five European countries to its credit.
TURELLO Mix, fill, wrap Set up in 1975 as a manufacturer of machinery for the sealant industry, Turello has since specialized in the manufacture of machinery for other industries (inks, lubricants, food and pharmaceuticals). The Coseano (UD) based company, also known for the production of automatic bag filling-closing machines and casepackers for cartridges and bags, at the fair will be displaying an automatic cartridge filling-closing machine. The mod. ARCC1 reaches a speed of 55 cartridges per minute, and is equipped with automatic volumetric adjusting filling station and linear motor with electronic functions run via PLC.
UNIFILL Single-dose containers Unifill Srl (Villafranca di Medolla, MO) will be presenting its high productivity TF-02/EP machine, capable of creating single-dose containers, according to the different applications, soft and hard materials.
Behind the strength of numbers that reflect IMA’s 50 years of uninterrupted growth. Behind the recognised values of excellence that guide everything we do. Behind the ability to take advantage of the opportunities that lie hidden within our future challenges. Behind all of this stands the real wealth of IMA, a wealth that is irreplaceable: its people. Those who, step by step, have together helped to achieve success in 70 countries around the world, reaching the highest possible quality standards thanks to the passion that drives our business: increasing the value provided to our customers.
That is why we are IMA.
INTERPACK 2011 Messe Düsseldorf, Germany • May 12-18, 2011 Visit us at Hall 16 • Stands D13 - D15 Hall 17 • Stand A20
Machines and equipment for packaging Machines for primary and secondary packaging Machines for transport packaging Labeling, coding and marking systems Auxiliary equipment
VE.TRA.CO. Closure quality control The Madignano (CR) based concern offers both machines for quality control, dimensional control and assembly of components, as well as robotic solutions. At the fair the company will be presenting its stand-alone QC inspection device for plastic and metal caps and closures. The system consists of a medium-high speed mechanical, centrifugal or waterfall feeder, linear conveyor with spacing wheel, customized vision system for specific inspections and automatic selection of rejects.
VILLA L. & FIGLIO Laser marking The company Villa L. & Figlio (solutions for industrial marking, stamping and coding of documents, authentication and perforation) is able to provide a wide range of CO2 laser marking machines. The LVG series, extremely easy to use, can engrave and cut various materials (wood, marble, glass, crystal, plastic, cloth, paper, leather, rubber, ceramics and other non-metallic materials).
ZANASI Ink-jet printing Zanasi Srl will be bringing several important proposals to Interpack. Here are the main ones: its “CIJ” print system for small characters, with integrated artificial viewing system via smart camera and high grade SW; a“CIJ” small character print system with integrated high performance double X and Y axis translator; DOD-HD print system for non porous surfaces; lastly, in preview, a line of totally biodegradable inks.
ZANICHELLI MECCANICA Seamer At Interpack 2011 Zanichelli Meccanica SpA will be presenting its top offer for primary packaging of food products. Spotlight on its latest innovations for filling liquids, solids and viscous products in both the traditional food/beverage sector as well as in the new market segments. Spotlight too on the closure of metal containers, featuring the Zacmi brand seamer as one of the most interesting proposals.
• The model LVG2030 in particular is ideal for small craft firms that need to make engravings, it has a small footprint and can also be placed on a table. • Developed combining electronic technology, mechanics and IT, the LVG900 model mounts a laser head that does not touch the object being worked and performs a highly accurate cut. Both models are equipped with a smoke exhaust fan, water pump for cooling and laser position pointer. • The LVG1200 model (photo) also features an additional trolley cabin with additional aspirator and air filter (Hepa), an autofocus device and additional focusing and reflection lenses.
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ZILLI & BELLINI Piston dosers with CIP The R&D Department of Zilli Bellini Srl has designed and developed a new type of vertical piston doser that, thanks to the original concept valve, ensures a higher degree of accuracy. Additionally, for given applications, it represents the most advanced technology available on the market, also because it enables the creation of an automatic washing cycle (CIP) completely controlled by the PLC and without having to disassemble any part of the machine. Following the success of this solution a CIP system controlled by PLC was also implemented on the filler with traditional valve; under the same a mechanical device, activated via touchscreen, extracts the pistons from the cylinders.
Machines and equipment for handling Internal handling and stocking
ITALPROJECT Laser guided shuttle At Interpack 2011 Italproject Srl will be presenting its flagship product: a laser guided shuttle for managing warehouse logistics, representing a much larger fleet and the full range of packaging products manufactured by Italproject: palletizers, depalletizers, casepackers, wrapping and packaging machines.
ALIT Handling food Alit Srl designs and manufactures equipment for handling, cooling, raising, pasteurizing and seasoning of food and other products. At Interpack the company will be presenting its latest proposals in terms of spiral handling (Spinflex), the De-panner pick&place for high production volumes and a series of highly automated handling systems for food. Illustrated too the new post-sales services with guaranteed multiyear assistance.
SERVOTECNICA Intelligent and modular transport system Servotecnica (Nova Milanese, MB) proposes the MagneMover™ Lite system based on proven QuickStick LSM (Synchronous Linear Motor) control technology. It is a system for transporting light payloads (up to 2 kg), with independent pucks, based on linear motor technology. With a wide range of available components (modules) various transport solutions can be obtained including divergence and convergence junctions, pit-lanes etc. MagneMover Lite is ideal for environments where cleanliness and washdown (IP65) are indispensible. The need for track&trace is also fulfilled by this system: the pucks are monitored individually and their position can therefore be located at any time. By next summer synchronization of the system with axes outside the MagneMover system will also be possible. Indeed “sync areas” will be definable where the motion profile of the pucks is passed on to an external control that will dialogue with the sync area via a fieldbus.
SIREC Antibacterial flooring Sirec offers totally hygienic epoxy resin flooring, free of any volatile substance, non-toxic, regularly tested and certified for use in food production, in accordance with existing legislation on safety at work according to TU 81/08. The company, based at Colorno (PR), has also made flooring with antibacterial properties, designed for use in areas with contamination risk. In this case Sirec uses a special additive (based on natural
elements, hence in no way toxic, irritant or pollutant) which is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and fungi. The antimicrobial additive, incorporated in the floor thanks to a technology based on the use of silver ions, provides excellent uniformity of performance and durability in time. The effectiveness against bacterial growth is 99.9% (certified by both an internal and external laboratory). In the photo: Sirec flooring in a butter packaging section.
L.A.I.M. s.r.l. Via Prov. Francesca Sud 293 - 56020 S. Maria a Monte (PI) Italy Tel. +39/0587 707073 - Fax +39/0587 707093 e-mail: -
L.A.I.M. produce angolari di cartone pressato riciclabili e cartone ondulato (cannetè) onda media da imballo, impiegato in particolare nella protezione di particolari meccanici, di precisione, vetro, ecc. e nei luoghi dove vengono eseguiti lavori di verniciatura, imbiancatura, restauri e simili. Gli angolari di cartone pressato, completamente riciclabili, rappresentano la principale attività della L.A.I.M. Questi prodotti sono stati sviluppati dopo una attenta e ampia ricerca di mercato, condotta da esperti, che ha evidenziato la tendenza a un sempre maggiore utilizzo di imballaggi realizzati con materiali ecologici e interamente riciclabili, come alternativa ad altri tipi di angolari prodotti con materiali misti, di difficile smaltimento o alto impatto ambientale. L.A.I.M. è costantemente impegnata, in collaborazione con l'ENEA di Pisa, nella ricerca di nuovi materiali per la realizzazione di imballaggi innovativi, e nel costantùe miglioramento della qualità della propria produzione.
Chi mette a disposizione esperti del settore per fornire soluzioni sostenibili e per creare valore aggiunto migliorando il vostro impatto ambientale e audience? Noi lo facciamo. Come maggior produttore mondiale di inchiostri da stampa, pigmenti e tecnologia del colore Sun Chemical, è leader nel settore sviluppando e fabbricando prodotti che riducono al minimo il nostro impatto - e l’impatto dei nostri clienti sull’ambiente, massimizzando l’utilizzo delle risorse rinnovabili. Riteniamo sia nostra responsabilità essere coinvolti nella comunità in cui viviamo e lavoriamo per soddisfare le attuali esigenze senza compromettere quelle delle generazioni future. L’esperienza dei tecnici di Sun Chemical nel settore della stampa, offre soluzioni su misura per migliorare la vostra attività quotidiana. Per richiedere una copia del nostro primo Bilancio di Sostenibilità visitate il sito
working for you.
Sun Chemical Group S.p.A. Via Achille Grandi, 3 – 6 20090 Settala Fraz: Caleppio (MI)
Machines and equipment for processing Processing machines and equipment
BAER PLAST Plastic straps Baer Plast Snc produces PP and PET straps - for automatic and customised use made exclusively of selected virgin materials. The offer of the Vicenza based concern consists of products of different sizes and thicknesses, which are subject to stringent quality controls offering guarantee of their full reliability.
TECNO 3 Chocolate making facilities Tecno 3 Srl (Cornelia d’Alba, CN) specializes in the design and construction of machinery and systems for the food industry. At Interpack the company will be presenting a facilities for the continuous production of chocolate, which respects the characteristics of the traditional system while offering the advantages in qualitative and economic terms.
LORANDI SILOS Storage and transport Facilities for the storage and pneumatic conveying of industrial powders and dry finished products (pasta, snack food, petfood etc.) as well as the dosing of dry ingredients in powder form; vertical and horizontal mixers; petfood processors. With this offer Lorandi Silos Srl (Fornaci, BS) features as a specialist in the storage and transportation of bulk materials, with a certified quality system and customer service that commences with advice on the best products to go on to special design engineering work where required and trials and constant monitoring of the installed system.
TECNOSWEET For food industry Tecnosweet (Acma Group) offers a wide range of hitech systems for the food industry: chocolate molding lines, buffering, feed and distribution, primary packaging (wrapping machines and flowpackers), robotized islands for secondary packaging. It presents flexible moulding lines based on loose-mould principle with innovative “chain-less” mould motion and real modular construction. Line speed up to 30 moulds per minute. Line capacity: from 500 to 3.000 kg/h.
V-BAKE Systems for baked goods V-Bake will be showing its latest technological developments in terms of tunnel kilns. The Verona based company which designs, manufactures, trades and installs machines and complete lines for bakery products has also expanded its range of solutions for cast biscuits and offers several custom heads for robots in line.
Ecological Notes for Packaging Plastiroll produces environmentally friendly packaging materials of high quality. The company is a forerunner in many of its solutions and is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of biodegradable films. WELCOME TO VISIT US AT INTERPACK FAIR 12 - 18 MAY 2011 HALL 9 STAND C 24-2
Bio-coated Paperboards • EN 13432 • Dual ovenable • Recyclable y
Multilayer Barrier Bio-Films • EN 13432 • High transparency • GMO-free
Systems and components for automation Electric and electronic systems and components Mechanical systems and components Pneumatic systems and components
B&R INDUSTRIE-ELEKTRONIK Modular drive solutions Drive solutions that are matched perfectly to the application are a basic requirement for keeping machines and systems competitive. Inverters must be taken out of the switching cabinet and placed in the direct vicinity of the machine. This allows configurable modules to become mechatronic units that can be easily connected, which considerably reduces the delivery times, installation space and commissioning times. For this reason, directly integrating inverters in the immediate environment of the actuator (without the need for
additional accompanying measures) represents one of the most ideal configurations available. B&R developed the ACOPOSmulti65
inverter for applications where the drive is mounted directly on the machine (photo). ACOPOSmulti65 inverters are designed with IP65 protection, which makes it possible to attach them directly to the machine. The switching cabinet therefore only contains the power supply modules and the necessary electromechanical components. This makes it much easier to implement modular machine architectures. Another advantage has to do with the hybrid cabling between the inverters themselves. Simply stringing together ACOPOSmulti65 drive modules in a line (the “daisy chain” wiring scheme) results in a clear and flexible machine architecture where energy is simply passed from one drive module to the next. In addition to the proven wired safety functions STO (Safe Torque Off) and SS1 (Safe Operational Stop 1 timemonitored), network-based ACOPOSmulti65 variants, based on openSAFETY, will also be available in the future as an option. This will allow users to access the following functions that have already been certified for ACOPOSmulti: STO, SBC, SOS, SS1, SS2, SLS, SMS, SLI, SDI and SLP.
BECKHOFF AUTOMATION Automation At Interpack, spotlight on TwinCAT 3 and the latest new features in Motion Control. With the new generation of TwinCAT3 software, Beckhoff has adapted a technology traditionally linked to the IT industry, borrowing the language and, thanks to the Matlab®/ Simulink® connection, applying it to automation creating scientific applications. The modules produced in different languages now run on common eXtended Automation Runtime (XAR). This feature provides complex real-time conditions exploiting multi-core technology and 64-bit operating system support.
20 1990-2010
dalla marcatura al controllo con voi... in linea!
Sistema a getto d’inchiostro per la stampa di macrocaratteri su imballi in cartone e/o film plastico o direttamente sui prodotti. È basato su una testina di stampa a 7 o 17 punti singolarmente indirizzabili che coprono un’altezza di circa 10-20 mm nella versione a 7 punti e 27-54 mm nella versione a 17 punti. Ciò consente una risoluzione di stampa verticale massima di circa 1 punto per 1.4 mm. MACROLINE permette di creare immagini di altezza 7 (o 17) punti e larghezza variabile. Le immagini vengono stampate colonna per colonna e la stampa delle colonne, unita al movimento orizzontale dell’oggetto da stampare, disegna l’immagine completa.
Tank 6L+1L
Sistema alimentazione inchiostro e solvente
Caratteristiche principali:
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Terminale portatile palmare, in acciaio inox, per l’introduzione dei dati di stampa e per le impostazioni del sistema.
Apparecchiature per la Stampa
Systems and components for automation CAMA GROUP & BOSCH REXROTH
Chocolate Bars Uniquely Packaged Loading unit with three delta robots and only one control
Sometimes packaging containers can be quite elaborate. Although you hardly ever hear consumers ask themselves, how the products in their shopping cart got into their packaging. But this is an extremely interesting process that is constantly spurring manufacturers of packaging machines to continuously innovate. The faster, the better, the more accurate so as not to damage delicate products such as chocolate bars. This is the challenge for pick-&-place robots and the control technology behind them.
Chocolate in whatever form must be handled with care so that it is not marked or deformed during the packaging process. To ensure gentle handling, delta robots come into play. Delta’s can pick products up in an extremely precise way and at high speed without
A COMMON PROJECT Daniele Bellante (Cama General Manager) and Steffen Winkler (Vice President Food Packaging and Printing Bosch Rexroth) explain the reasons behind the last successful project. Mr. Bellante, what made you decide on this innovation? The market calls for high speed production, flexibility and reduced footprint when it comes to realizing new machine concepts. Also important are intuitive maintenance programs. The new compact loading unit with three integrated delta robots allows us to achieve the speed demanded by the end customer. And we save considerable space when compared to a solution consisting of delta robots connected in series, each with its own control cabinet. Mr. Winkler, was this demanding as the system supplier? Rexroth knows the market requirements in the packaging industry and has comprehensive knowhow realized over many years of application experience. In the field of
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interrupting the product flow. This is where the new Delta robot system from Cama can demonstrate its strengths. The company situated in Lecco, Italy, has manufactured individual machines and complete robotic production lines for the secondary packaging industry for 30 years. Thanks to its product portfolio, Cama is able to offer high-tech robotic packaging lines for the handling of primary packaging such as pouches, cups, cans, etc. The process starts with the handling of primary packages, and ends with palletizing. The company’s latest invention is a loading unit, which can integrate up to four delta robots, named the “Triaflex”. The robot arms are controlled by a Rexroth IndraMotion MLC, a combined Motion Logic & Robotic Control. A single “Triaflex” delta robot achieves
robotics Cama is a lead customer for us. With our partnership we could further improve our innovative solutions and lead to success for both sides, like calculating several kinematics on one control and so control several robots synchronized. Mr. Bellante, why did you choose IndraMotion for Packaging for your automation solution? There are many solutions in the market, but only Rexroth offers us the needed performance. Another factor is that with the drive and control technology from Rexroth we cannot only realize robots, but are also able to automate our complete machine portfolio, including cartoners and tertiary packaging machines. Mr. Winkler, what was most impressive for you at this loading unit? I really like the way how Cama achieved an automatic load distribution of the robots, the high speed of the robots and the footprint of the machine. That gives Cama them a huge advantage compared to their competitors. But that’s not enough - we are already working together on new innovations!
speeds of up to 120 cycles per minute. Through the simultaneous picking of several products using a “multi picks”, gripper system, the delta robot can achieve up to 300 products per minute. The “Triaflex” system provides dynamic belt synchronization to pick up and place products at speeds of 110 meters per minute (or 360 feet/min). This allows also for the placement of individual products into secondary packages for example to be overwrapped. Only one control for all delta robots First, the unsorted chocolate bars arrive from production on a belt. Each of the three delta robots is responsible for picking products from certain rows on the belt: The bars are picked up and placed into trays on a transfer belt which transports the products to the next station for secondary packaging. A camera system is used to locate each chocolate bar and transmit its position and orientation on the belt to the MLC controller. Based on this platform, Cama achieves an automatic load distribution, which distributes the right number of chocolate bars to each of the individual “Triaflex” delta robots. They are capable of picking the products from the belt as required and positioning them precisely in the proper trays. The unique approach of this new multi-robot platform in comparison to other systems available on the market is that Cama utilizes a single controller for the entire machines and no longer controls the individual robots each with a separate control. All of the three “Triaflex“ delta robots are operated by one single Motion Logic Control IndraMotion MLC. Even the operation of a forth robot and two additional belt axes would be possible without any degradation in line performance. Multiple communication interfaces between individual robot controls are no longer necessary. In multiple control networks these interfaces are required to ensured the transmission of camera system information and the coordination of the robot units to prevent collisions. . In view of multi-tasking performance and flexibility, the IndraMotion MLC control weighs in with high computing power,
Electric and electronic systems and components Mechanical systems and components Pneumatic systems and components
scalability and modularity. Up to 16 kinematics can be controlled simultaneously, each with a maximum of eight interpolating axes and up to four synchronous belts. Also, machine manufactures can implement their own kinematics quickly and easily. IndraMotion for Packaging is characterized in particular, by ease of integration of camera systems and programming with RCL (Robot Control Language) or IEC 61131 robotics function blocks. The standardized engineering software IndraWorks simplifies project planning, parameterizing, programming, visualization and diagnostics of all Rexroth components. New technology saves space and effort The ability to control multiple delta robots with the Rexroth Motion Logic Control offered Cama a whole series of advantages. All functions are integrated in one control system, while the number
of interfaces and component costs was cut. With the use of the modular drive systems IndraDrive with dual axis drives, the cabling effort was reduced by up to 40%. Moreover, this solution saves space: the footprint was cut by 50 % and the control cabinet size by 40 %. Consequently, Cama can install the entire “Triaflex� control system for three robots in one control cabinet. This helps to reduce the costs for cabling further and simplifies the installation. With regard to specific project requirements, it is flexible enough to add new functions or to switch the production to other product configurations at any time. To switch over the line for example, from cookies to chocolate bars.
Systems and components for automation Electric and electronic systems and components Mechanical systems and components Pneumatic systems and components
CONTROL TECHNIQUES Control of electric motors As integral part of the Emerson Industrial Automation Division, Control Techniques has focused its activities on the design and manufacture of variable speed drives for the control of electric motors. The Control Techniques Drive Centres can offer feasibility studies, feasible automation system design, drive dimensioning, software development on PLC or PC, systems assembly, startup and operational assistance, training and 24h service.
FESTO Automation Systems The pneumatic and electric technologies offered by Festo (from the single element to turnkey solutions) are used in factory and process automation systems. Key to Festo’s success still obviously lies in it’s cutting edge R&D (to which it reserves to 9.5% of total turnover), but also its ability to leverage tools such as rapid manufacturing applied in the Festo Fast Factory. As the name implies, the Festo Fast Factory can speedily and cost-effectively achieve small series of products to customer specifications, without the need for tools or complex equipment. Using generative production methods (also known as rapid prototyping or rapid manufacture), not only does Festo produce the models, it can also proceed onto the product industrialization phase. The Festo Fast Factory, for example, was where the FinGripper, innovatory adaptive gripping device, that ensures the controlled gripping of delicate articles, was first conceived.
ELESA Made in Italy awarded LAC-R adjustable cam lever and ETK three arm operating handwheel by Elesa SpA have been recently awarded with the IF 2011 from International Forum Design of Hannover. Among Elesa’s latest proposal, we also cite the new technopolymer rod ends, “BJT.” model: they are remarkably suitable for rotary, oscillating and linear movements even in particularly aggressive environments and when water or humidity, fine dusts, dirt, fabrics, machining residues are present.
ENSINGER Compounds, semifinished and finished parts Ensinger Italia Srl, the Italian branch of Ensinger GmbH, provides cast and extruded semis, and finished parts suitable for various areas of application (aerospace, mechanical engineering, electronics, petrochemical, food, medical and packaging). • For the food sector, Ensinger offers new materials that increase safety in food production and packaging. Ensinger’s semifinished IDs can in fact be detected during the manufacturing process using a conventional metal detector. This helps prevent broken pieces from accidentally contaminating the food. In this regard, Tecaform AH ID, available in gray and blue, is ideal for low-temperature applications. The new Tecapeek ID, which offers superior chemical resistance, is in turn even usable at high temperatures. • For the electronics and semiconductor
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* Ensinger Italia has one of the best stocked stores of semi-finished round rods, perforated rods and plates with immediate cutting, planing and grinding service. Ensinger products can be used under high mechanical stress, with aggressive chemicals, with sterilization or where dimensional stability and where full compliance with FDA, USP VI, ISO 10993 and ROHS regulations is required.
automation, technology and sensing solutions, quality control and inspection and, last but not least, integration of the individual machines in coherent and optimised processes. With this comprehensive offering, more than 50,000 customers around the world and 50 years of experience in various industries, Omron has established itself among the major globalized automation suppliers. Today about one-fifth of its solutions are installed in Europe, witnessing the gradual transformation of
the Japanese culture of the parent company, confirmed, among other things, by Ethercat joining the consortium and the opening in the UK of the third R&D center on the Old Continent, focussed on industrial automation. In Italy Omron Electronics SpA has been operating for over 30 years with 3 regional offices (Milan, Bologna and Central Italy) and a dense network of distributors, specialized technicians and after sales services, as well as training and updating. Three the levels of intervention.
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OMRON Automation across the board Components for control systems, security technologies, motion & drive products and solutions for
industry Ensinger offers Tecapeek CMF (pictured), a material based on Victrex® Peek™ ceramic additivated polymer matrix, combining material hardness with high ductility, even after extended exposure to temperatures of 260 °C. Tecapeek TS is in turn used for constructing sockets for testing semiconductors: its ductility combined with a high surface hardness extends the life of components. The workability of this material also enables the construction of details, even very complex in shape, and pinholes free of burring.
Thanks to a unique know-how, acquired through more than 40 years of experience, RONCHI is definitely in a position to study and realize customized solutions, as well as to test the whole line before shipment inside its own 20.000 sq.mts. modern plant. In its quality of manufacturer of Bottle Unscramblers, Bottle Orienters, Puck Inserters, Filling Machines, Capping machines, Depuckers, RONCHI can offers itself as a single source for integrated solutions suitable to satisfy whichever requirement of the packaging industry operators. A capillary network of sales and technical assistance all over the world ensures prompt and timely service, by providing full support for the RONCHI world-class machinery in every country.
RONCHI MARIO SpA - Via Italia, 43 20060 Gessate (Milano) ITALY Tel. +39.02.950881 - Fax +39.02.95088222 -
one partne r
Guarantee of competence and reliability for integrated solutions
ORIENTAL MOTOR Speed control A news speed control of the BLF Brushless DC Series, highly compact, multifuntional, easy to use and with IP65 grade protection has been designed and built by Oriental Motor, Japan, which presented it as one of the most innovative available both for space savings due to its small size and for ease of use and the many features. In particular of note that the flat hollow shaft reducer is able to provide a torque of 68 Nm in around 90 x 66 x 180 mm, while the traditional hollow shaft provides a torque of 30 Nm in 90 x 90 x 118 mm including motor. Five sizes are available - 30, 60, 120, 200 and 400 watts, with drive at 230 Vac and eight gear ratios from 1:5 to 1:200, for each single power range. The digital display has also been carefully designed. Remote locations from the drive, it comes with IP65 protection and displays of engine speed, linear speed and the percentage of load used. Inside the drive up to 8 speeds can be stored, with different acceleration and deceleration ramps and the possibility of teach in. The regulation of the speed from 80 to 4000 rpm can be done using a potentiometer on the drive, external potentiometer or 5 or 10 Vdc analog source. NPN or PNP mode of operation is selectable by switch. The motor provides high speed stability and a constant torque from 80 to 3000 rpm thanks to the use of three Hall effect sensors placed inside the saem. The same sensors are used to produce a signal of 30 pulses per motor revolution in output from the driver, usable for any speed control by an external supervisor (PLC, CNC, etc).
movement, adjustment, security - are managed from a single software and access to all devices is through a single point. This integrated approach allows for easy programming and complete maintenance performed remotely, even at the level of field devices; • System automation, for a total control of the production cells. This helps maximize machine performance thanks to the fielding of a single machine controller, a particularly fast Ethernetbased fieldbus, a supervisory system with industrial PC; integrated vision systems and robots.
▲ ▲ ▲ • Automation of single machines, designed to achieve maximum simplicity, compactness and convenience. This covers small and compact machines that perform dedicated operations, stand-alones or single modules within a larger machine (PLC control; point to point positioning of up to 4 axes; programmable terminals, including servo drives and inverters; remote access to controller…); • Stream automation for automation of continuous, flexible, high-speed lines via an integrated connectivity at various levels. The basic functions - control,
Systems and components for automation Electric and electronic systems and components Mechanical systems and components Pneumatic systems and components
PILZ Enable button for dangerous areas Pilz has created the new PITenable switch, a device activated manually by the operator which enables working in dangerous areas in order to make adjustments or during startup or maintenance. These devices are also designed as a jog button or dead man’s switch. In case of danger, the three-phase activation switch provides for an E-stop function, which immediately turns the machine off. PITenable requires no maintenance and is available in two versions: with angular M12 connector or with free terminals cable. The enable switch can be installed easily and quickly using a magnetic attachment or with a special optional strap. As a safety device for interface and control it is possible to use PNOZ modules or systems such as PNOZmulti, PSS and PSS4000.
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC ELAU Introducing PacDrive 3 Equipped for the Future: even as PacDrive M continues to be one of the world’s most powerful automation solutions, Schneider Electric’s automation specialist ELAU is already introducing its successor. PacDrive 3 incorporates fully Ethernetbased communication using SERCOS III as well as a new software development environment to further reduce engineering time. One engineering tool, one project - SoMachine Motion is the new software development environment for the entire PacDrive 3 engineering process, including commissioning and diagnostics. SoMachine Motion includes tools for motion system design, drive selection, program development, HMI applications, commissioning, diagnostics, and data handling in a single package. A Safety Editor will also be integrated into SoMachine Motion for safety automation software development. SoMachine Motion’s central software development tool is already based upon CoDeSys V3, and offers the groundbreaking potential of objectoriented programming. EDESIGN, the planned centerpiece for a new way to graphically IMG - INTERPACK MACHINERY GUIDE 240+ references for Schneider Electric At interpack 2011 Schneider Electric will issue a new edition of the famous interpack machinery guide (IMG), listing all packaging machines, which are equipped with automation solutions from Schneider Electric. The IMG is inserted in the official newspaper at the fair and in the interpack issue of Italia Imballaggio. In fact, Schneider Electric core automation technology forms the “heart” of a record 240+ packaging machines at interpack 2011, most of them equipped with the proven PacDrive technology. At booth G 22 in Hall 05 Schneider Electric will take you into the future of automation, in order to experience the benefits for the machines you are buying!
SIEMENS AG TIA Portal The Totally Integrated Automation Portal is the result of a complex and careful development made by the Siemens Industry Automation Division that, in fact, has launched a “different” project. Different firstly because it subverts the cultural habit that saw the software packages of the German concern as “hardware oriented”. Secondly, because TIA Portal (which substantially extends and completes the
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P.V.R. Vacuum pumps P.V.R. Srl is based in Valmadrera (LC) and has won a name for itself as a company in the production of vane lubricated vacuum pumps. In 2001 the company gained ISO 9001:2000 certification and its offer meets all the requirements of the latest safety, energy savings and environmental impact standards. At Interpack in particular it will be spotlighting its maintenance free vacuum pumps.
structure machine functions, will further simplify software engineering. Its multi-user design with a shared database is an enormous step forward for ensuring efficient collaboration, since it permits everyone involved in machine program development to work on the same software project. This reduces unwieldy version management processes and coordination tasks that can unnecessarily slow down teamwork. SoMachine Motion can also be used to convert development projects for machines that were automated with PacDrive M. All of the previous work remains intact, and software that was developed for modular machine designs can be reused even when the system is changed to PacDrive 3. The open safety concept of PacDrive 3 (safety pursuant to IEC 61508:1998, EN/ISO 13849:2006, and EN 62061:2005) meets the requirements of the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and takes a cutting-edge approach. From a fully integrated solution to simple designs with dedicated cabling, this concept offers a wide range of flexibility to meet individual requirements. In the integrated solution, a PacDrive safety PLC communicates via the SERCOS bus with all relevant nodes at the drive and I/O levels. Safety terminals are used to incorporate communication with sensors and actuators. With the integrated safety solution, users can implement safety functionalities up to SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61508. SoMachine Motion will offer a configuration and programming tool to create the safety configuration and develop software for safety automation. This tool also includes comprehensive diagnosis and documentation functions.
TIA concept conceived a few years ago) becomes the “engine” of a new way of understanding the programming and management of automation, controls and drives, aiming at full integration of information. The new platform has been designed to allow users to develop and operate the automation systems in a fast
and friendly manner, as well as to save on engineering time by actually reducing the costly integration of different software packages. From configuration and programming to commissioning, the TIA Portal is a meeting point for all products and tools offered by the Siemens Totally Integrated Automation portfolio, such as for example the Simatic Step 7 automation software for Simatic and Simatic WinCC V11 for Simatic HMIs and for application viewing processes.
Pronti con PacDrive 3!
Non siamo mai stati più PacDrive di così! PacDrive 3: Tecnologia affermata e pronta per il futuro Comunicazione completamente basata su Ethernet, performance notevolmente potenziate, sicurezza integrata ed azionamenti modulari permettono di realizzare un’automazione orientata al futuro delle macchine. Un unico ambiente software con tutti i tool per l’engineering, la messa in funzione, la diagnosi ed inoltre la possibilità di utilizzo multi-utente. Tutto questo offre ampie opportunità ed elevata flessibilità per realizzare e configurare agevolmente le applicazioni da uno a più assi. Una cosa non cambia: anche PacDrive 3 resta fedele ai metodi ben collaudati che agevolano una più rapida realizzazione dei progetti.
Scaricate gratuitamente il catalogo “Il futuro dell’automazione per macchine a controllo centralizzato”. Visitate il sito Codice chiave 86298t
Systems and components for automation TECMES Assembly It designs and builds special machines for the assembly of small and medium size components. Two examples: - a linear machine with conveyor composed of a step conveyor with hinge pallets, on which linear arms with mechanical, pneumatic or motorized command can be
VIPA ITALIA More than 3,300 CPUs sold Vipa Italia (systems and components for industrial automation) closed 2010 on the up, registering a +45% in sales compared to 2009 (for a total of over 3,300 CPUs sold). As pointed out by its proprietor, Luigi Bernardelli, the result far exceeded their set goals, and is thanks to an evermore complete product offer capable of providing high added value in technical terms. Since 1985 the San Zeno Naviglio (BS) based company Italian branch of Vipa GmbH - has served as a manufacturer of automation components compatible with Siemens PLCs as well as a supplier of complete PLC systems. Given the good results, Vipa Italia looks with optimism to 2011 and aims at achieving 4,000 systems sold.
mounted. The conveyor belt and central shaft are commanded by a single mechanically synchronized motor, guaranteeing the reliability, precision, speed and simplicity typical of mechanical machines; - rotary bench machine with fully mechanical functioning.
WITTENSTEIN Washdown: for frequent washing Leveraging decades of experience in the field, Wittenstein offers automation systems that can work in special conditions to ensure maximum safety. This goes for their planetary (photo 1) and right-angle gear reducers (photo 2), now in the washdown version, ie that can be subjected to frequent washing also with low pressure jets. For the pharmaceutical and food industry, where hygiene conditions are a must, Wittenstein has devised its solutions with IP65 grade protection, capable of withstanding aggressive washing procedures. Though they look the same as the standard lines, materials and design features of the washdown versions are quite different. All interfaces, both input and output, are made entirely of stainless steel, as well as the joints and clamps and screw caps. The outer casing is coated in bi-component lacquer
except for the hub, which is nickel plated to maintain the tolerances required (G6). These measures ensure resistance to washing using caustic soda, sulfuric acid, alcohol, acetone, oil. The motor flange is also bi-component coated but, unlike the standard series, it is glued to the casing to guarantee protection. The series is painted in blue, white, black and gray, with a version in FDA approved special lacquer. The flange or shaft output is made of stainless steel and lubrication is “food grade� ie using food compatible grease or oil as required by the NSF standard. Visi
t us Boo at INT th # ERPA 7AC C 06 K!
Inspection ahead!
Optrel inspection technology: t automatic and semi-automatic machinery t for vials, ampoules, cartridges and syringes t for empty and filled containers (liquid, powder and lyo) t leak detection available t stand-alone, in line and combo solutions
High precision in control
Leak detection available Optrel is a brand of SPAMI, Engineering Division of Stevanato Group.
SPAMI Via Molinella, 17 35017 Piombino Dese (PD) Italy | -
High-technology, reliability and passion in each of our machines Since 1979, AL.MA. has been designing and manufacturing Horizontal Thermoform Fill-Seal Packaging Machines for food products (Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Vacuum Packaging, Vacuum Skin Packaging) and in-line Blister Packaging Machines for industrial & consumer goods, personal care & cosmetic items, medical devices & pharmaceutical products, according to customer’s requirements with personalized solutions. A modern and dynamic Italian Family Company with a great respect for ethical values.
AL.MA. srl - 22071 Cadorago (CO) ITALY - Via G. Rossini, 3 - Tel. +39 031 904491 - Fax +39 031 904501 -
Services Associations and shows Schools and companies for formation and consultancy Services for third parties
ADVANCE Communicating with packaging Advance brand appeal (Crema) specializes in the creative development of brands; most of its projects involve studies of brand identity and packaging design. At Interpack in particular the company will be focussing attention on “mobile� communication via the use of QR codes located on packaging and readable by mobiles or smartphones.
BRUNAZZI&ASSOCIATI Packaging design With over 25 years in the field of communication and design, with international connections to Europe, USA, Canada and Brazil, Brunazzi&Associati will be presenting some recent packaging design and communication projects. Among them, The Black Box Project: a challenge to creativity, which aims to improve the characteristics of Invercote Iggesund paperboard starting off from a simple sheet of non printed material contained in a black box. With only three participants - Brunazzi, Landor and Van Heertum - selected by the Swedish paper industry at international level. Their projects, presented in Paris during Emballage and last March at the prestigious Stationers Hall in the heart of London’s city, are at the centre of analogous events in Amsterdam, Hamburg, Moscow and New York.
CIBUSTEC 2011 Opening to new areas Fiere di Parma has been working in synergy with the food industry companies that participate in the Orientation Committee to define the contents and themes of Cibus Tec 2011, Parma,18th-21st October 2011. Among the new features an opening to the areas of fish, meat and cereals. As ever a meeting point between and food industry and automation and technology companies, Cibus Tec 2011 is back on track and aims to offer detailed information on the latest developments in food packaging processes and materials. For the first time it also draws attention to the fish, meat and cereals areas which join the more traditional sectors of the show dedicated to fruit and vegetable processing and dairy sector technologies. An added feature which helps to make the event even more interesting for those who propose transversal technologies such as packaging.
SIMEI 2011 Appointment with trends The 24th edition of Simei (International Exhibition of Machinery for Enology and Bottling Rho Milan, 22nd-26th November 2011) will host a wide range of technological solutions for bottling, which, together with facilities for the production and packaging of beverages, are the heart of the Milanese two-year show. One thing is for certain, the solutions will be evermore versatile, flexible and custom designed to accommodate emerging trends: first and foremost the need to manage very different job batches, also numerically smaller than in the past, but that also a demand for simplification of processes, aided by automation and computerization.
No better place to trade
Fieramilano, Milan - Italy 28 February - 3 March 2012
Promoted by:
With the support of:
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
Organized by: Ipack-Ima spa - corso Sempione 4 - 20154 Milano - Italy tel. +39 023191091 - fax +39 0233619826 e-mail: -
Experiencing amazing growth, coupled with a consistent increase in international visitors. A truly global event. The only processing, packaging and logistics exhibition to receive United Nations food agencies’ official recognition. A business community that encourages interaction between technology providers and end-users, using both the web and traditional channels. Innovation and sustainability are the event’s top priorities. This is why IPACK-IMA 2012 is the perfect place to become a market leader.
Associations and shows Schools and companies for formation and consultancy Services for third parties
A business community The world of IpackIma (Fieramilano, 28th February - 3rd March 2012), is growing and changing, staying faithful to the fundamental reasons that have marked the growth and have helped make it a strategic meeting place for international players in processing and packaging. Confirming itself as a complete system show (and a world leader in the dry pasta segment), it also hosts technological solutions for both the food and non-food sectors and has thus helped create a large professional community made up of technology providers and user companies who meet up to do business, share knowhow and promote innovation. Having renewed attention to the cross-sector themes of safety and sustainability, Ipack-Ima 2012 has started off “on the right footing”. Bolstered by the support, to various degrees, of AnimaAssofoodTech, Aidepi (Italian Pasta and Confectionery Industry Association) and the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE), the international event now relies on the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry for Economic Development, Unido (United Nations Industrial Development) as well as the WPF (World Food Program). These are significant acknowledgements, which attest to the excellence of both content and form of the fair, as also stressed by the new president for 2012, Paolo Barilla, recalling the fifty-year history of the event. A history that, one can well say, is already future bound: Ipack-Ima 2015 in fact take place May 19th to 23th, in full Expo and in perfect harmony with the theme of the great world exhibition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for life.” The technological scope of the show will emerge even stronger, thanks to an approach path marked by events that take an in-depth look at packaging solutions and their key role in food preservation and food safety. The world of Ipack-Ima - Alongside the traditional sectors processing filling and packaging machines, material handling and logistics, labeling and traceability, materials and consumer packaging, industrial packaging and protective services - the 2012 edition will also host a package printing area, where packaging print equipment and systems manufacturers and end users will be able to talk to each other straight off. Moreover, in order to promote contact between players, the BusinessCommunity communication tool has been honed, with the declared intent of strengthening the dialogue between supply and demand in specific interest groups. On the home page of, the link “Enter into the Business Community” invites the industrial world to interact actively linking up supply and demand of technological solutions on the basis of concrete applications that enable exhibitors and visitors to optimize their show attendance. Each covering a broad theme area, 9 Business Communities are envisaged: Grain Based Food, Dairy Products, Beverage, Confectionery, Vegetable & Fruit, Fresh and Convenience Food, Health & Personal Care, Chemicals Industrial & Home, Industrial & Durable Goods. A synthetic picture of the market and its growth potential are provided for each area, based on data collected during the 2009 event in Milan, the degree of interest expressed by visitors and their geographical origin as well as a percentage breakdown of each exhibitors product share. Another Ipack-Ima 2012 première will be the Innovation Corner, an area reserved for companies wishing to present new technology.
Every product has its packaging, you have Our undertakings on paper and on the web
Our undertakings on the web Magazine dedicated to users of packaging materials and machines… Books on packaging design and packaging, also purchasable online Updates on design, packaging, labeling, converting… Commercial and work adverts Magazine dedicated to cellulose and flexible packaging converters…
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Online reference point for information on the packaging, bottling, labeling and converting sectors… Features, opinions, news, statistics and trends in the sector. via B. Crespi 30/2, - 20159 Milano tel. 02 69007733 - fax 02 69007664 -
3 - 20112011 DIGEST
Associations and companies quoted in this issue A ACMA SPA .....................................36 ADVANCE BRAND APPEAL SAS ..77 AL.MA. SRL.....................................36 ALIT SRL .........................................63 ALTECH SRL ..................................38 AMOTEK SRL .................................38 ANGELINI FARMACEUTICA..........31 ASSOGRAFICI................................18 ATLANTA SRL ................................38 ATS SRL..........................................20 AXOMATIC SRL..............................38 B B&R AUTOMAZIONE IND. SRL.....67 BAER PLAST SNC..........................65 BASF ITALIA SPA ...........................31 BBC SRL .........................................38 BECKHOFF AUTOMATION SRL ...67 BOSCH REXROTH SPA .................68 BREVETTI E. GASPARIN & C. SNC14 BRUNAZZI & ASSOCIATI SRL ......77 BTICINO SPA..................................32 C C&C GROUP SRL ..........................38 CAMA GROUP .........................38, 68 CAMPETELLA SRL.........................39 CAPSULIT SPA...............................20 CARCANO ANTONIO SPA ..............8 CARTONIFICIO FIORENTINO SPA33 CARTOTECNICA POSTUMIA SPA20 CAVANNA SPA...............................39 CELLOGRAFICA GEROSA SPA....20 CHIMAR SPA..................................20 CICRESPI SPA................................39 CMI SPA..........................................39 COMARME MARCHETTI F.A. SPA39 CONAI - CONSORZIO NAZIONALE IMBALLAGGI..................................31 CONCETTI SPA ..............................39 CONTROL TECHNIQUES SPA......70 CUSINATO GIOVANNI SRL...........40 D DECO INDUSTRIE SPA..................34 DELES IMBALLAGGI SPEC. SRL .40 DESIRÒ GIUSEPPE SRL ................44 DOSA SRL ......................................40 E E6POS SRL.....................................40 EFFE 3 TI SRL.................................40 EIDOS SPA .....................................40 ELBA SPA .......................................42 ELESA SPA .....................................70 ENSINGER ITALIA SRL..................70 ESSEGI 2 SRL.................................42 ESSEOQUATTRO SRL ...................31 ETIPACK SPA .................................42 EUROLABEL SRL...........................20
80 •
F FEDERCHIMICA - AVISA ...............17 FESTO SPA.....................................70 FIERE DI PARMA SPA....................77 G G.B. GNUDI BRUNO SPA..............44 GAMMA PACK SRL........................42 GANDUS SALDATRICI SRL...........42 GENERAL PLASTICS SRL .............20 GERHARD SCHUBERT GMBH .....44 GIFLEX............................................18 GOGLIO SPA..................................32 GPS SPA .........................................20 GUALA DISPENSING SPA.............22 GUALAPACK SPA..........................22 GUZZETTI SPA...............................14 H HIPAC SPA .......................................8 I I.G.C. SRL .......................................22 IASCONE PACKAGING MARKETING SRL ...........................16 IMA INDUSTRIA MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE SPA......................44 IMBALLAGGI P.K. SAS .................22 IND. MACC. AUTOM. GRANDI R. SRL..............................44 INGE SPA........................................22 IPACK-IMA SPA..............................78 ISEM SRL ........................................22 ISHIDA EUROPE LTD.....................45 ISI PLAST SPA ................................24 ISTITUTO IT. IMBALLAGGIO...16, 31 ITALPACK SRL ...............................45 ITALPROJECT SRL ........................63 K KARR ITALIANA SRL .....................46 KRONES SRL..................................46 L LABELPACK SRL ...........................46 LAMEPLAST SPA ...........................24 LAMINAZIONE SOTTILE SPA..........8 LANCIA SRL ...................................46 LORANDI SILOS SRL.....................65 LUXORO SRL .................................24 M M-REAL ITALIA SRL.........................8 M.A.R. SRL.....................................47 MARCHESINI GROUP SPA ...........47 MARIANI SAS .................................47 MARKEM-IMAJE SRL A SOCIO UNICO ............................................48 MASTERPACK SPA..........................8 ME.RO SRL.....................................14 MESPIC SRL ...................................48 MF TECNO SRL..............................46
Digest 2011
MG2 SRL.........................................48 MININI IMBALLAGGI SRL..............24 MULTIPHARMA SRL ......................48 N NAR SPA ........................................24 NEMESIS SRL.................................48 NIMA ERRE.TI PACKAGING SRL..48 NOVACART SPA ......................26, 34 NUOVA DIZMA SRL .......................52 NUOVA OMPI SRL ........................26 O OCME SRL......................................50 OMAG SRL .....................................50 OMAS TECNOSISTEMI SRL ..........50 OMRON ELECTRONICS SPA........70 OPEM SRL ......................................50 ORIENTAL MOTOR ITALIA SRL ....71 ORVED SRL ....................................50 P P.V.R. SRL.......................................72 PACKLAB SRL................................52 PAGLIERANI SRL...........................52 PAVAN SRL ....................................52 PILOT ITALIA SPA ..........................26 PILZ ITALIA SRL.............................72 PLASTICA PANARO SRL...............26 PLASTIROLL LTD. ............................8 POLITECNICO DI MILANO (DIPARTIMENTO INDACO)........................31 PRB SRL .........................................50 PROMENS LAINATE SRL ..............26 PROMETEIA....................................16 PUNTO PACK SRL .........................26 Q QUALITY TOOLS SRL....................14 R R.C.A. SRL IMB. FLESSIBILI..........28 RECORD SPA.................................52 REJVES SRL ...................................14 REXAM BEVER. CAN ITALIA SRL .31 ROBATECH ITALIA SRL U.S. ........54 RONCHI MARIO SPA.....................54 S S.I.T. SPA .......................................28 SACMI FILLING SPA ......................54 SACMI PACKAGING SPA..............54 SAINT-GOBAIN VETRI SPA .............9 SALES SPA .....................................31 SANPELLEGRINO SPA ..................34 SAPICI SPA.......................................9 SARONG SPA.................................56 SCALIGERA PACKAGING SRL.....56 SCANDOLARA SPA .......................28 SCHIB PACKAGING SPA ..............56 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SPA.........72 SENZANI BREVETTI SPA...............56 SERVOTECNICA SPA ....................63
SIDEL SPA ......................................56 SIEMENS SPA.................................72 SIMEI A.R.L.....................................77 SIREC SPA......................................63 SOCIETÀ BASE COOP. SRL..........56 STEBA SRL .....................................29 STERILINE SRL...............................56 STEVANATO GROUP SPA.............29 STIAVELLI - DIVISIONE PACKAGING DI PAVAN .............................52 SUN CHEMICAL GROUP SPA ........9 SYSTEM SPA ..................................34 T TAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES SPA .......13 TEAMAC SRL..................................58 TECMES SRL..................................74 TECNO 3 SRL.................................65 TECNO PACK SPA.........................58 TECNOSWEET SRL........................65 TECNOTREND AUTOMAZ. SRL....58 TGM TECNOMACHINES SRL........58 THERMO RAMSEY ITALIA SRL .....58 TIESSE ROBOT SPA ......................60 TNA EUROPE LTD. ........................60 TOPCONTROL SRL........................60 TURELLO SRL ................................60 U UNIFILL SRL ...................................60 UNIPRO ASS. ITALIANA INDUSTRIE COSMETICHE ............17 UNIVERSITÀ IULM .........................31 V V-BAKE SRL ...................................65 VE.TRA.CO. SRL ............................62 VERIMEC SRL.................................29 VILLA L. & FIGLIO SRL ..................62 VIPA ITALIA SRL.............................74 W WITTENSTEIN SPA.........................74 Z ZACMI - ZANICHELLI MECCANICA SPA ..........................62 ZANASI SRL ...................................62 ZENITH SRL....................................29 ZILLI & BELLINI SRL ......................62
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