I PIU’ BELLI DEL MONDO Il concorso di packaging design WorldStar 2010 ha proclamato ben 135 vincitori che verranno celebrati durante Interpack. Ed è stato affiancato da un’edizione particolarmente stimolante dello Student WorldStar, di cui presentiamo i tre progetti premiati e i dieci che hanno conquistato la menzione speciale. ono 135 (su 278 candidati, nessuno dei quali italiano) i vincitori del WorldStar 2010, ovvero il concorso internazionale di packaging design promosso dalla World Packaging Organization. Valutati in due passaggi successivi da una giuria internazionale di 24 membri (che comprende anche un socio della International Packaging Press Organization), sono stati proclamati in novembre e saranno festeggiati durante la serata di gala che si svolgerà il 17 maggio a Interpack. Sette le categorie del concorso - alimenti, bevande, salute e bellezza, prodotti medicali, elettrodomestici, elettronica e “altro” - a cui si aggiungono il premio alla sostenibilità, alla sua quarta edizione, e lo specialissimo President’s Award assegnato dalla WPO, che prevede 3 vincitori e verrà consegnato durante il galà di Duesseldorf. I paesi che hanno conquistato il maggior numero di trofei sono India (20), Turchia e Giappone (15 ciascuno). Tutti i progetti premiati sono su www.worldstar.org.
Japanese Food to Go by Blair Wightman, Adam Smith College (UK)
La fantasia dei giovani - Ogni anno la WPO indice anche il WorldStar Student per valorizzare i progetti e le “visioni” dei giovani designer. L’edizione 2010 del concorso ha registrato ben 178 candidature di 12 paesi, di cui 112 insignite dell’attestato di riconoscimento, 10 della menzione d’onore e 3 premiate con il trofeo WorldStar. La giuria si è riunita a fine ottobre all’università Tsinghua di Pechino, ospite del China National Export Commodities Packaging Research Institute (CEPI), mentre la cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta a dicembre, sempre in Cina, in concomitanza con il forum internazionale di packaging design di Chengdu. Ecco una rassegna dei progetti.
The world's most beautiful The packaging design contest WorldStar 2010 proclaimed as many as 135 winners, who will be celebrated during Interpack. The contest was accompanied by a particularly exciting edition of Student WorldStar, of which we present the three winning projects, along with the tens of entries that were given a special mention.
Full 135 the winners of WorldStar 2010 (out of 278 candidates, none of which Italian), the international packaging design competition promoted by the World Packaging Organization. Evaluated in two subsequent steps by an international jury of 24 members (also including a member of the International Packaging Press Organization - IPPO), the winners were announced in November and will be celebrated during a gala evening to be held May 17th, during Interpack. There are seven competition categories food, beverages, health and beauty, medical products, appliances, electronics and "other" - in addition to the award for sustainability, in its fourth edition, and the special “President’s Award” of the WPO, which has 3 winners and will be awarded during the gala event at Düsseldorf. The countries that won the most trophies are
India, with 20 winners, Turkey and Japan with 15 winners each. All prize-winners on www.worldstar.org Young people’s imagination - Every year the World Packaging Organization also organizes Student WorldStar, to spotlight the projects and visions of young designers. The 2010 edition of this competition registered as many as 178 entries from 12 countries, 112 of which received the certificate of recognition, 10 an honorable mention, three winning the WorldStar trophy. The panel met in late October at Tsinghua University in Beijing, hosted by the China National Export Commodities Packaging Research Institute (CEPI), while the award ceremony was held in December, again in China, in conjunction with the Chengdu international packaging design forum. Here follows a photo review. I
WorldStar Student - i vincitori/the winners
Mesa 4 - Packaging for Dishes by Bárbara Gomes de Lima Moreir, University of Brasília (BR)
TIMES - Cold Heart Particles by Liu Yonghan & Li Aili, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts (RC)
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WorldStar Student - le menzioni d’onore/Honorable Mention
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Mood Tea by Sun Young Park, Central Saint Martions College (UK)
Rugged Pup Pet Food on the Go Package by Laura Hubbard, Clemson University Country (USA)
“Cube” Raki glass packaging by Ahmet Burak Akta , Middle East Technical University Country (TR)
Folding Invisible Tea Package by Jiang Fangfang, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (RC)
FLIPme EATme SNAKEme by Anna Berenika Wojdecka, Akademia Sztuk Pieknych Lodz (PL)
JinGu Beach Stone Bread II by Chen Ting, Radio, Film and Television Administrative Cadre Institute (RC)
Collapsible Fast food Boxes by Pan Lily, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology Country (RC)
Liuan Guapian Tea by Gao Xiang, School of Design Southen Yangtze (RC) Apple Export Box by Charles Dlamini, AAA School of Advertising (ZA)
Small Carpet Sales Packaging Design by Dong Xinglong, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts (RC)