DativoWeb MEDIA KIT 2016 DativoWeb is the online network, in Italian and English, of the publishing company Edizioni Dativo. It comprises 4 websites dedicated to packaging & bottling and packaging design, featuring information touching on all the most important issues for producers and users in these sectors. More than 180 thousand unique users per month, making more than 1.9 million page views per month. Average time on the site > 4’00’’ (as of May 2016).
Edizioni Dativo S.r.l. Via Benigno Crespi 30/2, 20159 Milano n Tel. +39 02 69007733 n Fax +39 02 69007664 italiaimballaggio@dativo.it n www.dativoweb.net Dativo Web Media kit valid until December 2016