DativoWeb MEDIA KIT 2017 DativoWeb is the online network, in Italian and English, of the publishing company Edizioni Dativo. It comprises 4 websites dedicated to packaging & bottling and packaging design, featuring information touching on all the most important issues for producers and users in these sectors Each month, over 22 thousand visits with a permanence of more than 5 minutes, for a total of more than 120 thousand page views: of these, more than 95% direct.
Edizioni Dativo S.r.l. Via Benigno Crespi 30/2, 20159 Milano n Tel. +39 02 69007733 n Fax +39 02 69007664 italiaimballaggio@dativo.it n www.dativoweb.net
Dativo Web Media kit valid until December 2016