David Atlanta Vol. 17 Issue 26

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6.25.14 V.17 I.26

Taking the

NEXT STEP Newlywed Romances, Gifts for Couples and Our Marriage Movement

Taylor Dayne

Tells It to Your Heart at Augusta Pride

GO FOR 2014





THURSDAY, JUNE 26 President’s Soiree FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Beats on Broad Outdoor Music Festival SATURDAY, JUNE 28 Parade and Entertainment Festival SUNDAY, JUNE 29 Co-ed Pool Party For locations and additional scheduling information, visit PRIDEAUGUSTA.ORG.


6.25.14 V.17 I.26


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Contents 8 A Note from the Editor 10 Obsessed, with Tony Gowell 14 The Next Step 22 Disclosure 28 10 Practical Wedding Gifts 34 The State of Marriage Equality 38 Taylor Dayne 40 3 Shots 42 Seen@: Disney World 46 Seen@: Arabian Nights 50 Seen@: Jungle 52 Seen@: RipTide 2014 56 the Scene 58 Bartab 60 Datebook 62 Crossword 64 Fairyscopes 66 Favorite Bitch 68 Bitch Session

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A Note from the


Marriage Equality: Beyond a Piece of Paper In case you needed a reason to prove why marriage equality is still important, even though an increasing number of states allow same-sex marriage, a case in Texas last week has proven how marriage, or the lack thereof, has significant legal ramifications in other parts of life. Jason Hanna and Joe Riggs are the fathers of two boys named Lucas and Ethan, who were born in Texas with a surrogate mother. Jason and Joe are each a biological father to one of the boys. Thanks to Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage, which was ruled unconstitutional in February but is still in effect pending appeal, judges have discretion in legal cases. In this case, neither man is listed on the birth certificate of either boy, and they aren’t able to co-adopt each other’s biological child.

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That’s right. Only the surrogate mother, who has no biological relationship since the embryos were transferred into her, is listed on the boys’ birth certificates. How does this tie into marriage equality? In order to be granted an automatic second-parent adoption, couples have to be legally married in Texas. Since Texas doesn’t recognize Jason and Joe’s marriage, though, they’re stuck in this legal limbo. So while we celebrate the progress our community has made in this issue, keep in mind the importance of this particular issue. With marriage equality comes a deluge of rights that we may not even realize we need.

Elijah Sarkesian Since DOMA was overturned last summer Worthmore Jewelers, as a way of expressing their solidarity with our community, began presenting “Love Equally” wine glasses to each same sex couple purchasing wedding or commitment rings. To date they have presented 298 pairs of glasses!

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of the drag queen posse. Maybe it’s better seats, or a free cocktail coupon. Or, like Eve Harrington…these young upstarts are looking for their “in” so they can be the next hottest, fiercest dude in a dress, entertaining dozens on a stage riddled with holes and structural problems, too numerous to count. But is our obsession deeper than that? Is it a tangible “celebrity” that understands our day to day struggles in our community? Does it help to hide behind makeup and be told you’re so much more beautiful than you might ever get as a boy? I know I did, but that’s a tale for another column. All kidding aside, there’s a truly deep need for us to be complimented and feel included. Being a larger-thanlife drag superstar often makes that happen, and we share that responsibility.

My Drag Queen Has a First Name – It’s B-I-A-N-C-A

For me, I’m obsessed with the comedy and entertainment that can fill a room. A great drag queen, or drag king for that matter, can do just that. For a couple of hours, the real world doesn’t matter. We all get to sit together as a community, and admire that something in all of us lit up on a stage lip-syncing for her….no…our lives. And our lives are what we have to celebrate. There’s enough ugly in the world, and a little eyelash glue and a rhinestone are all we really need. So, whatever your obsession…I’m here to talk about it.


hy are so many of us in the Atlanta community obsessed with drag queens? Recently, hundreds and hundreds of fans swarmed the Jungle Atlanta stage to worship and Adore (yeah, not that queen…she lost) the reigning RuPaul’s Drag Race champion, Bianca Del Rio. A self-proclaimed insult comic, her Rolodex of hate spread to many a deserving homo in attendance. Believe me, it was rapturous. I cackled in glee when some of our less than brainy dudettes without a dress were left gasping for air. Or, maybe that’s just their “O” face. Who knows or actually cares? FUNNY IS FUNNY! And there was a lot of it going around. So why do we obsess with drag queens? Maybe it’s our latent desire to put on a new identity that seemingly demands instant approval and respect. Because the moment we step on a stage and lip-sync to our favorite ditties, the world shrinks to a pinpoint of spotlight delight. All with the knowledge that it can be taken off and packed away at the end of the night, and we can go back to our regular life. But for those few short minutes under a spotlight, we are our own personal superstar. I mean, we all do it while cleaning the house; why not make a dollar for it? Perhaps we want to stand close to something great, in hopes that some of that fame glitter will wash over us. With every “celebrity” drag queen, there are a fleet of followers that squeal at the opportunity to carry the drag kit into the club. There’s a perceived elite-ness to being part

10 // 06.25.2014


Tony Gowell is a new bi-weekly columnist, exclusively writing for David Atlanta. Contact him at obsessed@davidatlanta.com, with your latest obsessions. If you’re half way interesting, he might write about it, and if he doesn’t…better luck next time!


Next Step The

Three Couples Talk About Their Wedding Decisions BY ELIJAH SARKESIAN


ith the explosion of states legalizing samesex marriages over the past few years, on top of last year’s decision to overrule significant portions of the Defense of Marriage Act, more and more couples are taking new steps in their relationships and getting married. The lifespan of these relationships range from months to decades, with one common factor: a newfound ability to have the federal government legally recognize their unions. Of course, with marriage equality not available in all 50 states yet – including Georgia – many couples are finding different ways of having their weddings. Many couples are traveling to other states to have their ceremonies. Some take family members or friends with them, while others have a second ceremony or reception for their friends and family to help celebrate when they return home.

We spoke with three couples, each together for over a decade, who were either recently married or plan to be married in the near future about their plans, the importance of getting married, how they maintain their relationships and more. 14 // 06.25.2014

Matt Colunga and Chris Smith Napa Valley, CA • November 2013 Matt Colunga, general manager of Swinging to go get married in California. Then my family deRichards, and Chris Smith celebrated their tenth cided they were going to come. anniversary as a couple by getting married on How did you two choose Napa Valley? November 13, 2013 in Napa Valley, California. MC: He moved here from California, and we were going to San Francisco on vacation. My mom, Matt Colunga: I was a DJ at Swinging Richards, stepdad and sister were going to meet us in San and he was a dancer. Francisco for our vacation, and be there when we got married. Did you know each other before you started seeing each other? What do you think has made your relationship work? MC: Nah. He’d been here a week. He had just moved here from San Francisco. MC: Being able to talk! Cooperation, talking, sitting down and making sure that you both enjoy each other. When you stop enjoying each other, What led to your decision to get married? you know, it’s going to go by the wayside. MC: It was our 10-year anniversary last year, and we always wanted to get married. We were supposed to go to London for a trip, and it ended up getting cancelled. So we thought it would be nice How did the two of you meet?

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John Walker and Ken Hinkle Seattle, WA • May 2014 John Walker and Ken Hinkle married after 16 years vacation. So three hours after our wedding, we all as a couple at a courthouse in Seattle, Washington got on a cruise and went to Alaska. on May 23, 2014. Who was involved in your wedding? How did the two of you meet? My mom and siblings were there, and Ken’s father We met in Pittsburgh – we both lived in Pittsburgh and his siblings were there. And some friends and nieces. We have full support from our families. 16 years ago, and it was a blind date. What led to your decision to get married at this You’ve been together for 16 years. What do you think has made your relationship work? point in your relationship? Well, I’d say that the biggest thing, being gay, we’re always fighting for equal rights and the same equality benefits as everyone else, and we honestly thought in our parents’ lifetimes that it would be legal. It’s been legal in other cities for years now, and our parents and families aren’t getting any younger, and I just thought, we’ve been trying to vote on this and participating in the fight for equality – why not take advantage of this and seal the deal? How did you two choose Seattle? The cards fell into place. We were thinking of a city we haven’t been to – we love to travel, and it’s a city we haven’t been to in a long time. Probably 14 years. And it is one of the first cities to become legal. And we have always wanted to go to Alaska on 16 // 06.25.2014

We’re complete opposites, and we have great communication skills with each other. What’s kept us together for 16 years is not only our love for each other, but having 100% support from both sides really helps in a gay relationship. We’ve been lucky. The two of you recently built a house together, is that correct? We did! We look at our first 15 years together as a really good trial period. We didn’t rush into things together. Marriage takes things to the next level. Building the house – we rented before, but we have built this house up from the ground. We have put our stamps on everything. Decorating it, customizing it – it’s a symbol of where we are in our lives right now.

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Jamie Arnold and Nicholas Bellayuto Rhode Island • TBD Jamie Arnold and Nicholas Bellayuto joined together in a commitment ceremony back in June 2002, in front of Jamie’s family members and several other couples at Atlanta Pride, after being together for several months. Twelve years later, they’re looking at making the commitment legal.

Nicholas Bellayuto: I wanted to make him happy, so I proposed to him a week before and asked if he wanted to commit to me. JA: And I said yes! Who else was involved in your ceremony?

JA: It was just my family, because his wasn’t around – they live in Texas. So it was just my mothAt the Park Pavillion at Atlanta Pride back in 2002. er, my sister, my brother, and then one of his old college friends. How did the two of you meet? Did you know NB: And it was done at the mass commitment each other before you started dating? ceremony at Pride. Jamie Arnold: An MSN chatroom, actually. I lived in Lawrenceville, and he lived in Warner Robins. I Now, you two are talking about getting married. was moving to Midtown, and my first night in my Why are you considering it at this point? apartment in Midtown, he came up for our first date, and that date ended up lasting three days. JA: Yes. We go to Rhode Island every year during He left for a day to go back home, came back and the month of June, and I want to get married this was with me for five days, and then he went home year. He wants to wait one more year so we can to Texas for Christmas break, and we’ve been save up money and plan everything, and have a happily together ever since. huge wedding with family members there and all of our friends there. What led you two to do a commitment ceremoNB: He wants to get married next week so we can ny, especially so early in your relationship? take part in federal benefits. Where was your commitment ceremony?

18 // 06.25.2014

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Full Disclosure Photos: Stephanie Sian Smith

Dance Duo Talks Gay Influences, Sam Smith’s ‘Classy’ Coming Out and the History of Club Music


nglish dance prodigy Disclosure isn’t simply aware that club music is steeped in queer culture – they’re inspired by it. The Grammy-nominated duo, Howard and Guy Lawrence, is still lighting up the charts with songs off their debut, Settle (recently released as a deluxe edition), which, according to its creators, leans heavily on the unique gay roots found in house music.

By Chris Azzopardi

gay clubs just seem to be very forward-thinking, in terms of music anyway, and they’re always pushing boundaries. If you look back at the last 25 years or so, they’re playing the most original, creative stuff. DA: The gay community is often recognized as having its finger on the pulse. You hear people say we know when something is gonna be big before it actually is. GL: From what I’ve seen, I would agree. I don’t only look to the gay community for where I’m gonna go next, but generally, London is such a step ahead of most places in the world musically, especially with dance music. Wherever we travel, producers and DJs are always looking at London and the UK to see what’s coming up next. That’s really why I love living here. We just have such a great buzzing young producer community going on over here – it’s such a good vibe.

Makes sense, then, that they’re getting their groove on with Madonna. If chummy Instagram photos with the legend are any indication, presumably they’ll be working with the icon on her next album. Word broke just after I spoke with Guy for this gay press exclusive (Howard couldn’t be reached for our scheduled interview, so like a good brother, Guy stepped in for DA: You say you don’t go to gay clubs much now, him last-minute). Though he didn’t acknowledge Madonna at but it sounds like you have. Was that for research the time, the 23-year-old did reveal what other pop icon he’s purposes? drunk in love with: Beyoncé. GL: I used to go to Brighton a lot. It’s on the south coast of David Atlanta: How much has the gay community England, a five-minute drive from where I used to live. It was cool – there’s a big gay community in Brighton. I can’t really influenced your sound? remember which were gay clubs or not, but it didn’t really Guy Lawrence: Honestly, the history of the music that we take matter – there was always great DJs playing at them. I used influence from, like house and garage, obviously originated in to drive down there and there was definitely some research gay clubs like The Warehouse in Chicago and Paradise Garage involved. When I was really into dubstep and grime and that (in New York City). I don’t go to gay clubs now, but I feel like kind of thing, I’d go down and slowly but surely everyone 22 // 06.25.2014

started playing house music and garage music. It was just a really good place to go out, especially when I was just turning 18 and wanting to learn about dance music, where it came from and the history. It was the perfect place for that.

GL: Man, if I had some time, I would love to. She’s always been into her dance music, especially her house, but I don’t think necessarily think she’s been releasing much of it, or any of it. I hope she does because she really, really knows her shit. She knows way more than you’d think.

DA: What differences did you notice, music-wise, between gay clubs and mainstream clubs? DA: Who are some other major female artists you’d like to collaborate with? GL: To be honest, man, I never ever went to clubs for the vibe of the club. I would only ever go to enjoy who was playing. I GL: It’s a difficult one because there’s so many. I don’t know, would always check the lineup first and wherever it was that man. Mary is basically setting the bar extraordinarily high, so that person was playing, I would go. It didn’t matter what club we’re pretty happy with her for now. We haven’t gotten into it was. As long as it was near and had a good sound system, writing the next record yet – that’s gonna happen later in the it was like, I’m there. year – but I think we’ll have a better idea of who we wanna work with at that point. DA: Would you and your brother go together? DA: Maybe Beyoncé? Maybe Madonna? GL: No, not at all. And we don’t really go that much anymore because we’re always touring, or we’re always busy. We GL: I’d love to work with Beyoncé – I don’t know who wouldn’t. spend pretty much every evening of our lives in a club, and going to a club is the last thing you wanna do when you have a DA: What pop music informs your sound? What are day off. (i) You just kind of want to chill. But yeah, when I was you listening to currently, and who did you grow going out, I was just turning 18 – but I was obviously going up on? out a little bit before I was 18 thanks to my fake ID. Howard was 14 years old – he wasn’t ready to go to a club – so I don’t GL: Anything with class, anything with soul. Nothing cheesy think we’ve ever really gone clubbing as such together. We’ve and formulaic. Anything that has a touch of originality to it always just played in clubs together. but is also really catchy – that’s what really impresses me. Making an eight-minute techno song is an art form but writDA: Who’s the better dancer, you or your brother? ing a three-minute pop song is also an art form in itself. Both are equally difficult to do, and it’s rare you can find someone GL: (Laughs) Seeing as I’m the only one the phone, I’m gonna who can do both of those things. So, for me, obviously say me. DA: Hey, Howard had his chance. GL: Exactly. I think he’s gotta take this one on the chin. DA: Mary J. Blige laid down some soulfulness on your track “F For You.” How did working with her come about? GL: She was just watching TV and heard the song and loved it. She wanted to find out who we are. She found out who we were, got in contact and basically through our management said she wanted to do a cover of the original song. I sent her all the parts to the song and then she sent back a big folder of a cappelas where she had rewritten the words and rewritten the verses. She was like, “I kind of redid it rather than covered it, so here’s all the parts. Do whatever you want with it.” Howard took all the parts, sifted through these different variants and different ad-libs, and that’s the song we have today. It just worked out really nicely. She comes and does it live with us sometimes, and it’s just a really nice, refreshing take on the original song. DA: Her voice really fits that house vibe. She hasn’t really done a lot of straight up dance music, but she needs to do a whole album of it, and you guys need to produce it. davidatlanta.com // 23

just incredibly easy to learn about anything you wanna learn about. We had dubstep and grime going on here when we were just starting to go to clubs and we really liked it and just wanted to learn how the scene arrived at that, how it got there. If you just go back in time throughout dance music, dubstep takes you to garage, garage takes you to house, house takes you to disco. We spent a lot of time buying old records online and just generally researching how the people back then were making the music, what machines they were using, where they got their influences from, how they were Beyoncé and people like that who are just working with amaz- playing live, basically everything. It was five years ago and ing producers and have a really good vision about what they all we wanted to learn about was everything in the electronic wanna do. Her latest album is fucking brilliant. Modern-day world, and everything leads back to Chicago and Detroit. people like her and obviously Sam Smith, whose album is so soulful and classy and has some amazing ballads on there. In DA: So you just completely immersed yourself in the past it was people like Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson. that type of music? Anything with soul and good songwriting is what we’re into. GL: Yeah, which is, I guess, why our music comes out soundDA: You worked with Sam Smith before he became ing a little different than everyone else’s, because we grew up this enormous phenomenon. What’s he like to work on pop music, not (dance). It’s only recently that we learned with? about that stuff, whereas most producers and DJs grew up listening to that through maybe having a dad or an uncle who GL: He’s brilliant, man. The day I met Sam was the day we is a DJ back in that time. With us, we learned to write songs wrote “Latch.” He was still working in a bar at that point and first and then decided to make them in that style, in that hadn’t really started his career, so we’ve gotten to see his house-y way, so I think that’s why they come out sounding whole journey, which has been great. I watched his show in a bit different. London recently and it was just amazing to see the amount of people and the amount of love. It’s been a mad journey, but he’s DA: You’ve really started this dialogue regarding the same person as when we met him – really grounded, loads what differentiates dance music from pop music of fun and just a really, really nice guy, and also immensely nowadays, and it’s really not much. The two styles have really merged, especially lately. Have you notalented. I’m not worried about him. He’ll be fine. (Laughs) ticed a melding of the two genres? DA: He also recently acknowledged publicly that he’s gay. What did you think of the way he subtly GL: Definitely. That’s exactly what we wanted to do – make came out to the world with the video for “Leave Your a pop record with those influences on it. I think us and a few Lover”? other people were sort of the first people making that happen with a bit of commercial success, and actually hearing it on GL: I think he did it in an amazingly classy way with that video. the radio and not just in clubs. Since then, loads of people He’s just being Sam. It’s just Sam being Sam, and it’s great. I’m in the UK especially have had No. 1 singles and top 10 hits with songs that as little as maybe a year or two years ago just really happy that he’s doing what he wants to do. wouldn’t have even touched the charts. It’s been really cool DA: People have questioned your credibility be- seeing how the public responds, especially kids who haven’t cause you’re inspired by sounds that existed be- really done the research necessarily. They don’t even know fore you were even born. How do you feel about the where it comes from, they don’t know house music is from skepticism? Chicago, but they just really enjoy the music and the sound of it. It’s just great. I love turning on my radio and hearing some GL: I don’t know if it’s skepticism or more so just general inter- jackin’ house tunes. I can’t think of anything better. est of how we got there. In this day and age with the Internet it’s 24 // 06.25.2014


10 Practical Wedding Gifts For Your Gay Buddies

By Mikey Rox


edding season unofficially kicks off this month, and with more and more states deeming same-sex marriages legal you’re bound to receive an invitation to your friends’ fabulous nuptials any minute. And that means you’ll need to buy a gift. Instead of sticking to the registry, however – do they really need more _stuff_? – think outside the Crate and Barrel box and opt for a practical-but-still-thoughtful present that the happy couple can put to good use. Here are 10 ideas to get you started.





Date-Planning Subscription Date-planning services – like HowAboutWe Couples and Kahnoodle Concierge – are tricky because they often only serve a limited area (New York City for the former; San Francisco and D.C. for the latter), but you may be able to find a similar concept in the area in which your newlywed friends live. Date options run the gamut of uncommon experiences like ring-smithing classes, fencing lessons and body-painting sessions to more tame outings like comedy shows and wine tastings. To help keep the first year of marriage fresh and fun for your friends, gift a year subscription to one of these services so the pair can enjoy quality time together while participating in an activity they may never have thought of themselves. Moving Crew Remember the last time you moved and you swore you’d never do it again without the help of (preferably hard-bodied, shirtless) movers? If your justmarried pals are relocating soon, do them a solid and hire the same for them. Granted, this can be quite pricey, so if you can’t afford to hire several hours of full-service moving, get your best group of gays to commit to helping the couple start anew. The only cost of going this route is time and energy, plus you’ll get in a great workout without having to go to the gym.

28 // 06.25.2014

Dance Classes If the two who are saying “I do” have four left feet, present them with a pre-wedding gift of dancing lessons. Attending several sessions a few months before the wedding will give the rug-cutting duo more confidence on the dance floor when they take center stage as husbands or wives for the first time. This comes with an additional cost, however: It will also be your responsibility to stay alert throughout the night so you can simmer ’em down when they start to get too jiggy with it after the fourth or fifth celebratory cocktail. Just wait; it’ll happen.

Home Repair Supplies Home repairs (even small ones) start to add up quickly – especially if you have to hire someone to do them for you. To help alleviate this necessity and the cost associated with it, surprise the lawfully wedded with a hodgepodge of tools and other household must-haves given in a nice toolbox for convenient and aesthetically pleasing storage. Another helpful around-the-house idea is to gift painting essentials – trays, rollers, brushes and drop cloths – with a gift certificate to a nearby hardware store so they can choose their favorite colors to freshen up their home.

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davidatlanta.com // 29


Frisque Gay Box Membership There are numerous sex-toy subscription services available these days, but most of them cater to the hetero crowd. Enter Frisque Box, a sensual subscription service that caters specifically to gay and lesbian couples. Boxes filled with bedroom toys and other pleasure products to keep the spark flickering and frolicsome are sent bimonthly, discreetly to their doorstep, for $55 per cycle. If you don’t want to commit to a year’s worth of service, there’s also a Frisque Honeymoon Box, which is a one-time only purchase.


Cooking Lessons Cooking isn’t everyone’s favorite hobby (in most cases because they don’t know how to do it well, so they avoid it), but it’s one of those few daily opportunities of which spouses can take advantage to grow closer by creating something they’ll both savor. If your friends aren’t exactly kitchen savvy, introduce them to the wonderful world of from-scratch satisfaction with cooking lessons. Private lessons can be held in their home, or you can find a local establishment that offers lessons. The latter will be much less expensive than the former, and it’ll give your friends an opportunity to mix and mingle with other couples with whom they have something in common.



Deep Cleaning Service We gays like to keep a clean house (most of us anyway), and while weekly spot cleaning is a breeze, the twice-yearly deep clean is a burden. Help ease it for your freshly married friends – who should be spending their first year having fun under the sheets instead of sweeping behind the stove – by surprising them with several hours of cleaning services scheduled for the beginning of spring and fall.

HomeBrewed Craft Beer If your pals are known beer lovers, add a personal touch to one of their favorite beverages by brewing a case of homemade suds. To add even more flair, dress the bottles with custom labels that you can order online that celebrates their wedding day. The recipients will enjoy kicking back and relaxing with what you’ve made exclusively for them, and they’ll likely think fondly of your creativity and care every time they crack off a cap.

7 10

HitchSwitch Gift Card It’s not as common in gay marriages as it is in straight unions for one partner to change their last name to the other partner’s, but plenty of LGBT couples are traditionalists – and more power to them. To make the name-changing process stress free, set them up with HitchSwitch, an online namechanging service that removes all the hassle of assembling, filling out and filing forms for just $50. True, it’s not a super exciting gift, but it’s one less thing they’ll have to worry about as they start their new life together – and they’ll appreciate that sentiment very much. 30 // 06.25.2014

Language-Learning Software One of the advantages of your friends being gay and bound by marital law is that they’re likely a DINK (Dual Income No Kids) couple that has money to burn. (No offense to all you gay parents out there, of course, but your days of jetsetting are over for a while.) Thus, they have the incredible opportunity to see the world at their leisure if they’re savvy savers. You can help make their vacation even more enriching and fulfilling by gifting them language-learning software. If you know them well, you probably know which language to choose; if not, pry for some information. The beauty of language-learning software – besides becoming part of an entire population of people with whom they can now converse – is that it’s conducive to couples using it together, which will help fortify their relationship even more.

Thank You

all for an amazing Thirteen Years!!









32 // 06.25.2014


The State of Marriage Equality – State By State


he shift in legal recognition of same-sex marriages has picked up considerable momentum in the last decade. Before 2004, same-sex marriage was not performed anywhere in the U.S. After a 2003 decision in Massachusetts went into effect in 2004, though, a total of 19 states and the District of Columbia have instated legalized marriage equality. On top of that, eight additional states have seen marriage equality instated through various courts, though their rulings are currently stayed while on appeal. With the changes coming faster than ever in the last year, you’ll be forgiven for not being up to date on where exactly same-sex marriages are legal in the United States today. That’s where we come in. States Allowing Marriage Equality Starting with Massachusetts, 19 states have legalized marriage equality. Between 2004 and the Supreme Court’s landmark decisions on marriage equality on June 26, 2013, marriage equality was legalized and made effective in ten states – Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, Maine and Maryland – and the District of Columbia. Three more states – Rhode Island, Delaware and Minnesota – legalized marriage equality, but went into effect within a few months of the Supreme Court’s decisions. In the last year, six more states have legalized marriage equality and made it effective: New Jersey, Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon and Pennsylvania. All told, the 20 areas encompass over 137.5 million people, or 43.5% of the American population.

34 // 06.25.2014

By Elijah Sarkesian States with Stayed Rulings Though some states have enacted marriage equality through state legislatures, many of the changes have come through court decisions. In the past year, in addition to the six states where marriage equality has become legal and effective, an additional eight states have seen marriage equality enacted through courts, only to have the decisions stayed on appeal. The eight states are: Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Texas, Michigan, Arkansas, Idaho and Wisconsin. The states cover 55.9 million people, or 19.5% of the American population. Though marriage equality was halted in these eight states, there have been some same-sex marriages conducted already in half of the states. In Utah, Michigan, Arkansas and Wisconsin, same-sex marriages were performed for brief periods of time before the stays went into effect. States with Litigation With a majority of states now either performing same-sex marriages or coming close through court rulings, that leaves 23 states where same-sex marriage is not legal. With litigation pending in the states, though, the chances of seeing more states with marriage equality is high. That includes our home state of Georgia, which joined the fray earlier this year. Lambda legal filed a lawsuit on behalf of seven plaintiffs: Christopher Inniss and Shelton Stroman of Snellville, Rayshawn Chandler and Avery Chandler of Jonesboro, Michael Bishop and Shane Thomas of Atlanta, and Jennifer Sisson of Decatur. All seven plaintiffs, along with the Southern Regional Office of Lambda Legal, were recently named as Grand Marshals for this year’s Atlanta Pride.

Your financial needs are unique. Whether you want to provide for your loved ones, support the organizations that are important to you, or plan for your own comfortable retirement, I can help you plan for your goals. Call me today at 678.871.2222 to get started. Jeremy P. Reese Financial Advisor Mitman, Reese and Associates A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 6 Concourse Parkway, Suite 2990 Atlanta, GA 30328 jeremy.p.reese@ampf.com mitmanreeseandassociates.com Ameriprise Financial is proud to be recognized with another perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Š 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

davidatlanta.com // 35


Tell It to Her Heart Legendary Diva Taylor Dayne Headlines Augusta Pride

Augusta has plenty to be proud of these days.

By Jesse A. Hancock

Joining Dayne at Augusta Pride, June 27-29, are Chad Michaels, Latrice Royale and Synergy. For more information, go to prideaugusta.org. David Atlanta: Augusta Pride and fans are excited to have you as its headliner this year. You’ve also performed at many other Pride celebrations. Why do you think you have so many gay fans?

With Augusta Pride just around the corner, they are thrilled to host this year’s headliner: 80s and 90s diva Taylor Dayne. Taylor Dayne: I can’t say specifically. I only go by what my fans say, which is that they love my big voice, passionate These days music divas seem to be a dime a dozen. From Katy sound, my songs, and my image. to Gaga to Beyoncé, we watch their every move and anticipate their next hair styles, scandals, and, oh yeah, hit songs. Very DA: In your experience, in what ways are gay fans few divas have careers that last as long as Taylor Dayne. similar or different than straight fans? Almost everyone has heard, and still loves, her songs, such TD: Haha! Well, I consider my LGBT fans the most loyal fans, as “Tell it to My Heart,” “Prove Your Love,” and “Love Will for sure. My LGBT fans are fun and joyful to perform for and Lead You Back.” grateful! Throughout her music career, Dayne, whose real name is Leslie Wunderman, has had plenty of accomplishments, including 18 top ten hits. She has sold over 75 million albums and singles worldwide. She has also been featured on several reality shows as a contestant and judge. She has also starred on Broadway. In a 2009 People Magazine interview, Dayne famously shared her story of becoming a proud mother of twins with a surrogate mother. 38 // 06.25.2014

DA: In your song, “Facing a Miracle,” which was the official theme song to the 2010 Gay Games in Germany, you sing, “The hope is waiting around each corner now if you are open to love.” What does being “open to love” mean to you? TD: I think we all have our triggers and baggage. If we aren’t in a relationship with the person we feel we should be with,

or if we have relationships with friends, family, or anyone really where we want change, then we need to be open to that change. That means openness to me. DA: In a 2005 interview you said, “In the eyes of the Kabballah, [gays] can’t be ‘married.’ That requires actual male and female energy and DNA. In the bigger picture, I think that ‘marriage’ is about a certain circuitry. I’m as married to my business manager as I would be any husband.” Now that so many places around the world are making gay marriage legal, have your views changed? Why do you think marriage equality is important to so many people? TD: I totally support gay marriage. When you bring religious beliefs into legal discussions and make decisions where couples parent children though surrogates or donors, and lovers pass away after 20 years and split property ownership, rights need to be assessed. The rights of these families, couples and children need protection. DA: Which of your songs, if any, were you surprised that fans loved? Why were you surprised? TD: “I’ll Always Love You.” I just didn’t get it when I first heard it, but the fans sure did. DA: How are your twins, Levi and Astaria? TD: Growing and hormonal. At age 12, they are a delight and a terror. DA: As a mother, how do you feel about either of them pursuing music or acting as a career?

“I totally support gay marriage. When you bring religious beliefs into legal discussions and make decisions where couples parent children though surrogates or donors, and lovers pass away after 20 years and split property ownership, rights need to be assessed. The rights of these families, couples and children need protection.

TD: All I can do is give them my knowledge through experience and hard knocks, the good and the bad. They must try hard at whatever they do and not quit. DA: Other than making great pop and dance hits, which of your other projects or passions have been most memorable, and why? TD: Musical theatre and certain roles, like Princess Amneris (Aida) and Grizabella (Cats), are brilliant and make you feel like you’re putting on your own skin. I also love the experience of filming for television. The cooking shows I’ve been involved in as a contestant or judge were really enjoyable and opened a whole world of food and cooking and took my fear away in the kitchen. DA: You’ve been writing and performing hit songs for almost 30 years. What insight can you share with new singers who want to have such a successful, sustained career in music as you have? TD: Today is back to a similar system of record sales. When I started it was a very singles/12” market, but then ‘the machine’ could get involved if your single blew up. Today few machines exist, but we have the Internet and digital downloads. None of that existed when I started, so fans barely had the reach artists have today for self-promotion. DA: Are you working on new music? What other projects are you working on? TD: Yes, I am working currently as a guest on a few very cool projects, as well as a greatest hits album and a TV series.

davidatlanta.com // 39



with Chris Shots DeBoer photos: Dylan S. Goldman


ook out Atlanta – this boy is a virgin! Slow your role, girl. He’s a virgin in the bartending business, having fallen into the occupation without any previous experience, only a little more than six months ago. Soon after relocating from Wisconsin two years ago, Chris quickly jumped the ranks – screw climbing – going from server to bartender and skipping all that schooling and bar-backing business most others in his position are subjected to. Some may say that’s a huge risk to take- but Chris has proved to be a risk was worth taking!

By Dylan S. Goldman

some crackers, I can get you some food…I’ll even pay for it…” And they were, like, pissed. Okay, well, one guy was cool, and was like, “It’s okay, I understand.” But the other guy wasn’t having it. He stood up and straight up spit in my face. And I…I didn’t really know what to do, and I just froze for a second. And I just looked at him and was like, “You better get the fuck out of this restaurant.” The manager, Leroy, grabbed him and dragged him out because I was, like, shaking. I was in no condition to continue any kind of pleasantries, so…

What sets Joe’s on Juniper apart from all other ATL What do you like about bartending in Atlanta, and bars/restaurants? how do you feel about the Atlanta scene? We have been here for a long time, and are known for our I think it’s just bartending in Midtown, you really get a lot of patio and for several years we have won “Best Patio” and the queens. It’s fun, though! Bartending here is different than “Most Attractive Waitstaff.” We get a lot of older gays coming serving here because people can’t exactly give you attitude. I in because they want to be served by young, cute gays. And mean, they can, but if they do…it’s not that you get away with that’s just what it breaks down to. People want to be served giving them attitude in return, but…you do. by the young, cute guys we have here. People say [the Atlanta gay scene] is a community, and I mean, it is a community…but it’s a very cliquey community. I’m from Wisconsin, and like, where I’m from there are like 30 gays in the entire town, and we have to stick together. And that’s what I was used to. So it’s a different morale to get used to and adjust to. I have gotten lucky to fall into the group that I happened to fall into. What has been your craziest experience as a bartender? Um…there was one night that I was closing, and there were a couple of guys that came in. It was clear that they shouldn’t have anymore. Well, I had never kicked anybody out before, but I was told that I had to tell them that I couldn’t give them any more [alcohol]. And so I did. I was like, “I can get you 40 // 06.25.2014


Atlanta’s Longest Running and Only Weekly LGBT Magazine Send resume to: jobs@davidatlanta.com

davidatlanta.com // 41

42 // 06.25.2014

CHER DETERMINATION Saturday night's performance will feature a very special appearance by the nation’s #1 CHER impersonator & WINNER of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars,

CHAD MICHAELS Chad Michaels is represented by DivasAndDjs.com www.ChadMichaels.com






Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs

Voices of Note would like to thank Georgia State University's Rialto Center for the Arts for being a co-sponsor of Cher Determination.

46 // 06.25.2014

davidatlanta.com // 47

50 // 06.25.2014



On sale through September 29, while supplies last!

D E : 10/10 U L C S I N sor Party on dmont Park T I F E B E N e VIP/Spon enter in Pie ow R U O Y ead to th ty C the M pitali ssion

i ent os in -Adm VIP H tainm re! Area r e e g t h n t i n of of e View d mo -Use e VIP t view h bar, an h a t e f r o a g cas -Use oms, vate i o r r p h t a ge, te ba priva -Cola Sta y o j En ca e Co on th

52 // 06.25.2014

1049 juniper st * atlanta 30309 404.875.6634 * joesonjuniper.com

! s r o i l a s l l a g n l i l ca

There’s a new menu in town at Joe’s, featuring: - Excitement! - adventure! - flavor! - Value! - innuendos!

lunch • dinner • blunch • late night

theScene 1

10th & Piedmont 991 Piedmont Ave NE

14 Club Eros

27 Hobnob

40 Tripps


Amsterdam 502 Amsterdam Ave NE

15 Cowtippers

28 Joe's on Juniper

41 Urban Body Fitness


Atlanta Eagle 306 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

16 The Den

29 Jungle

42 Woof's


BJ Roosters 2043 Cheshire Bridge Rd

17 Einstein's

30 Las Margaritas

43 XS Ultra Lounge


Blake's 227 10th St NE

18 F.R.O.G.S

31 Manifest 4 U


Bliss 2284 Cheshire Bridge Rd

19 Felix's

32 Mixx


Boy Next Door 1447 Piedmont Ave NE

20 Flex Spa

33 The Model T

Le Buzz 585 Franklin Rd SE Marietta, GA


Brushstrokes 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

21 Friends

34 Oscar's

Lips Atlanta 3011 Buford Hwy NE


Brushstrokes Pleasures 1510 Piedmont Ave NE

22 G’s Midtown

35 Opus 1

Mary's 1287 Glenwood Ave SE

10 Bubbles Salon

23 Gravity Fitness

36 Roxx

My Sister's Room 1271 Glenwood Ave SE

11 Bulldogs

24 Henry’s

37 Sam's Hair Salon

Club Rush 2715 Buford Hwy NE

12 Burkhart's

25 Heretic

38 Southern Nights

Sister Louisa’s Church 466 Edgewood Ave SE

13 Campagnolo

26 The Hideaway

39 Ten Atlanta

Swinging Richard's 1400 Northside Dr NW

1579 Monroe Dr NE 893 Peachtree St NE 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 980 Piedmont Ave NE

2219 Faulkner Rd NE 1600 Piedmont Ave NE 2135 Liddell Dr NE 1077 Juniper St NE 931 Monroe Cir NE 1510 Piedmont Ave NE 76 4th St NW

1551 Piedmont Ave NE

1931 Piedmont Cir NE

1049 Juniper St NE

500 Amsterdam Ave NE

2115 Faulkner Rd NE

2425 Piedmont Rd NE

1842 Cheshire Bridge Rd

708 Spring St NW Not Shown: Cockpit 465 Boulevard SE

2103 Faulkner Rd NE 1492 Piedmont Ave NE 699 Ponce De Leon Ave NE

736 Ponce De Leon Ave NE 219 10th St NE

1510 Piedmont Ave NE 1086 Alco St NE

2201 Faulkner Rd NE 132 10th St NE

1824 Cheshire Bridge Rd 2000 Cheshire Bridge Rd

2069 Cheshire Bridge Rd 1544 Piedmont Ave NE

2205 Cheshire Bridge Rd 990 Piedmont Ave NE













56 // 06.25.2014

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Piedmont Park davidatlanta.com // 57


10th & piedmont Half Price Wine Bottles BLAKE’S Trivia at 11. $$$ prizes BURKHART’S Blue Monday Karaoke with Darlene at 10PM COCKPIT  Big Red Cup All Day, specials EAGLE Music Videos with Scotty FELIX’S  Free Pool FRIENDS Manic Mondays DJ opens - 2 pm G’s Half Price Wine Bottles HERETIC Jukebox drag with Knomie Moore HIDEAWAY  $2.50 Domestic Beer JUNGLE Stars of the Century Show 11pm MODEL T Monday Night Madness Free Pool - 10pm - 2am OSCAR’S Service Industry Night with Eric swinging richards Hip-Hop Night, Sponsored by Hennessy 8:30pm


10th & piedmont Shareable Experience BLAKE’S Karaoke with Sasie Monroe & Suzanne Gleeson @ 11pm BURKHART’S DRAG-EOKE with Angelica D’Paige and Ruby Redd at 10PM club rush “Tipsy Tuesday” 18 & up Open until 4am COCKPIT  80s Party 9pm, specials 5-8pm EAGLE Tuesdays w/ Tony FELIX’S  Smirnoff Martini Night FRIENDS Let’s Make A Deal with Ken 6 pm G’s Industry Night HERETIC 2-Step Tuesday, dance till 11pm HIDEAWAY Trivia with Wil 9 pm las margaritas Cuban Night - $12.95 All You Can Eat Cuban Buffet & $5 Mojitos MODEL T Wii Tuesday Afternoons 2pm 9pm $2.50 beer / $3.0 well vodka OSCAR’S Show Tune Tuesday with Chad8 pm SWINGING RICHARDS 1/2 Price cover

got an upcoming event? calendar@davidatlanta.com jungle Dragnificence 10pm SATURDAY lips atlanta Bitchy Bingo

10th & piedmont Bellini Brunch blake’s Open at 1pm, All NEW Show, DragXotic 11pm BURKHART’S SYNERGY with Shawnna Brooks and Monica Van Pelt at 11PM Campagnolo Legendary Musician blake’s Texas Hold’Em Poker 7pm, “Duct Robert Ray on the piano 10pm-1am Tape Dynasty” with Shawnna Brooks 11pm cockpit  Guest VJ’s/DJs BURKHART’S DANCEFLOOR DIVAS eagle DJ Dance Party with Phoenix (RuPaul’s Drag Race s3) at felix’s Karaoke w/ Brett & Tyler 10pm 11:30PM friends Free Pool and Cheap beer with DJ! eagle Balls Deep Karaoke w/ Mikey 2 pm - 6 pm felix’s Karaoke w/ Brett & Tyler 10pm G’s All you care to eat brunch friends  Where Girls Who Like Girls Meet heretic Varies: Club Night or 3 Legged Girls with Regina Simms 8-closing Cowboy Night - 10pm G’s Game Night with Mr. Brent Star hideaway Open at 12:30pm! Saturday heretic  3 Legged Cowboy Night 9pm Night Party hideaway  Service Industry Night jungle Ruby’s Redd Light District 9pm; jungle Sing for Your Life 8pm Club Night, Various Guest DJ’s Las Margaritas Dirty South Trivia lips atlanta Glitz & Glamour Las Vegas $5 Smirnoff & Cuervo Drinks. House Cash Style Prizes & $5 Wings model t Texas Holdem Poker - 3 pm | lips atlanta Dinner with the Divas Party with the M&M Boiz - 9 pm model t Party Time with Michael - 9 pm oscar’s DJ Christopher Kind oscar’s Twisted Thursday with Eric swinging richards T-Shirt Review $10 swinging richards 2-4-1 VIP & Entry ten atlanta Music & Videos by DJ Rob ten atlanta Decadence | A Night of Reum 10pm Drinking and Debauchery w/ Wet Underwear Contest at 11pm model t Party with Elvis - 9 pm oscar’s Ruby Redd’s After Party - 10 pm swinging richards 2-4-1 VIP Room



10th & piedmont Bites & Bubbles 5:007:15; 1st Friday- Popstars, Last Friday – Swank blake’s 5-9pm TGIF, Charlie’s Angels 11pm BURKHART’S FEMME FATALE with Destiny Brooks and Justice Taylor at 11PM Campagnolo Live Piano by Gay Men’s Chorus member Daniel Guillaro 10pm-1am club rush “Got Leche” Free entry until 11pm 18 & up - Open until 4am cockpit  Guest VJ’s/DJs eagle DJ Dance Party BLAKE’S 5-9 Doug’s Party Pop Hits. friends Happy Time Friday Kelly & Ken 6 pm “yoUVee” Glow-Go Boys with Neon 10pheretic FUR Friday 12am hideaway  Kick Back Fridays! BURKHART’S HUMPDAY KARAOKE with jungle Dinner and a Movie 7 pm; The Darlene at 10PM Other Show with Edie Cheezburger 9:30pm Campagnolo Any Bottle of Wine Half Off lips atlanta Glitz & Glamour Las Vegas COCKPIT Balls Deep Karaoke 10pm Style EAGLE Underwear Night with Tony model t Friday Bagels - 10 am | Texas Friends Hump Night with Regina Simms Holdem Poker 8 pm G’s Karaoke with DJ Audio Prism oscar’s Music Video Night heretic  Pig Dance Black Out Party DJ swinging richards T-Shirt Review,$10 Stan Jackson 10pm-3am NO COVER ten atlanta Music & Videos by DJ hideaway 1/2 Price Beer Shane V / DJ Daryl Cox 10pm


58 // 06.25.2014


10th & piedmont Bellini Brunch | Flashback Showgirls with Angelica D’Paige blake’s Open at 1pm - High Energy Music & Video w/ Bill Berdeaux @ 3pm Cell Block Sunday w/ Lateasha at 8 pm. BURKHART’S The Armorettes at 9PM club rush Hip Hop and R&B - 18 & up Open until 4am felix’s  Bloody Marys & Mimosas friends Open @ 2pm; Dinner @ 4pm while it lasts G’s All you care to eat brunch | Karaoke with DJ Audio Prism hideaway  Atlanta’s Favorite Bloody Mary Bar! 12:30 pm lips atlanta Gospel Brunch w/ Bubba D. Licious las margaritas Papi’s $17.95 Unlimited Brunch & Choice of Mimosas, Sangrias, Bloody Maria’s, & Mojitos model t Sunday Dinner with Ron 3:30 pm oscar’s Sunday Fun-day ten atlanta Brunch 11am & Music by DJ Rob Reum 4pm

Datebook Cher Determination

Friday, June 27–Saturday, June 28 • Rialto Center for the Arts (80 Forsyth St NW) • voicesofnote.org The Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus presents their latest show, featuring the music of legendary diva Cher. Showtimes are Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Chad Michaels, winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars, will make a special appearance at the final show.

Rainbow Days

Saturday, June 28 • 10 a.m.–9 p.m. • Six Flags Over Georgia (275 Riverside Pkwy) • rainbowdaysatsixflags.com Rainbow Days returns for a fifth year to Six Flags. Special events include an LGBT Commitment Ceremony, speed dating and special entertainment.

Katy Perry: The Prismatic World Tour

Saturday, June 28 • 7:30 p.m. • Philips Arena (1 Philips Dr) • katyperry.com The pop hitmaker brings her latest tour to Atlanta, with opening acts Capital Cities and Ferras.

‘Things I Should Have ‘The Wizard of Oz’ Sunday, June 29 • 2 p.m. • Fox Theatre (660 Peachtree Told My Daughter’ Friday, June 27 • 7:30–9 p.m. • Charis Books (1189 Euclid Ave NE) • charisbooksandmore.com Local author and playwright Pearl Cleage presents her new memoir, Things I Should Have Told My Daughter: Lies, Lessons & Love Affairs.

St NE) • foxtheatre.org Follow Dorothy and her friends down the yellow brick road at this special screening, part of the Coca-Cola Film Festival.

‘The Voice’ 2014 Tour

Sunday, June 29 • 7:30 p.m. • Cobb Energy Centre (2800 Cobb Galleria Pkwy) • cobbenergycentre.com Season six’s top finalists, including winner Josh Kaufman, are joined by alumni from The Voice including season five winner Old Fourth Ward Arts Festival Saturday, June 28–Sunday, June 29 • Historic Fourth Ward Tessanne Chin and season one contestant Dia Frampton. Park (666 Rankin St) • oldfourthwardparkartsfestival.com The Atlanta Foundation for Public Spaces brings a two-day The Roast of Bubba D. Licious celebration of community and tradition to Historic Fourth Wednesday, July 2 • 9 p.m. • Jungle (2115 Faulkner Rd Ward Park. The festival includes fine arts and crafts, a chil- NE) • jungleatl.com dren’s play area, local food and beverage concessions, live Phoenix hosts an evening in honor of Atlanta’s legendacoustic entertainment and an “Emerging Artists” pavilion. ary Bubba D. Licious, with special guests including Charlie The festival opens at 10 a.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday, Brown, Ruby Redd and Wild Cherry Sucret. Proceeds from the closing at 6 p.m. both days. event benefit PALS.

60 // 06.25.2014

davidatlanta.com // 61

Solution on pg. 67

Housekeeper & Family Therapist


Across 1 Pole of your first mate? 5 Flat hat 10 Flat-bottomed boat 14 Aida solo 15 Wed in secret 16 Stage show with “Sodomy” 17 “___ Get a Witness” (Marvin Gaye) 18 Crossword hints 19 Kind of child 20 Beloved sitcom housekeeper 23 Quit, with “out” 25 Cutter with wheels 26 Poem of Sappho 29 Rosemary and thyme 31 Bear 33 Type of triangle 36 Painter Brooks 38 Late actress who played 20-Across 40 “The doctor ___” 43 “Care to?” 62 // 06.25.2014

44 Ethnic cuisine type 48 Patton’s vehicles 50 Use your mouth 51 Colette’s love 52 European language family 54 Gives a bad name to 55 Sitcom of 20-Across 59 Fashionable Christian 60 Playground retort 61 Ejaculation of concern 63 Phallic fishes 64 George Cukor film, with The 65 That’s bull, to Frida 66 Family diagram 67 Make noise in bed 68 Big name in pumps

1 Britten’s raincoat 2 Constellation over Rio 3 Singing Nancy 4 Some eagle feathers 5 Life Goes On daughter 6 First name in talk 7 Shaped like balls 8 They make points by touching the body 9 “Bust a Nut” band 10 “Beat it!” 11 They may shoot cream into your mouth 12 Lubricant 13 Like a silly grin 21 Hedda Gabler playwright 22 Hindu master 23 Cries of surprise 24 Chest muscle, for short 27 The Opposite of Sex director Roos 28 Mary’s little lamb, perhaps 30 Shakespearean play form

32 Eleventh hour 34 U-turn from SSE 35 On-line auction site 36 Colonel, to Cammermeyer 37 Cells for women only 39 Some forensic evidence 40 “___ De-Lovely” 41 More off-color 42 Behind, financially 45 Top bananas 46 Names on tomes 47 Taxing org. 49 Family member, for short 51 Track-and-field org. 53 Sticking points 54 Butcher’s cut 56 “Viva, Las Vegas” middle name 57 Barney Frank, in brief 58 Belgian border river 59 NYPD rank 62 Boo’s partner

davidatlanta.com // 63

fairyscopes ARIES (March 20 – April 19):

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22):

You’ll have to be the group leader today, simply because no one else wants to. This unwanted responsibility will only complicate your day. Don’t let frustration get to you, though. You may be a man of action, but you’ll have to be a hand holder today if you want to get anything done.

Romance can be like a game of chess. There can be much jockeying for position that’s determined by a rigid adherence to strategy. But there’s always something that’s left to chance, and you can go from a king to a pawn in no time flat.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20):

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21):

You’ll be forced to deal with power struggles on all fronts today. Whether at home or amongst friends, everyone will want the upper hand. It’ll be up to you whether you let them have their way, or whether you open your can of whoop-ass and show them who’s the boss.

That home makeover you had planned may be met with resistance by your partner or housemate. When sharing a living space, you must remember that your vision may not jibe with those you live with. Expect some give and take, but that living room shrine to Kylie Minogue may not happen any time soon.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20):

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20):

Trying to influence people to see things your way will be an uphill struggle today. Your arguments will have to be sound and your passion obvious if you want others to fall into place. But despite all of your commitment, expect to still be dateless by the time next week rolls around.

You can add to your list of credentials if you get creative in your dating strategies. Dinner and a movie is so cliche, so bring something new to the table. A home-cooked meal will be much more impressive, and then you’ll have him right where you want him.

CANCER (June 21- July 22):

CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19):

Today will be a good one to volunteer your services to a worthy cause in your community. There are men out there who need your help, but pride may keep them from asking for it. There’s sure to be an AIDS hospice that needs the help of compassionate men just like you.

Be wary of new financial schemes today. There are smooth talking wolves who will convince you that you’re doing the right thing. But a fool and his money are soon parted, and you can buy yourself a designer dunce cap with what little dough you have left.

LEO (July 23 – August 22):

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18):

Patience is not one of your strong points, but that’s what it’ll take to develop relationships with men other than yourself. Rushing in will have you missing the subtle nuances, or seeing the warning signs of a disaster that’s just waiting to happen.

High energy levels will propel you through a hectic day. You’ll be a dynamo of action, and you’ll get so much done in a short time that you’ll finish all your errands and chores early in the day. Then you can crash on the couch and do absolutely nothing.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22):

PISCES (February 19 – March 19):

Nothing tears people down easier than harsh critiques of their performance. It’s even worse if those assessments come after a romantic encounter. In those cases, learn to say something constructive, or don’t say anything at all.

It could be stimulating to kick back and daydream about your future today. But be realistic when inventing future scenarios. Changes of job or living venue are reasonably attainable goals. But jetting off to California to marry David Duchovny might be best kept in the dark recesses of your mind.

64 // 06.25.2014

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2 yrs. experience required

davidatlanta.com // 65


he summer has officially arrived and you know what that means - weddings and more weddings. This week’s Favorite Bitch is all about Bridezilla Realness! Enjoy my good ol’ fashioned advice for a fucked-up modern world! Speaking of Old Fashioned Mister Pool Boy, get the Pappy Van Winkle Bourbon and simple syrup ... cuz Mami needs a refill!

Dear Miss Tiger, I’m in love with two men. I broke up with my ex last year. Now he’s claiming to be a better man. My new relationship feels good but for the last three months I’ve been sleeping with both of them. Both guys proposed marriage and I need some advice on who to chose! -Karen

Dear Miss Tiger, Last month I met my fiancé’s college buddy from Georgia State. We’ve been spending a lot of time together and ended up having sex more than once. I’m afraid it won’t stop after I’m married. What should I do? -Steffy

Dear Sloppy Seconds, Either you go for the guy with the bigger diamond ... or the bigger dick. Until then, try closin’ your motha fuckin’ legs. Otherwise, your next email is gonna be all about how you’re pregnant and don’t know who the baby daddy is. And if that’s the case, here’s some advice ahead of time - ask Maury and not Miss Tiger. NEXT!

Dear Here Cums The Bride, He may not be in the wedding party, but he’s definitely the Dear Miss Tiger, best man for your pussy! NEXT! Me and a bunch of girlfriends attended our mutual friend’s bachelorette party. We thought it would just be a harmless Dear Miss Tiger, night of stripper action the night before her wedding. Girl, the I finally married my girlfriend last month. She’s always been a bride-to-be took the strippers to the back room and fucked bit of a sex kitten but I hoped she’d take it down a notch once them both! She wasn’t even drunk either! I don’t want anywe got married. During our honeymoon she even tried pole thing to do with her bow. Am I wrong? dancing on a light post and bent it in half! She’s promising to -Charlotte be more domesticated but can she really change? -Tom Dear To Hell With Your Question - I Have A Few For Your Ass, Dear Even Hellen Keller Could See This Question #1 Bullshit From A Mile Away, Who the hell was this bitch’s party planner? The only change you can count on is what’s left in your pockets after you’ve paid for all the shit that bitch tears up! Your Question #2 bride’s efforts at domestic bliss are about as real as the tits Did that whore have the nerve to wear white the next day? ya bought her last year for Christmas. NEXT! Need advice? Write, Tweet or Facebook me and get the Dear Miss Tiger, answers you’ve been looking for, Hunty! I need advice on what to wear to a wedding. My sister warned me not to dress slutty. Any ideas? -Tabatha Advice columnist • SiriusXM radio personality ... Dear Off The Rack, and everyone’s #FAVORITEBITCH Darling, I don’t care what the fuck you wear! Just don’t be Website: FavoriteBitch.com Facebook: /MissTiger one of those messy hoes that appears at every wedding. Advice : ask@misstiger.com We’ve all seen her ... the attention getting drunk who humps every man & woman on the dance floor and ends up getting fucked in the bathroom by one of the catering guys. NEXT!

Miss Tiger

66 // 06.25.2014


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If I see one more queen at the gym sitting on gym equipment while texting for an hour… I swear I’m going to bitch slap you.

SEND US YOUR BITCHES! Text 404.969.BTCH, tweet @BitchSessionATL or email bitch@davidatlanta.com *This page reflects the bitchiness of the community not David Atlanta or its publisher (although we’re bitchy too!)

When you unfollow someone: “It’s nothing personal.” When someone unfollows you: “WHY DO YOU HATE ME?” Hard to believe I’m old enough to be saying this, but these little young things need to calm down and learn some nightclub etiquette. That cute face will only get you so far!

Maybe you should keep your shirt on. If I wanted to see big tits, I’d be straight!

I found out that Crossfit is a lot like reverse fight club. Because the first rule of Crossfit is to never shut up about Crossfit.

68 // 06.25.2014

Party tip: play GRAPHIC gay porn out of your front window really loudly to make rowdy stoop dwellers leave.

FUCK YOU, VEE. I can’t grow a beard, but I guess sitting on one is the next best thing.

Who the hell decided that a man in a dress and a wig flailing around to a gay anthem is a celebrity?

The only thing worse than a troll is a troll who has a small dick that doesn’t even get hard.

I’ve seen you naked and on your back, but not walking, let alone standing…

davidatlanta.com // 69

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