Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: August 26, 2015
CARDINAL CHATTER Welcome to the beginning of a new school year. We praise God for giving us the opportunity to work with so many new families. We are around 240 students with forty new this year. Keep us in your prayers and help us figure out ways to keep improving our program. An Accreditation Team will be on campus for a few days at the beginning of October to assess our program and give recommendations for improvement for the next five years. This helps us maintain our State and National Accreditation Standards. 8/31 9/3 8/27 9/7 9/17 9/18 10/11
90th Anniversary Lunch RSVP’s due to Church or School Office (details below) 90TH ANNIVERARY T-SHIRT ORDERS DUE! Family Fun Night Room Parent Meeting, 3:25 (after school), school library Labor Day; No School Family Fun Night! Teacher’s Convention; No School 90th Anniversary Celebration/Lunch
Tutoring: After school tutoring will be provided by PTL on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30. The first tutoring session will be the Tuesday after Labor Day. Cora Watts will be our high school tutor. Family Fun Night: Our annual school carnival will be held on September 17. Many thanks to Dona Mullins and Deana Reid for offering to take the lead in planning that event. All head room mothers and all other Family Fun Night volunteers are encouraged to attend a meeting in the school library after school on Thursday, August 27, to help plan this event. 90th Anniversary Celebration Catered Lunch: JOIN US for a catered lunch on Sunday, October 11 to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of our congregation. Everyone is invited to attend. We will have videos, pictures, and memorabilia of the old school and building projects. Reserve your seat for $6 a person so we can get a good count of how much food to prepare. (The cost will be $10 at the door IF we have enough food.) Please let the Church or School Office know by the end of this month. 90th Anniversary T-shirts: were sold at Enrollment Day. If we were out of your size and you would like to order a shirt, orders are due in the office by Wednesday, September 2. Additional order forms are attached to the bottom of this Chatter. PTL: New officers for this year are President Timilyn Crank, Secretary Dona Mullins, Home Room Representative Jennifer Heitman, and Auction Coordinator Casey Russell. Returning officers are Secretary Susie Vincent, Treasurer Sara King, Athletics Tomi Faulkner, Scrip sales Kenda Ward, Jandy Chamberlin, and Nicole Lorenz, Golf Coordinator Megan Sibley, and Teacher Reps: ECE Teachers. First up on our calendar is Family Fun Night on September 17. If you are a room parent or just willing to help, please come to our planning meeting on Thursday, August 27 in the school library after school gets out. We look forward to seeing you there! HAVE YOU CHANGED HOME/EMAIL ADDRESSES OR PHONE NUMBERS OVER THE SUMMER?: Be sure to give the office your new details so that we can get in touch with you! Lutheran World Relief School Kits: We are still taking collections for School Kits; if you are willing to donate supplies, a school kit contains the following items. Please consider donating one or more of these supplies: 4 spiral 70-page notebooks, 1 ruler (with centimeters), 1 manual pencil sharpener, 1 blunt scissors, 5 unsharpened #2 pencils, 5 black or blue pens, 1 box of 16 or 24 crayons, 1 2½” eraser.
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
OKLAHOMA PROMISE APPLICATIONS: Oklahoma Promise is the program that will help pay for a Oklahoma Student’s college education, if certain financial and educational requirements are met. At the time that the student begins college and prior to receiving any program benefits, the income of the student’s parents may not exceed $100,000. Enrollment information about Oklahoma Promise went home with the 8th grade last week. Please ask your student for his/hers if you are interested in the program, and stop by the office for an application. APPLICATIONS FOR NATIONAL FREE & REDUCED SCHOOL LUNCH AND BREAKFAST PROGRAM: We not only serve lunch, but breakfast as well! If your child would like to eat breakfast at school, it is served in the cafeteria between 7:45 – 8:05 each morning. The menu for breakfast is listed on the lunch menu that we send home each month, and also on FastDirect & in the Ponca News. First Lutheran School participates in the National Free & Reduced lunch program; applications for this program were available at enrollment, and more applications are available in the office if you would like to apply at any time during the year. Please remember if your child qualifies for free or reduced lunch, that it applies to their breakfast as well. Reduced price lunches are $.40 and breakfast is $.30 for those qualify. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. CHAPEL OFFERING FOR AUGUST: Please bring supplies for the Lutheran World Relief School Kit Program, or donate money to be used to purchase school supplies. Items needed are: 70-page spiral notebooks, ruler (with centimeters), manual pencil sharpener, blunt scissors, unsharpened #2 pencils, black or blue ballpoint pens, 16 or 24count boxes of crayons, and a 2½ inch eraser. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Welcome to the MANY new students and families this school year. We started with 201 last year and we are at 235 this year. We PRAISE GOD for each of you and pray that we will be blessing to all our students and their families. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns immediately so we can try to address them in a timely manner. We all make mistakes and have plenty of room to improve. With the help of God, we will have another GREAT YEAR. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: It was wonderful to see everyone at Back To School Night! Together we can make this a super successful year for your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please set up a visit or contact me via Fast Direct. The children are already getting into a daily routine and doing well during class time. They are so sweet! This week our theme is "Apples". We will learn the parts of an apple, do a taste test of 3 different types of apples, learn about other foods made from apples, etc. Our letter this week is "A". We will work on letter recognition and the sound it makes. Look for a note in backpacks regarding next week's SHOW and TELL for Bear week. Also, look for the first Scholastic Book order. Orders are due back by Fri., Sept. 4 to me or online. This Thursday at 3:30 there will be a PTL meeting in the library to plan Family Fun Night. Head room mothers are asked to attend but please consider going if you would like to be involved. Help is always needed. Have an awesome week! God bless. PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Reese! Thank you for the wish list items; our class appreciates them! It was great to see you at Back to School Night! If you didn't make it, there is an information sheet in backpacks today. Our first book order is in backpacks today, it is due back to me or online by Friday, September 4th. There is also a Highlights Magazine order form in backpacks today. If you would like to order, fill it out and return to me by Friday, September 4th. If you don't want to order, please sign and send it back to me, we can earn free things for our classroom just by signing and sending it back! Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – MRS. Flaherty: Thank you so much for attending our Back to School Night! I am looking forward to a great year with you and your child. This week we are working on the letter “A a” and friendship. I am asking for each child to bring in one cup of a favorite finger food (e.g., cereal, crackers, marshmallows, raisins, etc.). We are going to make a “friendship mix”. KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We would like to wish Adam a happy birthday this week! It was so great seeing so many parents at back to school night! If you didn't get to come please look in your child's backpack for their new "Monday Folder" (homework). Inside the folder you will find some information letters about several things. The homework folder is due back each Monday or, if we don't have school on Monday, then bring it back on Tuesday. Have a wonderful week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Thank you to all of the parents who came to back to school night. It was great to have all of you there! Thank you also for all of the supplies that you have been bringing in for our classroom - it is greatly appreciated. We will have show and tell on Friday afternoon. Book orders are due on Thursday, Sept.3 Happy August birthdays to Karsyn and Kelby. Have a great week!
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: HOORAY!! It's great to be BACK TO SCHOOL! What a fine bunch of second graders. Thank you for entrusting them to me. We've already learned many new routines and expectations. Thanks for coming to our classroom last night. Continue to pray for us and we will continue to pray for you. Happy August Birthday to Lauren Zimmerman! God's Blessings, Dear Friend! Book orders are due on September 1. Blessings! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: It was great to see everyone last night. Please let me know if you have any questions; I know I throw a lot of information at you in a short time. I am always here after school till 4:15ish, so please feel free to stop by. If you were unable to come, I have a folder with all the information in it. Please read it over and let me know if you have any questions. Also if you would please fill out the salmon-colored sheet on your child and turn in to me please. This week: Memory: Psalms 90:1 due Friday. Spelling and Reading Test Friday. Look for paragraph this Thursday with reading book and vocab. words. Have a fabulous week!! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: We are now rolling in our regular weekly schedule. I am so glad to have seen everyone at Back to School night. Thanks for the great turn out. I will be contacting you soon to set up a home visit if you requested one. We are reviewing in Math, in Language we are working on types of sentences, and this week we will be working on our AR goals. Keep reading and earning those points. We are finishing up Because of Winn-Dixie, and will test on Friday. Please be sure to look on FastDirect Bulletin Board for an electronic version of the Friday Letter. Do not forget no school on Labor Day. Please continue to bring in school supplies for Lutheran World Relief. School supply sales are still going on! FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: We're off to a fabulous start! What a nice group of children I am blessed with again this school year. We welcome Ellie Copeland, Kejion Davis, Shianne Deel, Raecyn Fisher, Madux Johnson, and Ryleigh Rowe to our First Lutheran Family. We're so glad they have joined our class. Tests this week include spelling and reading on Friday and math today. Memory work due Thursday is Numbers 6:24-26. Blessings!
Deadline to apply for Student Council Washington D.C. Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 8th Grade Room (Last Payment Due)
ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE (team sports, cheerleading, or other extra-curricular activities): With the beginning of the school year, please remember that students involved in extra-curricular activities will have their grade status evaluated at the beginning of every three weeks. A student who has a grade below 70% in any subject will be put on probation. During that time, the student will be given an opportunity to raise the grade above 69.9%. The student must take action to raise the grade. Failure to raise the grade will result in suspension from the extracurricular activity until the next three week grade check. After the first probationary period, a student will be suspended from the extra-curricular activity when any grade drops below 70%. Suspensions are enforced and lifted on the first school day of the week. (Any students failing a subject on their report card will be suspended from extracurricular activities until all grades are passing at the three week check point.) Student Council: Middle school students need to apply for Student Council by Monday, August 31, if they wish to serve for this semester. They can pick up an application in Mrs. Goll’s room. Applications should be submitted to Mrs. Goll. Mrs. Goll: Thank you for joining us for Back to School Night. The teachers have devotions together each morning; our devotion on Tuesday talked about “walking together”. The better we teachers and parents can “walk together” the more successful our students will be. Thanks for walking together with us. Please remember to ask your child about his daily learning; check FastDirect for bulletin board updates and grades; and call or ask questions of the teachers as needed. God bless you as you spend this week serving Him. Mrs. Harbeson: Wow! What an awesome group of students we have in the middle school this year! With our first week of school under our belt, we are ready to go! It was great to see you all last night at Back to School night. Thanks to our First Lutheran cheerleaders, their parents, Mrs. Hanson, and Mr. Arthur for the awesome dinner! It was delicioso! I hope you had all your questions answered at our middle school meeting. I know that, especially for our new 6th graders, there is a lot of information to take in. Don't get discouraged! Once we get routines established, everything will get easier. If you do run into an Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
issue, please come talk to us. I also encourage all parents and students to check out my website. My web address is Here, you will find spelling and vocabulary words, test and quiz dates, a middle school activity calendar, and lots, lots more! I'm looking forward to the upcoming school year! Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: This year is off to a great start! All classes are very engaged and show an awesome willingness and desire to learn! Parents, ask your students how their view of science and scientists has already changed! To those of you who came to back to school night, thank you and it was great to see you. If you were unable to make it, we missed you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns during the year, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. As you have discovered, most science work will be done online. We have plenty of outlets for students if they are unable to be connected at home. 7th Grade - cookie dough fundraisers are out. Sell, Sell, Sell! These orders and money are due Sept. 9. 8th Grade - our main concern right now is bug collection. The project description has been distributed and all requirements are known. Anywhere and everywhere, collect bugs! These will most likely be due in October. 6th Grade - we are exploring the smallest part of all things! Ask your student what this is! Mr. Covert: We’ve made it to the second week of class! We’re starting to get into the meat of the content and get onto a roll. In 8th grade, we started off around 1760, so we are covering the reasons for the Revolution and the war that followed. In 7th grade, we’re looking at the physical Earth before we start talking about its people. And in 6th grade, we are taking a look at the earliest civilizations we know of, such as the Sumerians. 8th grade parents, as a reminder, we will have a meeting at 5:30 PM on September 1st. There will be a representative for the magazine sales company there to discuss that last fundraiser, and we will have a short logistical meeting after, and probably schedule one last one for the week before the trip. Do your best to be there! I pray that God continues to bless us all through this early school year as we continue to work through it!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus DON’T THROW THAT AWAY!!: First Lutheran School collects, and benefits from, donations of used/empty ink cartridges, old cell phones, BoxTops for Education, Campbell’s soup labels, and Coke points! Do you throw away ink or toner cartridges @ work? Do the kids on your child’s team drink Powerade’s with Coke points under the lid? Possibly your youth group had a lock-in and served cans of Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid or Fanta, (with Coke points on the inside flap of the box they came in?) Those ring binders that your office uses may have BoxTops points on the labels! Please send all of these items to school with your child or drop them off at the school office, and your school will benefit from it! We can use the proceeds/points from these companies to purchase playground balls, classroom and office supplies, and discounts on our toner/ink needs, which all helps to keep your costs down! THANKS for your help! NOTE! If you buy bottles of Dasani water, they do have Coke points, but they aren’t on the lids. We need the code that is stamped on the inside of the plastic packaging. If you’re not sure what it looks like, bring the packaging in to the office, and we’ll help you find it. Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
First Lutheran Church & School 2015/2016 T-shirt Order Form (limited sizes available in school office)
Shirts are red with white lettering
Family name:____________________________ Ph:_____________ # of each size shirt: ____YS ____YM ____YL ____S ____M ____L ____XL x $13 each ____2X ____3X ____4X ____5X x $16 each Total shirts @ $13: ___x $13 = $_____ + Total shirts @ $16: ___ x $16 = $_____ = $_______(due) Total shirts ordered:____________
Paid with Cash______ or Check #__________
Send home with ___________________ (student name), ______ (student grade) Make checks out to FLS; return check & order form to the office by Thursday, September 3, 2015 Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus