Chatter 1 11 17

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: January 11, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 1/12 1/16 1/18 1/25 1/30

FLS @ Newkirk; 3, 4, 5, 6 Parent Teacher Conference-No School Geography Bee (4th-8th) 10 a.m. in gym FLS Freddy’s Night Pep Rally @ 2:30 w/Mini-Cheer performance


2/1 2/10

Hillsdale Christian @ FLS; 5:30, 6:30 Mini-Cheer performance 8th Grade Sports Recognition Night Mid-Quarter Reports PTL SOCK HOP for ALL AGES

SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: In the event that school may be cancelled due to inclement weather, we follow Ponca City Public Schools schedule FOR WEATHER-RELATED CANCELLATIONS ONLY. Listen to your radio during the cancellation announcements, and if Ponca City Schools are cancelled, First Lutheran will be out, also; however, there will NOT be a separate announcement for First Lutheran. This only applies to weather-related cancellations; at all other times, follow the First Lutheran School Calendar. If you need a new one, or have any questions, please contact the office. SCHOOL OFFICE—TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2016 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, scroll down to the bar that says “2007 Tax Year Printout”, change the year to 2016, and click the box that has “Tax Year Printout” in it. This will include school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from daycare director Mellissa Fleharty. Remember that not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. NO SCHOOL and DAY CARE CLOSED – Monday, January 16 - Parent/teacher conferences will be available on Jan. 16th so no school and no day care that day! Teachers will be meeting to work on improving our Language Arts curriculum and making it a smoother transition across the entire program.

BOX TOPS – Save those box tops and send them to school with your child. The class with the most box tops will be rewarded. Please send them in bundles of 50. Thanks. CALLING ALL GOLF LOVERS - Please mark your calendars for the 2016/2017 Cardinal Classic. Come to Wentz Golf Course Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. Thank you for a successful first Golf Committee Meeting of the 2016/2017 school year this past Monday. Our next meeting is planned for January 30 in the fourth grade room at 4:30. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. Even if you did not sign up to help before you are more than welcome to join the committee. MINI-CHEER: is for students in pre-school – 6th grade and practices will be 3:30 to 4:30 the week of January 23-27th; performance night will be Monday, January 30 between the Varsity games and Pep Rally at 2:30 also. To sign up, please fill out the form attached to last week’s chatter and drop it and your $35 off in the school office. More forms are available in the office. LOST AND FOUND - If your student has lost a coat, please check with the Amanda Porter-Cain. The coats have been

moved to the athletic director’s office in the Early Childhood Building. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: The New Year is up and running and new families are still enrolling for this year and wanting to enroll for next year. Last week we had a gentleman from Vietnam that wanted to enroll his daughter for next year. Our goal is to have re-registration papers ready at the beginning of February and open enrollment for the public will start March 1. We praise God for bringing us all together in this place to serve our Lord in this New Year. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: It was a great first week of being back from break, but we would sure love to have some warmer days to be outside! We welcome Alie Burris to our classroom on Mondays and Fridays! We love having new friends in our classroom. Next Monday, school will be out for Parent/Teacher conferences. If you feel the need to meet with me, please let me know so we can arrange a convenient time for you. I am so proud of how hard this class is working and the improvements they are making! This week, our theme is "Space" (always one of the children's favorites). God's blessings on your week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Caleb and Gage! Report cards came home last week. Please sign and return the envelope to me by Friday. Book orders were in backpacks last week and are due back to me or online by Friday. Our Bible

words this week are God is with your wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. We are learning the letter "K" and the number "12". We are out of school on Monday for Parent Teacher conferences. Please look for the note in backpacks about conferences. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Book orders due back to me or online by this Friday. This week we are learning the letter “Kk” and the number “17”. Our Bible words this week are: “God is with your wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: This next Monday the 16th we will not have school. It is a parent/teacher conference day. If you want a conference please let me know or I already sent home a slip with your child if I need to see you. I still need a few signed report cards back. I will give you another copy to keep when I get your child's signed report card back. This way I know you saw the card. Thank you for taking the time to do this and if you have done it already thank you very much! Our class is changing because we have a new boy Slate Muchmore (welcome) and I am sad to say that Chrislyn Harland has left our class. We will miss you Chrislyn. Please have an awesome week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday is John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. There is no school on Monday. A note was sent home if you need to have a conference with me. If I did not schedule a conference with you, but you would still like to meet with me, please let me know. Happy birthday to Caylee on Wednesday and Relic on Thursday! Have a great week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: All's well in second grade. The children are working hard and have been especially attentive beginning this semester. Remember that we will be saying the commandments each Thursday. Tomorrow is the second commandment. Please be sure your child can say memory work before dropping them off. No recess for those who are not prepared. Keep reading for AR. Thanks to Mrs. Ware for making our movie day such fun. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: This week we welcome a new student to our class, Rhett. That brings our class total to 20 students. This week: Spelling and Reading Test on Friday, with also 10th Commandment. Math Test on Thursday. I will be at a teachers conference on Thursday, and Mrs. Zimmerman with be my sub. Thank you so much Mrs. Zimmerman for teaching my class for me. Report Cards: I am still missing some signed report cards. If you haven't turn your child's in please get it back to me as soon as possible. NO SCHOOL MONDAY!! If you need to meet with me about anything please let me know. Have a wonderful week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We are back into the swing of school. As the weather is swinging back and forth, please dress for the changing weather to not get sick. Keep practicing math facts and concepts. This helps to ensure that we have speed and accuracy for more difficult math problems. Keep reading for AR & Book It. If you wish to have a parent teacher a conference, please contact me so we may set one up for the week of the 17 th, otherwise I will email you by this weekend. Book orders that went home last week are due the 20th. God’s Blessings on your week! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: As I mentioned in my FD Bulletin Board article this week, we are busy here in 5th grade. It always seems that end of units in the different subjects fall so closely together! Therefore, tests just seem to pile up. As I talked with the children many seemed overwhelmed with the schedule, so I've adjusted several test dates. It will give everyone more time to study, especially with Monday off. Tomorrow, Thursday, holds a language test. On Monday the pages that can be specifically studied for this test were given. Friday is this week's spelling and reading tests. The social studies test has been moved from Friday to next Wednesday, January 18. The science test will be next Thursday, January 19. We will move on to new chapters in both these subjects, but at least there is more time to study for the tests. We congratulate the following 5th graders for representing us in the Geography Bee to be held Wednesday, January 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the gym: Kyle King, Braden Stewart and Bo Lorenz.

MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Dance: Friday, January 13 from 6:30-9:00. The FLS student council members are sponsoring the dance. Mrs. Harbeson along with our awesome student council members' parents and a few other parents will be chaperoning the dance for the evening. Girls wear dresses; boys wear slacks with button-up shirts or polos. No jeans, shorts, sweats, or anything of that style. Food and drinks will be provided. A photographer will be at the dance taking pictures. He will take pictures using a backdrop as well as candid shots of the dance. An order form is attached to the back of this Chatter and will also be available at the dance; money for pictures are due at the dance. If you do NOT want your child's picture taken, please let Mrs. Harbeson know ASAP. I will make sure the photographer does NOT include your student in any candid shots. (In the event of very bad weather, the dance may be re-scheduled for Saturday – January 28 or the end of February.) Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! We are smack dab in the middle of a really busy week! Report cards came home last week. Parents, if you would like to set up a time to come in with your student to talk, please send me a FastDirect message, and we will get something scheduled. I want to encourage all students to be reading to meet your AR goal this quarter. Remember, our goal is to continue to increase our reading levels throughout the year, and the only way you can do that is to READ! Students who have higher reading levels and work to achieve higher levels will do better in all subjects. For those of you who already have a fairly high reading level, you must continue to read so you can maintain that level. Just like in most things, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it!" Please remember to check my webpage ( to keep up with assignments, quiz and test dates, and school activities. We have two big events coming up on Friday. First of all, the AR party has been scheduled for 2:00 to the end of the day on Friday. Later that evening, all the middle school students are invited to the winter dance. The dance begins at 6:30 and ends at 9:00. Look for more information on the dance in this edition of the Cardinal Chatter. Blessings on the rest of your week!

Mrs. Pacey: This week we are working on fractions and fraction operation in 6th, 7th, and PreAlgebra. Algebra is learning to solve equations by graphing. I am very excited to be teaching the Drama elective this quarter as well. We will be learning about story theater. Groups will design their own story theater production as the final project. Mrs. Hanson/Mrs. Hercyk: The temperatures are going crazy in Oklahoma! Let's hope the bad weather stays away so that Middle School can enjoy their dance this Friday! And while everyone is excited about the dance and crazy weather, students still need to stay somewhat focused on their studies because next week all classes will be tested over their science chapters. This weekend will be a good opportunity to review your notes, worksheets and other papers in preparation for the upcoming tests. Tests = 8th Ch.14 Wednesday, 7th Ch.7 Thursday, 6th Ch.3 Friday You may check a book out for the weekend to study for the test. Please bring them back as we use them in class daily. I will also be available this Thursday 1/12/16 from 4-6 pm for parent consultations if a parent would like to meet. Mr. Covert: We’ve got one week under our belts in this second semester now! I hope that everyone is doing their best to stay healthy with the bugs going around and the crazy weather swings! Our classes are moving right along. 8th grade is going over the secession of the Southern states, and we’ll be starting a chapter on the Civil War itself this week. In 7th grade, we’re looking at Eastern Europe and their next door neighbor Russia. 6th grade is going over the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire, and the role Rome played in the history we have in the Bible 7th grade parents: We’re still a couple months out from having a meeting regarding DC, but I want to get this to you as soon as possible. In going over the Real ID Act, I found that while our driver’s licenses will allow us to fly until January of 2018, they will NOT be valid for entry into federal buildings after June 2017. That means to get into the White House, Pentagon, and Capitol building; each person WILL NEED a passport! Make sure each person in your group who will be going has one and brings it along! Look for a DC meeting in early April as well. On a different note, when we returned from Christmas break there was a letter in my mailbox from the 8th grade class at Zion Lutheran School in Anaheim, California. It was a questionnaire that they had filled out about their school, along with a blank one they asked us to fill out and send back. I sat down with the 8th grade and we filled it out as a class and sent it back to them last week. While I assume that it was part of a class project, it was exciting for me and for the 8th graders to get a small look into another school that’s a part of this same body of Christ! I pray that God continues to shower us with blessings as we move forward in this New Year! Blessings on your week!

Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

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