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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: January 18, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 1/17 1/20 1/23 1/25 1/30

6th Grade Basketball Tournament HOME Prayer Vigil from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 5th Grade Basketball Tournament HOME FLS Freddy’s Night Pep Rally @ 2:30 w/Mini-Cheer performance

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Hillsdale Christian @ FLS; 5:30, 6:30 Mini-Cheer performance 8th Grade Sports Recognition Night Golf Meeting, 4:30, 4th Grade Room Mid-Quarter Reports First Lutheran Women’s Guild Valentine’s Salad Lunch, 11:00-1

Prayer Vigil – This Friday – January 20, the church will be open from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. to just come-and-go to PRAY. Our country and our world need healing and you are welcome to share your concerns with the Lord. BOX TOPS – BOX TOPS! BOX TOPS! Save those Box Tops! Each one is equivalent to 10 cents so when we put them altogether we raise a good amount of money. If you would bag them in groups of 50, that would be helpful. Our contest will run until March 1 and the class who contributes the most will win a pizza party. Your trash could be our treasure! Thank you! Mrs. Powell CALLING ALL GOLFER LOVERS!!! Pease mark your calendars for the next golf meeting - 01/30/17 in the 4th grade room at 4:30. If you have already signed up to help with the 2016/2017 Cardinal Classic you will receive a letter in the mail. If you still want to help support our school, come to the meeting on the 30th. Remember the Cardinal Classic is at Wentz Golf Course Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. See you on the 30th! MINI-CHEER: will be next week (January 23-27th) from 3:30-4:30. The two performances will be Monday - January 30 at the 2:30 Pep Rally and that night between the Varsity games. (Entry to the Monday night games is $5 for adults, $4 for Senior Citizens, and $3 for students. Pay at the door.) TRIP TO MADAGASCAR: Next week some of our students are going on an online trip to Madagascar to see how mission work is being done by Lutherans there. An offering box is being sent home with your child to help with this mission experience. Please return it with offering by the end of the month. FIRST LUTHERAN WOMEN’S GUILD SALAD LUNCHEON will be held Friday, February 10, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. Prices are Adults $8.00 and children Pre-school-aged $3.00. Tickets are available from Guild members, in the church, and school offices. LOST AND FOUND - If your student has lost a coat, please check with the Amanda Porter-Cain. The coats have been moved to the athletic director’s office in the Early Childhood Building. SCHOOL OFFICE—TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2016 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, scroll down to the bar that says “2007 Tax Year Printout”, change the year to 2016, and click the box that has “Tax Year Printout” in it. This will include schoolrelated expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from daycare director Mellissa Flaherty. Remember that not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: We praise God for the day off from school on Friday and the very little bad weather. (My prayers were answered.) That also gave us a four day weekend to avoid the potential of spreading sickness. Confirmed Type A FLU has been reported in SEVERAL students in the school so watch for signs especially fever.

PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Another short week means we are going to be busy, busy, busy! This week, our theme is "Our 5 Senses" and our letter is "N". We are continuing work on letter recognition and sounds, counting and number recognition, and writing our names. We are beginning rhyming words, opposites, and patterns. Although the children grasp the concept, our time is very limited. Any additional practice at home would be of great benefit. Book orders are due now and the order will be sent in on Friday. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Lucy! I hope you enjoyed your extra days off! Please remember to sign and return your report card envelope. Thanks for taking the time to meet with me on Monday. If you were not able to make your conference, please let me know when a good time to reschedule would be. We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Tuesday January 31st. Please look for the notes in backpacks today. Our Bible words this week are, I trust in you, O Lord. Psalm 31:14 we are learning the letter "Ff" this week. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Mrs. Flaherty isn’t feeling well; hopefully she’ll be back with us soon! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: I hope everyone had a nice long weekend! Please keep working hard with your child on their "Monday Folder Homework" everyday. We work each day on our sight words and reading in school but doing the homework reinforces your child's reading and sight word recognition skills. This is very important in helping your child become a fluent reader. We would like to wish Rose a happy birthday on January 22nd! Have a blessed week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday is Mark 10:14 - Jesus said, "Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God. I am still missing a few report cards. Please sign one of the copies and return back to me. Our 100th day of school will be Tuesday, Jan. 31. All of the ECC classes are collecting canned goods and our goal is to have 100 cans. Each child just needs to bring in 1 can of food for the Food Pantry at our church. We will also be making a trail mix. Each child can bring 100 food items for our mix (any kind of cereal, marshmallows, M&M's, raisins, pretzels, anything you can think of). These items can start being brought in next week. I want to encourage you parents to make sure that you keep working with your child with their reading. Each week, new phonic skills are introduced. Please make sure that you are doing the reading homework each night to help ensure their success. Thank you! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: What a blessing! A four-day weekend! Our God protected us from dangerous ice and provided much needed rain. Book report information and material came home last Wednesday. Please let me know if you did not receive this information. I still need a few report cards signed and returned. Please remember to help your child with memory work. Each child will need a shoe box for our Valentine project. We'll need them by February 2. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: So glad the ice passed us over. Wasn't it nice to have a extra day off? Monday, was parent/teacher conferences, if you would like to meet with me please let me know. This week: Since we missed school on Friday, this week is going to be kind of different. Monday - we took our spelling test and reading test for last week. This means we will NOT have spelling or a reading story this week. Instead we will be writing a would you rather paper in class. Book report: our new book report project will be coming home this week; please be on the lookout for this. Animal Report: This is a project to go with our animal unit. I will only be giving about two weeks for this project - it is not hard, so do not stress. Look for this to be coming home also. Chapter Book - in about two weeks we will be starting our next in class chapter book, so no paragraphs or reading test during this time. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We are back into the swing of school. As the weather is swinging back and forth, please dress for the changing weather to not get sick. Keep practicing math facts and concepts. This helps to ensure that we have speed and accuracy for more difficult math problems. Keep reading for AR & Book It. If you wish to have a parent teacher conference, please contact me so we may set one up for the week of the 17th, otherwise, I will email you by this weekend. Book orders that went home last week are due the 20th. God’s Blessings on your week! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte Wasn't last Friday a gift?! There is absolutely nothing like a snow day to lift one's spirits! We've had to do some adjusting since we missed a day. Please see my Fast Direct Bulletin Board for what we're doing or have done this week. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Dance: has been postponed to Friday – FEBRUARY 24. Mrs. Harbeson: Even though "Ice-magedon" didn't happen, it sure was a nice treat to have an extra long weekend! I told the kids on Thursday that if we did have a snow day, that I would spend the day in my p.j.'s making banana nut bread, and that's just what I did! I hope you all enjoyed your extra day off! 2

All classes have begun their new units in grammar and Wordly Wise. They have also received their new books and "quiz date" bookmarks for my class. I encourage everyone to read, read, read! The last day to take AR tests for the 3rd quarter will be Friday, March 10. Speaking of AR, Mrs. Ware will be rescheduling the AR party . . . probably for this Friday. I'll be sure to let the kids know what she decides. We also were forced to reschedule our middle school winter dance for Friday, February 24. Our current STUCO members will be "putting on" this dance. Unfortunately, the photographer that had planned to be at the dance last Friday will not be able to make the February 24 dance. We'll try to get him at our spring dance. We will be electing our new student council members for the second semester this week. Permission slips will come home Tuesday and must be returned to me with a parent signature by Thursday. We will hold elections this Friday, and the new members will be announced Monday morning over the intercom during homeroom. Please check over your student's announcement page on my website ( to see what we will be doing in class this week. Good luck to all our 6th graders who are playing in the 6th grade tournament! Mrs. Pacey: I hope everyone had a great long weekend. We are working with fractions in 6th, 7th, and Pre-Algebra. In Algebra, we are creating linear equations based on data. Drama students need to be memorizing the Jabberwocky poem. Mrs. Hanson/Mrs. Hercyk: Welcome back after a nice long break! I'm glad the weather was not as bad as it could have been. I have moved back the test dates one day for 8th and 6th. 8th grade will test Thursday, 7th grade will test Thursday, and 6th grade will test next Monday. Blessings on a terrific week! Mrs. Hercyk Mr. Covert: Oh, you know it was a wild week when you see all four seasons inside of seven days! I thank God that the winter storm passed relatively uneventfully, and we can pick up right where we left off! Our classes have kept moving at a very nice pace this quarter. 8th grade is starting a chapter on the Civil War itself; the sides, the battles, and how the war ended. In 7th grade, we’re finishing up a chapter on Eastern Europe, and next we’ll be heading to the Far East to take a look at the countries of East Asia. 6th grade is still focusing on the Romans, and the events that transpired to turn them from the world’s first republic into a very successful empire. 7th grade parents, I will send home a sheet on Tuesday regarding the fundraising basketball tournament for next week (the week of the 23rd). I will also send a link to a sheet with all the workers through FastDirect, so take a look at that and pick up the days you might need! I pray that our Lord continues to bless this school and all the families that make it up as we move forward in His name. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus


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