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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: October 28, 2015

CARDINAL CHATTER 10/26-30 10/28 11/3 11/4 11/10

Red Ribbon Week (Dress up days listed below) 1st Quarter Awards presented at chapel FLS @ McCord, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 2nd Grade to Ark City/Cowley College Play FLS @ Pawhuska, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 (5th & 6th) 11/12 Marco’s Pizza Day 11/16-24 Book Fair!

11/20 11/20 11/23 11/24 11/26-27 11/26

Pk,K,1 to NOC play Deadline for Box Top Contest PS & PK Grandparents’ Day K-8th Grandparents’ Day Thanksgiving Break – No Daycare Ponca City Daddy Long Legs Fun Run/Walk. Entry forms available in office.

PRINCIPAL - Mr. Birnbaum: OUR CONDOLENCES TO MRS. KELLY- Mollie, the 18 year old daughter of our PreKindergarten teacher Lori Kelly, was called to heaven on Saturday. She is now resting healthy in the arms of our heavenly Father. Please add her family to your prayers. To assist the family with her funeral expenses, the Chapel Offering for this week and next will go to the Kelly family; donations may also be made in the office. Thank you for your generosity. The funeral for Mollie Kelly will be held Thursday, October 29 @ 2:00 @ Sunset Baptist. RED RIBBON WEEK IS THIS WEEK - Our theme is “We ‘mustache’ (must ask) you not to bully or do drugs.” Our remaining dress up days are Thursday—Twin Day; Friday—Costume Day. Also, Friday will be “Electronics Day” (no cell phones; but other electronic devices will be permitted). Students are encouraged to wear their Red Ribbons every day. Thanks, Student Council, for organizing these events. SIGN-UPS FOR DAYCARE ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25: Daycare is currently taking sign-ups for child care on Wednesday, November 25. If you need child care that day, please sign up in the daycare room. If there are not enough people that sign up, daycare will be closed. If you sign up for daycare, but do not come, you will be charged. Daycare will be closed on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27. BOXTOP CONTEST: Did you know that your trash is FLS' treasure? Each box top that you save is worth 10 cents! Fill in the sheet attached to this Chatter and return it to your child’s classroom, and you've earned our school $5. The class that collects the most by November 20 will be treated to a pizza party. Good luck! Hello Parents! Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is coming up soon and I am looking for some help. BOOK FAIR WORKERS NEEDED! The First Lutheran School Book Fair will run November 16-24, with a few special events mixed in. This event is vital to helping the teachers and our Libraries get new books for their classrooms. Whether you have volunteered for a previous book fair or are interested in getting involved for the first time I would love to have you on board. Call or message Susie Ware on Fast Direct to sign up! BLAKE SHEPARD FUNDRAISER: Thank you so much to all of the people who bought tickets and donated time, money, or goods to the baked potato fundraiser. Together, we raised over $10,000 to go towards Blake’s final expenses. DADDY LONG LEGS PONCA CITY FUN RUN/WALK: Will be Thursday, November 26, 2015. Entry forms are due November 19, 2015, and went home with the middle school students; if you have a younger student and would like a form and did not receive one, please stop by the office. FLC&S 90TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE: We are taking orders for the 90th anniversary video for $10; this is the same video that was playing during the lunch in the gym on Sunday. We also have 90th anniversary Christmas ornaments on sale in the office for $8 each. PHOTO’S FROM FAMILY FUN NIGHT: If you had your photo’s taken at Family Fun Night and would like to view, print, or order copies of them, you can see them at or go to and click on Portfolio, then Portraits, then Families, and then Lutheran Family Fun 1

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

Night. These pictures will be used to make a pictorial directory of the families in the school, and will be given out to the families that participated. FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: We are going to be publishing a pictorial directory of the families here at First Lutheran, and the book will be shared with the families who send in pictures. We will start with the portraits that were taken at Family Fun Night; however, if you were unable to have your picture taken at Family Fun Night, but would like to be included in the directory, please email your family picture to Thanks! NEW TEXTING & CAR SEAT RULES - According to the Ponca Newspaper, "beginning Nov. 1, city ordinances will take effect barring the act of texting while driving and raising the age required for child car seat 8 years and under." Texting while driving will now be illegal in Oklahoma. Rear-facing car seats until the age of 2 (or weight limit of their car seat) and children age 2 to 8 will be required in child-restraint seats (or until 4 feet 9 inches). PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Our thoughts and prayers are with Mrs. Kelly this week as her family mourns the death of daughter Mollie. If you would like to send a card or make a memorial donation, there is information on my desk. We are observing Red Ribbon Week and enjoying the opportunity to "dress up" each day. The children are really looking forward to the costume party Friday at 10! Please join us if you can. Book orders are due this Friday as well. Show and Tell will be next week on the 6th. This week our theme is "Spiders" and we are learning some interesting things about them! God bless your week. PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Mrs. Mayer is subbing for Mrs. Kelly for the next couple of weeks. Please keep Mrs. Kelly and her family in your prayers. There are many purple ribbons around the school in memory of Mollie. The children seem to be doing well and adjusting to Mrs. Mayer being here. We are learning the letter "P" and making peacocks, painting pumpkins purple, and painting pigs. Our costume party will be Friday at 2:30 p.m. Children may wear their costumes to school (no scary, no weapons). Morning children are welcome to come back for the party. Our room moms will be calling you to remind you of what you signed up to bring. Our Bible words for this week are "My times are in Your hands." Have a great week and be safe. Blessings to you all. PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Parents please keep the Kelly family in your prayers during this time. Today and next Wednesday our Chapel Offerings will go to the Kelly family. This week we are working on the letter "Jj" and counting games. Friday is costume day and our class party @ 2:30. COSTUMES MAY NOT BE SCARY AND NO WEAPONS PLEASE! Bible Words for this week "Seek first the kingdom of God." Matthew 6:33. KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: It was great to see all the parents during our conference times. Thank you all very much for coming! We will have our costume party (no scary costumes or weapons) this Friday the 30th at 2:30 in the afternoon. All parents are welcome to come. Our class sends Mrs. Kelly lots of love during this difficult time. Have a wonderful week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Friday - He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm 23:2. Book It reading logs are due on Monday, Nov 2 for personal pan pizza certificate. Our party will be on Friday at 2:15 - please look for a note to come home about the party. The kids may wear costumes to school, I just ask that no scary dress-up or weapons be brought to school. We will also have show and tell on Friday. Happy birthday to Jeremiah on Oct. 31! Please continue to keep Lori Kelly's family in your prayers. SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy Reformation! A great time to celebrate the work that Martin Luther did to help us realize that we are saved by grace. To God be the Glory! We've enjoyed the fun Red Ribbon Week activities. Thanks to Mrs. Goll and the student council for the fun events. Remember that we will be going to Ark City on Tuesday to see the play at Cowley County College. Memory work for tomorrow is Psalm 50:15 and next week's memory work is 1 Corinthians 13:13. Our prayers are with Mrs. Kelly as she mourns the loss of her daughter. In all things, God is good. Blessings! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: Thank you all for meeting with me last week! Also, sorry about all the confusion about testing, I learned that I cannot rush Chatter articles. This week: Spelling and Reading Test on Friday. Memory: 1st Commandment due next week, there is a list of all the the Commandments and an date for when they are do with the mail this week. Science Test: A review should be going home today, the test is next Tuesday. Study the review and you should be fine. Book Report: A sheet will be coming home this week on our new book report, these will not be due till after Thanksgiving break. Grandparent's Day: Please let me know if your child will not be here for Grandparent's Day November 24th. We are doing a play so I need to get characters set. A.R. Last week we celebrated reaching out last quarter goals, a HUGE thank you to Freddy's for donating ice cream for the party. Also, thank you to Mrs. Vincent for helping serve toppings. This quarter everyone's goal has gone up so please check with your child to see what their goal is. FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: I appreciate the wonderful conferences we had. I really see the amazing support God has given our children through their families. Red Ribbon Week is going wonderfully! November book orders that came home today are due Tuesday November 10th. Keep reading books for Pizza and AR. Some have already begun to color our 2

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

new AR pizza sheets! Sunday begins new Pizza Goals. October Pizza sheets are due on Monday. Remember 500 pgs per month; many are finding that 500 is really easy! Remember that play permission slips are due 10/30 & 11/13. We have started the second quarter off on a good foot let’s continue to keep the good pace and steady footing for the rest of the year! FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: We mourn with the family of Mollie Kelly, our preschool teacher, Mrs. Kelly's, daughter. She went home to be with Jesus on Saturday. Please remember her family in your prayers. Isn't our God amazing?! He sends us rain in due season and beautiful fall weather with magnificent splashes of color in the foliage. Fall is my very favorite time of year! Tests this week include spelling and reading on Friday. Wednesday holds math test 5 and Thursday is our last states and capitals quiz over the Southwest region. The 9th Commandment and meaning were due yesterday, and next Tuesday the 10th Commandment and meaning are due. After that we will start memorizing parts and songs for our Christmas program. Fifth graders have all the speaking parts, as well as being part of the choir. The program we're working on is lots of fun, and the best part of all is it's all about Jesus. Blessings on your week.

MIDDLE SCHOOL 10/28 10/28 10/30 11/2

FLSCA, 7:30 a.m., Extra classroom south of gym; Open to ALL middle school students. MathCounts, 3:20, M.S. Math Room 6-8th attend “Drug Store” @ the Hutchins Wreath orders due

11/3 FLS @ McCord, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 (5th & 6th) 11/9-14 Shidler Tournament (8th Grade) 11/10 FLS @ Pawhuska, 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 (5th & 6th) 11/11 FLSCA, 7:30, Early Childhood Bldg

DRUG STORE—Sixth through eighth grade will be walking to the Hutch the morning of October 30 at 9:15 to attend the Drug Store. This event is a dramatization for middle school students to help them be more aware of the dangers of drugs. MATH COUNTS – Mrs. Goll: MathCounts—Our next MathCounts meeting will be held on Thursday, October 28. We will have a guest speaker. Mrs. Goll: I enjoyed visiting with you at Parent Teacher Conferences. Our students are very blessed to have caring, loving families. As we get second quarter underway, math will become somewhat more challenging. Even if your student has no math homework, a brief discussion on the concept of the day will help cement it in your child’s brain. Please remember Mrs. Kelly and her family in your prayers as they deal with their loss. God bless you as you serve Him this week. Mrs. Harbeson: Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. We have unfortunately experienced a great loss this weekend within our First Lutheran family. Please lift up our pre-K teacher, Mrs. Kelly, as she and her family are dealing with the loss of her daughter, Mollie, who passed away on Saturday morning. We are assured that Mollie is resting with our Savior, but we know that it is Mollie's family and friends who are having to cope with their sadness and loss. Please, Lord, bless and comfort Mrs. Kelly and her family as they will need your comfort, reassurance, and love for many, many months to come. For the next two weeks, all offerings collected during chapel will go to the Kelly family to help with their expenses. If you are able, please send your offering with your student on Wednesday or you may drop it off in the school office. Thank you so much for showing your love to Mrs. Kelly during this very difficult time. Blessings to you! Mr. Covert: The second quarter is off to a good start here at FLS! We’re moving right along and taking care of things left and right. Before I begin with what our students are up to, I ask that you say a prayer for the family of Mrs. Lori Kelly as they recover from the loss of her daughter. All of our thoughts and prayers go with her this week. In 8th grade, we’re discussing the changes that were made to move us from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution we have today. We’re going to start picking apart the Constitution next chapter so we know what every part means. In 7th grade, we’re working on states and capitals, as we’ve finished up the United States geographically. Following that, we’re going to take a look at our neighbor to the north, Canada. And in 6th grade, we will be wrapping up the history of Ancient Greece, and then delving into their culture and society, looking at how important they are to us as a society. May God bless us all as we go about doing His work this week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus 3

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus


Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

RED RIBBON WEEK October 26-30, 2015 DRESS UP DAYS! “We ‘mustache’ (must ask) you not to bully or do drugs” Thursday — Twin Day Friday — Costume Day 5

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

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Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

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