Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:
Sola Scriptura
October 4, 2017
CARDINAL CHATTER 10/5 Fall Portrait Day! TOMORROW! 10/6 10/9 10/11 10/15 10/17 10/18
Makeup Picture Day 8:20, K-5, Fire Prevention Assembly Freddy’s Night, 3:30 – 8:00 12-3:00, FLC Youth Group, Youth House ECE to Pumpkin Patch Elementary to Pumpkin Patch
PICTURE DAY: Fall Portrait Picture Day will be
10/18 10/18 10/18 10/19-20 11/5
The NED Show, 2:00 End of BoxTops Collection Contest End of 1st Quarter Fall Break – No School Friendship Sunday; 10:45 church followed by meal and games (see below)
TOMORROW!!!, Thursday, October 5; makeup
picture day for students ill on Thursday, will be Friday, Oct. 5. Order forms went home 2 weeks ago; extra forms are available in the office. Order forms/envelopes need to be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher. Remember to include sales tax on your picture order payment (it’s listed on the order envelope, but if you need help figuring it, call the office). YOUTH: Youth "lunch-fellowship-games-devotion-service-craft Event", Sunday, Oct. 15th 12:00pm-3:00pm. Yep, all of that in just three hours, what more could you ask for?!? Sixth grade-high school, come join us and bring a friend. FREDDY’S NIGHT: First Lutheran School will have Freddy’s night on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 from 3:30 – 8:00. Freddy’s will donate 15% of your purchases to First Lutheran School when you mention First Lutheran when placing your order. DAYCARE OVER FALL BREAK: There will be no school on October 19th and 20th for fall break. If you need Childcare, please sign up in the entryway of the childcare rooms. We will need at least 20 children signed up each day to be open. Signup sheets are available now. If we are open over fall break and you sign up for daycare but decide not to come, you will be charged for that day. BUTTERBRAIDS - FOR SALE: These are frozen pastries that will be pre-ordered and are delivered the second week of November. The cost is $14 and they come in a variety of flavors - Double Chocolate, Apple, Cherry, Cinnamon, Cream Cheese, Blueberry Cream Cheese, Strawberry Cream Cheese, 4 Cheese w/Herbs, & Caramel Rolls. The 7th & 8th grade are selling these for Washington D.C. expenses; you may order from them, or contact the school office by October 17. Thank you in advance for your support. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION CONTEST!: Are you saving your BOX TOPS? We're having a first quarter contest that ends on October 18. Each class that collects 500 box tops will win an ice cream party! It's most helpful to have them bagged in groups of 50. Thank you for your support! NO BAND TODAY (WEDNESDAY)—Mr. Farmer: Due to an unexpected conflict in my schedule that has just popped up, we will not have band class on Wednesday, October 4. Sorry for the conflict! Thanks, Michael Farmer, PC Area Bands. FLCS EVANGELISM: The FLCS Evangelism Committee would like to invite you to join us for church on November 5. We'll have one service at 10:45 followed by a potluck meal. After the meal we'll have several parent-child games (races, relays, egg-toss). We hope you can join us. COMPUTER: 2ND – 5TH GRADES: Please remember to send a pair of headphones or earbuds with your student to use this year during computer. -- 1 --
PONCA BOWL is offering a new bowling league for adult and youth groups. 4 people per team, any combination of men, women, or children (must have 1 adult per team). Families welcome. League meeting will be Monday, Oct. 16 at 6:30 at Ponca Bowl. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: The first quarter of the school year is already coming to an end in two weeks and we have so much going on. I praise God for the wonderful parents we have this year that are supportive of our teachers and working hard with their students. I praise God for each of you. LIBRARY – Mrs. Ware: Happy October! Students are already getting excited about BOOK FAIR next month! If you are a parent/grandparent who would like to volunteer to help with book fair this year, I would love to have you! Please contact me through Fast Direct or call and let me know if you would like to help with this very special yearly event. PRE-SCHOOL - Ms. Heidi: If you have any outdoor toys you would like to donate for the 1's and 2's playground we would greatly appreciate it. (push toys, push cars, trucks, etc.) P1 class is in search of a rocking chair. It CAN NOT be a glider rocker. Have a great and wonderful week! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Happy October! This feels like our busiest time of the year! Book orders are due now, either to me or online. Thursday is picture day (need forms and $) and also SHOW N TELL. Pumpkin Patch forms and $ are due Friday. This is a parent drive field trip and so much fun! This week our theme is "5 Senses". We will do lots of exploring with taste, smell, touch, hearing, and seeing. Our letter is "G". Assessments are ongoing as we prepare for our first report cards. Next week I will have out a sign-up sheet for parent/teacher conferences so be thinking of what works for you. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Picture Day is tomorrow. Order forms must be turned in at the time of pictures. Pumpkin Patch permission slips and money are due on Friday, October 6th. Book orders are also due to me or online on Friday. Show and tell will be on Friday. As the weather changes and the temperature gets cooler please remember to label all jackets with your child's name. Our Bible words this week are, Beloved, we are Gods children now! 1 John 3:2 We are learning the letter "Aa" and the number "2". Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will have show and tell this Friday the 6th. Also, on Friday I need all the permission slips returned with payment (Rustic Roots Pumpkin Patch). I will be testing your children on their ABC's and sounds this week and their sight words next week for their report cards. I start testing a little early because it is all individual testing. The end of the quarter is Wednesday the 18th (2 weeks away). So please keep working hard on your child's Monday Folder homework. Happy October to everyone! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday is Philippians 4:4 - Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Field trip forms and money are due on Friday, Oct. 6. October book orders went home today. These are due online or to me by next Friday, Oct.13. Remember that Picture Day is tomorrow! Happy October! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy October! I love fall and am looking forward to beautiful fall colors and cooler weather. Remember that picture day is Thursday. Also, remember that we are heading to the pumpkin patch on the 18th of October, $6 per child and $6.50 per adult. Permission slips and money due back by the 13th. I'm proud to announce that we've all reached our AR goals!!! Way to go, 2nd Graders! Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Wow! This quarter is flying by, only 2 more weeks. If you haven't checked on your child's grades please log on and look. If you have any questions please let me know. This week: Test - Spelling, Reading, and Math. Memory: All Old Testaments Books. Book Reports: Your t-shirts are due next Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions. I cannot wait to see these! Picture Day: This Thursday is picture day. Please bring me your order form and money. Extras can be picked up in the office. I would suggest sending your child with an extra set of clothes, as it is P.E. day. Have an amazing week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: Next week we are in Winfield, Kansas to see early life technologies. Permission slips are due Friday! Please bring a sack lunch that does not need to be heated up. We are now working on the New Testament books of the Bible. Here is the song that we are listening to: Please continue to help your children check their assignments for their supported success, and ask them if they are turning in their work. Smile pretty for school pictures TOMORROW! Please look on my Fast Direct Bulletin Board for a special homework note. Also look on Fast Direct for the schedule when each scholar will be a scientist for the class. Ask kids about some special missing Rose Hill Items. Book orders are on Friday the 13 th. Also look for our first project report of the year coming soon. -- 2 --
FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We're having a great week here in 5th grade! I have listed tests and quizzes on my FD Bulletin Board. Tomorrow is picture day. A note went home last week about our field trip to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday, October 18. Please send it back with the money ASAP. We're really looking forward to that! God's blessings on your week.
MIDDLE SCHOOL 10/5 10/10 10/15 10/17
Picture Day! Thursday! (Tomorrow!) 7th Grade to Wichita/Theater 12-3:00, FLC Youth Group, Youth House Butter Braids Orders Due
ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE: With the approaching basketball season, please remember that students involved in extracurricular activities will have their grade status evaluated at the beginning of every three weeks. A student who has a grade below 70% in any subject will be put on probation. During that time, the student will be given an opportunity to raise the grade above 69.9%. The student must take action to raise the grade. Failure to raise the grade will result in suspension from the extra-curricular activity until the next three week grade check. After the first probationary period, a student will be suspended from the extra-curricular activity when any grade drops below 70%. Suspensions are enforced and lifted on the first school day of the week. (Any students failing a subject on their report card will be suspended from extra-curricular activities until all grades are passing at the three week check point.) {Page 16 of the parent handbook} MATH COUNTS – Ms. Pacey: MathCounts meets Wednesday’s and Friday’s after school in the math room until 4:15. Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! My, we've been busy around the middle school this past week! I've heard that the eighth grade students and their parents had a great time on their Washington D.C. trip, and I've also heard that the seventh grade Zoo Snooze trip was a success! The sixth grade students, parents, Ms. Pacey, and I arrived home from Camp Lutherhoma on Friday afternoon weary but in a good way...we had a lot of fun! Thank you to Mrs. George and Ms. Herard for being the best cooks ever! Also, thank you to our awesome dads - Mr. Heitman, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Trenary, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Gales - for helping in the kitchen, leading our outdoor activities, supervising our boys (plus a few other boys from other schools), and for being master grillers! All our parents (and aunties!) are awesome!! Like I've always said, we just couldn't do these fun activities without you! The seventh graders and I will be attending a theater production next Tuesday, October 10, in Wichita. This is an annual trip, and I hope you all will enjoy it. A big thanks goes out to our parents who are accompanying us! In language, we are all starting a new unit on capitalization. (Ask your student about the extra credit opportunity he or she has!) We will take a unit test before the end of the quarter. In literature, all students should take the AR test on their chosen AR book for the first quarter by Wednesday, October 18. If the test is not taken, I unfortunately will have to enter a "0" in the gradebook as a test grade. Be sure to be on top of your reading! That's all I have for now. I hope you have a blessed week! Mrs. Hanson: Welcome back from all the trips! I know we 7th graders had a blast and I'm sure the rest of y'all did too! Check out our social media sites to see some pictures of everyone's trips. All classes will have science tests this FRIDAY. We will wrap things up and review until then. First test in the books, please make sure you're prepared. Bug projects for the 8th graders are due next week. We will work some in class, but the majority of the work will need to be done at home. In 3 weeks, the cheerleaders will be attending the very first competition EVER. We have been working very hard and the squad is totally ready to rock this competition and bring home some trophies. It is open to the public at Frontier City. Admission to the competition also gets you a day pass to the entire park. The cost is also cheaper than a normal day pass to the park. Please come out and support your Spirit First Cheerleaders while you enjoy "Spookfest" at Frontier City. If you want more info, let me know.
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Mrs. Pacey: Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their trip to D.C., Zoo Snooze, or Lutherhoma. I had a blast getting to know some of the 6th graders better at Lutherhoma. All classes are working on chapter 2, and will have a test toward the end of next week. Mr. Covert: The trips are done and we’re all back in Ponca City! I pray that the journeys we took were educating and that everyone had recovered by now. We’re going to pick up where we left off before we left. In 8th grade, we’re starting off with our first President and the growing pains our government went through as they started things off. In 7th grade, we’ve started to take a look at our northern neighbor and our relationship with them. 6th grade is looking at the Kingdom of Israel and their place in our world’s history. 7th and 8th grade parents, we’re beginning a new fundraiser, selling ButterBraids. The forms are due back on November 17th, so sell as much as you can in the time we have! I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we move into the Autumn season. Blessings on your week!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus
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Yummy ButterBraids for sale as a Washington D.C. Fundraiser! To order one, please see a 7th or 8th grader, or contact the school office. (Orders due to office 10/17/17)
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