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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: October 7, 2015


Accredidation Visits @ FLS MathCounts (5th Grade & up) Mtg, 3:30, Math Room Marco’s Pizza Day! (See details below) 10/11 90th Anniversary Celebration/Lunch (RSVP NOW!) 10/14 ECE Pumpkin Patch, 2nd, 5th to Pumpkin Patch; 4th Grade to K&O Steam Show, Last Day of Quarter 10/15-16 Fall Break (No School)

10/20 10/21 10/23


The Great ShakeOut Hearing Tests (Rescheduled) Parent/Teacher Conference; CLASSES DISMISSED AT 11:20 BLAKE SHEPARD FUNDRAISER, 11-6:30, Cafeteria. $8 (See below) FLS Golf Classic

PICTURE DAY: Picture Day is TOMORROW!, Thursday, October 8, 2015. Friday, October 9 will be makeup picture day for children who are missing on Thursday, or who are not here on Thursdays (M-W-F Preschool). Picture flyers were handed out last week; please fill out the envelope and return to your student’s teacher along with your payment. If you prefer to order your pictures and backgrounds online, go to “” and enter Picture Day ID Oc025164Y0. If you have any questions, please contact the office. 90TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CATERED LUNCH: JOIN US for a catered lunch on Sunday, October 11 to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of our congregation. Everyone is invited to attend. We will have videos, pictures, and memorabilia of the old school and building projects. Please let the Church or School Office know if you plan to attend so that we will have enough food. DAYCARE DURING FALL BREAK: A sign-up sheet for Fall Break is out--No School October 15th & 16th; last day to sign up will be Friday October 9th. MATHCOUNTS (5th Grade and above) —Mrs. Goll: Calling all Mathletes! We’ll have our organizational meeting for MathCounts on Thursday, October 8, from 3:30 to 4:30. Please join us! BLAKE SHEPARD FUNDRAISER: We are hosting a Baked Potato Fundraiser here on Friday - October 23 from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. It is a half day of school because of Report Card Conferences, so lunch will not be served, but we ask that you consider purchasing lunch and/or supper to eat here or to go. All of the proceeds will go to help the Shepard Family with expenses following the week of hospitalization and then loss of life of Blake. His brother Kyle graduated from here a year ago. Please pray for Shepard family. Tickets are available in the school office for $8. CIRCUS TICKETS: Carson & Barnes will be in town this weekend, and have dropped off some tickets for one free child admission (under 12) with each paid adult ticket. If you would like some, stop by the office. MARCO’S PIZZA DAY: happens on October 8; the 2nd Thursday! For every purchase you make at Marco’s, if you tell them you are with First Lutheran School, we will get a percentage of your purchase as a donation to the school! Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to update the early childhood playground and provide age-appropriate playscapes for our 2 and 3 year old classes. FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL CARDINAL CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT: Are you a golfer and are looking for a fun opportunity to help First Lutheran? Maybe you're not a golfer, but would still like to support our students! You don’t golf; though want to be part of an amazing day? If any of these opportunities appeal to you, we have the event coming up! The second Cardinal Classic golf tournament will be held on Sunday, October 25, at Wentz Golf Course. All money raised will benefit the FLS technology and educational programs. We began the technology upgrade last time; we need to finish now. Interested in participating in the 4 person scramble? Registration forms are available in the office. You may sign up a team, or you may sign up as an individual. Do you want to support the school through a sponsorship? A sponsor form is also available in the office so you can choose your level of giving. Remember, all levels of hole sponsorship are tax deductible! 1

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

Need a little more incentive to get involved? For every $100 sponsor/donation that you bring to the office, your name will be placed in a drawing to win one of two prizes: a $250 credit and/or a $125 credit to your child’s First Lutheran School account! Let's get out, play a little golf, and help raise money for our students. If you have any questions, please contact our school office. CUB SCOUTS: It's not too late! Boys in grades 1-5, are you interested in cub scouts? It is not too late to join. Pick up an application form at the school office. Call Lee Stout 761-6967 or Edith Hunt 763-1993 for more information. HEARING TESTS RE-SCHEDULED: Due to a conflict in scheduling, the hearing tests have been re-scheduled to Wednesday, October 21. BAND – Mrs. Jones: No classes on October 13 & 20, as I will be out of town. Continue to record practice times and turn it in on October 22. Our evening Christmas concert has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. Look for more information to come home later. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: WHAT A WEEK! We had the cutest Trike-A-Thon for St. Jude's Children's Cancer Research Hospital on Friday and now we have the Accreditation Team here for three days, Picture Day tomorrow, and the final BIG 90th anniversary celebration this Sunday. We praise God for all of you and we pray God's blessings for at least another 90 years of active weeks for the church and school. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Loving the cooler mornings but please remember to send jackets for recess. Thursday and Friday are picture days! If you ordered online, please let me know. Forms and money are due Thursday. We are really looking forward to our trip to the Pumpkin Patch! A letter will be coming soon with more details. No school 15th and 16th for Fall Break! Don't forget to sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference. The sign-up sheet is on my desk or contact me through Fast Direct or by call 716-8666. This week our theme is "Pumpkins". I am really proud of how the class has settled into learning together and we are making great progress. They are fantastic! God bless! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: PICTURE DAY is tomorrow! Thank you for helping your child participate in the St. Jude’s Trike-A-Thon! The kids had a great time, and we raised some money for a great cause! If you haven't turned your donations in, please get them to me by Friday. Our book order was due to me on Friday. I didn't receive any orders, so I am keeping it open until this Friday. Show and Tell will be on Friday. Parent/Teacher conferences are on Thursday/Friday October 22nd/23rd. I have a sign up sheet on my desk if you would like to choose your time. Our Bible words are, Beloved, we are God's children now! 1 John 3:2 We are learning the letter "A" and the number "3" this week. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: This week we are working on the letter "Ll", leaves, and Fire Prevention. Please remember book orders are due this Friday and picture day is tomorrow the 8th. This week’s Bible words "I, the Lord, am your Savior." Isaiah 60:16. Hope you have an amazing week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Our class wants to thank the accreditation team for all their hard work! We also would like to wish Abigail a happy birthday on Friday! Last week I sent home a paper for our "Book It" program. Parents, you can read books to your child and fill out the Oct. sheet (20 books) then send it back to me and I will give your child a coupon for a free pizza from Pizza Hut. We will be doing this each month for the next 6 months. Have fun reading! Also, please keep doing all the homework reading and popcorn words! We will go to the pumpkin patch next Wednesday the 14! We are learning about pumpkins. I hope everyone has a great week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Friday - Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4. Reminders for Thursday - picture day and book orders are due. Parent/teacher conferences will be on October 22 and October 23 (11:15 dismissal on the 23rd). Please come by the room and sign-up for a time to meet with me. Please make sure that your child has a jacket on these cooler mornings - they still go outside for recess! We are looking forward to our field trip next Wednesday to the Pumpkin Patch! Have a great rest of the week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: What glorious fall weather God is providing! Carter and Trenton have reached their AR goals, too. By Friday we will all have reached our goals. Way to go! Remember that book orders are due Friday. AND the Rockin' Star Farms permission slip and money are due Friday also! I realized too late that this is a repeat visit for this class and I think we'll still enjoy our trip. We will be going on Wednesday the 14th of October; a great way to end the quarter. Tomorrow is picture day and packages must be prepaid. Memory work for tomorrow is Matthew 28:19 and 20. Check your child's planner for a copy of this memory work. Blessings! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: What a wonderful day at the pumpkin patch! I hope everyone had a great time; thank you for all attending and also thank you to all those parents who drove. This week: Spelling and Reading Test Friday. Memory (Matt.-Titus) also due on Friday. Tomorrow is picture day, please return your forms if you are ordering pictures. Social Studies Test on Tuesday. A.R. goals need to be met by next Wednesday, please ask your child how they are doing. This quarter is coming to an end, please check Fast Direct on where your child grades are. 2

Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: Next week we are in Winfield, Kansas to see early life technologies. Permission slips are due today! Please bring a cold sack lunch that does not need to be heated up. We are now working on the New Testament books of the Bible. Here is the song that we are listening to: Please continue to help your children check their assignments for their supported success, and ask them if they are turning in their work. Smile pretty for school pictures tomorrow. Book orders are on Monday the 19th. We have a science test tomorrow. FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: A note went home on Thursday about our field trip to Rockin' Star Pumpkin Patch in Stillwater. Please sign and return by Friday. Friday holds a spelling and reading test and the Southeast region quiz. Social studies test 2 will be Tuesday. The 6th Commandment and meaning is due Tuesday. I know everyone is looking forward to a short week and then Fall Break. Just hang in's right around the corner. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL 10/8 MathCounts Organizational Meeting, 3:30-4:30, M.S. Math Room 10/14 FLSCA, 7:30 a.m., Extra classroom south of Gym; Open to ALL middle school students. 10/28 FLSCA, 7:30 a.m., Extra classroom south of gym; Open to ALL middle school students. MathCounts—Calling all Mathletes! We’ll have our organizational meeting for MathCounts on Thursday, October 8, from 3:30 to 4:30. Please join us! FLSCA: The kickoff for FLSCA (FLS Fellowship of Christian Athletes) will be on Wednesday, October 14 at 7:30 a.m. in the extra classroom south of the gym (The old 4th grade classroom). ALL middle school students are invited and encouraged to attend, you do not need to be an athlete to participate in this time of Christian Fellowship! Music—Seventh Grade—Thank you, thank you, thank you for the great singing you did on Sunday. Thanks, Parents, for bringing your students for this event. The music class will lead chapel on October 14. Parents, you are welcome to join us. Mrs. Goll: We are happy to have our accreditation team visiting this week. I’m really pleased to see our students working so hard to show their best efforts for this team. We have just one week to finish up for this quarter. Finish strong, Students. I’ve been emphasizing “show your work” in our math classes lately. A few students really have difficulty following this directive. Please encourage your child in this regard. Blessings always as you strive to follow Jesus. Mrs. Harbeson: Hello from middle school! I hope everyone is doing well as we finish up our first quarter. One week from today will officially end our first nine weeks. Hopefully everyone is caught up with classwork. If you are not, the last day that I will accept late work is tomorrow. Next week all classes will be grading language folders. Remember that your language folder is a test grade. It is really important to be gathering up those papers and getting them ready to organize. I will help all classes get those folders together on Monday. Another reminder, the last day to take the AR test on your first quarter book is next Wednesday, October 14. Again, this is a test grade so it is really important for you to get this done. Let's keep going! You'll get that much deserved break in a little less than a week. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Hanson: October is Anti-bullying Month. In honor, let's be more aware than ever, being kind to all, and standing up for those who can't. 7th Grade is studying the world religions and will be completing research and creating a presentation in class. 8th grade has finished all projects! I am very pleased with the products! We are moving on to learn about all invertebrates. 6th grade is getting deeper into chemistry and now learning about bonds. Ask your students if they know the difference between the different types of bonds. Mr. Covert: The first quarter really flew by! We’re one week away from the end of the first quarter, and I praise God for all the things that we’ve had go well this year so far! 8th grade will do their DC presentations this week, and then we’ll start working on the very beginnings of the United States. In 7th grade, we will be finishing up with the Eastern US, and then hop over the Mississippi to look at the Western half of our nation. In 6th grade, we’re starting a chapter on the Israelites, and showing how God worked throughout their history. As I said before, I’m praising God for all the good in these first nine weeks, and praying that anything not as good can be straightened out as we continue to grow together in Christ. God’s blessings on the rest of your week!


Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus


Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

PICTURE DAY IS TOMORROW! (Thursday, October 8) Extra forms are available in the office if you need one.

DON’T THROW THAT AWAY!!: First Lutheran School collects, and benefits from, donations of used/empty ink cartridges, old cell phones, BoxTops for Education, Campbell’s soup labels, and Coke points! Do you throw away ink or toner cartridges @ work? Do the kids on your child’s team drink Powerade’s with Coke points under the lid? Possibly your youth group had a lock-in and served cans of Coke, Sprite, Minute Maid or Fanta, (with Coke points on the inside flap of the box they came in?) Those ring binders that your office uses may have BoxTops points on the labels! Please send all of these items to school with your child or drop them off at the school office, and your school will benefit from it! We can use the proceeds/points from these companies to purchase playground balls, classroom and office supplies, and discounts on our toner/ink needs, which all helps to keep your costs down! THANKS for your help! NOTE! If you buy bottles of Dasani water, they do have Coke points, but they aren’t on the lids. We need the code that is stamped on the inside of the plastic packaging. If you’re not sure what it looks like, bring the packaging in to the office, and we’ll help you find it.


Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus

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