Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: November 18, 2015
CARDINAL CHATTER 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/23 11/24
7:30 – 8:00, Muffin’s with Mom’s, Book Fair, Elementary Building Pk, K, 1 to NOC play Deadline for Box Top Contest PS & PK Grandparents’ Day K-8th Grandparents’ Day; School dismissed after lunch (12:30). Grandparents, please check students out in the office when leaving.
11/25-27 Thanksgiving Break – No Daycare 11/26 Ponca City Daddy Long Legs Fun Run/Walk. Entry forms available in office. 12/2 10:00 Spelling Bee, gym 12/5 Christmas Market 12/7 2:30 pep rally 12/10 Marco’s Pizza 12/11 Elk’s Essay Deadline, 5th – 8th grade
DAYCARE: We had enough sign-ups for daycare to be OPEN ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 & 24. Daycare WILL NOT BE OPEN WEDNESDAY – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25-27, 2015. GRANDPARENTS DAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 Grandparents meet in the Gym 10:15 CHAPEL in the church w/Pastor&Chris 10:45 Middle School Lunch/Visit Classrooms/Book Fair/etc. 12:30 Dismissal GRANDPARENT’S DAY MEAL: Grades K-8 will celebrate Grandparent’s Day on Tuesday, November 24. We invite their Grandparents to enjoy lunch with their Grandstudents afterwards; please RSVP to the school office (in person or call 762-9950) on or by Friday, November 20 so that we will have enough food; Grandparents’ meals are $5, students will eat for the regular student price. Grandparents may pre-pay in the office or at the door. Classes are dismissed after lunch. When your students leave for the day, please have them/their grandparents check them out in the office. Please contact the office if you have any questions. MRS. KELLY: Thank you all for the love, support and prayers shown to my family and I. They have helped in this process of dealing with the loss of our precious daughter Mollie! Please continue to remember us in your prayers. STUDENT COUNCIL: Our Penny War will conclude tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who helped support this memorial for Mollie Kelly. SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: In the event that school may be cancelled due to inclement weather, we follow Ponca City Public Schools schedule FOR WEATHER-RELATED CANCELLATIONS ONLY. Listen to your radio during the cancellation announcements, and if Ponca City Schools are cancelled, First Lutheran will be out, also; however, there will NOT be a separate announcement for First Lutheran. This only applies to weather-related cancellations; at all other times, follow the First Lutheran School Calendar. If you need a new one, or have any questions, please contact the office. CHRISTMAS MARKET: The Christmas Market Oklahoma Festival will be held Saturday, December 5, 2015 on our church and school campus. Booth fees benefit the First Lutheran School Scholarship Fund. We are currently accepting applications from artisans, crafters, and vendors. If you or a church/school group or class would like to have a booth to raise money for a specific need, we would be delighted to have you participate. For more information, please contact Shirley Zimmerman at 761-4657. BLACK FRIDAY SALES: Black Friday is coming; are you prepared? A lot of you will begin your Christmas shopping in 1 week; be sure to stop by the school office and pick up scrip for the stores that you are planning on visiting. The retailers sell the gift cards to PTL at a discount, PTL sells them to you at face value, and then PTL uses the profit to purchase/fund activities for the school! There are hundreds of cards that can be ordered, that o see what retailer cards you can order, please visit and click on “Retailer List” on the bottom of the page. 1
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
BOOK FAIR EVENTS: The Book Fair event still to come is on Thursday, 11/19, Muffins with Moms, 7:30-8:00 am. We look forward to seeing Moms and their children at the book fair in the elementary building for a yummy muffin and some morning shopping! I am also looking forward to seeing everyone at the book fair following Grandparent's Day activities. This is a great opportunity to see the kind of books your grandchildren love and to appreciate how much they have come to enjoy reading. BOOK FAIR WORKERS NEEDED! Hello Parents! Our Fall Scholastic Book Fair is here and I am looking for some help. The First Lutheran School Book Fair will run November 16-24, with a few special events mixed in. This event is vital to helping the teachers and our Libraries get new books for their classrooms. Whether you have volunteered for a previous book fair or are interested in getting involved for the first time, I would love to have you on board. Call or message Susie Ware on Fast Direct to sign up! USED COMPUTERS FOR SALE: If you are interested in purchasing one of the old desktop computers from the computer lab, please see Mrs. Ryan. They are $50 each. CANNED FOODS & ANGEL TREE GIFTS FOR CHAPEL: For the months of November and December, we will be collecting Canned Foods for the Food Bank and financial donations to help needy families at Christmas. Please help your children to see the blessings we take for granted. COLLECTING PONCA CITY SANTA BUCKS: First Lutheran is collecting the Ponca City Santa Tickets that are given out at participating local businesses each time you make a purchase during the Christmas season. If you are willing to donate yours to the school, please drop them by the school on or before December 22; the earlier the better so that we can get them organized for the big night. BOXTOP CONTEST: Did you know that your trash is FLS' treasure? Each box top that you save is worth 10 cents! Fill in the sheet attached previous Chatter’s (or stop by the office to get a new one) and return it to your child’s classroom, and you've earned our school $5. The class that collects the most by November 20 will be treated to a pizza party. Good luck! Keep saving those box tops! Your child's class could win the pizza party prize! FLC&S 90TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE: We are taking orders for the 90th anniversary video for $10; this is the same video that was playing during the lunch in the gym on Sunday. We also have 90th anniversary Christmas ornaments on sale in the office for $8 each. DADDY LONG LEGS PONCA CITY FUN RUN/WALK: Will be Thursday, November 26, 2015. Entry forms are due November 19, 2015, and went home with the middle school students; if you have a younger student and would like a form and did not receive one, please stop by the office. PHOTO’S FROM FAMILY FUN NIGHT: If you had your photo’s taken at Family Fun Night and would like to view, print, or order copies of them, you can see them at or go to and click on Portfolio, then Portraits, then Families, and then Lutheran Family Fun Night. These pictures will be used to make a pictorial directory of the families in the school, and will be given out to the families that participated. FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: We are going to be publishing a pictorial directory of the families here at First Lutheran, and the book will be shared with the families who send in pictures. We will start with the portraits that were taken at Family Fun Night; however, if you were unable to have your picture taken at Family Fun Night, but would like to be included in the directory, please email your family picture to Thanks! PRINCIPAL - Mr. Birnbaum: Grandparents day next week. Kindergarten through 8th grade, please be sure to RSVP with the school office for your grandparents' lunches. We pray that you will have a blessed Thanksgiving break. Praise God for all the gifts that we always take for granted. PRE-SCHOOL – Ms. Lester: PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Grandparent's Day is right around the corner! Reminder notes were sent home in backpacks if you signed up to bring food or drinks for the day. Thank you for helping with this special event. Hope to see you all at the Book Fair! I love, love, love it! Weather permitting, we will try to walk our classes over to check it out. Our theme this week is "Thanksgiving" and our letter is "I". Show and Tell TH/FRI Dec 3 and 4. God bless! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Rhett and Bryce! We will be going to the play at NOC on Friday; look for the reminder note in backpacks today. I hope you have had a chance to visit the book fair this week. It will also be open after our Grandparents Day program on Monday. The invitations for Grandparents Day are in backpacks today. Our chapel offering this month is food for the food pantry or money for the Angel tree gifts. We read a book last week about giving to others and I challenged our class to bring two cans each for the food drive. Friday is the last day for the box tops contest, and Sunny D labels are due the 30th. We will dismiss at 11:00 after our Grandparents Day program on Monday, 2
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
and we will not have school the rest of the week. Thank you again for your love and prayers! I hope you have a blessed week and a wonderful Thanksgiving! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: This week we are working on decorations and songs for Grandparent's Day. We are also learning why we celebrate Thanksgiving and reviewing letters and sounds that we have learned so far throughout the school year. Reminders went home Monday afternoon for our Field Trip to the NOC Play "A Year with Toad and Frog" we will be leaving the school at 9:20 and returning at 11:20. If you have signed up to bring items in for grandparent's day, please drop them with your child Monday Morning. I hope you all have a safe and fun Thanksgiving!!! Bible words this week are "Love the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 6:5 KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will have our field trip this Friday, please see the orange note. Also, the school book fair is this week and next week in the elementary building (cardinal room). You may take your child before or after school to the fair. Part of the chapel offering this month is canned food and we are still collecting this food in our room. Thank you, to all the parents that have brought food! Just a reminder that grandparents' day is on the 24th and you can get on a paid list in the office for your grandparents lunches. The children are working hard on songs and art work for their grandparents. Also, please make sure your child's jacket has their name in it. Have an extra special week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday - I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20. Please make sure that library books are returned by Thursday. The children will not be checking out books this week. Friday is our field trip - please see the reminder note that came home today. We will be taking our spelling and reading tests before we leave. We are looking forward to Grandparents Day next Tuesday. Invitations went home last week. I pray that everyone has a great Thanksgiving and take some time to count your blessings - we have so much to be thankful for! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family and friends. I appreciate your kindness to Dylan when I was not able to be in school last week. Thanks for your prayers and concern. Thanks, too, for the lovely birthday party and gifts. Your family turkeys turned out great and look nice in our hall. Come check it out. We're excited about the book fair, Grandparents' Day, and Thanksgiving! Blessings to you as you pause to give thanks to God! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: Happy Thanksgiving!! I am so thankful for all of you and your children. They have grown so much and I am excited to see where the rest of the year takes us. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!! I will be out of town till after break - Jackie Burden is the sub all week so if you have any questions let her know. She knows about all the costumes and that kids may need help, so do not worry. We will do a program for the parents when we get back from break, so please look for a note for that. This week: Spelling Test, Reading Test, Memory all on Friday. Math Test on Monday. Grandparent’s Day on Tuesday. Book Reports are due December 4th. If you have any questions on those please let me know. Thank you to Rachel and Abby A. for the books they got for the class, they are already in someone’s desk being read! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: The weather has been changing, please remember that winter imminent, (and many students have been ill) and to come to school prepared for the weather. We are all so excited to host our grandparents next Tuesday. Are you looking at one of the secret weapons for your child’s success at school?.... The planner! This will tell you everything you need to know about your child’s school day. This is a vital part to being in tune with what they do in school. Please make sure that planners are signed every night. Please continue to think of the things that that God has richly blessed us with, in this season. Keep reading for AR & BOOK IT! FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: Tests this week include spelling and reading on Friday. Our field trip to see the play, "Frog and Toad" is Friday morning. Be sure to check out the book fair. There are some fabulous books in there! It's a great place to do some Christmas shopping. Blessings on your week.
MIDDLE SCHOOL 11/9 11/16 11/17 11/19 11/23 12/1
FLSCA, 7:30, Early Childhood Bldg DCLA Tournament, (8th) Dewey Tournament (6th) 6TH to Renaissance, 2:00 FLS @ Billings; 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 FLS @ OKS Storm; 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30
12/4-6 12/7 12/8 12/10
Hope Tournament, Kansas City Shidler @ FLS; 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 FLS @ Woodlands; 5, 6, 7, 8 FLS @ Newkirk; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
ELIGIBILITY: Students involved in extra-curricular activities will have their grade status evaluated at the beginning of every three weeks. A student who has a grade below 70% in any subject will be put on probation. During that time, the student will be given an opportunity to raise the grade above 69.9%. The student must take action to raise the grade. 3
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
Failure to raise the grade will result in suspension from the extra-curricular activity until the next three week grade check. After the first probationary period, a student will be suspended from the extra-curricular activity when any grade drops below 70%. Suspensions are enforced and lifted on the first school day of the week. (Any students failing a subject on their report card will be suspended from extra-curricular activities until all grades are passing at the three week check point.) Mrs. Goll: We can’t wait for Grandparents’ Day. It’s one of our favorites. I hope all students will be able to have a grandparent present on Tuesday. All classes have tested in the last several days (a few students may be finishing their tests tomorrow). Tests should come home soon. Scores ranged from 100% to 50%. Those students who are struggling need to spend extra time in math study. They are encouraged to join us for after school tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See my bulletin board or classzone for information on the new concepts to be covered in the coming week. Mrs. Harbeson: Hello, everyone! I hope you're doing well! We sure have a lot going on this week. The 6th graders sang at chapel this morning. We will be singing at the Renaissance assisted living center tomorrow afternoon, and finally in church this Sunday. Please meet me in the foyer at 10:50 on Sunday morning. We will be singing at the beginning of the church service that starts at 11:00. As soon as we are done, you are free to stay for worship service, or you may leave if you need to. If we can get 80% of the 6th grade class to sing in church on Sunday morning, then we will walk to Turtles on Monday permitting. I have sent a letter home with every 6th grader explaining everything in further detail. Keep plugging along with your classes and work. Once we return from Thanksgiving Break, we'll only have three weeks left in the semester. Speaking of Thanksgiving Break, I'd like to wish you all a very restful and joyous Thanksgiving. We truly have so much to be thankful for. Thank you, Father, for loving us so much! Blessings! Mrs. Hanson: All grades are wrapping up their units with some reinforcement activities. Grandparent’s Day is next Tuesday. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in the office. 7th Graders' grandparent pictures are due today, Wednesday. I will be compiling them in a nice little video presentation. Wreaths will be delivered Wednesday, but need to be sorted, so you can expect to pick them up Friday. The salt mine field trip was so awesome! For pictures, visit Twitter, Instagram, or my website. Mr. Covert: We’re almost to Thanksgiving, so we’re working through as much as we can as we thank God for all the blessings He bestows on us as a church and school family here! Things are moving right along. In 8th grade, we’re discussing the Federalist Era and our first two Presidents before we talk about the changes under Thomas Jefferson. The 7th grade just wrapped up Canada, and we’re starting to take a look at our neighbors to the south. In 6th grade, we’re discussing Greek civilization, and the influence that all the thinkers had on our society. I pray that God continues to bless us all richly as we all continue to do all things to the glory of His name!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus
The things that we take for granted, someone, somewhere is praying for. Be Thankful
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 4
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus
Growing up Into Jesus, Reaching Out with Jesus, Walking Together in Jesus