Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:
Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,
Sola Scriptura
November 29, 2017
12/1-3 12/2 12/8
Spirit Day—Wear your craziest Cardinal spirit Gear! Pep Rally Hope Tournament Christmas Market; students singing! 6:30 p.m. at First Lutheran Church; Christmas Program
Last Day of School before Christmas; Class Christmas Parties 12/15 Last day to sign up for Christmas Break Daycare 12/20-1/2 No School (Sign up now for Daycare) 1/3/18 Classes Resume/Start of 3rd Quarter
DAYCARE SIGNUPS FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK: There will be sign-up sheets available Monday 12/4 thru 12/15 for Christmas Break; if you need daycare any of those days, please sign up on each day needed. Remember we will need 20 children to be open. (Per Day). Sign up in daycare!! SPIRIT DAY! Help send our basketball teams to the Hope Tournament with lots of spirit! On Thursday, November 30, wear your craziest spirit gear, and be ready to dance as the cheerleaders will pick their favorite crazy dancers! CHRISTMAS WREATHS!!! Support our 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip and decorate your home with the sights and smells of the season with a beautiful wreath. You order online at with code FirstLS and the wreath will be shipped directly to your home! CHAPEL OFFERING this month is a Canned Food Drive. We will have a contest between buildings to see who can bring the most! BASKETBALL HOME GAME SEASON PASSES for Varsity and JV games are for sale in the office. They are $20 for adults, $15 for Senior Citizens/Church Members, and $10 for Students. The first home games are Monday, December 11 at 6:00 and 7:00 versus the Saints. ART needs empty cereal boxes that are still in good shape (not crushed or wrinkled). Please drop them off at the office if you can help us out! SCRIP/GIFT CARDS: As your thoughts begin to turn towards Christmas shopping, remember that gift cards are available in the school office. Businesses sell them to the school at a reduced cost, we sell them at face value, and we keep the difference as a fundraiser. We have a limited supply on hand, but over 700 gift cards are available for order. To see a list of what is available, visit, click on the dropdown box in the upper right, and click on retailers. We will be placing an order soon to have cards available at the beginning of December; come by the office to place your order. COLLECTING PONCA CITY SANTA BUCKS: First Lutheran is collecting the Santa Shops Ponca 1st tickets that are given out at participating local businesses each time you make a purchase during the Christmas season. If you are willing to donate yours to the school, please drop them by the school on or before December 19; the earlier the better so that we can get them organized for the big night. VISION SCREENING FOLLOW-UP: The school is required to follow up on any children that were determined as needing to have their vision screened. If you are one of those families, you would have received a letter from us. In January we will be calling families who have not responded yet to let us know that they have followed up with an eye dr., and what the results were. If you could reply and let us know now, you would save us a call! We need to know if you -- 1 --
are 1. not scheduling an exam, 2. you have the exam scheduled at a later date, or 3. if your student already had their exam and what the results were? You may send this information via FastDirect or call the office at 762-9950. Thank you! T-SHIRT SALES: We have a few of the gray 2017/2018 t-shirts leftover for sale in the office; they are $12 each. Sizes available are Youth Medium, Adult Small, and Adult XL. "I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth." - Martin Luther PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: The school year is flying by and we only have three full weeks left in this quarter/semester. Please stay on top of your child's grades at this busy time of the year. Ask them what they are doing good in and what they can do to be better. Teach them responsibility for their own success. ECE – MRS. Daley: There are a lot of jackets not being claimed down in daycare. If your child is missing one, please come see if it belongs to you. There are also some lunch boxes as well. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Thanks be to God for the wonderful blessings of fellowship, food, friends and family that we enjoyed over the break! Thanks to all of you for bringing canned goods for the church pantry. What a help it will be to the hungry in our community! The next few weeks will be a whirlwind of activities as we prepare to celebrate our Savior's birth. Book order is due Dec. 4th. Our class Christmas party is the 19th. I will be sending out notes with details soon and reminders if you signed up to help with anything. Our theme for the week is "Germs" and our letter is "L". Blessings! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and time with your families! Thank you to the parents that sent casseroles, drinks, donated money, and helped set up, serve, and clean up for our Grandparents' Day! It was a wonderful day, and we couldn't do it without you! Book orders are in backpacks today and are due back to me or online by Wednesday, December 6th. They will be back before Christmas break. Show and Tell is on Friday. Our Christmas Party will be on Tuesday, December 19th at 2:00. More information is in backpacks today. Our Bible words this week are, My spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Luke 1:47 We are learning the letter "Nn" and the number "9". Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Thank you grandparents for a wonderful day last week! This Friday Dec. 1st will be show and tell. Please bring something that will fit in your backpack. It's time to mark your calendar for the class Christmas party which will be on Dec. 19th (Tuesday) and it will be at 2:30. We will have a gift exchange. Boys will bring a boy gift (wrapped) and girls will bring a girl gift (wrapped). Your child will put from - (their name). We also have a $5.00 to $10.00 spending limit on the gift. Our class would like to wish Alyzabeth a happy birthday on Dec. 5 th. Have a phenomenal week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: I pray that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! We had a fun Grandparents Day and we enjoyed the book fair. Thank you Susie for all of your hard work! Memory for Friday is Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Saturday is the First Lutheran Christmas Market and the children will be singing at 1:00. They will also be singing in the Christmas Program on Friday, Dec. 8. Please make plans to join us for these events. Our class Christmas Party will be on Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 2:00. The children will be doing a gift exchange. Girls will buy and girl gift and boys will buy a boy gift. The cost is $5-$10. Happy birthday to Elle on Sunday! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Grandparents' Day was AWESOME! Thanks to everyone who made it possible. We loved the book fair. Thank you, Mrs. Ware and all of your helpers. Thank you to Mrs. Heitman, Mrs. Kinkaid, and all of my second grade friends for helping to make my birthday special. I feel loved! Our Christmas program is Friday, December 8. Mark your calendars. See the special Spirit Week note in this Chatter regarding dress up day. Happy December Birthday to John, Quinn, Cailyn, and especially to Jesus. God's Blessings, Dear Friends. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of family, food, and relaxation. We are on the downward stretch with only 3 weeks left till Christmas! That means 3 weeks to get grades up, and finish our A.R goals. Please let me know if you have any questions about either of these, or if there is anything I can do to help. This week: Reading: we are half way through our Chocolate Touch. We will finish that up next week. Spelling: Test on Friday over contractions. We will have one last Science and Social Studies Test before we leave for break. Also, be on the lookout (next week) for a Science project. Do not worry it is very simple. A.R Goals: Please ask your child where they are. I told them at the beginning of the week what they still had left. Christmas Play: Next Friday, December 8th is our Christmas program. Look in the Chatter for more details. Have a wonderful week! -- 2 --
FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: I hope that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving, and a well rested break. Good food, friends, and a break from normal routine to give thanks and prepare for the coming of the Lord will always equal a fantastic time! If choosing to order from book orders, they are due no later than Thursday the 7 th, so we may have books by the 19th. Look for information in this week’s Friday Letter about our Gift Exchange. This AR goal ends the 15th, so we have our party on the 18th! Some have made their AR goals already; some have a bit to go. It is easier when we have daily reading at school and at home. Do you get the test alerts and emails for AR tests? Contact the office if you need the login info. Please continue to look over daily student work for simple mistakes; let’s make sure that we don’t go to Christmas break too early! Don’t forget your family picture by the 1st, so that we can make our special project! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: It's good to be back in the swing of things again this week. (Well, at least for me it is!) Please see my FD Bulletin Board for upcoming tests. The children are working hard on their Christmas program. Costumes went home last week. The program is Friday, December 8, at 6:30 p.m. Thank you so much to Landon, Paige, and Kaegan for books from the Book Fair for our classroom. What a blessing! Last week the children were given an opportunity to write a poem for extra credit in language. This poem is by Rachel Lawson. Luna the Puppy Luna is my puppy, and she is pretty funny. She lays down in her pool and wipes my face with her drool. She tries to eat bubbles, and I give her cuddles. She loves to play tug, and then we hug. Rachel Lawson – Grade 5
MIDDLE SCHOOL 12/3 5:30 – 7:00, FLC&S Youth in the Youth House 12/17 12:00 – 3:00, FLC&S Youth Christmas Party in the Youth House FLC&S Youth: Youth (6th – high school) meets this Sunday, Dec. 3rd, 5:30-7:00 in the youth house. This Sunday marks the beginning of the season of Advent and the start of a new Church year. Advent is a joyful time of preparation to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Come explore the meaning and traditions of the season and make Advent wreaths to share with family and friends. Youth group Christmas party will be Sunday, Dec. 17 12:00-3:00 in the youth house. We'll share a meal, read the true Christmas story, play some games (people-wrapping contest and speed-unwrapping-gifts-with-mittenscontest), bake and eat some Christmas cookies, and whatever else we think of :) Grab a friend and we'll see you there! Mrs. Harbeson: Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break and are ready for the last three weeks of the first semester. Grandparents' Day was fun, as usual, and I really enjoyed meeting and talking to our FLS grandparents. I also was surprised by a "thank" gift from my 6th graders and their families. You all are awesome, and I appreciate your generosity and love! I pray God's blessings on our basketball players and cheerleaders as they travel to the Hope Tournament in Kansas City this weekend. It's going to be strange hearing about it and not experiencing it for the first time in eight years! I know you all will make us proud! Play and cheer hard and have a great time! Now that all the second quarter projects are in, we will be finishing our year with just "normal" language assignments and tests. Be sure to study for your spelling and vocabulary tests as we only have two more sets before we break for Christmas. All classes are also continuing their reading and documenting on a different type of reading log. These reading logs are to remind us that reading is supposed to be an enjoyable experience. (Parents, ask your student about what they're doing!) I've also offered some extra credit opportunities that are tied to the reading logs. Please send your pictures to my email ( All reading logs and extra credit are due by the end of the school day on Fridays. (Thursdays, if you won't be at school on Friday.) That's it for now. Blessings on the rest of your week!
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Mrs. Hanson: All classes have at home projects to be working on. 6th and 8th are designing shirts and 7th is collecting rocks and minerals. 6th and 8th grade do not have due dates as of yet but it will be some time at the beginning of next week. 7th grade's project is due Dec. 13. Keep remembering to bring canned food for the food pantry. Good luck to all the basketball and cheerleaders as they compete at Hope Lutheran's tournament. Mrs. Pacey: I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving! I traveled home to Alabama to spend the holiday with my family. We are getting back into the swing of things with graphing in Algebra and primes and the Sieve of Eratosthenes in Pre-Algebra. 7th and 6th graders will be working on their survey projects and finishing them early next week. Have a fantastic week! Mr. Covert: December is almost here! I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed the break. Each class is starting up where we left off. 8th grade is starting on the Reform era that occurred prior to the Civil War, to see where America was at before the conflict erupted. In 7th grade, we’re continuing our look at Asia as we wrap up the Southeast quadrant before we look at the Indian subcontinent. 6th grade is starting their own unit on ancient India, and we’ll move onto ancient China from there. I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we move into the Advent season and look forward to the birth of our Savior. Blessings on your week!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have outside recess every day, and some days are COLD. Please remember to send a jacket with your student to school eVERY day! Also, please make sure their name is in the jacket. They will have a much more enjoyable recess period if they are warm, and so will the staff who is supervising them on the playground!
If you forgot to bring your food to chapel, but would still like to donate to the canned food drive, please bring your non-perishable food items to the school office. Thanks for your donations! -- 4 --
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DISCLAIMER: This institution is an equal opportunity provider. -- 6 --