Chatter 11 5 14

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: November 5, 2014


2:30, Auction Meeting in Library 8:30, Veterans Day Chapel; Wear red/white/blue or Scout Uniforms 11/12 Mid-Quarter Reports 11/14 7th Grade to Salt Mines 11/17-21 Spirit Week 11/18 Vision Screening 11/19 8:30, Gym, Grandparent’s Day rehearsal; parents welcome to attend

11/20 2nd – 5th to Roosevelt 11/21 Pep Rally, 2:30 11/24 PS & PK Grandparent’s Day 11/25 K-8th Grandparent’s Day 11/26-28 Happy Thanksgiving!-No School 12/1 2nd – 5th Cowley Children’s Theater (a.m.) 12/2 Pre-K, K, & 1st Cowley Children's Theater; 12-3 12/6 FLC&S Christmas Market!

PICTURE DAY PORTRAIT PACKAGES: There were some ink issues in the printing process resulting in streaks and splotches on some of the portraits. We have already been in contact with Lifetouch, and they are re-printing them. A few pictures had gone home before we noticed the problem; if your student has already received their picture packet, please return it to your teacher or the office. The replacement pictures should be in by Thanksgiving. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Thanks for giving - During the month of October, we collected a total of $130 during our five weeks of Wednesday Chapel services. The money went to our local Habitat for Humanity. This month we have only three weeks and we will be collecting money and canned foods for our local food pantry. Please help us feed our neighbors. COLLECTING PONCA CITY SANTA BUCKS – The Ponca City Santa Ticket giveaway has begun. If you are NOT collecting the Ponca City Santa Tickets, please consider donating yours to the school. We would like the opportunity to win the money for the School Scholarship Fund. Please send yours on or before December 22; the earlier the better so that we can get them organized for the big night. VETERAN’S DAY CHAPEL, November 12, 2014: Please wear red, white, and/or blue to chapel next Wednesday, and if you are a Boy Scout or Cub Scout, please wear your uniform to school and you will be helping with the flag ceremony. If you or friends/family members are veterans, we would like to invite you to our Chapel, as well. 8:30 a.m. in the First Lutheran Church Sanctuary. IN LEIU OF CHAPEL ON NOVEMBER 19, we will have a rehearsal for Grandparent’s Day. Parents are welcome to attend, but be aware this is a practice rehearsal. AUCTION MEETING...spring auction is PTL’s biggest fundraiser of the year. We will be having an auction meeting Thursday November 6, in the library at 2:30. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Those who can't make 2:30, please text or call Darleanna at 580-716-1057 and we will set an evening meeting. You may also use FastDirect. A little help from everyone makes the auction a BIG success. CHAPEL OFFERING: November chapel offering is a canned food drive to help fill the church food pantry. Please bring canned or boxed non perishable food items to chapel each week in November. They could use peanut butter and jelly to help with Friendship Feast if you would like to bring some. Next week will be our building contest. We will see which building, ECE, Elementary, or Middle School can bring the most food. You are doing a great job of bringing food! VISION SCREENING: Students at First Lutheran School will have their vision screened on Tuesday, November 18, at no cost to the parents. If your student is found to need a follow-up with an eye-care professional, you will receive a letter stating so. If you do not want to have your child’s vision screened, please fill out the attached form and return to your student’s teacher/the school office by Friday, November 14, 2014. Please contact the office if you have any questions. VISION SCREENING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need 2 volunteers to help for a few hours with the vision screening on Tuesday, November 18. If you are able to help with this, please contact the office. Thank you!

STUDENT COUNCIL: Many, many thanks to all of you who ordered “pumpkin grams”. We delivered just short of 300 messages. Also, many thanks to all who supported our Box Top collection effort. First grade was the winning class with the collection of 738 boxtops. FLS should receive a check for around $400 for all the boxtops collected. THE FAMILY PROJECT FROM FOCUS ON THE FAMILY is coming soon! We will start this small group 12-week series on December 6 from 9:45-10:45AM. The cost is $10 per family. Look for a flier with more information. BASKETBALL SEASON PASS: We have season passes available for home basketball games for the 2014-2015 school year! They will be $20 for adults, $15 for Senior Citizens, and $10 for students. These passes will be good for home games only, not including tournaments. If you would like to purchase one, the passes may be purchased in the school office. 3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET: The 3rd Annual Christmas Market Oklahoma Festival will be held Saturday, December 6, 2014 on our church and school campus. Booth fees benefit the First Lutheran School Scholarship Fund. We are currently accepting applications from artisans, crafters, and vendors. If you, or a church/school group or class would like to have a booth to raise money for a specific need, we would be delighted to have you participate. For more information, please contact Mr. Birnbaum (762-9950) or Shirley Zimmerman (7614657). LIBRARY – Mrs. Hamre: Believe it or not, the book fair will soon be here! It should arrive around Thursday next week, and I would welcome help setting up, decorating, or helping man the book fair. If any of those activities interest you, let me know. Thank you to the parents that came along to Sonic for the MS AR party. Also thank you to the Shepherd’s for donating candy for library rewards. It is parent volunteers who really make the library run smoothly. Thank you!!! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: It's getting chillier out there so please remember to send jackets to school each day as we do go outside for recess unless it is raining. There is an auction meeting on Th the 6th at 2:30 for anyone to attend but especially room moms. This is our biggest event of the year and takes a lot of planning. SHOW and TELL on TH/FRI this week as well as book order due FRI. Notes were in backpacks regarding Grandparents Day. Please return by the 11th indicating how many grandparents will be attending so we can plan food, etc. PS will be singing in chapel on the 12th. Join us if you are able. This week our theme is Community Helpers and the jobs they do. God's blessings on your week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Faith! Thank you to the parents that helped with our costume party! If you haven't turned in your Grandparent's Day form, please bring it tomorrow. Thank you Steven Vaughan for donating deer corn for our sensory table; the kids love it! It is cold out and we will have outside recess on most days. Please send your child in cold weather clothes and coats. Please remember to label their coats with their name. We will sing in chapel next Wednesday the 12th. It is our Veterans Day chapel; we would like the students to wear Red, White, and/or blue. We will plan to go over to the church at 8:20 to get ready to sing. Chapel offering this month is the canned food drive for our church pantry. Show and Tell will be this Friday. Our Bible words are, With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 We are learning the letter "P" and the number "5" this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN - Ms. Miller: I would like to thank all the parents for a great "Fall Costume Party"! The children had a great time and you all made it very special! This week on Friday will be our November show and tell. Please find something that will fit in your child's backpack. We are going on a field trip, February 5 th, 2015, to see Stephen Fite; please look today in your child's backpack for the permission slip. We have to collect the money early for seats. Also, a reminder that Grandparents' Day will be Tuesday, Nov. 25th. If your child's grandparents can't come, please invite an older person from your church or neighborhood to be a substitute grandparent. Invitations will come home later. Have a fantastic week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday - Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! Psalm 95:6. Thank you Kristen Zimmerman and all of the moms that helped with our Fall Party - we had a lot of fun! We will have show and tell again this Friday - a lot of us forgot last week with everything else going on. Field trip forms are going home today for Stephen Fite concert on February 5. These forms and the money are due back on Monday, Nov. 7. The weather is getting cooler so make sure that your child brings a jacket to school. We do play outside and they walk to lunch each day. Have a blessed week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy November! In this month of giving thanks, I'm thankful for the opportunity to share this year with these fine students and their families. Thank you so much for the trust you've placed in me and for your kind words and continuous prayers and support. Book It goals for November are to read 10 books and complete the book report. I've attached the book report instructions to this Chatter or your child is bringing it home today. I'm also sending home a family turkey project. I hope the instructions are detailed enough

and be sure to let me know if you have questions. We're going to a play on November 20 at Roosevelt School here in Ponca. That permission slip is coming home today. Thanks to our parents for the fun Halloween celebration. How kind of you to plan a fun event for our class. Happy November Birthday to Pierce and Kalli! God's Blessings, Dear Friends! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: I think fall is officially upon us. Please send jackets or sweatshirts with your child because they will be going outside to play at recess time. Also, please make sure names are in the jackets someplace so that we can return them to their owners if lost. This week: Memory: 3rd Commandment and its meaning, due Friday. Reading and Spelling Test on Friday. Math: Test next week. Social Studies: Started a new chapter of different size communities. Science: Project due on Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions. Please be looking for our next book report. This will not be due till December. Grandparents Day: We will be doing a play and we each have a part. If you know you are not going to be here, please let me know now so that we can change things around. Also, as we get closer I will be sending home costume ideas, please ask your child what part they are so you can start getting an idea of what to do. I am in need of someone who has some extra time to make a big refrigerator for us. I will need it big enough for 6 kids to fit in it. If you are able to help me out, please let me know. Have a blessed week!! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: I hope that you all have been staying warm as the weather changes. Please send back the permission slip for the November 20th Field Trip. Congrats to Aliyah, Trinity, and Haley for earning a Book-It personal pan pizza from Pizza-Hut for the month of October. From all calendars turned in we read 2,263 pages for the October month. Please continue to be marking those calendars so we know how many pages we read as a class. November’s calendars are due after Thanksgiving break. Please bring in non-perishable food for November chapel offering for those that cannot provide during this time of year. FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: Tests this week include math, today and spelling and reading on Friday. Happy Birthday in this gorgeous month of November to Alexis (6), Avery (14), Ashton (17) and Garrett (26). Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE (team sports, cheerleading, or other extra-curricular activities): With the approaching track season, please remember that students involved in extra-curricular activities will have their grade status evaluated at the beginning of every three weeks. A student who has a grade below 70% in any subject will be put on probation. During that time, the student will be given an opportunity to raise the grade above 69.9%. The student must take action to raise the grade. Failure to raise the grade will result in suspension from the extracurricular activity until the next three week grade check. After the first probationary period, a student will be suspended from the extra-curricular activity when any grade drops below 70%. Suspensions are enforced and lifted on the first school day of the week. (Any students failing a subject on their report card will be suspended from extracurricular activities until all grades are passing at the three week check point.) 11/11

5:30, 6:30; FLS @ Pawhuska


4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30; Woodlands @ FLS

Mrs. Harbeson: Hello, Everyone! Things are busy here in middle school. The 7th graders and I attended our theater trip in Midwest City today. We had the pleasure of watching several of the short stories we read together in class presented by a theater group who travels throughout the United States. Thank you to all our parents who went with us today. I truly appreciate you! The middle school students are currently working on the Christmas program for this year. Please learn your memory work as we are preparing these songs for our part in the program. Thank you, Mrs. Hanson, for all your hard work! Please be sure to keep up with your school work. With basketball and cheer starting up, it's important to do all your work and study for all quizzes and tests so that you will be eligible. Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: 8th Grade's projects have come out very nicely! We are now creating notes, worksheets, and test questions from our presentations to give to our classmates. And we will continue to study cells for a couple more weeks. 7th Grade is tweeking projects with partners to make them a little more fun and creative. We will post some of the final products on my website, so watch for those. 6th Grade has just begun a new chapter on elements, compounds, and liquids. Parents please ask your child every night to teach you something they have learned. And as always, check my website for more complete, up to date information.

Mrs. Goll: What a great week for the first week of November (Thanksgiving month)! I am thankful for the right to vote, for the beautiful weather, for the changing leaves. And I’m particularly thankful for our great students. They continue to make fine progress in math. What helps a student become a great math scholar? Time & attention: slow down, study, be precise; support & encouragement: Parents, please ask your child about his studies and have him explain what we’re doing. If he cannot do that, encourage him to ask questions in class; Ask questions: Great scholars ask questions. Ask your child how you can help him/her earn five extra credit points. Deadline for these points is Nov. 14. Blessings on you and your family as you continue to Seek Him First! Mr. Covert: Hello and welcome to November at FLS! All the classes are moving right along. In 8th grade, we’re just starting in on the Revolutionary War in history; while in religion, we’re working our way through the Judges. In 7th grade, we’re finishing up our look at Central America and the Caribbean Islands, and we’re about to move into South America, which will probably take us all the way through Thanksgiving break. In 6th grade, we’re starting on the contributions to society the Greeks left us, and we’ll be with the Greeks until Thanksgiving, most likely. I hope everyone is doing well and those nasty fall bugs are staying clear of our First Lutheran family. God’s blessings on the rest of your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus


Nov 18, 2014

First Lutheran School Nov 14, 2014

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