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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: February 1, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 2/1 2/1 2/2 2/6 2/6

Auction Meeting, 6:00 p.m., 309 North 6th Mid-Quarter Reports FLS @ Ponca West 4, 5, 6, 7 1:00 = 2nd – 4th Grade to West Middle School FLS @ Saints VBoys; 5:30, Pawhuska JV 5:45

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FLS @ Glencoe 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 First Lutheran Women’s Guild Valentine’s Salad Lunch, 11:00-1 PTL SOCK HOP for ALL AGES from 6:30-8:30 No School (sign up for daycare now)

2017-2018 ENROLLMENT: We plan to send Enrollment Forms for the 2017-2018 school year with The Chatter on February 8. Watch your Chatter NEXT WEEK for your enrollment forms and fee sheet. 2-PAYMENT TUITION REMINDER: If you opted to pay your tuition for the year in two payments, the second half payment was due yesterday (January 31). If you need to switch to a monthly plan for the second semester, please contact the office and let us know. DAYCARE SIGNUPS FOR FEB 20TH: Daycare will have a signup sheet for February 20th; there is NO SCHOOL that day. If you will need daycare that day, please sign up now. If enough children sign up, daycare will be open; otherwise it will be closed. OPERA: Monday - Feb. 6 @ 1 pm. 2nd-4th grade to West Public School to view Tulsa Opera Performance. The cost is covered thanks to donations by our PIE Partners - Martin Jean & Jackson Law Firm and by Stolhand Heating, AC, and now plumbing. SOCK HOP tickets will go on sale beginning Monday, February 6th by PTL volunteers and the school office. $1 buys your entrance and a cherry limeade. Dig out your hula hoops and poodle skirts for Friday, February 10th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Come dance as a family, pose for a memorable photo, and try hula-hooping your way to a prize! PTL AUCTION MEETING – TIMILYN CRANK: It’s time to start planning for the PTL’s biggest fundraiser. There are many opportunities and areas that may interest you. We would love your help, please respond by FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH YOUTH EVENT: Youth Event this Sunday, Feb. 5th, 5:30-6:30. We'll do a devotion, share snacks and fellowship, and 6:30-7:30 we'll continuing candy-making from last week. PONCA CITY CUB AND BOY SCOUTS FUNDRAISER: will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at McDonald’s between 5-8 p.m. Just head to McDonalds for dinner, sign the sheet, and then let the scouts and leaders wait on you; a portion of your purchase will be donated to scouts in our community! COME LEARN ABOUT SCOUTING (Boys 1st Grade and Up) on Tuesday, February 7th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at McDonalds. We will have leaders and scouts from units across town on hand to tell you about their exciting programs. CHESS CLUB - Happy 1st Anniversary on February 3rd to our Chess Club. We praise God for Jennifer Vaughan and her dedication to get this group going. You are always welcome to join the fun on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Music Classroom in the South Hallway of our gym. Check them out on Facebook at "Chess Club - First Lutheran School". FIRST LUTHERAN WOMEN’S GUILD SALAD LUNCHEON will be held Friday, February 10, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. Prices are Adults $8.00 and children Pre-schoolaged $3.00. Tickets are available from Guild members, in the church, and school offices.

BOX TOPS – BOX TOPS! BOX TOPS! Save those Box Tops! Each one is equivalent to 10 cents so when we put them altogether we raise a good amount of money. If you would bag them in groups of 50, that would be helpful. Our contest will run until March 1 and the class who contributes the most will win a pizza party. Your trash could be our treasure! Thank you! Mrs. Powell CALLING ALL GOLF LOVERS!!! Remember the Cardinal Classic is at Wentz Golf Course Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. If you missed the meeting and want to volunteer, please contact the office. LOST AND FOUND - If your student has lost a coat, please check with the Amanda Porter-Cain. The coats have been moved to the athletic director’s office in the Early Childhood Building. SCHOOL OFFICE—TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2016 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, scroll down to the bar that says “2007 Tax Year Printout”, change the year to 2016, and click the box that has “Tax Year Printout” in it. This will include school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from daycare director Mellissa Flaherty. Remember that not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Happy third Mid-quarter of the school year and the first day of February. Watch for your re-enrollment papers next Wednesday. We praise God that we are only looking to go up a dollar a school day. We are trying to keep the costs down while still trying to keep getting our staff and faculty a cost of living pay increase. We praise God for our church congregation that is still able to cover the other half of the approximate $9,000 that it costs to educate our children. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Thank you so much for bringing goodies for the 100th Day of School food drive! We had a great time counting cans to a hundred and beyond. The church food pantry will be overjoyed to receive such a gift. Lots going on this week-SHOW AND TELL and PJ DAY will both be Thursday! Book order is due now so we can get orders back before Valentine’s Day. Sock Hop will be Feb 10th at 6:30 in the gym. What a fun family evening! Our Valentine Party is on the 14th. Put it on your calendars now that we will have a field trip on March 8. Information will be coming home soon. This week our theme is "Penguins" and our letter is "P". Blessings! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: We had a great week celebrating the 100th day of school! Thank you for sending trail mix snacks and helping us collect 100 cans for the food pantry! Show and Tell will be on Friday. Book orders are in backpacks and are due back to me or online by Friday, February 10th. Our Valentine party will be on Tuesday, February 14th at 2:30. Look for the note in backpacks today for details. We are learning the letter "Oo" and the number "13" this week. Our Bible words this week are Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 107:1 Have a Blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: WOW, What a busy week. We celebrated 100 days of school yesterday. The kiddos had a blast building with 100 cups, making necklaces out of 100 fruit-loops and so many other projects counting to 100 by 1's & 10's. Thank you to all the families that brought in non-perishable food items. The Early Childhood building collected 210 items to help families in our community. The next couple of days we will be learning about Groundhog Day. This week our letter is "Ww" and number "20". Bible words "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good." Psalm 107:1. Also, book orders are in backpacks, due back to me or online by Friday, February 10th. SHOW N' TELL this Friday!!! Have a Blessed WEEK! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Wow, what a great day we had yesterday on the 100th day of school! Thank you parents for helping your child bring 100 small items for the special show and tell. This Friday is our normal show and tell. Please make sure it fits in your child's backpack. Have a wonderful week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: We had a great time yesterday celebrating our 100th day of school! Memory verse for Friday is Philippians 4:13 - I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Today is the 1st day of February which means that the January Reading Logs are due for the Pizza Hut certificate. February Reading Logs were sent home today. Send in your box tops! These are being collected until March 1. I just ask that you trim them and send them in a baggie - thank you! Keep Reading and have a wonderful week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy February! Book Reports look good. Thanks for your help. Memory work is going so much better. Hats off to you and your bright children. Remember that we will be making our Valentine boxes on Thursday with the shoe box that your child brought to school. Our field trip to West Middle School is Monday. Happy February Birthday to Mrs. Steichen and to Mrs. Schatte. God's Blessings Dear Friend! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: We are already mid way through this quarter. Please check your child's grades, and see how they are doing this quarter. Let me know if you have any questions. Kids are losing easy points for late work 2

and not writing their names on their work. Also, we are slacking in asking me for help when given work to correct. I am always here to help! This week: Spelling words are over Unit 3, test on Friday. Reading - we have started Charlotte's Web, so no paragraph or reading test for the next couple weeks. Science - projects are due on Friday, let me know if you have any questions. Also, we are getting close to finishing our animal unit. Look for a test in the next week or two. Math - we are starting to work on our multiplication facts. We have a math box activity that we are working on in math. I will be setting goal and due dates for when certain facts are due. Please make flash cards, or play for practice. Due by February 10th, are our 2 facts. Pizza Party - our class won the Penny War, our party will be this Thursday, February 2nd. Please bring a drink and everything else will be provided. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We have two big creative projects going on right now – Valentine’s box and Invention Convention. I hear great ideas for our Valentine’s Day Box Contest. Remember to keep your real idea a secret, so on Valentine’s Day we will not know the real creator of the box. Keep the Invention Convention projects going. We have really thought of some great inventions for the real world problems. Please ask me if you have any questions. Remember that we will be presenting inventions to the class and then we’ll be judged by “Sharks” like on the show Shark Tank. In the mean time don’t forget about the due dates for the project. Book orders that are sent home today are due the 15th. Keep reading to make AR & Book IT goals. We are half-way though. Please go over the midterms with students, and return within two days. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: Tests this week include spelling and reading on Friday. Please see my FD Bulletin Board for information on upcoming tests next week and information on the upcoming presidents' reports. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Dance: has been postponed to Friday – FEBRUARY 24. STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations to our second semester student council members!! 6th grade: Aliyah Bond, Trinity Bond, Aidan Strange, and Jonathan Vickery 7th grade: Jacey Burden, Janie Heitman, and Jill Jackson 8th grade: Shayla Burris, Katie Kirchenbauer, and Braley Warnecke We held our first meeting today during lunch recess to discuss our plans for the second semester. I'm looking forward to working with this group of students, and I also want to thank our first semester stuco members for all their ideas and hard work. Please put down the new date for our winter dance...Friday, February 24. The first semester StuCo members are still responsible and looking forward to putting on this dance. WE ARE READY TO GET THIS DONE! Mrs. Harbeson: Give It All to God! This is what we've been praying in class this past week. Give it all to God . . . our worries, our fears, our celebrations . . . just everything. Sometimes the things of the world can be too much to handle, but it's not too much for God. I pray that we all can turn to God in both the good times and the bad. He is there to lead us . . . if we will just let Him! Congratulations to all our basketball teams! Everyone represented FLS so well last week during their tournaments. On Monday night, we watched our 8th grade players and cheerleader perform in their final home game at FLS. Thank you, Ashana, Kobe, Triston, Wyatt, Steven, Nate, Ethan, and Culley for the hard work and dedication that you each have given to FLS. We love you! We were also entertained by our mini cheerleaders on Monday night! You ladies did an awesome job! Thanks to you, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Heitman, and all our cheerleaders for putting on an awesome clinic! As always, please check my webpage ( to see what we'll be doing in class this week. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Pacey: Good job minicheer! We enjoyed seeing you all during the pep rally on Monday. Pre-Algebra has their ch. 5 test this Friday. All other classes will have a ch. 5 test next week. Mrs. Hanson/Mrs. Hercyk: Isn't this weather fun? It's like a roller coaster!!! 8th grade continues to study invertebrates in CH 15. I am enjoying reading about their animals. I hope to have those graded soon! 7th is learning about earthquakes in CH 8 and 6th is about to take a test over the states of matter.


I'm looking forward to seeing the 6th grade presentations over this chapter's topic! They seem to be having fun making the posters and thinking through the presentation. Mrs. Hercyk Mr. Covert: It’s hard to believe that it’s already February. This school year and third quarter are going incredibly fast. 8th grade is wrapping up the Civil War this week, and then we’ll take a quick look at Reconstruction before we move into Westward Expansion. In 7th grade, we’re moving through Eastern Asia, looking at the history and the region today, and how it plays a part in our lives. 6th grade is going to finish up Rome this week, and then we’ll look at the rise of Christianity, from a small group of believers to the largest religion in the world. I pray that God continues to bless this school family as we continue our walk with Him. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

It’s time! It’s time to start planning for the PTL’s biggest fundraiser. There are many opportunities and areas that may interest you. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, February 1st, 6p at my house 309 N. 6th

Timilyn Crank, PTL President






It’s Time to Order 2016-2017 Yearbooks!

(A limited number of extra 2015-16 yearbooks are available in the office f0r $20)

Complete the order form below, attach $25 per yearbook ordered ($20 if paid by March 31, 2017), and return to the school office on or before Wed. May 31, 2017. Remember there’s a $5 discount if ordered/paid for by March 31, 2017! We want to have additional pictures of every student in the yearbook, and you can help! The best way to make sure that we have pictures of your child in the yearbook, is to submit your pictures! Replay It is a free app from Jostens that is used to share photos to the yearbook staff. We have an account set up, and once you download the app and link it to our school, you will be able to upload pictures right then and there; it is incredibly easy to use. NO more saving the photos to a flash drive, tracking someone down to give it to, and worrying about getting it back. The pictures only take seconds to upload and share with everyone. If you forget your camera at a school event, you may go out and look at all the photos submitted by other school families. So please download the app today and start sharing your pictures!!!

Yearbook Order form: Student Name:_________________________________ & Current Grade:_____ Number of Books: _________ X $25 each = $__________ due -- OR -- X $20 each if ordered/paid by March 31, 2017 Total Paid $_________ (___cash or ___check/check #_____) Contact number or e-mail address:___________________________________ 9

Business Owners/Parents/Grandparents/etc…

Buy an Ad in our Yearbook! Imagine the surprise on your student’s face as they are flipping through the yearbook and find their picture with a personal message from you! You can use this space to congratulate them on their first school year, graduation, an individual achievement, missing tooth, 2-digit birthday, or anything that you want to celebrate!

Business Owners: Our enrollment nearly 250 students. We can help you reach these families by advertising in our yearbook. We have a variety of advertising options for you.

Parents and business owners: Pictures are included in your ad space at no additional charge! Please email them to, or call the office at 580-762-9950 for more details. Deadline for Ads is May 31, 2017, but prices will increase April 1, 2017. return the order form below to the office today with your check to First Lutheran School. FullPage Ad $300

Half-Page Ad $150

QuarterPage Ad $75

BusinessCard Ad $40

Or sponsor a page for $20; this is your sentence at the bottom of the page such as…”3rd Grade class pictures page sponsored by the Jane Smith family”

Business Ad or Personal Ad (circle one) Business & Contact Name or Parent Name: Address (if business): Phone Number: I would like to sponsor this page(s): (example pages to sponsor are class pages, sports, graduation, musical, band, family fun night, picnic, etc.)

Ad Content:

Payment Enclosed $___________ Cash or Check #_______ (make checks out to First Lutheran School)

Deadline for Ads: May 31, 2017; Ad prices increase April 1, 2017 10

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