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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Scriptura

February 21, 2018

CARDINAL CHATTER 2/22 2/22 2/23 2/23 3/7

Class Pictures/Spring Portraits: THURSDAY!!!! Talent Show Applications Due Spring Portrait Makeup Day 6:30 p.m. Trivia Night/Academic Bee prep session, FLC Fellowship Hall Talent Show Auditions, 3:30, Gym

3/9 3/12-16 3/15 3/16 3/19-23 4/14

Academic Bowl – Broken Arrow Lutheran Schools Week Talent Show, 6:30, Gym 11:20 DISMISSAL Spring Break – NO SCHOOL School Fund-Raising Auction

Class pictures/Spring Portraits TOMORROW (Thursday). Class pictures must be purchased in advance (extra forms in the office). Spring pictures will be chosen/paid for when packages come in. (See details below.) And now, it’s time for the CARDINAL SHOUTOUT; a place for us to recognize how talented and diversified our students are! CONGRATULATIONS TO: Kaylynn Archibeque who loves to give out hugs to her teacher and her teacher loves them. She is also fantastic at art, which is a favorite of hers. Sawyer Baker loves to spend time with his Dad, Grandmother, and family. He has a fabulous imagination to use with STEM activities and he is magnificent with slime. Alyzabeth Engle is exceptional at arts and crafts. Keep up the good work Alyzabeth because you are an exceptional student who is very artistic in our classroom. Landry Reid is talented at swimming and basketball. He is kind to all of his friends. All the time that you have put into reading really shows. You have done a magnificent job! Matthew Shepherd loves basketball! He is also a hard worker in school, which means he is doing great with our book reading. Hesston Soucek loves his TV games at home. He is also getting better with reading and writing! You’ve really made progress Hesston! Skylar Swords, your reading has shown great improvement this year; keep up the spectacular work! Wow, that makes you a winner! Savannah Valgora and Kyle King on making the All Star Squad in Math Counts for our region this weekend! They will be heading to the state competition in March. Varsity Boys Basketball Team for taking 4th and the Varsity Girls Basketball Team for taking 2nd in the Topeka Tournament last weekend! TRIVIA NIGHT: Trivia Night, Please join us this Friday, February 23 at 6:30 in the church fellowship hall to help our students prepare for the academic bee. CLASS PICTURES and SPRING PORTRAITS will happen TOMORROW!, Thursday, February 22; with a make-up day for Spring Portraits on Friday, February 23. TO ORDER A CLASS PICTURE, fill out the form that went home with your student(s), enclose your payment INCLUDING TAX, and return it to your students’ homeroom teacher before picture day (m make checks out to LifeTouch). You do not pre-order a SPRING PORTRAIT PACKAGE. Packages will be sent home at a -- 1 --

later date to review and purchase. To choose your students’ background for the Individual Spring Portraits, please complete the form sent home with your student, and return it to your students’ homeroom teacher before picture day. VIDEO RECORDING DEVICES - Thanks to a couple of amazing donations we were able to install video recording devices around the property. The cameras are for the safety of the students, staff, and for protection of the property and are only accessible by the principal and records over itself. If you have suggestions or concerns, please contact Principal Birnbaum. TALENT SHOW – Mrs. Sibley: The Talent Show will be held on March 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Gym. Applications are due THIS Thursday, February 22, and can be picked up from your child’s homeroom teacher. Talent Show Auditions will be held on March 7 at 3:30 in the gym. SCHOOL OFFICE—TAX STATEMENTS: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2017 for tax purposes, you can print them off by logging into your FastDirect account, click on the “finances” button on the top, click on “tax report” on the left-hand side, then choose the year you want and click on “Tax Year Printout”. It will bring up a page to print with your payments to First Lutheran categorized and totaled, and it will have our Federal Tax I.D. number on the top. Alternatively, you can request a tax statement from the office by calling 580-762-9950 or sending a FastDirect email request to Connie Erickson. This will include school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from daycare by sending a FastDirect email to Heidi Daley or calling daycare at 580-762-1124. Not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. PTL SILENT & LIVE AUCTION SATURDAY - APRIL 14 & LEVEL’S OF SUPPORT (Each level includes the previous level’s items) Bronze $50 - 499 - Name/Business weekly in Chatter for rest of Spring Semester 2018 Silver $500 - 999 - Name/Business weekly in Chatter for the Fall Semester in 2018 Gold $1000 – 2499 - Name/Business on Banner in Gym for 2018 Platinum $2500 – 4999 - Name/Business in Chatter for the 2018/19 school year Cardinal $5000+ - Name/Business on Plaque in Administration Building for 2018 "Pray like it all depends on God, then when you are done, go work like it all depends on you." - Martin Luther PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: You can do all things thru Christ who gives you strength (Phil. 4:13). Please pray for your child and the choices that they make now and the choices that they will make in the future. You can already pray for the spouse, family, and the relationships of your child. Prayer to the true God is a powerful force

ALL EARLY CHILDHOOD: Due to the water line repairs near our school, the water may be affected at some point. Please send a (filled) water bottle with your child's name on it for the next two weeks. At times when the parking area on the north side is inaccessible, remember that you may park in the grass lot on the southwest corner of 4th and Liberty (directly south of the early childhood building). PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Hope you all enjoyed your extra days off. It was hard coming back in this cold! Don't forget Spring individual and class pictures are Thursday. Class pics must be paid for now. The Stephen Fite concert is next Thursday. Children and parents may dress as super heroes. If your child is riding with someone else, I must have permission slips signed and returned NOW. Also, if you are driving another child, the form must be returned and copies of your license and insurance need to be turned in to the school office. Thank you! This week our theme is "Transportation" and our letter is "W". We will also work on sequencing, comparisons, lower case letters, and more difficult puzzles. Blessings! -- 2 --

PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Welcome back! I hope you had a great long weekend! PICTURE DAY is tomorrow. Class pictures must be ordered and paid for by tomorrow. Dr. Seuss week is next week, look for the note in backpacks for special dress up days. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 4th and Monday, April 23rd. On the 4th we will go to the Renaissance nursing home to sing and hunt Easter eggs. The 23rd will be our Field trip to the Wondertorium. Both will be parent-drive. The Stephen Fite concert is next Thursday. Our Bible words this week are, [Forgive]... as the Lord has forgiven you. Colossians 3:13 We are learning the letter "Gg" this week. Due to the water line repairs near our school, the water may be affected at some point. Please send a (filled) water bottle with your child's name on it for the next two weeks. Have a Blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will sing in church this Sunday February 25th during the early service (8:30 am) with the first grade. I hope you had a great restful break last Friday and Monday. Our class would like to wish Landry Reid a happy belated birthday (2-18)! Wow, it has been a very busy last few weeks! Please mark your calendars for April 4th and April 23rd. We are going to the Renaissance nursing home on the 4th (in the afternoon) to sing and celebrate Easter with an egg hunt. Then on the 23rd of April we will go to the Wondertorium in Stillwater. We will need drivers for both of these trips. I will send more information home later. Have a marvelous week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: I hope that everyone enjoyed their 4 day weekend and now we are ready to get back to school! For the rest of the school year, we will be working on the 10 Commandments for our memory. We will have the 1st Commandment this Friday - You shall have no other gods. Kindergarten and 1st grade did a great job singing in chapel today. They will be singing in Church this Sunday, Feb. 25 at the 8:30 service. This is a great opportunity for our church members to see our school children. I hope to see you there! Picture day is tomorrow - bring your best smiles! Please return the form if you would like to order a class picture. We will have show and tell on Friday. Just a reminder - the Stephen Fite concert is next week Thursday! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Valentine's Day was GREAT! Thanks so much for a fun party and the great treats. We're already up to the Eighth Commandment, due this Friday. We're doing a review week in spelling. See your child's planner for this week's words. We will be doing a book report on a chapter book in March. I'm happy to help your child select an appropriate chapter book. We will do the book report at school and additional reading time at home may be necessary. Let me know if you have questions. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Heitman (Steichen): Welcome back from our 4 day weekend! I pray you all enjoyed your time away. This week: Spelling: Unit 4 Week 4. Test on Friday. Reading: NO test or paragraph; we are reading "How To Eat Fried Worms." A.R. Please ask your child where they are with their goals, and encourage them to READ! READ! READ! In religion we've been discussing prayers, praise, and prayer journals. We created our prayer journal this week, and will be continuing discussions about the uses of them. Book Reports: Please make sure your student is working on their book for their report. Book reports are due March 12. Math: Test this Friday. Memory: Apostle's Creed - The Second Article. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via fastdirect or at (405) 473-6451. Mrs. Heitman FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: School Pictures are tomorrow. Smile pretty! Let’s do our best to stay healthy, winter is not over yet! Invention Convention only has a little bit of time left (don’t forget get Tuesday deadlines). We should have a good start on our models! This is a great project to expand our minds and thinking. Make sure that we are reading for Book IT and AR. It is starting to come down to the wire, some of us have made our goals and some have a long way to go yet. We will be finished with Wonder soon. Keep Reading! There are not that many days left in the quarter. As the quarter winds down quickly make sure that we are staying on top of academics. Planners & Fast Direct are great tools to help. Our education to be strong fourth graders to prepare to be a fifth grader is not over yet. I am here for any questions. Blessings on our Lenten journey with Christ. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: How wonderful to have had a 4-day weekend! Everyone came back refreshed and ready to work. We have a spelling and reading test this Friday. Today held social studies test 6. Blessings on your week. Stay warm and dry!

MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK – COACH AMANDA: We are looking for someone to volunteer to coach our middle school track team. If you have an interest and/or experience in field and track, we would like to talk to you! -- 3 --

Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! I hope you enjoyed your 4-day weekend! The boys' and girls' varsity basketball teams and cheerleaders did awesome at the Topeka tournament. I hope that was a memorable time for you all! Our math counts team also did well in Alva over the weekend. Congrats to Savannah, Kyle, and Braden! We are jumping right back in to our work for language class. All classes should be working on their Olympic projects. 6th graders are creating AdobeSpark presentations, 7th graders are writing research papers, and 8th graders are creating their own newsletters. These projects are a big part of your 3rd quarter grade in language; they are worth two test grades! Projects for all classes are due Monday, March 5, by the end of the school day. Not only are we working on our writing projects, but we are also beginning our new novels in literature and studying punctuation in grammar. As always, if you ever need any help with anything, please come see me during study hall or after school. Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: Come dressed for picture day tomorrow, and remember to bring your form to pre-order class pictures, if you want one. Mrs. Pacey: Welcome back from our long weekend! Our MathCounts team competed in the regional competition in Alva on Saturday, and two of our team members, Kyle King and Savannah Valgora, are going to be on the All Star squad for state competition on March 3rd. We are working on linear inequalities in Algebra. In PreAlgebra, we are creating scale drawings of our rooms, and these are due Friday. Yesterday was the last class day to work on them, so make sure you are asking questions and finishing them up before Friday. We are working with rational numbers in 7th grade again this week, and we will be wrapping up this chapter by combining all our knowledge of numbers that we have learned so far. In 6th grade, we are working with fractions and decimals. We will be taking the OSSM math competition school test this week. All students who are interested are going to take the test, and I will invite the top scorers to OSSM for the on-site competition. I can send two 6th graders and two students from 7th and 8th combined. Have a great week! Mr. Covert: I pray that everyone enjoyed that long weekend! I hope everyone had a chance to get some relaxation in. Classes are moving right along. 8th grade is going to be moving into the Progressive Era, and looking at the policies enacted by Presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, and the impact they still have today. 7th grade is going to be heading back to Asia, this time North Asia, the cluster of countries to the south of Russia. In 6th grade, we’re going to keep going with Medieval Europe and its development into the society the Renaissance would take place in. I pray that God continues to bless us as we move through the Lenten season, as we reflect on the reason for God to send the greatest blessing of all, His Son. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus 

SNOW DAY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE: In the event that school may be cancelled due to inclement weather, we follow Ponca City Public Schools schedule FOR WEATHER-RELATED CANCELLATIONS ONLY. Listen to your radio during the cancellation announcements, and if Ponca City Schools are cancelled, First Lutheran will be out, also; however, there will NOT be a separate announcement for First Lutheran. This only applies to weather-related cancellations; at all other times, follow the First Lutheran School Calendar. If you need a new calendar, go to, click on the “links” tab on the left, and then click on “2017-2018 Calendar”, or stop by the school office for a new one. -- 4 --

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