Chatter 2.27.19

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

Sola Scriptura

February 27, 2019

CARDINAL CHATTER 2/27 Freddy’s Night, tonight! 3:30 – 8:00



Passport Fair, 9 am-1pm, Kay County Court Clerk’s Office, Newkirk 3/6 Ash Wednesday 3/14 Talent Show, 6:30 p.m. 3/15 Last day to bring BoxTops for class contest 3/15 11:20 DISMISSAL; End of 3rd Quarter 3/18-22 SPRING BREAK – NO SCHOOL 3/25 Track shirt orders due


2-4 FLS Alumni Reunion Basketball, Gym 5:30 – 9:30 FLS Legacy Dinner, Auction, Dance @ Osage Casino, $35/$50, RSVP to office FLS Alumni Reunion Unity Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School & Bible Class 10:45 Worship & Memorial w/Pastor Ramsey 12:00 Celebration Meal, $10/$12, RSVP to office 1:30 Volleyball & family games 2:00 Golf Tournament at Wentz $75 pp

Freddy’s NIGHT! First Lutheran School will have Freddy’s night TONIGHT! Wednesday, Feb. 27, 3:30-8:00 p.m. All you have to do is have dinner at Freddy’s! When the cashier is ready to take your order, tell them you are there in support of First Lutheran School, and Freddy’s will donate a portion of your purchase to the school! Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers. It doesn’t cost you anything more than the cost of your dinner, and the school will receive a little bit of your purchase price as a fundraiser. Thank you!

SPRING BREAK DAYCARE SIGN-UP SHEETS will be out in the next few days. Please sign up if you need spring break daycare! RE-ENROLLMENT REMINDER:

ARE YOU COMING BACK IN AUGUST?! WE NEED TO KNOW! As of THIS FRIDAY, enrollment opens to the public for next school year! Attached to a prior Chatter were your enrollment papers for the 2019/2020 school year. To hold your students’ spot for next school year, be sure to return your enrollment forms and 1/3 enrollment fee (if applicable). If you know a family new to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them call the school office. If you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, make sure that they list you as a referring family on their enrollment sheet! If they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2020 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! One family earned a $200 credit last month by referring friends! ECE ST. JUDE TRIKE-A-THON: If you ordered your child's prize for the Trike-a-Thon and didn't receive them, please let Mrs. Kelly or the office know what you didn't receive. They sent some prizes to the school without names on them.

FLATWARE: The cafeteria is in need of flatware. If you have any odd pieces of forks or spoons laying around, please consider donating them to the school. Donations can be left in the school office. Thank you! FREE DAYCARE! Leave your kids (4 years old to 6th Grade) with us on Sunday morning’s from 9:4510:45 in the basement under the First Lutheran Gym. You can have the hour to do shopping, have breakfast with -1-

friends, etc., and your kids will learn about the word of God! We want YOU(R) Kids! Please contact the church or school office with any questions. FORE!

Golf Tournament coming through!.. The First Lutheran Golf

Tournament will be held on March 31, 2019 in conjunction with the FLS Reunion weekend; the entry form is attached. Sign up your team and have a great day on the course! KIDS HEART CHALLENGE: Thank you for all of the success for the Kids Heart Challenge last week! Any final money needs to be turned in by the 28th so that we can send off a check. We’ll update you on the final donation amount when all donations have been turned in. BOXTOPS: Remember to save BoxTops! The class who collects the most wins a pizza party!! Thank you! TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2018 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, click on “Finance” on the top, then click on “tax report” on the left. Now click on the button that says “2007”, change it to the calendar year that you need, and then click “tax year printout”. It will bring up a printable page complete with our tax i.d. number. (This report includes school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from Ms. Heidi in Daycare.). If you have problems, you can call the office and we can print statements for you as well. Not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. Things that make me go hmmm... Don't fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Lord willing, we will have some special guests from the Opportunity Scholarship Committee and a couple of lawmakers here on Friday at 10:30 to tour our school. We want to show them our wonderful educational program. Please keep us in your prayers. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Colvin: Happy birthday Dr. Seuss!! This week we will be learning all about him and his books. Thursday will be Crazy Sock/Mustache Day, and Friday will be Dr. Seuss character day or hat day. Have a great fun week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Rylan, and Dr. Seuss! We are having a great week celebrating Dr. Seuss! Thank you to all of our guest readers! Tomorrow is Crazy Sock/Mustache Day and Friday is Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss Character or Hat Day. Our Stephen Fite Field trip is next Thursday; look for the note in folders today. It seems the Flu has hit! We are praying for our friends who are out, and glad to have the ones back that were out last week! We just have two more weeks for our New Life Trails Chapel offering. We are over $200.00, Can we make $300.00? Our Bible words this week are, Jesus Said, "Let the little children come to me." Matthew 19:14 Have a Blessed Week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Heitman: I pray this chatter is finding you all healthy! We've had quite the assortment of illness in our building these past couple of weeks. As the weather warms up, please remember to send a jacket with your child as we will go outside for recess whenever possible. We're enjoying our mystery readers for Dr. Suess week! We have a couple of days left, so be sure to wear your crazy socks tomorrow and dress as your favorite character on Friday! We'll be doing assessments over the next couple of weeks, so practice those letters at home! Don't forget, next Thursday, March 7 is our field trip to the Poncan. Our Bible words this week are "Have mercy upon us, O Lord" Psalm 123:3. KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will have show and tell this Friday on March 1st. Please bring something that will fit in your backpack. I would like to thank all the children that sang last Sunday in church. We have been hit hard by sickness in our room, so please be diligent with hand washing. I have been spraying Lysol a bunch in the room. It has been a fun week with Dr. Seuss! Have an awesome week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Friday is the 1st Commandment - You shall have no other gods. Thank you for those of you that brought your child to sing in Church on Sunday. Our church members really enjoy seeing and hearing the children sing! Order forms and payment for our class book is due TOMORROW! Please return these even if you mark no. I need to have every form returned. February reading logs are due on Friday for the Pizza Hut certificate. March reading logs will come home on Friday. Happy birthday to Johnathan on March 3 and to Samantha on Mar 5! Keep your hands washed and stay healthy! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: All is well in second grade! We're back to our normal routine with spelling words, math, memory work, and reading homework. We continue to make excellent progress. Stay healthy! Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: We are finally starting to get everyone well. It feels weird without everyone. -2-

Thank you parents for collecting homework and getting it turned in. This helps me keep up with everything. This week: Memory, Spelling, and Reading test on Friday. Memory: Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Reading/Spelling: Next week is a review week. We will be writing an in class paper with review spelling words. Social Studies: Test on Thursday; a review was done on Tuesday, and handed back. Science - Look for a sound test within the next week or so. We are coming to the end of this quarter. Grades are up to date on FastDirect; please let me know if you have any questions. Book Reports: Everyone did an AMAZING job! Thank you! They are out in the hall, please come look. Things are turning cold again, stay warm this week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: Let’s do our best to stay healthy with the ever changing weather, winter is not over yet! Make sure that we are reading for our goals. It is starting to come down to the wire, some of us have made our goals and some have a long way to go yet. Keep Reading! There are not that many days left in the quarter. As the quarter winds down quickly, make sure that we are staying on top of academics. Planners & Fast Direct are great tools to help. Our education to be strong fourth graders to prepare to be a fifth grader is not over yet. I am here for any questions. March book orders are due the 5th of March. Blessings as we soon begin our Lenten journey with Christ. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: It is a quiet week here in 5th grade. It's also a 5-day week, which we haven't had in a while. We welcome our student teacher, Mrs. Burden, as she has started teaching social studies and science. It is a joy to have her with us. She will gradually take on teaching more subjects as her time with us rolls on. Please see my FD Bulletin Board page for tests and memory work this week. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL Wednesday’s, 3:30 – 4:30, MathCounts & Friday’s during study hall

Wednesday’s, 5:30 – 7:00, Youth night in the gym! (details below)


Athletic (Basketball and Cheer) Banquet, 6:00, Cafeteria 3/12 7th/8th to iFly (see Hanson’s article) 3/12 PCPS Po-Hi Stepper parent meeting, 5:30 3/14 Po-Hi Cheer Tryouts, Po-Hi West Gym, 3:30 p.m. 3/25-4/2 Po-Hi Stepper Tryout Clinic


Po-Hi Stepper Tryouts, Robson Fieldhouse, 4:00 p.m 4/29-4/30 Po-Hi Boys Basketball Tryouts, 3:30 p.m. 5/7 9th Grade Volleyball Tryouts, Po-Hi Gym, 3:30 p.m. 5/9 Po-Hi JV/V Volleyball Tryouts, Po-Hi Gym, 3:30 p.m.

"FLY" NIGHT TONIGHT! in the gym! Middle school through high school students are welcome to join us for some fun and fellowship! We will meet each Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 in the FLS gym. Parents are invited to join our 5:30 Bible study during this time. Hope to see you all there, and bring a friend or two!! SUNDAY NIGHT YOUTH: We are changing up Sunday Youth Nights! We are going to try offering one large, themed event a month with an RSVP required (to help with chaperones and expenses). We'll usually need two extra adult volunteers for each event. For now, this will take the place of the former 1st and 3rd Sunday nights. February's event will be "Game Night" on the 24th, 4-7 pm. This event is for 6th grade-high school and will meet in the Fellowship Hall. We'll have a variety of games going: co-op, competitive and just plain goofy. The evening will start with a short devo. and prayer time and we'll have chili and baked potatoes for dinner. This event does require an RSVP and two adult volunteers. Volunteers will just be needed to hang out, no planning involved (unless you really want too :). Please call or text Susie at 251-752-2453 or Becky at 314-740-4853, please include your name and how many people attending in the text. (Adult volunteers please also contact either Susie or Becky.) STUDENT COUNCIL: Spring Dance details...  When: Friday, April 12  Who may attend: Any First Lutheran middle school student  Where: FLS gym  Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m.  Dress: Casual/Hawaiian  Theme: It's a Hawaiian Luau! That's all for now. We will announce more events and special dates in the Chatter so keep checking back!


BASKETBALL/CHEER BANQUET: The end of the year banquet will be held on Tuesday, March 5 at 6:00 in the Cafeteria. TICKETS ARE FOR SALE IN THE OFFICE, they are $5 each; players and coaches are FREE. HOWEVER, we will still need to know how many are coming. Please, stop by the office to purchase/reserve your tickets before Tuesday, March 5! PCPS PO-HI STEPPER TRYOUTS: There is a parent meeting on March 12th at 5:30 pm in the Commons at the high school. Tryout clinic starts on Monday, March 25th and runs through Tuesday, April 2nd. Clinics are in Robson Fieldhouse from 7-8 am and 5:30-6:30 pm. Tryouts are April 3rd at 4:00 pm in the Robson Fieldhouse. TRACK – Coach Amanda: Track will be starting soon. If your middle schooler wants to participate, please contact Coach Amanda at 580-716-8409 or send her an email via FastDirect. Mrs. Harbeson: Hello, Everyone! I hope your week is treating you well! Everyone in middle school is plugging along as we head towards the end of the 3rd quarter. Yesterday, all classes celebrated getting a class average of 80% or higher on their last vocabulary tests with a trip to Turtles. Yes...just dangle the possibility of a donut in front of us, and we can produce some awesome scores! Right now in language, all classes have finished or are finishing our noun units in grammar. Our last grammar unit for the quarter will be on pronouns. We will all have one more spelling and vocabulary unit in Wordly Wise, and finally, all classes are working on their book reports. The book report due date for everyone is Monday, March 11. Remember that after-school study hall (Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:30) is open for anyone who would like some extra help on any subject. That's all for now. Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: Each class is moving through the station lab this week, using all the learning styles to introduce them to their new content. Even though it's an introduction to the new unit, it's important that we always learn something from everything we do. So each student will create something this week to show everyone what they learned while doing the station lab. We will have another vocab quiz this Friday. iFLY permission slips for 7th/8th grade will have gone home by the end of the week and will need to be returned next week. Ms. Pacey: Happy Wednesday! We are competing in the Oklahoma Mathematics League competition this week! We are finishing up ch. 5 in Course 2 and tests are Wednesday (today) for 6th grade and Thursday for 7th grade. PreAlgebra and Course 1 will take their ch. 5 test Tuesday of next week. Algebra will have their ch. 5 test next week. Let’s make it another great week! Mr. Covert: March is almost upon us! I hope everyone is doing their best to stay healthy with all of the bugs going around. Classes are continuing right along. In 8th grade, we’re finishing up the late 1800s, and we’ll be moving into the Progressive Era later this week. 7th grade is finishing up Northern South America, and then we’ll go onto the Andes region. As for 6th grade, we’re continuing on with Middle Age Europe. I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we continue on into March. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * - *

Did you send your child with a coat or jacket today? Please make sure their name is in the jacket.

If you cannot afford a jacket for your student, please contact the office, and we will help you get in touch with an organization that can help. * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -* - * - * - * - * - *







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