Jeremy May, Pastor
David Birnbaum, Principal -4-
Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111 www.flcspc.com
School: 580-762-9950 website: flcspc.com On-line pay: http://flspc.org/resources.html E-mail: lutheransecretary@yahoo.com Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: fastdir.com/flcspc
Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,
Sola Scriptura
February 6, 2019 This Friday!!!
2/6 2/8
2/6 2/12 2/15 2/18
Chess Club Moves to FIRST & THIRD WEDNESDAY’S, ECE BASEMENT FLC&S Valentine Salad Luncheon, 11-1; Tickets are $8 for adults and $3 for preschool. Tickets available in the offices. Mid-Quarter Reports Last Day to sign-up for 2/15 & 2/18 daycare NO SCHOOL – Curriculum Writing NO SCHOOL – President’s Day
2/20 2/21 2/23 3/15 3/30 3/30-31
Schlotzsky’s Night, 4-9:00 p.m. Spring Portraits/Class Pictures The Cross & the Crescent, 9-4, FLC Fellowship Hall (lunch provided) Last day to bring BoxTops for class contest FLS Auction (in conjunction with reunion) FLS Alumni Reunion; Watch for more details. Preparation meeting to be held TODAY!, January 16 from 2:00-3:00
VALENTINE’S DELIVERIES: To minimize disruptions to the classroom, Valentine flower/candy/balloons sent to the school will be delivered to the classrooms at 2:00 in time for class parties. If you are having something delivered for a student in the Early Childhood Building, please give the delivery company directions on where/how to deliver it to the daycare offices. Thank you!
School WILL BE out Friday, February 15 and Monday, February 18. There is a sign-up sheet in daycare…please sign up if you need care those days. Daycare will not be open unless enough families sign up. CHESS CLUB CHANGES! Effective February 6, Chess Club will be moved to the FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the basement of the Early Childhood Building. We invite you to come and bring a friend! The club is open to all students in Ponca City, grades 1st through 12th. All levels of experience are welcome! The club is in need of additional adults who can play to pair up with children in attendance. BAND: Effective Monday, January 28, Band class will begin meeting at First Lutheran School on Monday’s and Tuesday’s from 4:15 – 5:15. On Wednesday’s and Thursday’s it will continue meeting at St. Mary’s. Please contact the school office if you have questions, or if you would like to sign your 5th grade or older student up for band! BOXTOPS: Remember to save BoxTops! The class who collects the most wins a pizza party!! Thank you! PASTOR NORDEEN BENNAI: will be presenting an informative workshop on "THE CROSS AND THE CRESCENT". This will be a study of the differences between Christianity and Islam, and how we can reach out, IN LOVE, to the other children of Abraham by sharing the Gospel of Christ with them. This Workshop will be held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2019, from 9 am-4 pm in the FELLOWSHIP HALL. Lunch will be served and will even feature some Moroccan food! You are encouraged to BRING A FRIEND; please MARK YOUR CALENDAR and PLAN TO JOIN US for this special time of LEARNING, FOOD, and FELLOWSHIP. TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2018 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, click on “Finance” on the top, then click on “tax report” on the left. Now click on the button that says “2007”, change it to the calendar year that you need, and then click “tax year printout”. It will bring up a printable page complete with our tax i.d. number. (This report includes school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from Ms. Heidi in Daycare.). If you have problems, you can call the office and we can print statements for you as well. Not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. -5-
NEXT GENERATION COORDINATOR: First Lutheran Church will soon hire a Next Generation Coordinator. It is a part-time, 25 hours per week, position. The NexGen Coordinator will work with an activist advisory board to maintain and create new ministry among Jr. Hi. and High School Youth (FLY) and among millennials. If you are interested in this job, please contact the school office (580-762-9950) or come by to pick up an application. Our board would love to interview and talk over your ideas and ours. Requirements: Should be a member of First Lutheran or would consider membership. Be versed in Lutheran teaching and adhere to our confessions and practices. Would be willing to attend conferences and workshops for continued education. Need good rapport with next generation. CONGRATULATIONS to those 1st through 8th grade students who are on their way to earn Financial Credit for the 1 Semester grades and attendance. 20 points for 95% of School Year Attendance—162 of the 172 days (Tardies will be counted toward absences) 20 points for 85% of Weekly Church Year Attendance (30 of the 36 weeks) OR 10 points for 50% of Weekly Church Year Attendance (18 of the 36 weeks) 25 points for 90%, A’s, or S or higher on all subjects for the semester (50 points possible per year) OR 15 points for 80%, B’s, or S or higher on all subjects for the semester (30 possible per year) 10 points for No Conduct Marks on the Report Card for the year st
For 1st – 4th grade 60 to 69 points = $25 credit (only $10 for FLC members) 70 to 79 points = $50 credit (only $20 for FLC members) 80 to 89 points = $100 credit (only $40 for FLC members) 90 or higher = $250 credit (only $100 for FLC members)
For 5th – 8th grade 60 to 69 points = $50 credit (only $20 for FLC members) 70 to 79 points = $100 credit (only $40 for FLC members) 80 to 89 points = $200 credit (only $80 for FLC members) 90 or higher = $500 credit (only $200 for FLC members)
Congratulations to Amber Scott and our 5th grade team for their hard fought 2nd place win at the Lutheran tournament this weekend.
PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Something that makes you go hmmmm: "Why is the letter W, in English, called double U? Shouldn't it be called double V?" Congratulations to our Secretary Connie Erickson for another clean cancer report. Also our sympathy goes out to Connie for her mother leaving this earthly life but we celebrate with her mother entering her heavenly home. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Colvin: We are collecting box tops for a pizza party! We have until March 15th. There will be no school February 15th & 18th. The children may bring Chapel offering if they would like. This quarter it will go to the New Life Trails Ministry here in Ponca City. The Valentine's Party will be on Thursday February 14th at 2:30. This week we are learning about the letter U and Valentine's! Have a great week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Thank you Mrs. Spears for bringing the baby goat to our ECE classes! Our Chapel offering this quarter is going to New Life Trails, Mrs. Spears animal therapy ministry. She plans to bring more animals to chapel on February 13th. We brought 161 cans/boxes of food for our 100th day of school food drive! Great job ECE! Our Valentine sacks are made and ready for Valentines! You may bring them any day before our party on February 14th. The sign up sheet for the party is in the classroom if you would like to sign up to bring something for the Ice Cream Party. Our school is having a Box Top contest. The class that brings the most Box Tops wins a pizza party. The last day to turn in Box Tops is March 15th. Our Bible words this week are, Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good. Psalm 107:1 We are on our new letter cluster G, W, and X this week. Have a Blessed week! -6-
PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Heitman: Thank you all so much for the canned goods for chapel offering! Our building was able to collect 161 cans in all! We're continuing our collection for New Life Trails Ministry as well. Renee Spears runs this great ministry right here in Ponca. She has graciously offered to bring a few of her animals up for us to visit with throughout the next couple of weeks! Thank you for helping us support her ministry! Don't forget our Valentine's party is coming up! We will make our bags in class this week. The signup sheet is in the classroom next to the sign in board. This week we begin the letter cluster of G, W, & X. Continue reading with your child at home to help them with letter recognition and begin tracking for reading. Our Bible story this week focuses on Jesus feeding the 5,000. Our Bible words are "O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good" Psalm 107:1. KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will have our kindergarten Valentine's party on Thursday Feb. 14th at 2:30 in the afternoon. All parents are welcome to come! We now have 16 kids in our class. Please address your child's valentine cards from (with their name) but do not put to specific people. This way your child can drop a valentine card in each sack and not worry about who it goes to. This makes it easy for them to give a card to each student. The children can bring their cards to school anytime now. We will not have school on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th. Also, please mark your calendar for Sunday Feb. 24th because the kindergarten and first grade will sing together in church at the 11:00 service. Have a fantastic week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday is Philippians 4:13- I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Thank you for all of the can goods that you brought in for our 100th day of school. We counted 161 cans of food to give to our Church Pantry! Our class Valentine Party will be on Thursday, February 14 at 2:30. Valentine cards for classmates can be brought on that day. The 1st grade and Kindergarten classes will be singing in church on Sunday, February 24 at the 11:00 service. Please make plans to join us on that Sunday. Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy February! We've decorated our Valentine bags and the children may bring their Valentines to share. We're excited about our party. Thanks in advance for all you do to help us celebrate. Remember that Jump for Heart is next Wednesday, February 13. Hopefully your child is able to find a sponsor or two to donate to our jumping efforts in support of heart health. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Thank you so much for all the wonderful birthday gifts and wishes. I had a wonderful birthday. This week: Memory- Second Article, due on Friday. Spelling - Test on Friday. Math - Test was yesterday, then we are going to start an in class project on graphs. Reading: We are finishing up Charlotte's Web today. We will take a test tomorrow, then we will watch the movie on Friday. Everyone may bring a pillow, blanket, and a drink with a lid. Chapel: Next week is our Heart Challenge at 8:30 in the gym. All are welcome to come. Please bring your donation envelopes to be on the 13th. Valentine's Day - We will be having a party at 2:30 on Thursday, February 14th. We will make bags in class to hold our Valentines. Please let me know if you have any questions. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We have a big creative project going on right now – Valentine’s box (due next Thurs). I hear great ideas for our Valentine’s Day Box Contest. Remember to keep your real idea a secret, so on Valentine’s Day we will not know the real creator of the box until it is time. Book orders that have been sent home are due the 14th. Keep reading to make AR & Book IT goals. We are half-way though through the quarter. The quarter year is winding down very quickly. We are being 5th graders in training. This is a challenge some are really stepping up to the plate for, and others need more guidance. Blessing as we focus on Christ. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: Welcome to February! As I write this article on Sunday evening it surely doesn't feel like February, but I'll take this kind of weather whenever we can get it. How are president reports coming along? If you have any questions feel free to contact me. We will decorate Valentine boxes/sacks on Friday. The children are to bring a shoe box if they want, or I have sacks that can be decorated. Also bring anything special you'd like to use to decorate. (Example: stickers, wrapping paper, etc.) Memory work this week is Psalm 23. Blessings!
MIDDLE SCHOOL Wednesday’s, 3:30 – 4:30, MathCounts & Friday’s Wednesday’s, 5:30 – 7:00, Youth night in the gym! during study hall (details below) 2/12 8th Grade families only—Po-Hi Course Fair, 4-7:00 p.m., Po-Hi Commons 2/25 8th Grade families – Private Assembly for First Lutheran, St. Mary’s, & PCCA, 6:00 p.m., Po-Hi Assembly Center
"FLY" NIGHT TONIGHT! in the gym! Middle school through high school students are welcome to join us for some fun and fellowship! We will meet each Wednesday evening from 5:30-7 in the FLS gym. Parents are invited to join our 5:30 Bible study during this time. Hope to see you all there, and bring a friend or two!! STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations to our second semester student council representatives. Our 6th grade representatives are Reed Jackson (treasurer), Rachel Lawson, and Brynn Vincent. 7th grade representatives are Gia Patel, Kylie Flowers (secretary), and Kaylie Thomas. 8th grade is represented by Jonathan Vickery (president) and Bryant Rice (vice president). Upcoming events include the talent show, the middle school spring dance, and National Lutheran Schools' Week. Be sure to check the Chatter for dates and times! VARSITY ATHLETES: This Friday is WinterJam 2019!! All varsity athletes are invited to worship together this Friday after school. We'll be driving to Wichita for dinner and the concert. Cost is $25 per athlete. Basketball players contact Amanda Cain, cheerleaders contact Jennifer Heitman for more information. Thanks!
Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings everyone! I hope your week is treating you well. Today marks the mid-way point of the 3rd quarter. You still have plenty of time to raise your grades if they aren't just exactly where you'd like them. Some ways to raise your grades include completing all work to the best of your ability; handing all work in on time; having no missing work; asking questions in class; paying attention; and coming in for extra one-on-one work during the after school study hall. Study hall is a great time to get extra help and to make sure you understand what you are learning. Study hall is from 3:30-4:30 every Tuesday and Thursday. You may come for part of it or stay for the entire hour. (Please read the letter at the beginning of the middle school section concerning mandatory study hall.) I encourage you all to work hard and do your best! That's all I have for now! Blessings on the rest of your week. Mrs. Hanson: It's Race Week!! All groups will race for the best mousetrap car on Thursday. Analysis reports are due Friday. We are working on answering the questions in class, but they will need to be professionally phrased and typed in a Google Doc by Friday. 8th grade tested on Tuesday. 6th and 7th grade will test Friday. We will review in class, but studying will need to be done at home as well. 8th graded is building DNA models that are due Feb. 14. The middle school will be celebrating Valentine's Day next week at the movies! A permission slip has gone home and needs to be returned by Feb. 12 with $10 if your child may attend the movie. We will be going to watch The Lego Movie 2. Ms. Pacey: Blessings everyone! We are getting into new sections in PreAlgebra and Course 2. Both classes also have test corrections due Friday. Every corrected question is worth half credit and a parent signature is worth another point on the test. Course 1 and Algebra both have their test Friday. Congratulations to our MathCounts team; Kyle King, John Davis, Dalton Kirchner, and Pierce Wagner! We will not be going on to state this year, but every student did well on their individual tests. We were up against some tough competition, and we will be working hard to challenge them next year! We will also be participating in the MathCounts video challenge. Dalton Turnipseed and Brynn Vincent are going to be working on our video about a unique solution to one of MathCounts' interesting problems for this year. Mr. Covert: We’re into February! I hope everyone is doing their best to stay healthy, especially with the temperamental weather we’re having lately. Classes are moving along at a nice pace. 8th grade is still focusing on the westward expansion of the US, including the Oklahoma Land Run, as we see how the country spread out to cover the area it does today. In 7th grade, we’re going to wrap up Brazil this week before we head a bit north and talk about the northern portion of South America. As for 6th grade, we’re discussing the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, and into Europe in the Middle Ages. I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we move through this quarter! Blessings on your week!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus 8th Grade students & parents:
Two dates for 8th grade parents for two different reasons at Ponca High Schools. 1. Tues, Feb 12 is the Po-Hi Course Fair in the Upper Commons. This event will be held from 4-7. Students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to attend to obtain information about course offerings at the high school. On this evening, the counselors will be hosting 2 informational sessions in the Howell Auditorium. The first session is at 5:00. The second session is at 6:00. We will be presenting basic information about upcoming enrollment, graduation requirements, etc. 2. Monday, Feb 25, 6:00 pm in the Po-Hi Assembly Center will be a private assembly for First Lutheran, St. Mary's, & PCCA families to ask questions and get additional help & information. -9-
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