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First Lutheran Church & School

Pastor Jeremy May 580 - 762 - 1111

1104 N. 4th St—Ponca City, OK 74601

Principal David Birnbaum

580 - 762 - 9950 School Fax 580-762-4243

“Grow at First”

February 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians, Attached to this Chatter are: 1.

Your Registration Papers for the new school year


A Survey so we know where you want us to improve


We are considering a Point System – Financial Incentive Program for 1st to 8th Grade -

95% of School Attendance 164 of the 174 days – 20 points


85% of Church Attendance 30 of the 36 days – 20 points


(Or 60% of Church Attendance 20 of the 36 days – 10 points)


90%, A’s, or S or higher on all subjects for the Semester – 25 points (50 points possible per year)


(Or 80%, B’s, or S or higher on all subjects for the Semester – 15 points)


No Report Card Conduct Marks for the year – 10 points

10 to 25 points = $50 credit

25 to 50 points = $100 credit

50 to 75 points = $150 credit

75 or higher = $250 credit

(This would be calculated at the end of the school year for credit that must be used in the next school years’ tuition! Sorry…no cash payouts.)

For a program beginning to accrue points in 2018/19 school year, with a credit applied in the 2019/20 school year (for a one-year trial period)…

WOULD you be interested in this incentive program?




(If you have any suggestions or concerns, please contact Principal Birnbaum ASAP.)

Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Print Name ___________________ Date _________

Growing up, Reaching Out, and Walking together with Jesus at First Lutheran Church & School. “Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” 1 Peter 2:2-3

Did we mention it’s…


Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

Sola Scriptura

February 7, 2018


Mini Cheer Clinic; 3:30-4:30, Cafeteria


Freddy’s Night TONIGHT!; 3:30 – 8:30 p.m.


2:30 Pep Rally w/Mini-Cheer performance McCord at FLS; 6, 7 with Mini Cheer Performance First Lutheran Church Salad Luncheon, 11 - 1. Tickets are $8/adults, $3/pre-school


2/12 2/12 2/14 2/16 2/19 2/22 2/23 4/14

FLS @ Saints, 5:30, 6:30 Last day to sign up for 2/16 & 2/19 Daycare Ash Wednesday NO SCHOOL – Curriculum Writing NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day Class Pictures/Spring Portraits 6:30 p.m. Academic Bee prep session School Fund-Raising Auction

And now, it’s time for the CARDINAL SHOUTOUT; a place for us to recognize how talented and diversified our students are! CONGRATULATIONS TO: Kaylynn Archibeque loves to give out hugs to her teacher and her teacher loves them. She is also fantastic at art, which is a favorite of hers! Sawyer Baker loves to spend time with his Dad, Grandmother, and family. He has a fabulous Cardinal imagination to use with STEM activities and he is magnificent with slime. Alyzabeth Engle is exceptional at arts and crafts. Keep up the good work Alyzabeth because you Shoutout! are an exceptional student who is very artistic in the classroom! Karlea Rich, Jaclynn Heitman, Khloe Andrews, Reese Andrews, Karsyn Hunter, and their team for High Point Division and Alexa Avila, London Pettigrew and their team for High Point Division, AND Annison Troutman, Kylie Kozarevich, and their team for 1st place mini’s, all at cheer competition last weekend. Karlea also received an individual award of Best Cheerleading! Xavier Burris is one of the most honest people I have ever met; he always has integrity and does what is right. Caroline Gates is sweet and gentle, and great with little kids! Konner Reid has an engineering mind. He can problem solve, build, and visualize things that may be illusive to everyone else. Jackie Stevenson has brought more offerings than anyone in her class this year; she has a very generous, giving heart. ASH WEDNESDAY - Next Wednesday is February 14th, and the start of the Lenten Season of the Church Year. For the next seven weeks we will be focusing on the suffering that our Lord endured on this earth so that we could have eternal life. Next Wednesday for Chapel we will do the imposition of ashes, which is when Pastor will make the sign of the cross on our foreheads with ashes (representing our burnt up/destroyed sins). Students do not have to do it, but most will. FREDDY’S NIGHT—TONIGHT!! First Lutheran School will have Freddy’s night TONIGHT, February 7 from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. All you have to do is have dinner/dessert at Freddy’s! When the cashier takes your order, tell them you are there in support of First Lutheran School, and Freddy’s will donate a portion of your purchase to the school! Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers. It doesn’t cost you anything more than the cost of your food! The legendary FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN’S GUILD VALENTINE’S SALAD LUNCHEON will be THIS FRIDAY!, February 9 in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall from 11-1. Tickets are $8/adults, $3/preschool-aged children, and are available in the church and school office and from Guild members. Plan now to -- 1 --

come get some of that yummy hot chicken salad (among many other great salads)! DAYCARE – MRS. DALEY: There will be no school Friday, February 16th or Monday, February 19th. If you need daycare for your child/children please sign up in the daycare for the days you will need. The last day to sign up for daycare will be Monday, February 12th. We must have 20 children for each day to be open. If have 20 one day and not the other, we will be open only for the day we have 20. THERE ARE ALOT OF JACKETS DOWN IN DAYCARE. IF YOUR CHILD IS MISSING ONE, PLEASE COME LOOK!!!!!

2-PAYMENT TUITION REMINDER: If you opted to pay your tuition for the year in two payments, the second half payment was due last Wednesday…January 31. If you need to switch to a monthly plan for the second semester, please contact the office. ACADEMIC BEE PREP SESSION: Mark your calendar…First Lutheran will be hosting an academic bee prep session on Feb 23 at 6:30 p.m. We'll help our students prepare for our annual academic meet to be held on March 9. "To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." - Martin Luther PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: FREDDY's Night TONIGHT from 3:30 to 8:30 and just mention FLS. One more week to Valentine's Day & Ash Wednesday. Please read about our Ash Wednesday Chapel Service in this week’s Chatter. We have a four day weekend soon. We are closed Friday-Feb 16th and Monday-Feb 19th. So mark your calendars. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: The school year is going by so quickly! So proud of this group. They are doing a fantastic job on learning letter sounds, opposites, patterns, adding one or taking one away, months of the year, and days of the week. Rhyming words, beginning word sounds, matching upper and lower case letters are skills we will be working on through the end of the year. SHOW and TELL is Thursday. Next week is our Valentine Party on Wednesday. Parents are always welcome to join us! No school on Friday 16th or Monday 19th. Our theme this week is "Valentines" and our letter is "U". Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Book orders are due to me or online by Friday, February 9th. Our Valentine party is on Wednesday, February 14th. Valentines may be brought any day before the 14th. No school on Friday, February 16th and Monday, February 19th. Our Bible words this week are, Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 107:1 We are learning the letter "Hh" and the number "14". Have a Blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Please mark your calendars for Sunday Feb. 25th. The children will sing in church on that day. Also, Wednesday Feb. 14th is our Valentine's party and everyone is welcome to come at 2:30 pm. We have 20 students in our class now. Your children can bring their valentine cards at anytime now. Please address them from (your child's name) and don't put to anyone. This way the children can just drop one in each sack. Have an amazing week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Our memory verse we are working on is Galations 5:22-23 on the fruits of the Spirit. We will work on this for 2 weeks. We have a song that we are singing to help us learn the words. Book orders were sent home today. These are due either on line or a check to me by next week Thursday, Feb. 15. Our Valentine party will be next Wed, Feb. 14 at 2:30. The children can bring valentine's on this day to exchange. Parents are welcome to join us for the party. 1st grade and Kindergarten will be singing in Church on Feb. 25 - save the date! Hope you can make plans to join us. Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: We've made our Valentine boxes and the children may bring their Valentines to share. Please have your child address a Valentine to a classmate and sign their names. I'm sending home a class list with this Chatter. Book orders are due this Friday, February 9. We will be reciting the 6th commandment and meaning this week. Thanks for your continued help at home. Congrats to Mrs. Steichen and her family on the birth of her precious daughter. What a mighty God who makes such amazing gifts! Blessings! Hug someone you love! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Heitman (Steichen): Our class has been lucky so far, only a couple have been out briefly for illness. Let's pray we can avoid the flu/strep combo altogether! This week: Spelling: Unit 4 Week 2. Reading: NO test or paragraph; we are reading "How To Eat Fried Worms." Ask your child what they think of it so far. A.R. Please ask your child where they are with their goals, and encourage them to READ! READ! READ! Book Reports: Book reports were sent home last Wednesday. These will be due March 10. Math test this Friday. Memory: 10th Commandment and its meaning. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We have two big creative projects going on right now – Valentine’s box (due next Wed) & Invention Convention. I hear great ideas for our Valentine’s Day Box Contest. Remember to keep your real idea -- 2 --

a secret, so on Valentine’s Day we will not know the real creator of the box. Keep the Invention Convention projects going! We have really thought of some great inventions for the real world problems. Please ask me if you have any questions. Remember that we will be presenting inventions to the class and then we’ll be judged by “Sharks” like on the show Shark Tank. In the mean time don’t forget about the due dates for the project. Book orders that have been sent home are due the 15th. Keep reading to make AR & Book IT goals. We are half-way though through the quarter. The quarter year is winding down very quickly. We are being 5th graders in training. This is a challenge. Some are really stepping up to the plate and others need more guidance. Blessing as we focus on Christ. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We had a really rough week last week. We were missing between 4-5 students every day due to the flu, strep throat, or just plain sickness. I am praying that everyone recovers quickly and can get back to enjoying life again. Friday is our field trip to the Wichita Ice Center. Remember to send lunch money with your child that day. We're really looking forward to a fun-filled day of skating and being away from the regular work day. Happy birthday at the end of February to Kaegan (27)! Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL Mrs. Harbeson: Hello! I hope you all have been well! We've had a lot of crud floating around the middle school, and yes, it found me. I want to encourage you all to take good care of yourselves . . . eat well, get plenty of sleep, and wash your hands. If you don't feel well, please, please, stay home. (I'll try to follow my own advice!) All the teachers will be sure to help you get caught up. Guess what I'm looking forward to! The Winter Olympics are getting ready to begin! I love watching the Games, and I am planning an Olympic-themed project for all the classes to participate in. Please check your student's announcement page on my wepage to see what is going on in language this week. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Hanson: Each class is starting a new chapter. Life science will be studying DNA replication and protein synthesis. Earth science is diving into the layers of the earth and tectonic plates. Physical science is learning how to describe matter using physical and chemical properties. We will have STEM challenges this Friday. If you were unable to preorder flower grams, we will have extra flowers available for sale that day or you may order them from the office before Valentine’s Day. These will be sold first come, first serve. Come support our mini cheerleaders this Thursday at the 2:30 pm pep-rally! Happy Birthday Karlea 2/2, Nathan 2/3, Janie 2/4, and Jonathan 2/9! Mrs. Pacey: Happy Wednesday! I have handed back graded tests for Algebra, PreAlgebra, and 7th grade math. Corrections are due Friday. Math Counts regional competition is coming up Saturday the 17th. Have a great week! Mr. Covert: We’ve passed the midway point of the third quarter! This school year just keeps flying by. I pray that everyone is doing their best to keep all these illnesses at bay as we continue on through flu season. Classes are moving right along. 8th grade is talking about the wave of immigration between 1890 and 1910, and all the new ethnic groups that made it here and called America home. In 7th grade, we’re moving a bit east of where we were, to talk about Eastern Europe and Western Russia. For 6th grade, we’re moving on to the early Christian church and the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem out to Europe and eventually beyond. I pray that God continues to richly bless our school family as we move on through the school year in Him. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

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