Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: February 8, 2017
FLS @ Glencoe 4:30, 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 First Lutheran Women’s Guild Valentine’s Salad Lunch, 11:00-1
2/10 2/14 2/20
PTL SOCK HOP for ALL AGES from 6:30-8:30 Last day to sign up for 2/20 Daycare No School (sign up for daycare now)
ENROLLMENT TIME! Attached to this Chatter are your enrollment papers for the 2017/2018 school year. Remember, at this time, enrollment is open to current church and school families. If you know a family new to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them call the school with their address, and we will mail them an enrollment packet that they can return beginning March 1, 2017 (when enrollment will open to new families). To hold your students’ spot, be sure to return your enrollment forms and 1/3 enrollment fee, and have your enrollment fee paid in full by April 30. If you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, make sure that they list you as a referring family on their enrollment sheet! If they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2018 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! Two families earned a $200 credit last month just by referring friends! DAYCARE SIGNUPS FOR FEB 20TH: NO school Monday, February 20th. If you need childcare please sign up by Tuesday the 14th. SOCK HOP - Friday's SOCK HOP includes hula hoop contests and we need more hoops. PTL will buy some for our event, and then roll them to the early childhood classrooms after the dance for more recess fun. Please feel free to bring your own to return home with you after the dance or to donate. Tickets are on sale now in the office and with PTL volunteers, and will be available at the door. $1 per family member (includes cherry limeade) or $5 per family. See you at 6:30 Friday night! FIRST LUTHERAN WOMEN’S GUILD SALAD LUNCHEON will be held THIS Friday, February 10, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. Prices are Adults $8.00 and children Pre-school-aged $3.00. Tickets are available from Guild members, in the church, and school offices. $8,000 to Scholarship Fund - Thanks to the efforts of many people, the December Christmas Market raised over $3000 thru vendors and booths, $4000 in Conoco grants and another $1000 from Phillips grants. All of these monies have been given to the First Lutheran School scholarship fund. A sincere "THANK YOU" to Shirley Zimmerman and everyone who helped her in any way to make this fifth annual Christmas Market Oklahoma a great success. CALLING ALL GOLF LOVERS!!! Please mark your calendars for the next golf meeting - 02/13/17 in the fourth grade room at 4:30. If you have already signed up to help with the 2016/2017 Cardinal Classic you will receive a letter in the mail. If you still want to help support our school, come to the meeting on the 30th. Remember the Cardinal Classic is at Wentz Golf Course Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. See you on the 13th! ATTENTION ALL PARENTS!!! Every $100 of Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament sponsorship with your child’s name on it is a chance to receive $200 off of your FLS current costs. SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER- Saturday Feb 11, 2017. At FLS cafeteria. Dine in or carry out. 4:30-6:30. $7.50 per person or 3 for $20. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, bread, vegetable, dessert, and a beverage. Get your tickets in advance from one of the Cardinal Varsity boys or purchase at the door! Money raised goes towards the boys National Tournament funds! SCHOOL CLOSED on Monday - February 20 for President's Day. (Public School is closed this Friday - Feb. 10 & Mon. - Feb. 13 but we are NOT.)
BOX TOPS – BOX TOPS! BOX TOPS! Save those Box Tops! Each one is equivalent to 10 cents so when we put them altogether we raise a good amount of money. If you would bag them in groups of 50, that would be helpful. Our contest
will run until March 1 and the class who contributes the most will win a pizza party. Your trash could be our treasure! Thank you! Mrs. Powell LOST AND FOUND - If your student has lost a coat, please check with the Amanda Porter-Cain. The coats have been moved to the athletic director’s office in the Early Childhood Building. SCHOOL OFFICE—TAX STATEMENT: If you would like a printout of your payments to First Lutheran during 2016 for tax purposes, you can print them off yourself by logging into your FastDirect account, scroll down to the bar that says “2007 Tax Year Printout”, change the year to 2016, and click the box that has “Tax Year Printout” in it. This will include school-related expenses only; summer daycare tax statements must be requested from daycare director Mellissa Flaherty. Remember that not all payments to FLS are tax deductible, and you should contact a tax advisor to find out what can be written off, and what cannot. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Thank you for your continued prayers for our secretary. Connie has been able to do some of her work from home to avoid germs but she really misses the kids. She has three more rounds of Chemo and her next one, Lord willing, is next Wed. Feb. 17. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: We welcome Jensen Stewart to our classroom! We have a week of Valentine fun planned as we get ready for our party on the 14th. You may send Valentines with the children at any time and they can distribute them in our friends bags. Hope to see everyone at the Sock Hop Friday evening at 6:30! It's wonderful fun for the whole family. We are having a Box Top contest so gather up those Box tops (50 tops to a baggie) and help PS turn in the most by March 1! Blessings on your week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: So many of us have been sick. Please remember to keep your child home until they are 24 hours fever free without medication. Book orders are due to me or online by Friday. Our school Sock Hop is on Friday. Our Bible words this week are, We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 We are learning the letter "Hh" and the number "14" this week. Our class will have Hat Day on Friday. Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Book orders are due back to me or online by this Friday. This week we are learning all about the letter "Xx" and number "21". We are also learning how to be kind and love one another. Bible words "We love because He first loved us". 1John4:19. Valentines party will Tuesday the 14th at 2:00 PM. Room mom will contact you if you signed up to bring something. You are welcome to join us! Have a great week. KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Next week on Tuesday the 14th we will have our Valentines party at 2:30 in the afternoon and everyone is welcome to come! You may bring your Valentine cards anytime now. It is best to put from (your child's name) but don't address the cards to special people. That way your child can drop the cards in any sack. We have 13 kids in our class. Please mark your calendar for Feb. 22nd because we will sing in Chapel at 8:30 that morning. Also, please mark your calendar for Sunday Feb. 26th because your child will sing in early church that day (8:30 service). Have a wonderful week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Please mark your calendars - 1st grade and Kindergarten will be singing in Church on February 26 at the 8:30 service. They will also sing in chapel on Wednesday, Feb. 22. Book orders went home today. These are due next Thursday, Feb. 16 online (class code is MBDK6) or to me with a check. Our Valentine Party will be next Tue, Feb. 14 at 2:15. The children can bring their valentines on that day to hand out. Parents are welcome to join us. Happy Birthday to Parker on Saturday! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Greetings! We enjoyed our trip to West Middle School to see the Tulsa Opera Production of Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks to the parents who were able to transport us and to Mrs. Schelp for making the arrangements. Our Valentine boxes are ready and the children may bring their Valentines to share with friends. Please have your child address their cards to specific friends rather than just sign their names. Our party will be next Tuesday, the 14th at 2:30. You're invited to join us. Keep collecting boxtops. Hug someone you love! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Thank you so much everyone for making my birthday so special. I appreciate all the gifts, cards, and special treats we got to have last week. I am very blessed, thank you! This week: Spelling and Memory (2nd Article) due on Friday. Math: Test today, and fact test on Friday. Facts are 2 multiplication facts. Valentine's Party: Please join us next Tuesday, February 14th at 2:30p.m. See you all there! Make sure you send a Valentine for each student. Book Reports: Everyone has picked a book. Happy Reading! Please remember projects are due February 24th. Have a wonderful week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We had a math test yesterday; I can see big light bulbs come on with division practice at home. Keep studying for states and capitals. Remember that your valentine’s boxes are due this Tuesday for the contest. Bring them in covered so we don’t know the true owner until we vote with numbers. The categories for prizes are Most Creative or Unusual, Most Traditional, and Funniest. Keep working on Invention Convention. We have great ideas going! Keep reading for AR, you can make it! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: Thank you to all parents that drove or accompanied us on our field trip today. This class is amazing in many ways, and drivers for field trips are just one of them. You're the best! Tests this week are social studies chapter 5 tomorrow and spelling and reading on Friday as usual. We're making Valentine's sacks on Friday, so the children may bring their Valentine's on Monday and Tuesday. Our party is Tuesday at 2:30. Hasn't the weather been amazing! What a blessing to feel the sunshine!
MIDDLE SCHOOL Middle School Dance: has been postponed to Friday – FEBRUARY 24. Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings, Everyone! The flu has really been spread around the middle school this past week. Good grief!! It is imperative to not send your child to school if he or she is running a fever. We love you, but stay home! All the teachers will work with any student who has been absent to get him or her caught up. Speaking of that, if your student has missed any school, please be sure to encourage him or her to check for missing assignments on FastDirect and then come talk to all teachers. Our school policy is to allow however many days the student was absent plus one day to hand in all assignments. The 8th grade boys’ basketball team has been working hard to fund raise for their possible trip to the Lutheran National Basketball Tournament in Valparaiso, Indiana, in March. A special thanks are sent out to Mrs. Amanda, Mrs. Tomi, and Coach Brad for all their hard work and dedication this past week at the 4th grade tourney. All of the basketball families (plus a few families who just wanted to help) pulled together and miraculously covered all the slots that it takes to run a tournament. Way to go, Everyone! Our next endeavor will be this Saturday, February 11. The team is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner fundraiser. Dinner tickets will be available this week to purchase from your favorite basketball player. Please consider helping our boys make it to Nationals by purchasing a dinner ticket (or more!) for this Saturday evening. Please check your student's announcement page on my website ( to see what we will be doing in language class this week. I pray that we all are happy and healthy! Blessings to you! Mrs. Pacey: Happy Wednesday! Pre-Algebra is working with ratios, rates, and proportions. 7th and 6th advanced had their test today and can do corrections if needed. 6th general has a ch. 5 test coming up next week. Mrs. Hanson/Mrs. Hercyk: Such a beautiful week with warm temps and spring like days! God is so wonderful to us! 8th grade is still working on CH 15 sorting through all the different invertebrates that our good Lord created! 7th grade continues to learn about earthquakes and how we measure them. 6th grade is in a new chapter on Forces and Motion. This will provide many opportunities to get active and see how our world works with seen and unseen forces. Lots of new material! Tanya Hercyk Mr. Covert: I know the groundhog saw his shadow, but even the best weathermen are wrong every so often. We can hope that he is too, and spring is on its way! Until then, I hope everyone is doing their best to stay healthy as the weather swings back and forth. Here in class, we’re moving right along. In 8th grade, we’re talking about the movement west, from the gold rush of the 1840’s, the building of the railroads, and the Homestead Act that helped settle the Great Plains. 7th grade will be wrapping up East Asia this week, and then we’ll be heading south to take a look at Southeastern Asia. As far as 6th grade, we’ve finished up Rome, and we’ll be starting a chapter this week on Christianity’s beginnings and its spread throughout the Roman world and into Europe. 7th grade parents, we’re just about to the time of year where we start working on Washington DC. I will be getting in touch with a travel agent soon, but before I do, I need a ballpark figure of how many will be going so that the agent can get everything in motion as far as reserving flights and hotel rooms. If you could let me know how many you think will be going through FastDirect, a text message, and/or your student, I can start getting numbers down. We’ll be having a logistical meeting sometime in the first week of April, at which point we’ll discuss cost, lodging, travel arrangements, a tentative itinerary, deadlines, and all that other fun stuff. I’ll let everyone know a couple weeks beforehand in the Chatter and through Fastdirect, so keep an eye out for that! I pray that God continues to pour out his blessings on this school family as we move through the short month of February. Blessings on your week!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus