Chatter 11 8 17

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

Sola Scriptura

November 8, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 11/14 11/16 11/20

Vision Screening Donuts with Dad’s, 7:30 a.m. Book Fair Muffins with Mom’s, 7:30 a.m. Book Fair PS3 & PK4 Grandparents’ Day (No class on Tuesday, 11/21; Please sign up if you need daycare)


K-8 Grandparents’ Day; students dismissed by 1:00 (after lunch/classroom/book fair events are over) 11/22 NO SCHOOL – SIGN UP NOW IF YOU NEED DAYCARE 11/23-24 NO SCHOOL OR DAYCARE – THANKSGIVING BREAK

DAYCARE: 3’S and 4’S: If you need childcare for Tuesday, November 21 (PS & PK) please sign up in the daycare. Parents, also, there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd. If you need childcare please sign up on that day as well. We will need at least 20 children signed up on Wednesday, Nov. 22nd to be open. DAYCARE WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH. GRANDPARENTS’ DAY is for students in the 3-year old through 8th Grade classes. It is a day set aside each year to honor and celebrate our grandparents! The Grandparents’ are invited to come watch performances that our kids have prepared for them, to visit their classrooms, join their grandkids for lunch, and visit the book fair together. Please let your grandparents know the date so they can make plans to be here! If your students are in the 3- or 4-year old classes, Grandparents’ Day is Monday, November 20. If they are in Kindergarten – 8th Grade, Grandparents’ Day is Tuesday, November 21. The schedule for Grandparent’s Day for K-8 follows. (3- & 4-year old’s receive their schedules from their teachers.) GRANDPARENTS DAY (K - 8th) SCHEDULE:  9:00 Grandparent’s Day Assembly in the gym  10:15 CHAPEL in the First Lutheran Church Sanctuary  10:45 Visit Classrooms  11:45 Book Fair, Lunch, Classrooms  By 1:00 School Dismissed THE BOOK FAIR is almost here! Watch for the Scholastic truck arriving in the parking lot any day now! The Book Fair will be located in the elementary school across from the computer lab. It will be open at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, November 14 for Donuts with Dad’s and Muffins with Mom’s on Thursday, November 16. It will also be open those same evenings for after school shopping! Have your grandparents stop by the Book Fair with the grandkids on Monday, November 20 for the 3- and 4-year old Grandparents Day, and on Tuesday, November 21 for K-8th Grandparents’ Day. While you are there, be sure to check out the teacher wish-lists for books for their classrooms. Proceeds from the book fair will go to purchase books and supplies for our libraries; thank you for your support! LIBRARY – Mrs. Ware: I need help with the Book Fair! Can you spare a few hours on any (or all) Book Fair days? I need workers who can help kids/adults find books and/or operate a cash register. Call the office if you can help! Thanks in advance! CHAPEL OFFERING this month is a Canned Food Drive. We will have a contest between buildings to see who can bring the most! SCRIP/GIFT CARDS: As your thoughts begin to turn towards Christmas shopping, remember that gift cards are available in the school office. Businesses sell them to the school at a reduced cost, we sell them at face value, and we keep the difference as a fundraiser. We have a limited supply on hand, but over 700 gift cards are available for order. To see a list of what is available, visit, click on the dropdown box in the upper right, and click on -- 1 --

retailers. We will be placing an order at the end of the month to have cards available at the beginning of December; come by the office soon to place your order. COLLECTING PONCA CITY SANTA BUCKS: First Lutheran is collecting the Santa Shops Ponca 1st tickets that are given out at participating local businesses each time you make a purchase during the Christmas season. If you are willing to donate yours to the school, please drop them by the school on or before December 19th. "The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes." - Martin Luther PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: I GREATLY appreciate the AMAZING attendance from our PS to 8th grade students that sang on Sunday. This tremendously helps the congregation members to see the number of lives being impacted by our school and to continue their financial support of our school. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Thank you to all that came to sing for Friendship Sunday. It brought tears to my eyes to hear their praises to the Lord! Grandparents’ Day is our next big event and is just around the corner. We still have a few families that haven't returned forms and $5, or volunteered to bring a breakfast casserole. Please let me know ASAP. This is a special day and we simply can't pull it off without your help! Thanks. This week our theme is "Turkeys" and our letter is "K". We will be working on full names and birthdays this month so if possible, help your child at home. Blessings! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Happy Birthday Bennett! Thank you for bringing your children to church on Sunday to sing! It was a wonderful service! We need to get our head count for Grandparents' Day to our room Moms tomorrow, please return that information to me tomorrow. Also, the sign up sheet for food and supplies is due tomorrow. Chapel offering for this month is a canned food drive. We will have a contest between buildings to see who can bring the most next week. PS/PK will sing in chapel on Wednesday, November 15 th. We would love to have you join us. Our Bible words this week are, Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 We are learning the letter "I i" and the number "7" this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Thank you parents for taking us on our field trip to Mary Poppins at Cowley College. We will have Grandparents' Day on November 21st so you might want to share the date with your grandparents. If your grandparents can't come, your child can adopt a grandparent for the day (no parents please). It could be an older friend, neighbor, church member, etc. We are looking forward to eating lunch with our grandparents and our class is learning songs for our grandparents and making them special art! Have a magnificent week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: It was great to see so many of you at church on Sunday! Thank you for coming! Memory verse for Friday is Joshua 1:9 - Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened...for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. Class book order forms are due! Please make sure that you return your order form to me, even if you are not ordering a book. I need to mail all forms in with our book. I need to mail them on Friday. The book fair is starting next week! Information came home for this fun event. Please make sure to send a jacket with your child - we do go outside for recess - even on cold days! Have a wonderful week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy Veteran's Day! Today I'm thankful for our country and the men and women who serve our country! We are so blessed! We are happy to welcome Mrs. Heitman to our classroom. She will be student teaching with us for the rest of the semester. I know we will learn so much from her. Thank you for driving to the play in Ark City on Tuesday. Remember that Grandparents' Day is Tuesday, November 21. Please have your child's grandparents save the date! Book Fair is coming. The children brought home a flyer and invitations to special events at the book fair. Thank you to all of you who joined us to sing on Sunday. The children sounded wonderful and it was lovely to worship together. You're invited EVERY Sunday. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Thank you to those parents who drove us yesterday to our field trip! We could not do it without you all. This week: Memory: First Commandment and its meaning. Tests this week: Reading, Spelling, and Math. Spelling: This is our last story in this unit, next week will be review words. We will also start a chapter book next week. Grandparents’ Day: We are coming along on our play. I have a huge favor to ask: I am looking for a couple of parents who are willing to help build a set for us. I need the front of a couple houses and a chimney. Please let me know if you are willing to help. Thanks in advance! Have a wonderful week. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: What a great feeling to have an extra hour of sleep! Continue to stay healthy as the seasons are changing. I hope that you all have been staying warm as the weather changes. Thank you to our drivers for our play at Cowley College, we loved it! Field trips do not happen without our parents. Keep reading for AR and Book-IT. Continue to write down books and pages numbers. Reading 500 pages is pretty easy with all of the different -- 2 --

options we have. November’s calendars are due in December. Midterms come out really soon. Help the kids by staying on top of grades and assignments on Fast Direct. Grandparents’ day is right around the corner. Blessings as we prepare our hearts for the Lord! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We're almost half way through this short second quarter already. Some of us are finding it quite difficult to stay focused. Now with the start of basketball games there seems to be a new kind of excitement in the air. Some days the basketball players have to leave early. Those children will need to complete the work they miss on time. Last week was full of late work and poor grades. I urge you to check FD to see how your child is doing. Many children are missing recess because they have had MANY corrections. If I worked around the busy schedule of families today very little learning would take place. I will be assigning detentions this week for more than 3 late assignments. Completing work on time and doing it well is crucial. Again, parents, please stay on top of your child's progress in school. These children are bright young people. Laziness and poor work habits are inhibiting what I know they are capable of doing. It takes teacher, parents and students working together to ensure the best education possible. We wish Pierce a happy birthday on 11-22. Lucky boy; you don't even have to come to school on your birthday! Blessings to you all as we pause this month to count our abundant blessings from our loving Heavenly Father.

MIDDLE SCHOOL Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! We have so much to be thankful for! When this world begins to get crazy and negative, I pray that all of us will focus on all of God's mercy and goodness. He IS here among us . . . we just need to look for Him! From what I've been told and from all the fabulous pictures I've seen, I believe the middle school dance last Friday was a success! I did get to be there for a little bit and all the kids looked awesome! Thank you, Nila Patel, Jamie McEntire, Ann Jackson, Heather Flowers, our student council members, and a few other students who helped decorate and set up the dance. I also want to thank Mr. Birnbaum, Miss Amanda, and all the other parents who chaperoned the dance and helped with the clean up. We couldn't have done any of this without you! All middle school students, if you haven't returned your permission slip for the Godspell production on Thursday, November 16, please do so ASAP. In language, projects for 6th, 7th, & 8th grade are due Monday, Nov. 20. Projects must be handed in on that date. No late work will be accepted. If you know that you will be leaving early for Thanksgiving, be sure to get your projects to me before you leave. If you are ill on the day that your project is due, please have a parent or trusted friend turn it in for you on the 20th. Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: The kids sang beautifully Sunday! It made my heart happy to see everyone worshiping and singing together. Thank you, all who came. Another vocab quiz at the end of the week for everyone. Last week's quizzes were pretty good! So, really high hopes for this week. 7th Graders need to bring grandparent pictures, digital or hard copy, by Friday for our grandparents’ day performance. Mid-quarter grade check is next week. Please make sure we are far, far from ineligible. Mrs. Pacey: We are well into the second quarter. We will have our chapter 3 tests in all classes late next week. 6th and 7th grade will be interviewing fellow students or the teachers for their statistics project and analyzing their data. They will be presenting their findings in class. Have a great week! Mr. Covert: It’s the first full week of November! I hope everyone enjoyed their extra hour of sleep this weekend. Our classes are picking up where we left off. 8th grade is talking about the addition of the Southwest into the United States. In 7th grade, we’re going over Eastern Asia before we go to the south and talk about Southeast and South Asia. 6th grade is discussing Greek culture and the spread of it throughout the ancient world. I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we move through this week and quarter. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus -- 3 --

We have outside recess every day, and some days are COLD. Please remember to send a jacket with your student to school eVERY day! They will have a much more enjoyable recess period if they are warm, and so will the staff who is supervising them on the playground! (Please make sure their name is in the jacket.)


More quotes from our scholarly students in the middle school, about why they look forward to the book fair! By Ellie Copeland, 7th Grade "The Book Fair is a great way for children to find a book that best suits them and will help increase their level in reading. The Book Fair gives you multiple choices of fun books for kids to read. I personally love the Book Fair and am super happy we have one every year. You even get to enjoy one of the Book Fair days with your wonderful grandparents! When your child is finished with their book and decides they may not read it ever again, you can always do a good deed and donate the book. It would make another child just as happy as it made yours."

Gavin Cunningham, 6th Grade "This is my report over my experience of the past book fairs. Last year my Grandpa and Grandma came from Texas and surprised me for the Grandparent's Day. They got me, "I Survived the Titanic." I hope I can find more interesting books at the Book Fair so I can be a better reader by reading harder books and pronouncing big words."

Ally Riddle, 8th Grade "I always look forward to the Book Fair. The Book Fair is a great opportunity to expand your bookshelf and maybe even get interested in a new series. The Book Fair is also awesome because you can get the new book in a series as soon as it comes out. I really like how Mrs. Ware will get some of the books from the Book Fair and put them in the Library. This is great because if you didn't the chance to buy the book you can still read it." -- 4 --

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