Chatter 3 2 16

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: March 2, 2016


7:15 a.m. . = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall

2/25&26 Class & Individual Spring Pictures 2/25 3/2 3/5 3/7 3/8 3/7-11

Papa Murphy’s Night! 7:15 a.m. . = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall Math Counts State Competition Open House 3:30-5:45, P2, Pk, 1, 3, 5, & M.S. Open House, 3:30-5:45, p3, K, 2, 4, & M.S. Lutheran Schools Week

3/9 3/11 3/13 3/23 3/24 4/1 4/3 4/9

7:15 a.m. = Chess Club FLC Fellowship Hall End of 3rd Quarter The Garm’s Family, 7:00 Talent Show Auditions Papa Murphy’s Day State Geography Bee St. John Lutheran Hymn Festival, 7:00 Ponca City 5K Kolor Run, 9:00; flyers in office

CAMPBELL’S SOUP LABELS FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM IS ENDING…We have until the end of this school year to finish collecting labels and get them sent in before the program is discontinued. If you have any Labels for Education, please cut off the rectangle like the picture to the right, and send it to school with your student. We can use these labels to purchase p.e./recess/classroom supplies for our school! DAYCARE: I would like to thank all the families that have completed and turned in the parent survey's, we have more copies in daycare if you would like to participate. Spring Break sign-up sheets are out and will be until March 8th. I will make a note in next week’s Chatter on what days we will be open. Remember we need at least 15 children to open each day. Also, summer camp enrollment forms are available for pick up in daycare as well as in the school office. We will need the enrollment pack and the deposit to hold your child/children slot. Space is limited and we fill up fast! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALEX LIN, First Lutheran School 8th grader, who has qualified to compete in the state level competition of the National Geographic Bee on April 1! BOXTOPS: It's time to start our spring box top contest! Send your box tops with your child in a ziplock bag, 50 per bag please. Thanks for your help! UPCOMING CONCERTS AT FIRST LUTHERAN: On Sunday, March 13th at 7:00 pm, The Garms Family, an LCMS husband, wife, and six of their children from Minnesota who perform music in the southern Gospel tradition, will perform at First Lutheran, Ponca City. More info on this family can be found here: On Sunday, April 3rd, at 7:00 pm, a hymn festival featuring a group of about 50 junior high and high school children from St. John Lutheran in Seward, Nebraska, will take place. Info on their previous tours may be found here: ENROLLMENT has opened up to the public. If you have lost your enrollment papers, you can get a new set by going to the FastDirect login page (, and clicking on the “links” button on the left before you log in. You can also stop by or call the office and we’ll get you a new set. You only need to pay 1/3 of the enrollment fee up front. 103 students have already enrolled for next year, and we have several new families wanting in. If you already know that you are not returning, please let the office know that we can fill your spot with a new family. We are having an OPEN HOUSE next week. If you know a family NEW to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them come to the open house between 3:30 – 5:45 on Monday, March 7 for grades P2, PK4, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and


Middle School, or Tuesday, March 8 for grades PS3, K, 2nd, 4th, and Middle School. This is a great chance to the meet the teachers, tour the classrooms, and pick up enrollment packets all at once. Remember, if you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, and they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2017 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! Tell your referred family to be sure and list your name as the referring family on the enrollment sheet. Three families earned a $200 credit this school year just by referring friends! PTL WANTS YOUR VOTE: The Parent-Teacher League (PTL) is holding our annual Silent and Live Auction on Saturday April 16. (Room Mom's - should be working on their class projects.) We would like to fund the repair or replacement of the Stage Curtains and designate $4,000 to the ECE Playground additions. Please let me know by Wednesday, March 9 if you are against using our funds for these projects or have additional amounts or suggestions. My number is 762-2483. Thank you - Timilyn Crank - PTL President. GYM RESTROOM REMODEL - We are beginning the fundraising process to remodel the School gym restrooms. We would like to convert the two small restrooms on the South into one large girl’s restroom and the other two on the North to Boys only. The expected cost is $125,000. $7,500 has been given and will be matched by Phillips 66. If you or a person or business you know could contribute, we would greatly appreciate it. (These are tax-deductible gifts.) LOST HOODIES AND T-SHIRTS: Please write your students’ name on your school hoodies and t-shirts. Many students have the exact same t-shirt and hoodie, and it impossible to tell whose it is when one is found. We already have one of the new hoodies in lost and found! If your student is missing theirs, please stop by the office to claim it. Other lost and found items are in the cafeteria, so that the kids can look them over each day when they go to lunch. TALENT SHOW: Get ready for First Lutheran’s annual talent show! The show will be presented on April 1. Auditions will be held on March 23. Audition applications are available in your classrooms and are due in March 21; have you turned yours in yet?! PRINCIPAL - Mr. Birnbaum: Joke: Why are bad school grades like a shipwreck in the Arctic Ocean? Answer: They're both below C level! Here are a few questions to ask yourself? How does your prayer life today compare with two or three years ago? How about your church attendance and Bible reading? Can you tell you've grown, or are you stagnant, or even weaker? Let us know if you want us to pray for you or anyone or anything specific in your life. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Oklahoma sure keeps you guessing about the weather! Please send jackets every day as we try to go outside even on cool days. Notes were sent home regarding Easter Egg Hunt plans-please return the form and $ if you haven't done so. Open house is next Monday and Tuesday. Odd number classes on Monday and even on Tuesday. If you know anyone interested in PS, please send them to visit with me between 3:30 and 5:45 Tuesday! SHOW and TELL TH/Fri this week! Remember I will be gone Thursday for a conference and Mrs. Mayer will be subbing. Our theme this week is "Spring" and our letter is "S". Thanks to Mr. Birnbaum for arranging the Kem’s Gym and Inciardi Dance demonstrations for us to enjoy. PS was super impressed! God bless your week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! We are having a great week celebrating Dr. Seuss books! Thank you to all of our guest readers! The Easter egg hunt permission slip and money were due today; please send that tomorrow if you haven't. Show and Tell will be on Friday. Mrs. Patterson is teaching this week and next. We love having her here. Our Bible words are, Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Psalm 123:3 We are learning the letter "E" and the number "16". Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: This week we have been reading a lot of Dr. Seuss books and activities based on the books we read and Rhyming words. Show n Share is this Friday. Look in back packs for March book order. Have a great week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: We will have show and tell on Friday the 4th. This week is Dr. Seuss week! Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Tuesday was so much fun, because we made "green eggs and ham" in class. I love to see the kids crack the eggs! Our class is still collecting the Easter Egg Hunt forms (and one dollar). Your child can bring their 12 plastic eggs filled with candy starting next week on March 7th. We have to have the forms and eggs before March 23rd. Have a great "Seuss" week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Friday is the 2nd Commandment - You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Field trip forms and $1 were due today. Please turn that in tomorrow if you have not done so yet. March is the last month for our Book It Program. February reading logs are due and the March reading logs have been sent home. We are looking forward to a lot of fun activities during Lutheran School's Week - please see note in the Chatter for more details. Happy Birthday to Ethan on Monday! Have a great week! -2-

SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy March! Looks like March is coming in like a lamb, beautiful spring like weather. Spring Break is right around the corner and we're very ready. We're looking forward to a fun Lutheran School Week with all of the FLS Lutheran Olympic events planned. It's been fun working in our Chapel families and learning about a new country. Ask your child about his or her country. Thanks to Mrs. Shepherd for helping us with our auction project. It looks amazing! I know you'll want it for your very own. Plan to come to the auction in April to place your bid. Happy March Birthday to Carter and Jayden! God's Blessings, Dear Friends! Enjoy the sunshine! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: We are almost done with this 3rd Quarter!! Thank you everyone for all their hard work on book reports. They were AMAZING!! Next quarter will be a biography report. You will be getting information about it after Spring Break. This week: Memory, and Spelling Test on Friday. We will finish Charlotte's Web this week, we will take a written test on it next week. Math test next week, also. Reminder that next week is Lutheran Schools Week and we will be doing Chapel Family Olympics, so this brings extra stuff all week (like presentations, races, and much more). No Memory for next week, but we will still have Spelling. FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: Lutheran Schools Week is next week; ask your paragons about their LSW Olympic events and activities. Countries (chapel families) should have new medal standings after each day. They have all been working hard. Books orders are due by 03/01/16. Continue to read for AR & Book IT! Our goal is just about here! We can do it! We also need the Class Auction money by spring break so we may make our projects. Projects cannot happen without you. Save your pennies for this amazing display of faith that our students will be making to be auctioned to the highest bidder! Blessings as you bless others this week! FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: Tests this week include language on Thursday and spelling and reading on Friday as usual. Memory work due Thursday is the first half of the Apostle's Creed. The rough draft for the state report is due Friday. Happy birthday in this merry month of March to Sarah (3-16).

MIDDLE SCHOOL 3/5 3/6 3/8

Math Counts State Tournament 8th Grade sing @ FLC @ 11:00 a.m. Hi-Stepper informational parent meeting, 5:30, Po-Hi Commons

3/9 3/21 3/30

7:30 FLSCA 7:00 a.m. High Stepper Try outs Clinic 4:00 p.m. High Stepper Try outs

8TH GRADE GIRLS! Po-Hi Drill Team tryouts are quickly approaching. There will be an informational parent meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Po-Hi Commons on Tuesday, March 8; please plan to attend. Tryout clinic will begin at 7:00 am on March 21st. Tryouts are at 4:00 pm on March 30th. MIDDLE SCHOOL: Your teacher has information on the radio contest sponsored by Team Radio. This is a chance for you to write a Public Service Announcement and present it on the radio. MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSIC: The eighth grade is taking music for their mandatory this quarter. They will sing for the First Lutheran Church service at 11:00 on March 6. They sound really good when they practice together and I hope they will all be able to attend to help lead worship and to support one another. If 80% of the class attends, they will receive an ice cream party as a reward. Mrs. Goll: It’s March! Thanks, Mr. Birnbaum, for the extra recess on Leap Day to make that day special. And thanks for all the work for the National Lutheran Schools’ Week FLS Olympics. It’s been fun watching our chapel families work together to prepare for this event. It’s going to be a great week. In math, we continue to learn to solve increasingly complex problems. Students who diligently study, ask questions, and SHOW their WORK are doing very well. Students who choose to do the opposite are struggling. Students, let’s finish this year strong by continuing to work hard in class, focus, and do our best. Mrs. Harbeson: Hello everyone! I hope you've been able to enjoy this absolutely beautiful weather! God is so good to us! As we wrap up our third nine weeks, I'd like to remind everyone of a few upcoming dates: 6th grade: Be sure to have your AR test taken on your 3rd quarter book of choice by Thursday, March. 10. 7th grade: Projects must be handed in or submitted online ( by this Friday, March 4, by 3:30 p.m. I will not accept projects handed in or submitted to me after the deadline. I have told the students that if for any reason you are not going to be here or are not here on Friday, you must find a way to hand in your projects through parents or trusted friends. 8th grade: We will be taking our noun unit test on Tuesday, March 8. -3-

All classes will have their lesson 13 spelling and vocabulary tests next week, as well as their folder check. Remember that I want all students to hand in their Wordly Wise and grammar books to me before leaving for Spring Break. As always, if you have any questions, please FastDirect me! Blessings on the rest of your week! Mrs. Hanson: We will have vocab quizzes again this Friday to make up for the not so awesome scores last week. All classes have been working on their projects in class (and hopefully at home). 6th grade will not have any more in-class work days. All projects are due Monday, Mar. 7. Parent, if you have an opportunity, please proofread your student’s research paper for any grammatical, writing, or spelling errors. It would be good to also practice speaking and running over their visual and verbal presentation. All 7th grade fundraising order forms and cash are due today, WEDNESDAY. Mr. Covert: We’ve got less than two weeks left until the end of the quarter! It’s amazing to think we’re already almost three fourths of the way through this year. In 8th grade, we’re studying how the western half of the U.S. was settled, and the discoveries and conflict that came with it. 7th grade is taking a look at Eastern Europe and Western Russia, from the physical characteristics to the history. For 6th grade, we’re wrapping up the spread of Christianity into Europe, and then we’ll look at the spread of Islam until spring break. 7th grade parents, next month we will be having a preliminary logistical meeting for the DC Trip. Watch this space for updates as we get closer to April. I pray that God continues to bless us as we look forward to the completion of His salvation plan this Lenten season!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus




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