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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: March 8, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 3/6-10 3/6-7 3/10

Lutheran Schools Week! First Lutheran School Enrollment Open House; 3:30 – 5:30 Last Day of 3rd Quarter

3/10 Half Day of School; Dismiss at 11:20 3/12

Daylight Savings Time; spring forward 1 hour

3/13-17 No School - Spring Break 3/18

3/22 3/31

Alumni Games Fundraiser for Lutheran Nationals Basketball Trip; 4:30 girls game, 6:00 boys game, Gym 3:30 Talent Show Auditions, Gym Talent Show in the gym: 2:00 Dress Rehearsal, 6:30 Talent Show

HALF DAY OF SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY! This Friday, March 10, School is dismissed at 11:20 a.m.! Spring Break, No School, March 13-17, 2017 LUTHERAN SCHOOLS’ WEEK continues! – This week, March 6-10, is Lutheran Schools' Week at First Lutheran School. To celebrate, the student council has come up with a great way to recognize our awesome church and school! The remaining dress up days this week are: Thursday: Crazy Clothes Day (& 2nd to 8th grade Electronics Day) Friday: Pajama Day (remember school gets out at 11:20!)

FLS Basketball Goes To Nationals! The Cardinal Guys have been invited to the Lutheran National Tournament! They have one last fundraiser before they go! March 18, Alumni Day! Girls’ game is at 4:30 p.m., boys’ game at 6:00 p.m. There will be silent auction items, a barbecue dinner available, and a good time! Please come out, show your support for our guys, and have some fun! DAYCARE – Daycare will be open over Spring Break, for those students who signed up. If you have a need and didn’t sign up already, please check with daycare to see if they have any open slots. MUSICAL!: The spring musical is April 28. Second through fifth graders will be performing in it. Please mark your calendars to save this date. I am in need of someone to take charge of creating the set and props for it. It would be awesome if one person could head it up and get others to help. Please contact Mrs. Schatte at 580-763-4856 or Fast Direct me if you are able to help in this area. Thank you so much. EARLY CHILDHOOD DIRECTOR - Congratulations to Mellissa Flaherty as she opens her own child care program in Ponca. We are excited for her and the greatly needed program in this area. Her last official day will be Friday - March 24. Heidi Daley will serve as our acting director as we take applications and conduct interviews. EARLY CHILDHOOD EMPLOYMENT - We are considering our options. If you or someone you know would be interested in a part-time or full-time child care position, summer employment, or as the director for our program, please

contact Principal Birnbaum (580-762-9950). Training classes, background checks, and fingerprinting will be conducted for any of these positions. MY COKE REWARDS—HELP NEEDED! The Coke Rewards site is changing, and we have more codes than we can get entered before they stop accepting submissions (they limit us to so many entries per week). Do you have an

active My Coke Rewards membership? Could we use it to enter codes and then donate them to the school? If so, please contact the office quickly with your login information. Next week is our last chance to enter codes. THANK YOU! ENROLLMENT TIME! Attached to a prior Chatter were your enrollment papers for the 2017/2018 school year. Remember, enrollment is now open to the public. To hold your students’ spot, be sure to return your enrollment forms and 1/3 of the enrollment fee, and have your enrollment fee paid in full by April 30. If you know a family new to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them call the school office. If you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, make sure that they list you as a referring family on their enrollment sheet! If they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2018 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! Two families earned a $200 credit last month by referring friends! TALENT SHOW: Get your talent dusted off for the Talent Show coming up. Are you making your plans? We are! This year's talent show is March 31st at 6:30 p.m. Technical Dress Rehearsal is the 31st at 2:00 p.m. Auditions are March 22nd in the gym at 3:30 p.m. Talent show applications will be available in the classrooms next week. ATTENTION ALL PARENTS!!! Take advantage of the greatest opportunity. Every $100 of Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament sponsorship with your child’s name on it is a chance to receive $200 off of your FLS current cost. CALLING ALL GOLF LOVERS!!! CALLING ALL SCHOOL & GOLFER LOVERS!!! Pease mark your calendars for the next golf meeting – (CHANGE IN TIME!) 03/07/17 in the fourth grade room at 4:30. If you still want to help support our school, come to the meeting on the 6th. Remember the Cardinal Classic is at Wentz Golf Course Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. See you on the 7th! We need your help to have full teams!!! PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Thank you Mellissa Flaherty for the two years of service and the tremendous improvements you have made to our program. We thank God that you will still be in the neighborhood when we need advice and we look forward to working with you in the years to come. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: What fun we are having celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week! We are grateful to First Lutheran Church that they made the commitment so many years ago to provide a quality Christcentered education to students in Ponca City. Praise the Lord! Thanks to all the parents driving for our field trip. What a wonderful day! I look forward to seeing all kinds of "crazy" clothes on Thursday and PJ's on Friday. Children may bring a drink (water bottle with screw on cap would be great) and a small snack item to enjoy while we watch the volleyball game on Friday. Parents are welcome! The theme this week is "Transportation" and our letter is "T". Enjoy your Spring Break! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Happy Birthday Kaylynn! Welcome to our class Jonathon B! What a great Lutheran Schools Week we are having! Thank you Mr. Birnbaum for planning the fun! Thank you to the parents that drove other children on the field trip today, and to all of the parents that were able to go and help! Tomorrow is dress crazy day, and Friday is pajama day/half day of school. We will dismiss at 11:20. Our Bible words this week are, Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Psalm 123:3 We are learning the letter "Ww" and the number "17" this week. I hope you have a fun and blessed spring break! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Flaherty: Thank you to all the parents that helped with the field trip and made it possible for our class to have a great time. This week we will be participating in the Lutheran School week, finishing up assessments and learning all about the letter "Yy" and number 25. We are also kicking off the give me 20 reading challenge, more info going home today in backpacks. Bible words "Have mercy upon us, O Lord" Psalm 123:3 KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Next week is spring break! I hope everyone has a great time during your time off. The kindergarten report cards will come home Wednesday the 22nd. Please sign the report card and send it back to school then I will keep the signed copy and send you another copy to keep at home. I would like to thank all the parents that took us to the Exploration Destination. We had a fantastic time! Also, thank you Mr. Birnbaum for all the fun things you planned for Lutheran Schools Week! Have a terrific week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Thursday is the 3rd Commandment. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Also this week, we will have our spelling and reading test on Thursday. Enjoy your spring break! It's hard to believe that we only have 1 more quarter left. This year has gone so fast! Happy birthday to Peyton on Friday! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Spring Break is almost here and we can hardly wait! We're enjoying the special 2

Lutheran Schools Week activities. No spelling test this week. We will finish the 10 Commandments this Thursday and will begin to memorize Bible passages. I'll send the memory work home on Wednesdays for the following Thursday. And you can always find the passage on my Fast Direct Bulletin Board. The March book report is due at the end of March. Your child will need to read a chapter book to complete the book report. Have a safe and happy spring break! If you're traveling, be safe and enjoy your precious children. Blessings!!! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Happy Lutheran Schools Week! This week has a lot of fun stuff planned, so please check the chatter to see what is going on and what the dress up days are. This week: Report Cards: Grades will be turned off this week, please look and let me know if I have anything wrong, or you have any questions. Memory: Due by Friday, Psalms 50:15. Also, spelling test on Friday. Reading: No real story this week, so no test, paragraph. Math: No homework this week as we are doing an in class project. Ask your children about it, I think they are loving it. Spring Break: If you are traveling, please have a safe and fun trip. Can't wait to hear all about it! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: Happy Lutheran School Week! We really have been having a great time celebrating being a Lutheran School. Check last week’s chatter for the rest of the LSW activities. Friday is PJ day and a half day of school. What beautiful creations we have made and problems we have solved with our mind for Invention Convention. Great Job Paragons! We have more blessings from the Lord. Welcome Victor, Paige and Landon to our family. Book Orders are due tomorrow to have the order waiting for when we get back from break. Have a wonderful Spring Break. Don’t forget to set clocks forward over spring break. Blessings as we recharge, get rest and be ready for the fourth quarter! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We've almost made it to spring break! Some of us are hanging on by a very thin thread! :) The only test this week besides preposition quizzes is math, which will be on Thursday. Everyone have a safe and blessed break. MIDDLE SCHOOL 3/21 3/27-4/4 3/28

4/5 4/7

5:30 p.m. Po-Hi Stepper Tryout parent Meeting, Howell Auditorium Po-Hi Stepper Tryout Clinic 8th Grade Po-Hi Enrollment: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Howell Auditorium Presentation 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Assembly Center to enroll 3:45 p.m. Po-Hi Stepper Tryouts 8th Grade Graduation Pictures

PO HI-STEPPER TRYOUTS are quickly approaching. There will be an informational parent meeting in Po-Hi Howell Auditorium on Tuesday, March 21st at 5:30 pm. Tryout clinic starts Monday, March 27 and runs through April 4th. Tryouts are Wednesday, April 5th at 3:45. Please plan to attend!! 8TH GRADE PO-HI ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: Plan to attend the meeting at PoHi on Tuesday, March 28th. 5:30 - 6:00 Presentation in the Howell Auditorium 6:00 - 7:00 Assembly Center set up w/chrome books to help students/parents enroll ********************************************** Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! Well, we have just a few days before Spring Break, and I pray that we all have a week of rest and fun! Before we break, however, we have a few things to finish. We have been celebrating Lutheran Schools' Week for the past few days. Thank you, Mr. Birnbaum, for planning some awesome things for us! On Tuesday, we attended a movie at the Poncan Theater. Thank you to our parents who got us there and back! On Thursday, we will be looking at some creepy-crawly bugs; and on Friday, we will be having fun in the morning with volleyball games. Remember that Thursday is crazy day and electronic day and Friday is P.J. Day. School will be dismissed at 11:20 a.m. on Friday. Please check your announcement page on my website ( to see what we'll be doing in language this week. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Pacey: Happy Lutheran School's week! We have enjoyed The Grand March, the new Luther documentary, and steel drums! PreAlgebra has their car project due Thursday. For spring break, I will be traveling home to Alabama. I hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break!


Mrs. Hanson/Mrs. Hercyk: Lutheran Schools Week is full of fun things to do! Isn't it awesome to be a part of this terrific Christian school? All classes will have completed their chapters and tests are finished! So we can all enjoy this week and look forward to spring break and the return of Mrs. Hanson the following week! Thank you for sharing your children with me these past few months! I have been greatly blessed by their presence in my life! I am also grateful for the patience shown to me while learning the ropes and the generosity of the families over the holidays, each day and for my birthday! I wish everyone the best and I look forward to the times I can sub and see everyone again. Tanya Hercyk Mr. Covert: Spring Break is next week! This third quarter has flown by, and we’re about to head into the final quarter of this school year. We’re getting a few things wrapped up before the quarter ends. 8th grade is taking a look at the problems that plagued the nation in the early 1900s. When we return we’ll take a look at the solutions that were thought up to fix those. In 7th grade, we finished up South Asia, and we’re going to take a short look at Central Asia before the break. 6th grade is working through the Middle Ages, and we plan to split the chapter up with a quiz before the break. I pray that God blesses us all with a restful break and gets us ready for the last quarter as we continue in this Lenten season. Blessings on your week and your break!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

First Lutheran Church & School PTL Dear Parents,

The Parent Teacher League would like to inform you of a change with regards to the school’s annual auction. There has been much discussion concerning First Lutheran’s school auction and a decision has been made to postpone this year’s event. Several reasons and drivers prompted such action and we felt it best if we alternated our two major fundraisers; that being the auction and the golf scramble. I know there will be some disappointed as many of you enjoy the opportunity to bid on your child(s) class project. Nevertheless, there will be a chance next year for the class projects. We are working on putting in place a revitalized auction plan with new opportunities and ways to support our school. We hope you will join us in this exciting endeavor and look forward to any suggestions and ideas. We encourage everyone to attend/participate in this spring’s golf scramble to be held on Saturday, April 22nd at Wentz Golf Course. If you don’t golf, there will be other fun opportunities to enjoy while there. Please plan to attend! Thank you for your support,

Timilyn Crank PTL President






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