Chatter 4 15 15

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: April 15, 2015

CARDINAL CHATTER 4/13-17 ITBS tests; (make sure to get a good night’s sleep & eat breakfast!) 4/15 Deadline for Boxtops contest 4/16 PTL Night @ Freddy’s, 4-10 p.m. 4/17 ECE to Wondertorium (Stillwater) 4/22 Mid-Quarter Reports/Chapel Moved to 4/24 4/23 Papa Murphy’s Night! 4/24 Chapel, 8:30, Gym – Musical Dress Rehearsal 3rd Grade to Steichen Farm

4/24 4/24 4/25 4/30 5/1

School Musical “Down by the Creek Bank”, 6:30, Gym Deadline for Relay for Life shirt orders FLS Golf Tournament High School Band Performance, 8:30, Gym FLS School Track Meet! Pack a lunch or bring money for the concession stand. School lunches will be limited to pb&j sandwiches

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MUSICAL! Mark your calendars! On Friday, April 24, the 1st-5th graders will present the musical "Down by the Creek Bank" in the gym. The children are working very hard on this musical. We're anxious to present it! We'd very much like all students from these grades to be present that evening. It promises to be a blessing! PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Mrs. Hamre has adventured into teaching part-time online courses this quarter and is considering doing it full time next year. We will miss her amazing skills and passion. If you or someone you know would be interested in a part-time position of working with children in the library for one or two days a week, please obtain an employment application in the school office. FREDDY’S NIGHT! PTL’s next night at Freddy’s will be on Thursday, April 16 from 4:00 – 10:00 p.m. All you have to do is have dinner at Freddy’s! When the cashier is ready to take your order, tell them you are there in support of First Lutheran School’s PTL program (or give them the attached coupon), and Freddy’s will send the PTL a check for a portion of your purchase! Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers. It doesn’t cost them anything more than their dinner, and the PTL will use the proceeds towards improvements for the school! SUMMER DAYCARE: We are now taking sign-ups for summer daycare; stop by daycare or the school office to pick up your application! Summer Daycare fills up quickly, so if you are interested, be sure to sign up early. The deposit is $200 for the first child and $100 for each additional child. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY RELAY FOR LIFE: will be on Saturday, May 16 beginning at 3:00 p.m. at the Ambucs Motocross Track. As part of our reaching out to the community during FLC&S’s 90th year, we will be participating in this event. You can help us, and support the American Cancer Society, by purchasing footprints in the school office for $1 each. You write your name (or the name of a loved one) on the footprint, and we will display them around the school. You can also dedicate a luminary in honor of someone who has survived cancer, or in memory of someone who lost their fight. The luminaria cost $5 each, will be lit the night of the relay, and remain lit throughout the night as a reminder. To purchase a luminary, please contact the school office. The proceeds from the Relay for Life sales will go to the American Cancer Society. SUMMER SKILLS WORKBOOKS: Studies show that much of what is learned during the school year is lost over the summer months. Summer Skills Review Books provide students with a review of materials taught the previous year, and can give them an academic edge and self-confidence when they return to school in the fall. Workbooks available include math and language arts for students in grades 2-5, or pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, or high school math books. If you would like to see an example, or would like to order a workbook(s), stop by the school office or visit the website They are $18, and orders are due to the school office by May 1.

KAW NATION ENGAGING COMMUNITIES EVENT: April 25, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. supported by a National Crime Victims’ Right Week Community Awareness Project. Activities include, among other things, a color run, kids activities, prize drawings, and a butterfly release. For more information, see the flyer on the bulletin board outside the school office. CHAPEL OFFERING: Our Chapel offering for April and May will go to support the ministry of Camp Lutherhoma. Please remember them with your financial support and your prayers. FLS FIRST ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT! FLS Golf Tournament - Saturday, April 25 Our first Cardinal Classic golf tournament is just a few days away! We're set to tee off next Saturday, April 25, at Wentz Golf Course, at 1:00 p.m. Registration begins at 11:30, and lunch is at noon. It's not too late for you to sign up either as an individual player (we will put you on a team) or for you to gather three of your friends and sign up as a team. We have current FLS students, FLS alumni, FLS parents, church members, and other members of our community coming together to play in this school fundraising tournament. We will be enjoying an afternoon of golf, fellowship, and fun! If you would like to play or perhaps even sponsor a hole, the registration form and sponsor information sheet have been sent home in previous Chatter’s, and more are available in the office; you can also call the office and they can send them home with your students. If you have any questions, please contact Megan Sibley, Krista Harbeson, or call the school office. We hope to see YOU there! OKLAHOMA STATE REGENTS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION has announced that it will have Summer Academies at 17 different Oklahoma colleges and universities. These science, math, engineering, and technology academies are for Oklahoma residents who will be entering the 8th – 12th grades in the fall of 2015. Subject areas include biomedical sciences, aviation, robotics, meteorology, engineering, and more. To find more information about the Summer Academies Program, please visit their web site:, or you may call 1-800-858-1840 to request information by mail. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: THANK YOU DARLEANNA for your leadership on the Auction again this year. Thank you to everyone that assisted, donated, or contributed in any way for the success of this Major Event. We praise God for all of you! LIBRARY – Mrs. Hamre: I am working toward doing an inventory of the library in May. Anyone who might be interested in helping, please let me know. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Friday is our field trip to the Wondertorium. The children are so excited! Please check in backpacks for a special letter that gives you all the information for the day. Especially the part about lunches! Our theme this week is "Under the Sea". God made some amazing creatures that are so much fun to study! We are learning the letter "W" and reviewing letters and their sounds every week. I can see a lot of progress in our writing skills. We will be doing final assessments in a couple of weeks! God bless! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Our field trip to the Wondertorium is this Friday! Look for the note in backpacks today for more information. Thank you to the auction committee for a great auction, and to all of our parents that donated /worked on our projects! We have two more weeks of our reading challenge! Keep reading and bringing your slips. We will have a reading celebration on Thursday, April 30th. Look for more information next week! Our Bible words this week are "[Jesus] is not here, for He has risen." Matthew 28:6 We are learning the letter "U" this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Thank you to all the parents that helped with the Auction! We have a field trip to the Stillwater Wondertorium this Friday the 17th. Please look for the special note in your child's backpack today for the ECE trip. Wow, we only have five and a half more weeks of school and I know it will go fast. Thank you parents for sharing your children with me this year. Also, thank you for working on your child's "Monday Folders" and please keep doing it every day! Your children are becoming awesome readers! Have an extra special week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory for Thursday - 7th commandment. Thank you to the families who were at the auction and helped to support our school. Thank you again Kristen Zimmerman for your work on our class project. Book orders are due tomorrow. Friday is our field trip to the Wondertorium - please see the field trip note. The school musical is on Friday, April 24. The 1st graders have been working hard on learning the songs mark your calendars to join us that evening at 6:30. We have 3 birthdays this week! Happy birthday to Holly on the 16th, Ruby on the 17th, and Cash on the 18th! Blessings on your week! 2nd – 5th ART NEEDS ROCKS! We are wanting to make a Very Hungry Caterpillar for our school garden, but we are in need of rocks. We need smooth rocks the size of our palms. I would like every child to bring one, so that we can paint it and add it to our caterpillar. Thanks, Barbie

SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: We're busy testing this week. Second graders find it fun! Memory work for tomorrow is Matthew 28:18-20. Next week memory will be Numbers 6:24-26. Blessings! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: I am so proud of each and every one of my students!! They have worked so hard to prepare for the test and they have really taken their time and really tried their best each morning. Thank you for all your help and support getting your child ready for this week. Also, thank you to all the parents who brought snack for us this week (Trinity and family, Evan and family, Bo and family, Kate and family, Jake and family, and also Lanie and family). This week: NO memory or spelling, we will pick up with those both next week! Also we have a field trip next week so we will do our spelling test on Thursday, April 23rd. Field Trip: please get those forms back to me A.S.A.P so that we know how much food to get. ART: please bring rocks, they will be working on this project next week. Have a blessed week!! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: We are well underway for our ITBS. Please continue to pray for the kids as they finish the testing. If you wish to bring in a snack for the class, you may. Continue to have the kids get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast before coming to school. Our incubator is full of chicks. Actually we have so many that we are also manually turning some eggs. Today we candled the chicks for the first time. Ask the kids all about seeing the chicken in the egg. We will be back to a normal reading, and spelling next week. Please help the kids to continue reading their AR books. Some of are doing great, on track for the Splash Pad; others need the daily reading. Mid-Quarter reports come out next week. FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: We are taking the ITBS tests this week, so we do not have any other tests. Yea!! Thank you to Julie Redwine for the healthy snacks all week. It keeps our brain in gear. :} Memory work due next Thursday is Philippians 4:4-7. Next Friday, April 24, is our musical, "Down by the Creek Bank." I am so proud of all the children for working hard, learning the songs, and just overall praising Jesus with their heart and soul. It promises to be a special event. We look forward to seeing you there. Bring your camera. You won't want to miss some precious moments.

MIDDLE SCHOOL 4/13-17 Cheer Tryouts, 3:30 – 4:30 4/21 DCLA Track Meet (7th & 8th) 4/22 DCLS Track Meet (6th)

4/27 5/8

Pioneer Track Meet 8th Grade to OSU

Cheer Tryouts are open to all current 6th and 7th graders and will be held every day after school from 3:304:30, April 13-17. Mock tryouts, where parents can come and watch their child perform, will be Thursday at 3:30. "Real" tryouts will be Friday the 17th. Mrs. Harbeson: Well, we're deep into our ITBS testing week and everyone seems to be holding up! I encourage the students every day to eat a good breakfast, get plenty of sleep, and to really do their best to focus for every test. Some announcements for language...the 8th grade OSU trip is set for Friday, May 8. Information is coming home this week. As always, we depend on parents to accompany us there and home. Parents, I hope many of you can attend as this is one of our last trips to take together as a class. (Don't even get me started...sigh...) I will also be sending home an information sheet regarding the presentations and reports for their college projects. 7th grade students should have their non-fiction book selected by this Friday. Please make sure your book is an AR book, and have it approved by me before you start reading it. Information on your presentations will also be coming home this week. For both 8th and 7th grade, we will be spending several class periods working on our presentations and reports. However, you should plan to do some work independently, at home. In 6th grade, we continue to read The Cay together in class. I hope you all are enjoying this new novel. Please keep our students, their families, and the FLS teachers, support staff, and leaders in your prayers as we enter the final weeks of the school year. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Hanson: Cheer Mock Tryouts are this Thursday at 3:45 and open to family and friends; come support our 2015/2016 cheerleaders! Most classes are trying a new learning technique called choice boards. It's kind of like tic tac toe for learning. Students get to choose what content they receive, how they learn it, and the product to show what they have learned. Ask your student about it this week! 8th Grade has turned in their genetics projects and will begin presenting their findings today. Please make sure your student has practiced their oral report in front of a small audience, like family.

Mr. Covert: Another week after Easter is under our belts! We’re getting closer to wrapping up the school year as we move along. ITBS testing is going on this week, but we’re still covering content in class. The 8th grade is looking at the events leading up to World War I. In 7th grade, we’re still covering Japan and the Koreas before we jump down to Australia. The 6th grade is covering the creation and spread of Islam, and the effect it had on the world, and still does 1400 years later. 7th grade parents, I’m looking at the last week of April, the week of the 27th, to have an organizational meeting about DC, just to lay the groundwork and talk about cost and a tentative itinerary. I don’t have the date yet, but I will by the next Chatter, and I will let your students know in class as well once I have it. God’s blessings on all of us this week as we thank and praise Him for all of His gifts to us! Mrs. Goll: The auction was great! How blessed we are to have volunteers like Darleanna and Shirley and all those who helped make that event a success. This is a busy week with ITBS tests and the track meet yesterday. Next week I’ll be in Broken Arrow to serve on an accreditation team. Thanks to Dylan Powell for being my sub. Have a great week.

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

COKE POINTS UPDATE!!!!! PLEASE READ! If you buy bottles of Dasani water, they do have Coke points, but they aren’t on the lids. We need the code that is stamped on the inside of the plastic packaging. If you’re not sure what it looks like, bring the packaging in to the office, and we’ll help you find it. Below are the items that have Coke points on them; please consider donating your Coke points to First Lutheran! We can used points earned to purchase playground balls, classroom equipment, etc. Thank you!

Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:00 – 10:00 p.m.

It’s Time to Order 2014-2015 Yearbooks! Complete the order form below, attach $20 per yearbook ordered, and return to the school office on or before Friday, May 22, 2015. The best way to make sure that we have pictures of your child in the yearbook, is to submit your pictures! You can email them to:; if you have too many to email, put them on a cd or flash drive with your name clearly marked, and drop it by the school office. Yearbook Order form: Student Name:_________________________________________ Number of Books:_________ X $20 each = $__________ due Total Paid $_________ (___cash or ___check/check #_____) Contact number or e-mail address:_____________________________________

First Lutheran Yearbook Advertisement Please consider supporting our school yearbook program by placing an advertisement in the yearbook! You may buy a spot for your business, or put in a personal ad of encouragement for your student, their team, etc. Price List: Full Page Ad $300.00 Half Page Ad $150.00 Quarter Page Ad $75.00 Business Card Ad $40.00 Pictures are included in ad at no additional charge. E-mail picture to or Contact Ann Ryan at 580-762-4243 for details. Please make checks payable to: First Lutheran School and return to 1104 N 4th St, Ponca City, OK 74601 Business Name: __________________________________ Contact Name: ___________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ Ad Content: _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Deadline for Yearbook Ads: May 20, 2015

Relay For Life T Shirt Order Form

Family name:_________________________________ Ph:_____________ Email:_______________________ Shirts: ____YS ____YM ____YL ____S ____M ____L ____XL _____2X _____3X _____4X _____5X (add $3)

@ $12 = $_______ @ $15 = $_______ Total due:$_______

Total payment enclosed:_________________ Send shirts home with: ________________________ (student name), ____ (student grade) Make checks out to FLS & return with this order form to the office by Friday, April 24, 2015

Relay For Life FLS T-Shirts!

Support us, and the American Cancer Society, by purchasing the First Lutheran Church & School Relay for Life t-shirt. (Proceeds from the shirt sales will go to the ACS.) The shirt is green with white lettering. Be sure to wear it to the Relay for Life on May 16, 2015 at the Ambucs Motocross Track!

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