Chatter 4 19 17

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: April 19, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 4/19 4/19 4/19 4/22 4/28

Last Day for PTL Auction Bids (See below) Last Day to order Track Meet T-shirts (forms in office) Mid-Quarter Reports FLS Golf Tournament! Forms in school office Spring Musical, 2nd – 5th; 6:30 p.m

4/30 5/4 5/5 5/10 5/11

Friendship Sunday at FLC! Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m., Church @ 10:45 a.m. PoHi Girls All Sports Physical, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $20 (see below) Track Meet Band Concert @ FLS; 2:30 p.m. in FLS Gym Band Concert @ St. Mary’s, 1:30 & 6:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s gym

ELEMENTARY MUSICAL – Parents of 2nd-5th graders...mark your calendars! Friday, April 28, is the elementary musical. We will perform it in the morning for chapel and in the evening at 6:30 p.m. The children are doing an awesome job learning the songs and singing to glorify God. We look forward to seeing you all there. FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: FLCS is sponsoring a special Friendship Sunday on April 30. All students in grades 2-8 will sing for church that day. We'll have just one service at 10:45. Sunday School will be at 9:30 and all children and parents are invited. The adult Sunday School period will include a Q & A about the Lutheran church and school. We pray you can join us. CALLING ALL SCHOOL & GOLF LOVERS: Mark your calendars for the Cardinal Classic is at Wentz Golf Course THIS Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. We need everyone’s help to have a successful Cardinal Classic this year. Don’t forget. See you on the 22n!

SUMMER DAYCARE: Summer daycare enrollment packets are out for parents to pick up. There are 20 slots still open for the summer, first come first served, $200 deposit secures your spot. PTL SEALED BID AUCTION: Since it is a Golf Tournament year, and not an auction year, the First Lutheran School PTL is offering some of the popular auction items for sealed bid. A list of all items is included later in this Chatter along with a bid sheet. Enter your bids and contact information and return in a sealed envelope to the school office by the end school today, Wednesday, April 19th. TIME IS RUNNING OUT – DO IT TODAY!!! Winners will be announced in next week’s Chatter and on First Lutheran School’s Facebook Page. TRACK MEET MAY 5!: The yearly track meet is approaching fast. This is the time each year that we host other Lutheran Schools from Northern Oklahoma to our campus for a day of competition and fellowship. The date for this years’ track meet is May 5, and will involve students in 1st grade and up. This year all activities will take place on our campus, due to construction across the street. On the day of the track meet, you are encouraged to attend and lend a hand as we host the other schools. On this day, the kids will spend a lot of time outside, so be sure to apply and send sunscreen for the kids to apply during the day, and send a jacket if it is a cool morning (with their name on it of course). Our 7th graders will be running a concession stand, with the proceeds going to fund their trip to Washington D.C. next year. Be sure to send money with your student if they wish to purchase lunch or drinks/snacks at the concession stand. If you have doctor appointments scheduled that day and need to pick up your student, please come early to give us time to track down your student at their current event. ENROLLMENT DISCOUNT DEADLINE COMING! The $50 pre-enrollment discount deadline is April 30; to receive the $50 discount on your enrollment fee for next year, your enrollment fee for 2017/2018 needs to be paid in full by April 30. If you need another enrollment form, you can stop by the office, or go to and click on the links tab on the left side of the page. Remember that enrollment is now open to the public.

If you know a family new to First Lutheran School that is interested in enrolling, have them call or stop by the school office. If you refer a family with a student in 1st – 5th grades, make sure that they list you as a referring family on their enrollment sheet! If they remain enrolled through the first semester, in January of 2018 you will receive a $200 credit towards your tuition account! Two families earned a $200 credit this year by referring friends! PO-HI GIRLS ALL SPORTS PHYSICALS are being offered this year by the Lady Cat Softball Team. They will be given on May 4, 2017 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Robson Fieldhouse, and will be $20 each. Forms are available from girls coaches after April 15, and will be available that evening. Physicals will be good for the 2017/2018 school year. SUMMER SKILLS WORKBOOKS: Studies show that much of what is learned during the school year is lost over the summer months. Summer Skills Review Books provide students with a review of materials taught the previous year, and can give them an academic edge and self-confidence when they return to school in the fall. Workbooks available include math and language arts for students in grades PK-7th, pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, and high school math books. They even offer “Math for Life”, Spanish I & II Review, and French 1 Review if you want to brush up on your own skills! If you would like to see an example, or would like to order a workbook(s), stop by the school office or visit the website They are $22 each, and orders are due to the school office by May 8. EARLY CHILDHOOD EMPLOYMENT - We are considering our options. If you or someone you know would be interested in a part-time or full-time child care position, summer employment, or as the director for our program, please contact Principal Birnbaum (580-762-9950). Training classes, background checks, and fingerprinting will be conducted for any of these positions. Applications are available by clicking on the “links” option on the left side of PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: HAPPY & BLESSED EASTER SEASON. We praise God for His continued LOVE and FORGIVENESS of all our mistakes and we wait anxious for our Heavenly Home. As we wait, today is the Mid-Quarter for this reporting period and only 25 days of school until Summer Break. HALLELUJAH! CHRIST has RISEN! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Welcome back! Hope everyone enjoyed the extra days to celebrate Easter. Thanks parents for the marvelous party last week. It was the last "official" party of the year. I enjoy having all of you join us and make special memories for your children. Goodness we have a lot to cram into the next few weeks, but this group of kids are so wonderful and smart, it will be great! Trike-a-thon forms are due on the 25th. Even if you choose not to donate $, I need the form signed and returned if the children wish to bring trikes/bikes to ride on the 26th. Our theme for the week is "Volcanoes" and our letter is "V". Blessings on your week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: I hope you had a Blessed Easter weekend! Happy Birthday Landon! Our TrikeA-Thon is next Wednesday, the 26th. Please remember to sign the permission slip and return it to me by Tuesday. We encourage children to use helmets, please bring those with your bikes or trikes on Wednesday morning. You may drop those off in front of the office, or bring them at 9:30. Our field trip to Lost Creek Safari in Stillwater is Friday, May 19th. Information and permission slip is in backpacks today. Please sign and return with ticket money for each person going by Friday, May 5th. We have one more week of our reading challenge. We are trying to fill our reading board with books that we have read. Please continue to read and send back the reading slips. Our Bible words are, "Jesus is not here, for He has risen." Matthew 28:6 We are learning the letter"Zz" this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: I hope everyone had a blessed Easter! Our St. Jude Trike-A-Thon will be next Wednesday, April 26th at 9:30 a.m. for the PS/PK classes (we will watch the younger kids) and 10:00 a.m. for the K/1st classes. All parents are welcome to come and watch. Please drop off your child's bike and helmet on the lawn in front of the school office building that morning and when it is over you can take the bike home or pick it up after school. Please bring Ms. Miller your permission slip to do this; it is in the packet I gave your child. I only have one permission slip now so please bring them! If you lost it please write one by hand giving your child permission to participate in the St. Jude Trike-A-Thon. I need the permission slip by Tuesday, April 25th. Have a great week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: The Lord is Risen! I pray that you had a blessed Easter! We had a fun field trip last Wednesday. The children sang great! Thank you parents for being there to help out! Memory for Friday is the 8th Commandment - You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. Book orders are due on Friday - either to me with a check or online. Please get your child's Trike-A-Thon permission form turned in by Tue, April 25. The children will be riding their bikes next Wed, April 26 and they will not be able to do this without the permission form. 1st grade will be riding their bikes at 10:00. Bikes can be parked in front of the administration building before school starts. Your child will also need a bike helmet, they cannot ride without one! Please make sure that your child's bike and helmet are labeled with their name. The track meet is Friday, May 5. I hope that you can make plans to join us! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Christ is Risen! Thank you to the second graders who were able to join us for 2

worship on Sunday. You did a great job and I'm proud of you! We're working hard on cursive handwriting. We know that we'll get better with practice. Memory work for Thursday is Psalm 23. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: I hope everyone had a very blessed Easter! We are on the downhill slope to this year. If you see anything that I miss graded or entered wrong into the grade book, please let me know. This week: Spelling and Memory Test on Friday, with a Math Test on Thursday. Science: please bring in 2 liter bottles. I need them if we can by Friday for a Science project. Book Reports: Next part of our report is due on Friday, April 28th. If you have it done before then please feel free to turn it in and I will grade it and get it back to you. Have a wonderful week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: We have had our eggs since the beginning of April and Mr. Corbin Dewitt from the Kay County Extension has come here talk to us about the embryology process. Track day is here the week after next. Today is the last day to get your Track Day shirts! Remember that signed Mid-Quarter reports are due back Monday. Continue to working on being a fifth grader to prepare for next year. Blessings as we Bless God Back! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: Christ is risen; He is risen indeed, hallelujah! Easter was just lovely this year! We had a soaking rain on Easter morning, and yet it dried out enough to have egg hunts in the afternoon. God is so good! I hope you were all able to worship on Easter morning. We had an uplifting service at First Lutheran. I was overcome with emotion from time to time remembering what Jesus did because He loved me so much, just as He loves and cherishes each one of us. Only two weeks until the musical! The children are doing a great job! You will be so proud of your child! Tests this week include spelling and reading on Friday. At this point I am planning on a social studies test on Friday, also. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL 4/21 4/24-28 4/25

Interim Day Cheer Clinic, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m 8th Grade Trip to OSU

4/27 4/28 5/2

3:45 p.m. Mock Cheer Tryouts 3:45 p.m. Cheer Tryouts Mandatory Cheer Parent Information Meeting

Mrs. Harbeson: Easter Greetings! We celebrate a Risen Savior! I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter weekend and were able to spend some time with your family and at church. We are finally into the last stretch of school for the year! Today is mid-quarter for the 4th quarter. It's a good time to check on grades as we still have 4 1/2 weeks left. I will tell you, though, these last few weeks will fly by! Lots of events are nearing ...Interim Day is this Friday; the FLS golf tournament is scheduled for this Saturday at Wentz Golf Course; the 8th graders and I will be traveling to OSU for our college trip on Tuesday, April 25; and our annual track meet is Friday, May 5. I pray that we all keep organized and stay diligent to help us through the upcoming weeks. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Pacey: Alleluia! He is risen! Happy Easter! Only a few more weeks until the end of the year. It is hard to believe how time has flown. Friday is interim day! I am excited to be sharing some of the candy-making techniques from my family's candy store. Mr. Covert: Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! Welcome back from Easter break! I hope everyone had a chance to relax and get recharged for the stretch run of the school year, and a chance to thank God for sending His son to die and rise again for us! We’re picking up right where we left off in our classes. 8th grade is moving into post-World War I America, and we’re about to hit the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties. In 7th grade, we’re continuing our tour of South America as we talk about the northern third of the continent. 6th grade is stepping into the age of exploration, as the four major world powers if the 1500s begin to form overseas empires. I pray that God blesses our school family as we continue on in this Easter season, and get set to finish off this year strong. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus


2017 PTL AUCTION ITEMS UP FOR SEALED BID: Return bids (on bid sheets below) to school office by the end of the school day, Wednesday, April 19, 2017. (Two bid tickets follow this list of items; more tickets are available in the office.) *Most items are for next school year, but asterisks note that an item may be purchased for use this year or next.

 *Librarian for a Day which includes lunch with a friend  *Teacher for a Day which includes lunch with a friend  *Lunch with a Teacher of your choosing with a friend  *4 one day Disney Park Hopper Passes  Principal for a Day which includes lunch with a friend  Secretary for a Day which includes lunch with a friend  Name the street – East Side of gym  Name the street – South Side of church  Name the gym  Name the cafeteria DEADLINE IS  *Movie Afternoon TODAY!!!  VIP Cardinal Nest  VIP parking space at the Gym  Ring the Chapel Bells (for 8 weeks)  Pull the Fire Alarm (with permission of course)  *Huge Screen Television with matching cabinet (as seen in the gym)


Oldest Student’s Name ________________________________________ Grade _____________ Please mark the number of t-shirts in each size you wish to order: Ex: S__2__


Youth Sizes: YS_____ Adult Sizes: S_____



YM_____ M_____








Number of Youth Shirts:

_____ X $12



Number of Adult Shirts

_____ X $14



_____ X ($17 for XXL & XXXL) =


Total Cost


(office use only: paid 5

_____check # or _____cash

GIFT CARDS IN THE OFFICE! Did you know that we have gift cards for sale in the office? Vendors sell them to us at a discount, and we sell them to you at face value. You can help us make money, just by purchasing your gift cards in the school office! Current gift cards and denominations that we have in stock are listed below.

$25 Academy, Aeropostale, Amazon, American Eagle, Applebee’s, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble, Bass Pro, Bath & Body Works, Belk, BestBuy, Bonefish Grill, Buckle, Carrabba’s, Chili’s, Claire’s, Game Stop, Gap, Kohl’s, Logan’s, Longhorn Steakhouse, Lowe’s, Marshall’s, Old Navy, Olive Garden, Outback, Red Lobster, Sears, Staples, Texas Roadhouse, TJ Maxx, Walgreens, WalMart

$15 iTunes

$10 Barnes & Noble, Burger King, Claires, Panera, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy’s


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