Chatter 5 17 17

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: May 17, 2017


Last day for after school tutoring

5/20 5/21 5/22 5/23

Rescheduled Golf tournament FLC Youth, 5:15 – 6:30 Elementary AR party 8th Grade Graduation, 7:30, FLC Sanctuary


Last Day of School; 11:20 dismissal


Beginning June 1 Report Cards may be picked up; come to the school office to pick up report cards/anything left in classrooms, and pay final balances. Report cards will be released when accounts are paid in full.

Wednesday, May 24, school will be dismissed at 11:20 for the last day of school; lunch will be served only to children attending daycare in the afternoon. Have a safe summer, and be sure to make time for rest, relaxation, and most of all…God! If you don’t have a home church, we invite you to First Lutheran Church Sunday mornings at 8:30 for the traditional service or 11:00 for the contemporary service. Sunday school begins at 9:45. We hope to see you here!

AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING ON T/TH: The last day for after school tutoring day is Thursday, May 18, 2016. CONGRATULATIONS: to all of our alumni Seniors. We are especially excited to see Amber Holle, Bryce Little, and Andrew Wilburn in the top ten PO-HI Seniors. To God be the Glory! REPORT CARD PICKUP will begin Thursday, June 1. Remember to check your accounts; any past due school balances or money owed for missing library books/band shirts will be due before we will release report cards. FLC YOUTH: Youth meets this Sunday, May 21st, 5:15-6:30. If you are planning on going to the 2019 National Youth Gathering or are even just thinking about it, you need to be at this meeting. We will be finalizing plans for the Youth Worker Auction, which will be held on Sunday, June 4th. The Auction is one our biggest fundraisers for the Gathering, so bring your working lists of jobs you can do. PTL SEALED BID AUCTION: Congratulations to Jennifer Heitman for winning the “Name the Cafeteria” auction item! Reminder to all winning bidders—you can pay for your auction items in the school office, just make your checks out to FLS-PTL. Thank you. FREE SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM: First Lutheran School will be participating in the summer lunch program again this summer. Children 18 & under will be provided a FREE lunch in the FLS Cafeteria Monday – Friday, from 11:00 to 12:30, June 1 to August 11, 2017, closed July 4 and August 8, 2017. The cost for adult meals will be $4.00; Senior citizens and military adults with identification will be charged $3.50. If you’re getting together with friends over the summer, consider stopping in here for lunch and supporting the lunch program! The USDA and First Lutheran School are equal opportunity providers and employers.

PICTURES FOR YEARBOOK: We need Cheer Pictures and Girls Basketball pictures. We also need Track Meet pictures and welcome any other pictures that you would like to submit. Just download the “Replay It” app, choose First Lutheran School, and upload your pictures. Thank you! EARLY CHILDHOOD EMPLOYMENT - We are considering our options. If you or someone you know would be interested in a part-time or full-time child care position, or as the director for our program, please contact Principal Birnbaum (580-762-9950). Training classes, background checks, and fingerprinting will be conducted for any of these positions. Applications are available by clicking on the “links” option on the left side of PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: I was not able to get ITBS data all tabulated for this Chatter, but the best result that has stood out for me so far is a student who has began here in 6th grade and was reading at fourth grade level at the end of that year. The following year was at a 6th grade level and now as an 8th grader is reading at an 8th grade level. That is an increase of four grade levels in two years without outside tutoring. Also, 10 of the 15 eighth grade students are at 9th grade level or higher on average for all their tests. PRAISE the LORD (PTL). SECRETARY – Mrs. Erickson: I am done with chemo, and God has blessed me with excellent test results. I still have a few hurdles to cross over the summer, but everything looks extremely positive. Thank you to everyone for all of your cards, patience, understanding, and especially prayers; your support made this year so much easier! I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall! LIBRARY – Mrs. Ware: Hi! I have had a great year with you all and have loved helping you discover new books to enjoy and authors to explore. We have had a tough time with our most recent AR party, thank you for flexibility and patience. Library would also like to remind students to return library books before the school year is up. Check all of the usual suspects: under beds, bookshelves, sibling's rooms, lockers. If you have any questions about it please notify me. There is a bookdrop located outside the administration library in the hallway. I would like to thank Jacey Burden for being my librarian last Friday. We had a blast! I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe summer, and I hope to see you next year! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: This is it! Our last full week of school! Time flies when you are having fun and boy, did we have fun this year! I hope the children enjoyed the year as much as I have--they are a wonderful group and I am going to miss seeing them every day. Thanks so much for the lovely gifts and kind words. It was a joy getting to be their teacher. Thanks for being a part of our FLS family. I hope you will be able to join us for the "diploma" ceremony next Tuesday at 10:15. Nothing fancy, but a fun and meaningful time for the children. This week our theme is "Animals at the zoo" and our letter is "Z". Blessings! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: Our field trip to Lost Creek Safari in Stillwater is Friday! We do have a chance for rain and storms on Friday. I will make the decision about going Friday morning. Thank you for sharing your children with me this year! I have enjoyed getting to know them and your families! Report cards will be available for pickup in the office on Thursday, June 1st. Have a blessed week and great summer! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Parents, thank you so much for letting me teach your awesome children this year! I am very proud of all the children in kindergarten this year for working so hard. Wow, you are great readers! I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and I will see you next year on the playground. FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: I can't believe that we are at the end of the school year! Your children have been such a blessing. They have been a wonderful class and I will miss them dearly! We have learned a lot this year and they are ready for 2nd grade! Keep reading with your child and work on all those math facts that we have learned this year. Thank you for sharing your child with me this year and for everything that you have done for me. I pray that you all have a great summer. Happy birthday to Jack on July 29! God's blessings! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: What a fun, fast school year we've had! Thanks so much for the wonderful teacher appreciation gifts. It has truly been an honor to share this school year with these students and their families. I can't wait to see what amazing things God has planned for these future leaders. We loved having the first graders visit our classroom and we look forward to seeing them each day next year. The students who reached their AR goals will be going bowling on Monday. We're going swimming at Jordyn's house on Tuesday and on Wednesday we'll be third graders!!!! Remember that our day ends at 11:20 on Wednesday, May 24. Have a safe and exciting summer! Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is our final week of everything. Our last Reading, and Spelling test is on Friday. I will be sending home a take home Science test over Weather on Thursday (we will not have paragraph). Please get your last looks at grades, as we will be turning it off soon. Report cards, along with IOWA test scores will be available in the office starting June 1st. Remember that our last day is next Wednesday, at 11:20 a.m. We have had some lows, with so many highs over this past year. I have seen huge

growth in everyone, and it has truly been a pleasure teaching your children this year. I am so proud of all their hard work, they truly are 4th graders. Have a wonderful summer, be safe, and please stop by next year! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: The kids are really excited about the auction items that they have seen so far. The Auction will be the last week of school, and the Cardinal Bucks continued to be earned. The auction could not happen without you. Don’t forget about the newspaper book report due tomorrow. The test over the West Region is on Friday. There will be no spelling next week; though we will have memory. Look in the Friday Letter for Memory and other information. Blessings to you as we wrap up the school year, have a great summer, and see you all in the fall as Fantastic Fifth graders! FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: This week we have a reading and spelling test on Friday. What a delightful year this has been for me! I have enjoyed teaching these children. They are eager to learn and SO respectful. I am happy to say they are ready for 6th grade, but I will surely miss them and their spark that has made my job as a teacher such a joy this year. God's blessings to you and your family as you enjoy some family time this summer.


3:20, Cafeteria, Meeting for all boys interested in playing 7th/8th grade basketball next year 8th Grade Graduation at 7:30; 7th grade be here to eat and serve at 5:30

Basketball & Track – Coach Amanda: All boys interested in playing 7/8 basketball next year, please meet in the cafeteria Thursday after school (girls meeting will happen at a later time). If you haven’t turned in your track tank, please do so as soon as possible! Be watching for new coach announcements as they will be coming soon! Mrs. Harbeson: Well, this is it! I want to thank all the students for your work and dedication this past year. You all have grown academically, physically, and I hope most importantly, spiritually. I also want to thank you, Parents, for allowing me to be your child's teacher this year. I love each and every one of them, and I look forward to seeing everyone again next year. I hope everyone has a great summer...come back with lots of fun stories to tell! Love to you all, Mrs. Harbo. Mrs. Hanson: We made it!! I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for making this school year so successful. There will always be speed bumps, they make us stronger and help us learn. But this year was actually incredibly enjoyable. It makes me very excited for next year! I know every student will grow so much physically and mature so much over summer. I pray everyone has a safe and super fun summer! ps. remember to wear sun block! ;) Mrs. Pacey: Happy graduation to all of our 8th graders! Thank you all for making this a great first year. Have a great summer and see y'all in August! Mr. Covert: What a school year! We’re a week away from the year ending, and everything is starting to wind down here. I want to take a moment and just say thank you to the families who send their students here. Every single one of these children is a blessing and I’m glad that I could be a part of their lives. Thank you also to all the volunteers who helped out with driving to field trips, class parties, and everything else. Your help is greatly appreciated and a blessing as well! I hope everyone enjoys their summer break and I hope we see these students again next year! Class this week is about wrapping up what we can. 8th grade will be finishing up World War II. 7th grade is finishing Australia and then we’ll take a quick look at Antarctica. 6th grade is looking at the formation of nation-states that followed the American and French Revolutions. I pray that God blesses this school family as we get set for a break. Blessings on your summer!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

First Lutheran School Class of 2017 Please join us for our 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:30 p.m. at First Lutheran Church

BOPE Meeting 5.2.17 Tim opened the meeting with prayer. Bullying and potential discipline policies were discussed and will continue to be reviewed over the coming weeks. Supervision and safety concerns were discussed Sexual preference and suicide awareness concerning students were discussed Summer plans were discussed School board public participation was discussed The BOPE vacancy was discussed PTL auction results were discussed Enrollment and class sizes were discussed The 2017-2018 calendar was discussed. Katie made a motion to approve, Kendra seconded, and the calendar was approved. Graduation and a letter outlining expectations for appropriate dress for students were discussed. An option for middle school science curriculum from Bob Jones University was discussed. Ryan moved that the BOPE recommend purchasing the curriculum from school foundation interest pending the chairman’s approval. Katie seconded, and the board approved. Competitive and Spirit Cheerleading, band, art, P4, and teaching assistant options for next year were discussed. The student teacher for 4 year olds and 2nd grade next year were discussed. Tim moved to approve and Kendra seconded. The motion was approved. Classroom accommodations for next year were discussed School Donations Fund was discussed The meeting closed with prayer. Prepared by: Ryan Burkett

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