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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: May 3, 2017


2:30, Gym, National Day of Prayer; Grades 1-8 will lead us in prayer (See Mrs. Hanson’s article) PoHi Girls All Sports Physical, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $20 (LOCATION CHANGE—SEE BELOW) FLS Track Meet

5/7 5/10 5/11 5/20

Ponca Art Center, Grapes & Glazin’, 2-4 Band Concert @ FLS; 2:30 p.m. in FLS Gym Band Concert @ St. Mary’s, 1:30 & 6:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s gym Rescheduled Golf tournament

Summer daycare is full. Thank you to everyone who registered! TRACK DAY CONCESSIONS - Would you be willing to donate any size bottles and flavors of pop, gatorade, and water? We could also use Taco Meat. THANKS for your assistance in advance. A list of items available for purchase at the track meet is attached to this Chatter. Thanks for supporting our 8th Grade trip to Washington D.C.! 1st – 8TH GRADE PARENTS—READ THIS! Track Day is scheduled for Friday - May 5. We will not be able to use the high school track this year because of the construction occurring. We have studied numerous locations and we will do a simplified version on our property. That means no ball throw or spelling bee, relays in the parking lot, dashes in the grass, and new times and locations for everything. It will be an exciting day. The order of events and a map of the FLC&S complex and activities is attached to this Chatter. On this day, the kids will spend a lot of time outside, so be sure to apply and send sunscreen for the kids to reapply during the day, and send a jacket if it is a cool morning (with their name on it of course). Our 7th graders will be running a concession stand, with the proceeds going to fund their trip to Washington D.C. next year. Be sure to send money with your student if they wish to purchase lunch or drinks/snacks at the concession stand. If you have doctor appointments scheduled that day and need to pick up your student early, please come early to give us time to track down your student at their current event. FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY – Mrs. Goll: Many thanks to all those who were able to come to church on Sunday and sing for the service. You really added to the worship. And a reminder to everyone, you are all welcome to worship with us anytime. Sunday morning services are 8:30 and 11:00. Sunday School is at 9:45. We hope to see you Sunday. Blessings on your week. SUMMER SKILLS WORKBOOKS: Studies show that much of what is learned during the school year is lost over the summer months. Summer Skills Review Books provide students with a review of materials taught the previous year, and can give them an academic edge and self-confidence when they return to school in the fall. Workbooks available include math and language arts for students in grades PK-7th, pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, and high school math books. They even offer “Math for Life”, Spanish I & II Review, and French 1 Review if you want to brush up on your own skills! If you would like to see an example, or would like to order a workbook(s), stop by the school office or visit the website They are $22 each, and orders are due to the school office by May 8.

PONCA ART CENTER--GRAPES & GLAZIN’: Make a handprint, footprint, or paint your own custom design on a planter for a custom mother’s day gift for all ages. The cost is $25 for non-members, $20 for members, and all glaze supplies and firings are included in the price (plant not included). Flyer on office bulletin board for more details or visit PO-HI GIRLS ALL SPORTS PHYSICALS are being offered this year by the Lady Cat Softball Team. They will be given on May 4, 2017 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in the Old Boys Gym at the High School (NOTE THE CHANGE IN LOCATION!), and will be $20 each. Forms are available from girls coaches after April 15, and will be available that evening. Physicals will be good for the 2017/2018 school year.

CAMP MCFADDEN SUMMER CAMP FLYERS: for boys and girls age 5-18 were sent home last week. If you are interested in attending but need another form, stop by the office. Some scholarship money is available. EARLY CHILDHOOD EMPLOYMENT - We are considering our options. If you or someone you know would be interested in a part-time or full-time child care position, summer employment, or as the director for our program, please contact Principal Birnbaum (580-762-9950). Training classes, background checks, and fingerprinting will be conducted for any of these positions. Applications are available by clicking on the “links” option on the left side of PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Trike-A-Thon that our little ones hosted for St. Jude's Children's cancer research hospital. If you still would like to contribute, please have the donation to the school office by this Friday. We praise God for their work on finding a cure. BAND – Mrs. Jones: Remember the practices at St. Mary’s! Check the letter sent home for the dates. Concerts are next week Wednesday, May 10 at 2:30 at First Lutheran in the gym and Thursday, May 11 at 1:30 and 6:30 at St. Mary’s Gym. I still need drivers for the afternoon concert. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: What a cold start to May! Please send jackets as we will play outside for recess unless it is very wet. We will pray for good weather for the FLS track meet on Friday! Our final book order is due this week. Thanks for all the orders this school year-it enabled us to purchase some wonderful educational items for the classroom. Last SHOW and TELL will be Thursday! If you have a child with a summer birthday and would like to bring treats this month, please let me know ASAP so I can schedule it in. We will have a little ceremony in our classroom to celebrate finishing PS on Tuesday, May 23 at 10:15. You are welcome to attend and take pictures. I am going to miss these little darlings! Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly: What a great Trike-A-Thon we had today! Thank you to all of our helpers! If you didn't turn in your collection envelopes today, please get them to me tomorrow. We read 195 books during our reading challenge. We will have an Ice cream party on Friday to celebrate. Our last show and tell will be on Friday. Field Trip permission slips and money are due to me by Friday. Our Bible words this week are, Jesus said, "I am with you always." Matthew 28:20 We are learning the letter "Qq" this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Thank you parents for all your help with the Trike-A-Thon today. Our last show & tell will be this Friday the 5th. Please bring something that will fit in your child's backpack. On May 12th (next week) we will eat in our classroom with our school grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Schwanke. They will bring hamburgers for all the students. If your child won't eat a hamburger then have them bring their lunch that day. When we finish eating we will walk to 5th street park for a fun afternoon with our class grandparents. Please look today for the permission slip in your child's backpack. Also, please sign it and return it to school ASAP. Thank you very much! Have a sensational week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Wow - it is May already! Where has the time gone! I know it gets hard at the end of the school year, but please keep working with your child on their reading! They have grown and learned so much this school year and are getting ready to be 2nd graders! PLEASE get your field trip forms turned in by tomorrow for our trip to the Library. Friday is the Track Meet. Please make sure that your child comes to school with suntan lotion on. Make sure that they have money for lunch and drinks or they know if they need to sign up for a sack lunch from school. Parents are welcome to attend - we start in the gym at 9:00. Our last memory for the year will be the 10th Commandment. This will be said next week Friday. We celebrated Anniston's June birthday this week! Hope you can join us on Friday for the Track Meet! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The children did a great job on our program on Friday. Thanks for joining us. And thanks for bringing your children to sing on Sunday morning. We're excited about track day on Friday. You're invited to join us. Be sure to sunscreen your child before school. Send money for concessions. Happy May birthday to Isabella, Jagger, and Wesley. God's Blessings, Dear Friends! Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Welcome May!! Only three and a half more weeks left. Musical: Thank you to Mrs. Schatte and her 5th graders for all their hard work, and thank you to all the kids who came Friday night. Everyone did a wonderful job! This week is a busy one! Test: we will have a spelling test and memory test on Friday. Remember these are review words for Unit 5; they should be in your child's planner. Book Reports: Please remember book reports are due on Thursday. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can't wait to see everyone’s projects; it has been hard keeping them from telling everyone all about their person. Also, please come and see our Wax Museum. We will be in the cafeteria on Thursday at 10:45 till 11. Friday: Track Meet, all are welcome. Please send money or bring a sack lunch that can be thrown away. Please keep up on your child's grades and let me know if I can help in any way. We have been doing a lot of corrections so keep that in mind. -2-

FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: Did you get your note for the in-town field trip? Track day is next Friday. Put your sunscreen on before you come to school. Remember to have your concession money for lunch also. Parents are welcome to join in the fun. Spelling test will be on Friday before we leave for the track events. Reading test and memory will be available on Thursday. Please continue to bring in Class Auction items. The Auction will be the last week of school, and the Cardinal Bucks continued to be earned. The auction could not happen without you. Make sure we are reading for AR. The bowling party is the 22nd of May. My hair will be cut on the last week of school after chapel. Have a great week. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: Tests this week include spelling and reading tomorrow. Friday is our track meet. It is getting so close to the end, but it is still important to concentrate and do our best. Some of us are slacking off, and it is showing in grades. I really want every student to finish the year strong! Happy birthday on May 26, to Jaclynn. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL 5/2 5/4 5/8 5/9

Mandatory Cheer Parent Information Meeting 8th Grade Skip Day Po-Hi Freshmen Volleyball girls tryout, 5-7 p.m., Old Boys Gym Po-Hi JV & Varsity Volleyball girls tryout; 5-7 p.m., Old Boys Gym

5/10 5/11

Po-Hi JV/Varsity Girls Basketball Tryouts, May 10 @ 4:00, Old Boys Gym @ Po-Hi Boys Sports Physicals, 5:30 8:00 p.m., Varsity Football Locker Room

Mrs. Harbeson: Hello Again! It's been awhile since I've been able to update my webpage. Life just gets so busy, but we just have to keep plugging along and do the best we can! If you'd like to check out what's up the rest of this week, just log on to In just a matter of weeks, we will be saying goodbye to the current school year and "hello" to summer. We still have things to finish up, so I want to encourage everyone to keep working and trying your best. Soon enough, we'll all get a nice long break! We have celebrated and will celebrate some important days this week . . . on Tuesday we recognized the work of our awesome volunteers, and today we recognized our support staff. Both help make our school run smoothly and also make the teachers' lives easier! On Thursday, we will recognize a National Day of Prayer, and Friday will be our annual track meet. The track meet will be different from past years due to the construction at Sullins Stadium, but I know that it will still be a fun day! Be sure to wear sunscreen and bring money to eat lunch from the concession stand! All money raised will benefit the 8th grade Washington D.C. trip for next year! Students, please be sure to check your FastDirect to make sure you have all your assignments handed in. Parents, now would be a good time for you to check on your student's grades. That's all for now. Blessings to you all! Mrs. Hanson: This Thursday is National Day of Prayer. The 7th grade is hosting and would like to invite you to a prayer vigil. Each class in the school will be participating and we, along with millions of people in our nation, will be lifting our voices to the Lord in praise and making our requests known to God. We will meet in the gym at 2:30 and would love for family and friends to join us. Everyone seems to be catching on to content quickly these days, which is AWESOME! This enables us to move a bit faster so we can cover just a little bit more before summer. All classes will be quizzing vocab Wednesday. 7th Grade Donations- 7th grade boys are asked to bring 2-3 cases of bottled water and 7th grade girls are asked to bring 12, 20 oz Gatorades by Wednesday, May 3. We are also looking to have the following donated, if you are willing and able, please let me know which you would like to provide. If more than one of an item is listed you do not need to provide all; if you can just provide one, it is greatly appreciated.  3 Large Bags of shredded cheese  Large jar of jalapenos  Chopped lettuce  4 Large jugs of pickles  Chopped onion  2 relish Mrs. Pacey: We are in the home stretch! 6th grade can be making corrections on their tests. Mr. Covert: May is here! It’s still hard to believe; it feels like Christmas was only a few weeks ago. I hope everyone is doing well as we get set to go through these last few weeks of the school year. -3-

We’re working to get through everything we can before we run out of time in class. 8th grade is starting the Great Depression, examining the things that caused it, and what the response was to this economic catastrophe. 7th grade is going to be finishing up South America this week, before we take a look at Australia. 6th grade is starting the Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment, seeing where our ideas about science got their start. I pray that God blesses this school family as we continue on through this season of Easter into the month of May. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

GIFT CARDS IN THE OFFICE! We have gift cards for sale in the office! Vendors sell them to us at a discount, and we sell them to you at face value. You can help us make money, just by purchasing your gift cards in the school office! Current gift cards and denominations that we have in stock are listed below. Note! We now have Chuck-E-Cheese cards!

If you are going to Payless, please help us out by purchasing some cards—we still have a couple of $20 Payless cards; we have contacted Payless, and they are still accepting gift cards. We have sold all of our J. C. Penney cards; thanks for your help! $25 Academy, Aeropostale, Amazon, American Eagle, Applebee’s, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble, Bass Pro, Bath & Body Works, Belk, BestBuy, Bonefish Grill, Buckle, Carrabba’s, Chili’s, Claire’s, Game Stop, Gap, Kohl’s, Logan’s, Longhorn Steakhouse, Lowe’s, Marshall’s, Old Navy, Olive Garden, Outback, Red Lobster, Sears, Staples, Texas Roadhouse, TJ Maxx, Walgreens, WalMart

$20 Payless $15 iTunes $10

Chuck-E-Cheese, Barnes & Noble, Burger King, Claire’s, Panera, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy’s




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