Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: September 10, 2014
CARDINAL CHATTER 9/14 8th Annual Prayer Walk, Hutchins, 4:00 p.m. 9/17 Hearing Tests; Mid Quarter reports 9/18 Family Fun Night; Eat @ 5, Games 6-8
9/19 OK Teachers’ Convention – No School 10/8 4th Grade to K&O Steam Show, Winfield 10/3 2nd Grade to Leonardo’s, Enid
PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Room Parents - There are always A LOT of mothers who sign up to be the room parent for their child's classroom. We thank you for your willingness. We have gone through and chosen a different person for each grade. They should have a received a letter from the school office during the past week with information about their teacher. Everyone is still encouraged to help wherever possible, especially with Family Fun night on Thursday - September 18. Keep in contact with the teacher or room mother of your child's class. Room Mothers are: PS – T/Th Jennie Hinterreiter 1 - Kristen Zimmermann 5 - Ann Jackson PS – M/W/F Shannese Herrick 2 - Christy Harland 6 - Darleanna Warnecke PK - Jessica Fields 3 - Melissa Wilson 7 - Martha Long K - Aprile Hunter 4 - Rachelle Oswalt 8 - Michelle Jean HEAD COOK POSITION AVAILABLE: Head Cook at First Lutheran School needed. Part-time or Full-time position being considered with lunch (around 170 students) and/or breakfast (20 students). DHS & Commodity experience beneficial. Call 580-762-9950 or stop by the school office. HEARING TESTING is being conducted here for Preschool to 8th grade on Wednesday - September 17. The test will probably consist of students putting on ear phones and will be asked to raise their hands when they hear a beep at different intervals. Results will be shared with the parents and re-testing will occur on Thursday - October 23 for those who did not pass the first time in the event of allergy, congestion, and Preschool students that come on Thursday. IF YOU DO NOT want your child to participate, please contact the School Office as soon as possible. FAMILY FUN NIGHT: This fun-filled evening is Thursday, September 18th. Dinner will be from 5:00pm6:30pm with games from 6:00-8:00pm. Everyone in the church and school is invited to attend. Please send the following with your student to school, according to which grade they are in, to be used for Family Fun Night games and prizes: PS = 1 bag of Charms suckers 5TH Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind st PK, Kindergarten, and 1 Grade = Cakes, 6th Grade = 1 box of Fundip candy cookies, cupcakes, or brownies for the 7th Grade = Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or Cake Walk! (Please use disposable brownies for the Cake Walk! (Please use containers/packages for the items, as they disposable containers/packages for the items, as will be going home with the winner) they will be going home with the winner) 2nd Grade = 2 cans of colored hair spray 8th Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind rd th 3 & 4 Grade = 1 big bag of assorted candy (fun pack) If you have any questions, please contact Susie Vincent at 580-716-4143/ or Kristen Zimmerman at 580-262-3933/ CHAPEL OFFERING: The Chapel Offering for September is going to help the Lutheran Women Missionary League supply backpacks loaded with school supplies for the Lutheran World Relief Backpack Program. 3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET: The 3rd Annual Christmas Market Oklahoma Festival will be held Saturday, December 6, 2014 on our church and school campus. Booth fees benefit the First Lutheran School Scholarship Fund. We are currently accepting applications from artisans, crafters, and vendors. If you, or a church/school group or class would like to have a booth to raise money for a specific need, we would be delighted to
have you participate. For more information, please contact Mr. Birnbaum (762-9950) or Shirley Zimmerman (7614657). 8TH ANNUAL PRAYER WALK: On Sunday, September 14th at 4:00 p.m. you are invited to participate in the 8th Annual Prayer Walk in support of Ponca City Schools (both public and private) to show support to the students of Ponca City/surrounding area schools, and to show support to school administrators, teachers, and support staff. You may walk, job, or bring a lawn chair. You are encouraged to wear your Church or organization (First Lutheran?!)themed t-shirt. CAN YOU HELP? We're looking for a few families that would be willing to help us give a ride to a student one day a week, both to and from school. He lives on Woodbury. If you can help, please contact the school office. Thanks. TUTORING: After school tutoring will again be offered by the PTL for students 4th grade and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 to 4:30 in the math room. A high school student will provide guidance for students. Mrs. Goll will also be present most days. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Thank you to all who have purchased "leaf" items for our classroom-we will enjoy them very much. So many things going on: Chapel offering for this month is school supplies for children overseas. Book orders are due Monday the 15th either through the classroom or online. No school next Friday the 19th while FLS hosts the Oklahoma Lutheran Teachers Conference. Don't forget that Family Fun Night is coming up on Thursday the 18th! We will need workers for 30 minute shifts for the two PS booths. They are simple games and we promise you will have lots of time left to play with your children at all the other booths. It is a great night of food and fun so volunteer through your class homeroom mom (T/TH is Jennie Hinterreiter, MWF is Shannase Herrick) or leave a message with me. Our classes are going very well and we are learning new things every day. This week we are covering the letter "C", numbers 1-5, and learning how faces show feelings and how we can help each other feel better. We love working with our hands, singing songs, and hearing stories! I feel blessed to have such a great group of children! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: Thank you again for all of the leaf items! Family Fun Night is next Thursday, September 18th. Our room mom will be contacting you to work at our booth. Please help by taking a shift for this fun night. We will not have school on Friday the 19th, We (teachers) will be learning some new things at the Oklahoma Lutheran Teachers Convention. Our Bible words this week are, God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:10 We are learning about jobs this week. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN - Ms. Miller: As the weather gets cooler, please make sure your child has their name on their jacket. The tag in the back is a great place for names. Also, you are welcome to keep a change of clothes in your child's backpack. Our class scholastic order is due on Sept. 15th-next Monday. When this week is over we will have finished the alphabet from A to Z for the first time. If your child does not know them, please help them by going over the alphabet with flash cards each evening. Now we will go slower and take one letter a week starting next week with "Mm". We will concentrate on the sounds with the letter. Have a great week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for this week - Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out. Acts 3:19. Thank you for the wish list items that you have been bringing to the classroom. These items are greatly appreciated!! Remember to mark your calendars for Family Fun Night on Thursday, Sept. 18. Look for more details in the Chatter. Happy Birthday to Jonah on Saturday, Sept. 13. SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: We are making great progress in second grade. Keep reading for AR. Remember that the children may read books at home and bring the books to school to test on them. Several of our friends have nearly reached their AR goal for this first quarter. Way to go! Family Fun Night is next Thursday and we can hardly wait. Please help out as you are able. We will be taking our first field trip to Leonardo's in Enid on October 3. Save the date and plan to join us! Book orders are due this Friday, September 12. Blessings. . . THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: With the weather changing please make sure your child's jackets have their names in them so we can return them to its owner. This week: Memory- A lot of you already said this week’s memory to me, so get started on the next part (Genesis through Daniel). This will be due next week. Math: Test next week after Lesson 15. Reading- Test on Friday. Paragraphs will go home on Thursday. Spelling- Test on Friday also. Family Fun Night: Next Thursday September 18th is Family Fun Night. Melissa Wilson will be contacting you to work a time slot at our games and also about donating some items for our pumpkin. Penny War- Please bring your change for our penny war - This Wednesday through next Wednesday. Have a great week!! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: I am so proud of our first math test; we really did awesome. Keep up the good work! We are really having great conversations about God being our God and how we can come to Him with anything. We are seeing truly being tied together in a lot of our subjects. Remember mid-term reports are going out soon. Please continue to sign planners nightly. Come to the Kay Co. Fair to see if you have something being shown to
earn a ribbon. The Prayer Walk is this Sunday 4 pm, at the Hutchins Walking Trail. The Rose Hill clothes are out and we are trying them on. If you are going to have clothes made please let me know so we do not reserve clothes for you. Remember moms and dads need to dress in time period clothes also. We will also be sewing our nine patch quilt. If you have scrap fabrics at home to donate or if there is a favorite fabric students want to use, please send them into school. Great Daddy field trip opportunity to Winfield, KS to see the K & O Steam Show on October, 8th 2014. We will learn how life was in the “Good Old Days.” Let me know if you will be able to help drive. FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: Wasn't the rain and cooler weather over the weekend a huge blessing?! God is truly so good to us. Tests this week include a science quiz Wednesday, language test 1 Thursday, and spelling and reading on Friday. For the language and science quiz, review material will be covered in class, but study time at home will be essential also. Blessings on your week.
MIDDLE SCHOOL 9/11 Math Counts Organizational Meeting, 3:30, Math Room 9/16 D.C. Meeting, 5:30, 8th Grade Room 9/16 Basketball Parent Meeting, 6:15, Cafeteria
9/17/14 FLSCA Meeting, 7:30 a.m., Mr. Covert’s Room 9/22-26 8th Grade Washington D.C. 9/24-26 6th Grade Lutherhoma 9/25-26 7th Grade Zoo Snooze
MATHCOUNTS: MathCounts is a program of extra math study that could lead to competitions. We’ll have an organizational meeting to determine interest on September 11 in the math room at 3:30. Please call Mrs. Goll if you have any questions. LUNCHROOM POLICY: For the middle school only…in the revised handbook pages that were handed out during enrollment day, there was a change in the lunchroom policy. Beginning this school year, students in middle school who sign up to eat school lunch, and then don’t, will be charged half price for that meal. Thank you in advance for helping us make sure our cooks are not going to the trouble and expense of fixing food for students who aren’t eating, and then having to throw it all away. If your student(s) does not plan to eat the school lunch, they need to remember to tell their homeroom teacher each morning when the teachers take lunch count, and then they will not be charged. WASHINGTON D.C. MEETING, 9/16 at 5:30 in Mr. Covert’s room. 8th Grade parents please plan to attend. STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations to Sunny; Mady, RayLynn, Morgan, Cerena, Brittany, Trenton, Ashana, Braley, Shayla, and Ethan. These students are our student council representatives for first semester. They are asking all students to dress as a favorite storybook character next Thursday in preparation for Family Fun Night. Mrs. Harbeson: It seems that everyone is back into the swing of school. Most everyone has been handing in assignments on time and doing really good work. I want to remind students to stay on top of your assignments; if you are ever absent, it is your responsibility to go to every teacher and find out what you missed. We welcome our new 8th grader, Ronnie Mix, to the First Lutheran family. I have extended the Scholastic book order deadline to this Friday, Sept. 12. The easiest way to order is to click on the link from my bulletin board. 6th Grade, your Camp Lutherhoma forms and money are due today, Wednesday, Sept. 10. If you forgot to bring them, get your information to me ASAP! I will be gone this Thursday for my first Tec 21 class so I will have a substitute that day. Be good! That's all for now. Keep seeking Him, First! Mrs. Hanson: I can't stress enough how important my website is! Students find assignments and announcements here, parents find the same plus just take a peek at your students school day with pictures, videos, and other information. Please visit my website this week to find a special treat. Zoo Snooze permission slips and itineraries went out Tuesday. Please sign and return with a check by Friday, Sept. 12. Mid terms are sneaking up on us so check in with grades and get late work in, so we can all have good reports! 7th Grade parents, we are in charge of food for Family Fun Night. We use this as another fundraiser for DC. A sign up sheet will be issued shortly to sign up for serve times. FFN is Thurs. Sept. 18. So mark your calendar! Keep your eye out for more info. Mrs. Goll: We’re nearly to the middle of the first quarter. I will be asking all students to take their math folders home on Friday to show their parents. This is an assignment. Those who return the folders signed on Monday will receive ten extra credit points; those who return them on Tuesday will receive 5 extra credit points. Those who have not yet returned them with signatures on Wednesday will be making phone calls to parents with
me. This is an attempt to help parents understand exactly which concepts are being covered and what your student’s daily work looks like. Thanks for your help with this project. Pre-algebra students will test on Wednesday. Algebra parents, please check my FastDirect bulletin board for a special message. I hope you’re all planning on joining us for Family Fun Night next Thursday. Seek Him first…. Mr. Covert: Welcome to week 4! I can't believe we're already a month into the school year. Time sure does fly. This week we're moving into some new content across the board. 6th grade is learning about the Phoenicians and Hebrews before moving into the more militaristic ancient nations next week. 7th grade is focusing on people of the world, namely culture, population, government, economy, and how it's all connected. In 8th grade we're moving into DC content, and we will learn a little bit about how the government itself functions before we head to DC in two weeks. 8th grade parents: We will be having one last meeting before the trip on Tuesday, September 16th, at 5:30 in the 8th grade classroom. We have a few last pieces of business to discuss before we leave. I hope everyone is having a great school year thus far! God's blessings!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus
Sports spotlight Name:____Jamison Doornbos_____ Nickname: ___Jamie____ Sports:___Volleyball__ My hero: _My dad and mom__ When did you start playing? In sixth grade. Person I would most like to meet: Adam Young/Owl City My parents always told me… Be nice to everyone YO. Pet peeve: Drama Queens (though I am probably one) Most embarassing moments: I walked into the boys’ restroom when someone was in there. Sports memory: I could never find a sport that I liked till VB. Quotation: “Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.” Future plans: Become a doctor/nurse Favorites Food: Steak Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse Movie: Paint It White Subject: Art Artist/Song: Owl City “Wolf Bite” TV Show: “Hetalia”/”Doctor Who” Place to dwell: Bathroom Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:9
Name:_____Madylnn Angle_____ Nickname:____Mady_____ Sports: Volleyball, Softball, Basketball When did you start playing? Softball and Basketball in grade and Volleyball in 7th grade Person I would most like to meet: Justin Timberlake My parents always told me… Always give 100% in everything I do. My hero: Mom and Dad Pet Peeve: Gossipers Future plans: Go to college, get married, have kids Sports memory: Hitting a grand slam in a softball game Quotation: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Bible Verse: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of sound mind.” 2Timothy 1:7 Favorites Food: Steak Subject: Science Restaurant: Olive Garden TV Show: “Wipe Out” Movie: Hunger Games Song: “Stay with Me” Place to dwell: with friends
An excerpt for you from the FLC&S Sunday Bulletin:
Want to learn more about First Lutheran Church and God’s Grace? A new Adult Lutheran Education Class starts Sunday, September 21, 2014 Taught by Jeremy May, this is a great opportunity for those interested in learning more about Lutheran beliefs or for members to have a refresher on what we believe. There is no obligation to join First Lutheran, but this class would provide all the information you would need to make that decision. Lunch is provided and class starts after the 11:00 service, noonish. Child care is also available, if requested. Sign up sheet is in the church narthex or you can contact o the church office 580-762-1111 o the school office 580-762-9950 o email Pastor May -