Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111
David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect: September 17, 2014
CARDINAL CHATTER Hearing Tests; Mid Quarter reports 10/3 2nd & 5TH Grade to Leonardo’s, Enid Dress as a favorite storybook character 10/8 4th Grade to K&O Steam Show, in preparation for Family Fun Night. Winfield Family Fun Night; Eat @ 5, Games 6-8 10/10 4th Grade to Rose Hill 9/19 OK Teachers’ Convention – 10/15 ECE to Rockin' Farms Pumpkin Patch No School – Offices Closed 10/15 3rd Grade Walters Pumpkin Patch 9/24 See You at the Pole, 7:45 a.m., in front of 12/2 Pre-K, K, & 1st Cowley Children's Administration Building Theater th 9/26 4 Grade to PCCA for Rose Hill preparation PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Seek first His Kingdom. We pray that we will help your child grow spiritually as well as academically. There will always be errors in our sinful nature, so please let's keep working together to fix errors and build a stronger program. We thank you for your input and support. I especially want to thank Susie Vincent, Kristen Zimmerman, the PTL Board, Room Mothers and everyone that has been working so hard on this Thursday's Family Fun Night. PHOTO CONTEST BY TOURISM BUREAU: Ponca City Tourism is hosting a photo contest on its Facebook page. The contest will run from now until February 1, 2015. There will be eight photo categories: Places/Attractions, Nature, Events, Kids/Families, Play/Hobbies, Architecture, Agriculture, and Recreation. Ponca City Tourism will select a monthly winner; the winner will receive $25 in Chamber Bucks. The grand prize winner will receive $250 in Chamber Bucks. For more information visit Ponca City Tourism on Facebook or call the Chamber office, 765-4400. We are wanting to create a large collection of photos we can use in marketing Ponca City. Thanks in advance! SEE YOU AT THE POLE: 7th grade will be hosting "See you at the Pole" next Wednesday. Please join us in saluting our country, celebrating our freedom of religion, and most importantly thanking God for all of it! See you at the Pole at 7:45 am Wednesday, Sept. 24! FAMILY FUN NIGHT: This fun-filled evening is Thursday, September 18th. Dinner will be from 5:00pm6:30pm with games from 6:00-8:00pm. Everyone in the church and school is invited to attend. Please send the following with your student to school, according to which grade they are in, to be used for Family Fun Night games and prizes: PS = 1 bag of Charms suckers 5TH Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind st PK, Kindergarten, and 1 Grade = Cakes, 6th Grade = 1 box of Fundip candy cookies, cupcakes, or brownies for the 7th Grade = Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or Cake Walk! (Please use disposable brownies for the Cake Walk! (Please use containers/packages for the items, as they disposable containers/packages for the items, as will be going home with the winner) they will be going home with the winner) 2nd Grade = 2 cans of colored hair spray 8th Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind rd th 3 & 4 Grade = 1 big bag of assorted candy (fun pack) If you have any questions, please contact Susie Vincent at 580-716-4143/ or Kristen Zimmerman at 580-262-3933/ 3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS MARKET: The 3rd Annual Christmas Market Oklahoma Festival will be held Saturday, December 6, 2014 on our church and school campus. Booth fees benefit the First Lutheran School Scholarship Fund. We are currently accepting applications from artisans, crafters, and vendors. If you, or a church/school group or class would like to have a booth to raise money for a specific need, we would be delighted to 9/17 9/18
have you participate. For more information, please contact Mr. Birnbaum (762-9950) or Shirley Zimmerman (7614657). TUTORING: After school tutoring will again be offered by the PTL for students 4th grade and older on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 to 4:30 in the math room. A high school student will provide guidance for students. Mrs. Goll will also be present most days. HEAD COOK POSITION AVAILABLE: Head Cook at First Lutheran School needed. Part-time or Full-time position being considered with lunch (around 170 students) and/or breakfast (20 students). DHS & Commodity experience beneficial. Call 580-762-9950 or stop by the school office. LIBRARY: I hope everyone is finding great books to read for their AR goal. The elementary party for this quarter will be a scavenger hunt. Middle Schoolers will be rewarded with the opportunity to walk to lunch at Sonic. Happy reading, everyone! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: I have been sick since Saturday. I miss you all and pray that no one else picked up these awful little germs. Thank you McKayla for filling in for me and Paula for keeping the room running as my right hand. Family Fun Night is Thursday and I hope all the plans are coming along. Please help in any way you canit's a wonderful event but takes so much work. Enjoy your day off Friday! This week we are learning about dinosaurs, the letter "D", and the color green. It is a joy to watch these precious little ones explore and learn new things! PRE-KINDERGARTEN - Mrs. Kelly: With the cooler weather we are wearing jackets. Please make sure that your jackets are labeled with your name. Family Fun Night is tomorrow; I hope to see you all there. PreK is bringing cakes or cookies for the cake walk. Please drop those off Thursday at the church office. We have two field trips coming up. There are notes for both in backpacks today. Please return the permission slips with payment by Wednesday, October 1st. We are learning about cooperation this week. Our Bible words are I, the Lord, am your Savior. Isaiah 60:16 We do not have school on Friday. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN - Ms. Miller: Wow, what an exciting week! We have "Family Fun Night" on Thursday and no school on Friday. I would like to thank the many parents again and Cheryl Klein for all the awesome "wish list" items from our door! This week we are learning the letter "Mm" with its sound and doing one letter a week now. Have a great week and "Family Fun Night!" FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for THURSDAY - You did not choose Me, but I chose you. John 15:16. We will not be doing AR this week. Thank you again for the wish list items that you have been bringing. Two field trip forms came home today. Please read both and save the dates! The forms with the money are due back on Wednesday, Oct. 1. Family Fun Night is on Thursday. Make plans to come and have some fun! We still need a few more parents to sign up to work a 30 minute shift at our game. Let me know if you can help. Remember to bring $2 to help with the cost of our classroom pumpkin. Thank you to Melissa, Lori, Kristen, and Rachel for helping our class decorate our pumpkin - it is super cute!! Just a reminder that I will be gone next week to the DC trip with my daughter. April Hunter will be teaching the class. Enjoy your day off from school on Friday! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Family Fun Night is almost here and we can hardly wait! Thank you to Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Zimmerman for all your hard work in planning this special evening. And thanks to all of you parents for making this possible. I know we'll have a fun evening. We continue to make good progress toward our AR goals. Keep reading! Remember that we will be taking our first field trip on October 3. See the special note coming home today with all the details. Enjoy your long weekend! THIRD GRADE - Mrs. Steichen: Wow, what lovely fall weather we are having! This week is another short week, with no school on Friday. I hope you all enjoy the three day weekend. This week: Reading: NO reading test on Thursday, reading a fun book to the class. Next week we will be reading Freckle Juice as a class. Spelling: Test on Thursday. Math: We had a test today. The tests will start coming every 5 lessons. Science: We have started a unit on plants and animals. The kids are really excited about it, please ask them about their plant CD cases. Family Fun Night: Remember that Family Fun Night is this Thursday. If you have not brought a bag of candy or a donation for Melissa Wilson please do so. I also want to thank all the moms who can and helped with our pumpkin. It looks AMAZING!!! Field Trip: I got our pumpkin patch field trip booked - please mark your calendars for October 15th, we will be doing to Walter's Pumpkin Patch. You can check on their website at I will be sending home permission slips next month. Book Report: I have sent home the information about the mobile book report. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful week!!! FOURTH GRADE - Mrs. Sibley: A HUGE THANK YOU for all of the school families that came to help assemble 100 school kits last night in less than 20 minutes! What a blessing you have all been to others that need school supplies. Don’t forget to return your Midterm Reports by Monday. Remember to dress in your favorite story book character tomorrow for Family Fun Night. A need for Family Fun Night is bring your small gently used stuffed animals. Be on the lookout for field trip permission forms for our upcoming field trips on 09/26 to PCCA for Rose Hill,
10/08 to the Steam Show in KS, 10/10 to Rose Hill. More information will be coming on our in town history field trip on 10/15. FIFTH GRADE - Mrs. Schatte: Please see my Fast Direct Bulletin Board for specifics on our schedule this week. Tests include math test 3 and social studies test 1 on Thursday. A note concerning our field trip to Leonardo's on October 3, was sent home today. Please sign and return this note ASAP. I hope to see you all at Family Fun Night Thursday evening. What a perfect way to end a 4-day school week!
MIDDLE SCHOOL 9/22-26 9/24-26
8th Grade Washington D.C. 6th Grade Lutherhoma
9/25-26 10/5
7th Grade Zoo Snooze Youth kickoff @ FLC; 5:45 – 7:15
YOUTH: 7th & 8th grade youth group kick-off night at First Lutheran Church will be Sunday, October 5th! Food, fun, and fellowship from 5:45 to 7:15 PM at the youth house. Feel free to bring a friend! LUNCHROOM POLICY: For the middle school only…in the revised handbook pages that were handed out during enrollment day, there was a change in the lunchroom policy. Beginning this school year, students in middle school who sign up to eat school lunch, and then don’t, will be charged half price for that meal. Thank you in advance for helping us make sure our cooks are not going to the trouble and expense of fixing food for students who aren’t eating, and then having to throw it all away. If your student(s) does not plan to eat the school lunch, they need to remember to tell their homeroom teacher each morning when the teachers take lunch count, and then they will not be charged. STUDENT COUNCIL – Mrs. Goll: Congratulations to our newly elected officers: Sunny, president; Cerena, vice-president; Morgan, secretary; and Braley, treasurer. We’re looking forward to seeing all the clever book characters on Thursday. We’ll soon be sharing information about a new boxtop contest and plans for Red Ribbon Week. Mrs. Harbeson: Can you believe that this week marks the half-way point of the first quarter? We certainly have a lot coming up in the next few weeks so it will be really important to buckle down, get all your assignments handed in, and prepare for your quizzes and tests. Don't give up! You can do it! Family Fun Night is this Thursday, September 18. Don't forget that there is no school this Friday, September 19. Enjoy your long weekend! I've received almost everyone's Camp Lutherhoma forms and money. I will be putting together the ride list this week and will be sending home one more letter before we leave for Tahlequah. The kids are excited, and I'm really looking forward to our time together! I've sent the Scholastic book order in. Thank you, Parents, for ordering online. Ordering online earns me classroom points which allows me to order books for my room at no charge to me. I was able to order many new books this time, and I'm looking forward to sharing them with the students! Please be sure to check out my bulletin board to find out what we're doing in language this week. That's all for now! Blessings! Mrs. Hanson: We have plenty of drivers, I have received most permission slips and cash, so we are good to go to the ZOO SNOOZE! We will leave AT 8:00 am, so that means everyone will need to be here no later than 7:45 am so we can divide into and pack cars. We need to be at the botanical gardens by 10 am, so we really need to leave by 8. Please continue to check my website for up to date announcements and assignments. Late work is so toxic to grades and catch up is practically impossible. Make sure we are keeping up so we don't have to play catch up. Mrs. Goll: What’s happening in math: 6th grade is working on simple equations; 7th is reviewing decimal operations; pre-algebra is working on the distributive property and combining like terms; and algebra is concluding the chapter on operations with real numbers. Most of the students brought their extra credit pages with parent signature back in time to get some points. If I don’t have those pages back on Thursday, I’ll be contacting you about your child’s math progress. I hope to see you all tomorrow at Family Fun Night—it really will be a FUN evening! Seek Him first! Home Ec: We’ve been having a lot of fun in our home ec elective as our students have been preparing special dishes to share with one another. On Tuesday, Ronnie grilled rib-eyes to share with us. He’s quite a grill master. We’ve also had delicious sweet treats prepared by Ryley and Destiny, and mac & cheese prepared by Braley. And Shayla showed us a fun craft. The other home ec students will be sharing their skills with us in the near future. Many thanks to Pam Hunt for answering our request to help a student get to school. We appreciate your generosity. Mr. Covert: We’re into week 5 and things are moving right along! In 8th grade we’re taking care of the Explore test while we examine some of the things that shaped the beginnings of our nation before we head to DC.
7th grade is wrapping up their chapter on the geography of the US. In 6th grade, we’re finishing up a chapter on the Assyrians, Chaldeans, and Persians before we get into Middle American empires. Next week, the 6th and 7th graders will have projects to take care of for the days they will be in school. I’ll give them instructions on what to do and how to do it on Thursday so that they’re ready to come to school and work on those on Monday. I hope everyone is having a good school year so far! God’s blessings on your week and weekend!
First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus
Want to learn more about First Lutheran Church and God’s Grace? A new Adult Lutheran Education Class starts Sunday, September 21, 2014 Taught by Jeremy May, this is a great opportunity for those interested in learning more about Lutheran beliefs or for members to have a refresher on what we believe. There is no obligation to join First Lutheran, but this class would provide all the information you would need to make that decision. Lunch is provided and class starts after the 11:00 service, noonish. Child care is also available, if requested. Sign up sheet is in the church narthex or you can contact o the church office 580-762-1111 o the school office 580-762-9950 o email Pastor May -
Family Fun Night will be this Thursday, September 18th. Dinner will be from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with games following from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the street between the Fellowship Hall and the ECE Building. Everyone in the church and school is invited to attend. Come to eat, and bring kids for the games. Hope to see you there! This is the list of items that we are asking that each child bring for Family Fun Night: PreSchool = 1 bag of Charms suckers Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade = Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or brownies for the Cake Walk! Please use disposable containers/packages for the items, as they will be going home with the winner. 2nd Grade = 2 cans of colored hair spray 3rd & 4th Grade = 1 big bag of assorted candy (fun pack with different types of candy) 5TH Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind 6th Grade = 1 box of FunDip candy 7th Grade = Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or brownies for the Cake Walk! Please use disposable containers/packages for the items, as they will be going home with the winner. 8th Grade = 1 12-pack of pop, any kind
FamilyFun Night!
Sports spotlight Name:____Culley Porter_____ Sports:___Football, basketball, swimming, baseball__ My hero: _Kevin Durant and Richard Sherman__ When did you start playing? I started playing at age 5. My parents always told me… Go out and work your hardest. Most embarassing moments: Me not making a touchdown catch Sports memory: Me running a 50 yard touchdown off a fumble at the championship. Quotation: “…ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” --JFK Future plans: to play NFL on the Seahawks or 49ers Favorites Food: Chicken nuggets, Mac & Cheese, funnel cake Restaurant: Kyoto TV Show: “SportsCenter” Movie: Pearl Harbor Subject: Math/Science Artist/Song: “That’s My Kind of Night” by Luke Bryan Place to dwell: Open Gym Bible Verse: John 3:16
Name:_____H.B. Bowers_____ Nickname:_Hash Brown__ Sports: Football, basketball Why did you start playing? Because I always watched it on TV and loved it. Pet Peeve: Cheating Person I would most like to meet: Kevin Durant My parents always told me… Practice. Most embarassing moment: Not making a shot all year in basketball Future plans: Play football in college Sports memory: Making my first basket in basketball Favorites Subject: Science Restaurant: Denny’s TV Show: “The Wonder Years” Movie: The Longest Yard Artist: Luke Bryan Place to dwell: My house