Chatter 9 20 17

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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: On-line pay: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Scriptura

September 20, 2017

CARDINAL CHATTER 9/20 9/22 9/22 9/22 9/23

Mid-Quarter Reports 2nd and 5th to Leonardo’s PK Muffins with Mom’s Deadline to order Cardinal Gear (see below…) Mollie Kelly Memorial 5K Run, Fun Walk, Kids Mile Run 9/25-29 8th Grade to Washington D.C.

9/27-29 9/28-29 9/29 10/5 10/6 10/11 10/18

6th Grade to Lutherhoma 7th Grade to Zoo Snooze 4th Grade to Rose Hill Picture Day Makeup Picture Day Freddy’s Night, 3:30 – 8:00 End of BoxTops Collection Contest

TUTORING: After School tutoring began on Tuesday, September 5, and occurs on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 3:30 – 4:30 in the 4th grade room for the elementary students and the language room for the middle school students. This service is provided to you by the PTL, and is free of charge to the students of First Lutheran. Thank you PTL for providing this assistance to the kids! Students will work on their classroom assignments under the tutelage of FLS staff and an assistant. COMPUTER: 2ND – 5TH GRADES: Please remember to send a pair of headphones or earbuds with your student to use this year during computer. PICTURE DAY: Fall Portrait Picture Day will be Thursday, October 5; makeup picture day will be Friday, Oct. 5. Order forms went home today; extra forms are available in the office. Please fill out the envelope and return to your student’s teacher along with your payment by Wednesday, Oct. 4. If you have any questions, please contact the office. CARDINAL GEAR FOR SALE!: Attached to this Chatter is a flyer for Cardinal Gear; you can get gear just like our Basketball Teams; however, you need to order online by Friday, 9/22--the deadline is near! Any profit made will go to our basketball teams. Thanks for your support! BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION CONTEST!: SAVE YOUR BOX TOPS! Our first contest will end October 18. Stay tuned for more details. CARDINAL CARNIVAL - Thank you Nicole Lorenz, Holly Blackstar, all the room mothers, and parents that helped with the Family Fun Night. We GREATLY appreciate all you did for this BIG event! CARDINAL CARNIVAL – PTL: Your FLS PTL would like to thank everyone who had a part in making our Cardinal Carnival such a fun night. The success of any PTL event relies on parent volunteers - thank you! The winners of the "Guess How Many" candy jars are: Smarties - 7th grader Trinity Bond Tootsie Rolls - 1st grader Drew Zimmerman Skittles - Pre-K student Landon Allen (and his mom) Please pick up your candy jar in the main office. Thank you all for your support! LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: We have all that we need; thank you everyone for your donations! LUNCH ACCOUNTS: First Lutheran School participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. Due to their rules, we are asking parents to keep your lunch/breakfast accounts positive. You may pay on your food account with check, cash, credit card (in person or over the phone), and you may also pay online via PayPal by going to: Note that PayPal will charge a fee for using this service, and it will be subtracted from your payment. Lunches are $3.00 and breakfasts are $2.25. -- 1 --

We participate in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program, and we have applications for the Free & Reduced Program in the office. If you would like to apply, stop by the office to pick up an application, or call the office and we will send one home with your student. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. LUTHERAN SCHOOLS PEN PALS: Lutheran Schools Pen Pals is a program for 2nd – 8th grade LCMS students. Participating children will be matched with another child of similar age and interests. If you are interested, please complete the form (available in the office) and return with your $5.00 fee to the address on the form by September 25. Participating students will receive their Pen Pal’s name and address in October. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: MID-QUARTER is HERE! In 2nd grade and older, go to your fastdirect account and check your child's grades weekly. They are NOT FINAL so keep on top of your child to get their work in and grades up before it is too late. PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: It was wonderful visiting everyone at the Carnival! Teachers had a great time Friday getting ideas for our classroom. Now we are rested up and ready to go! This week our theme is "All about Me!". We will learn how God made us a unique individual and explore things that make us different and the same. We will be naming body parts, gender and age, and naming right and left. Our letter is "E". Have a blessed week and enjoy the beautiful rain! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: PreK is excited to have Mrs. Heitman in our classes for her student teaching. Look for her letter in backpacks today. Thank you PTL for the fun Cardinal Carnival, and to all of the parents that brought cakes! Muffins with Moms is on Friday, we hope to see you all. Our Bible words this week are, Remember me, O Lord. Psalm 106.4 We are learning the letter "Mm" and the number "1". Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Our class would like to wish Juniper a happy birthday (9-18)! We have now been through all our ABC's once, and now we will do them again slower (one a week) working on our handwriting/letters/sounds. If your child doesn't know all their letters and sounds it would be good to go over them once a night with flash cards, by adding this to your Monday Folder homework. It is important that your child know their letters and sounds for learning to read. We will continue to go over our letters and sounds in class, but our reading curriculum will also start to pick up going over all our sight words. Have a sensational week! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: Memory verse for Friday is Psalm 56:3 - When I am afraid, I will trust in You. Psalm 56:3. A big thank you to Elizabeth Jones for organizing our booth for the Carnival and for the Carnival goodie boxes that were sent home with the kids. Thank you also to the parents that helped work our game booth. A fun time was had by all! Blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: The Cardinal Carnival was great fun! Thank you to all who made it possible! FLS parents are the BEST! We're excited about our trip to Leonardo's this Friday. We plan to leave FLS at 9:30 and return by about 2:45. Your child will need a sack lunch that day. Several of our friends have already reached their AR goals. Encourage your child to keep reading. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: Isn't the rain amazing!! Thank you everyone who came out to Cardinal Carnival. It was a blast! Also, thank you to all the parents who worked our booth. This week: Memory, Spelling, and Social Studies tests all on Friday. A study guide for Social Studies will be coming home today. Reading: We are all really enjoying Sideways Stories. We have one more week with this story, so one more full week without a paragraph. Spelling: Next week we will be having a review week of spelling words. It will be about 5 words from each of our last 5 weeks of stories. Computer: If you haven't brought earbuds or headphones please get those in soon. Thank you! Book Reports: If you have not seen a project paper please let me know, and I will send another copy home. Please let me know if you have any questions. It is due October 13th. FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: A full week of school is here & we are ready to rock & roll! We are continuing to improve on our class chattiness. Keep on reading at home for AR points; party time is coming around the bend! Lots of kids are well on their way for the half way mark as we are half way through the quarter. Daily reading at home and at school is a must. Mid Quarters are due no later than Monday. Starting in Oct we will begin the Book It program by Pizza Hut. A Great Daddy outside field trip opportunity to Winfield KS to see the K & O Steam Show on October, 11th 2016. We will learn how life was in the “Good Old Days.” We are getting ready for Rose Hill! We are baking next Thursday right away in the morning. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We're working diligently in 5th grade. Remember...Friday is our field trip to Leonardo's. We will leave at 9:30 and return before day's end. Thanks to all those driving or accompanying us on this trip. It is always a lot of fun! Tests this week include spelling, reading, and math on Friday. Tuesday was our first language test. Today we took our first preposition quiz. Memory due tomorrow is the 2 nd Commandment and meaning. -- 2 --

Next week Tuesday is our first social studies test over chapter one. Please review the study guide for this test with your child. To do well on this test it will definitely need to be STUDIED! Tomorrow also holds a quiz on science terms. Blessings on your week!

MIDDLE SCHOOL 10/10 7th Grade to Wichita/Theater MATH COUNTS – Ms. Pacey: MathCounts meets Wednesday’s and Friday’s after school in the math room until 4:15. Mrs. Harbeson: It's my favorite time of the year! Thursday marks the first day of fall! Even though we've had a pretty mild summer, I'm so ready for fall colors, hoodies, and cool, crisp air! I hope you all had another relaxing 3-day weekend since next week everyone will be traveling. 8th graders and parents, have a great time in Washington D.C.! I went last year and had such a wonderful experience. My prayer is that this trip will bring all of you closer as you get to have this experience together. 7th graders will be leaving next Thursday for the Zoo Snooze. You'll have a great time, too! The theater trip information sheet came home with the Zoo Snooze information. I've had a few of you return permission slips and money . . . thank you! The 6th graders, Ms. Pacey, and I will be headed for Camp Lutherhoma next Wednesday morning. I'll be sending home an itinerary next Monday over the three days that we will be gone. In class this week, we have started lesson 3 spelling and vocabulary; we're finishing up our first novels, and completing our grammar units. Be sure to keep up with your work! To find out more in language class, please check my webpage ( Blessings to you all! Mrs. Hanson: We have made it to mid-quarter! Half way through; please check grades now and make sure you are on track for success. I hope everyone has great trips to D.C., Lutherhoma, and the Zoo next week. Zoo Snooze permissions slips and money was due yesterday, 9/19. If you have not yet returned them, please do so immediately. 7th and 8th grade will have vocabulary quizzes this Friday. A huge thank you to Kay Bojorquez for all her efforts in the Cardinal Carnival dinner; it was a success! Mrs. Pacey: Happy Belated Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept. 19th)! Every class has just finished a test. Corrections are due Friday for all classes. I know we are all looking forward to D.C., Zoo Snooze, or Lutherhoma. I am excited to be joining the 6th graders on their Lutherhoma trip this year. Mr. Covert: I hope everybody enjoyed their three day weekend! We’ve got one more week now in the middle school before our trips! In 8th grade this week, we’re going to be going over the Constitution. As the document that details how our government works and what our rights are as citizens, we’re going to go over it in full as a lead-in to our trip to the nation’s capital. 7th grade is finishing up the western half of the United States this week, and then after our trip we’ll look to the north and visit Canada. 6th grade is finishing up Egypt, and after next week we’ll head over a bit to talk about the Israelites. I pray that God continues to bless our school family as we work our way through this first quarter. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

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