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Jeremy May, Pastor Sunday Services: 8:30, 11:00 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Church: 580-762-1111

Sola Gratia, Sola Fide,

David Birnbaum, Principal School: 580-762-9950 website: E-mail: Child Care: 580-762-1124 FastDirect:

Sola Scriptura

September 6, 2017


Last Day to Register for Mollie Kelly Memorial Run/Walk & Receive Free T-shirt. Entry Forms & sponsor info available in the office. FLS Cardinal Carnival, 5-8 p.m.

9/17 9/20 9/23

9/15 Teacher’s Convention – No School

Fundraising Dinner for Medical Expenses (Baker, Buell, Erickson), 11-1, Cafeteria Mid-Quarter Reports Mollie Kelly Memorial 5K Run, Fun Walk, Kids Mile Run

ONLINE PAYMENTS! NEW FOR 2017! You may make a payment online via PayPal by going to the following page: NOTE...there will be a service charge of approximately 4% for the payment total, and will be deducted from the payment total amount when crediting your accounts. (Payments made via PayPal may not show up in your account for up to 1 month.) TUTORING: After School tutoring began on Tuesday, September 5, and occurs on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 3:30 – 4:30 in the 4th grade room for the elementary students and the language room for the middle school students. This service is provided to you by the PTL, and is free of charge to the students of First Lutheran. Thank you PTL for providing this assistance to the kids! Students will work on their classroom assignments under the tutelage of FLS staff and an assistant. FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL PTL will be hosting the CARDINAL CARNIVAL: It will be held on Thursday, September 15 in the area around the cafeteria/administration buildings. Games will be open from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m., and will be 50 cents each/10 for $5, 20 for $10. The tickets will be available for purchase the night of the event, and the PTL will use the proceeds to fund PTL projects for the school. We hope to see everyone there! DINNER AT THE CARDINAL CARNIVAL: will begin at 5:00 and consist of pizza, drink, and cookies. Tickets are $5, and proceeds will go to this years’ 7th grade as a fundraiser for next years’ D.C. Trip. To order tickets, see the attached flyer. FUNDRAISER FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES: - Brats / Hot Dogs / Pulled Pork options on Sunday - September 17 from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. (or until food runs out). Proceeds will be used for medical expenses for our local friends - Connie Erickson, Brandon Buell, and Derek Baker. $8 tickets in advance, $10 at the door, free-will donations for desserts. LUNCH ACCOUNTS: First Lutheran School participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. Due to their rules, we are asking parents to keep your lunch/breakfast accounts positive. You may have received a reminder this last week regarding your meal accounts if they were negative. You may pay on your food account with check, cash, credit card (in person or over the phone), and you may also pay online via PayPal by going to: Note that PayPal will charge a fee for using this service, and it will be subtracted from your payment. Lunches are $3.00 and breakfasts are $2.25. We participate in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program, and we have applications for the Free & Reduced Program in the office. If you would like to apply, stop by the office to pick up an application, or call the office and we will send one home with your student. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. YEARBOOKS: We are using Replay-it again to upload and manage yearbook pictures (if you tried before and it wasn’t up yet, it is now!)! This is a free app. This is an easy way to get your pictures off your phone to be used for the yearbook. It takes a lot of pictures to fill the wonderful pages of our yearbook. We could not do it without you all. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: We are taking collections for School Kits; please consider donating one or more of these supplies: 4 spiral wide-ruled 60-page notebooks, 1 ruler (12 inch with centimeters), 1 small manual pencil sharpener, 1 blunt-ended scissors, 5 unsharpened #2 pencils, 5 blue ball point pens (no clickers), 1 box of 24 -- 1 --

crayons, 1 2½” pink eraser. Update: What we are really short on: crayons (24-pack), 12-inch rulers (with inches and centimeters), and blunt-ended scissors. Please consider donating some of these items! LUTHERAN SCHOOLS PEN PALS: Lutheran Schools Pen Pals is a program for 2nd – 8th grade LCMS students. Each participating child will be matched with another child of similar age and interests. Exchanging letters will provide your student with an opportunity to share their faith and improve their writing skills, all while creating a relationship with a Lutheran student in another part of the country. If you are interested, please complete the form attached to last weeks’ chatter and return with your $5.00 fee to the address on the form by September 25. Participating students will receive their Pen Pal’s name and address in October. OKLAHOMA PROMISE: We have forms for Oklahoma Promise in the office; if you and your student meet the requirements, your student will earn tuition at an Oklahoma public two-year college or four-year university, or a portion of tuition at an accredited Oklahoma private college or university, or a portion of tuition for programs that qualify for federal financial aid at public career technology centers. If your student is in 8 th, 9th or 10th grades and the parents’ adjusted gross income does not exceed $55,000, stop by the office to pick up an application, or apply online at SCHOOL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: We have a school portal called FastDirect (found at You can use this portal to email teachers and staff, check your students’ grades and account balances, and even see what’s for breakfast and lunch that week. If you need to know your login id and password, or if you have forgotten it/been locked out and need it re-set, please contact the school office. PRINCIPAL – Mr. Birnbaum: Thank God for this beautiful weather. Next Thursday - Sept. 14 is our Cardinal Carnival. Please make plans to help at your child's class booth that night under the stars. No School or Day Care on Friday so our staff can attend the Oklahoma Lutheran Teachers Convention in Edmond. Enjoy God's creation. P.E. – COACH AMANDA: We are off to an exciting year in P.E. class! Please make sure your child wears appropriate shoes on their PE days. Pre School and Pre K classes have been learning what our P.E. procedures are. We do a lot of learning through play. Be sure and ask your kids what they do in P.E. We have so much fun! This week we are learning how to throw/catch correctly. Elementary classes- currently we are working on teamwork skills by doing activities that force us to care for others in a team-like manner. Middle School classes- one day a week they will do a workout type class, with a lot of cardio and circuit training. The other day we will focus on a specific lesson, whether it be a sport, game, or dancing. Speed and Agility class- this class focuses on improving stamina, reaction time, endurance, and overall physical improvements. Basketball- as of this week, all teams will be in full swing with 5th/6th boys having their first practice Thursday! PRE-SCHOOL – Mrs. Herard: Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! We will get another one as there will be no school on the 15th. Staff will be attending the Oklahoma Teachers Conference in Edmond. We always pick up some great ideas for our classroom. Don't forget to mark your calendar for the Cardinal Carnival on the 14th from 5-8 pm. This week our theme is "Dinosaurs". (Always a favorite for the kids!) We have been reviewing colors and shapes, counting by ourselves to 5, making sets of 1-3 objects, and sorting by color, size, and shape. We are also learning to properly grip pencils and scissors. Our letter this week is "C". Have a blessed week! PRE-KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Kelly/Mrs. Colvin: Happy September! We hope you enjoyed your long weekend! We started Chapel Families today, ask your students about their Chapel Family parents. Cooler weather is here, please remember to send a jacket with your child's name in it, on cool mornings. We do go outside every day. Our Bible words this week are, God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:10 We are learning about words and about how we cooperate and help each other. Have a blessed week! KINDERGARTEN – Mrs. Miller: Today I am sending home a Scholastic book order form. If you pay me please make the check out to Scholastic (not to FLS or me). You can order with a credit card online and our class code is DWY6G. The order needs to be placed by September 15th. We will not have school on Friday the 15th so if you are handing me a check please get it to me by the 14th. I hope everyone had a great long weekend for Labor Day and a magnificent week to come! FIRST GRADE – Mrs. Birnbaum: I pray that you had a nice and restful Labor Day Weekend. With cooler weather in the mornings, please make sure that your child's name is in their jacket. Memory verse for Friday is Acts 3:19 - Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out. A reminder to please make sure that you clean your child's -- 2 --

folder out daily. The Cardinal Carnival is next Thursday from 5-8pm. Happy Birthday to Tripp on the 10th! God's blessings on your week! SECOND GRADE – Mrs. Powell: Happy September! Wasn't the long weekend the BEST? Our God is so good and supplies all we need. Family Fun Night is next Thursday evening. See the general note regarding our contribution. Mark your calendars. Your family will have a great evening. Book orders are due on September 14. Field trip permission slips and admission fee are due September 19. Thank you for the goodies you provided for our classroom. Blessings! THIRD GRADE – Mrs. Steichen: I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! This week is crazy, but we got this. This week: Spelling, Reading, and Memory on Friday. I have a link to the memory video on my board on FastDirect. Reading: Next week we are starting a chapter book. Your child may have questions to do at home, if they do not finish them in class. This also means no Reading test for the next couple of weeks. We will still work on a paragraph, they will be a little different. Cardinal Carnival: Please be on the look out for some information about the Carnival, and what our class needs to bring and do. Math: Since we took our first Math test last week, we have gone up to 20 math problems. They kids are doing great on these. Please help them to remember to add the rule, add dollar signs or a.m. or p.m.; it is important to label our answers. Book Orders: order forms should have came home today. Please have them back by next Wednesday, September 13th. Have a wonderful week! FOURTH GRADE – Mrs. Sibley: What a wonderful relaxing three day weekend we had. Continue reading to earn our AR goals! Please keep on signing planners nightly. Thursday the 14th at 10 a.m. we will be trying on Rose Hill Clothes, sewing our Nine Patch Quilts, & peeling our apples. Each child needs to bring in an apple on Thursday so that we may peel and eat them as we would in 1910. If you are going to have clothes made or have other non-classroom Rose Hill clothes to wear, please let me know so we do not reserve clothes for you. Remember moms and dads need to dress in time period clothes also. If you have scrap fabrics at home to donate or if there is a favorite fabric students want to use, please send them into school ASAP. Don’t forget your two cases of 12 pop for the Cardinal Carnival for the 14th! Signups for the carnival are on the classroom door. We need your help! Book Orders are also due the 14th! Peace as you serve the Lord. FIFTH GRADE – Mrs. Schatte: We're off to a much better start this week than last week. The children are more focused and are trying harder to pay attention. This is encouraging! Tests this week include spelling, reading, and a science quiz on vocabulary on Friday. The vocabulary words that need to be memorized are in the science folders. Memory due Thursday is the first half of Luther's Morning Prayer. Way to go Landon and Rachel for saying it last week already! I am always willing to listen to memory work early. Blessings!

MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH COUNTS has begun. We meet Wednesday’s and Friday’s after school in the math room until 4:15. 10/10 7th Grade to Wichita/Theater Mrs. Harbeson: Greetings! I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend! We are heading into a busy time of the year. Here's what I have: Student Council - We will be holding stuco elections on Thursday during language class. If your child would like to be included on the ballot, he or she must hand in the parent-signed permission slip and prepare a short speech or explanation of why the class should vote for him or her for student council. Class representatives will be announced on Friday morning. 6th Grade - Camp Lutherhoma packets were sent home last week. Camp will be Wednesday, Sept. 27 - Friday, Sept. 29. Please review all the information, fill out all forms, and return to me by Wednesday, September 13. I hope many parents will be able to accompany us on our trip as we are completely dependent on you for transportation there and back. Thank you to all who are going! 7th Grade - We will be taking a trip to the theater on Tuesday, October 10. We are watching a performance at the Orpheum Theatre in Wichita, KS. An information letter will be sent home this week. Again, we will need parents for this trip. Please consider joining us! 8th Grade - Nothing really new for you all right now. Just wanted to say, "Love Ya!" so you don't feel left out! For all classes - I have discussed AR with all the students and how we're going to run things this year. If you have any questions, please talk to your student! That's all for now! Blessings on the rest of your week! -- 3 --

Mrs. Hanson: Thank God for 3 day weekends! I hope yours was everything you needed it to be. We are on a roll! All classes are in the thick of the content. Each class has completed vocabulary and need to constantly work on learning and applying terms. We will have a vocabulary quiz this Friday. Ask your student to tell you something they have learned in the past week. Please check grades and missing work now before we get any further into the quarter. After school tutoring is held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30 in Mrs. Harbeson's room. If your student needs help with a specific subject, please make sure the teacher knows before you send your student to tutoring so tutoring time is used as wisely as possible to better help the student. Tutoring may become mandatory for any student with missing work. 7th grade families, Cardinal Carnival is NEXT WEEK! We will be hosting the dinner to raise funds for D.C. If you would like to earn money for your family, please sign up for time slots on my website. Each student has been asked to bring something as well. Girls, 12 pack of soda, popular ones include Dr. Pepper, Coke, Sprite and a diet option. Boys, 2 dozen cookies, homemade or store bought. Please bring these by Tuesday next week. Mrs. Pacey: Happy Wednesday! Math Counts has begun. We meet Wednesday’s and Friday’s after school in my room until 4:15. MobyMax assignments are now always assigned at the start of the week and due at the beginning of the next week. Parents can use their child's login info to login as a parent and track progress through math and other subjects. Have a great week! Mr. Covert: I hope that everyone enjoyed that long weekend! I pray that God gave all of us a little bit of rest and a little boost to our energy to get us going again as we move into this new month. Classes are going to pick up right where they left off. 8th grade will be talking about the Articles of Confederation, the problems they caused, and how it led to the Constitution that we follow today. 7th grade is going to step over the Mississippi River as we talk about the United States on our side of that dividing line. In 6th grade, we’re heading southwest to talk about that civilization that sprang up along the Nile River, the Egyptians. 8th grade parents, we will be having a meeting regarding Washington DC sometime in the next two to three weeks, so keep an eye out for a Fast Direct message regarding date and time. Also, if I still need money from you for the DC trip, I need that ASAP! 7th grade parents, you’ve got about a week left for the cookie dough fundraiser. I need the packets back by the 12th. Please make sure that your students fill out the front of the folder with all the information, and make sure it’s double and triple checked. This speeds up the process considerably. I pray that God continues to bless this school family as we move into this new month on our walk with Him. Blessings on your week!

First Lutheran Church & School—Growing up into Jesus, Reaching out with Jesus, Walking together in Jesus

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FAMILY FUN NIGHT Thursday, September 14, 2017 First Lutheran School 5:00 – 8:00p.m. Family Fun Night is an evening of food, prizes, & fun for the entire family hosted by the First Lutheran School PTL. Tickets for the games are $.50 each and will be available that night. Most games require 1-2 tickets. The 7th grade class is selling pizza meal deals (2 slices of pizza, drink, & cookie), and the proceeds will go to help fund their 8th grade trip to Washington DC in 2018. Meal tickets are available in advance for $5, and will also be available the night of the event. To pre-order your meal tickets, please fill out the form below and return it to the school office by the end of the school on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th with payment.

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THE FIRST LUTHERAN SCHOOL PTL! (Please detach completed form and return to classroom or office with payment.)

Pizza Meal Tickets

_______x $5.00 each

= $______

(Includes 2 slices of pizza, drink, & cookie ď Š) Total Enclosed = $______ Student Name:_________________________________

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