Often this and other problems seem to have been brought on by wrong choices. People bring a lot of troubles on themselves. That’s why this is the cause of my wife’s death — Satan destroys lives — Jesus saves lives. Many times we suffer from circumstances over which is the choice of Satan! He makes himself become our God. Because of the death of my wife I’m the one in prison and I ask my self why, why, why? One day my friend shared with me about God and his promises and I asked about my problems and is it possible to have faith under such conditions. He told me that if I believe in Christ, I would be free form the bondage of sin and have eternal life. Wow, Wow! I praise you lord, I praise you, I praise you lord! I thank you very much, thank you very much for saving me from hell I now have eternal life. This is a joy in the presence of god over the sinners who repent and turn from sin, I rejoice with the angels in your decision. Anyway despite my sufferings as a prisoner, I am happy to be here because God is with me. Actually, when I received God the desire of my heart was to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. ‘Phil 4:18 hallelujah ‘praise the lord, in your presence oh lord I worship you day by day. Actually, I’m one of the graduate students for evangelism explosion this coming December 15th 2001. Almost every day I come up against cases in the newspaper among our acquaintances or in our lives because I’m the one suffering this case, but in my life I’m the innocent victim. But this time I know this is for Gods purpose, Amen! Praise the lord, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! In thy presence oh Lord I praise you almighty God, there is none like you. Leo Cabug. Witnessed by Ptr Andy C Dolin 37 Inmate: Manuel B. Gano Jr.
August 20th 2001
Manuel B. Gano Jr.