Appendix 03 Blessed Lord 50 This e-mail shows up the sinister ways of it’s writer. David Clarke believes the writer is Fr. Shay Cullen. From: Francis Evangelista <blessedlord50@hotmail.com> To: <david@dclarke49.fsnet.co.uk> Date: Saturday, August 4, 2001 9:19 am Subject: About Michael Clarke Dear Brother in Christ the Lord, I have met your brother Michael during my visits to prisoners as the Lord said when I was in prison you visited me. Praise the Lord. His conversion is truly amazing and he tells me that you will be coming soon to conduct worship and Praise. We will be there, members of the Church, Blessed of the Lord praise and worship, when will it be? Your brother recounts all his sins of the past and indeed they were many. How he brought customers to a certain place on Baloy beach in Olongapo. He told me of his companion, a certain Harry Joost from Olongapo who helped him in life of sin and who continues to this day and who has not to turned to the Lord and repented but still does nefarious evil with children and women that are abhorrent to the Lord our God. I have preached in Olongapo and know of the dens of evil and the ungodly places like Baloy where evil walks like a Lion going about roaring. Michael tells already that God justly punished him and it was true that he had sinned and brought sex tourists to the beach and gave them young girls to consume in lust. Surely the wrath of God will descend on all those who refuse his grace and like Sodom and Gomorrah will be consumed by fire. But that is the fire of sin, the AIDS that burns up the body because of ungodly ways. May he be saved? Satan is working in Harry Joost, Michael says. But God used this Joost to turn Michael over to the hands of the authorities for his repentance. But this Joost continued his evil ways. He must be brought to repentance and to the Lords justice. Praise the Lord for your coming. You will be the instrument to convert the sinners of Baloy. We must preach Gods holy gospel. Michael says that Joost was the one who led him along the paths of sin on the Baloy beach. For it was he who invited the young children to his establishment where the sex tourists went and were ravishely invited by Michael in his days Michael says that Joost was the one who led him along the paths of sin on the Baloy beach. For it was he who invited the young children to his establishment where the sex tourists went and were ravishely invited by