Portfolio 2010 Davide Di Capua

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PORTFOLIO 2006-2011 Davide Di Capua EPFL architecture student SIA member davidedicapua@epfl.ch davidedicapua.blogspot.com





The purpose of this portfolio is to show the evolution of my Architecture Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and work experiences. In fact, it records part of my work and also some important ideas that I have developed during the three years of my architecture education. Therefore, I will present different concepts of my architectural thinking and summarize the projects that I have realized in different studios.

curriculum vitae Davide Di Capua EPFL architecture student / SIA member 16 june 1987 in Morges (CH) Italian Ch. de Villars 22 1030 Bussigny VD Switzerland CH 0041 79 268 53 91 davide.dicapua@epfl.ch davidedicapua.blogspot.com

2006 2003 2009 2006

Higher education and Diplomas General certificate of advanced education with a speciality in Mathematics/Physics and Applied Arts

First Language: Second Language:

French Italian English German

Bachelor of Science in Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) with an extra course in Industrial Design at the University of Art and Design in Lausanne (ECAL)

Mac OS and Windows CAD: Graphics:

Autocad Rhinoceros Powercad Sketchup Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Microsoft Office

Working experience 2009 2007 2003 2010 2009 2006

Languages and Computer skills

Cashier at Migros / Shop assistant at Manor / Worker at Logitech's building site by Implenia AG Designer at Bertola & Cie Architecture at Crissier (VD) in Switzerland

Internship at Montalba Architects in Santa Monica - Los Angeles (CA) - USA Internship at agps.architecture (AngĂŠlil, Graham, Pfenniger, Scholl) in ZĂźrich - Switzerland

Hobbies and Interests Volleyball player, referee and instructor Ski and Snowboard Soccer fan Graphic arts and design Photography and contemporary art Travelling Music / Cinema / Reading



studio ortelli introduction to architecture ba1/2006 The aim of this studio is to develop an architectural idea in its context and to respect sustainable development. The theoretical and practical points of view are Euclidian geometry, space concepts, programme development, structural and constructive notions and the impact of the project on the environment and on society. The first part is an approach of different themes with exercises, such as the definition of a space in a museum room, the composition of openings, modular stone construction and the conception of an urban staircase in Lausanne. The second part is an urban development in a complex context in Lausanne where new and old styles are present. The project wants simplicity and little visual impact within the site. It contains the parking lift and also extends the void between the buildings to define seperate spaces. The structure is made of metal and glass to look thin and light.

studio ortelli low rise high density ba2/2007 How to define a new contemporary living area? This is the main theme of this experimental project. In fact, the studio proposes the development of a new quarter in the north of Lausanne, near the Pontaise Stadium, with single-family terraced houses. This area contains all the present trends, such as low financial cost, sustainable development, social life and architectural mix, to make a collective area. The parcel of land only measures 12m x 18m and 70 m2 of it must be permeable to water. The house develops itself in an L-shape to offer a north-south exposition.With this configuration two spaces are defined. Each sequence is shaped like an L : the staircase as well as the access path. The north facade is closed and the south one is more open for light. It also increases the space to the garden. The main space is fluent and bends itself. The groundfloor uses concrete as a neutral and cold material while the first floor wood offers a warmer and more human atmosphere.

students models

studio zurbuch living in the city of Renens / from the inside to the outside ba3/2007 A project is not a linear process, but a complex one which generates many questions and many answers: the programme, the existing reference points, the urban forms. But also, what atmosphere for a space, what materials, what colors and what lighting?

6 compositions with 3 modules

Thus it is important to work at different scales simultaneously and to use models, plans, sections, perspectives, etc. The studio offers a way to test and to design housing by using typologies and by adapting to contemporary requirements. The project develops itself first by using exercices about housing ,such as housing sequences, windows or atmosphere, all reflecting on the notion of the inside towards the outside. The urban form consists of two bars which define two different spaces. The concept leads to different modular spaces which can be put together to create multiple combinations of lofts. Then the space continues generating Logias and Bow-windows in between structural frames. Besides, concrete and wood create a quiet atmosphere.






studio zurbuch living in the city of Renens / from the outside to the inside ba4/2008 The density in contemporary towns is a serious issue. But the town keeps its own traces to become a superposition of various layers. This project is located in Renens in the outskirts of Lausanne in Switzerland. Renens was made of working-class quarters and the old buildings on the site used to be factories. The urban form is related to the urban tissue of Renens but seperated by the street. To the North, it is a continuation of the present buildings and to the south the forms establish a contact with the railway. Empty spaces and occupied spaces alternate. The ground floors are commercial or offices areas. The loft typology is developed with "boxes plan". The central box joins together the bathroom fittings and plumbing defining all the fluidity and the spatiality of the loft, like sequences around the box.



studio rebelo contemporary art center in rio de janeiro ba5/2008 Architecture is often an indicator of the social, religious and economic elvolution of a country. The project develops public and cultural facilities where there is a lack of comtemporary architecture. The approach of the project depends on rule/exception, fusion/singularity and lightness/density. The programme is a contemporary art center realized in a unique context. The country is Brazil and the project is located near the Lagoon of Rodrigo de Freitas, in Rio de Janeiro. A study trip supplemented the project with the vision of the extreme realities between "Favelas" and rich areas.






The concept of the project is defined by using three rules which come from the analysis of an anthill. Then, the dispostion of the volumes are related to the limits and the urban direction of the site. Morphologically, the art center is based on five selected orientations of the site. These orientations compose the form by disposing themselves on a regular framework. Finally, there is a second reading of the view in the facade where the openings target the landscape.




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1 2 3 4 5

foyer réception boutique dépots WC (public)

6 7

services éduc/ateliers bibliothèque/média

8 salle d'exposition 9 archives/réserves 10 centre de documentation 11 auditorium


12 bar 13 restaurant 14 WC (public) 15 cuisine 16 vestiares 17 dépots 18 WC (privé)



19 secrétariat 20 bureau direction 21 salle de réunions 22 bureau services 23 bureau archives 24 bureau services culturels 25 bureau informatique 26 bureau planification/fiscalité 27 WC privé 28 quai de décharges 29 salle de montage 30 laboratoire 31 cabinet technique 32 laboratoire 33 cabinet technique 34 vestiaires 35 depots 36 WC privé 37 central de sécurité 38 central technique 39 central hvac 40 réservatoire 41 central de traitement





studio geninas soccer stadium / mall / parking in lausanne ba6/2009 Architecture begins with the need of finding the right answer to a given context. The difficulty is to ponder with an open mind. Connecting a programme with a place and a history requires accepting that each context can give this gathering a point. The goal of this project consists of requalifying a peri-urban site possessing significant topographical features. A stadium offers a way to be confronted with urban situation, a context, a programme, shapes and also with the importance of expression and communication. For such a project, the relationship between programmes, circulation, parking and access becomeS fundamental. The project is based on a conceptual process which defines an abstract relationship between circulation and the elements of the programme. The concept process offered the possibilty of a circulation that develops itself like a spiral with different layers through the center, putting together all the spaces in one mass. The second inspiration comes from the analysis of “ Bunkers� which is able to change and match the landscape in a quiet and strong way. The project takes its shape from the hill. The project is completely contextualized by trying to be in harmony with the close environement and to be also monumental with its cantilevered.




plan 1_1000 niveau 1 niveau 0 niveau -1




coupe longitudinale 1_1000




coupe transversale 1_1000


agps.architectu operation center complex and control tower open conpetition / 1st prize / 2010 Architecture begins with the need of finding the right answer to a given context. The difficulty is to ponder with an open mind. Connecting a programme with a place and a history requires accepting that each context can give this gathering a point. The goal of this project consists of requalifying a peri-urban site possessing significant topographical features. A stadium offers a way to be confronted with urban situation, a context, a programme, shapes and also with the importance of expression and communication. For such a project, the relationship between programmes, circulation, parking and access becomeS fundamental. The project is based on a conceptual process which defines an abstract relationship between circulation and the elements of the programme. The concept process offered the possibilty of a circulation that develops itself like a spiral with different layers through the center, putting together all the spaces in one mass. The second inspiration comes from the analysis of “ Bunkers� which is able to change and match the landscape in a quiet and strong way. The project takes its shape from the hill. The project is completely contextualized by trying to be in harmony with the close environement and to be also monumental with its cantilevered.




urban chaos verbier, a case in the mountain ba4/2008 How does a mountains village where 80% of its expansion took place in the last 40 years develop? Verbier is a ski resort in the Swiss Alps. It is located on a southward terrace. All the urbanisation relies on foreign investors who wanted to build a lot of houses quickly in order to make a lot of money. In fact the urban plan seems to be chaotic and only ruled by money. The analysis of this particular type of urbanism deals with its limits and the way to stop this tissue of chalet-style buildings. There are many factors which limit the expansion, the most important of which is nature: the presence of ravines, the danger of avalanche...












urban jam

forward memory / flows / territorial performance ba6/2009 UEE URBANJAM

Density of Lausanne in relation with the flon

Forward memory: The propostion is a manifesto liquids, fluids - les architectures fluviales du Léman, which is then translated into flows, a scientific data network, and evolved into a territorial performance:an environmental sculpture. The conclusion of the manifesto is a megastructure , an in between of dam and building, which is able to contain the same quantity of a glacier and a city. Flows: The idea is to look at the actual densities and to figure out how the shapes and flows will model the future city. Has this unrevealed flow still an influence on his inhabitants, or does the contemporary city evolve without being influenced by these flows and the underlying geomorphology?


Eaux des glaciers Les liens du monde urbain avec les glaciers L’eau est un élément essentiel pour l’homme autant du point de vue de la survie de l’espèce, que du point de vue hygiénique et culturel. Effectivement, du moment donné que l’être humain décide de se sédentariser, il s’agglomère près de l’eau. Les flux ou les stagnations d’eau liquide sont des moteurs de l’urbanisation du territoire comme on peut le voir dans les plus grande ville du monde tel que Londres, Paris ou encore New York. La Suisse n’est pas une exception à la règle. Elle peut être considéré comme le barrage européen avec ces deux conducteurs d’eau tel le Rhin et le Rhône. La Suisse aurait effectivement la capacité de distribuer environ 6750 m3 par année par habitant en Suisse. Actuellement la consommation annuelle d’un habitant est de environ 146 m3 d’eau. Cette eau stockée en suisse n’est pas seulement utilisée pour la consommation directe mais aussi pour produire de l’énergie : 60% de l’énergie consommée en suisse est à la base hydroélectrique. En été dû à la fonte de la neige et de l’eau stockée en altitude, l’énergie produite hydroélectriquement peut même être exporté. En 2001, l’énergie exportée équivalait à 10,4 million KW/h soit 15% de l’énergie totale produite. Cependant, à l’heure du réchauffement climatique, de sérieuses conséquences risquent de bouleverser la Suisse dans sa totalité. Les glaciers en Suisse ont et vont jouer un rôle prépondérant en Suisse ces prochaines décennies. En imaginant que les glaciers fondent dans leur totalité, que vas-t-il advenir ? Les glaciers permettent de stocker de l’énergie sous forme d’eau qui va gentiment fondre en été et être turbiné et distribué dans la vallée mais aussi de refroidir les alpes en été et de garder des températures générales assez basses. Un glaciers n’est pas uniquement un stockage énergétique mais aussi un espace occupé par la glace. Par son retrait, il va aussi nous donner de nouveaux espaces qui devront être défini ! Lausanne est un bon exemple qui s’est approprié un ancien espace occupé par un glacier. La vallée du Flon est un espace qui s’est urbanisé et développé. De plus le glacier a permis grâce à son retrait de créer des moraines qui entourent et protégent d’une certaine façon le site. La proposition se base sur le fait que le réchauffement climatique est une évidence pour les prochaines années à venir. Le réchauffement va éliminer petit à petit les glaciers des cartes. Sur une idée peut être utopique mais pouvant générer différentes réflexions sur notre avenir, le projet propose d’analyser les mégastructures comme méthodes pour densifier la population et utilisé aussi pour produire de l’énergie à grande échelle. En effet on identifie la « mégastructure » en zone alpine comme étant les barrages : comme la Grande Dixence.De plus, le glacier pour la population du Val d’Hérens est sans doute un facteur important pour le tourisme et la production d’énergie tout comme le barrage de la Grande Dixence. Le projet propose de déplacer les touristes hivernaux et une partie de la population dans une mégastructure servant de barrage pour l’ensemble du val d’Hérens. C’est-à-dire d’utiliser cette mégastructure pour stocker de l’énergie (eau) en été et de la faire circuler à circuit fermer pour augmenter son rendement. De plus en hiver d’utiliser cette mégastructure pourrait être utilisée comme élément touristique qui remplacerait le glacier et qui en entre autres permettrait de stocker et de densifier l’arrivée en masse de touristes alpins dans une infrastructure au multiple programme. Cela permettrait d’éviter l’étalement comme à Verbier, de rester près d’une source d’eau et d’urbaniser un espace nouveau disponible. Le projet propose plutôt une méthode d’analyse peut-être trop futuriste mais qui permettrait de soulever certaines interogations sur la base d’ idées comme l’utilisation de la société de consommation comme angrais pour un développement durabe d’une région en montagne. Entre autre, cela peut identifier ce que l’ on peut faire avec une ou plusieurs grandes infrastructures énergétique pour remplacer le glacier et de comprendre pourquoi actuellement il est si important en plaine et surtout en montagne.

Territorial performance: The original aim was to examine the boundaries of the urban system in a global water-flow. The outlook for the continuation of this project is to collect Lausanne tend a se développer vers l’ouest, c’est à dire à suivre le cours d’eau du flon cette déviation vers l’oues après la rencontre avec une moraine. the data, which are necessary qui to prend display Lausanne the urban ground in dependence to a diférent pôle de densiter répertorié le long du flon. La densité croit à l’approche de la cité et décroit à l’éloignement du flon. its water-provisioning system including all grey waters, in order toL’urbanisation pursue débute quand le flon devient canaliser. the investigation and the display on fluctuating global urban boundaries in a territorial performance.



ecal e.hanger five folds and two cuts ba3/2007 The project e-hanger is the first project in industrial design at the Univerty of Art and Design in Lausanne. The principle is to make a maximum of five folds and two cuts on the same material and use it to elaborate an object. The project wants to be sustainable and economical by using the paperboard which holds the shirt. In fact it uses this ecological technique to become a simple and practical hanger.


ecal t.t.t. pimp my stool/made in ikea ba5/2008 Ikea is the most popular mall for furniture in the world. In fact it is probably one of the malls where "industrial design" really takes its full meaning. The project is to "pimp" a basic stool from Ikea. The aim is to add a new device to make the stool more personal and original. It is a minimal intervention which offers extra comfort to the stool. In fact, the device added to the foot steadies the stool on an uneven floor.

ODDVAR Design and Quality IKEA of sweden

ecal reel.lamp pimp my bulb ba6/2009 This project is based on the development of a standard polypropylene sheet into a lamp. "Less is more",with fewer means and simplicity, the project uses this really good material to diffuse light.


The concept is inspired by the reel: polypropylene strips are winded around a bulb. The shape develops by itself when the hole of the band is put into the cap. The fact is that this system allows the user to personalize his lamp.

2. 3. X.. .



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