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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
TE S LA ```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com
```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE
Tesla è un progetto editoriale di ```````````````````````````````````` orientamento per tutti coloro che aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine intraprendono una carriera universitaria themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com orientata alla progettazione grafica, port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com uno strumento per chi vuole tenersi sempre idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk aggiornato. È una pubblicazione cartacea frameweb.com/ supportata magazines/elephant da un sito web che oltre a dare littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com la possibilità di scaricare e stampare la curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine rivista da casa propria, funge da estensione dei contenuti cartacei. ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE Tesla & DESIGN èMAGAZINES divisa in sezioni (festival, concorsi, ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ stampa, bookshop e web) e ogni numero magazines/mark designanthologymag.com approfondisce il lavoro di una scuola di casabellaweb.eu a g in Europa. design i
```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
MAG—LUG 2014
Tesla Magazine aims to work as a support for everyone engaging a graphic design academic career, a useful tool to be always informed on contemporary graphic design. It’s a publishing project both offline and online. Tesla website allows to download and print current and past issues by yourself, and it’s an extended version of paper contents. Tesla is divided into sections (festivals, contests, print, bookshops, web, edu and projects) and every issue is focused on one of the design schools throughout Europe.
— TESLA MAGAZINE n. 2 mag—lug 2014 — Rivista di orientamento alla progettazione grafica Magazine about contemporary graphic design and education Redazione editoriale, impaginazione e testi Editorial staff, layout and texts Giuseppe Digeronimo Davide Giorgetta Valerio Nicoletti Camilla Oboe Ilaria Ruggeri Hanno collaborato a questo numero Contributors Thomas Castro Crediti per le immagini Credits Júlia Carvalho de Aguiar Lisan Dierkx Sander Molenaar Maloe Brinkman Caratteri tipografici Typefaces Karla, J. Pinhorn, 2012 Calypso PF, Polka Design, 2013, carattere originale based on R. Excoffon, 1958
TESLA MAGAZINE è un progetto avviato nel 2013 durante il corso di Metodologia della Comunicazione del prof. M. Tortoioli Ricci presso l’ISIA di Urbino. TESLA MAGAZINE is a project started for the course in Communication Practice with professor M. Tortoioli Ricci at ISIA Urbino. — teslamagazine.tumblr.com —
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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
International Poster and ```````````````````````````````````` Graphic LIFESTYLE DesignMAGAZINES Festival Chaumont (FR) ```````````````````````````````````` 10 May—8 Jun 2014 elpais.com/elpais/icon. cig-chaumont.com M ingresso html libero free zeit.de graphic design grafica esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com Kerning Faenza (IT) 5—6 Jun 2014 ```````````````````````````````````` 2014.kerning.it ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE C 79 / 125 MAGAZINE / 140 / 175 € tipografia typography ````````````````````````````````````
Tesla è un progetto editoriale di orientamento per tutti coloro che aestheticamagazine.com WDCD (What Design Can Do) wired.com/magazine Amsterdam intraprendono (NL) una carriera universitaria themoderndirectory.com 8—9 May 2014 some-magazine.com whatdesigncando.nl orientata alla progettazione grafica, port-magazine.com C 157,50—270 € colorsmagazine.com grafica unographic strumento design per chi vuole tenersi sempre idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk Digital aggiornato. Publishing Toolkit È una pubblicazione cartacea frameweb.com/ Rotterdam (NL) 22—23 supportata magazines/elephant Maggio 2014 da un sito web che oltre a dare littlewhitelies.co.uk digitalpublishingtoolkit. nottodaymag.com la org possibilità di scaricare e stampare la curamagazine.com C typo.cz/en/magazine editoria rivista elettronica da casa propria, funge da estensione digital publishing dei contenuti cartacei. ```````````````````````````````````` 26th International ARCHITECTURE Biennial of Tesla & Graphic DESIGN Design èMAGAZINES divisa Brno in sezioni (festival, concorsi, Brno (CZ) ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ 19 stampa, Giugno—26 Ottobre bookshop e web) e ogni numero 2014magazines/mark designanthologymag.com bienalebrno.org approfondisce il lavoro di una scuola di casabellaweb.eu MC ingresso libero free grafica design graphicin design Europa. ```````````````````````````````````` XY Lab INDEPENDENT Castrignano PUBLISHERS de’ Greci (IT) 17—31 Luglio 2014 ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org xylab.org bpublishing.tumblr.com W su selezione enrollment establiment.org editoria, videomaking jrp-ringier.com publishing, videomaking mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com — C = Conferenze conferences W = Workshop workshops M = Mostre exhibitions —
Tesla Magazine aims to work as a support for everyone engaging a graphic design academic career, a useful tool to be always informed on contemporary graphic design. It’s a publishing project both offline and online. Tesla website allows to download and print current and past issues by yourself, and it’s an extended version of paper contents. Tesla is divided into sections (festivals, contests, print, bookshops, web, edu and projects) and every issue is focused on one of the design schools throughout Europe.
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The Intersections Of Art And Engineering Challenge aavid.com/sites/ default/files/AavidArt-EngineeringChallenge2014.pdf Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000— 15.000 $ Deadline: 7 Jul miscellanea miscellaneous
Red Dot Award: Communication Design red-dot.de/cd/en Costo fee: 315 € Premio prize: honour Deadline: 27 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
The Aesthetica Art Prize Competition 2014 aestheticamagazine.com/ artprize Costo fee: 15 £ (2 works) Premio prize: 500-1000 £ Deadline: 31 Aug miscellanea miscellaneous
B.ART Arte In Barriera International Competition arteinbarriera.com/ online/en/home-eng Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 10.000— 30.000 € Deadline: 30 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest triestecontemporanea.it/ mappin Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000—4000 € Deadline: 15 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE
Tesla è un progetto editoriale di ```````````````````````````````````` orientamento per tutti coloro che aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine intraprendono una carriera universitaria themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com orientata alla progettazione grafica, port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com uno strumento per chi vuole tenersi sempre idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk aggiornato. È una pubblicazione cartacea frameweb.com/ supportata magazines/elephant da un sito web che oltre a dare littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com la possibilità di scaricare e stampare la curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine rivista da casa propria, funge da estensione dei contenuti cartacei. ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE Tesla & DESIGN èMAGAZINES divisa in sezioni (festival, concorsi, ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ stampa, bookshop e web) e ogni numero magazines/mark designanthologymag.com approfondisce il lavoro di una scuola di casabellaweb.eu design in Europa. ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
Tesla Magazine aims to work as a support for everyone engaging a graphic design academic career, a useful tool to be always informed on contemporary graphic design. It’s a publishing project both offline and online. Tesla website allows to download and print current and past issues by yourself, and it’s an extended version of paper contents. Tesla is divided into sections (festivals, contests, print, bookshops, web, edu and projects) and every issue is focused on one of the design schools throughout Europe.
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The Intersections Of Art And Engineering Challenge aavid.com/sites/ default/files/AavidArt-EngineeringChallenge2014.pdf Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000— 15.000 $ Deadline: 7 Jul miscellanea miscellaneous Júlia Carvalho de Aguiar Red Dot Award: Subversive Communication Design (juliacaguiar.com) red-dot.de/cd/en Costo fee: 315 € ArtEZ Graphic Design ArnhemPremio prize: honour Deadline: 27 Jun 3d year students miscellanea miscellaneous
subversive grain: wheat
The Aesthetica Artdalle Prizemie Subversive è un progetto che nasce Competition 2014 radici brasiliane. Il Brasile è stato sottoposto aestheticamagazine.com/ a dittatura militare dal 31 marzo 1964 fino al 15 artprize marzo 1985. Uomini e donne venivano seguiti Costo fee: 15 £ (2 works) dalle spie del governo e controllati attraverso Premio prize: 500-1000 report redatti dagli agenti del Dipartimento£ Deadline: 31 Augla temuta di Ordine Politico e Sociale (DOPS), miscellanea miscellaneous divisione che controllava l’opposizione al regime e conservava documenti sui cosiddetti "sovversivi". I pochi documenti sopravvissuti B.ART Arte In Barriera testimoniano il grado di paranoia del governo, International Competition in grado di trasformare oggetti quotidiani in elementi sospetti.arteinbarriera.com/ Ho selezionato le schede online/en/home-eng che contenevano le osservazioni più assurde Costo fee: gratuito free restituendole attraverso immagini sensibili. Premio prize: 10.000— 30.000 € Deadline: 30 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest triestecontemporanea.it/ mappin Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000—4000 € Deadline: 15 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE subversive food: hot dog
```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS
The project Subversive come out of my own Brazilian roots. The military government was the authoritarian dictatorship that ruled Brazil from March 31, 1964 to March 15, 1985. Men and women were followed by the military dictatorship informants and monitored through reports from agents of the Department of Political and Social Order (DOPS), the feared division of the Civil Police in charge of controlling the opposition to the regime. This division kept information files over the people that were consider subversive. Most of these reports and documents were destroyed by the military after the fall of the regime however, some of them survived. The paranoiac government turned the meaning of everyday objects and actions into suspect. While reading these files I compile the ones that had the most naïve comments or observations and translated them in a fragile picture.
```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org Questo progetto in corso è diventato molto più di una pubblicazione, jrp-ringier.com ha aperto una strada verso la comprensione della mia storia. La ricerca mottodistribution.com non speculativa rvb-books.com che ho condotto mi ha permesso di aprire un dialogo con i miei genitori e di ascoltare storie che non immaginavo fossero kesselskramerpublishing. successe com ai miei cari. Ho letto testi che non avrei mai trovato sui libri di scuola. Allo stesso modo, mi ha fatto capire che il design va ben oltre editorialrm.com la scelta di un carattere o della carta, ma è uno strumento che mostra il nascosto, l’invisibile, il non-detto. Il design può essere un medium per porre in questione i mezzi del potere, senza allontanarci troppo dalla nostra storia personale.
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The Intersections Of Art And Engineering Challenge aavid.com/sites/ default/files/AavidArt-EngineeringChallenge2014.pdf Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000— 15.000 $ Deadline: 7 Jul miscellanea miscellaneous
subversive action: propaganda
Red Dot Award: Communication Design red-dot.de/cd/en Costo fee: 315 € Premio prize: honour Deadline: 27 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
The Aesthetica Art Prize Competition 2014 aestheticamagazine.com/ artprize Costo fee: 15 £ (2 works) Premio prize: 500-1000 £ Deadline: 31 Aug miscellanea miscellaneous This ongoing project became much more than B.ART a publication, Arte In Barriera it opened a door for me International to understand Competition my own history. arteinbarriera.com/ This non speculative research enabled online/en/home-eng me to open a dialog with my parents Costo fee: and gratuito hear histories free that I couldPremio never have prize:imagine 10.000— happened to my30.000 loved ones. € I read texts that my Deadline: school 30 history Jun books would never miscellanea dare to publish. miscellaneous Likewise it also reassured my view that design is much more than the font you chooseTrieste or if your Contemporanea paper is glossy or mat, butInternational a medium to Design showContest the hidden, thetriestecontemporanea.it/ unseen, the unspoken. Design can be amappin medium to question the means Costo and ways fee: gratuito of power,free I believe we Premio do not need prize:to1000—4000 really far € away from Deadline: ourselves15 toJun find these questions. miscellanea miscellaneous
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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE Lisan Dierkx ```````````````````````````````````` (lisandierkx.com) aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com For this project the assignment given some-magazine.com was to use an everyday object as a port-magazine.com tool, and give it a new function. colorsmagazine.com At first I chose the freezer as my tool. idnworld.com Here for I filled ice cube bags with creativereview.co.uk water and paint to see what would frameweb.com/ happen. The colors came out dull and weren’t magazines/elephant so nice as I expected. littlewhitelies.co.uk After that I tried some black ink to nottodaymag.com put in the water and I really liked the curamagazine.com flow of the ink when poured in the typo.cz/en/magazine water and I realized that ice cube bags looked better when not frozen. I```````````````````````````````````` decided to use cyan, magenta and yellow ARCHITECTURE inks and experimented, combining & DESIGNthem MAGAZINES and showing lot of combinations using a color palette ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ as starting point. magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
Il compito di partenza prevedeva l’uso di un oggetto quotidiano come strumento, dandogli una nuova funzione. All’inizio ho scelto il freezer, e ho deciso di utilizzare dei sacchetti per il ghiaccio riempiti con acqua e vernice. In questo modo i colori erano un po’ spenti, perciò ho provato ad utilizzare dell’inchiostro nero, e ho scoperto che l’effetto era migliore se non congelavo i sacchetti. Ho deciso allora di usare inchiostri ciano, magenta e giallo, combinandoli insieme seguendo una palette di colori stabilita a priori.
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The Intersections Of Art And Engineering Challenge aavid.com/sites/ default/files/AavidArt-EngineeringChallenge2014.pdf Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000— 15.000 $ Deadline: 7 Jul miscellanea miscellaneous
Red Dot Award: Communication Design red-dot.de/cd/en Costo fee: 315 € Premio prize: honour Deadline: 27 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
The Aesthetica Art Prize Competition 2014 aestheticamagazine.com/ artprize Costo fee: 15 £ (2 works) Premio prize: 500-1000 £ Deadline: 31 Aug miscellanea miscellaneous
B.ART Arte In Barriera International Competition arteinbarriera.com/ online/en/home-eng Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 10.000— 30.000 € Deadline: 30 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest triestecontemporanea.it/ mappin Costo fee: gratuito free Premio prize: 1000—4000 € Deadline: 15 Jun miscellanea miscellaneous
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ArtEZ Institute of the arts
```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE ```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine
```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES
Tasse universitarie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L'iscrizione ai corsi prevede il pagamento di una retta. In base alla situazione economica, ogni studente sarà obbligato a pagare per le tasse previste dalla legge o per le tasse previste dall'istituto. La maggior parte degli studenti pagano le tasse universitarie previste dalla legge, che per ogni corso, ammontano a 1.906 (durante l'anno accademico 2014-2015). Se i requisiti elencati vengono soddisfatti, si potranno pagare solo le tasse previste dalla legge: 1. requisisti di nazionalità (verificare online) 2. se non si possiede già un diploma di laurea. Per tutti gli altri casi, si dovranno pagare le tasse previste dall'istituto, le quali vengono calcolate separatamente.
Servizio sociale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L'ufficio internazionale dell'ArtEZ fornisce supporto ed assistenza agli studenti per questioni amministrative, legali e pratiche, (ammissioni, erasmus e progetti di co-operazione). L'ufficio internazionale dell'Artez è parte dell'Ufficio Questioni Studenti, il quale gestisce le registrazioni, i documenti e i pagamenti delle rette degli studenti.
Annual tuition fees ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attending a course means paying tuition fees. Depending on your situation, you will be liable for either the legally stipulated tuition fees or the institute’s tuition fees. Most students will pay the legally stipulated tuition fees. For every course, these amount to 1,906 during the 2014-2015 academic year. You will pay the legally stipulated tuition fees if you fulfil both of the requirements: 1. nationality requirement (check online) 2. you have not previously been awarded a degree. In all other cases, you will pay the institute’s tuition fees, that are determinated by separate regulation. Social Service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ArtEZ International Office provides support and guidance concerning issues such as admissions procedures, entrance requirements for international students, exchange programs and international co-operation projects. The ArtEZ International Office is a part of the Student Affairs Office, which handles student registration, ID cards and the payment of tuition fees.
Contatti Contacts Exchange/Erasmus Sara van der Linden Art & Design / Architecture sa.vanderlinden@artez.nl +31 (0)53 4824414 Nisha Aslan Music / Dance / Theatre n.aslan@artez.nl +31 (0) 26 3535849 International Office internationaloffice@artez.nl + 31 (0)26 3535765 Student Affairs Department studentenzaken@artez.nl + 31 (0)26 3535650 Ingresso Access Onderlangs 9, 6812 CE Arnhem P.O. Box 49, 6800 AA Arnhem
Laurea Breve ```````````````````````````````````` Il programma ARCHITECTURE di Laurea breve & DESIGN integraMAGAZINES i corsi teorici del programma di ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ studi del corso di laurea triennale. magazines/mark Si può accedere designanthologymag.com durante il secondo anno casabellaweb.eu della laurea triennale, e dura due anni. Se durante questo periodo si fa un ```````````````````````````````````` tirocinio, INDEPENDENT o un programma erasmus, PUBLISHERS si ha l'opzione di estendere il programma ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org ad un periodo di tre anni. bpublishing.tumblr.com Frequentare il corso non establiment.org prevede costi aggiuntivi. jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com Per iscriversi ai corsi rvb-books.com bisogna accedere ad kesselskramerpublishing. un primo colloquio, registrandosi com su editorialrm.com Studielink. Se ammessi, bisogna iscriversi entro l'1 settembre.
ArtEZ Institute of the Arts trains students for professions in which art, knowledge and creativity play a central role. The school is spread over three different cities, Zwolle, Enschede and Arnhem, the biggest and the most important one. Educational Program (Arnhem) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bachelor diploma Art & Design Fine art, Fashion Design, Product Design, Graphic Design, Interaction Design Music Jazz & Pop Music Theatre Theatre School of Acting Theatre in Education Dance Dance Dance in Education Writing Creative Writing Master Architecture, Interior Architecture, Fine Art, Choreography, Fashion Design, Fashion Strategy, Music, Typography (Werkplaats Typografie) Honours Programme The Honours Programme supplements the theory programme of your Bachelor’s course. You can enter the Honours Programme in the second year of your ArtEZ Bachelor. It lasts for 2 years. If you have an internship or embark on an exchange during this time, you also have the option of extending the Programme to a period of 3 years. Attending the Honours Programme involves no additional fee. To take an entrance examination you have to sign up through Studielink. If admitted you must enrol within 1 September.
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ArtEZ Istituto delle Arti prepara gli studenti alle professioni in cui l'arte, la conoscenza e la creatività giocano un ruolo di centrale importanza. La scuola ha tre sedi, Zwolle, Enschede ed Arnhem, la più grande e importante. ```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES Offerta didattica ```````````````````````````````````` (Arnhem) elpais.com/elpais/icon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corso html di Laurea triennale zeit.de Arte e Design esquire.co.uk Belle arti, Moda, interviewmagazine.com Interaction, Design del prodotto, Grafica. Musica ```````````````````````````````````` Jazz ART, eDESIGN Pop AND CULTURE Musica MAGAZINE Teatro ```````````````````````````````````` Scuola di recitazione aestheticamagazine.com Teatro nell'educazione wired.com/magazine Danza themoderndirectory.com Scuola di danza some-magazine.com Danza nell'educazione port-magazine.com Scrittura colorsmagazine.com Scrittura creativa idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk Master frameweb.com/ Architettura, Architettura d'Interni, magazines/elephant Belle arti, littlewhitelies.co.uk Coreografia, Moda, nottodaymag.com Strategia per la moda, curamagazine.com Musica, Tipografia typo.cz/en/magazine (Werkplaats Typografie)
contri buti
Marie van Leeuwen, direttrice del corso triennale in Belle arti
"Per molto tempo, il valore delle belle arti è stato per lo più solo l'equivalente del valore di mercato di un pezzo d'arte. L'impegno sociale, la forza del pensiero e la ricerca degli artisti è importante e va al di là della creazione artistica. Il nuovo programma delle Belle Arti di Arnhem offre molto di più che pittura, scultura e disegno. Si tratta di un programma educativo unico dove la ricerca, la collaborazione e l'esplorazione svolgono un ruolo centrale e dove gli studenti sono nutriti, incoraggiati e sfidati. Scoprirete come sviluppare al meglio le tue capacità artistiche. Insieme al tuo tutor puoi organizzare un programma di studio in base ai tuoi interessi e talenti.
Tjalling Mulder, ex studente corso triennale in Belle Arti
Studierai insieme a studenti provenienti da altri anni e sarai seguito da ottimi artisti e teorici. Una grande attenzione è rivolta agli sviluppi attuali nel campo delle belle arti. Svilupperai la tua strategia per far sentire la vostra voce come artista ".
"Avevo sentito che il programma Honours, aperto a studenti del secondo anno, includeva ricerca artistica. Ecco cosa volevo davvero fare durante i miei studi. La ricerca che ho condotto riguarda il declino dell'arte contemporanea. La mia arte consiste spesso in materiale organico che decade rapidamente. Ho iniziato questa ricerca per imparare a gestire questo materiale difficile. Nel primo anno, ho frequentato le lezioni più incredibili con studenti di altre discipline e instaurato nuovi contatti come risultato. Volevo ampliare la mia conoscenza dell'arte. Ha funzionato. La conoscenza che ho acquisito nel corso di questo programma è di un livello superiore rispetto alla teoria insegnata nel mio programma. Mi ha insegnato a pensare a un livello più accademico. Il programma Honours è molto interessante, ma anche estremamente impegnativo, soprattutto in combinazione con i miei studi artistici. Ci vuole molto tempo ed energia, ma ne vale la pena. Contribuisce notevolmente al proprio sviluppo nelle arti."
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'This is ArtEZ' brochure issuu.com/artezhogeschoolvoordekunsten/ docs/artez_brochure_en_voor_issuu ```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` "For quite some time now, the value of fine elpais.com/elpais/icon. arts has no longer been the equivalent of htmlonly the market value of a piece of art. The zeit.de social engagement, the power of thought esquire.co.uk and research of artists isimportant and goes interviewmagazine.com beyond the creation of art.
Tjalling Mulder, former Honours Programme student, Fine Art
```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES "I had heard that the Honours Programme, ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ open to second-year students, included a form magazines/mark of artistic research. That’s something I really designanthologymag.com wanted to do during my studies. The research casabellaweb.eu I conducted as part of the Honours Programme is about the decline of contemporary art. My art often consists of organic material that ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT decays quickly. I started this research to learn PUBLISHERS how to handle this difficult material. In the first year, I attended the most amazing ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org lectures with students from other disciplines bpublishing.tumblr.com and developed new contacts as a result. I wanestabliment.org ted to broaden my knowledge of art. It worked. jrp-ringier.com The knowledge I’ve gained during this mottodistribution.com programme is of a higher level than the theory rvb-books.com taught in my own programme. It has taught kesselskramerpublishing. me that think at a more academic level. com The Honours Programme is very interesting, editorialrm.com but also extremely challenging, especially in combination with my arts studies. It takes up a lot of time and energy, but it’s more than worth it. It contributes greatly to your own development in the arts."
Marie van Leeuwen, head of Bachelor of Fine Art, Arnhem
The new Fine Art programme in ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE Arnhem offers much more than just MAGAZINEpainting, sculpture and drawing. It’s a unique educational programme ```````````````````````````````````` where research, collaboration and aestheticamagazine.com exploration play a central role wired.com/magazine and where students are nurtured, themoderndirectory.com encouraged and challenged. You will some-magazine.com discover how best to develop your port-magazine.comartistic skills. You and your tutor put colorsmagazine.com together a study programme based idnworld.com on your interests and talents. creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ You study together with students from other magazines/elephant years and are supervised by excellent artists littlewhitelies.co.uk and theorists. A great deal of attention is paid nottodaymag.com to current developments in the field of fine curamagazine.com arts. You develop your own strategy on how to typo.cz/en/magazine make your voice heard as an artist."
Roos Koenders, studentessa del Master in Arte educativa
"Ho completato il programma di studio di Belle Arti e Design nell'Educazione e ho lavorato come insegnante per 5 anni. L'insegnamento nella scuola secondaria è abbastanza impegnativo. Sentivo il bisogno di scoprire di più, per riconfermare e continuare a sviluppare i miei punti di forza. Volevo saperne di più e guadagnare una conoscenza più approfondita. Ho capito che non ho ottenuto tutto quello che potevo avere fuori dal mio percorso didattico. Il valore aggiunto del Master in Arte Educativa è che i tuoi compagni hanno background diversi. Provengono da diverse discipline e tutti portano prospettive diverse al tavolo. Questo è molto stimolante. Ho guadagnato una visione molto più ampia del campo e ho imparato a lavorare con altre discipline. Ho imparato a fare collegamenti, cercato somiglianze con valori confrontabili. Mi sento come un vero professionista ora."
"Viviamo in una società dell'informazione in cui l'interaction design è in continua evoluzione. Le grandi influenze arrivano in questo momento da aziende come Apple, Google e Facebook. Ma di operatori come questi ce ne sono sempre di nuovi. Come designer non si ha alcun controllo su questo. Il trucco è quello di sviluppare la propria visione e una mente critica esaminando i tempi moderni in cui viviamo, per essere socialmente impegnato e sapere sempre cosa sta succedendo, per esempio, su Internet. Naturalmente, la base è ancora l'arte della 'creazione', ma è più di un semplice pratica di questa arte. Si tratta di paternità. Quali sono le vostre idee? L' Interaction Design forma per il prossimo futuro. Come designer con una laurea in Interaction Design, è possibile modellare la società dell'informazione in cui viviamo oggi. Puoi essere un leader nello sviluppo di idee per il futuro. Forniamo le conoscenze fondamentali; tu ci aggiungi il resto. "
Martijn van Boven, coordinatore del corso di Interaction Design
Arte, conoscenza e creazione: questi sono i fattori dell'ArtEZ. Studierai in un ambiente multidisciplinare, dove verrai incoraggiato a sviluppare il tuo talento artistico, intellettuale e personale.
Martijn van Boven, coordinator for Interaction Design
Roos Koenders, Master of Education in Art student
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"I completed the Fine Art and Design in Education study programme and worked as a teacher for five years. Teaching in secondary education is quite demanding. I felt the need to discover more, to reconfirm and continue developing my strengths. I wanted to learn more and gain more in-depth knowledge. ```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES I realised that I may not have gotten everything I could have out of my ```````````````````````````````````` teaching course. The added value of elpais.com/elpais/icon. the Master of Education in Art is that html your fellow students have different zeit.de backgrounds. They come from esquire.co.uk different disciplines and all bring interviewmagazine.com different perspectives to the table. That’s very inspiring. I’ve gained a much broader view of the field and ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE learned to work together with other MAGAZINE disciplines. I’ve learned to make connections, searched for ```````````````````````````````````` similarities and found comparable aestheticamagazine.com values. I feel like a true professional wired.com/magazine now." themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com Art, knowledge and creation; these are key factors at idnworld.com ArtEZ. You will study ina multidisciplinary environment, creativereview.co.uk where you will be encouraged to develop your artistic, frameweb.com/ intellectual and personal talents. magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine "We live in an information society where interaction design is constantly evolving. The major ```````````````````````````````````` influencers ARCHITECTURE at this moment are companies & DESIGNsuch MAGAZINES as Apple, Google and Facebook. But there are always ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ new entrants such as these. You as a designer magazines/mark have no control over designanthologymag.com that. The trick is to develop your casabellaweb.eu own vision and a critical mind by examining the modern times we live in, by being socially engaged ```````````````````````````````````` and knowing INDEPENDENT what is happening, for example, PUBLISHERS on the Internet. Naturally, the basis is still the art of ‘creation’, ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org but it’s about more than just bpublishing.tumblr.com practising this art. It’s about establiment.org authorship. What are your ideas? jrp-ringier.com Interaction Design will shape the mottodistribution.com near future. As a designer with a rvb-books.com degree in Interaction Design, you can kesselskramerpublishing. shape the information society that we live com in today. You can be a leading editorialrm.com developer of ideas for the future. We provide the fundamental knowledge; you add the rest."
immagini: la schermata della pagina grafischarnhem.nl, la copertina della brochure This Is Artez, la copertina del magazine ArtEZ fact, tesi di grafica del 2013, la sede dell'accademia d'Arte e Design e Architettura, nel palazzo costruito dall'architetto Gerrit Rietveld.
pictures: screenshot from grafischarnhem.nl, the cover of This Is ArtEZ brochure, cover of the magazine ArtEZ fact, Graduation work 2013 Graphic Design, the Rietveld building by architect Gerrit Rietveld houses the Academy of Art & Design and the Academy of Architecture.
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```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE ```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine
```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES
Sander Molenaar Twikipedia (rednose.browserbased.org/ Twikipedia/)
Il tema del corso riguardava il mondo dei template, con lo scopo di comprenderlo, celebrarlo, criticarlo e completarlo. Come ispirazione, a ogni studente sono stati assegnati due template casuali, nel mio caso sono stati Twitter e Wikipedia. Da questi due ho generato un sito, il cui design è ispirato al layout di wikipedia e costruito su CSS. Anziché mostrare una serie di link ad altri articoli, il sito implementa gli ultimi tweet che usano uno specifico hashtag. Come proseguimento di questo immagini:primo la lavoro ho costruito pictures: unascreenshot versione estesa, from schermatacon della unapagina funzione search grafischarnhem.nl, e un layout simile grafischarnhem.nl, a quello delle la enciclopedie. the cover Il sito of This utilizza Is un copertina codice della brochure (per il quale mi ArtEZ ha dato brochure, una mano coverun This Is Artez, miolacoinquilino) copertina cheof converte the magazine tutti i link ArtEZ di del magazine wikipedia ArtEZ fact, in hashtagfact, di twitter. Graduation Aldilàwork degli tesi di grafica aspetti deltecnici, 2013, lail progetto 2013 Graphic presenta Design, anche sede dell'accademia una problematica d'Arte teorica. the Rietveld Combinando building unby e Design eenciclopedia Architettura,libera online architect conGerrit uno strumento Rietveld nel palazzo dicostruito condivisione personale, housesho the voluto Academy porreof dall'architetto l’accento Gerrit sul valore di Artuno & Design strumento and quale the Rietveld. Wikipedia. Academy of Architecture.
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```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE ```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
The assignment evolved around the theme of Template Culture. The goal was to understand, celebrate, criticize and complement the world of templates. As a warming up, everyone got two random templates. Mine where Twitter and Wikipedia. With these templates, I decided to make a website. The design was based on the wikipedia layout, and build with CSS. Instead of displaying links to other articles, the website displayed the latest tweets which used a specified hashtag. As a sequence of this work, I build an extended version, with a search function and a encyclopedia based layout design. In the end, the website uses a script which converts all wikipedia-links into twitter hashtags. A roommate of mine helped me with coding. Besides the technical aspect, the work has some media theoretic aspects. By combining an online open encyclopedia and a personal broadcasting device, I put in question the value of such devices like Wikipedia.
Maloe Brinkman Typographical Toolkit
Per il corso di tipografia di Daniël Maarleveld, ho creato uno strumento tipografico che si concentra sull’idea di fare senza pensare. Ho iniziato a usare la vernice per trovare un diverso modo di creare movimento in un carattere, ma utilizzando delle linee guida per controllarlo. Questo genera una contrapposizione tra imperfezione e rigidità, e in questo modo ogni carattere non è mai perfettamente ripetibile. Il kit include vernice e racle, per lettere di tre dimensioni: 3, 6, 9 cm. Le linee guida non sono rigide, possono essere combinate per diverse variazioni. Tre poster spiegano le peculiarità del carattere: struttura, movimento dipinto, dimensioni.
immagini: la schermata della pagina grafischarnhem.nl, la copertina della brochure This Is Artez, la copertina del magazine ArtEZ fact, tesi di grafica del 2013, la sede dell'accademia d'Arte e Design e Architettura, nel palazzo costruito dall'architetto Gerrit Rietveld.
pictures: screenshot from grafischarnhem.nl, the cover of This Is ArtEZ brochure, cover of the magazine ArtEZ fact, Graduation work 2013 Graphic Design, the Rietveld building by architect Gerrit Rietveld houses the Academy of Art & Design and the Academy of Architecture.
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```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE ```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu The typographical assignment, teached by DaniĂŤl Maarleveld, was to create a Typographic Toolkit. This toolkit focuses on ```````````````````````````````````` making INDEPENDENT and doing without thinking. During the firstPUBLISHERS weeks of the project I immediately started using paint and researched different ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org ways of creating movement in a typeface. Ibpublishing.tumblr.com used guidelines to control the movement establiment.org of paint. By using guidelines versus a jrp-ringier.com painted movement I wanted to exaggerate mottodistribution.com the differences between imperfections and rvb-books.com rigidity. In this way each character is never kesselskramerpublishing. identically the same. The toolkit com is equipped with paint and rakes. editorialrm.com There are three different sizes: 3, 6, 9 cm. The guidelines are playful and can be combined for different variations. Three posters explain the typeface main aspects: structure, painted movement and sizes.
immagini: la schermata della pagina grafischarnhem.nl, la copertina della brochure This Is Artez, la copertina del magazine ArtEZ fact, tesi di grafica del 2013, la sede dell'accademia d'Arte e Design e Architettura, nel palazzo costruito dall'architetto Gerrit Rietveld.
pictures: screenshot from grafischarnhem.nl, the cover of This Is ArtEZ brochure, cover of the magazine ArtEZ fact, Graduation work 2013 Graphic Design, the Rietveld building by architect Gerrit Rietveld houses the Academy of Art & Design and the Academy of Architecture.
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```````````````````````````````````` LIFESTYLE MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` elpais.com/elpais/icon. html zeit.de esquire.co.uk interviewmagazine.com ```````````````````````````````````` ART, DESIGN AND CULTURE MAGAZINE ```````````````````````````````````` aestheticamagazine.com wired.com/magazine themoderndirectory.com some-magazine.com port-magazine.com colorsmagazine.com idnworld.com creativereview.co.uk frameweb.com/ magazines/elephant littlewhitelies.co.uk nottodaymag.com curamagazine.com typo.cz/en/magazine ```````````````````````````````````` ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN MAGAZINES ```````````````````````````````````` frameweb.com/ magazines/mark designanthologymag.com casabellaweb.eu ```````````````````````````````````` INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS ```````````````````````````````````` occasionalpapers.org bpublishing.tumblr.com establiment.org jrp-ringier.com mottodistribution.com rvb-books.com kesselskramerpublishing. com editorialrm.com
bookshops per la mappa completa link to complete map teslamagazine.tumblr. com/map ———————————————— AUSTRIA ———————————————— Buchhandlung Walther König buchhandlung-waltherkoenig.de/koenig2/ index.php?mode=start Museumsplatz, 1 1070 Wien ———————————————— BELGIUM ———————————————— Tipi Bookshop facebook.com/ TipiBookshop Rue de l’Hôtel des Monnaies, 186 1060 Saint-Gilles Brussels ———————————————— FRANCE ———————————————— Theophile’s Papers-Paris theophilespapers.tumblr. com Rue des Gravilliers, 68 75003 Paris Florense Loewy Book by Artists florenceloewy.com/ bookstore Rue de Thorigny, 9 75003 Paris Section 7 Books castillocorrales.fr Rue Julien Lacroix, 80 75020 Paris ———————————————— GERMANY ———————————————— Institut für Buchkunst institutbuchkunst.hgbleipzig.de Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Wächterstraße, 11 04107 Leipzig
Mzin mzin.de Kolonnadenstraße, 20 04109 Leipzig Lieblings Bookshop bookshop.fbg.h-da.de Olbrichweg, 10 64289 Darmstadt Archive Books archivebooks.org Dieffenbachstraße, 31 D-10967 Berlin Soda. International Books and Magazines sodabooks.com Rumfordstraße, 3 80469 München ———————————————— ITALY ———————————————— 121+ Libreria exTemporanea facebook.com/121piu via Savona, 17/5 20144 Milano Corraini MAMbo corraini.com/boxcorraini. php Via Don Minzoni, 14 40121 Bologna Koenig Armani Libri thebonemagazine.com/ en/city/entry-detail/ armani-libri Via Manzoni, 31 20121 Milano Triennale Bookstore triennale.com/en/visit/ bookstore-en Viale Alemagna, 6 20121 Milano ———————————————— NETHERLANDS ———————————————— Boekie Woekie boewoe.home.xs4all.nl/ frame2.htm Berenstraat, 16 1016 GH Amsterdam PrintROOM printroom.org Schietbaanstraat, 17 3014 ZV Rotterdam
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEDIA ARCHIVES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ebookee.org warburg.sas.ac.uk/vpc/ VPC_search/main_ page.php sdrc.lib.uiowa.edu/dada/ collection.html ildocumento.it archive.org/details/ prelinger
Come rilegare Tesla PUNTO APPICCICATO ========================= Piegare i fogli A4 con la seguente configurazione:
How to bind Tesla STITCH BINDING ========================= Fold A4 sheets with the following configuration:
1. piegare i fogli gialli verticalmente in modo che la parte piegata risulti larga, un terzo della larghezza del lato corto.
1. fold yellow sheets vertically in order to make the folded part as large as a third of the sheet’s horizontal side.
2. piegare i fogli rosa orizzontalmente a metà di modo che il formato chiuso risulti A5.
2. fold pink sheets horizontally in half in order to make it A5.
3. piegare i fogli azzurri verticalmente a metà.
3. fold blue sheets vertically in half.
Accavallare i fogli facendo coincidere le pieghe e praticarvi sei fori equidistanti.
Overlap sheets making folds coincide and carry out six holes.
Passare il filo attraverso i buchi seguendo una direzione (facendolo entrare ed uscire alternativamente).
Pass wires through the holes following a direction (making it getting in and getting out alternatively).
Compiere la stessa operazione nella direzione opposta facendo attenzione che il filo non entri nell’ultimo buco.
Execute the same operation in the opposite direction paying attention to the wire. It doesn’t have to get in the last hole.
Stringere un nodo tra il filo appena uscito dal penultimo foro e quello che sta entrando nel primo.
Tie a knot between the wire that just got out from the penultimate hole and the one entering the first hole.