Virtual Virture an exploration into virtual reality within the state of architectural existence
This book is dedicated to the fam. Much Much Love MuchLove Love
Degree Human David M. Morgan
Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan
Program Bachelor of Architecture
Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture ArchiArchitecture Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture Architecture ArchiArchi-
Instructing Human
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Final Existence Review 04_15_2017
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Critical Humans
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Consulting Humans
Ege Ozgirin` Alexandros Haridis Tagore Hernandez Chris Winkler Carolyn Brown Chris Hardy Emily Goldenberg John Navarro Karen Nelson
DAVID DAVID MORGAN MORGAN 596 Cambridge St. , Allston, MA 02134 802.779.4633
MASS Design Group Boston, MA 2016-Current
IKD Boston, MA 2015-2016
BAC Fabrication Lab Boston, MA 2014-current
CW Builders Brookline, MA 2013 - 2014
Research and design position that focuses on local and global projects. Drafting and modeling different scales of project, while developing a physical modeling process within the office. Research analyzes the issues of opioid addiction and homelessness in Boston. Design firm focused on broad spectrum cross-disciplinary projects. Constant engagement in materials and building techniques from concept to finish. Hands on research with digital designing to create spaces for art. Leading woodshop monitor for BAC Fab Lab. Help manage the woodshop by calibrating tools and ordering materials. Instructing students through safety training sessions and advising fabrication process. Commercial and residential contracting. Successful management and organizational skills, conducting material orders and job schedules. Continuous supervision of plans, details and materials that required coordinating between architects and clients.
Fontainebleau Prize
Fontainebleau, France Summer 2016
Lets Spoon!
Boston, MA 2015 -2016
Resilient Living NY, LA, TX, CA Sum 2015
Huxtable Fellowship
East Boston, MA 2014 - 2015 / 2016 - 2017
Recipient of Anthony Tappe traveling scholarship. Worked among 20 international architecture students to produce week long projects. Each project focused on a certain aspect of the Fontainebleau palace while incorporating classical trained musicians. A campaign to enhance student understanding of the BAC Fab Lab by approaching the design of a spoon. With leadership in the creation of the project I’ve worked to challenge students by asking to create and craft a spoon in the digital and physical sense. A funded research project I created which focused on architectural resilience through the lens of residential design and technology. In 40+ days I visited 5 different cities to interview community members, architects, contractors, and activists. Analytical team of design students researching cause and effect of Boston’s sea level rise. Graphically documented research and data towards public, civic, and community-based projects that promote public interests of Boston’s water resilience.
AutoCAD 2D, Rhino 5.0, SketchUp, Grasshopper , Adobe CC Suite, Vray, Maxwell, MS Office
wood working, laser cutting, fabrication, CNC 3 axis, photography, framing, model making
Atelier Student Rep, BSA Core, BSA, BAC peer Mentor, Design +Dialogue, Saxaphone
contains contains
CONCEPT // Challenging Existence
RESEARCH // Examining the Process
RESEARCH // What is Virtual
DEVELOP // The Reality
CONCLUDE// Something about something
Noun | vir-tue | \ˈvər-(ˌ)chü\ -morally good behavior or character -the good result that comes from something
adjective | vir·tu·al | wəl, -chəl; ˈvərch-wəl\
very close to being something without actually being it
CHALLENGING EXISTENCE Virtual Reality (VR) is deeply embedded in our lives, we live in an era where accessing virtual data has created a methodology and culture which is affecting our physical existence on a daily basis. VR provides us with unconstrained access to virtual environments that can be programed to represent both physical and virtual settings. However, this virtual state is dependent on physical space.
Illusion For All Virtual reality has been sought after since the early 1800’s. The goal of this technology has always been to stregnthen the illusion of virtualness by tricking your senses to believe in an a illusionary existence. This technology is rapidly developing each year, where the question of intergration is no longer about the techonology, but about the methodology within the human interaction. At the current state of it’s exitence, VR has made drastic leaps to becoming accessible to the public. With mass accessiblitiy to this technology, space is needed in order to connect humans .
Capturing (y)our senses In 1961 the Philco Corporation created the first ever Head Mounted Display (HMD) that utilized head movements to gain access into artificial enviroments enhaced with a tracking system. This system was operated on a closed circuit video system that simulated dangerous situations. This invition showcases an innovative methods that shares the expierence of the human with other humans. While in the HMD, this system would monitor and disply the movment of users actions in an another room by utilized magnetic tracking on the HMD.
1800’s The Kaiserpanorama is a public viewing machine created in the mid 1800 that created multiple stereoscopic views of a photograph. The machine could hold 25 humans that would view a sequence of 50 photos that rotated mechanically inside the contraption.
1900’s The sensorama was one of the earliest machines that tests a multi-sensory individual immersive experience. Created in 1950 the machine abstracted the experience of the movie theater by encompassing all the senses in an manner that was coordinated with the onscreen activity.
2000’s In 2015, immersive artists Chris Milk gave a TED talk that narrated the power of VR. His presentation moved through the different elements of VR, showing the ability of this technology to capture new emotion. At the end of his talk, the whole audience viewed a film together through the VR.
Balancing the reality VR is an entertaining subject, it shares the same ability to be lost in your thoughts as you would have when you are daydreaming, except with more influential power. However the reality of the topic relies both on physical being too. In order to access the powerful state of VR, we need to understand the physical techniques and considerations to truly capture a virtual experience. As the technology continues to advance, we will see the merging of both spectrums on a more daily basis.
The ideal existence The prompt of this project asks to create a physical addition to the BAC that will improve the current conditions of the college. This opportunity brings to light the need for physical space in order to experience virtual reality. The shift from virtual and physical is gradient that mapps the programmatic existence of this project. The movement within this proposal brings the students and faculty through different architectural techniques that showcases different perspectives of realities. These methods are intended to create a stronger connection within this gradient, proving that virtual and physical live hand and hand.
within the world
With the project site being located in the Back Bay of Boston, MA it lacks enough space for all the physical needs of the school. Students at the college have requested for more studio space, larger fabrication shops and computer labs, housing, and spaces for student culture. By focusing the program of the site to act as useable monument, the physical presence of this building aims to showcase the newfound strength in virtual reality.
161019_dmdegree_v1 As a general observation and as a first reaction to this topic// reality always pokes its way into our understanding of personal existences. These tools that bring the dopeness to the masses are strengthing the access to virtual reality. With more strength to the virtual state of our existence, can we consider a life withouth the physical where we sill understand the basics of life? or will we evolve to a more programed society that functions both mentally and emotionally through computer technology? These are tools that capture a new reality, will we grow the same in it? Will it enable a virtual evolution of humanity Questions, for now? What do people want it for? What do I want it for? What is missed?
161101_dmdegree_v2 re·al·i·ty rēˈalədē/ 1:
the quality or state of being real
2: the totality of real things and events trying to escape from reality b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily 3: television programming that features videos of actual occurrences
161101_dmdegree_v3 Virtual is directly connected to data, and in our current lifesty,e we can all buy data. We now all have the ability too / kinda expected to invest in this access to data. Our daily routines are intertwined around it, as data is also developed as a mobile language. But what comes a bit more full circle, is the common conversation of successfully disconnecting yourself from data. It seems that most humans enjoy the access to data, but they feel the same joy when they temporarily shut off access to data. In a way, it’s our illusionary way of saying “no” to data. Like it waits for us....
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the student
Each student at the BAC can be examined as molecule of design experience. To proceed throughout the institution you must require a design position and gain professional experience throughout different fields of the design profession, while spending your evenings going to class or working on out of class homework. Students gain hours in projects that involve tasks such as drafting, fabricating, researching, designing, community engagement, etc.
Network of practice
When you apply this makeup of experience to the college’s studio culture, each student brings an influence that is grounded in both educational experimentation and professional understanding. The classroom is no longer bounded by the walls of the institution, as each student spend more time within the office/ firm frame work than they do in a studio. This network of experience is an amazing attribute of the BAC while also being one of the elements that restrains students from investing into their educa-
When students enroll into the BAC they are also tasked with purchasing the necessary tools for studio work. If VR becomes a necessity among the computer technology, students will need to have space to access their VR. To properly create this experience students would find this technology within the pod. The pod represent the virtual reality each student would have access to when they enrolled at the BAC. This pod captures a virtuality at its purest form, attending to the different sensory receptors of the human body in order to capture the illusion.
With each student having access to VR, the BAC would invest in a data server that would act as the overmind of resources. Even though each student was experiencing their own reality through a VR pod, they would be able to socialize and collaborate as if they were in a studio setting.
Connecting... The factor of the professional experience is a founding element of the institution while also influential the culture of the school. However, this connection also creates a large disconnection throughout the student body. Students find themselves struggling to locate the bandwidth to be truly invested into their education. This disconnections creates issues with student collaboration, studio performance, and general college development. By investing into a stronger virtual school, the BAC could mend this connection. VR provides us with unconstrained access to virtual environments that can be programed to represent both physical and virtual settings. With individual access to VR virtual spaces could be created to host typical architectural events, i.e. model making, studio reviews, lectures, general classes.
For example, a lecture at the BAC could be held within the virtual hall. We can see here the BAC is holding their annual lecture series, featuring Kanye West and Zaha Hadid
Virtual Musuem
To explore the idea of virtual space, Christian Borger and I submitted a project to a virtual museum competition. The outline of the competition asks for three different virtual spaces for people to visit and view different pieces of virtual art. These spaces would allow for public gathering in VR, passively showing off the capabilities of this technology to the masses. When studying virtual spaces, we found that most spaces were designed with the familiarity of typical architecture. With VR, you have the ability to design your own physics which was the driving idea behind our concept. With our submission, we referenced traditional roman columns that were vertically stretched. This created a museum that needed to circulated through vertical teleportation in order to access the different spaces.
Virtual to Physical As noted in the start of this book, VR cannot exists with physical reality. At this point, the intentions of creating these virtual spaces should also reflect on the physicality of the building. However, it also must demonstrate the gradient of realities in order to strengthen the bond between the them.
170110_dmdegree_v4 Technology is something that is always changing. It moves faster than we understand, and being more than a consumer takes an education for each product. These pieces are sophisticated object that has been created to help strengthen our lives. That is key. It is part of our lives. This technology is no longer just an accessory (well maybe they are because we could live without them), they have been made to help increase our lives to be more efficient. We are more efficient with our happiness, with our unknowing, with our relationships. Technology is no longer just about the idea of a piece of equipment that will solve all of our questions, it is now about the methodology behind using it. 170226_dmdegree_v5 “Virtuality immediately appears pale beside hearty actuality which is always so in effect and capable of being tested for proof. There seems to be something unstable about a thing that is virtual. Is this so? No, not at all.� -Richard Norton
170325_dmdegree_v6 Tested software: Tiltbrush Unreal Engine Unity MassIt Simmetri Enscape AltSpace The Lab Climbey Onwards 170416_dmdegree_v7 --
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physical reality
fablab mixed reality
augmented studio virtual reality
VR dome
vr pods
reality chart
Taking into account the need for both physical and virtual space in this proposal a chart of reality was created in order to map the program of the building. These pieces were broken down into different components of the project which move through different architectural techniques that captures the state of reality it belongs too.
100% Virtual The starting element of the building was brought to the individual with the design of the pod. The pod captures the ability for a human to become fully virtual by housing them in an human scaled sphere. This sphere includes all the necessary technology (HMD, VR treadmill, computer, identity scanner)
Virtual in Physical
To capture the power of VR in the physical world, an orb was created to house the pods. This orb represents the virtual world in a physical space, creating a set of program elements that reflect on the perception of the thesis. By utilizing the most virtual geometric shape, this program acts as monument to the current state of VR.
Depth Of Reality
Within the middle of this gradient is a fragmented mixed reality that holds the composition of virtual and physical elements. These pieces are designed to be light and pixelated, granting transparency from both realities. These two elements are also represented in two types of materials, virtual being composed with metal scaffolding and physical being spaced plywood sheathing. This program holds the circulation of the building, connecting both realities to each other.
Physically Grounding
The final piece of the program is the physical reality. This is captured in the backside of the building, hosting different community spaces, a fab lab, and a set of 6 apartments for selected tenure faculty and scholarship students. This grounding element is a simple part to the building, allowing for humans to be only connected to their physical existence
To finalize the building, the exterior facade is cladded in wood slats that rotate throughout the building. By using wood, it counters the heroic concrete form of the original BAC, and celebrates the rise of wood technology in our current architectural profession.
wall section_entrance
detail_floor to wall
dust collection
chop saw plywood storage joiner planer
office robot arm
water jet
table saw
cnc mech.
gallery of existence
VR dome
AR studio
newbury st
hereford st
front lobby
AR studio
VR dome
AR studio
VR pods
AR studio
horizontal section
The investment of virtual space is one that is lite on a physical footprint. With low use of material and resources, virtual space can grant the BAC a vast amount of space for students to grow and design, while created a space for facilities that attracts the leading minds in design to come and practice here. These spaces grant the ability to test both physical and virtual methodologies, which creates an unlimited resource for students to practice in. With the practice of VR, students would visualize the most difficult elements of designing, leaving a more precise building that holds a smaller building “hand print�.
kinda there
Taking in consideration the current state of our technology, it is not a far fetched dream to believe that this technology can be embedded in our lives. Within a decade the cell phone altered the state of society drastically. The strength of our virtual lives will continue to grow. If we do not consider this application as an embedded piece of our lives we will simply continue to use it without understanding the entirety of its effects to our lives.
V is for Virtue
However, among all this excitement, is important to remember the physical importance of virtualness. Nothing can be done well when it is not balanced correctly. With promoting a healthy space for VR, we must balance our lives to be disconnected and present in the physical existence of our being.
VR bear morgan