Mustard Seed December 2008

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Marengo United Methodist Church VO LU ME X I


Inside this Issue: Altar Guild Altar Flowers Anniversaries & Birthdays Calendar Christmas Pageant Gas Can Mission Have You Heard? Holiday Housewalk Holiday Hymn Sing

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4 3 6 9 7 3 11 8 11

Library News 8 Operation Christmas Child 3 Pancake Breakfast 7 Parent s Day Out 4 Poinsettia orders Back Prayer List 6 Roots to Wings 2 Senior Moment 5 UMW 8 Ushers 3 Worship Schedule 10

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The Magi went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. Matthew 2:9b-11 This desire to bring a gift to the Christ child is a central act for the Magi. Indeed, the Magi travel long distances into strange lands just to kneel beside the cradle of a new born baby. Yet it is the fact that they brought with them gifts which is crucial to understanding the of the story. To visit the child is one thing, but to bring him gifts was to tangibly honor and support the life and ministry of this child. In the ancient middle east, gold, frankincense and myrrh were extremely valuable gifts to receive. The Magi did not present Jesus with token or trivial gifts. They offered him gifts worthy of a king. Indeed, this is the point to their gifts. Jesus received gifts worthy of a king because Jesus was a king. This child. These gifts attested to the faith of the Magi, that this child was a king who was to rule and change the world. Thousands of years later, we still serve and present our gifts to this king. We recognize that we are no different from those Magi. At Christmas, we too seek to kneel at the side of this child and present our gifts, acknowledging that he is our king. Coming soon in the mail will be an envelope from the church. Inside the envelope there will be a small box. This box is unfolded so that you may decorate it and then fold it into a small rectangular gift box. This box is intended to be your gift to the baby Jesus. Inside the gift box we ask you to place your pledge card for 2009. Your pledge is your gift to the Christ child for the year to come. Continued on page - 2

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