Volume XII Issue 6
July/ August 2009
This is the first newsletter since we concluded our 40 Days of Community and I want to thank you for a wonderful experience. During those 40 Days I believe we rediscovered a central aspect to being a church, namely, that we are so much better when we are together. We magnify our Christian faith in each other and inspire change in the people and world around us. A vivid example of what it means to be together is being played out in the streets of Iran where hundreds of thousands of people have joined together to demand their fundamental rights. Individually, the authorities in Iran have nothing to fear from the people. Together, however, the people fill the night with calls of “God is great.” Together they have the power to create the kind of change that strikes fear into the Iranian authorities. The response of the authorities has been to destroy the “togetherness” of the opposition. Turn the people back into isolated individuals, fearing for their own life, and the power will be emptied from their movement. There is real power in “togetherness”. We are better together. For too long we have allowed the world, the culture and our self-seeking indifference to destroy our “togetherness” as a church. We have allowed our faith to become simply a personal, private event, unrelated to the world around us. To the degree that we have come to live our faith alone, we have lost what it means to be part of a church. As Paul Nixon writes in his book, I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church, “thriving churches choose to pour themselves out in service to the communities of people that live beyond their walls and membership lists.” Thriving churches are alive with the power of community, Christian community. The 40 Days of Community might be at an end, but my work and dedication to building a more powerful Marengo United Methodist Church is just beginning. We are better together. We are the church, the body of Jesus Christ in the world. Together we can change the world. Yours in Christ, Pastor Keck
Hey Church! I want to share with you a couple of wonderful announcements. As we continue to build the strength of our church community and ministry, we require dedicated, excellent leadership. We are blessed to have received two new extraordinary leaders in our ministry. To help us continue to grow our children and family ministries we wish to announce the Gaye Anne Anderson is our new Director of Children and Family Ministries. Gaye Anne will call upon her extensive educational experience and expertise to direct and develop ministries that reach deeply into the lives of our children and community. While Gaye Anne is not a “new� leader in our church, this is a new position and we warmly welcome her as our Director. We are also excited to announce the new Sunday School Superintendent Team. Instead of having one person overseeing our Sunday School Program, Kim McMenamy, Kim Burgraff and Liz McGowan will join forces to lead our teachers and children in exciting new directions.
New Baby! Congratulations to Adam and Nicole Beebe and big brother Coye on the birth of Hayden James. Hayden was born on June 12, 2009. He weighed in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Finance Committee News In June the finance team meeting was held. Fund raising for the church is something that is unanimously agreed upon as a way to open our church to the community as well as generate income. We have thrown around ideas such as an ice cream social with a dunk tank at the church when there is another event happening in Marengo, a talent show, maybe having something at the church in the afternoon before the Battle of the Bands during the Settlers Day weekend. There has to be ways we can open our church to the public during events that will get MUMC more involved in the Marengo community. So we need your help! Is there a fund raising idea that you might be able to put into action? We are looking for ideas and people to grow them. We want MUMC to be a more vital part of Marengo.
One of our greatest ministries to the Marengo Community is our Parents Day Out program. This program has grown quickly over the past three years and is now entering a new phase in its ministry to the community. We are pleased to announce that Jennifer Hass was been named the new Director of Parents Day Out Preschool. Jennifer has been involved with PDO from its inception. Now she is entrusted with bringing it forward with the help of the PDO Board. The program is growing and self-sufficient. With Jennifer as Director, we are looking forward to strengthening and expand this important ministry. Our MUMC Mustard Seed will go back to monthly
Mustard Seed: Deadline
Please take time to congratulate Gaye Anne, Kim M., Kim B., Liz and Jennifer, and offer them your support!
printings this fall. The deadline for the September 2009 Mustard Seed will be on Thursday, August 20th. Please submit your articles, stories, news, etc. to the church office by that date. The Mustard Seed deadline is the 20th of month for the following month. Thank you.
Wesley Fellowship Groups Local Missions COMMUNITY SCHOOL SUPPLIES PROJECT The Wednesday early evening fellowship group finally hit upon a project that hits our hearts and serves our community. This fall, there will probably be more than the average number of kids starting back to school whose parents will not be able to afford school supplies. So we have adopted the first grade classes at Locust School. Working with the principal and the teachers (Debbie Evans is our contact), we have estimated that we can expect between 15 – 20 children among the approximately 130 first graders to need some help. We are each working on providing something from the list of supplies that the school provided us. We have also told the teachers to come back to us if they need additional supplies later in the school year.
TEMPORARY MEALS ASSISTANCE Yada Yadah Tuesday morning WFG will be starting to care for persons who have a need for meals on a temporary basis due to health problems or due to the birth of a baby. These meals will be delivered to the home a couple of times a week for a week or two. If you know of someone in need of this service, please contact the church office or Doris Mulasmajic, 815-568-6706. If you are interested in helping us with this service by providing a meal, contact Doris Mulasmajic or any member of the WFG.
We have also been talking to people in other groups at Marengo UMC and at other churches in Marengo, looking for volunteers to adopt other grades. Contact Darrell Knisley (815) 568-7065, or Susan Gieseler (815) 568-7502, if you or your group is interested in helping out.
After a successful Blood Drive during 40 Days of Community, the Monday Night Mommies and Someday Mommies are planning another blood drive scheduled to take place on Rally Day 2009 on Sunday, September 13th 8:00 am— 1:30 pm. Once again Heartland Blood Center will park their mobile unit on the East side of the church in the parking spots that run along Taylor Street. As the date gets closer, watch for the sign up between services. Thank you!
All School supplies will be packed up in a backpack for each child on August 1st, for delivery to the children during the first week of August.
COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, September 13th
L.I.F.E. 101 Class Date Change Our goal at Marengo UMC is to help people develop a lifestyle that maximizes all the purposes for which God created us. Our L.I.F.E. Series of four four-hour classes is your road map to that spiritual growth. If you take all four L.I.F.E. classes, you will be on your way to being the kind of disciple God wants and the world needs. “Exploring Church Membership” is the first of the L.I.F.E. classes. This seminar will teach you about Marengo UMC’s mission, vision, and core values. You will learn what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a member of Marengo UMC. If you are considering membership at Marengo UMC, the first step is to attend our L.I.F.E. Class 101. If you are already a member and you want to get on board with God’s mission for our church, God’s vision for your life, and a strategy for fulfilling both, we encourage you to take L.I.F.E. 101 and renew your passion for Christ and your membership vows. Exploring Church membership will take place on Sunday, July 12th from 3:00 – 7:30 pm, with a half hour break for supper. Sessions will be in the Conference Room or Fellowship Hall, depending upon the number of participants. There will be a Dinner with the Pastor at the Pastor’s home for new members on Friday, July 19th at 6:30 pm and new members will be welcomed into the church during our 9:30 am worship service on Sunday, July 19th. Child care is available with advance sign-up. You can register by talking to Pastor Keck, calling the church office (815-568-7162), or e-mail us at info@marengo-umc.org.
Mark Your Calendars! Laughter: Live Happily Ever After Laughter strengthens the immune system, improves breathing and blood pressure, relieves stress, and lifts our spirits. Ms. Jill League, a Certified Laughter Leader, from Sherman Health Education and Community Wellness will meet with Stephen Ministers and other interested church members to show us how laughter benefits us physically, mentally, and socially. Please plan to join us at MUMC on Monday evening, September 21, 2009, from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M., for a fun and healthful evening. Dress comfortably as we will participate in a session of the Sherman Health Laughter League.
A Word from Your Finance Team Leader With God all things are possible—right? Of course! Several folks have asked about the state of our budget as we appealed to the entire church family in January regarding the budget deficit. I would like to share the budget income details with you as of May 31, 2009. General fund giving Yearly budget
$ 77,089.39 $184,595.00
So as of May 31, 2009 we have achieved 42% of the budget for 2009. Additionally on May 31, 2009 we have completed 42% of the 2009 year. That means we are just even. Notoriously summer is a time when attendance is down due to vacations, family gatherings, etc. It is important that we remember our promise to God in the summer and continue to honor that promise with our weekly contributions. As I have said before God never takes a vacation, He is always there for us. Sally Hoesel, Finance Team Leader
Joe Mangano’s Eagle Scout Project Thank you! My Eagle project was a success! I had over 100 pieces of medical equipment donated to me from the community. ( Had expected 20!!) Pete Perkins helped me load up his truck and carry 71 pieces of equipment into our church basement. (Also, Chuck Andrews, who happened to be there, helped). There are walkers, canes, crutches, wheelchairs, commodes, walking boot, rail for bathtub, and half steps. These can be loaned free of charge, and for the duration of the need to anyone. The person must contact and fill out a form, either on line at fiamchenrycounty.org (go to request services/ medical equipment/ loan) or call (815) 455-3120. The form then has to be given to the church secretary to allow the equipment to be loaned out. The other 29 pieces I am taking up to Valley Hi Nursing Home; they needed them! Now I just have to go through the formality of paperwork and committee review and I should have my Eagle by August. Thank you for supporting me on this project!! Joe Mangano
Church Library How's your summer reading going? Most summer seasons tear us away from reading with other activities. Spring brought us cold, rainy weather. Summer right now is HOT, HOT, HOT! If you enjoy air conditioning it is also time to enjoy a good read. Check out our selections. We are always happy to have help managing the library. Helping would require a small amount of time and energy. Keeping material clean, neat, organized and checking records, sorting donations.
United Methodist Women Enjoying the good old summertime? We finally got what we wished for: hot weather!! Truthfully, I didn't wish for it! Thoughts and prayers for the farmers. This must be a difficult season for them.
There are still a few openings in our PDO program. If you have neighbors, family or friends that have children ages 1 through 5— tell them about our program. PDO offers children:
A loving, caring, and safe environment with qualified staff.
Acceptance of differences in your child's developmental stages, toilet training, speech, and interests
Interaction with other children of similar ages
Creative play, essential to good development
PDO uses the Houghton Mifflin Pre-K Curriculum, alongside structured activities that include art, music, games, stories, and more!
Brochures are available at the Welcome Center or the church office. PDO is also always in need of extra supplies, including glue sticks, construction paper, colored copy paper, paper towels, anti-bacterial wipes and gel. School supply specials will be in the stores before we know it, look for a deal and help out our MUMC PDO Program. Thank you!
The UMW will resume meeting October 9th. Mark your calendars. Plans are for a catered lunch by Flatlanders. The program will be Christian book reviews by Ann Stein. Even if you are not a reader, I believe you will find the books reviewed to be interesting and inspiring.
Something to Think About The UMW honored Marcy-Newberry’s 125 years in mission, with a dinner at this year’s NIC Annual Conference. The speaker, Sung-Ok Lee offered some challenging statistics obtained from the Children’s Defense Fund (a complete story can be found at : http://www.childrensdefense.org/child-research-datapublications/data/state-of-americas-children-2008-report.pdf EVERY DAY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2 mothers die from complications of pregnancy or childbirth; 4 children are killed by abuse or neglect; 5 children or teens commit suicide; 8 children or teens are killed by firearms; 32 children or teens die from accidents; 78 babies die before their first birthdays; 155 children are arrested for violent crimes; 296 children are arrested for drug crimes; 928 babies are born at low birth weight; 1154 babies are born to teen mothers; 1511 public school students are corporally punished; 2145 babies are born without health insurance; 2421 children are confirmed as abused or neglected; 2467 high school students drop out; 2483 babies are born into poverty; 3477 children are arrested; 4184 babies are born to unmarried mothers; 18,221 public school students are suspended.
Summer Food Pantry Needs Having a Party or a summer BBQ??? Why not ask your guests to bring a dish to pass, AND an item for the Food Pantry Birthday Party/Anniversary/ New Deck Partydoesn’t everyone already have enough? Ask guests to bring a bag of items for the Food Pantry. People can fill the bag with paper towels and toilet paper, or can bring more expensive items like boxed meals/canned meats, based on their financial needs. Drop off your supplies in the Narthex, by the Food Pantry Basket. Include the birthday persons name and address, and MORE will send them a “Thank you” note for their donation. The 40 days of Community Service does not end because the 40 days are over- lets continue to promote this and look after our less fortunate neighbors.
FYI First Aid Kits This is a yearly reminder of the location of the First Aid Kits within the church. Pre School Room: on shelf Bathroom: drawer by sink 2nd floor Music Room: shelf Nursery: above sink Kitchen: above Coffee Machine All First Aid areas have the red cross on an index card. Simple first Aid instructions in top of box. Each box contains latex and plastic gloves, BandAids, and hand sanitizer. he Nursery box has 2 boxes of cold pack- feel free to use, but please call me and leave a message- that you need a replacement. My phone number is in each box. I do check monthly for supplies. REMEMBER- with any bleeding- stop the bleeding first by applying pressure. Instruct the injured person to put pressure on the cut. You do not need to touch the blood. Doris Mangano
People have a tendency to forget the food pantry in the summer, except for excess garden items. Our clients definitely appreciate these! But regular supplies decrease to none. During the school year, there are many drives, our children stimulate us, along with boy scouts and the US Mail drive, so it gives MORE a good stock of supplies. Please continue to shop for those items. Check sales on the following: Tuna fish, canned meats, boxed meals (hamburger and tuna helper), rice, pasta, cake mixes, and icing (Yes, they have children that need a birthday cake also), instant potatoes, PB and jelly, and any tomato products (sauce, paste). Baby items are very precious—unused, packaged nipples for bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and baby food. The Food Pantry is open wed 9-12 am, Thurs. 3-6 pm. Leave them all in the Narthex, and I’ll take them. Doris Mangano
MUMC’s Fine Arts Academy Wow! Thanks for the overwhelming response to the Fine Arts Academy! This should be a great new adventure for our church! Doris Mangano Coordinator
The Rosebud Team wishes to thank everyone for their continued support. Without your help we would not be able to continue this valuable mission project. We would like to ask for your prayers as we travel back and forth to South Dakota and also while we are at our job sites during the week. Our team will be leaving Saturday, July 18 and returning Saturday, July 25th. We can’t wait to tell you about our experiences when we return.
The members of the Esther Circle wish to thank everyone who participated in our Bakeless Bake Sale, the only bake sale truly calorie free! There was a very good response from our church members, which will aid the United Methodist Women in their continuing mission to help organizations such as Marcy-Newberry, UMCOR, Wesley Willows, Child-Serv, Home of the Sparrow, M.O.R.E., Turning Point, Salvation Army, and other missions. Have a nice summer!
To all of you, I appreciate so much your sending the Lily plants. They brighten my room. Thank you, Catharine “Kate” Loomis
Thank you to my church family for your many kind words, thoughts and prayers on the passing of my mother. The support during that time and always mean a lot. Edie Darling
To my church family, To my church office angels,
Hope you are all having a wonderful summer!
I can’t begin to express my thanks and gratitude at your outpouring of love and care at the death of my dad. Your cards, flowers, kind words, and hugs have helped me through this difficult time. You have surrounded me with the love of Christ, and you have lifted me. You help me to remember each day that he is now whole and free of pain. In that thought I can find joy! Thank-you for being my church family, and for being present when I needed you.
Dawn Hoffman
Thank you so much to all of you who give their time so that I can take time away for vacation with my family. Also thank you to those who help with folding the Mustard Seed. It couldn’t be done without you.
A Senior Moment
by Ann Stein
Did you enjoy 40 Days of Community? I enjoyed it all: "Take Me Out To The Community" written by Jane McDonald, the group planning and working together. I am a part of two Wesley fellowship groups. Each has been an incredible blessing and opportunity for growth in faith and fellowship. If you have hesitated joining a Wesley group, please reconsider -- especially if you have held back due to "age"! 2 MINUTE WARNING Submitted by Betty Jacoby Physical age is no sure indication of spiritual maturity. Nor does it matter how much time has passed since conversion. Just because we are getting up there in years doesn't mean we have grown up to be like Jesus. Becoming more like Jesus means learning to love without conditions and to give freely of ourselves. Daily, we have the opportunity of allowing the love of Christ to flow through us. It should excite those of us who are approaching our 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond to realize that although we are playing in the 4th quarter, there is still time to grab the ball and make a positive contribution for the Lord. Games are often won or lost after the two-minute warning. There may not be as much time, but there is always enough time for God's purposes to be accomplished through us. A quote from Our Daily Bread: A church in Chicago once scheduled an all night vigil of prayer during a major crisis. A group of senior citizens from a housing project responded the most enthusiastically. I wondered how many of their prayers had gone unanswered over the years, yet they showed a childlike trust in the power of prayer. "How long do you want to stay -- an hour or two?" we asked, thinking of van shuttles. "Oh, we'll stay all night," they replied. A woman in her 90's explained, "We can pray. We got time and we got faith. Some of us don't sleep much anyway. We can pray all night if needs be." And so they did! "To know love, open your heart to Jesus. To show love, open your heart to others. "
M.O.R.E. Food Pantry On July 10th we will be hosting a Faye’s Barbeque. We will be selling raffle tickets from now until the barbeque. The raffle prizes are $1,500, $1,000 and $500. There are limited tickets available for the raffle, and winners will be drawn on July 10th. If you have any questions or if you would like to purchase a raffle ticket or barbeque tickets, Janice Perkins has them for sale. (815) 5686254. “Back-to-School” Program Did you know that local children going to school in the Marengo-Union and Riley School Districts need to buy gym shoes and clothes in order to take Gym classes? Physical-Ed uniforms, which stay in the school, are not everyday “school” clothes, so they are an added cost for our increasing numbers of out-of-work and low-income families. Last year M.O.R.E. Center in Marengo received donations totaling $2,000.00, which were set aside to purchase gym shoes and clothing for needy children. We partnered with Levin’s of Marengo to assist 80 children in our community. This year, however, the money is not there and we have even more children who need help. Can you help? Can you donate to the “Back-to-School” Program and help us to guy gym shoes and clothing? Please mail or drop off your contribution to: M.O.R.E. Center: 829 Greenlee Street Marengo, IL 60152 Make checks payable to M.O.R.E. Center and indicate “Back-to-School” Program. Thank you Call (815) 568-7950 with any questions. www.marengomorecenter.org
Anniversaries & Birthdays JULY ANNIVERSARIES Richard & Gaye Anderson Dax & Basia Kirchhoff John & Liz McGowan Dave & Carol Johnson LaVerne & Betty Loudenbeck
9 9 11 22 27
AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES Bruce & Janet Cowan 7 Rocco & Sally Gailloreto 13 Jerry & Edie Darling 13 Joe & Maureen Whiting 15 Frank & Susan Gualillo 16 Darrel & Becky Knisley 21 Bruce & Janet Swonguer 22 Richard & Sue Evans 26 William & Nicole Meyers29 Jim & Fran Wilson 30
JULY BIRTHDAYS Jeanette Hasemann Patrick Hoesel Buck Burgraff Lisa Hillner Claire Cowan Sally Hoesel James Evans Diane Oranger Jackie Beebe Ben Cowan Chris Oakes Betty Loudenbeck Allen Beebe Ray Esunis Lisa Kirchhoff Katherine Shadle Scott Anderson Bonnie Voller Emilie McGowan Duane Oranger Brooke Rickerd Molly Wyrostek
3 5 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 16 17 19 22 24 25 27 27 28 29 31 31
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Bill Kays 4 Janet Cowan 6 Barb Koplin 7 Paul Hanelt 8 Ann Locovare 8 Madison Hillner 10 Marie Urban 13 Connie Dennison 14 Cindy Shadle 14 Dzemal Mulasmajic 14 Doris Mulasmajic 15 Doris Mangano 16 Maureen Whiting 16 Curt Simons 16 Luke Wilson 19 Bruce Elliott 20 John Wyrostek 20 Fred Struckmeier 21 Elizabeth McGowan 22 Kim Burgraff 24 Katie Jakubowski 27 Michael Koplin 27 Cathy Kasten 27 William Meyers 28 David Oakes 28 Kyle Oakes 28 Nicole Rapisardi 28 Sara Bourke 30 Rachel Kramer 31
Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Cody Koplin; Linda Haefner, friend of the Hoffmans; Freedom, Susan Gieseler’s niece-in-law; Ann Locovare; Marge Epich, Susan Gieseler’s sister; LaVerne Ryman, Debbie Oakes’ mother; Ryan Justen; Sean Romine; Karen Apel; Gary Stoklosa; Frank E. Gualillo of Yorkville, NY, father of Frank D. Gualillo; Jackie Roberts, Brenda Ferriera’s Aunt; Sydney Ives, friend of Bonnie Voller; Arthur Overhage, friend of Brenda Ferreira; Don Duthron, friend of Audrey Anderson; Fred & Barb Trask; Janet Swonguer’s father. Prayers for Comfort and Support: Cindy Clavey; Steve Tradewell; For those facing unemployment; Our Country’s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Martha Esmond, Jane Cowan’s mother; Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you have updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, email to info@marengo-umc.org or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.
We are on the web!
119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: info@marengo-umc.org We are a loving community of faith, offering compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship, and opportunities to serve, in order to equip people with a faith that works in real life.
Safe Sanctuary Reminder We are a safe-sanctuary church, which means that we have established certain parameters that help to provide a safe environment for our children and students when they are attending our church or a church function. They are also in place to help insure the integrity of our volunteers, teachers, and staff. Some of the parameters include: There will be NO photography of the children or students unless by parents, grandparents, or guardians. There will be no pictures of children or students on any of the church web or internet sites. All children/ students from nursery through fifth grade must be signed in by a parent, grandparent, or guardian and remain in that classroom until signed out by the same parent, grandparent, or guardian. There must be two adults in each classroom and during all functions for children/ students. A volunteer must be at least five (5) years older than the oldest child/student. All volunteers, teachers, and staff working with the children and/or students must agree to a background check and have read our safe-sanctuary policy. There is a copy of the Safe Sanctuary Policy on our church website at www.marengoumc.org Thank you for helping us to provide a safe place where our children and students can feel secure.