Mustard Seed June 2008

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Marengo United Methodist Church VO LU ME X I



And again I say, Rejoice

Inside this Issue: Anniversaries & Birthdays Baptisms Calendar Finance Secretary Gas Can Mission Help Needed Keeping the Dream Alive Library News L.I.F.E. 401

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Mailbox 6 Meet the Pastor Keck Mowry 3 Memorial Bricks 8 Parent s Day Out 4 Prayer List 6 Roots to Wings 10 Senior Moment 4 Summerwood 7 UMM Credit Union 2 UMW 5 Vacation Bible School Back Worship Time Change 11 Worship Schedule 11

Philippians is one of my favorite books of the Bible. It is a love letter from the Apostle Paul to the church that he holds in his heart (1:7; a phrase that can also be translated you hold me in your heart ). And it is a letter full of joy. The word joy and rejoice repeats over and over, and bubbles over in that wonderful phrase, Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice (4:4). But again, we have a phrase that can be translated another way. The word for rejoice is also the word for farewell. So, was Paul saying, Rejoice in the Lord always or was he saying, Farewell in the Lord always; again I will say, Farewell. Both are possible, for Paul writes this letter from prison. We don t know which prison he wrote from. There is reference to the imperial guard (1:13) and the emperor s household (4:22), so tradition says he wrote from Rome. And if he wrote from Rome then Paul will soon be facing a martyr s death. Perhaps Paul knew what was looming before him, and so this is a last chance to send a word of love and encouragement to the congregation he held in his heart and brought him so much joy. And that, of course, is the position in which I find myself not in prison facing death, but having to say farewell to a congregation I hold in my heart and has brought me so much joy. It has truly been the most amazing six years of my ministry. Personally, I took a quantum leap in learning how to be an apostolic leader instead of the bureaucratic manager I had been trained to be. Here I found the answer to the holy discontent for the status quo that had been on my heart since I was 12-years old; and now, thanks to you and Rick Warren I know the five purposes of the church for which Christ created us, and I am totally committed to getting churches back on track to fulfilling our purpose. And I shall always be able to sing Mission Rock. But more than that, I have been blessed by worship here; I have been inspired by your commitment to learning and creating Wesley Fellowship groups and mission I have never served a church that had one on-going commitment to a mission trip, much less two! And you cared for me through some major milestones in my life the births of my grandsons, the marriage of two daughters, and the deaths of my parents. Again, no other church has ever walked those roads with me and no other church ever will. They are unrepeatable life experiences, and I was fortunate to have experienced them with you. It was a privilege to be your pastor as you walked Continued on page - 2


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through the valleys and over the mountaintop moments of life. So many baptisms; so many weddings; so many funerals; so many times we held hands and prayed. After all is said and done, after a dozen more pastors come and go in Marengo UMC, these are the little shreds of the fabric of my life that will flutter on the fence posts of yours. When you remember them, remember, too, to rejoice in the Lord always . But rejoice also means farewell, and I need to say that, too. It will be easy and tempting to not say farewell because I am only moving as far as Crystal Lake; and how hard will it be to keep the pastoral relationship going? You know where I live and some of you have already scoped out where the church is. But the ethical guidelines for pastors in the Northern Illinois Conference require me to stop rendering pastoral ministry to you after June 30. So no, I won t be coming back to do weddings or funerals and baptisms. To build the kind of pastoral relationship with your new pastor that we have enjoyed and cherish, you need to let him be your pastor; you need to let him establish his ministry with you. Remember how hard it was when I first came to Marengo to let go of your relationship with Pastor Joy or Pastor Al? We got past it, didn t we? We ll get past this, too. And, just so you know, I will not triangulate myself with you and your new pastor, so don t come to me with, Pastor Steve, you won t believe what Pastor so-and-so said and did. Do you think that s right? That s a no-win conversation, and I love you too much to have it with you. Now, while I cannot be your pastor any longer, I can be your friend. And I would love to hear from you and see you as friends. But again, if those contacts become disruptive of your current pastoral relationship and parish life, the ethical guidelines of the Conference require me to end that friendship. So, I hope to rejoice with you for years to come, and pray that our farewell does not have to become final because our relationship is adversely impacting the parish life of Marengo UMC. Finally, I just want to thank you for six wonderful, exciting, life-changing years of ministry. There will always be a place in my heart named Marengo UMC. Hold me in your hearts for awhile. In the Loop - continued

Pa st o r St eve

Dear Members of Marengo United Methodist Church, As your lay member to Annual Conference, I want to say I have enjoyed being your representative to Conference. I have recently learned that any member of a United Methodist church in the Northern Illinois Conference or the Illinois Great Rivers Conference is eligible to invest in the United Methodist Ministries Credit Union. Their voice phone number is (309) 827-8636 and their fax number is (309) 827-7275. At this time it seems that credit unions have better CD rates than banks. You may wish to explore what this credit union may do for you. Sincerely, Gaye Anne Anderson



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I was appointed pastor of Oswego Prairie UMC on July 1, 2002. Prior to coming to Oswego Prairie, I have served for 10 years in the New York Conference as an associate at Christ Church, Manhattan, NYC and Asbury/Crestwood United Methodist Church in Yonkers, New York. I was the pastor of East Meadow United Methodist Church, Long Island, New York. Upon my return to the Northern Illinois Conference in 1998, I served as the associate minister at First United Methodist Church of DeKalb, Illinois. As a side note, I have published one of the Christmas pageants I have written, "O Savior, Where Art Thou?". I was born in Allendale, New Jersey, and lived with my parents in Hinsdale, Barrington and New Canaan, CT. My parents are members of the Barrington UMC, my sister is an art therapist, married to a pastor and lives with her family in Potomic Falls, Virginia. I have a younger brother who works and lives in China.

Keeping the Dream Alive

As Keeping the Dream Alive debt retirement campaign is nearing a close please check with me if you are not sure if your commitment is paid up. I will be happy to look into your contribution account and help you out. Contribution statements will be printed on June 30 th and into the mail. If you have any questions regarding your financial statement please let me know. Call me at 815-5445963 or leave a message for me at the church office.


Pledges Total received offering from received to pledge date drive


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$150,000.00 $341,898.81

$100,000.00 1





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Well our second year of PDO has come to an end. I have really enjoyed my first year as Director and have really learned a lot about organizing and running a program like this. I would like to thank the PDO staff, Dawn Hoffman, and Pastor Steve for being so helpful this year. I d also like to thank the parents and children who are truly the reason for PDO! We look forward to our third year being even more successful than the past two! God s Blessings, Liz Fischer PDO Director

Two weeks ago I had eye surgery. The surgery was deemed important to improve my visual field. It was definitely not "a piece of cake" or a "walk in the park" Just before surgery I started to think about what the loss of vision would mean to my life. When we are in good health and all our parts work the way we want them to, it is easy to take all of our physical gifts for granted. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. I began to thank the Lord for all the wonders he bestowed on me with the gift of sight. When our sight is 20/20, we see: nature's wonders, our beautiful church sanctuary, spring blooms, fall leaves, sunsets, those we love, ETC. and for me the joy of reading a good book. As we age, ALL our body parts wear out! It is so gradual for many of us that when we become aware they are going, we are stunned! I

Congrats to PDO Grads L to R: Jenna Turner, Dakotah Morales, Harrison Hoffman, Emma Thiel, Cole Sauder, Jack McMenamy, Emma Gailloreto, Will Fischer, Erin Ferriera, Libby Bowen, Aaron Moehrlin (hiding behind Libby)

once read an article about these losses that ended by saying the author missed her mind the most! I can so relate! I started the forgetful thing at a young age and there is no sign of improvement! This morning I poured myself a cup of coffee and wandered out to the backyard to contemplate my senses. It is a perfectly glorious morning. I see clear blue sky, birds, all kinds of wild flowers such as lily-of-thevalley, lilacs, violets and some I cannot name. I hear many different birds singing and the breeze in the trees. I smell lilacs, lily of the valley, chives as I pick some. My sense of touch is stimulated by the warm cup of coffee, my kitty's fur. My taste is welcoming the coffee and anticipating the planned breakfast -- a recipe our daughter Linda shared with us: toasted bagels with cream cheese, bacon, tomato and onion slices. Yummo! And I anticipate the taste of homegrown tomatoes and

sweet corn, another Yummo! "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. " Surgery greatly improved my eyesight. And I am grateful for it. But I am convinced that the true sight is expressed in a Grateful Praise, Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord. May we continue to appreciate and express our gratitude for the senses given us by our creator. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" Psalm 73:26


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May 15th Ruth Circle met at the home of Brenda Rommel. Winter is finally over! Begin enjoying all that spring and summer have to offer. You will be blessed by joining your sisters in Christ again this fall as the Circles take a break for the summer sunshine! "Did you know your heart is God's garden? He loves making it a beautiful, fragrant and fruitful place. Amazingly, such work isn't drudgery to Him, but a task that brings Him great joy and fulfillment. For each of you God has a plan. His plan is unique and perfectly tailored to the specific challenges and opportunities your personality and life present Him. From the day God created your ground, He had a special plan for you. " "Lord, I want to give You the keys to my garden gate. I've kept it locked because, to be honest, I'm ashamed of my weedy garden. I want it to be so much more, but I don't have the strength, power or ability to make it happen. It is so far from what I long for it to be. Please come into my heart and make it the beautiful secret garden you desire."

" Tr av el t hes e day s c an be ex pens i v e. One need onl y t o c hec k any gas s t at i on pr i c e pos t i ngs t o appr ec i at e t hat . But t her e' s a c heaper way t o t r av el t o f ar away pl ac es . " Some of my f ondes t c hi l dhood memor i es ar e of r ol l er s k at i ng t o t he publ i c l i br ar y t o c hec k out t he week l y quot a of book s . We wer e al l owed t o c hec k out 7 book s a week ! Al t hough we nev er had muc h money I was abl e t o go t o pl ac es and meet peopl e and hav e unbel i ev abl e ex per i enc es .

We just want to thank the Lord For your step of faith In c om ing to Him to be baptized And to go forth in His grace We pray God's hand will guide you Throughout your future years And keep you faithful in His ways And in His word and prayer.

Congratulations on your Baptism Kim Burgraff Chloe Catherine and Molly Jayne Burgraff

Summer of t en means out door ac t i v i t i es , t r av el i ng, and hot weat her ! To f i nd a c al m, peac ef ul , c ool oas i s r ead a book . Ther e ar e l ot s of book s t o c hec k out i n our l i br ar y and we wi l l t r y al way s t o k eep t he f r ee bas k et of book s al way s f ul l and guar ant eed FREE! Thes e wi l l i nc l ude c ol or i ng book s f or c hi l dr en t oo. No c hec k - out , no due dat e, no $$. Keep t hem, br i ng t hem bac k or pas s t hem al ong. I f y ou enj oy gar age s al es , pl eas e c hec k out t he book s el ec t i ons y ou t hi nk MUMC r eader s woul d enj oy and j us t put t hem i n t he FREE bas k et . Thank y ou. We wel c ome t he donat i on of Bi bl es i n good c ondi t i on. Thes e ar e pas s ed on. FYI many of our r eader s r ec ommend Kar en Ki ngs bur y , J an Kar on, Cat her i ne Pal mer , Robi n Hat c her . A f ew of t he MUMC men hav e r ec ommended Cl i v e Cus s l er deep s ea adv ent ur es . Per haps , mal e r eader s woul d al s o enj oy Fr ank Per et t i . Ther e ar e s ome good nonf i c t i on book s av ai l abl e i n t he l i br ar y al s o.

Sunday, June 15th


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Yard Work Help Needed Gerald & Janet Wright Pete & Denise Hunt Ray & Charlotte Esunis William & Maxine Huebsch Peter & Janice Perkins Bob & Jill Rucker Michael & Brenda Ferriera Ed & Nancy Richard Dewey & Betty Meinders Keane & Lynette Paradiso Reno & Rachel Tomasi Philip & Susan Gieseler Jim & JoAnne Zenk Bruce & Dorothy Muench

Terry Kramer Kendra Bullmer Jaden McKinley Lewis Schacht Chloe Burgraff Molly Burgraff Denise Hunt Charles Johnson Marilyn Stone Paul Wilson Owen Lohff Levi Wilcox Tim Christensen Joel Cowan Debbie Oakes Wyatt Parke Nicole Beebe John Johnstone Gene Boxleitner Darrell Loudenbeck Dorothy Muench Joe Whiting Debbie Hookstadt Ann Stein Rocco Gailloreto Rob Andrews Tom Anderson Margaret Stone Brandy Weirich Charlotte Esunis Harry Hoffman Jeff Kachlik Ken Stein Lynnea Loudenbeck

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To the members of Marengo UMC, Thank you so much for the flowers, the cards, your prayers and your many kinds words in the days following the death of my mother. They were all an important part of my healing process. I think about what Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, a church that he felt especially fond of, and the feeling was mutual. They sent him gifts of love and prayers for encouragement when Paul was in prison, and he wrote back thanking them for their kindness. Then he said, I have been paid in full and have more than enough; I am fully satisfied, now that I have received the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:18-19). You have filled my cup to overflowing! May God do the same for you. Pa st o r St eve

Health Needs: Sheri Johnson; Arthur Overhage, friend of Brenda Ferriera; Dorothy Muench; Laurie Monti, Bonnie Voller s sister; Ann Locvare; Don Duthron, friend of Audrey Anderson; Mildred Wlters; Whitney & Taylor English, Brenda Ferriera s neices,; Brenda Hemminson, friend of Lisa Kirchhoff; Debbie Lueders, Susan Gieseler s sister; Evelyn Thompson; Jack Genot; Abigail Mendoza, friend of the Skow family; Beverly Parke; Ryan Stevens; Gary Kawal; Norm Finnell; Mary Ghastin, friend of Mary Pflueger; Fred & Barb Trask; Lois Howard, Connie Sandman s sister; Shirley Vaughan, friend of the Hoffman family; Ron Kadamus; Ben Horton, Janet Swonguersf father; Ryan Justen; Carter Gilbert; Maurice Kimball; Helen Davis; Sharon & Bill Bankson Needing Support Steve Tradewell; Military Men & Women Homebound Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Katie Loomis Nursing Home / Rehab Madge Adams; Robert Grass; Dale Jenne; Genelle Skeels; Margaret Pace Prayer requests may be added to this list by calling the church office at: 568-7162

Tom & Audrey Anderson are looking to hire someone for dependable help with their yard and garden work this summer. Please call Audrey at 815-568-0822 for more information

On behalf of Ruth Circle, I want to thank you all for coming to our Birthday Party on Tuesday, April 22nd. A special thank you from the Food Pantry for your generous food donations. I believe we surpassed last years donations. We expect to have our 3rd annual Birthday Party next year. I hope you plan on returning next year. Brenda Rommel Chairperson of Ruth Circle Maria Mangano will be keeping busy this summer as she is doing ten weeks of cancer research at the University of Nebraska. She will be doing research on cancer cells located in the mouth. Way to go Maria!

Don t forget to bring in your clean aluminum cans! To help raise gas money for our upcoming mission trips!


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Help Needed: Summertime is here!

I am looking for volunteers who would be available to sit in as secretary during vacations this summer or throughout the year as a last minute helper for a sick day. No experience is necessary. It would just be to answer the phone and be available for visitors and deliveries. Please call the church office 815-568-7162 for more information or to be added to the list. Thank you! Dawn Hoffman

The Trustees are offering engraved bricks again for purchase. This project was well received when it was done 2 years ago. The sizes of the bricks are the same 4 x7 , 8 x7 and 8 x14 . The cost is the same - $75, $100 and $200. It is nice to know that some costs haven t gone up! Trustees will be taking orders starting May 18th before and after both services. Orders will be taken until the last Sunday in June.

Settler s Days Inc. Annual Arts & Crafts Fair and Small Business Fair At

Marengo United Methodist Church 119 E. Washington Street On Saturday, October 11, 2008 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Call Brenda Rommel at 815-568-3501 or Judy Starr at 815-568-6105 for an application

A Big Thank You! Thank you to all who donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Walk. Our team, Walkers for Jill , raised close to $1500. Thank you, Tim Christensen & Amanda

Many Christians mistakenly assume that the responsibility for taking the Good News to all parts of the world belongs only to missionaries and pastors. But Jesus says this is every believer s responsibility to be a world-class Christian. Every member is a messenger, and we are all called to be on a mission from God to Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Again, Jesus said, Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone (Mark 16:15). So, while we are not all called to be evangelists like Jehovah s Witnesses going door to door and turning off more people than we win we are definitely not called to be Jehovah s Bystanders, letting other people share the Good News while we stand silently by. In between Jehovah s Witnesses and Jehovah s Bystanders is the kind of mission and evangelism God calls you to and L.I.F.E. 401 teaches you how to become the kind of witness God wants you to be, and your neighbors, family, and friends need you to be. L.I.F.E. 401: Becoming a World Class Christian, is the last of our L.I.F.E. seminars. If you have completed L.I.F.E. 101, 201, and 301, you are eligible to take 401. L.I.F.E. 401 will be offered on Sunday, June 22nd from 3:00-8:00 p.m. Please contact Pastor Steve and let him know you are ready to circle the bases and begin your adventure as a world-class Christian.


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ROOTS TO WINGS CELEBRATION Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008 Worship: 10:15 a.m. (one service) Pot Luck Time: 11:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall Plan to join us as we celebrate God s vision for our debt retirement at MUMC. We are having a pot luck, so plan to bring a dish to pass and enjoy pulled pork sandwiches. Look for your personal invitation to arrive in the mail soon.

Dear Members and Friends, We have our roots established in the living Word of God, the Bible. To enable our congregation to put down deeper roots, we have our church building were we meet together. Six years ago we added to and enhanced our building so that we could expand our ability to minister not only to our congregation but also to our community. From Roots to Wings is the third phase of reducing the debt that was incurred. As our roots have deepened, we have grown stronger and bigger. To be free to do all that the Lord would call us to do, we need to free of the debt that we have. This devotional is to guide you in worship, going from gratitude for the past, to faith for the present, on to a vision for the future, and finally to making a commitment for the challenge of eliminating our debt. One of the legacies that we can leave for the next generation is one of a debt free facility. This will happen as we trust in our God with whom we know all things are possible. What a terrific testimony to God and to our faith as we look to Him to provide and show us how we can make sacrifices in order to meet this need. I know that you will be blessed as you read this devotional guide that begins Monday, May 26th, and prayerfully seek God s will. Prayer Guide Leader Judy Andrews

May 18th June 1st June 1st June 2nd June 22nd June 22nd June 29nd

Distribution of Devotional materials Pastor Steve will launch a special sermon series Testimonials from members Invitations mailed Pledges offered up Celebration Sunday First Fruits offering received

We at Marengo Methodist church have had a vision, a spiritual goal. We are building a strong base for an expanded ministry. We also have a vision of the work to be accomplished here at Marengo United Methodist Church. We must retire the debt from our building addition/renovation. We can work together as one to make this happen with our three commitment to retire the debt. Throughout the weeks in June our church family will enjoy the personal testimonies of people who love our church and who are committed to its future. Those commitments will be offered to God on June 22, 2008. Then on June 29, 2008 each of us has the opportunity to praise God with the giving of what will be called First Fruits. First Fruits allows you to pay all and/or a portion of your three year pledge commitment. By now each you have received your devotional guide to prayerfully determine what God is speaking to you about for the next three years. Soon you will receive your invitation to the Celebration luncheon as well as your commitment letter. June is an exciting month for the future of our church and family. It is with my great love for my church and church family that allows me to work hard for the vision. As you know I am compelled by this verse from Proverbs 29:18a Where there is no vision the people shall perish. We have a vision. We shall not perish. Yours in Christ, Sally Hoesel, Campaign Leader


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Worship Time change June 22: Only 1 worship service at 10:15 AM to celebrate and consecrate our pledges for From Roots to Wings

This is a time of transition for Marengo UMC coming down off the mountain of our 40 Days of Purpose Pilgrimage and anticipating a change of pastors. Nehemiah was called by God to help the Israelites transition from helplessness to hopefulness by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His story will help us build up our lives in our own time and transition.

June 29: Only 1 worship service at 10:15 AM to celebrate our 6 wonderful years with Pastor Steve and wish him well in his new church Summer Worship Time: All summer, until Rally day in September we will have one worship service on Sunday, at 10:15 AM.

Sunday, June 1st Communion Scripture: Nehemiah 5:14-19 Message: Resurrected Lifestyle: Servant Leadership Nehemiah demonstrated that to be great in God s Kingdom we must become servants. God is calling leaders who will stand up, step out and demonstrate true greatness.

Su n d a y , J u n e 2 9 t h : Go o d - b y e P a s t o r S t e v e

Sunday, June 8th Scripture: Nehemiah 6:1-9 Message: Resolve to Finish During his work on the city walls, Nehemiah realized that staying the course in the face of challenge would create the best possible climate for God to work mightily through him.

Every one of you can play a part in this service. Specifically, Pastor Steve would like to hear about what you have gained by his ministry, and what you plan to do with it in the future. So, there will be a time in the service to share these thoughts. Think about what you would like to say, and be ready to speak up.

Don t miss worship on Sunday, June 29, at 10:15 AM. (No worship at 8:30 AM that day) All of the choirs will be singing, and we will send off Pastor Steve with all the joy and love we can muster.

Susan would like to make a lasting record of what Pastor Steve means to us by videotaping messages to Pastor Steve. She will record from June 9-23. Then she will put all the messages together on one DVD as a gift and present it to Pastor Steve on June 29th.

Sunday, June 15th Scripture: Nehemiah 7:1-5 Message: Re-establish a Legacy We are called to be the kind of parents our kids need us to be, and the kind of Christians the next generation needs us to be, and influence others toward who they re created to be. Nehemiah did, and God blessed his work. Sunday, June 22nd One Service at 10:15 a.m. Scripture: Leviticus 23:33-43; John 2:1-11 Message: Roots and Wings Biblical festivals celebrate faith events in the life of the faith community. This Sunday we celebrate who we have been and who we are becoming at Marengo UMC with a special ceremony, a special meal, and a special offering. Sunday, June 29th One Service at 10:15 a.m. A celebration of Pastor Steve s last Sunday at Marengo UMC

Contact Susan to make an appointment for your video farewell: Monday, June 9: 7-9PM Tuesday, June 10: 7-9 PM Wed., June 11: 5-6 PM Friday, June 13: 7-9 PM Sat. June 14: 9-11 AM or 2-4 PM Sun., June 15: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Monday, June 16: 7-9PM Wed., June 18: 5-6 PM Friday, June 20: 7-9 PM Sat. June 21: 9-11 AM or 2-4 PM Sun.,June 22: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Monday, June 23: 7-9 PM

Susan Gieseler Evening Phone: 815-568-7502 Cell Phone: 815-545-9-14 Day-time Phone: 847-931-0710 X-17

We a r e o n t h e web ! Vis it u s at www.m ar en go -u m c.o r g




119 E. Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 Phone: 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 E-mail:

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2008 Sunday, June 22nd through Thursday June 26th 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

BEACH PARTY will bring your children into a closer relationship with God, all them to experience the love of Jesus as their friend and Savior, and inspire them to share their beliefs with others. Watch for registration coming soon!

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