Volume X II Issue 3
March 2009
From Pastor Keck. . . It felt good. Didn t it? Up until that point, it had been such a cold winter. Record cold days followed by multiple snowstorms. The best we could hope for was perhaps the temperature might inch above freezing and it would stop snowing. And then, all of a sudden, the earth began to warm. The ice on the roof of the parsonage fell with an incredibly loud crash. Snow banks dissolved before my eyes. I even saw a couple of insects buzzing around my home. It was 60 degrees! That day, I felt myself renewed and reinvigorated. Spring had arrived. The only problem was that it was early February. Ok, the effects were temporary, but much appreciated. From time to time, we all need to be warmed and reminded of just how blessed we are. We need a word of hope, a loving gesture, and a sign that things will get better. We need to be reminded that winter is not going to last forever God is preparing a new spring for us. It will not be long now. We have entered the season of Lent and Easter is but a few weeks away. The days are brighter and the temperatures gradually warming. Yet as we begin to emerge from
winter, our economy has entered into a financial winter of its own. Our economy has not been this cold since the great depression; and there are few signs of any warming trends. Indeed, we may be in for a long winter. So we bundle up and hunker down, not knowing how cold things might get. Like the forces of nature, we are being buffeted by worldwide economic trends that are beyond our control. Or are they? Before Jesus left his followers, he breathed out the Holy Spirit upon them, granting them the power to heal and forgive. He made of his followers a powerful community of believers, capable of changing lives and the world around them. What Jesus said to them was that he left with them everything they needed to continue his ministry. Into a cold and dark world, God sent the light of the world to change the world. Now we are inheritors of that light and the power to change the world. The warming power of Easter has been placed within the church - our church. In our present economic crisis we can care for those who suffer. In the icy winds of hopelessness and despair, we can bring a spirit of hopeful renewal. As
our financial wealth declines, our spiritual wealth and well-being can still increase. Jesus Christ has given us this power and commanded his followers to feed my sheep. The secret of Easter is not simply the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also the revelation that the power of Easter has been entrusted to us. We can contribute to the spiritual forces of spring in our world. We can warm this world through the sharing of the love of Jesus Christ. We may not be able to change the economy, but we can change the weather of our hearts and fill our world with love and compassion. We have that power. Easter is coming. It is already here.
Reminder Daylight Savings time begins on Sunday, March 8th at 2:00 am. Spring ahead one hour!
Breakfast on Rosebud Palm Sunday, April 5th @ 9:00 am Join the Rosebud Mission Trip members for a Palm Sunday breakfast of pancakes and eggs before the service. We will be serving up free a hot breakfast for you! A free will offering will be taken to help support our mission trip to Rosebud, SD in July. We will display pictures from past trips and a video, and have lots of information on the reservation for you to look at. Times will be announced soon, so keep an eye on the Mustard Seed and weekly bulletins for more information.
Rosebud Scratch Card Fundraiser Rosebud Team Members will soon begin a new kind of fundraising adventure. They have customized fundraising booklets, which contains scratch off circles. Under the circles are hidden donation amounts ranging from $.50 to $3.00 in easy to add increments of 25 cents. (i.e. $0.50, $0.75, $1.00, $1.25 etc...) You may be approached by a Rosebud Team Member asking you to scratch two or more circles revealing your donation amount (not greater than $3.00 per circle). In return for your donation, which supports the Rosebud Mission Trip, you will receive a sheet of valuable coupons from stores like Target, Pizza Hut, Jiffy Lube, FTD and others as a 'thank you' for your fundraising contribution.
BurasTrip 2009 The Buras Mission Team is looking for YOUR help. We need prayers, members, and financial support. Our next trip is planned for April 17-25, 2009, which will include the infamous Crawfish Boil, in Buras, LA. The next team meeting is planned for March 11, 2009 @ 7 pm. Join us if you are interested in going. We are also planning for a Jambalaya Fest on March 8th after 2nd service. More information will follow. If donating monies, please label them "Buras Mission Fund."
Youth Group N ews Sunday, March 15th all youth, grades 5 & up, are invited to go Ice Skating at the Crystal Lake Ice House. Cost is $6.00 plus $2.00 for skate rental. We will meet at the church at 1:15 pm. Drivers are needed. Please RSVP to Deb Oakes by March 87th 815-263-1563. Mark your calendars! Saturday, April 18th, Kevin Hillner is going to take us flying at the Rockford Airport. Watch for more details!
2009/ 10 PDO School Year registration is coming soon! If you have a child or have a friend with a child that is age 1 to 5, don t miss checking out what is happing at MUMC s Parent s Day Out Program. At PDO our children experience a loving, caring, and safe environment with qualified staff, interaction with other children of similar ages, creative play that is essential to good development, and structured activities that include art, music, games, stories, and much more! Information for the 2009/ 10 school year will be out soon. Keep an eye on the bulletin and Mustard Seed for news. If you have any questions or would like to visit our classroom, please contact the PDO Director, Liz Fischer at the church office (815-568-7162).
U nited Methodist W omen The next UMW meeting will be held April 8th at 1:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. The program will be fun and games. Esther Circle will provide devotions and refreshments. Come on, come all United Methodist women. Esther Circle will meet March 25th at the home of Betty Jacoby, 850 Cayuga Trail, 568-5357. Ruth Circle plans dinner out in March. Time and place to be announced. . Thank you to those who assisted at the recent funeral luncheons. The luncheons are a gift to the family. If you would be interested in assisting, please let Clara Piper know of your interest. When Clara
Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Doug Hauri; Tim Christensen; Bob Cummens, Susan Gieseler s father; Belle Mahon; Lauri Monti, Bonnie Voller s sister; Judi Alden; LaVerne Ryman, Debbie Oakes mother; Marge, Bruce Elliott s mother; Sean Romine; Karen Apel; Gary Stoklosa; Frank E. Gualillo of Yorkville, NY, father of Frank D. Gualillo; Jackie Roberts, Brenda Ferriera s Aunt; Emily Hill, friend of Betty Jacoby; Jan Crisman, Lynette Paradiso s mother; Donna Oakes, Chris Oakes mother; Scott Kominowski, friend of the Hoffman s; Sydney Ives, friend of Bonnie Voller; Arthur Overhage, friend of Brenda Ferreira; Ann Locovare; Don Duthron, friend of Audrey Anderson; Fred & Barb Trask; Shirley Vaughan, friend of the Hoffman family; Janet Swonguer s father; Mike Meinders, son of Dewey and Betty Meinders. Prayers for Comfort and Support: Cindy Clavey; Steve Tradewell; For those facing unemployment; Our Country s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Sheri Johnstone; Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Robert Grass; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you have an updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, you can add your request to the backside of the Connection Card (located in the pocket of our attendance book), place a note on the office desk, email to info@marengo-umc.org or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.
is out of town, contact our president, Gaye Anne Anderson to express your willingness to support our church family in this way. Do remember our shut-ins. Ann Locovare (Marie Urban's Mom) is at Sunrise Senior Living, 751 E. Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake, Il 60014. Cards, visits, prayers are all appreciated.
ANNIVERSARIES Terry & Betty Pace John & Sheri Johnstone Gary & Connie Stoklosa Jim & Joan Cowan Errol & Judi Alden Brent & Emily Mortimer Patrick & Sally Hoesel Chuck & Judy Andrews Bruce & Dawn Elliott
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BIRTHDAYS Joshua Hoesel Hobie Jones Pete Hunt Brent Pace Richard Anderson Joan McIntyre Jennifer Cowan Norm Finnell Angela Richardson Bailey Miller Nathaniel Loudenbeck Jane McDonald Colleen Wilcox Sarah Bohlander Charles Knisley Claudia Kachlik Dax Kirchhoff Mary Pflueger Randy Mapes Sarah Weberpal Chris Angelo Brandon Tegeler Ed Richard Eric Gustafson Damon Pace Brent Mortimer Chris Wilcox Julie Jones
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Come Celebrate God s Lay Reader Training Presence W ith U s! Sermon Series: Study of the Book of Job Sunday, March 1, 2009 Message: Rewrite Biblical Story Telling: Once Upon a Time Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, March 21st 10:00 am - Noon, Training will be offered for Lay readers. Pastor Keck likes to have lay persons reading the Scripture. How we deliver that reading can make a big difference in people s understanding of the Word. All persons who are interested in reading scripture in worship are invited to attend this session. We will watch a short video about reading scripture and discuss ways that we can make our reading interesting and understandable.
Scripture: Job 9:19-24, 32-35 Message: It Is Not Fair! Sunday, March 15, 2009 Scripture: Job 13:1-12 Message: Do I Scare You?
If you have any questions, call: Susan Gieseler (daytime) : 847-931-0710 X-17 (Evenings and weekends): 815-568-7502) E-mail: sgiesel@t6b.com.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 Scripture: Job 19:23-27 Message: My Redeemer Sunday, March 29, 2009
Easter Lilies & Spring Flowers
Scripture: Job 40:1-9 Message: And You Are?
Kid s Date N ight You were all such good bear hunters that we have decided to go on a Rabbit and Easter Egg Hunt! It will be Tuesday, March 31st from 6:00-7:00pm at MUMC. Please bring your dad and/ or mom or your Grandma and/ or Grandpa. We will be doing the Bunny Hop together, read rabbit stories, and eat some rabbit food! We hope you can come! Please call and let us know if you will attend. Happy Hopping! Gaye Anne & Richard Anderson 815-568-8806 Barbara & Jack Carder 815-568-5716
Once again you have the opportunity to fill our sanctuary will the aroma and beauty of Easter Lilies. The cost will be $10 each. I am still working with the Florist to try to offer potted spring flowers for variety. I do not yet know if they can be offered at the $10 price, so watch the WEB and the Bulletin for final information, if you are interested in that option. The flowers will grace the altar area on Easter Sunday. After the 10:15 service they may be taken home, or you may opt to deliver them (or have them delivered) to someone who is homebound, in a nursing home, or who would just be cheered to see them. If you have any questions call me at 847931-0710 X-17 during the day, or 815-568-7502 evenings or weekends, or e-mail me at : sgiesel@t6b.com Susan Gieseler
Equal Exchange Fair Traded Coffee & Tea Perhaps you re wondering about the coffee, tea and hot chocolate that we sell every six weeks or so. Equal Exchange currently works with small farmer organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the United States. Their trading partners are small farmer co-operatives businesses owned and governed democratically by the farmers themselves. Decisions are made within the co-op on their terms. Training programs for women in Guatemala, an ecotourism project in Nicaragua, new classrooms in El Salvador these are some of the examples of the initiatives that co-ops have taken in their own communities with the income and support of Equal Exchange and other Fair Trade organizations. These farmer coops help keep rural communities healthy and strong, and keep local culture vibrant. Why not try the Organic Breakfast Blend? It s a balanced blend of light and dark roasts, full-bodied with a rich flavor. It is one of the fairly traded coffees from the small farmer cooperatives in Nicaragua and Peru. We have it in whole bean if you like to grind your own or already ground. It s $5.65 for a 12oz. Bag. If you prefer a decaffeinated coffee, we have Organic Decaf from Columbia that comes in both whole bean and ground. It s $6.65 for a 12 oz. Bag. The fairly traded Organic teas are sourced directly from India, Sri Lanka, and South Africa with the smallscale farmer in mind. We offer three kinds: Organic Green Tea: A healthful and invigorating tea made from premium unfermented Darjeeling tea. Green is known for its antioxidant qualities and low level of caffeine. Organic English Breakfast Tea: A delicious blend of malt Assam and crisp Darjeeling teas. Organic Rooibos Tea: Cultivated by small farmers of the Wupperthal community in South Africa. This tea has a fruity character with vanilla overtones. Rooibos is naturally caffeine free and contains antioxidants, which promote good health. All of the teas come 25 bags per box and are $2.50 per box. Why not give them a try? We have only a couple of cans of hot chocolate mix. They are $5.00 per can. We will have it available again in the fall. There are order forms at the display in the narthex. The order will be placed March 22 and your coffee or tea will be ready for pick-up on March 29.
A N ote From Your Finance Secretary If you have not received offering envelopes and would like to have a box, please let me know. Offering envelopes make it very easy for you to convey to me how you would like your contribution disbursed, and they really do make my job of posting the contributions much easier. Thanks to all those who currently use the offering envelopes. Sally Hoesel, Finance Secretary 815-544-5963 sjhoesel@msn.com
A Senior Moment
by Ann Stein
Times they are a changin'. I was thinking about the history of the telephone during my lifetime. I do not remember not having a phone in our home. Do you? Tom Anderson and Genelle Skeels both told me they went to the corner drug store to make a call. I neglected to ask how much it cost at that time to call from a pay phone. Ken's Tante Lily had a pay phone in her home and it would cost a nickel to make a call! Do you remember Lily Tomlin at the old fashioned switchboard (one ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy) I actually used one of those boards in my early working days. I never remember feeling really comfortable with the system. Felt as though I could end up all tangled up in the cords. And the early phones in our homes were "party lines". You do remember those?! It was a real "grape vine". Although we were not supposed to listen in, I think most of us did listen at one time or another. It was entertaining! Remember, we did not have TV, video games, etc. Phone calls were supposed to be private conversations. When I received a call when I was a teen, I remember taking the phone and the cord as far as it would reach and sitting on the stairs that led to the basement to try and keep my private life private! The privacy issue was probably what led to phone booths. And without phone booths, where would Superman have changee his clothes?! Cell phones are in! Private phone conversations are out!! Wherever you go people are making and receiving calls on their cells. I admit I have no love for cell phones. I find myself annoyed by them -- what does that say about me? Hmmm, crotchety old woman!. It seems like multi-tasking ... driving, shopping, etc. and talking on the phone. If you have a cell phone, haven't you been in a public place and a cell phone rings and we all check our phones. The rings are pretty much alike -- other than Ken's sister whose ring is a rooster doing the cockle-doodle-doo! I love it! Definitely distinctive. I concede I found the cell phone invaluable when we were having car trouble one evening this winter and were able to keep warm in our car while we contacted a towing company. I also appreciate the use of a cell phone when the computer has dibs on the land line. Good News!!! We do not need a phone to connect with our heavenly father. "Father, you've made it possible for us to stay in contact with you all the time, wherever we are. Even our unuttered thoughts can be prayers, which enable us to pray without ceasing. Thank you for always being available and never on vacation. Thank you also for allowing the Holy Spirit to pray for us when we don't know how to pray. Amen."
Church Library We have done some cleaning up in our library. While doing so, we were reminded of the wonderful books, videos, CD's that we are blessed to have for our enjoyment. Check out the suggested Bible reading schedule. We have also placed a number of Bibles there and you are encouraged to help yourself for your own use or for sharing. Also, we continue to offer free material. The free "stuff" has been moved to the north side of the room. Enjoy! Remember, you do not need to fill out a card or worry about a due date. Keep the item if you wish, share with a friend or return for others to enjoy.
March 2009
S un
M on
T ue
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S at
1 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am Children rehearse song for Easter 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 2:00pm - Lay Academy 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
2 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10am-Mgo Wmn Club 10:45am-Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA
3 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - WF@MUMC 7:00 pm - TRUSTEES 7:30pm - Al-Anon
4 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
5 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
6 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - LEAD Team
7 8 am Men s Breakfast 9:30am - God s Little Princesses 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
8 8:30 am - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 11:30 am - Buras Trip Jambalaya Fest 3:00pm - Classic Arts Trio @ Barrington UMC 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
9 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
10 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10 am - FINANCE 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - WF@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
11 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm-Buras Meeting 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
12 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
13 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners
14 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
15 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am Children rehearse song for Easter 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
16 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - Stephen Ministry Supervision 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
17 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - WF@MUMC 6:30 pm - LEAD Team 7:30pm - Al-Anon
18 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
19 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
20 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 12:00pm - Mgo Wmn Club
21 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
22 One Great Hour of Sharing 8:30 am - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 4:00 pm - LIFE 301 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
23 PDO Spring Break 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
24 PDO Spring Break 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:30pm - Al-Anon
25 PDO Spring Break 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 1:00pm - Esther Circle @ Betty Jacoby s 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-WF@Rucker s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
26 PDO Spring Break 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Daisy Troop 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC
27 PDO Spring Break 10:45 am - Golden Diners
28 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
29 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am Children rehearse song for Easter 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 2:00pm - Lay Academy 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
30 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10am-Mgo Wmn Club 11 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - WF@ Andrews 7pm - WF@Meinders 7:30 pm - AA 7:30pm - WF@MUMC
31 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WFG @ Judy Andrews 11a.m. - Golden Diners 7:30-830p.m.- AlAnon
We are on the web!
119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: info@marengo-umc.org
W ould You Like to H elp a Soldier? Recently I became aware of a great opportunity and I thought I d share it with you-adopt a soldier. It is really easy and just takes a bit of time. I am now impatiently waiting to hear from my adopted soldier, Elsa. I say impatiently as I can t wait to hear back from her and begin getting to know her. If you would like to explore the possibility of adopting a soldier, go to www.soldiersangels.org and see if this is something that you could fit into your life. I can see from the website there are many soldiers who have signed up to be adopted, so maybe there are others in our church family who might do this, also. Sally Hoesel
Food Pantry Never know what to donate to the food pantry? Are you stuck on Mac and Cheese or Ramen Noodles? The food pantry came up with some ideas for rotating your donated products on a monthly basis to fill our high need items. January Canned meals or meals in a box (i.e./ beef stew, meat ravioli, Hamburger Helper)
February Baby Needs diapers (any size), baby food, cereal, wipes. (we also will take your left over formula (unopened) or if you have three diapers left that a child has outgrown, put them in a zip lock and leave them!) March Pasta, rice, beans April Laundry detergent May Shampoos, toothpaste, toothbrushes, conditioners (all sizes, big and small) June Canned meals or meals in a box July Pancake mix and syrup August Paper towels, toilet paper, tissues September coffee, flour, sugar, tea October Canned fruit November Cereal (all and any kinds, including farina and oatmeal) December Laundry detergent We appreciate all that you give to us.