Volume XII Issue 5
May/ June 2009
One of the goals of our 40 Days of Community campaign is to gain a stronger appreciation for the power of community, what we are capable of as the body of Christ. To make this point, I would like to share with you the work log of our Buras team. It is an impressive list of achievements in such a short amount of time. What I also wish to impress upon you is that we all share in the work and accomplishments listed below, because we are a community. What one group or individual accomplishes, we all accomplish together. What more, together, are we capable of achieving? We are better together!
Pastor Keck Buras, Louisiana-April, 2009 Work Log As compiled by Darrell Knisley Friday April 17 Drove to Clinton, Mississippi and stayed at Brian Standley’s. Saturday April 18 Drove to Buras, LA and attended the 8th annual Buras Crawfish Boil-off. Monday April 20 Removed and capped off old sewer line where parish administration and bunkhouse trailers sat. Removed and capped water line for trailers. Removed electrical service pole and line for trailers. Removed eight hurricane hold-down anchors for the trailers. Cleaned up debris where trailer sat. Filled in around air conditioner units in three the south “Sunday school” rooms. Filled sewer line holes in cement floor in the three south rooms, first with insulation then with cement Removed stored items and cleaned two of the south rooms. Installed trim in the western-most south room. Caulked corners in the three south rooms. Installed electrical plug and switch plates in the three south rooms. Framed up 36-foot wall in front of church. Installed florescent light in central storeroom. Removed two single duplex electrical plugs and in stalled double duplex plugs so that a standard plug cover could be used. Installed 220-volt plug and outlet receptacle for hot water heater. Cleaned up and reorganized the shelves in the 30-foot storage container. Drove to Port Sulphur (35 mile round trip) and picked up ~300 feet of 2x4s, ~600 feet of 1x4s, 1x6s and 1x12s, and miscellaneous electrical supplies. Tuesday April 21 During our morning devotions and while praying for Dewey he called Chuck who thought his call was from a telemarketer and hung up. Dewey then called Stan & he was then able to join us during our time of devotions Continued on Picked up insulation, twenty sheets of Oriented Stranded particle Board (OSB), and page 2
Buras Work-log Cont. additional supplies in Port Sulphur. Sheeted the outside of the front wall with OSB and installed some insulation. Rebuilt the support for the northwest corner of the entryway. Because we were unable to purchase oversized plug plates we caulked the oversized cutouts. Installed 4 outlets and several plug and switch plates. Continued installing trim boards in south rooms. (Most of the trim pieces were ripped at 45° from wider boards). Squared up heat duct holes in the south wall of the sanctuary and fasted the heat ducts to the 2x4 studs. Cleaned up the work/sawing areas. Wednesday April 22 Completed the installation of the trim boards in the south rooms. Prime painted the trim in two of the south rooms. Installed trim on doorway between the west hall and the sanctuary. Installed trim on the 38-inch x 57-inch AC air return in the storage room/hallway wall. Built the 4-foot east end wall at the front of the church. Completely rebuilt the support structure for the west end of church entryway. Extended the roof one foot to the end of the church to cover the end wall. Installed insulation and OSB sheets on the inside of the walls. Cut out 2 attic access boards, prime painted and installed. Finished installing OSB on the ceiling in the left north storeroom. Removed the florescent light in the right north storeroom, installed the ceiling OSB sheets and stalled the light. Cut 48 feet of fascia board and prime painted.
Thursday April 23 Prime painted the trim in the third south room and painted the trim in all three. Installed and prime painted trim in three doorway/archways. Removed and correctly reinstalled one 12-foot section of fascia, painted and installed the 48 feet of facia on the east side of the church. Cut an additional 48 feet of fascia and prime painted. Cut, primed, and painted a frame for the heat duct opening in the south wall of the sanctuary. Finished the rebuilding of the entrance corner and prime painted the exposed area. Cut the rounded step in the entrance sidewalk and readied for the installation of a slanted approach. Drove to Port Sulphur to pick up the special-order air return 2-foot x 4-foot grills. Friday April 24 Installed and primed trim in the 38-inch x 52-inch AC air return in the hallway/AC room wall. Painted and installed the 48 feet of fascia on the south gable. Installed the frame and grill over the heat duct opening in the south wall of the sanctuary. Cut, dadoed, and assembled the frame for the two hallway air return openings and installed the frame and the grill. Filled in around the doorframe into the west hallway and the door into the laundry room and installed brick molding. Cleaned up the sawdust in the open area between the south rooms and the main church area. Moved all the extra lumber into the central storage room. Cleaned the tools and moved back into the storage container. Drove to the docks south of Venus and boated in Rolf Parelius’ 35-foot fishing boat to the Gulf of Mexico on one of the many channels in the delta. The team consisted of: Bruce Piggush, Alan Ott, Stan McDonald, Matthew Murdock, Darrell Knisley, Kent Burnside, Vincent Becker, and Chuck Andrews. Mark & Shasta Plumer, Connie and Lloyd Lincoln, Tony & Michael Frinke, Pastor Gene and Debbie Faurie, Rolf and Marlyn Parelius graciously provided evening meals consisting of Gumbo, red beans and rice, grilled bacon-wrapped shrimp, ravioli, boiled crabs, etc.
God’s Little Princess I would just like to say a heartfelt “Thanks” to Judy Andrews, Sara Mulasmajic, Pastor Keck and the MUMC congregation for allowing me to share my vision of the “God’s Little Princess” Bible study. It was a program I was interested in starting for a few years and because of your kindness and support, I was able to bring it to life and to share with 6 amazing little princesses a relationship with their true King. Everyone’s dedication to meet every Saturday morning was a blessing and I am truly thankful to you all! Susan Rowley
Youth Group Calling all youth ages 14 and up! We are once again holding a Lock-Out on Friday, May 22nd. We will meet at the church at 8:00 pm and head to Rockford for an entire night of fun. We are looking into movies, bowling, miniature golf and other exciting events. The cost for this event is still being determined. Watch the E-seed and bulletins for further details. We are also in need of drivers for this event. Let Pastor Keck or Deb Oakes know if you are interested. The kids will be delivered home between 6:00 & 7:00 am.
Rummage/ Bake Sale The youth will be holding a Rummage/ Bake Sale on June 13th from 9:00am—5:00 pm in the church Fellowship Hall. So as you are doing your spring cleaning and come across an item you wish to donate, you can bring them to the church beginning May 1st. We are also in need of adults that can be available during the week of June 8th to help the youth with the sorting and set up for the sale. If you wish to donate an item for the bake sale, you may bring that to the church by 8:00 am on the 13th, but please let Deb Oakes know ahead of time. Contact Debbie Oakes at (815) 568-9778 for more information or if you need assistance with delivery of a larger item. All proceeds from the sale will go towards the Rosebud Mission Trip.
Updated Website and Weekly E-seed Newsletter While it is a work in progress, we have launched a new, very informative website! Check it out at www.marengoumc.org. Also, we have begun a weekly emailing called the “E-seed”. Essentially it is an email newsletter, giving calendar information, the prayer list, and updates of weekly announcements! It is easy to receive this emailing. You can sign up on our website by looking under the news and calendar tab or just leave your email address on a Connection Card (found in the pocket in the attendance pads) and place in the offering plate or on the secretary’s desk.
Mustard Seed: Deadline & Summer Issue Information In an effort to save money, you may have noticed this issue of your Mustard Seed is a two month issue. We will also be doing a two month issue for the months of July and August. The deadline for that issue will be extended an extra 4 days to June 24th. So you will need to put on your thinking caps and think ahead a couple of months and get your articles, stories, etc. to me by that date; however, I definitely will need ALL articles submitted by that date in order to be included. There will be no way I can give an extension beyond that date and still get our Mustard Seed in mailboxes by the 1st of July. We will go back to monthly newsletters with our September Mustard Seed and our deadline will be back to August 20th for that issue. Thank you for your extra effort! Also, your June calendars will be available at the end of the month in your bulletin and at the Welcome Center. Thank you, Dawn Hoffman
1 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners
2 8am—Men’s Breakfast 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
Reaching Out Better Together 8:30 - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 11:20am - Rehearse Mother’s Day Song 1:30 pm - 40 Days @ MUMC 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth
4 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-40 Days @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 7pm - 40 Days@ Andrews’ and Kim Burgraff’s 7:30 pm - AA
5 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - 40 Days @ Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - 40 Days @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
6 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-40 Days@ Johnson’s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
7 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10 am - Mgo Wmn’s Club Board Meeting 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - National Day of Prayer @ MCHS 7:00pm - 40 Days @ MUMC
8 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:30am—Organ Tuning 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7pm - 40 Days @ Angela Chiccoine’s
9 1pm - Kelly Durbin use of Fellowship Hall for Baby Shower 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
Belonging Better Together Mother’s Day 8:30 - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 1:30 pm - 40 Days @ MUMC 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
11 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-40 Days @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - WW 6 pm-Rosebud Meeting (meet at MUMC) 7pm - 40 Days@ Andrews’ and Kim Burgraff’s 7:30 pm - AA
12 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - 40 Days @ Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - 40 Days @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
13 9:am -1pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-40 Days@ Johnson’s 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
14 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - 40 Days @ MUMC
15 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7pm - 40 Days @ Angela Chiccoine’s
16 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
Growing Better Together 8 am - 1:30pm Blood Drive 8:30 - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 1:30 pm - 40 Days @ MUMC 2pm - Brownies 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth
18 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-40 Days @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - WW 7pm-Stephen Ministry Supervision 7pm - 40 Days@ Andrews’ and Kim Burgraff’s 7:30 pm - AA
19 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - 40 Days @ Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:30 pm -LEAD Team 6:45am - 40 Days @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
20 9:am -1pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-40 Days@ Johnson’s 7:00pm- Ministry Team 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
21 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - 40 Days @ MUMC
22 9-1:00pm - PDO 10:45 am - Golden Diners 12:00pm - Mgo Wmn Club 7pm - 40 Days @ Angela Chiccoine’s
23 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
26 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - 40 Days @ Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:45am - 40 Days @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon
27 9:am -1pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm-40 Days@ Johnson’s 7:00pm- Ministry Team 7:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7:00 p.m. - Yoga
28 Last Day of PDO 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - 40 Days @ MUMC
29 10:45 am - Golden Diners 12:00pm - Mgo Wmn Club 7pm - 40 Days @ Angela Chiccoine’s
30 1:00 p.m. - Prayer in Sanctuary
2 10:45am - Golden Diners 6:45pm-WF@ MUMC 7pm - TRUSTEES
3 9am - Yoga 10:45am - Golden Diners 7 pm - Sr. Choir 7 pm - Stephen Ministry Training 7pm - WF @ Johnsons 7 pm—Yoga
4 10:45am - Golden Diners 7 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7 pm - WF @ MUMC
5 10:45am - Golden Diners
6 8am - Men’s Breakfast 1 pm - Prayer in Sanctuary
Serving Better Together 8:30 am - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - Sunday School 11:15 am - Cherub Bells 1:30 pm - 40 Days @ MUMC
31 40 Days of Community CELEBRATION Worship 9:30 am Marengo Community High School 11:00pm - Potluck 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship
7:30 pm - AA
1 10am—Mgo Wom. Club Board 10:45am - Golden Diners 1 pm - WF@ Brenda Rommel’s 5 pm—WW 7 pm- WF@Burgraff’s 7:30 pm—AA
Safe Sanctuary Reminder We are a safe-sanctuary church, which means that we have established certain parameters that help to provide a safe environment for our children and students when they are attending our church or a church function. They are also in place to help insure the integrity of our volunteers, teachers, and staff. Some of the parameters include: • There will be NO photography of the children or students unless by parents, grandparents, or guardians. • There will be no pictures of children or students on any of the church web or internet sites. • All children/ students from nursery through fifth grade must be signed in by a parent, grandparent, or guardian and remain in that classroom until signed out by the same parent, grandparent, or guardian. • There must be two adults in each classroom and during all functions for children/ students. • A volunteer must be at least five (5) years older than the oldest child/student. • All volunteers, teachers, and staff working with the children and/or students must agree to a background check and have read our safe-sanctuary policy. There is a copy of the Safe Sanctuary Policy on our church website at www.marengoumc.org Thank you for helping us to provide a safe place where our children and students can feel secure.
Kids Date Night Tuesday, May 26th 6:00 pm Children ages 2 through 6 years are invited to join our Kid’s Date Night. Kids, invite your parent (s) or grandparent (s) and come to the MUMC to enjoy a night out together !! Keep an eye out for your invitation letter and details of our May program. This is a great time for fun and fellowship with your child while they also enjoy time with their peers. This will be our last Date Night until September. For more information or to RSVP, please contact: Gaye Anne & Dick Anderson (815) 568-8806 or Barbara & Jack Carder (815) 568-5716
Your Help is Needed Summertime is coming! This year in order to help cut down costs, I will not be working in the office on Mondays from June 8th through August 10th. We would like to keep the office open with volunteers. I am also looking for volunteers who would be available to sit in as secretary during my vacation weeks this summer and I am always looking for someone to add to the fill in list as a last-minute helper for a personal sick day or for “sick kids days.” No experience is necessary. The volunteer job is very easy. I will get all of the necessary work completed; all it would require is to answer the phone and be available for any possible visitors and/or deliveries. Please call the church office (815) 568-7162 for more information or to be added to the list.
Employment Opportunity The Director position for Parent's Day Out will be available for the 2009-2010 school year. The position is part time (25-30 hours per month). Hours are flexible. An education background is recommended, but not required. Please contact Liz Fischer at (815) 568-7162 if interested.
Mark Your Calendars! Laughter: Live Happily Ever After Laughter strengthens the immune system, improves breathing and blood pressure, relieves stress, and lifts our spirits. Ms. Jill League, a Certified Laughter Leader, from Sherman Health Education and Community Wellness will meet with Stephen Ministers and other interested church members to show us how laughter benefits us physically, mentally, and socially. Please plan to join us at MUMC on Monday evening, September 21, 2009, from 7:00 to 8:00 P.M., for a fun and healthful evening. Dress comfortably as we will participate in a session of the Sherman Health Laughter League.
Joe Mangano’s Eagle Scout Project Needs Your Help! My Eagle project is to find a durable medical closet in the Marengo/ Union area. What is a durable medical closet? A durable medical closet is a place to store and loan out medical equipment, for absolutely no charge. How will this project work?
Yoga Spring into Yoga! Keep yourself strong and healthy! Every Wednesday morning from 9-10:30 am and again in the evening from 7-8:30 pm in the Annex. It is fun! If you have any questions or would like to join in, call Audrey Anderson at 815-568-0822 or leave a message at the church or just show up! Fees are reasonable and all of the proceeds from the Yoga class fees are gifted back to MUMC. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1. Be sure to do some Yoga at home each day! Stretch & relax, do your yoga breathing, it will help you in times of stress and bring new energy, and make you feel better all over! 2. Send a note to someone to say “hi”, “thanks”, or “been thinking of you”. 3. Smile at a stranger at least three times a month! 4. Pick up a bag worth of garbage.
The person needing medical equipment will call Faith In Action at 815-455-3120 and request a piece of medical equipment. Faith In Action will send them to the medical closet. A form is required to be filled out, prior to the loan of the equipment. The person can have the medical equipment as long as it is needed and the equipment will have to be brought back cleaned. This is projected to begin in June. I need you to help me make this happen by donating used medical equipment such as, commodes, wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, and hospital beds. Donation site will be at: Office at 225 S. State St. across from Bocellis, with the big American Flag in the window. The office is open 8-6 M-F, or you can leave items in the Narthex by the food pantry box. Call Joe Mangano 1-815-568-2932 with questions or for more information.
Rosebud Mission Trip A big thanks to all who came to the Palm Sunday breakfast. We raised $ 589.00 for our trip. We have a way for you to work at Rosebud even if your schedule won’t allow you to go with us. There are signup sheets in the Narthex to sponsor an hour or more for us to work for you. If you sign up we will work that hour in your name. Each hour of the day is $ 7.50. We also have discount rates if you want us to work longer for you. Please see a team member if you have any questions. The next meeting for Rosebud is May 11th. We will meet at the church at 6:00 pm and caravan to Belvidere to the 6:30 pm meeting. Please plan on attending. Call Bob or Nicole with any questions: (815) 568-5535.
Church Library
It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of our third year of PDO! The realization that I will have two children in school full time next year has also set in! I have decided to substitute teach next year, and will not be back as PDO Director for the 2009-2010 school year. I have enjoyed being a part of the program very much. It has been such an enjoyable experience watching PDO blossom and grow into what it is today. It is a unique and much needed program in the Marengo community. I know many of you feel the same. I would also like to thank the teaching staff (Amanda Ham, Jennifer Haas, and Emily Mortimer), and Dawn Hoffman and Pastor Keck for being there, and helping to make things run smoothly. We made a great team. Also, thank you to the board members, who give great input and terrific ideas to enhance our program. Your time is appreciated. Thank you also to all of the PDO parents, who donated time and supplies when needed. It has been a joy getting to know your children. God's Blessings Liz Fischer , PDO Director
Faith in Action
Perhaps, this summer would be a good time to consider committing to reading the Holy Bible in its entirety! As you know, I made this commitment in January. I am reading at a snail's pace. Even at the snail's pace I have read 343 chapters!! That is 343 more chapters than I would have read if I had not made the commitment. I use the suggested reading schedule which is available to you in the church library. Pick up a copy if you feel that would be helpful to you. We are very busy at this time with all the things of spring and summer. There is also a lot of reading. But the longest journey begins with one footstep. Go for it! Let me know how you're doing and if you need a cheerleader. Lots of good reads on the shelves of our library and lots of good reading in the FREE baskets and shelves, too! Enjoy!!
United Methodist Women There will not be a general UMW meeting until October! At this time that seems a long time from now. But the seasons have a way of passing so quickly. The October meeting will be a catered lunch with Christian Book Reviews given by Ann Stein. Esther Circle will meet Wednesday, May 27th at the church with Alice Jenne as our hostess. Ruth Circle will meet May 21st at the home of Brenda Rommel. We have begun a period of 40 Days of Community. Reach out to others in our community and share Christian fellowship with others by inviting them to worship with us and also to participate in the UMW.
Faith in Action of Mc Henry County (FIAMC), is pleased to host its fourth annual Older Americans Luncheon in honor of McHenry County senior citizens on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 11:30 am. The luncheon will be held at the First Congregational Church, 11628 Main Street, Huntley, and is free of charge to attendees. Seating for the luncheon is limited; please contact the FIAMC offices at (815) 455-3120 or visit the FIAMC website, ww.fiamchenrycounty.org, for reservations.
Summer Worship at MUMC During the summer we will worship together on Sunday mornings with one service beginning at 9:30 am. 9:30 am worship will begin with our 40 Days of Community Celebration Service at Marengo Community High School.
From Your Finance Secretary
USPS Letter Carrier Food Drive
As we come into the summer season filled with vacations and fun activities we need to remember our promise to God for His house, Marengo United Methodist Church, and keep our financial commitments. As we know, God is there for us 24/7—he never tells us he’s on vacation and isn’t available. I don’t think God has ever once told me He’s tired and can’t listen to me. No! God is always ready to listen to my conversations with Him. Plus He’s ready to come into my heart when I am trying to make decisions and He guides me to make the right choices. We are blessed in life because with God, all things are possible.
On Saturday, May 9th the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service will be conducting their annual nationwide food drive to stock food pantries within the local community. The local USPS will be colleting non-perishable food items for distribution to the M.O.R.E. food pantry in Marengo. Please place a food donation by your mailbox on Saturday, May 9th before your mail is delivered. Your letter carrier will deliver it to M.O.R.E.
Congrats to our 2009 Graduates
We still have openings for all of our classes. If you know someone with a child ages 1 through 5 tell them about Parent’s Day Out. Depending on the age of the child, PDO is a one or two day program. Each class is 4 hours long, including a theme-based curriculum, play time, arts and crafts and more!
Marengo Community High School Graduates Mary Bohlander John Stout Jennifer Cowan Belvidere High School Graduates Joshua Hoesel Jae “Jimmy” Lee 8th grade Graduates Colleen Cowan, Austin Loudenbeck Brittany McKone Tara Oakes
PDO 2009/ 2010 Openings
National Day of Prayer Community Service Thursday, May 7th 7:00 pm Come together to praise God and join others in the community in prayer at Marengo High School. Music led by Grateful Praise will begin at 6:45 pm.
AROUND TOWN “Journey to Joy”
Summer Daze-Camp
Covenant Baptist Church is inviting all women to a “Journey to Joy - Feminar”. Guest speaker with be Becky Willey and the topics included will cover Joy from Experiencing God’s Presence and Peace From Following God’s Path. The “Feminar” will be held at Covenant Baptist Church, 20911 Ratfield Road, Marengo on Saturday, May 16th from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. The cost is $10 and includes lunch. You must register by May 3rd by calling (815) 5686076.
Zion Lutheran School is offering Summer DazeCamp and Day Care June 1st through August 14th for children aged 3 through entering 8th grade. Day care is available from 6:30 am -5:45 pm. The program includes weekly themes, computer time, water activities, field trips, game days, movies and arts and crafts! Register before May 15th and the cost is $20; after May 15th registration is $25 ($10 for each additional child). The registration fee includes a t-shirt! Weekly cost is $150/ first child, $75/ second child, $50/ third child for 3—5 days a week. If attending only 1 –2 Days/ week, the rate is $35 per day. Contact Zion at 815-814-5156 or at zionextendedcare@gmail.com for more information.
May Breakfast The First Baptist Church of Marengo invites you to their 95th Annual May Breakfast on Wednesday, May 6th from 5:00 am—10:00 am. Enjoy all you can eat buttermilk pancakes, ham, juice, coffee, milk, and donut holes for only $6.00 for adults, $3.00 for children 6-12 and under 5 are free! A bazaar and bake sale will also be on the agenda for the breakfast. First Baptist Church is located at 320 E. Washington Street.
Spring Salad Luncheon The Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid invite you to their Spring Salad Luncheon on Wednesday, May 13th from 11:00 am—1:00 pm in the Zion School Gymnasium. Many yummy salads are featured for a donation of $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for children 6 through 6th grade, and 5 and under are free! Enter through the East Side doors at 412 Jackson Street in Marengo.
Putt-Putt Day
Special Needs Carnival Algonquin Founders Day Carnival will run July 23rd through July 26th at the back of the Algonquin Town Park during their annual Founders Days Festival. Festival coordinators have set aside two hours for special needs children to attend the carnival free of charge on Thursday, July 23rd from 4:00-6:00 pm. Special needs children MUST be accompanied by a family member 16 years of age or older. It will be required that everyone entering the carnival be signed in and have a wrist band on to ride. The carnival will NOT be open to the public during this time period. Refreshments will also be provided for the kids on their way home. Members of the Lake in the Hills American Legion Post #1231 will be on hand to check everyone in and to be of any assistance. Emergency medical back up will be on site during this time period. Please call Gary Jenson at 847-875-7104 for more information.
For the 3rd year in a row, the Marengo Main Street organization will turn downtown Marengo into a miniature golf course from 11:00 am 4:00 pm on Saturday, June 13th. Only $2.00 to play!
Cornerstone UMC, Elgin is featuring an evening of song, fellowship and worship with Natarsha Gardner on Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 6:30 pm. Call 847464-4673 for more information.
Also, thanks to our Marengo Main Street Organization, Marengo is now an official Illinois Main Street Community!
Summerwood in Rockford will present many free and low cost Christian concerts this summer. Contact them at 847-877-7046 or see their website at www.summerwood.info for more information.
A Senior Moment Spring suggests baseball (this year will certainly be the Cubs' year!!), boating, camping, hiking, picnics, BBQ’s, gardening and lots of other neat stuff! And spring cleaning! Do you have cherished memories of spring cleaning? I gotta admit, I do not cherish any cleaning memories! Times have changed and so has the way we clean! We washed and dried dishes by hand! We hung rugs on a clothes line (Remember clothes lines?) and swatted something that looked like a tennis racquet at them. I remember my mother washing sheer curtains and putting them out to dry on a rack that had nails sticking up on it. She stretched the curtains and pushed them down on the nails, It was not an easy task. And spring also meant taking down the cumbersome storm windows and cleaning all of them. Whatever had to be washed (bed linens, curtains, etc.) was washed in a wringer washer and hung out on the clothes line to dry! (And pray it didn't rain until the drying was complete.)
by Ann Stein My eyes on the table until I wake up. As sleep dims my vision, I say to myself, "Is there anything else I should lay on the shelf?" But though nations are warring and business is vexed I'll still stick around to see what happens next. How do I know my youth is all spent? My get up and go has got up and went. But in spite of it all, I'm able to grin And think of the places my get up has been. I get up each morning and dust off my wits, Open the paper and read the obits. If I'm not there, I know I'm not dead, So I eat a good breakfast and go back to bed. How do I know my youth is all spent? My get up and go has got up and went. But in spite of it all, I'm able to grin And think of the places my get up has been.
How do I know my youth is all spent? My get up and go has got up and went. But in spite of it all, I'm able to grin And think of the places my get up has been.
Seriously, to keep a clean house we need brooms, mops, and dust cloths. To keep a clean Christian life, we also need some equipment. One of the most necessary items is a prayer time. We must talk to God if we are to keep His light shining in our lives. We should not pray only for our own lives but for those to whom we witness. Another great instrument in keeping our spiritual house clean is assembling together in the Lord's house.
Old age is golden so I've heard said. But sometimes I wonder as I crawl into bed With my ears in a drawer and my teeth in a cup
"The Lord said to us, ' My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians
Well, at the tender age of 70-something, I have a perfectly reasonable excuse for not giving too much energy to spring cleaning! Get Up and Go
M.O.R.E. Food Pantry The M.O.R.E. Center has set the dates for its 2009 fundraisers. We will have a golf outing on June 9th at the Blackstone Golf Club. On July 10th we will be hosting a Faye’s Barbeque. We will be selling raffle tickets from now until the barbeque. The raffle prizes are $1,500, $1,000 and $500. There are limited tickets available for the raffle, and winners will be drawn on July 10th. If you have any questions or would be able to support the M..O.R.E. Center by participating in one or more of these activities, please call Sandy Butenschoen, (815) 382-1815, or Norenne Dunker, (815) 568-8430. If you would like to purchase a raffle ticket or barbeque tickets, Janice Perkins has them for sale. (815) 568-6254. For anyone unaware of what the M.O.R.E. Center does, we include a food pantry that distributes free food, an emergency financial assistance program to help with referrals, counseling, and monetary assistance, and a free clothing and small household item distribution area. We are open two times each week, Wednesdays from 9:00am—12:00 pm and Thursdays from 4:00pm—6:00 pm. We serve the MarengoUnion high school district. Our monetary guideline is the government poverty figures based on family size. M.O.R.E. Center: (815) 568-7950 www.marengomorecenter.org
Anniversaries & Birthdays MAY ANNIVERSARIES Ken & Ann Stein Paul & LuAnn Hanelt Terry & Amy Kramer Darrell & Vicki Loudenbeck
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JUNE ANNIVERSARIES Gerald & Janet Wright Pete & Denise Hunt Ray & Charlotte Esunis William & Maxine Huebsch Peter & Janice Perkins Bob & Jill Rucker Michael & Brenda Ferriera Ed & Nancy Richard Dewey & Betty Meinders Keane & Lynette Paradiso Philip & Susan Gieseler Jim & JoAnne Zenk
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MAY BIRTHDAYS Nancy Richard Cody Wilcox Kaylee Wyrostek Brittany Hanelt Chuck Andrews Barbara Carder
1 3 3 5 6 6
Susan Gieseler Camden Weirich Ally Whiting Emily Mortimer Shelby Lohff Kathy Clavey Logan Miller Diana Gualillo Sydney Andrews Elizabeth Shadle Matthew Misiura John McGowan Judi Alden Basia Kirchhoff Janet Wright Dale Jenne Nate Skow Craig Cowan Nicole Meyers Gina Rickerd
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JUNE BIRTHDAYS Terry Kramer Jaden McKinley Lewis Schacht Chloe Burgraff Molly Burgraff
2 2 2 2 2
Denise Hunt Charles Johnson Marilyn Stone Paul Wilson Owen Lohff Levi Wilcox Tim Christensen Joel Cowan Debbie Oakes Nicole Beebe John Johnstone Gene Boxleitner Darrell Loudenbeck Joe Whiting Debbie Hookstadt Ann Stein Rocco Gailloreto Rob Andrews Tom Anderson Margaret Stone Brandy Weirich Charlotte Esunis Harry Hoffman Jeff Kachlik Ken Stein Lynnea Loudenbeck
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Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Newborn daughter of Jim & Stacey Karr, friends of Dorothy Otis; LaVerne Ryman, Debbie Oakes’ mother; Ryan Justen; Bob Cummens, Susan Gieseler’s father; Judi Alden; Marge, Bruce Elliott’s mother; Sean Romine; Karen Apel; Gary Stoklosa; Tom Anderson; Frank E. Gualillo of Yorkville, NY, father of Frank D. Gualillo; Jackie Roberts, Brenda Ferriera’s Aunt; Sydney Ives, friend of Bonnie Voller; Arthur Overhage, friend of Brenda Ferreira; Ann Locovare; Don Duthron, friend of Audrey Anderson; Fred & Barb Trask; Janet Swonguer’s father. Prayers for Comfort and Support: Jim and Stacey Karr and newborn daughter; Cindy Clavey; Steve Tradewell; For those facing unemployment; Our Country’s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you have updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, email to info@marengo-umc.org or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.
We are on the web!
119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: info@marengo-umc.org We are a loving community of faith, offering compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship, and opportunities to serve, in order to equip people with a faith that works in real life.
40 DAYS OF COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, May 17th With the help of Heartland Blood Centers, MUMC is hosting a community Blood Drive on Sunday, May 17th from 8:00 am—1:30 pm. They will park their mobile unit on the East side of the church in the parking spots that run along Taylor Street. Watch for sign up between services or just call the office to set up your time. Thank you! (815) 568-7162.
40 DAYS OF COMMUNITY CELEBRATION SERVICE Marengo Community High School Sunday, May 31 9:30 am Pot-luck 11:00am The end of our 40 Days of Community journey is truly just a beginning. Join us at the high school as we all worship together at one service at 9:30 am. We will continue our community fellowship with a Potluck following worship at 11:00 am.