Marengo United Methodist Church VO LU ME X I
Inside this Issue: Anniversaries & Birthdays 6 Buras Mission Trip 5 Calendar 9 Children s Christmas Prog. 10 Christmas Tea 7 Disciple 11 Financial Note 7 Genesis Study 7 God s Little Princesses 10 Grateful Praise 3 Have You Heard? 8 Library News 4 L.I.F.E. 201 10 M.O.R.E. 3 Operation Christmas Child 5 Parent s Day Out 4 Prayer List 6 Roots to Wings 2 Senior Moment 4 UMW 3 UMW Luncheon 8 Wesley Fellowship Groups 10 U.M.C.O.R. Mission Trip 5 Worship Schedule 11 Youth Group Events back
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We do it all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. We do it nonverbally and verbally. We depend upon it, yet none of us is its master. You are doing it right now, as you read this newsletter and reflect upon the words of this page. I am speaking, of course, of communication. As you read this article, you are engaging in an effort to understand what I am trying to say. In return, I am struggling to find the most appropriate words and phrases to convey my thoughts, ideas and intentions to you. On Sunday mornings, we struggle to communicate with each other about God, life and the gospel of Jesus Christ. In your daily life, you struggle to be understood and to understand others. It is a constant struggle. As an experiment, take some time and observe how much of life and our world is devoted to communicating with each other - phones, blackberries, beepers, computers, televisions, radio, books, signs, magazines, newsletters, mail, email, instant messaging, the internet, movies, theatre, music, advertising, conversation, physical gesturing, sign language, conversation, clothing, art, math, symbols and signs. The list is practically endless. Communication is a highly complex and nuanced activity, which is comprised of multivalent forms and functions. So prized and important is effective communication, that those who master a form of communication are often labeled as artists. For artists possess the ability to powerfully convey highly significant thoughts, feelings and ideas in a manner and form that shape and challenge us. There is genuine artistry to effective communication. The plays of William Shakespeare, the art of Leonardo De Vinci, the oratory of Abraham Lincoln are all examples of masterful artistry artistry that captures and communicates profound and life changing thoughts, experiences and ideas. One of the central purposes of the church is to communicate, to convey the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to our world. We are to powerfully re-present the life, meaning and message of the Christian faith. Done well, it is life changing great art. Communicated poorly, the voice of the church becomes a meaningless, discordant babble. Our goal must always be to communicate with great artistry. As we continue to grow as Christians and as a church, let us also grow as artists of the gospel! Your Fellow Christian Artist, Continued on page - 2