MUMC Mustard Seed September 2008

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Marengo United Methodist Church VO LU ME X I



Inside this Issue: Friends, Anniversaries & Birthdays Back to School poem Calendar Choir Notes Coffee Project CPR Training Disciple Have You Heard? Library News

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L.I.F.E. 101 Back Nursery News 7 Organ Repair Complete 3 Parent s Day Out 4 Prayer List 6 Rally Day 11 Roots to Wings 2 Rosebud Mission Thanks 6 Senior Moment 4 UMW 3 Wesley Fellowship Groups 10 Worship Leaders 3 Worship Schedule 11 Youth Group Events 5

Do you remember the mixed feelings you felt on the first day of school? There were fear, excitement, anticipation, confusion and joy all fighting for dominance. For some students, joy and excitement take hold and they rush home to tell their parents what a wonderful day they had at school, describing everything in detail, from their new friends and teachers to their new desk and chair. It is all new, and it is all wonderful! The natural fear, trepidation and confusion surrounding the new new year, new class, new books, new classmates, new teachers, new schedules, etc. are overwhelmed by the sheer joy of all the wonderful things they see and feel. Yet, for others, the first day of school is a traumatic event. All the strange and unfamiliar people and surroundings result in a wave of anxiety that can leave a child in a real state of panic. The first day of preschool typically begins with a few children crying and calling out for their mothers. The tears can turn into real panic as a child watches his or her parents walking away, leaving them there, with these strangers. Then the expressions of terror begin. All children and adults, when confronted by new situations, experience a wide variety of conflicting emotions. The question is, which will gain supremacy. For me, my first two months at Marengo United Methodist Church have been a real joy, filled Continued on page - 2

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