On The Bay | April 2022

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April 2022





ON BAY April 2022

GET IN TOUCH Fran Roach, General Manager

305.964.4048 - gm@dbycc.com

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President..................................Leo Chomiak Vice President.......................... Rob Sperber Treasurer................................. Domingo Moreira Secretary..................................Steve Jacobson Directors.................................Gary Alvo Leo Mendoza Randy Millian Gary Sandler MPOA Representative..............Edith Neuwahl



Kathy Villamizar, Member Billing 305.964.4044 - memberbilling@dbycc.com Luz Sarabia, Accounts Payable 305.964.4043 - ap@dbycc.com

Daniella Tosta, Director of Membership & Marketing 305.964.4049 - d.tosta@dbycc.com

COMMITTEES Finance ....................................Domingo Moreira Fitness & Tennis......................Steve Jacobson Golf & Greens........................Leo Chomiak House......................................Leo Mendoza Membership.............................Randy Millian Grievance................................Gary Alvo

Craig Corcoran, Director of Golf

305.256.2500 - c.corcoran@dbycc.com

Anacelis Torres, Director of Food & Beverage 305.964.4045 - a.torres@dbycc.com

Surelys Negron Figueroa, Executive Chef 305.9254.2111 - s.negron@dbycc.com

Jessica Terry, Catering Manager

305.964.4051 - j.terry@dbycc.com

Daniel Stover, Director of Golf Course Maintenance

MAIN DIRECTORY Clubhouse....................................305.254.2111 Dining & Social Reservations......305.278.8688 Fitness Center..............................305.964.4052 Front Gate Security....................305.256.2518 Golf Shop....................................305.256.2500 Member Billing............................305.964.4044 Tennis Shop..................................305.256.3366

305.256.2516 - d.stover@dbycc.com

Renny Ramirez, Director of Fitness


305.964.4052 - fitnesscenter@dbycc.com

Pedro Leon, Director of Tennis

786.287.2660 - p.leon@dbycc.com

Cheryl Porter, Head Tennis Professional 305.256.3366 - c.porter@dbycc.com

Erik Ruiz, Facilities Manager

305.254.2112 - e.ruiz@dbycc.com

Kylie Bringola, Membership & Marketing Manager 305.964.4053 - communications@dbycc.com

3 A Letter From The President 5 A Letter From The GM 6 Employee Spotlights 7 April 2022 Calendar 9 News From Membership 11 News From Golf 13 News From Golf Course Maintenance 14 News From Food & Beverage 15 News From Tennis 16 News From Fitness 17 Member Birthdays 18 Membership Anniversaries #dbycc




A Letter From The President Dear Deering Bay Members, We are headed into what will be an exciting month at Deering Bay.

Leo Chomiak President Board of Directors

As I’m sure many of you have seen by now, we are very happy to have a new management team in the Food & Beverage Department, led by Director of Food & Beverage Anacelis Torres and Executive Chef Surelys Figueroa. Both Anacelis and Surelys bring years of experience with them to Deering Bay, and they are already implementing strategies to make our Food & Beverage Department the best it can be.

As it is with most industries around the country, staffing, especially in F&B, continues to be one of our greatest challenges. We have been recruiting heavily and are looking at alternative ways to become more competitive with compensation packages. We have received the permit to proceed with the construction of the 19th Hole Restaurant. ORIGIN construction has starting moving dirt to stabilize the site. Next week they will be driving in the pylons which will cause some dirt and noise for a few days. We will be closing the pool also for a few days each week for the protection and convenience of the membership due to dirt and noise. The new Roof is now being installed on the Clubhouse. The tiles have been received and we are now in the installation process. Once they complete the tiles, we will be installing the new gutter system and finishing up the Clubhouse portion of the project. We anticipate that the Roof will be completed around the third week in April. The Golf Course Maintenance and Security Building will have the roof taken off the first to second week of April. A few days of traffic management will occur and notices will be forthcoming. We are in the process of finalizing design and architectural work for the Pool renovation. We expect to start this project sometime this summer when the permits are approved by the City of Coral Gables. We have ordered new equipment to improve the driving range. We have new poles and netting on order. We have ordered two mobile CoverShot practice tents and are installing concrete pads to formalize the look. This will service to allow for member hitting areas and Trackman training on the range. We look forward to having this all in place by July 2022. Thanks to our Director of Membership Daniella Tosta, membership has grown tremendously over the past year and we are still seeing great interest in the Club. The Board of Directors has approved raising the Full Golf Initiation Fee to $125,000 beginning May 1st, 2022. All other membership category initiation fees will increase proportionally.


The club had a strong February highlighted by the opening of the new restaurant and strong merchandise sales. Year-to-date revenues have exceeded the prior year by $416K and the management team has done an excellent job at controlling operating expenditures and remaining under budget. Overall, the club has generated positive net operating income, exceeding prior year-to-date results by $49K. I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has donated to Deering Bay’s team fundraiser supporting Ukrainian Relief Efforts through Project C.U.R.E. There are now over 4,000,000 displaced Ukrainians and that number is expected to keep growing. Many Ukrainian civilians are being killed or injured each day, and they could use our support. Please visit page 8 of the newsletter to learn more about how you can help. There will be a Member Open Forum on Thursday, April 28th at 6:00pm. Members will be able to join both in the Clubhouse and via Zoom. Additional details will be sent out shortly. Have a great April! Leo

Dear Members,

Richard Mogensen Task Force General Manager rich.mogensen@troon.com

As this is my last week at Deering Bay, I wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to have shared in the Deering Bay Family over the last 10 months as the Task Force General Manager for Troon. From June 2021 until now we have been through a lot of changes. I have really enjoyed getting to know many of the members over the last months. I really appreciate all the support from the Board of Directors and the many committees as we have planned for the future.

We have come through a lot in terms of the COVID and Construction Projects in the last year. We are finally seeing the great progress that has been made by the Board of Directors and Management in making such great improvements to the Club. The new Restaurant and the new Fitness Center are really wonderful. Many more exciting things are planned for the next year as well and I look forwarding to visiting Deering Bay in the future to see all the great changes that will be made to the Clubhouse and the many club amenities. I leave you in great hands with Fran Roach and the talented management team. I wish you all a heartfelt thank you and good luck for the rest of 2022. I have really enjoyed my time at Deering Bay. All the best, Richard Mogensen


A Letter From The General Manager Dear Deering Bay Members, I hope you all had a fantastic March and that April will be even better! March was an exciting month for all departments at the Club. In Membership, Daniella Tosta welcomed seven new families to Deering Bay and hosted the Club’s first Ladies Night. Stay tuned for an announcement regarding the theme for April Ladies Night! In Food & Beverage, we officially welcomed Director of F&B Anacelis Torres and Executive Chef Surelys Negron Figueroa who have done an outstanding job in their short time, increasing the levels of service and quality of Food & Beverage offerings. We also rolled out our weekly specialty events: Mexican Night Tuesdays, Pasta Night Thursdays, Prime Rib Night Saturdays, and Sunday Brunches. We have also been providing new and exciting live music throughout the week so if you haven’t made it to one of these events, be sure to join us soon! Fran Roach General Manager gm@dbycc.com

In Tennis, we hosted our first ever Men’s Member-Guest Tournament. Pedro Leon and his team did a wonderful job, and we thank all of our participants who came out to compete. We are looking forward to the Women’s Member-Guest Tournament in just a few weeks! It was another exciting month for the WGA who celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day with their Go Fore The Green event and ended the month with the Women’s Member-Guest Invitational, Diamonds In The Rough. The Men’s Spring Member-Member was a success and we witnessed a great weekend of golf! The Fitness Center had its Grand Opening and members are now enjoying the new state-ofthe-art equipment from Technogym. Thank you to Renny Ramirez and his team for keeping our members healthy and fit! Thanks to Dan Stover and the Golf Course Maintenance Team, the Course is in great shape and has been providing our golfers with ideal playing conditions. I hope to see many of you at the Club this month, we have some great events planned for you, your families, and your guests. I am always available to listen to your comments or feedback at any time. The future is bright at Deering Bay! Have an amazing April! Fran Roach, PGA 5

Employee Spotlights Please join us in congratulating Jessica Barcelo, who will be attending her first semester of medical school at the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at FIU this Fall! Jessica obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida in 2020, and is excited to stay close to home at FIU over the next few years. Jessy has been an incredibly hard worker both in her academic career and her career at Deering Bay, and our team could not be happier for her. You are going to do great, Jessy!

Jessica Barcelo FIU Medicine

Please also join us in congratulating Catherine Camaliche, who will be attending the Univeristy of Central Florida this Fall! One of Disney’s biggest fans, Cat will be right at home in Orlando just down the street from Disney World. We will miss having Cat around at the Club but we are excited to hear all about her adventures in Orlando! We are so proud of you, Cat!

Catherine Camaliche University of Central Florida 6

April 2022 Calendar of Events



-Couples Club Championship -Sunday Brunch










-Prime Rib Night











-Mexican Night

-Member Mixer

-WGA ‘Play With The Pros’ -Pasta Night

-Club Luncheon

-MGA #4 -Prime Rib Night

Club Closed


-Sunday Brunch


-Mexican Night

-WGA Game Day -Pasta Night

No Regular Dinner Service

Club Closed


-Egg Hunt -Easter Brunch

Club Closes 3pm


-XXIO Demo -Prime Rib Day Night -Seder Dinner











-Women’s Club Championship Round 1

-Women’s Club Championship Round 2

-Mexican Night

-Men’s Interclub @ Riviera -Ladies Night

-WGA Spring Fling -Pasta Night

-All Club Championships

Club Closed

24 25 -All Club Championships -Men’s Presidents Cup Final Matches End -Sunday Club Closed Brunch

-Mexican Night

-Pasta Night

-Member Open Forum



A Reminder From Membership


w && RR ee tt uu rr n W eWle cl c o ommee ! ! NNeew n ii nn gg MM ee mmbbeerrss

Deborah Magana & Dr. Laura Tanzini Full Golf

John & Laurel Rafter Preview Golf

Jordan & Carly Schneider Preview Young Executive

Brian & Jillian Whelan Preview Young Executive

Domingo & Brenda Moreira Tennis

Upgrading Members


Alfredo & Maria Botty Preview to Full Golf

David & Carolina Garcia Preview to Young Executive

Ross & Yadira Daniels Preview to Young Executive

Joseph & Nataly Sultan Preview to Young Executive

News From Golf Dear Members,

Craig Corcoran Director of Golf c.corcoran@dbycc.com

We are coming off of a very successful month here at the Club. Last weekend was the Men’s Spring Member-Member. Once again, we want to congratulate our Spring MemberMember champions Matthew Connolly and Richard Feder. The Connolly and Feder team finished -7 across 4 different nine-hole formats. The weather was great (albeit a tad windy) and the food was excellent. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! I would like to give a special shoutout to Cliff Kling who managed to hole out his approach shot on hole 18 during the first round on Saturday for a two. We were extremely pleased with how the weekend turned out.

That momentum was carried with us into the Women’s Member-Guest which was on March 31st. We had a fantastic turnout, far more than we initially expected. This was a great opportunity to showcase our fantastic course conditions to our members and their guests. Congratulations to Helen Sonenreich and her guests Gretchen Tunkey and Nikki Berry, and their blind draw Dawn Siebenhaar! Next week (4/5-4/9) we will begin our Spring Junior Golf Session. Be sure to sign up by calling the Golf Shop or by emailing Jonathan directly at j.behee@dbycc.com. Our gentlemen will also have the MGA #4 on 4/9 at 8:30am. It is a Point Quota format and pairings will be done by the Golf Shop. Be sure to sign up before the deadline at 5:00pm on 4/8. In other news, we have a couple other important dates for the WGA coming up. On 4/7 we are having the WGA Play with the Pros event. This will be a great time for some of our ladies to get out on the golf course with our professionals. On 4/21 we are having the WGA Spring Fling. This event will be hosted by Karen Baron, be on the lookout for this flyer. We are still in the process of signing off on a few things regarding the Driving Range renovations. We should see some changes coming to the range in the very near future to accompany our recent Trackman upgrade! Thank you, Craig


Golf Events Mark Your Calendars ... upcoming golf events Sunday, April 3 Couple’s Club Championship Thursday, April 7 WGA ‘Play With The Pros’ Saturday, April 9 MGA #4 Thursday, April 14 WGA Game Day Friday, April 15 XXIO Demo Day Wednesday, April 20 Men’s Interclub @ Riviera Thursday, April 21 WGA Spring Fling Sat April 23 - Sun April 24 All Men’s Club Championships Wed April 27 - Thurs April 28 Women’s Club Championship


News From The Golf Course Dear Members, April is already here, and warmer weather has arrived at Deering Bay. Just in the last few weeks, we have seen a substantial difference in the growth of our turfgrass. Where our average daily temperature for the month of March was only three degrees higher than in February, our turf sees it as a 15% increase in growth potential. With April being even hotter this means our Paspalum will have the energy it needs to recover from far more aggressive weed control practices.

Daniel Stover Director of Golf Course Maintenance d.stover@dbycc.com

In the coming weeks you will see more of our team members both spot spraying and pulling weeds. Along with this, we have applied a pre-emergent herbicide on the entire golf course at a higher rate than prior applications. This rate is stronger than anything previously applied but still safe for Paspalum and still within our maximum label rates. To add another layer of protection, we are applying two extra annual applications of a rotational weed control product that pairs well with our current one. These two extra sprays will bring us to six total wall-to-wall applications and provide a tighter window with less weed breakthrough. In May we will be conducting trials to selectively control our Bermudagrass populations within our Paspalum. The trials have been proven successful in Hawaii and have merit to control other weed species as well. I will be starting off the trials on a small scale to see the effects on our turf and gradually work out from there until I feel confident it has positive results. We are aiming for drastic differences in our weed populations by next season and this is the best time of year to get a jump start on that goal. Hope you all enjoy the remainder of the season. As always you can email me at any time at d.stover@dbycc.com Daniel Stover


News From Food & Beverage Dear Members, It has been a great first month for me here at Deering Bay! I wanted to sincerely thank everyone that has made me feel so welcome here, I have very much enjoyed getting to know many of you.

Anacelis Torres Director of Food & Beverage a.torres@dbycc.com

April is an exciting month in the Food & Beverage Department with Seder Dinner, Easter Brunch, a Ladies Night, a Club Luncheon, and a Member Mixer! Keep an eye on your email for more information about these events so you can RSVP!

I hope you all have been enjoying the addition of live music to our Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, and Sunday Brunches. If you haven’t yet experienced these great performances, join us for Mexican Night, Pasta Night, or Brunch! Executive Chef Surelys and Executive Sous Chef Robert have been working on some exciting new creations and specialty dishes, so come by to try their work if you haven’t already. I wanted to recognize Jorge Delgado once again for being promoted to Dining Room Supervisor. Jorge is an integral part of our team and we feel lucky to have him! I hope everyone has a great month and I look forward to seeing you soon. Anacelis


News From Tennis Dear Members, Summer is very much on its way and here on our clay courts we are making history every day. Last month we celebrated the first ever Men’s Member Guest, it was a fun and very competitive event where the champions were Lindsay Trax and Roger Riddlemoser, and the runner ups were Chris Philco and Luis Lopez; we congratulate them in their accomplishment! Pedro Leon Director of Tennis p.leon@dbycc.com

Besides this major celebration, all clinics, lessons, USTA, and SFWDL matches continued as scheduled and our teams had a great month of competitions. All the ladies and men have worked extremely hard and we would like to congratulate them for the great job that they have been doing.

April will be a very eventful month, we will be hosting a lots of competitive league matches and also playing the 2022 Annual Women’s Member Guest on April 21 and 22. This year for the first time, the Women’s Member Guest will take place over two days due to the great participation and support from our members. Besides the all events taking place within our program we also have clinics and private lessons: Ladies’ Clinics: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 – 1100am Men’s Clinics: Tuesday 7:00 – 8:00am Kid’s Group lessons: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 4:00 – 6:00pm Please call or pass by the Tennis Pro-Shop for further information. On behalf of your friends from the Pro-Shop, have a wonderful month. We look forward to seeing you! Pedro


News From Fitness Dear Members, The new gym is officially OPEN! We had our open house on Tuesday, March 29th and had a great turnout of 70 members. I was able to show everyone the brand-new TechnoGym equipment and what the new Fitness Center has to offer. On Wednesday, March 30th we officially opened the gym and had a little over 40 members come in and workout. The new gym has over 10 different machines you can work out with including the Kinesis machine which allows you to workout multiple different areas of the body. So far, this machine has been a member favorite! There are also 13 different cardio machines including treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, a row machine, Renny Ramirez and a stair master. Next door we have the new Aerobics Room Director of Fitness which offers much more space, and now includes 3 punching fitnesscenter@dbycc.com bags and soon will have a TRX installed. With the expansion of the Aerobics Room, we were able to add more class options like Butts n Guts which will work your glutes and abdominal muscles. Classes are still currently being taught via zoom except for Water Aerobics and Miami FIT Body. We are working hard to get the classes started and are looking at another week or two, but the door is always open for members to come in and see it. Inside the gym we have flyers for the weekly class schedule and one for all the classes that will be available with their description. With the expansion of the Fitness Center, I have hired 3 new employees and am looking to hire more personal trainers as well. So, for right now members do not need a keycard to get inside since someone will always be in the gym. The gym hours are Monday & Sundays 6AM-7PM and TuesdaySaturday 6AM-9PM. We kindly ask that you do not bring anything except water inside the gym. We also do not provide water bottles but do have a water fountain in the hallway. We are so excited to be open and training again! For more information, please call the fitness center at 305-964-4052 or email us at fitnesscenter@dbycc.com. Please feel free to come check out the new gym and reach out to us if you have any questions. Renny

*** For more details and an updated weekly fitness schedule, please visit the “announcements” section on your member homepage or contact Renny at fitnesscenter@dbycc.com ***


Happy Birthday To Our Members!


Marcia Reisman Andrew Stewart


Jonas Janette Edith Neuwahl Sid Perkins





Millie Cagol Joseph Chomiak Phyllis Sandrow


Allison Miller Bolton Judith Hodor Zuriany Kostoroski


Carolina Van Heel Tania Stern


Jordan Schneider Carol Shapiro


Shannon Jacobson John Wang

Denise Di Mare Allan Fishman Mike Haggard Jacques-Pierre Volta Alan Wagshul


Ligia Crystal Fernanda Espinosa


Jeanie Duck Richard Feder


Jin Moon Debra Ann Wechsler


Leonard Fluxman


Gabriel Buigas Diego Cagol


John Colton Kimberly Fenton Frances Glick Stephen Kulvin


Nicolle Barantes Jose Antonio Gonzalez AJ Schaefer


Linda James


Jeff Katz Alexandra Saad Eddie Shedd


Sonia Hernandez Ryan Mouttet Jacqueline Spielman CJ Thomas Rodrigo Yanes

Gerardo Margolis Laura Tanzini


Shuchi Stanger


Ross Daniels Arthur Gilbert Crystal Reineri Beatriz Restrepo-Uribe

Matt Connolly Andrea Gallagher Evan Gilbert Jan Kruthoffer Eli Roman Richard Schatz


Mario Lamar Goran Lindahl


Craig Anderson Vincent Chang Kevin Dunn Laurie Evans Maria Feldman Jeffrey Fenton Laura Kumar Seve Lopez Jennifer Strawley Rosemari Woerner

30 24

Daniel Aizemberg

Frank Clark John Renaud Michael Thorpe


April Member Anniversaries Thank you For Your Continued Support! 25+ YEARS 31 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Casuso 31 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Feldman 31 Years: Mrs. Gross 31 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Kalstone 31 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Katz 31 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Kulvin 31 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Sandler 31 Years: Mrs. Shapiro 26 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Rosenbaum 25 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Kruthoffer 20+ YEARS 24 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Zisook 23 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Cagol 23 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Siegel

15+ YEARS 16 Years: Mrs. Koniver 16 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Sirkin 15 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Espinosa

10+ YEARS 13 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Marks 13 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Pallot

5+ YEARS 8 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Wong 6 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Blakely 6 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Cabrera 5 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Behren 5 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Pacheco


1+ YEARS 3 Years: Mr. Sandler Jr. 1 year: Mr. & Mrs. Clavero 1 Year: Mr. Dresnick Jr. 1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Marino 1 Year: Dr. & Mrs. Pita 1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Rombaut



13610 Deering Bay Dr. Coral Gables, FL 33158 (305) 254-2111 | DBYCC.com

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