Scott Mason | General Manager & COO
305-964-4048 | s.mason@dbycc.com
Administration Department
Daniella Tosta | Director of Membership
305-964-4049 | d.tosta@dbycc.com
Amanda Silver | Director of Clubhouse Experience & Special Events
305-964-4053 | a.silver@dbycc.com
Camilla Roa | Executive Assistant to Scott Mason, Communications Manager 305-964-4051 | c.roa@dbycc.com
Accounting Department
Brett Rose | Interim Controller
305-964-4042 | brett.rose@troon.com
Kathy Villamizar | Member Billing
305-964-4044 | memberbilling@dbycc.com
Heydis Perez | Accounts Payable
305-964-4043 | ap@dbycc.com
Food & Beverage Department
Crystal Hopkins | Director of Food & Beverage 305-964-4045 | c.hopkins@dbycc.com
Surelys Negron | Executive Chef s.negron@dbycc.com
Kevin Hull | Bar Manager 305-964-4045 | k.hull@dbycc.com
Chris Carroll | Restaurant Service Manager 305-964-4045 | c.carroll@dbycc.com
Golf & Greens Department
Craig Corcoran PGA | Director of Golf 305-256-2500 | c corcoran@dbycc com
Dan Stover | Director of Grounds 305-256-2516 | d.stover@dbycc.com
Jonathan Behee | First Assistant Golf Pro 305-256-2500 | j.behee@dbycc.com
Nicole Huntley | Retail Manager
305-256-2500 | n huntley@dbycc com
Tennis & Fitness Department
Pedro Leon | Director of Racquet Sports 305-256-3366 | p.leon@dbycc.com
Jess Rose McDowell | Director of Fitness 305-964-4052 | j.mcdowell@dbycc.com
Cheryl Porter | Head Tennis Pro
305-256-3366 | c.porter@dbycc.com
Leo Chomiak, President
Randy Millian, Vice President
Steve Jacobson, Treasurer
Paul Garcia, Director
Sarah Kuhn, Director
Mark Levitats, Director
Domingo Moreira, Director
Daryl Shevin, Director
Larry Woerner, Director
Finance - Steve Jacobson
Tennis & Fitness - Levitats & Shevin
Golf & Greens - Woerner & Chomiak
House - Millian & Chomiak
Membership - Domingo Moreira
Legal & Bylaws - Garcia & Chomiak
Grievance - Garcia & Moreira
Front Gate Security
305 256-2518
Car Barcode Stickers - MPOA 305-232-1741
Vivian Morejon | Property Manager vivian.morejon@fsresidential.com
Main Marina 305-256-2510 dbmarina@bellsouth.net
Car Wash - Gilbert 305-710-7505
Club Restaurant 305-278-8688 reservations@dbycc.com
19th Hole Bar & Grill 305-964-4050
Accounting Department
Monday-Friday | 9AM - 5PM
Administrative Office
Tuesday-Sunday | 9AM - 8PM
All golf facilities are closed on Monday
Golf Range: Tuesday-Sunday 7AM - 45 minutes before sundown
Golf Course: Tuesday-Sunday 7:30AM - 6PM
Golf Shop: Tuesday-Sunday 7AM - 6PM
Tennis Shop
Monday 4PM - 9PM
Tuesday - Friday 8:30AM - 9PM
Saturday & Sunday 8:30AM- 4PM
Fitness Center
Sunday & Monday 6AM - 7PM
Wednesday-Saturday 6AM - 9PM
Kid’s Club
Tuesday-Thursday 3PM - 8PM
Friday 3PM - 9PM
Saturday 9AM - 5PM
Sunday 10AM - 2:30PM
Food & Beverage
All dining facilities are closed Monday
Clubhouse Dining
Breakfast: Tuesday-Sunday 7AM - 11AM
Lunch: Tuesday-Saturday 11AM - 4PM
Dinner: Tuesday-Saturday 5PM - 9PM
Sunday 5PM - 8PM
Brunch: Sunday 11AM - 3PM
Bar Bites: Tuesday-Sunday 4PM - 5PM 19th Hole
All day menu: Tuesday-Thursday 10AM - 6PM Friday-Saturday 10AM - 7PM
Sunday 10AM - 8PM
When visiting Deering Bay, please register your guest at the club’s front desk. There are no guest restrictions for dining, club social events, or pool area. Guests are welcome to participate in any sport (golf, tennis, pickleball & fitness) 4 times a year for friends and 6 times a year for family members. Please contact the security guard house to grant guests’ clearance, prior to arrival305-256-2518
To avoid disruptions to members and guests, we kindly ask to restrict cell phone usage in dining facilities and in the fitness center.
We strongly recommend reservations on weekend nights, Sunday brunch, social events, kids events, and for parties of 5 people or more. If your party includes more than 12 guests, please contact Amanda Silver a silver@dbycc com
Dining Room
T-Shirts are not permitted in the Clubhouse after 5:00 pm
Blue jeans may be worn at any time, except in the Formal Dining Room after 5:00 pm
Gentlemen must remove their hats upon entering the dining areas
Collared shirts & appropriate shorts/skorts are accepted (cargo shorts are not accepted). Shirts must be tucked in and hats must face forward.
Must wear golf shoes or sneakers
Appropriate athletic wear is required
Shirts and tennis shoes/sneakers must be worn at all times
Please accept my thanks for the very warm welcome I have received, literally and figuratively as I joined the team on June 17th. Your Club is beautiful, and the sophisticated casual vibe resonates with me I am very happy to be at Deering Bay
From day one, my focus has been the team as they are the most valuable asset for you and your family at your Club. I am very fortunate they have embraced me. I’ve been a good student learning all things Deering Bay from them, and we are establishing trust as we build a new foundation for strength in culture Please know you can be confident we are working closely together to infuse pride into all that we do; how we treat one another, how we prepare and communicate, express kindness through each interaction, and elevate the experience throughout your Club. I am pleased with our preliminary work together. You have my commitment that quality will always be my compass. Important too for me to emphasize, I believe we should treat our team consistent with how our team treats your family.
I want to also thank you for your patience. I am working closely with the Board to quantify and rectify the problems discovered in accounting. While the circumstances are unfortunate, it has provided a window of opportunity. The ladies on the accounting team and I work together every day. They have been enthusiastic about the necessary change, and we share a strong conviction to do the right thing. It will continue to take time to fully resolve but we have already worked with the department heads to put proper processes into place. I want to thank these senior leaders as they have been instrumental in my onboarding and we are becoming a strong team. I’ll echo Leo’s sentiment, we have all the necessary resources and we are doing all the right things.
Details to follow in the coming weeks pertaining to locker room renovation and timeline. Our team is prepared to deliver a high level of service despite the absence of these spaces for the start of season. Both the Website and App will be updated with new information and refreshed branding in the coming months. There are improvements happening every day and hopefully you have already seen our dedicated effort to communicate clearly and with regularity.
I look very forward to meeting many of you and your families for the first time. Scott
The Nominating Committee, acting on behalf of the Board of Directors, is preparing to select qualified candidates to fill two (2) Board positions for a three-year term covering 2025, 2026, and 2027. To be considered, all candidates must be Equity Members in good standing.
The future excellence of our Club relies on the active involvement of talented members who can contribute to sustaining the exceptional service and experience that define Deering Bay Yacht & Country Club.
If you are interested in being considered as a candidate for a Board of Directors position by the Nominating Committee, please obtain a Board Candidate application from the Club’s Front Desk or the Club’s Website at www.dbycc.com. Complete the application and submit it, along with a digital headshot photo, to Daniella Tosta (d.tosta@dbycc.com) by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. Candidates selected for consideration will be required to participate in an interview with the Nominating Committee. Once approved, each candidate will participate in the Club’s Open Forum to present their goals, ideas for the Club, and reasons why members should vote for them.
For further information, please contact Daniella Tosta at d.tosta@dbycc.com or (305) 964-4049
Deering Bay boasts a wealth of experienced, diverse, and capable members who possess valuable insights for effective governance. Let us continue to enrich our Board’s composition and elevate our Club to its fullest potential.
Sincerely, 2024 DBYCC Nominating Committee
I hope everyone had an amazing summer filled with family, great weather, and lots of fun! As we dive into this season, we're excited to announce a lineup of fantastic activities. Our Ladies Nights kick off in September with Funky Town, followed by Karaoke in October. Remember to book your spots via our website or club calendar.
Membership Update: This summer has been dynamic at the club, marked by steady growth and continued interest across all membership categories.
Membership Availability:
Full Golf Memberships: As of September 2024, there are only 7 full golf memberships left for the year. Act fast, as these spots are in high demand!
Tennis Memberships: Due to overwhelming interest, we'll soon be starting a waitlist for tennis memberships. Our courts are a hotspot for players in our vibrant community.
As we head into fall, our commitment remains steadfast in providing exceptional experiences for both new and existing members, fostering a welcoming community where everyone can have a blast.
Stay connected with us through our club website and App, which will sport a fresh new look and exciting features by the end of 2024.
Kids Club Corner: As we bid farewell to summer camp, we want to thank all who participated in the Summer and Golf Camps, where new skills were learned, friendships were made, and fun memories created. Next up, join us for Movie Night featuring The Goonies and our Annual Pumpkin Carving event. Reserve your pumpkin via the club calendar and mark your calendars for our festive Santa Brunch in December.
We're sad to see Kennice St Louis and Ryan McKean leave but grateful for their hard work this summer. Congratulations as they head off to college! A warm welcome to our newest Kids Club team member, Taylor Freeman, joining Kaleah, Paola, and Isaias. Taylor hails from Cocoa Beach, FL, and is here in Miami studying at FIU.
Remember, if you have any member referrals, reach out to me. Our referral program offers dues credit for successful referrals.
Daniella Tosta d.tosta@dbycc.com
Jan & Joyce Geert-Jan Full Golf
Sponsored by the Kruthoffer family
Sponsored by the Montero family
by the Rojas family
August 9th, 2024 brought tragic news of the loss of Dr. Phillip Grossman. Dr. Grossman was a beloved member of the community and truly left a wonderful impact.
It is hard to believe that our summer 2024 is nearly over! We are thrilled to get back into the swing of things back at the club. We have been busy the past few months with programming and club improvements but are excited to see people start coming back as we enter the Fall season.
There have been many changes this offseason that we believe will positively impact your experience at the club.
We completed three successful aerifications, despite challenging weather conditions. Dan and his team did an excellent job adapting and ensuring we achieved our goals, so the course will be in great shape for the 2024-2025 season.
Aside from the aerification schedule, this summer was a busy one for our Junior Program. We hosted 4 very successful junior camps throughout July and August. For those of you unfamiliar with the Summer Golf Camp, we run week-long junior golf camps throughout the summer (Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm). During those weeks, our staff work through all aspects of the game with the kids, starting from the green and working outward. The kids even get to spend some time at the pool! We highly recommend checking out next summer’s camp offerings if you couldn’t attend this past summer. The kids have a blast and improve a lot over the span of just a few days!
In addition to a successful Junior Golf Camp, we also started a Thursday Night Men’s League. We will continue meeting on Thursday’s until the time change so if you are interested in playing, come out Thursday evenings at 5:00PM.
Beyond all the summer programming, we had several meetings with vendors during the offseason We are really excited about the Fall lineup of apparel we have coming in from some of your favorite brands like Grayson, Redvanly, GFORE, Peter Millar, and Adidas. While you’re in the golf shop checking out the new apparel lineup, you may also notice our new golf shop TV Display which will highlight all the current and upcoming events at the club. We will still utilize club email and physical signage around the club, but this addition might be nice for those of you who want a snapshot of what we have going on at any given time.
As we move towards season, we would like to highlight a few important dates:
September 2nd: Club Open for Labor Day (5:00PM)
October 12th: MGA Opening Day
October 17th: WGA Opening Day
October 26th: Men’s One Day Member-Guest (Croc Cup)
October 27th: Junior Golf Sunday Funday Tournament (3:30PM)
October 31st: WGA Halloween
November 3rd: Adult-Child Scramble (3:30pm)
November 5th: XXIO Demo Day (11:00AM – 3:00PM)
November 7th-9th: Men’s Fall Member-Member
November 11th: Club Open for Veteran’s Day (5:00PM)
November 13th: Men’s Interclub at Lago Mar
November 15th: Callaway Demo Day (10:00AM – 3:00PM)
November 18th: Ladies Interclub at La Gorce CC
November 28th: Thanksgiving Day Shotgun (8:30AM, Club Closes at 3:00PM)
As you can see, there are a lot of events going on right when the season gets underway. We like to highlight these dates in the newsletter so that you can mark your calendars. For those planners out there, a full schedule will be posted around the club and on the Deering Bay website.
We look forward to another successful season here at Deering Bay. Thank you all for your continued support in Golf!
Craig Corcoran, PGA c.corcoran@dbycc.com
As our summer projects are ending here at Deering Bay, our maintenance team is looking forward to seeing familiar faces and getting back into a normal routine. As with each summer here at the Bay, the weather has affected our overall plans, but we have pivoted successfully and completed the bulk of our cultivation practices. Aerification, verticutting, and topdressing have all been completed, and we were able to capitalize on dry weather in July to complete a much-needed Dryject on our greens for better drainage and rooting.
While our team slips into a maintenance routine, we are reminded of the daily agronomic challenges Deering Bay faces. One of the biggest issues we have had to deal with is our irrigation water quality. Historically the salt and chloride content of our water have always been a talking point. While this remains a challenge, a benefit to our paspalum turf is that it can withstand more salt and chlorides than any other species. However, what this variety of paspalum cannot withstand is the extremely high pH that accompanies high salt and chloride water sources. The effects from long term usage of such water diminish soil microbial life, limits nutrient uptake and increase disease pressure. In the past, the only way to lower the pH of irrigation water was to use caustic phosphoric, sulfuric or hydrochloric acid sources. All of which can be dangerous and have long-term side effects. Recently, newer technologies have presented themselves that allow for the use of carbonic acid injection (the same acid in rainwater) to be utilized in an irrigation system. The acid source is 100% sustainable, innocuous, and has no long-term side effects. The news to you as members of Deering Bay is that we have recently completed the installation of such a system.
Currently, the system is working as intended and proportions the carbonic acid into our irrigation system to maintain the irrigation water at an optimal pH of 6.3. As a reference, normal rainwater has a pH of 5.5, which is much more acidic than how we currently irrigate. Again, this is 100% innocuous, there is no harm to people, plants or wildlife. The main benefit to you as members is that you will be able to enjoy a healthier golf course that is better able to endure the typical stresses we see during the year from shade, nematodes and diseases The indirect benefits will mean less weed pressure in the long term and a greens surface better able to withstand lower mowing heights and faster ball speeds.
What an incredible summer was had at Deering Bay with the fitness center buzzing with activity all summer long. We thank all the members that attended our great classes and are excited to welcome back members and greet new faces.
Get to know the trainers and our favorite exercises and moves to keep us grooving!
Starting with myself, my favorite movement is plank-frog to overhead as it's a full body movement that targets shoulders, core & glutes. It can also be a cardio movement to improve heart rate or a resistance movement implementing a Bosu ball or dumbbells for overall strength & muscle definition. If you've taken any of my classes you've experienced this movement!
My favorite movements are squats on the Smith machine going all the way down, & tricep pull down with the rope on the cable machine.
My favorite movement would be when we do our combination segment of the cardio step class. Really challenges the most important muscle which is the brain.
My favorite move is Pike & Plank! I love it because it crosses over into each format that I teach from Total Reset to Mat Pilates! It’s an amazing core & chest movement which I use it often in my programming!!
My favorite movement in Aqua Strength is Rowing forward and backward. It is a movement that activates our core and at the same time works the upper body, improving shoulder rotation.
My favorite yoga poses are low lunge backbend & warrior II
My favorite aqua aerobics movement is running forward/backwards & side to side, on & and then on heals (sometimes with resistant weights on legs)!
My favorite yoga pose is Utthita parshva hasta padangustasana (hand to big toe pose).
Give these delicious healthy recipes a try and ask about the WhatsApp group chat to get more like them.
Roasted Maple-Bacon Brussel Sprouts
1 bushel of Brussel sprouts
2 tbs olive oil
½ cup real maple syrup
1 pkg bacon
Chickpea Quiona Power Bowl
1 cup white quinoa
1 can chickpeas
4 mini cucumbers
1 can or cup roasted corn
1/2 cup pine nuts
1 cup feta cheese
2 lemons
2-3 tbs olive oil
2-3 tbs balsamic vinegar
optional to add chicken
Jess Rose McDowell
Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees
1. Place halved Brussel sprouts on a baking sheet, then toss in olive oil
2. Sprinkle real maple syrup over the Brussel sprouts, then mix on baking sheet with hands
3. Chop 1 package of bacon into cubes, then evenly spread over Brussel sprouts
Roast in oven for 40 minutes or until roasted 5.
Cook quinoa & set aside to cool 1. Drain & wash chickpeas 2 Cut cucumbers into quarters 3. Drain corn or set roasted corn aside to cool 4. Chop pine nuts
5. If you're meal prepping - place cooked quinoa on bottom of dish, top with chickpeas, cucumbers, roasted corn, pine nuts & sprinkle feta cheese on top. Prepare dressing on the side combining lemons, olive oil & balsamic vinegar.
If you're making to serve, prep dressing then toss into bowl of ingredients.
Upcoming Events:
Despite the summer heat, we were thrilled to see our courts buzzing with activity, as members embraced the fun of tennis and pickleball all summer long.
During the quieter months, we took the opportunity to enhance your experience with some exciting upgrades. These improvements are designed to make your time on the courts even more enjoyable this upcoming season.
New & Improved!
Brand new nets on all seven tennis courts
TVs and cameras are now in the tennis shop to facilitate better assistance to members on the courts
Tennis Pro Shop updated for a better shopping experience
21st - Dink & Drink Pickleball Special 28th - Welcome Back Tennis Round Robin
5th - Tennis Family Fun Day
19th - Men’s Tennis Member-Guest Championship
26th - Ladies’ Pickleball Member- Guest Championship
Relax and unwind in the upgraded furniture by the courts
J u n i o r & P e e W e e T E N N I S C L I N I C S
The Food & Beverage team is delighted to welcome you back. We're starting to see familiar smiles, some new ones, and the joyful faces of families returning to Deering Bay. Hospitality is at the heart of what we do, and we truly appreciate being your home away from home.
Our team has been working diligently to streamline our operations, ensuring consistency while embracing creativity, and continuously improving our service standards. We have navigated the ever-changing landscape of hospitality with enthusiasm and pride, and we are excited to contribute to your experiences this season. As food and beverage play a supportive role across all departments, we look forward to sharing many memorable moments with you this season.
Working in a fast-paced, everchanging environment is what we love to do! This season presents endless opportunities for creativity, and we've poured our hearts into crafting new menu items and refining our classics for you to enjoy this Fall. Our Clubhouse Lunch and Dinner menus, along with the popular 19th Hole menu, reflect our dedication to cultural influences and your valued feedback. From all of us in the back of the house mi casa es su casa. For more information or to reserve tables email reservations@dbycc.com
Entering the new season, here at Deering Bay, I am thrilled to present our newly curated wine list, designed to elevate your dining experience to new heights. Our new wine list is a meticulously crafted journey through some of the world's most exciting wine regions. From the rolling hills of Tuscany to the sun-drenched vineyards of Napa Valley, each bottle has been chosen to showcase the diversity and richness of global wine culture.
Our new wine list represents more than just a collection of bottles; it’s a customized experience designed to delight the senses and enrich your dining moments
To celebrate our new wine list, we’re hosting an exciting dinner with wine pairings carefully selected from the new wine list to showcase different varietals and regions and sure to help you find a new favorite. Join us to explore the stories behind the bottles, learn about the winemaking process, and deepen your appreciation for the nuances of wine.
Mark your calendar: Intro to New Wine List: Dinner & Pairing - October 17th
Beyond the grapevine, we are excited to host a scotch tasting dinner. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this evening promises to be a remarkable exploration of Scotland’s liquid gold.
Mark your calendar: Scotch Tasting - November 13th
Cheers to new beginnings and unforgettable experiences!
Kevin Hull k.hull@dbycc.com
Dear Members,
Summer is winding down, but Deering Bay is preparing for an exciting array of events that will carry us through the upcoming fall season! We’ve been working hard to bring you an variety of gatherings, from festive celebrations to relaxing nights out. Check out what’s coming up and mark your calendars!
First Wednesday of every month | 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM | Pool Terrace
Join us for our monthly Club Socials, to mingle with friends or meet new faces. This season, we will be gifting three bottles of wine to three lucky attendees at each Club Social. Join us to win!
Bingo Nights
Sept 10; Nov 19 | 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM | Pool Terrace
It’s time to shout “Bingo!” Join us for an evening of fun, prizes, and friendly competition. Bring your lucky charms and enjoy a night filled with excitement and camaraderie.
Sept 25; Oct 23 ; Nov 20 | 7:00 PM | Clubhouse Bar
Test your knowledge and compete for great prizes at our Trivia Nights! With diverse categories and challenging questions, it’s the perfect opportunity to show off your smarts and enjoy a fun evening with friends.
Sept 11 ; Oct 9; Nov 13 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Pool Terrace
Ladies, it’s your night! Join us for an evening of socializing, relaxation, music and fun activities designed just for you. Each Ladies Night features a different theme and special treats.
Fall into Floral Arrangement Class $75pp
September 26, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Crystal Room
Unleash your creativity and learn the art of floral arrangement just in time for fall. Carefully create a beautiful arrangement to brighten your home.
Interested in hosting a private event at the Club? Email Amanda at a.silver@dbycc.com and plan an unforgettable event with us!
Octoberfest Beer Tasting & Chili Cookoff $30pp
October 5, 2024 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM | First Tee Box Area behind 19th Hole
Celebrate Octoberfest with a robust beer tasting and a spicy chili cooko
Sample a variety of craft beers and savor chili recipes from our very own c each vying for the title of best chili. It’s a perfect blend of flavor and fun
Essential Oil Blending Class
November 15, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Pool Terrace
merse yourself in the world of essential oils with our blending class. Learn how to create your own custom blends for relaxation and wellness.
Rosh Hashanah
October 2, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Clubhouse
Welcome the Jewish New Year with a festive Rosh Hashanah dinner at our country club. Enjoy a delectable menu and an evening filled with warmth, joy, and the sweet traditions.’
Yom Kippur
October 12, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Clubhouse
will offer a quiet space for contemplation and prayer, leading into a small gathering featuring a selection of light refreshments and traditional fare.
Pumpkin Painting & Carving
October 27, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM | Pool Terrace
Celebrate the autumn season with our Pumpkin Painting & Carving event!
Whether you prefer painting a masterpiece or carving a spooky design, we’ve got everything you need to create your perfect pumpkin.
S’mores and Jazz Under the Stars
November 16, 2024 | 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Pool Deck
Warm up under the night sky with a cozy S’mores and Jazz event. Enjoy the soothing sounds of live jazz while roasting marshmallows and making delicious s’mores. It’s the ideal way to enjoy a (hopefully) crisp autumn evening.
Annual Thanksgiving Day Celebration
November 28, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM | Clubhouse
Join us for our Annual Thanksgiving Day Celebration! Gather with friends and family to enjoy a traditional feast and celebrate gratitude. It’s a perfect way to spend the holiday with your loved ones.