September 2022
danieLLa tosta, direCtor oF membershiP & marketing 305.964.4049 - Craig CorCoran, direCtor oF goLF 305.256.2500 -
danieL stoVer, direCtor oF goLF Course maintenanCe 305.256.2516 - stePhen tiLton, direCtor oF Fitness 305.964.4052 - Pedro Leon, direCtor oF tennis 786.287.2660 - CheryL Porter, head tennis ProFessionaL 305.256.3366 - erik ruiz, FaCiLities manager 305.254.2112 -
kyLie bringoLa, membershiP & marketing manager 305.964.4053 -
anaCeLis torres, direCtor oF Food & beVerage 305.964.4045 - sureLys negron Figueroa, exeCutiVe CheF 305.9254.2111 - JessiCa terry, Catering manager 305.964.4051 -
2 B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S President..................................Leo Chomiak ViCe President.......................... rob sPerber treasurer.................................domingo moreira seCretary..................................steVe JaCobson direCtors.................................gary aLVo Leo mendoza randy miLLian gary sandLer mPoa rePresentatiVe..............edith neuwahL C O M M I T T E E S FinanCe ....................................domingo moreira Fitness & tennis......................steVe JaCobson goLF & greens........................Leo Chomiak house......................................Leo mendoza membershiP.............................randy miLLian grieVanCe................................gary aLVo M A I N D I R E C T O R Y tmgFFdCLubhouse....................................305.254.2111ining&soCiaLreserVations......305.278.8688itnessCenter..............................305.964.4052rontgateseCurity....................305.256.2518oLFshoP....................................305.256.2500emberbiLLing............................305.964.4044ennisshoP..................................305.256.3366 ON THE September 2022 BAY I N T H I S I S S U E 3 a Letter From the President 5 a Letter From the gm 6 sePtember 2022 CaLendar 9 news From membershiP 11 news From goLF 12 news From goLF Course maintenanCe 13 news From Food & beVerage 14 news From tennis 16 news From Fitness 18 member birthdays 19 membershiP anniVersaries @deeringbay/dbycc#dbycc G E T I N T O U C H Fran roaCh, generaL manager 305.964.4048 - ControLLer 305.964.4042 kathy ViLLamizar, member biLLing 305.964.4044 - heydis Perez, aCCounts PayabLe 305.964.4043 -
o New bar/dining area - upgrades (sound dampening, window treatments, art, etc.)
Dear Deering Bay Members, I hope you all had a great summer, we are looking forward to seeing many of you back here at Deering Bay soon.
continues to control expenditures very well during the slower summer months as we finished in a positive net operating income position by beating our forecast by approximately $42,000 for July and by approximately $36,000 year-to-date. We are expecting the trend to continue for the remainder of the year due to anticipated increased membership engagement at the Club as we head into the busy fall season.
Despite the week-long closure in July, revenues remained strong for the Club. The Club exceeded budgeted revenues for the month by approximately $53,000. The Club’s management Leo
o Main dining room
o Offices o Main floor rest rooms
The Board, House, and Greens & Golf Committees along with Management have been working hard at developing plans for Phase II of the Clubhouse Renovation and for the Golf Course Renovation. The House Committee formed an Ad Hoc Clubhouse Renovation Sub-Committee. Its members are Gary Alvo, Co-Chair, Leo Mendoza, Co-Chair, Kevin Dunn, Pilar Segovia and Pablo Azcarraga . I want to thank them on behalf of the Board and the Club’s members for all their efforts and valuable input.
o Entrance court yard o Main floor interior hallway
o Crystal dining room o Pool restrooms o Gym restrooms o Tennis shop o Library/business center o Men’s/ladies locker (limited scope of paint & maybe carpet)
Phase II of the Clubhouse Renovation will be broken into multiple subphases. The first subphase, more commonly referred to as “Quick Fixes” consists of renovating the following areas of the clubhouse:
o Renovation of pool and o Surrounding pool deck, including furniture A Letter From The President
In August, the Golf Course Maintenance (“GCM”) team has completed their third and final aerification for the summer. In addition to aerification, the GCM team leveled the 12th and 16th tee boxes, removed sand dams, and added a drain to the 14 fairway to alleviate puddling water. The course is going to be in amazing shape this season!
Deering Bay’s Golf Course Renovation Committee is in the process of reviewing proposals from 5 distinguished golf course architects. We are in the planning stages for the golf course renovation, we will keep the membership updated on progress with regards to scope, projected costs and timing. Renovations to the golf course will not commence any earlier than the Spring of 2024.
We are thrilled to welcome seven new families to Deering Bay this September. Membership at Deering Bay continues to grow steadily as we near capacity. If you have any friends or family members that would be a great additions to the Club, please reach out to Daniella Tosta.
Leo PresidentChomiak
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend and rest of summer, we hope to see you at the Club soon!
I am excited to report that work has commenced and you can expect to start seeing work being done in and around the Clubhouse, including the pool area. Our hope is to complete this subphase before year end.
The Board has approved a budget of $1.5 million for the “Quick Fixes,” plus approximately $500,000 already approved in this year’s CapEx budget for renovations to the pool, surrounding pool deck, pool furniture, gym bathrooms, and pool bathrooms. We do not envision the need for a capital assessment to complete this portion of the renovation project.
Kevin Dunn has agreed to oversee the budget, scope of work, and act as a liaison on behalf of the Board with SBI, ADHS, Troon, Management, contractors, etc. He will report progress to the Subcommittee of the House Committee and to the Board. For those who do not know Kevin, he is an architect with extensive experience with designing and constructing clubhouses along with other residential and commercial structures. The Board would like to thank Kevin in advance for all his assistance and hard work.
Construction of the 19th Hole continues to progress. You should expect to start seeing the raising of the structure now that the underground work has been completed. We are waiting on an inspection so foundation can be laid, which is scheduled to be completed shortly.
As you can see, it has been a busy summer. There is a lot going on to make improvements to the Club with more to come.
The Board has approved the hiring of Adriana Hoyos Design Studio (“AHDS”) to provide interior design styling and decorative services for the “Quick Fixes.” In addition, the Board has approved the hiring of Solutions Builder, Inc. (SBI) to act as the owner’s representative for purposes of providing construction management services for this project.
The plan is to share the future vision of the Clubhouse renovation plans with the membership during a town hall meeting to be scheduled this fall and to seek input before finalizing any plan, including funding. I am excited about the future direction of the clubhouse renovations and can’t wait to share the vision with everyone and get your feedback.
Future subphases of Phase II of the Clubhouse Renovation will include renovating the men’s and women’s locker rooms, wine cellar, pool terrace, including the addition of a permanent roof, relocating the golf shop downstairs, converting the current golf shop to a lounge with a terrace, and the front of the clubhouse. The Board has separately approved engaging AHDS to develop the master renovation plan for the Clubhouse, including renderings.
Dear Deering Bay Members, I hope you all had an amazing summer. The entire Deering Bay Team is looking forward to welcoming many of our members back from their summer travels in the coming weeks, and we have some great events planned in each department. We hope to see many of you on Monday, September 5th for our Labor Day Celebration, Golf Tournament, and Group Fitness Class! As a reminder, the Club will be closed on Tuesday, September 6th. In August, we officially launched our online and in-app dining reservation system. Please check your email or visit the website to view a video tutorial on how to use these new features.
I am looking forward to an amazing September!
This month, we are looking forward to hosting plenty of Fitness Events, a specialty Asian Night menu, Ladies Night, Rosh Hashanah Dinner, and a Wine Tasting. You can RSVP for these events online or by calling (305) 278-8688.
We are preparing to launch new technology that will allow you to order food directly from the screen of your golf cart to have it delivered to you on the Golf Course. Keep an eye out for an email announcement in the coming weeks for this new technology!
Fran Roach PGA Fran Roach PGA General gm@dbycc.comManager
Congratulations to our employee of the month Charles Jackson, and our Manager of the Quarter, Kylie Bringola! Outside Operations Supervisor, Charles, has been an integral part of the Deering Bay team for 13 years, and continues to provide outstanding service to our members each day.
Kylie has been part of the Membership and Communications Team here at Deering Bay for just over a year and has a bright future ahead of her! Please be sure to congratulate Charles and Kylie on their accomplishments for their dedication to Deering Bay!
A Letter From The General Manager
6 September 2022 Calendar of Events 1 -Pasta Night 2 3 -Movie Night-Prime-BrunchNightRib 4 -Brunch 5 -Labor 3:00pmClubThemed-LaborTournamentDay-LaborCelebrationDayGolfDayClassClosesat 6 Club Closed 7 AirDay-InternationalofCleanClass 8 -Pasta Night 9 ColorsCollege-WearDay 10 Night-Prime-BrunchRib 11 -Brunch 12
13 14 DayGobstopper-National 15 -Pasta Night 16 Workout-Teenage Day -Asian Night 17 Night-Prime-BrunchRib 18 -Brunch 19
20 21 Night-Ladies 22 -Pasta Night DayManagement-Pain 23 24 Night-Prime-BrunchFitness-FamilySaturday-SunshineDayRib 25 DinnerHashanah-Rosh 26 Club Closed 27 -Juice Day 28 Tasting-Wine 29 -Pasta Night 30 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT
7 Around The Bay
8 Around The Bay
Dear Members, Over the next few months, Kylie and I will be working with our management team to identify direction and create a marketing and membership strategy to support the Club, its membership, and to build and promote our programs. From the membership side, key initiatives will include improving member engagement, developing new processes for more interactive prospective member tours and member orientations, member events, and enhancing the overall membership Onexperience.themarketing and communications front, we will be developing a solid plan to improve communications and marketing strategy, including both internal and external communications to keep members informed, and to better tell the story of our brand. This will include improvements to our printed and online materials, building our social media presence and enhancing our online footprint. In addition, we will be working to develop our public relations and community outreach, to better showcase Deering Bay within the community and to reach new audiences.
Experience the new club website and App features. Now all members can make reservations for dining, tennis courts, fitness classes and golf lessons.
There is a tutorial in the club website homepage that will show you how to use this new feature, log in to your member account and organize all the fun club activities for you and your family.
Have you made reservations online?
News From Membership
Daniella Tosta Director of Membership & d.tosta@dbycc.comMarketing
10 Welcome New Members! Kurt & Heather Drstvensek Preview Golf Mike & Sophie Komaransky Full Golf Dr. Somal Shah & Dr. Adriana Escandon Preview Tennis Fabian & Jacqueline Saenz Preview Tennis Gian & Kathleen Rodriguez Full Golf Omar & Liza Haedo Full Golf Hector Mata III Preview Young Executive Upgrading Members Marco & Alexandra Ferri Preview Golf to Full Golf Joe & Yolandra Alexander Preview to Full Golf
Hello Thoughmembers,thingsare moving a little slower around Deering Bay in the offseason, we have been hard at work to make sure we are gearing up for the upcoming season. Dan Stover and his team have done a great job during these intermittent closures to get the course ready for the busy season. As most of you can attest to, the course has remained very playable despite these closures and aerifications, a testament to the hard work Dan and his team has put in. We expect the course to continue to improve and be in great shape when the season starts. As we look forward to September, we have a few important dates to mark on your calendars:
September 13th marks the start of the after school junior golf clinics. Classes range from TuesdaySaturday depending on the age group you are singing up for. Some of our more popular age groups have multiple class offerings. Participants attend one class per week for 6 weeks. Each week has a structured curriculum with a new topic, activity, and focus. Accordingly, we highly encourage parents to try and attend each class during the session. Thank you, Craig GolfFrom Golf
Craig Corcoran PGA Director of c.corcoran@dbycc.comGolf
News From
Monday, September 5th is our Labor Day Tournament. It will be an 8:30am shotgun. The formant will be 2 person teams – pick your partners: 1 Better Ball of Two. Please call the Golf Shop to sign up. We will be open until 3:00pm the day of the tournament, at which point we will need all carts to be Tuesday,returned. September 6th we will be closed. This will largely be a maintenance day for Dan and his team since we are open on Labor Day for the tournament. We will resume normal hours on Wednesday, September 7th.
Dear Deering Bay Members, Summer closures are finally over at Deering Bay and after our extremely wet June we were able to enjoy dry weather the past few months and catch up on some much-needed projects. Aside from our standard maintenance practices of aerifying greens, tees and fairways we were able to address the leveling of 12 and 16 tee box (which will be open this weekend), the removal of sand dams on greens 2, 6 and 12 and the addition of a drain on 14 fairway to alleviate the puddling on the east side.
News From The Golf
Daniel Stover Director of Golf Course d.stover@dbycc.comMaintenance
Additionally on September 7th we will be smoothing and resodding around the putting green, east side driving range pad, worn down bunker faces and 12 forward tee. Other projects that will take place this fall are the replacement of damaged cart path, enlarging our west driving range pad to accommodate our larger canopy, adding a third hitting pad large enough to hold our smaller canopy and resurfacing all our pads with new synthetic turf. We are waiting on permit approval from Coral Gables to begin our work on these driving range pads, but cart path repair will begin in the next few Withweeks.the last closure of the season being so early in August we are taking full advantage of warm weather growing conditions. Now that we are recovering from our cultivation practices, we are beginning to work on turf density much earlier than previous years. All short grass surfaces are receiving hefty doses of plant growth regulators to help push the canopy density. The denser the canopy the better the ball will play off the fairway and the truer the ball roll on our greens. Our team is looking forward to a great season here at Deering Bay. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me any time at Stover Course
In September, we are looking forward to Movie Night, our Labor Day Celebration, Asian Night, Rosh Hashanah, and a wine tasting. Be on the lookout for emails regarding these Weevents.have welcomed a few new team members this summer, and we are excited to have had all of them join our Deering Bay family. We have recently implemented our online and in-app dining reservation system. At the convenience of your fingertips, you will now be able to schedule brunch, lunch, and dinner Oncereservations.againthank you for allowing us to be your host. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the dining room! Beverage
Anacelis Torres Director of Food & a.torres@dbycc.comBeverage
News From Food &
Dear Deering Bay Members, I hope you all are having a wonderful summertime with your families and friends.
On behalf of our Food & Beverage Team, we appreciate all the members who joined during our August events. The Mediterranean theme night was a total success, and we have continued to receive great feedback about our daily and weekly specials. We continue to have our Pasta Night every Thursday and Prime Rib every Saturday night. We are currently working on a new section in our menu, Comfort on The Bay. This section will feature some member favorite dishes and other comfort food that I know you all will love. We will also have a new cocktail menu at the bar for you to enjoy. These new menu options will be available on September 7, 2022.
Dear Members, On behalf of the entire Tennis Department, we would like to welcome back all members from their summer vacations and give a big welcome to the new members who have been joined the Club this month. We hope you all had a great summer and are more then ready to play tennis.
For those of you who can not get enough of tennis, please feel free to call the Tennis Pro-Shop for any information on Private Lessons given by former professional players.
Our Ladies Clinics have started off strong and we hope to continue seeing you on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 - 11:00am. The Men’s Clinic continues to meet on Tuesdays at 7:00pm.
Our new junior’s program will run 6 weeks starting on Monday, September 12th and ending on Wednesday, October 19th. Junior clinics will be held on Mondays from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, and Wednesdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. All children aged 4 to 13 are welcome to join us this season. To sign up, please email myself ( and Cheryl (
We have been working hard trying to get off to a great start with our SFWDL and USTA teams; this season we added one more team, it the 55+ 7.0 adult men. All the tennis players are definitely putting in their efforts.
Our clay courts are in great hands with Jorge Esposito who is surely not new around here; many of you have been seeing him walking around Deering Bay for years. We are very happy to have him brushing our courts everyday to keep you all playing on the most comfortable courts around. Please keep a look out for emails and flyers with dates and times for promotions, special events, sales, etc, or contact the Tennis Pro-Shop for details and questions. We would all like to wish everyone a happy tennis season and we look forward to seeing new and familiar faces alike.
Pedro Leon Director of
The Tennis Pro Shop Family From
• Wear College Colors Day: Friday, September 2nd
Dear Deering Bay Members, I am thrilled that everyone has had such an amazing fitness experience this summer. The fruit of our labor is beginning to Augustblossom.was a spectacular month and I wanted to thank each one of you for the constant support of the Fitness Department. We look forward to assisting you in all aspects of your fitness and wellness events for the month of September can be found on the calendar and are as follows:
• National Day of Encouragement: Monday, September 12th
• Teenage Workout Day: Friday, September 16th
• Pain Management Day: Thursday, September 22nd
• International Day of Clean Air: Outdoor Group Fitness Class on Wednesday, September 7th with thuja green giant trees to take home
• Family and Health Fitness Day: Family Group Classes on Saturday, September 24th
Please remember to RSVP on the website, app, or via email to to reserve your spot as space is limited. Again, these functions are designed to foster a welcoming culture here at Deering Bay.
By connecting and cultivating with the members to show we can celebrate all walks of life through fitness. Also, be on the lookout for our new “Fitness Journey Passport” reward system through all group fitness classes. The group fitness class schedule will change weekly so please check your email on Saturday afternoons when the schedule is released. I am always available to listen to your comments or feedback at any time. Your journey isn’t just about fitness it’s a lifestyle commitment!
News From Fitness
• Malnutrition Awareness Week: Starting Monday, September 19th
Stephen Tilton Director of fitnesscenter@dbycc.comFitness
• National Gobstopper Day: Wednesday, September 14th
• White Party: Labor Day Themed Group Fitness Class on Monday, September 5th
Happy Birthday To Our Members! 2 Gregorio Escagedo Rick Feldman Ed AlexanderLevine Monje Lloyd Wruble 5 Chris RichardBleaklySandrow 11 Lori AdrianaCohenHoyos 12 Mari Garcia Paul DeDeMouttetSloto 17 Cathy Blank Tony BryanAnnemarieSherryMadelynLourdesDevonBlankBodohMcCloskeyMessingerSoloweyUndorferVernon 21 Madeline Biondo 24 Kyle KathleenCampbellRodriguez 26 Yadira JonathanEduardoDanielsDiazMarmolejos 27 Ada JohnRandyArmasMcKeanRuiz 28 Steve Torcise 10 Barry Brand Jackie Saenz-Costa Laurie Scott 22 Mario de Armas Paul MarcRogerGarciaOprandiPowers 8 Jaime Ehrenreich Liz Faarup 14 Patricia Mejia Bill Ulbricht 23 Bob AlbertoJosefsbergVanHeel 7 Jessica Estrada Ida Plotkin 13 Elizabeth Green Adrian Hernandez Alex Powell RJon Robins 9 Debbie Antonelli Hilary CamiloGershmanMejia 1 Tyler Abella David KimJodyWilliamArnoldBoxDrulardKaskel 16 Giselle Asplundh Benay Fishman Karen Levine Ana Saverin 29 Marc RichardBunicontiRogoff 3 Mercedes Azcarraga Victor Esteban Estrada Henry Glick David ManuelMacEachernMarrero 15 Jason Zellner 18 Ramon Genemaras Robert Spielman 19 Chris Blakely Seth CarlosMonicaMelanieJohnColetteKaplanSmithRafterRomanSchatzTorre 25 Ashley Eggert Amelia Finkle David Rosales 6 Caitlin Jacobson Bobby Vernon 30 Miguel Viyella 4 Ellen Marks Jaime AlfonsoPozoTejada 20 Robin Moskowitz
3 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Biondo 2 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Hegarty 2 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Shevin 2 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Gould 2 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Geary
Thank you For Your Continued Support!
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Castro 1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Cohen
15+ YEARS 19 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Quesada 19 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Anel 15 Years: Mr. Mrs. Shapiro
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Powell
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Ulbricht
September 2022 Member Anniversaries
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Beery
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Kress
25+ YEARS 28 Years: Dr. & Dr. Block 26 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Jacobson 25 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Sandrow 5+ YEARS: 8 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Aizemberg 1+ YEARS: 4 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Levy 3 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Jacobson
1 Year: Mr. & Mrs. Bartha
20 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Levine 20 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Unanue 10+ YEARS: 13 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Sperber 13 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Rubin 11 Years: Dr. Marrero 10 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Wood 10 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Woolworth
1 Year: Dr. Brand & Mrs. Hertz
21 Years: Dr. & Mrs. Shapiro 21 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Burns 20 Years: Mr. & Mrs. Rickerson
13610 Deering Bay Dr. Coral Gables, FL 33158 (305) 254-2111 |